4 f?OR SALI MISCELLANEOUS LA8T1-EOTE for wall, woodwork, au tomobiles, linoleum, no waxing. TEAT Bit ArrLilAPma w. nw- tUCTUO IBON8, ateam lions, metal Ironing board, pida and cover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl43 IntECKINO a houia at 180 S. Church. 3 aompleu bathroom. All materials for sale cneap. Tnu is a ruan joo. p.ji INSERT OIL BUHNERS, trash burners, oil circulator, room neater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!42 BIDDING, vegetable St perennial plants, Pembtrton'J Flower Shop, 1880 S. 12th. Ph. JI34. Open eve. Closed Sunday. nl36 , TOPSOIL FILL DIRT QUARRYROOK PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY , 971 EtteeWBter 8t Salem, Oregon. , Phone 3U13 of 8793 n!31 UN and HEAT LAMPS, heating pads, electric comforters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl42 LIKE NEW, 113.50 pr. of Black Peacock shoes, size 6Vs B. 15.00. 1147 D St. Ph. 481. nl25 tatW 410 game dble-barrelled shotgun. 140. 824 N. Front. Apt. 3. n!35 EXTRA GOOD 1940 25' Elcar trailer hoiiM Elec. brakes. Lots of closet apace. P. Iced to sell. Camp Joy Auto Motel. 3215 Portland rd. nl25 ZENITH short wav portable radio. Cost 1130.0U, sen lor ea. ibj n!35 I HARDWOOD FLOORING ALL GRADES, oak threahholds and base hoe. Ph. 3522. n!29 'COMMERCIAL RANGE with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. M NEW LUMBER Anything In dimension V or shlplep. Priced right. M. C. Knode. Ph. 25759. 390 Park Ave. n!45 tJSED RANGES and WATER HEATERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl42 feffAVY teal clothes line post. Porch railings In stock made to order, wo tt. r St 1145 N. Liberty. nl ifXESSURE COOKERS, Revere ware. BINOCULARS, 2 pr., 7X50, t40 each. 1170 Ssruce St. nl39 HAIR DRYERS, electrlo shavers, hair Uppers, vibrators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!42 WRECKING house at 170 8. Church near State. Laths 50c 100 U. pick. Madsrn Wrecking Co. nl29 ELECTRIC MIXERS, waffle Irons, sand wtoh grills, coffee makers, blendora, roasters, clocks, door chimes.' YEATER APPLIANCE GO. nl42 felt Axmlnlater" rug St pad. Exc. oond. Reasonably priced. 3395 S. Cottage. niaa ELECTRIC RANGES, water heaters, wesh rs, lroners, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, radios, recorders. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!42 BIG TRACTOR tire sale. Save up to 20 pet. Most popular aires. Must clear to make room for Ward's new extra 4,H1-Bar" tires. Hur.-yl Quantity lim ited MONTGOMERY WARD. 155 N. Liberty.. FARMERS ATTENTION Milking Ma chines, butter churns, milk pasteurisers, fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl42' CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68rz2. nl32 GIBSON-XOi' RIDE TRACTORS. Imme cUat deliver; Plows discs, mowers harrow cultivators dozers, scrapers U C. Miller. Rlckreall, Ore. n GARDEN SAND, Gravel, crushed -ock Shovel Ac drag-line excavating. WALL ING IANP GRAVEL CO Ph 8581 n GIBSON RFERIGERATORS & RANGES some model lor Immediate delivery. See them at: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MO. 467 Court St Phone 9811. n RTVEP SILT Phone 25913 SALEM SAND tt ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewei St Basement Equipment Rental ' b M yd.' , 12,00 per bT 10 B- H yds 9.60 per hr Cat St Dotar 9.00 per nr eWD-8 Cal St Dozei 8.40 per m " Cat St Dole a, 7.00 per hi ' '' Phone Days 9408 Evening.. 