Knted salesman Wh ESTATE aeleamen. Exceptionally aod opportunity ior wia-iwn g rettive aaleaman with some experience, refer man under 4S. ThU ii a two man Iflce. See' Joe Hlmrnell, mgr. Severln eaity co.. aia n. High. "J18! SUFACTUilER-DISTRIBl'TOR desires 'id Representative for government ap- roved biuineaa. Write P.O. Box 63. Cap- nl Journal, smnz experience. ifin' Ir SALEM. Silver ton. Dallas, easy sales Lav a to a hundred per mo. part or ull time. I. U. Oilevle. 646 N 2o:h hone 9487. fitiBB- ANTED POSITIONS EE WORK, trlmmlnt, removing In- red operator. Joan Payne, rn. aoun. 48 8. Church. hlBS ItACTICAL NURSING. No mental cases. Write Box 6B capital Journal. mo IRL WISHES to care for children after noon or evenings. Sea at 1984 State St. Red trailer. hies IlIMNEVS, oil stoves and furnaces clean ed. John Payne. Ph. 38014, alter 6 p.m. call Prank Roasch 3732. hl68 TERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 8796. MINTING Inside or outside. Ph. 8191. ANTED Children's tewing at my hfie. 64 Abrama Ave. h!64 ARE FOR CHILDREN during the day. Ages 3 to 7. s. ism. i-n. nan. nitr INDOW and wall washing or floor wax lng Ph. 8274. hl67 ON'T let those house repairs go too long. Ph. evenins Mil. mm REE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. Ins. oper. rree estimates, w. H. McAllister, 840 Trade St., Ph. 21496. M65 ANTED Clarinet St saxophone stu dents. Ph. 4823. hl64 WANTED, FURNITURE to flue repair Lee eras', rn. aizw. n- RESSMAKING - HEMSTITCHING - al terations on new and old clothing estyling buttons Se buckles covered buttonholes. Ph. 3900. nina yflO PAINTING Just ft shade better t Ray Utter Call snrock Motor co aoua HILL DO all kinds of sewing. 391 Oerth Ave,, West Balem. hl66 H1LD CARE In my home, days. Fenced yard. 295 . 23ra St. en. 4ghb. nion FOR RENT ROOMS M.KEPING ROOMS' It 395 N. Hth. Ph. 8752. kl88 ERY NICE room, prlv. home, gentlemen. Boa n. Hummer, en. bjbh. jkim- ROOMS for rent. Cooking privilege. Latnes oniy. am statesman t. in. 5210. Jkl64- LOVELY LARGE ROOM, 1 or 2 women. emp. daytime. No smoking, rn. zeaej. Jkl6S ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, downtown mopping aone. private nome. rn. 2-4863. jklflS HOLLYWOOD SIpi. rnu. 2036 McCoy. 6003. Jkl63 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 8 ROOM furnished apt. $40. 2210 Hazel. Jpl63 NICK t-RM. apt. Adults, no drinkers. 640 So. Capital St. Jpl83 CLOSE IN. Small apt. through summer months. 426 N. Winter. Ph. 31835. JP164' CLEAN 1 room apt. and kitchen. One adult. No drinkers. 640 So. Capital St. )pl3 t BEDROOM APARTMENT Spacious room., newly decorated. Inquire 574 So. Liberty or phone 8286. Jpl67 t FURN. APTS. Rt. T, Box 2, on Portland road. Jpl63 COMPLETELY FURNISHED riat for leaac to couple only. Floors carpeted. 3 blocks from city center. Phone 2-1831. jpl63" MODERN APT. Refrigeration and prlv. bath. Suitable lor 2. 468 N. Winter. JpI63 FOR RENT HOUSES NEW MODERN 2 bedroom house for rent, for Information come to 450 Tyron Ave., new Mapleton Addition on N. Front St. road. )m TOOLS KEITH ""BROWN. Paint sprayer, linoleum roller, asphalt tile cutter, calking nun, linoleum scribing tool, floor sender, floor edger. Keith Brown Lum ber Yard. Front & Court ats, Ph. 9163. J163 l-ROOM house with breakfast nook, loo.s s. 13th. )W BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. ' BENT a Singer Electric, by the month for use m your own nome. no wu charge for delivery or pickup of ma chine. Immed. deliv. 8INOER SEW ING CENTER. 130 N. Com'l. J163' II DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 9703. J FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward. J HOOVER or Electrolux cleaners with at tachments. 61.00 a day. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3646 i GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Band er. Wt sell everything to complete me lob. