Capital Edited bj MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 26, 1948 Army, Navy League Formed Here ; The Salem Women's Army and Navy league was launched at an informal social tea and meeting held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. G. Mai sn. About 25 attended the gath ering. Mothers, wives, and sis ters of commissioned officers in the army, navy, army reserve, naval reserve, and coast guard are eligible to membership In the group. The local group is to be affiliated with the Portland ,Army and Navy league which was organized 25 years ago with Mrs. George C. Marshall, wife of the present secretary of slate as an original member, General Marshall then being post com mander at Vancouver barracks, i Portland women motoring here for the Tuesday meeting Included Mrs. Jenkins, wife of Admiral Jenkins; Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. G. D. Wahl, Mrs. Eugene Owen, and Mrs. Lee Merrill. Officers chosen by the new group here include: Mrs. Wil liam C. Dyer, Jr., president, army; Mrs. Hugh Adams, vice president, army; Mrs. H. G. Mai- son, vice president, navy; Mrs. Hoffman, vice president, nation al guard; Mrs. Robert Genlzkow, vice president, army reserve; Mrs. Bert Walker, vice presi dent, navy reserve; Mrs. Farley jwogan, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Raymon F. Olson presid ed at the meeting to organize and name officers. . . . Medical Group Sponsoring Tea ' Mrs. Burton Myers and Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger, both past state presidents of the auxiliary to the Oregon State Medical so ciety, and Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, who has been on the state board of the group as president of the Marion-Polk auxiliary, have been Invited to assist at a tea to be given In Portland on Thursday. ; The tea Is arranged by the auxiliary's state board to honor Mrs. J. L. Blair Buck, president of the General Federation of Women's clubs now in conven tion In Portland. , ' The tea will be In the Con gress hotel from 5 until 7 o clock. J Auxiliary Event Marlon auxiliary, No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars, met Monday eve ning, Mrs. Ivell Haley, presi dent, presiding. A Stanley party was held fol lowing a short business meet ing. The auxiliary joined the post and pictures were shown by Dr. David Bennett Hill of a recent trip to Mexico. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Er nest Hippe, chairman; Mrs. Mary Ann McGuire, and Mrs. Roy Simpson. s LOW HEELS PUMPS a US XrUi UWrty IS Women LOWRY FISCHER Bride-Elect is Feted at Shower Miss Helen Shelton, who Is to be married June 6 to' Lynn Barker, was honored at a re cent shower and party given by Miss Mary Lou Herndon and Miss Dorothy Pearce at the home of Miss Herndon. Guests Included Misses Lois Archibald, Mary Louise Lee, Merle Rhoten, Donna Stroud, Bonnie Anglin, Anna Hoiland, Shirlee Reimann, Carolyn Wil kes, Donna Seay, Lodis Harlan, Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Vann Shelton, Mrs. Roy Barker, Mrs. Roy E. Pearce and Mrs. Ruth Herndon. OSC Group Ends Year About 65 were out for the luncheon and meeting of Ore gon State Mothers' club Monday at the Mayflower hall. This was the final event of the season for the club. Dr. C. E. Maser, head of the technology department at the college, was guest speaker, dis cussing the importance of rec ognizing the individuality of students, also the program of higher education. New officers were installed as follows: Mrs. L. O. Arens, pres ident; Mrs. Dave Brown, vice president; Mrs. Carl Miller, treasurer; Mrs. S. J. Barrlck, secretary. Mrs. George W. Croisan has served as president the past year. Campus Events Beach parties continue of special interest to Willamette university students, three such events being slated for the com ing week end. Also, this coming week end winds up the social activities of the year for stud ents, examinations and com mencement being the next big interests. The senior class beach party is to be Saturday. On Sunday, the Junior class and Beta Theta PI fraternity both are planning beach trips. Return From Convention Several Salem folk were at Gearhart for