8246 or 24400 Salem, Oregon OR SALE Barnyard and chicken fer tflizer, S5.00 per cubic yard del. Ph. F33. Phillip Bros.. Rt. 6. Box 18. nl33 FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. nisi' WALLING SAND GRAVEL CO. crushed ROOK tor roads and driveway mit't, ready mix concrete, garder tmnd. Bulldozing, drainage and aliening ei.d. ihoval and drag Una Ph 85S1 BEAT YOU home electrically. It's eon renlant, clean economical Sea n foi tree estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 355 N. Liberty B' CHICKEN or cow manure Sl.00 per sack. Hera at place or will deliver 6 sacks. Ph. 68F32, Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 118 4 miles out State St. nl32 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 4 WHEEL trailer. Ph. 23101. nal37 B1TRLAP St Cotton Bags of all kinds. We reclame in cleaning menaing. k & a Bu Co.. 147 Kearney St. Ph. plan ' l-187r or res. 1-8438. j PERSONAL PROF. ADV8R. Mr. Phillips. Ph. 3081. pl2fl' ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O Box 724 Phone 6234 pl MARGARET JEFFRIES, psychic reader. Without a question she will tell you. 459 State St. Morris hotel, Room 9. Ph. G1S3. Limited time. pl32 AUTOMOBILES SMALL MASONITE HOUSE TRAILER ,250. After 2 P.m. 2085 N. Com'l. q!35 '47 FORD. Ph. 31435. i OR SALE 1941 Studebaker Champion vim overdrive ana neater, ssoo. can HH2, or lee at 195 E. Madrona. ql2A NORTON A-l shape. Call at 497 N. Front St. ql25 FOR QUICK SALE: 1937 Stude sedan. RAH. St O.D. Od. cond. Price 3500.00, Re at 926 Heather Lane. Just off Rat cliffe Drive ql27 145 ARMY JEEP, new bright red paint. Civilian top and box. Cbaa. Alban, Rt. 1. Box 17. Aumsvllle. Q127 'at fcHEV.. overhauled motor, new tran- ml&slon, 80 rubber, $135.00. 1017 Sev enth St., W. Salem. ql37 1M CHEV. tudor. Heater, trunk, new ' paint. Sacrifice, 1375.00. Henry Ben ner. Rt. l, Box 30, Turner, Ore. Infor- matlon Ph. 8916. ql37 FOR SALE OR TRADE for older car: 1940 Plymouth coupe. R&H, good tires, new paint, soma extra No reasonable or fr turned down. 3350 8. 13th St. ql37 11 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Oood motor. Cheap transportation. 190.00. can alter 5 P.m. 3309 Mill St. ql37 7I7 FORD. New tires, radio heater, good motor. Bee at 1816 Fairgrounds Rd. q!27 'tt MODEI A pickup. 143 M1U St. Silver ton. ql30 M GRAHAM sedan.. Good mechanical condition, 8800. o lstu m. Ph. 31870 after 4 p.m. qiao MODEL A Roadster, is In. wheels. Sea af ter 5 p.m at 54014 Galne St. ql30 1941 MERCURY Sedan $1350. Oood cond. Ph. 8206 after 6 p.m. qi25 1944 Stodebeker 3 dr., mileage 13,000, ov rdriv. Hlllholder, Climatixer. Clock. $1M5. ISO Ratellff Drive. ql26 '84 CHEV. sed. Good cond. throughout, New paint. Heater St spotlight. Nice car. Reas 190 8. 25th after 4 p.m. No dealers. qi3S' M Mod. .A. New tires, clutch, gen. Mr. Mills, 7 bi. n. or Hubbard r.o. qiaa M FORD 3 dr. sedan. Exc cond. Make offer. 1095 s. com i qi3" PARTLY finished 36-ft. trailer house, Sea at Porters Cabinet Shop ml. E. of Kelser or Ph. 25967. ql26 lM7 MERCURY club coupe. R. At H . Execl. cond. Beat caan oiitr taxes. Fb. 8474 after p.m. q!36 fm CHEV. cot. 1375. 1561 Plus. Ph. 9497. ql25 FOR SALE or trade. 1941 L. W. B. Cbev truck. A good one. 900x20 tire. Also wtth stick, ova Thomas, at, 7 Box 4. aiaiaW. 1M AUTOMOBILES DO YOO KNOW A GOOD BUYf WE HAVE SOME REAL GOOD OLDER MODEL USED CARS IN FINE CONDITION THAT REALLY ARE BARGAINS YES, WE SELL ON TERMS COME IN AND LOOK THESE OVER WE BELIEVE THE CAR YOU WANT 18 HERE 1937 Chevrolet tudor sedan 1B37 Chevrolet coups 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1937 Ford 06 4-door sedan. 1937 Terraplane 4-door sedan 1936 Ford 06 coupe 1936 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 1D36 Chevrolet coupe 1935 Chevrolet coupes 2) 1936 De Soto coupe 1934 Chevrolet tudor sedan 1934 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1933 Studebaker 4-door sedan 1933 Plymouth coupe TEAGUE'S BIG DOWNTWN USED CAR LOT 352 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. YOUR KA1SER-PRAZER DEALER TEAGUB MOTOR CO. Ph. 24173 28' LIBERTY trailer hse. Butane rge. Terms. Fir creat Trailer rant, qiac SAVE ON TRAILER HSE. WHY PAY a big commission to buy a trailer. Hera is a ivt Masieroui uniei, 24 ft. 0 in. by 8 ft. Eight month old, pulled only 12 mile. Oood a new. Would accept a am all house trailer on trade. Inquire E. Robllng, Aumsvlll Coffee Shop. ql20 A-l GLIDER 22' trailer, aleep 4. 