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3648 i ARMORAYS Oxone Good Health. Rent. Sell. H. O. Puth, 664 N. run. fa. eovz. J HOUSE JACKS, come alongs, goals and rope hoist, auto tool. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1646. J" EardEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools, paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow ers, auto tools, drills, belt and disc sander. hedn clippers. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1646. 1 TRUCKS and cars for rent Smltty's Clip per Service. Ph 9600. ' Corner Center and Church Sts. o J 1RONER8 by week. Phone 24439. WANTED TO RENT LOCAL BUSINESS MAN needs 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Call Mr. Farr at 9261. Jal71 NEED furnlahed apt. near bus and store. rn. 311D. :ju 10 o:ju, ass. ior mgr. mine repair dept. Jal64 UNFURN. apt. or house by permanently emo. vet. and wife, one cnlld 3 yrs oia. Call Chambers, 3188, between 8-8. Jal63 IALEM teacher, wife and two girls, ages 3-7, need an uniurnisneo. or j-oearoom home. Will carefully maintain your property. References. Ph, 6340. Jul 64 HOUSE WITH R ROOMS or more unfurn. with place for cow If possible, will ac cept older type. Plenty ref. Perm. Not over 150.00. Phone 2-4322. Jal63 PRIVATE PARTY wants 3-bdrm. house In gd. condition St reasonably priced. Write Box 61 Capital Journal. Jal63 SMALL HOUSE or med. sized apt, pref erably furnished or partly furn. Not later than Sept. 1. Excellent refer ences. No children. Will pay for month of August if necessary rent In advance. Mr. Oreenlee, 1440 Ferry or Ph. 21527. J a 16 POSTAL EMPLOYEE, wife ft small child desire 3 bdrm. home by Aut. 15. Excel lent eare. Veteran. Reply Box 51. Capital Journal. Jal3 LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Charles Nlcolett wrist watch with leather band, vicinity of 17th St center, ttewara, Keturn u nooie uon fectionery, I7th Ac Center. kl64' LOST Paper boy's wallet containing col lection money. Reward, en. 20737, kl6t LOST Eng. wire haired terrier. Black whitt markings. Female. Ph. 5967. klSJ UPPER PLATE artificial teeth lost be tween east it west Salem on bridge. Reward. Call room 23, Belvlew Hotel. kl65 MISCELLANEOUS MEN LADIES made to measure suits and topcoat. Double weave and Charles Chester stride soother-cushion with built-in steel areh support shoes. Phone 43532420 Lee St. mlfli rHO WANTS a big pile of used lumber Nails out for 145. 935 Oakt St. ml3 ATNMOWERS, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter, 966 Center. Ph 6833 ml"8 DEAD and worthless stork removed on moment s ftotic. Ph. tOOt. a 167' MISCELLANEOUS M. E. ROTOTILLER custom plowing. 110 Abramit teve Ph. 4907 eves mil' LES SPRINGER, men's batter 464 Court. Closed Sat. p.m. . ml83 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State it Commercial Bu. SALEM Phone 8311 m TIME TO FERTILIZE USE OROANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS As GARDENS 6 SAOKS $5 00, 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH. 8127 EVE. 2-4397 m HAVE YOL'R SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines. Free estimate given before work is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Comm'l. m HEAT your home electrically. It's con venient clean, economical. See us for free estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N. Liberty. m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION July 27th 6:30 Sharp 897 S. 12th St., Salem CI.OSlMi OUT antique business at public auction Terms Cash Mrs. Harriet Masfchal Owner 10,000 Laffs! Limit 200 to a Person! "THE FULLER BRUSH MAN" LARGE NORGE elec. range, deluxe model. Automatic clock. Good - condition. $150.00. Ph. 5276. nl63 HOTPOINT automatic electric range. New eunace units, rn. zishb. nsn 8 winter. WHITE enamel oil range and apt. sire eiec. range, wnite enamel. MAC'8,145 8. Chu rch n 1 83 BEDROOM suite, radio and end tables. 