the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance convention, re turning late Tuesday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thompson, Mr. Thompson being speaker at the banquet; Dr. G. Herbert Smith, who was a speaker on the pro gram; William Walton, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rising, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauer of Denver, formerly of Salem, were there and are to arrive here tomorrow for a short visit with old acquaintances. . Meeting Thursday The Past Presidents' club of Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, is meeting Thursday 4-B HOE JUST ARRIVED SALESMAN SAMPLES ALL COLORS An Opportunity of a Lifetime for the Lady with a Small Foot 4 Of A Few Pairs AViB ATTRACTIVELY PRICED SALEM At General Federation Mrs. J. L. Blair Buck, Richmond, Va., president of the General Federation of Women's clubs (at right) and Mrs. Hiram C. Houghton, Red Oak, Iowa (at left) sit with Mrs. Dorothy McCullough Lee, woman mayor-elect of Portland (center) as 2000 women delegates open the 57th assembly of the worldwide group In Portland. Theme for the convention is aimed at co-ordinating women's work in world peace. (AP Wirephoto).' Groups to Aid Sale of Poppies A large number of local or ganizations will aid the sale of the memorial poppies by the American Legion auxiliary Fri day and Saturday of this week, reports Mrs. Walter L. Spauld ing, poppy chairman from Capi tal unit No. 9. Groups assisting include Am erican War Mothers, Gold Star Mothers, Salem Woman's club, Sojourners club, Postal Clerks' auxiliary, Postal Carriers' aux iliary, Lions club auxiliary, Chapter No. 162 Order of East ern Star, Eagles - auxiliary, Woman's Relief corps, Disabled American Veterans auxiliary. The memorial flowers are made by veterans in the Port land and Roseburg veterans hospitals. All funds from their sale go to the rehabilitation fund and to the child welfare fund of the Legion and auxili- Members of Capital unit No. 9, Legion auxiliary, are to en tertain the volunteer workers in the sale at a luncheon Fri day In the First Methodist church, starting at 11 a. m. The Church street entrance is to be used. Mrs. O. E. Palmateer heads the committee serving- the luncheon and is being as sisted by Mrs. John TeSelle, Mrs. George Gabriel, Mrs. Her man Lafky, Mrs. Ella Voves. On Thursday evening a radio program boosting tne poppy sale will be given over KOCO from 7 until 7:15 o clock, Mrs. Leon M. Brown, national com mitteewoman In the auxiliary, to be the speaker. at the home of Mrs. R. W. Wyatt, 1960 South Church, des sert to be at 7:30 o'clock. S OXFORDS SANDALS for Baby HAIR. BRUSH With QQC W CARRY THE COMPLETE UK OF FAMOUS WALGREEN PRODUCTS Drugs with I Btputition Deluxe PINT OF WITCH HAZEL 39c $2.00 Volue Now ltl9 75e Fitch Dandruff Re mover sham poo. 1.25 5-fl. An ti splash spray. Both 1.19 Save 81c (Limit 1) 4-oi. Site BORIC ACID Powder or Crystal 15c Mm inflammable It's Punt Stt NEW B'B BALL PEN Smart practical. Needs no refill for months98' JUSTRITE CLEANER Pin, CQC lilt W V $1.00 . With the . fragrance of , flowers . 59 PLASTIC SUN VISOR Adivstibtt ' sWt ... 03 $2.00 Value ROGER & GALLET Cologne 1.00 Dry Perfume 1.00 Now 1.50 Save 50c Frairinrrs: Nllhl r DrlUht Bt ClrnftlUn Firm d'Amftr Save 41c 60c Tube EDWARDS' OLIVE Tablets 36c (Limit 1) iYTINAL MMpk e VITAMIN I CAPSULES joo L Aiil NuMlhm BREWER'S YEAST TABLETS ' fjj ioo. BEEF, IRON . ni WINE fcol. .... I V m ntn ft Federation Scans Ban on Crime Shows Portland, Ore., May 26 (U.R) Two thousand club women from all parts of the United States today studied resolutions to condemn crime stories In movies, radio programs, comic strips and television. Delegates to the General Fed eraion of Women's clubs con vention here heard the resolu tions at opening sessions yester day. The resolutions, submit ted by state youth conservation chairmen of the federation, were referred to the various state groups for further considera tion. Another resolution called for the encouragement of sobriety. Mrs. Paul Dupertius, presi dent of the Wyoming Federa tion of Women's clubs, said "the consumption of alcoholic bev erages by teen-agers has