11650. A Shell station, laui st. junction, gias HAVING TROUBLE BELLING YOUR CAR? LET US BELL IT FOR YOU at your price with no charge to you. Come in and talk It over with us. SAM'S MOTOR CO., 370 N. Church. ql37 USED CARS S35 AND UP ANY KIND, make or model. General re pair work, body, fender and paint. Rosedale Garage, 3 ml S. of Liberty St. Rt 4 Box 171A,. Ph. 36234. 0.126 ANDERSON MOTORCYCLE CO. Sale St Service Trjnmph Arlei Velocettt Morton Vincent H.R.D. N Motorcycles Available Now 8U BDGEWATER ST., SALEM PHONE 26539 O WANTED Good clean cars. Square Deal Used Oars. 11S5 S. 12th. q HUDSON dALitiS SERVICE PARTS Free estimates Overhauling Body and Pender Repair Painting "Diva 5hroo a try and you'll know why.'' 8HRO0K MOTOR OO. Phone 8502 Salem, q WANTED - USED CARS SHOt AROUND THEN BRINC" YOUR CAR HERB WF WILL PAY YOU WHAT .ITS WORTH ANUKRSON - USED CARS 141 CENTER 8T PHONE 8794. FOR SALE 18-It. aluminum house trail er. Ph. Silv. Black 175. qUO FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. CI it Ids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9201 rl35 5 INTEREST NET, on your surplus mon ey. Buy a mat mortgage on uaiem and vicinity property; examine security yourself, make your own selections; amounts 3500 to $10,000 mortgages now available. Come in and look over the list of mortgages now. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Telephone 4121. 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Llo. 8316 M-223 y AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 890 State Street old quarter First National Bank License No M-159 8-134 J t MONEY I PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and term on larger loans long and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 13 r South Commercial St. Phona 9168 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and M-328 and ROY H. SIMMONB INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8. Commercial St. Tel. 9108. r MONEY 135 to 3500 quickly, privately, without embarrass . ment. No co-signers necessary. Employ er or friends not notified. PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS Cash I Monthly payment Including to I ALL charge for: You 12 moa. ) 15 mos. ( 30 mo. t 50 S 5.02 I 200 HO. 09 j 816.75 300 I S30.14 325.13 325.00 to S500 on auto. Up to 1300 on furniture or salary. PER O N A L Finance Company 518 State Rra. 136 Phone 3101 E. Galllnger. Mgr. Lie. S122-M105 rl39 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Vfc and 1 if OUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contract am- Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Plnneei Trust Bide Ph 7102 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machine gold, rented, repaired Roan 460 Court. Phont 0778 e AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NAB" SERVICE Towing service, day. phona 7831. Night 34417. 833 Cent!. Mike Panek, 375 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 6161. Brake St wheel aligning specialist. ol42 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Phone Salem 33780. Silver ton, Black 175. 0129 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg.. clear- Inn reetb for oruab Virgil Huskay 1010 Fairview Ave. pn 23146, aalem. 0133 PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATTNO OO. ' Salem, Oregon BULLDOZING St GRADINQ 971 Edgewater. Pb. 8793. o CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA register AL make aold rented repaired Roen, I5i Coun Ph 6773 o CARPENTRY Carpentry, expert building and remod eling. Ph 3-4850. 