1099 N. Summer, between 7 and 8:30 p.m. nl63 ICE BOXES. 25. 50. 100 lb. 15.00 and 11 P. MAC B, 145 8. Church nl63 THRU-THE-DOOR play pen with pad. Alio Kirby vacuum cleaner, attach ments. Used only 3 mo. 314 8. 3rd St., Silver ton. Ph. 2451. nlfl.V A BIO VALUE IN RUGS 9x12 Reversible text colors. Thick, no pad required. Cnenlle rugs, 649.95. Throw rugs to match. Living room suite as low as $89.05. Bedroom aultea, 180.96. Guaranteed box springs and spring filled mattresses to match, 864.95. For the long boy, 6'8" box spring and eprlng filled mattresses to match. Ten year guarantee, both for S89.95. Frofcll oil heaters. Reliance conversion oil burners, apartment house size electric ranges. ABC wringer type and ABC O'Mntlc Washer.. VAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS Owned and operated by d Ellis 601 Edgewater. Look for the big sign. Van's, just across the bridge. WRECKING A HOUSE at 645 Chemeketa St. All materials lor sale. .Maasoiv Wrecking Co. nl66 8-PIECE WALNUT dining set, new Roper CP automatic gas range new Tiior dishwasher unit. "Lightning" check writlnit machine. 398 Tryon Ave., Salem. (Mapleton Addition) nl65 50-LB. ICE BOX. Good. 1250 N. Winter St. nl64 TOILETS, new close coupled, WHEELBARROWS, S25.0B. Cements, pneu matic air tires. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 Center St. n!74' WOOD RANGE, colls, water tank, $25.00. 774 N. Winter after 5. Ph. 8616. nlflfi NORCO FLEXALUM aluminum and steel Venetian blinds. Floor covering. Elec. water heaters, stoves, washers. Phone 43532420 Lee SI. nl65 MONTAG WOOD RANGE. 1075 S. 22nd. nl65 BR. RUSSIAN SQUIRREL Locke long coat. Worn 1 season, Sr, 16, 1942 Haze Ave. nl64 SMALL Mahogany piano .and bench, 1690 SO. cottage. mot NICE walnut writing desk, 630. Child's stroller, 12. so. car seat, electric iron and misc. items. Call 6953. nl64 WINDOWS - DOORS - 6HEETROCK SINGLE pane, double rm. modern win dows. Inside and outside doors com plete with lams and hardware. Used Inch sheet rock. Large supply new asbes tos siding and a inch rock lath. Close coupled used toilets. C. O. LONG Rt. 3, Box 35, Salem. 1 mile N of Keizrer niov 5-FT. MONARCH refrigerator. Good con dition and glean. $100.00. Ph. Gervaii 512. nl64 LATE cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce plants, etc. Pemberton'i, 1980 8. 12th. Ph. 23346. H16T FOR SALE BODY and fender air hammer. V hp. motor. Wood lathe and table saw, 2209 Mill St., after 8 p.m. nI64 G.E. ELECTRIC range, table top model. good condition, sen reasonaoie. a- mi. R. nl Vnur Camera. Rt. 6. BOX 125. nl4 LARGE 194S PHILCO radio-phonograph combination. Paid 1209, will take $135 for quick sale, some recoras. in, 22208, Rt. 4, Box 311 B164 m.r.Ai. ei.fc. WATER HTR. Almost new. $60 00. Ph. 26617. nl64 FOR SALE: Fine Pearl drum outfit. Ph. 4567 after 5 p.m. n!64 FOR SALE: Frlgldalre, Overhead model, a good buy at 175. One 15' x 9' Mo hawk rua with pad. 180. 1665 Berry St, ni64 SLIGHTLY USED ZENITH WASHER in excellent condition. Ph. 26391. Mrs. !.. fr Hagen. nl64' SURPLUS STORE. 1.151 HOYT ST. TOI LETS, lavatories, kitchen sinks shower stalls coDoer tub nc. ELECTRIC apt. size ranges, water heaters, loomex, tn- trance boxes, wall boxes, switches, out lets, pig tails 12.95, ranee outlets. Tange cable. 3x6 underground armored cable 3.'c ft. SURPLUS: PICNIC TABLES 112.50. oak radio or pnonograpn ta ble. $7.50. COLEMAN OIL CIRCULA TORS $20.50. metal secretarial desks $40.00 GALLEY EQUIPMENT, dish washers, steam kettles, steam cookers galley table. LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT, tumblers and dryers, extractors, presses. ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS, 2KW AC, 25KW AC. 100 KW AC Diesel. TARP8. SLEEPING BAGS, tents. Come south on 12th to large HOYT sign, turn East one block. Tel. 7916. ni64' USED electric range, 133. 610 S. Com'l nl69 HOT WATER heater, 42 gal., electric. unusr d. ISO. Lawnmower, $7. 