reached alarming proportions" and that liquor was a leading factor in juvenile delinquency. The club women adopted a resolution calling for renewal of reciprocal trade agreements "without crippling amend ments." They reaffirmed fed eration support of the program, endorsed the international trade organization and asked congres sional authorization for United States participation in it. CAPITAL DRUG STORE . J. H. WILLETT 405 State Street at Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 3118-3119 "Only the Best" OUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE IS THE BEST SERVICE WE RENDER ASPIRIN Tablets ?lfl&N 2 1 51c $2.00 DOROTHY GRAY Hot Weather Cologne $1.00 25yCUTICURAS 15' MINERAL OIL Liquid Gm er Power1? TIDY DEODORANT An effective deodorant that gives pro- JQc longed protection 7wtHeatkHe4 Goes Try LIFE WAVE COMB Gives your hoir deep, lasting waves. Easy to use, no chemi cols, no heat, no steam, no electricity. OATMEAL COMPLEXION SOAP Old Time Favorite for Creamy Cleansing 79c Special Value 300 YES TISSUES 27' 3 for 79c Amity Civic Club Elects Officers Amity The Amity Woman's Civic club closed the club year with the May meeting at the Mehodist church with Mrs. H. W. Forbet presiding. Nomination and election of officers placed Mrs. S. P. Alli son, president. To assist her will be Mrs. Joe McKee, vice presi dent; Mrs. Frank Chambers, secretary, and Mrs. Newt As chim, treasurer. Plans were completed for the June meeting, which will be a picnic and carnival in the city park. The Chamber of Commerce and all clubs in the community are invited to participate. The Miller's Beauty Shop Moved to New Location ROOM 204 229 North Commercial PHONE 7953 PERMANENT WAVES INCLUDING HAIRCUT SHAMPOO FINGERWAVE 25 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE Ask for S & H Green Stamps i::::::t:--:tM: W. A. BRAND PINT BOTTLE 39 fit 13 H m. Jer ffen's Lotion with fre Dryad BrvshUa or Ulher PO DO SHAVE CREAM Giant tube now only 39 87 Luster Creme A Shampoo with Lanolin 4 OZ. $1.00 to Worlr IntHnlly FREEZONE TODAY No clumsy pads or plasters relieves pain, helps remove the corn. AA H-oz. bottle . . . V Jj World j famous Akron Trusses Graduate Fitter Private air condition fitting rooms 30 Ftdvrel txeiM Tot en Toilttntn. LuffffOff and BillfoHt I '" AN I DON I KREML I TABLETS I MAID I Box of 12 I TONIC I mZ 49c I 17 last club program with "music" as the theme was at the climax. Numbers presented were: High School Glee club, Mrs. Edna Strout, director; two secular numbers; sacred solos, Mrs. Bruce Caldwell; operatic num bers, Mrs. Howard Payne, Dun dee, accompanist, Miss Britt, Newberg; request piano num ber, Miss Britt. Mrs. Frank Chambers gave a review of the compositions representative of the outstand ing events of life from Brahms, with the accompanist Mrs. Edna Strout. The hostesses, Mrs. Bill West, Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. L. M. Christensen, Mrs. Beatrice Ash ford, served refreshments. $5.50 COMPLETE AND UP Dark Eyes 8 9 $1.19 Amelita Perfection COLD CREAM So fin nd ataVaffekf w m A W . pur for jMim fin &in m ajT Eyelash and Eyebrow 89' Indelible Darkener Fait Relief For Stomach Acidity! A pleasant mint? drink I Goes to wotk quickly to eas stomach distress. Try m BISMADINE. 5 ox. 9 Regular Size CAMAY SOAP SALE 35 25c (Limit 3) B-ot. Bottlt Hydrogen PEROXIDE 17 Doable fizt Listerine Tooth Powder 07c LADY ESTHER 4-PURPOSE FACE CREAM SO' L Pack of 12 MARLIN RAZOR BLADES 25c Doub-Ede I I I SHINOLA I SHOE POLISH I" w m rovpon . M fj (Limit 2) p Yes, the big sale at John- son's is still going strong. If you haven't been in yet, don't wait. Come in now! The values being present ed are incredible. Imagine Buying a $55 Beautiful U Spring Suit for only $34.95 or a $50 Spring Coat for $39.00 or if you happen to be a nurse, buying a regular $6.95 uni form at only $ 3.00 Ju:t as a reminder, we'll list a. few more of our tremendous bargains: Dresses, 2 for $5 Values to $16.95 SLIPS NOW $1.49 Reg. $2.98 SHORTIE COATS Values to $49.95 NOW $25 SWEATERS Slip-on, Short Sleeve NOW $2.98 Reg $3.98 BLOUSES Reg $6.95 Reg-. NOW 2.89 NOW 1.39 $4.95 PURE SILK HOSE Reg. $1.15 NOW 39c and many more ( 464 State St.