515 8. Silt St. Ol30 CEMENT WORKS 1 General Cement Contracting. Cliff Kills, 1905 N 19th St. Phone 4071. ol40 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace, chimney, vacuum cleaned snsiey 771 so. am ot. Fa. 7170. our DELIVERY SERVICE Motorcycle Pick-up As Delivery Berv ice. Ph. 34504, olSl DRESSMAKING Dressmaking Tailoring Alterations. 1290 N 34th, 1 block N of D St. ol30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Jones Elect. Co., 132 Carlton Way Electrical contracting. Call u for free estimates. Ph. 0139 oI34 ENGINEERING CIVIL Design. st plan, surrey. Ph. 4930. 0133 EXCAVATION For Basement Excavation, Ditching, ' Shovel work. Call Doug Freeburr 0137. el 30 Breithauph'a tor flower. Dili lift. FUR REPAIRING D Bioetar, 160 Lancaster Dr Ph 33003 Journal Want Ads Pay Grain Futures Show Gains Chicago, May 25 W) Grain futures made modest gains at times in today s board of trade session. Wheat showed some strength on light mill buying, said to reflect sales of flour for export. There was some buying attributed to commission houses against sales of cash wheat to the government. At the finish wheat was V4 higher to lower than yester day's close, July $2.34-34"4. Corn was unchanged to IVi higher, July $2.31 'A -13. Oats were higher to lower, July 90-. Soybeans were 1 to 3 cents lower, July $3.96-95. First Carload of Winter Wheat Sold Kansas City, May 25 W The first carload of 1948 winter wheat arrived at the grain mar ket here today to better by four days the early arrival record set in 1946. The wheat, consigned to the Rodney Milling company here, came from Haskell, Tex., south west of Fort Worth. It tested 60.1 pounds to the bushel with 12.7 percent moisture and 15.50 percent protein. The previous record early ar rival here was set May 29, 1946. The first arrival of winter wheat last year was June 4. Quirino Not Stricken Manila, May 25 U.R Presi dent Elpidio Quirino today de nied a published report that he suffered a heart attack last night. The report said he was stricken last night at Tagaytay, 40 miles south of Manila, but had improved greatly when he presided at a cabinet meeting today. DIRECTORY HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watlcln Co. Products. Free del. 1717 Center St. Phone 6395. 0131" MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 40Q9. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk: chairs files and filing supplies, safe, duplicator and supplies, desk lamps typewrite' stands, brief oases. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court o L. C. Elofson. Painting Interior spe cialty. Ph.- 7697. ol45 Spray or brush. R. Ochae. Ph. 32281. ol40 Elfstrom'a are equipped to do your pain iB Phone 9231 o PAINTING Si PAPERHANGING Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 0513. 657 Shipping. O140 PAPER St PAINTING Expert paperhanglna St painting, H. J. Wordsworth. Ph. 3015. 0151 PAPERHANGING Paperhanglng. Don Lucero. Ph. 5522. 0149 Papering. Jerry Johnson. 3723. o!41 Garden, plowing and discing. Ph. 32160 or 22824. 0129 Al Rogers Plumbing and Supply General repairing, plumbing supplies and fix tures. For quicker service call 2441S. 1184 S. Commercial. 0149 Decatur St Maers, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies. Water System. General Re-' pair work. Phona 6223. 173 S. Com'l. ol44 RUG St UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Best-Way, done in your home. Ph. 24697 or 9528. 0151 SAND GRAVEL SILT, GRAVEL, BASE ROCK WILLAMETTE SAND, SUPPLY PHONE 0038 0136 Gravel, sand At allt delivered at rour place or on your truck at pit. Ph. 6444 O Garden Soli; crushed rock. Shovel St dragline excavating Walling Band St Gravel o. Phor 8861 tt SEWER 6ERVIOL Electric Roto-Rooter cleans sewers, sinks, lavatory, bathtub, stool, L. trays. Septic rank cleaned. 