14 ru ft home freezer. Ilk new. Ph. 4284 CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68F32. FULLER BRUSHES, 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. nl83 ELECTROLUX CLEAN ES Aj air purifier. Complete with attachments, $69.75. 191 S. Hiah. Ph. 7719. nl$2 BUILDERS LUMBER DIRECT FROM sawmill at a saving. Specified or ders filled. West Salem Lbr. M11L 1050 Wallace Rd. Free Delivery. 167 HEAT YOL'R home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See us tor free est'.ma'es. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. OIBSON REFRIGERATORS RANGES. some models for immediate delivery. 8m utm at: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, tNO. 467 Court St. Phone 9611. n RFFRIQ. store or restaurant stie. or trade for smaller mode). 3 ml, M. of roots m tos. Has Cottage. sun AUTOMOBILIS For Clean Cars Reconditioned See STEVENS USED CARS CASH TRADE 46 Chev. Aero Sdn. 42 Dodge Sedan '42 Pontiac Sdn. '41 Olds Sedanette '41 Chevrolet Sdn. '40 Dodge Sedan '42 Olds Sedan '40 Chev. Sedan 40 Ford Pickup '40 Plymouth Coupe '39 Ford Pickup '39 Chev. Sedan WEEK-END SPECIALS 1942 Plymouth Sedan 4-Dr $1395 1942 Ford Sedan, one of the cleanest in town S1395 1941 Oldsmobile Club Coupe S1295 1941 Pontiac Club Coupe $1295 1941 Willys Coupe $ 795 1940 Plymouth Station Wagon $ 795 1937 Chevrolet Coupe, a dandy $ 565 1941 Chevrolet Pickup $ 195 Pickup needs work Mechanic's Special And many others to choose from. Most of the above cars have radios and heaters STEVENS USED CAES 678 SOUTH 12th STREET, SALEM The concrete lot one block south S.P. Depot BUY HERE AND SAVE! 1946 Chevrolet Aero, clean, low mileage 1947 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan, R&H, very clean 1946 Nash Ambassador, low mileage, overdrive 1946 Nash 600, low mileage 1841 Studebaker 4-Dr. Sedan, a clean car 1941 Mercury Coupe, very clean ' SEVERAL OLDER CARS 1938 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan, new motor 1939 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan, new paint, good mechanically PICKUPS 1939 International 1941 Ford 6, 4-speed trans., i ton, good rubber TRUCKS 1940 International 5-yd. Dump, 1400 mi., A REAL BUY! 1942 F-W-D 5-yd. Wenth, good rubber, very good for heavy hauling Bank Terms Up to 24 Months to Pay ANDERSON'S USED CARS 240 Center Street SHROCK "SEZ" It's fun to be fooled at the sideshow when the barker shouts his "something for nothing" song. But being fooled when you invest the full price of a Used Car is quite a different matter. This disappointment is avoided by any buyer grown up enough to know that no one ever gets something for nothing. A wise buyer protects himself by trading only with a dealer of established reputation a dealer whose word is sound reliable. , RECONDITIONED CARS GUARANTEED "AS IS" CARS FOR FEWER DOLLARS We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Back Up What We Say and Do Today! 1947 Hudson Super Six Sedan, R&H 1942 Dodge Sedan, fluid drive, one owner 1942 Hudson Super Six Sedan, htr. & o'drivc 1941 Chev. Spec. Deluxe Sedan, R&H, AS IS 1941 Hudson Coach, very clean, excellent-condition 1940 Ford Coach, R&H, dual pipes 1940 Buick Spec. Sedan, R&H, top condition 1941 Willyi Sedan, one owner 1942 Hudson Pickup Many other makes and models to choose from. Open evenings by appointment. SHROCK MOTOR .COMPANY THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Whert Chemeketa Goes to Church Phone 7922 There Are Good Reasons Why This Is the Place to Buy And Sell 1946 BUICK SEDANETTE Radio, heater, sport lights, road lamps, air horns and other accessories. 1947 CROSLEY CONVERTIBLE Like hew driven only 5000 miles. 1940 FORD DELUXE TUDOR A REAL BUY ' VALLEY'S SPECIALS ' 10.18 FORD SEDAN $395.00 1937 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 395.00 1938 CHEVROLET TUDOR , 585.00 . 