5327 or 946B, o" SEPTIC TANKS Septic tank Cleaning 23427. K. 7. Hamel; Septlo Tanks Cleaned Spartan electric srwer machine service. Mod, econ. easy method clear lines of roots, grease, etc. 1143 8th St., W. Sa lem. Ph 7404. 0142 Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks Cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem, "h. 9468 - 5327. 0131 SIGNS St SHO-CARDS Rob't Eckley. Ph. 23626. Moving Si hauling. Ph. 22456. ol38 TRANSFER S BTORAGK Local St Distance Transfer, storage Burnet oils, ooa briquet. Truck to Portland da ly Aieni Lyon Van Lines for household good.- to California points Larmei transfer St Storage. Ph. 3131. o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal and Underwood portables. All makes used machines Repairs anc rent. Roen. 4i6 Court o WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimate T. POLLMAN. Ph. 5963. 0132 Cathcart' Weatherstrlpplng. Ph. 25011. ol33 Orofoot Brother. Ph. 24656. WFiLL DRILLING J. A. Snead St Son, well drilling 2505 Brook St.. Salem Ph. 6B09. 0174 WINDO'.T CLEANING Acme Window meaner. Windows, wall Ji woodwork cleaned- Floor clean, ed, waxed and polished Ph. 8327. 247 Oott t Lantdoo ouloertson ano atatner Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross Ph 8178 or 8674. WOOD S SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph. 34031. LODGES Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn. More than a million members. LOOP meets every Wedueada. night Visi tors Welcome. Third degree. May 26. Salem Lodges No. 4 A P. & AM. Wednesday May 26, MM. degree, 7:30 p m 126 A Aliwworth Lodge No 201, 248 N. Cotnl St. Tuesday. May 86Uiy ?:M PJXL MJat . 126 Market Quotations Portland EaiUlde Market Top quality Willamette valley radishes sold for 60 to 70 cents a dozen bunches on the Portland Eastside Farmers' Whole sale Produce market today. Green onions moved around 60 to 65 cents a dozen bunches. Asparagus brought $3.50 to 83.75 a 30 lb pvramld. California srtawberries were quoted at 83.35 to 83 50 a l'J-basket flat. Salem Livestock Prlcn (By Valley backing company) Spring lambs, cliolce up to 123.50 Wooled lambs , UP to 821.50 Fresh sheared lambs up to 130.00 Yearlings up to 815.00 Ewes 82 00 to 89.00 Fat dairy cows UP to 818.00 Cutter cows up to 816.50 Dairy heifer 815.00 to 822.00 Bulls ... 819.00 to 825.00 Calves '300 to 450 lbs.) . .UP to 823.00 Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) choice up to 828.00 Hogs 35 cents under Portland price lor each type. Portland Produce rfutierlat (Tvnravm strolect to tmme- dlato change) Premium quality maximum ? tL l percent acidity delivered in Portland 89-9 lo lb.. First quality, 86-800 lb.; second quality 8587o lb.; valley route an country points 2o less than first. tutter Wholesale. FOB bulk cube, radr aa 98 score B3c lb.: A 93 score. 82o lb B score HO. 80o lb.; O 69 score. 78c lb. Cbeeip -Selllnr price to Portiano whole sale. Oregon single, 48-55c; Oregon 6 lb. loaf, 50-58C Esse To wholesalers. A grade, large, imall. nominal B grace large 43l-461c. am-53ttc: medium. 48V-5oHc; A grade Eeks- -Purchased from farmer. Current receipts. 41-60 Ho; buyer pay 8-3 Vie ee ls tor eggs fori laud Uafry Marketi Butler Price u retailer. Grade AA prints d5c- AA cartons, 86c; A prints, 84c; A carious 8ic; B prints. 80-8 lc. Etta Price to retailers AA urge. 58-5f- A large 55ci AA medium, iSn; A medium, o2c; A small, nominal; oar ton it additional Cheese Price, to retailers Portland, Oregon singles 52Va-59c; Oregon loaf, 6 lb.. 55',i-61c: triples Vac less than singles. Poultry--Live chickens Paying prices to producers: Fryers 2V lo 3 lbs., 39c lb., fryers. 3 to 4 lbs., 39c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over. 3Bc: fowl Leghorns. under 4 tbs., 23-24c; fowl Leithorns, 4 lbs. and over 27-28ci colored fowl, all weights. 