1938 FORD COUPE 595.00 1(30 MODEL A COUPE 335.00 RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED PICKUPS PANELS TRUCKS 1940 O.M.C. LORIlnr Truck 1947 Ford L.W.B. Truclc 1940 Ford Va-ton Ptnrl X , 1940 Chevrolet i-ton P.ncl 1941 Ford 4-ton Pickup 1941 Plymouth tt-ton Pickup f MORE TO CHOOSE FROM VALLEY MOTOR CO. 325 Center, Salem FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RIVER SILT. Phone 35012. GARDEN SAND, Oravel, eriuntd rock. Shovel drai-llne exetTttlni, WALL UNO SAND ORAVXL CO. Ph. 8381. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contrict Work Road - Cleann Ditching Sewer fc Baaement Equipment Rental 15 B '4 yd. 13.00 par hf. 10 B S rd. 9.80 per br. D-7 Cat Ac Doner 9.80 per br. D-f Cit St Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat St Dozer 7.00 per br Phone Dd-ri 9408 CvaDlm 1248 or 24400 Salem, Orecon n WALLINO SAND O RAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK lor roadi and drlvewayi eemeot, reedr mil concrete, tardea aaod. BulMoiloc, dramaie and ditch In i. ibovil and drat Una. Ph. 8561. n O. t. I LET. WARRING MACHINE, IllV new, VMet walnut bedroota act. Ph. tia i3 1 AUTOMOBILES TERMS Phone 3734 qlS3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWIN BEDS, sprlnti and mattremi; man'a tweed eult, ilia 38: white nuric'e shoes, Rita 8Hi med. width. All like ne w. Ph . 2 -4313. n 1 63 PIANO BOXES. Plywood construction, 81.00; wood. 81.00. Contain over 80 sq. ft. of material, Tallmani, 39ft 8. 13th Bt. nl63 USED UNIVERSAL Elec. Stoves. 83S and used Hotpotnt elec. stove, side oven, 830. jn. oBua, nioo' BLOOMING AZALEAS. 80c earh: Oer enlumi and Puscbtei, ISO dot. Mer rill's Greenhouse. Brooks. Oreeon. nl8.T RCA RADIO PHONOGRAPH com hi n a -tion, 160.00, 110 Park Ave. Ph. 3-flS.iV nl63 SACRIFICE MM. 00 Modern houae trell er, completely equipped. Sleep 4. JSee anytime. 1014 State. nl4 A N'T IQ UK SOFA 8. 16th St. after platfora rocker. 360 I pm. nl63 NEARLY NEW KELVINATOR rffrliera tor, 1 It, M0 S. 16lfc a, alter f p. m. 1U AUTOMOBILES Almost a complete sell have almost a complete THERE MUST BE A REASON COME AND SEP 1947 Chev. club cpe., R&H, grey paint . . . .$2295 1942 Buick super sedanette, R&H, motor overhaul, new green paint, clean 1695 1942 Dodge 4-door sedan, R&H, fluid drive, new motor 1445 1941 Chev. Tudor, clean, black paint 1295 1940 Chev. Tudor, R&H, rebuilt motor .... 1165 1940 Ford 4-dr. deluxe, new tires, clean car 995 New motor. 1939 Dodge 4-dr., R&H 895 1938 Chev. coupe, R&H 745 1942 Harley Davidson motorcycle 295 1930 Ford Tudor. This is mechanically perfect. We were lucky to get this .... 195 CHEFFING'S 78J South 12th NOW IS THE TIME BUY A BETTER CAR FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT 1946 Pontiac 4-Dr. S'dn., Radio, Healer and other extras 1942 Chev. Spec. Deluxe Sedan, R&H. new tires and paint 1940 Buick "Special" 2 Dr. Sedan priced low to sell 1937 Pontiac S Pass. Coupe, radio and heater 1937 Chevrolet Coupe, a good car priced right A Real Home on Wheels 1947 Prairie Schooner Trailer House, nearly new. 23 ft long and 8 ft. wide, all metal construction, insulated. Fully equipped, such as refrigerator, daveno. oil stove, butane gas, etc. Be sure and see this if vou need a trailer house. Have You Some Hauling to Do? See and try this 1937 G.M.C. Pickup with Mustang Semi-trailer attached. Will sell either with or without trailer. G&B USED. CARS Harold Gordon & Glen Burton 210 Marion Street Phone 3040 EVERSON MOTOR CO. Did You Know That: WILL: WE Take trade-ins Give easy terms Finance any make or model Insure any car we sell Buy your car for cash WE NOW HAVE: 1M7 Lincoln Sedan. Fully Eripprt 1947 Studebaker Champion, 2 Door, Fully Equipped 1946 Dodge Custom 4 Dr. Sedan 1946 Chev. Business Coupe 1941 Buick Super Convertible 1941 Chev. Special Deluxe Sedan 1941 Chev. Master Deluxe Sedan 1941 Dodge Custom 4 Dr. Sedan 1941 Dodge 2 Dr. Sedan 1941 Mercury 2 Dr. Sedan 1940 Ford 2 Dr. Sedan 1940 Ford Business Coupt 1939 Pontiac Sedan 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1939 Nash Coupe 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan 193B Nash Coupe 1937 Chev. 4 Dr. Sedan 1937 Chev. 2 Dr. Sedan 1937 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan 1935 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1934 Oldsmobile Sedan 1943 Indian Shalt Drive Motorcycle Trucks 1942 International 4 Ton Pick-up 1942 Ford 1 '.4 Ton Dump Truck 1946 Dodge 2 Ton Flat Bed All Ways a Good Stock at EVERSON MOTOft CO. 1890 S. 12th (12th and FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITK OAK TABLE, 2 leaf pxt., 4 rod leather chain. Ph. aegol after B. nlifl SKILL RAW, extra blade, 100 ft. hfavy cord. Ph. 8007. "lfll LAMBERT CHFRRIES, irnod crop. C lb. U-plck. P. O. Muckririse, fu. a, Box 43, Keiaer School, turn eaat 1 mile. nlS3" USED FRIGIDAIRE 5 CU. It., 1100. Ufd Phllco redio. 130.00. Ph. 35663. n 163 GAS RANGE. Good condition. 150. Ph. 2-3406. bl3 I NEW Coldapot refrlierator. 1 ncarljf nmr Maytai waahlna marhine. 1 Kero sene oil ranae. H. O. Krater, 197 E. JK w a ML JH w w J WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Doutlaa fir Pol" end pilina. Write or phone Standard Pole St Piltm Co.. P.O. Box 382 Albany. Orfi. Trie phono 1287 Albany for new price nal63 WANTED: Pole St pilint jtumpaie. Write PO, Box 363 Albany or cell Hyatt 12X7 Albany. n al 61 BL'RLAP St Cotton Bus of all klndx We specialize tn cleaning At mendlni K 8 Baa Co. 347 Kearney St. Ph. plant. 3-1667 or res., 3-6436. na L'SED PURNITL'RE. Phoi i flBS. PERSONAL NOT RESPONSIBLE for d'b'.J contracted by peraoru other than myjieif. July 7. 1048. inc. Charlea W. Smith. P163 OLD AT 40, 60, 60?" MAN! You're era ay. ThouaandJ pppy at 70. Oatrei Tonle Tablets prp up bodies laeklntj Iron. For rundown feeilni mmr mn, omr-n call "old " New ' set acquainted" slie only 50c. At any dnitsiAUi. 163 ALCOHOUCS ANOVTMOUS. P. O. Box 724. FboM , MU UUTOMOBfLES - out last week. We new stock of fine cars. USED CARS Phone 5653 OF THE YEAR TO Hoyt Sts.) Ph. 2-bb88 AUTOMOBILES Bcals Motor Co. 17 FORD Convertible, msroon finish, radio St heater, roRlights. snnper lift in, while ildewall tlrfu, undersea). $2300 1690 SOUTH 12th ST. rnows-n ntr ioju A- RIinAT. ACROSS FROM LADD'S MKT. USED CAR BARGAINS 1947 Plymouth $219S 1940 Chev. Cpe., original black finish . . . $1065 1940 Olds Cpe. (66), new motor $1065 1940 Ford Fordor $ 95 1941 Chev. Tudor (a steal) $1195 1940 Plymouth Fordor ('47 Dodge motor). . $1165 1942 Willys 4-Door . . $ 795 We pay top price for good, clean cars, any model. Western Motors Corner 12th Sc Mission Phone 9622 1941 Chev. 2 Dr. H.D. S11B5 1942 Chev. Club Cp., H.D. $185 1947 Ford Super $1(IB5 1939 GMC Pickup $ 850 Salem Used Cars 1235 South 12th Phon 7377 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 9, 194815 AUTOMOBILES BEALS MOTOR CO. 1B48 Studcbuker, 4183 mi If. Commander edn 12795 1941 Ford 2 -dr. xrdnn 2175 1046 Plymouth 4-dr Mdktt 187S 1930 Model A RoadMtr 24& 1690 SOUTH 12lh ST. CORNER 12th and RURAL ACROSS FROM LADD'S MKT. q 163 1947 CHEV. SEDAN, $1895 1940 DcSOTO CLUB CPE., $1095 CALM'S I' SKI) CARS 253 Union Street '11 MOI)i:i. A Ford Vlciori. 1300. Ivan . Martin. Miuomo Bids. ql64 l&irpONTriEf UXT R." T H Good con dltlon. Private party. 1330 Ruge Rt.. W. Salfm. qlltt 47 HL'ICK Sedanette, 863 Ferry St., Sa lem. ql64 48 FORD 81 ton panel. Clean. A-l ihape. Ph. 34807 or ae at 70 Beech Ave. Hitt CIIFV. Club coupe. Good cond. 11395. Call 9304. ql63 WANTED USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERS WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USED OARS 340 CENTER ST. PHONE 3734. IU42 DODGE cuatom tedatt. Excellent condition. Clean upholstery. New tire.. P"- H3I. 11" Kill CHEV. club coupe. Oood cond. See al 1135 S. 18th St., Apt. 3. Home alter 8:00 p.m. ql63 '3 MODEL A 3-dr. Mechanically t rub ber O.K. 16S. Shell Station, corner Capitol & Market. ql63 FORD COUPE, 1930 Standard, radio, new '41 Mrrcury motor. 1850.00. Rt. 8. Box 765, Ketzer district. e.163 '8ft FORI). Excellent cont. Sxirta & flip pers, dechromed. '43 Ford frill. Radio M heater. Call at 1330 Elm St., Salem betort 7:30 p.m. 4163 llttl FORD Coupe, Rt. 6, Box 116, 8 miles eaat Pen 4-Corner. Call after 4 p.m. Qlfi3 PONTIACS H ERR ALL-OWENS CO. 660 N LIBERTY. PHONE 3-4113 1 EVERY DAY IS THE RIGHT DAY AT TEAGUE'S You can visit our lot any day of the week and find values that are unequalled. Our cars are clean and will give good, dependable service. All cars warranted Sold on easy payment plan. 1041 Pontiac 5 Pass. Coupe 1941 Pontiac Tudor Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan 1941 Plymouth Tudor Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan 1941 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1941 Hudson Tudor Sedan 1940 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1940 Studebaker 4-Dr. Sedan 1940 Hudson Coupe 1939 Ford Coupe V-8 85 1938 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan 1937 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan 1937 Ford 4-Door Sedan Many Others to Choose From Your K a iser-Erazc v Dealer Teaguc Motor Company 352 N. Commercial St., Salem Phone 24173 Thla Time Il J HUDSON I Service - Sales Parts Home of Good Uaed Cars SHROCK MOTOR CO Church St Chemekta BU. P FOR SALE 16-ft. aluminum houae trail er Will trade on lot. Ph. SUv. Bleck 175 q!63 WANTED Oood clean cars. Square Deal Used Cera. 1155 S 12th. 1 ANDERSON MOTORCYCLE CO. Sales St Service Triumph - Ariel - VelocetU - Norton Vincent - H.R.D. New Motorcycles Available Now 610 EDGEWATER ST., SALEM PHONE 265S0 q' INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCTCL1 Repairing all makes and models. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE BALES 1007 Portland Rd. Ph. J142I '60 CHEV. A lot of trans. Leland HuHord. Apt. 30, Vets' Vlllsge, Monmouth, af ter 6 p.m. i'6 I MO OLDS 4-dr. sedan. Leaa than 10, 000 mllM on new motor. Radio Heaur, good paint, cleen. Mlaht consider sood 19.16 or 1037 trade. 140 Fisher Rd. Ph. 25730. in FORI 2-dr. PAH. Motor In A-l cond. New tlre.v For quick sale, 1696. Mr. Potrr, Senator Hotel. qlfl aT PONTIAC couch. Oood condition. Rea sonable, 1453 Htuie St., West Salem. qlf!3 lOllt MKIUJIIRV club coupr. Low mllPBK.. RAH. White AldewRll Mm. IMA K .Hi illfit lini" KlllCK. nttH. Extrflfl. aood alinim. 1250 ovtrliaul. All lor 11400. Pll. 2MM. 1 IB '3S PLYMOUTH Cpf. R&H. B.t rovprji, llr.K ano motor fxcllnt condition. Call MB7 or 20 AOrama Avr. 1IK4 r3lPORI coiipp. Oood condition. no.VOO 61S Pine atrn-t. qlU4 RON'S .MOTOR (JO. For Your Used Car 1046 Pontine Station Wainn 8, RAH 1U47 Crosley. heater 1941 Plymouth Cluh Coupo, RArll Suid'hsker eVdan Cpe. heater 1!)19 Butck fiperiel Sedan. RAH 13:i8 Dinmond 1-ton trurk, van oody 1017 Poruiac 3-donr. radio and hnier 1916 Crievrolet nan"! lft.16 Porttlar Convert ihle 1H Ford Coutte. RAH 1930 Model A coupe General Automotive Repairs Phone 4308 240 S. Hitfli z Bik. Drlow KIsinorc Theater oies lfi:tf Ill V. 2-door town sedan n A ll nood rondllinn. Never driven fan. Ph. 104.1. Aiirimvitle, Ore. (jlfij YtttB ltt'ICK Super 2-donr deluxe. 13.000 miles, call IXJ91, 6 p.m. to 6.30 p m. ql65 Tt)l"lMI-B( I RYedBn! Will accept '41 rar aa part pavmMit. Ph. 5713 before 6 .10 a.m. or after a 10 p.m. ql5 '16 PilRtl Tudor, anper llrlnxe, prarllcat. l new tirejt. inod condition, one owner. rival 17 wued. Ph, 2-1111. 4164 AUTOMOBILES GET MORE FOR YOUR MOXF.Y DITWAXJ) .MOTORS 1913 Lincoln cri'iip-rd;.n n.fcH. O.D . lifeguard 'lIiop.. '.Rno m.'.tt XOiS S.wh fiflO" srrinn. htr. IJ04S.M 1946 Pnnnpf! Million i4nn dr., cry dean 334S.OO 1942 Na.1-!! "tillO ' .sedan, htr., O.D . Excellent condition 11)95.00 1918 Bii:ck iWcml .pdan, R&H 73. 00 1917 Dudue Coupp. KA-H 4JS.AO l!t:i7 Chev mdor. H&H 34VOO 1917 p;ymou:h mdor. htr S2S.0O 19.17 Chev. Tudor, htr 33.VOO 1.H6 Chrysler 6 netian 3W.m li36 Na.-h Amb. 6 sedan 33.VA0 1937 ivrraplane tudor 345.00 TRADE and TERMS 540 Union Ph. 21802 qltt Oval's 1948 Chrysler Windsor Sedan,. Radio & Heater 1948 Dodge Deluxe Tudor, R&H 1948 Studebaker Champion Tu dor, R. H. & O'Drlv 1948 Nash "600" Sedan (t oi these) 1947 Buick Super Conv. (black) 1947 Cadillac "62" Sedanet; Hy dramatic; R&H MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Trade and Terms ORVAL'S USED CARS Center & Church Ph. 4701 ql63 'M ford pick 11 p. 4-xpd. transmission. Good cond. 775. 341 N. 14th after P.m. 0.167" '87 PONTIAC conv. R&H. spotlight, twin foa Hunts, new paint job, aeat covers, leather dr. panrU, fender aklrta. Ph. 5360 for appointment. 4I68 1934 PLYMOUTH 3-donr. good, cheap transportation, 6200. 450 N. 30th Bt. 511 um FORD loRKlnK truck St trailer. 1946 Motor, a-sppftl Brownie. Mnke an of fer or trade for 38-' 4n model aedan Doiuherti's Claraae, 1555 So. 12th St. q!71 1013 K7 INT'l... heavy dual redue. rear end. 6031 aux. 1944 Pierce dual axle trailer. 1000 rubhrt. nen.sonabla for quick nle. Ed Stevenson, Rt. 2, Box 30. Dallas. q!65 MKCHANIC'S special '40 Packard 5-pas-senser. $450. 1"U0 N. Front. ql6S ql62 BOATS !)-FT. PLVWOOO BOAT. 11120 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33!) 2. qql66 FINANCIAL VACATION LOANS $2 to MI0 YOUR WAY AND FART Get vacHlciln cnh on saliuy, furniture or car. No ro-5li;nci'n PICK PAYMKNT PKfiT FOR YOU Monthly pnyments Including ALL chaiRCK for: Cash to 12 mos. 15 mos. 20 moi. You t 50 I 5 03 I 6 zno itus 1.1.44 300 nn.14 2S.1.1 20.16 $25 to S.10 on Furniture-Salary Up to SfiOO on Auto Phone nr enme in TODAY. It's "vrn" In 4 nit of fi. rr.rtsoNAL finance company 616 filate Rm. Ill Phone 31M--F. GTlllnger, Mgr Lie. 8122-M165 Tl8J MONEY TO LOAN WANTED : Real estate mortaaie loans. See us about reflnanclnr your present contract nr morUime. Approved elt loans. Low InierrM rates. leo n. rutins. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 0261. 161 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on Inrser loans torn and short time payments ROY H. SIMMONS 130 South Commercial St. Phone 01 M TARM AND CITY LOANS 4i and 6 YOI'R OWN TERMS of repayment wlthlH reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortuasrj. capitol HEcunrrirs CO. 201 Plonepr Trust Blda. Ph. 7163. r 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSON AIi LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. IRS 8. HlBlt St. Lie. fi-216 M-923 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS B-136 and M-S36 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial fit. Tel 0166. 5 ISTKKEST NKT, on your aurplUJl mon ey. Buy a t irt mortanKe on Salem and vicinity properly; eanmlne lecurllf yourjielf, mnke your own selection, amotintji Ifnio to lio.noo mortaaaaa now available. Come In and look over the. llflt of mnrtunRca now, STATP: FINANCE CO. HI s. Hlkih Bt. Telephone tilt AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CRFIDIT CO. 11)0 State turret - old quarter r'lrsK Nnttitniil Hank Lirr-i'se Ni M-IS9 S-1S4 DIRECTORY AllllINTi MACHINES All maKoA iifd niacl)iii".v aold rented, repaired. Rom. 4.'6 Court. Phone 6771. AITOMOTIVK aMAlilON MdTOnS NASH SKflVIUE any pnone 7636. 21417. ri:C! CVnter. 0" no HAinns " Aiitliorizrd Warranty Repair fltatlon for ail nin'j of Aito Rad u. Morrow Radio Co. 1M S Llherty. Ph. 19 jh. o HltAKIS . Bt. nmcKUctnK m Rnck work. Wrv.e Box 47 Capital Jour nal. Joim Weber. Ol6l nozr.w ni nl SIIOVKI. WOK'K By the Hour or By Contract BL'KSCO, INC. lloinr PuilHfTs nnd Land Pi'vrl' 'ior Phonn 8227 B i!'id"7.n 'Inia, road hid? . flear fns tffh for binMi. Vtreli HusWey. IDlfl Pairview A . Ph. 2146. Snlem, 0166 tirii.n'NrrrnNTRXCTiNn CTMrN'T. ptim'ce Mivlr. Of nnrt rfintriiC" (inn ALT nitOS llenetHl rnnfraclore. Phone rollect, Black 17o. Silver ton. sa. lem ansa. 6)Ltt V