32-33ct No. 1 broilers under 2 ids. U36o lb.; stags all weights, 14-17o. Dressed Turkeys (Quo tod to growers on dresseo basis Grade A torn 40o erad A young hens, 50-52c; breeder turkeys, No. 1 hens, 48-49o lb.; No. 1 toms, 44- 45c lb. Dressed Turkeys (To retailers.) ho. i toms, 4t-60o ib.t No. 1 young hen, 60-62o lb nominal quotation. Rabbits Average to retailer for locai l dressed animals, 65-57c; fryer, live, white. 30-32C lb., colored, 28-30c Rabbits- Dressed, retail. 60-65e Vegetable! AHlhokes California, per box, frost three 4 to 5 doz , 14-4.10; fair quality, 83.50-3.75 SsparaKus Wash. No. 1. med. green. 10-I2c lb., unclassified, 9-10c lb., field pack, IZ'A-lZc: Calif. Delta, med. green, 10-llc: crates, 83.50-3.75: small crooks. 8-9c lb. Hood River, bunched, 83.75-3.85, 30-lb. box. Bcana -Oalll Kentucky wonder. a- J6l- lb. Beets Local, bunched, 60-600 dozen ounches: 60 lb. sk. S1.60-1.7S Broccoli 40 lb. crates, 16.25-9.75. Brussels Sprouts 12 lb. basket flat. 82.25-2.3S. Bunched Vegetables Per dozen, Oregon green onions, 60-65c; radishes, 50-60c: cabbage, turnips and mustard greens. 75 85c; Calif, radishes, 75-85c; mustard greens, 4 doz., '4.50-3.85; 6 doz., 85-5.25; green onions, 70-80c; carrots, large, 6 doz., 58.75-9. few 89.25-9.50; small, 86.50-6.75; oeets, 81. 2o-140: turnips, 81.20-1.25 doz.: parsley, 85 -90c; crts.. 10 doz., $7.75-8.35: broccoli, 28 bunches, $5.25-5.50. CabUa EC Locai. 83.S0-3.7bi targe beads, V2.25-: 50; Calif.. No 1. 84.25-4.B0i Calif round type, medium, $3.50-4; some to 4.50; track sales Callt. $2.75-3.10, Slnlns twadt, $3-3.25; local roundhead. 80-90 lb. crate, $2.50-2.75; few to $4.60: red $6-7; kraut cabbatfe, 75-lb. sk 75-85c; red $5.50-6; fey Oswego $3.50-3.75 Calif,, new crop, crates, $3.50-3.75. Cauliflower Colorado, $2.25-2.601 track i.-'s. Colorado $2 Cal sturdee orates, doz., S2.25-2.S0; Roseburg $2-2.25; crr.l Calll Pascal aturdee crates 2-3 doz. $2.10-3.25; local to No. 1, $1.76-2; No. 2, $1-1.25; Calif. No. 1, $2.40-2.63. Celery Oregon white. $3.50-4.00. Pas cal, std. crates 2',i-3 dozen, $2.50-3.35; wrapped 15-5.25: nearts tied 11.76-2: Cat Pascal, sturdee crates, 3-3 doz., $2.50-3; standard, $2-2.75; Arizona, $3.50-3.73. Cucumbers Oalll.. 80 lb. iubi, $3.S0. s.75, Oregon, hot house lusa. 8 "A -8 do.. $5.75-6 std., $7-7.25; Florida wax, bus he) basket, $7-7.25: Oregon hothouse, lugs, 2U doz., $5.75-6.60. Ch inter Lettuce $2-3.36 crate. Corn Texas, sacks, fl-7c doz., $3.40 3.60; Calif., crates, 5 doz., $4.75-5. Eggplants 20 lb. flat. 11.16-31 OaHl lugs $4.25-4.60. Endive 4 doz. 13.76-4. Garlfo New rop l5-25e. Lettuce Calif, dry pack, best 5. $4-4.50; 4s. 86.75-7; Oceano dry, 4s, $6.90-7; poor, $5.50-6; lcrd, $7.25-7.75. Leks Local $1-1.25 tuslarri Greens 80C-81. Onions Supply moderate, market str SO lb. sk. Ore. Brook yellow No. 1, 88-8.5(1; large $8.25-8.50; No. 3, 83.25 4.0ft broilers No 1. 10 lb. sacks, 60-65c; white med. No. 1, $4.85-6. Washington ye'lows, common-medium $3.85-4; large. iBfiO-6.75; broker sale, Idaho yellows, med. $4.50; large $5.25; Australian brown No. 1 large. $2.75-3 50 -lb. sk.; Texas white wax. 50 lbs., $3.75-4; yellow Ber mudas, $3.75-4; some to $5.25. t'amley -Calli tto-UOc Peas Calif. 28-lb. tubs, $3.50-3.73. eta tc.s Hj-20c Ib.i some lower. Peppers Calif. Coachella, 30-360 lb.; Mexican, 40 'lb. crts., best, $7-7.50; loose, 18-20c lb.; Florida, 28-lb. hampers, $5.50-6. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes and Kla math Russets No. Is, $6,50-7 25 lbs., $1.65-1.75; 15 lbs., $1-1.05; No. 2s, 60 lbs., $2.50-2.75; Wash. Yakima Russets, No. is, 86. -6. 10; Idaho Russet. No. 1-A. $6.25 6.50; new crop Calll. White Rosr, 100 lbs. 84 15-4.35; few to $5: size B, $2.75-3; lower. Root Vegetables 60-lb sk. beets, $1-3; turiilps. $2-2.25. orange box. $3.25-3.40; rutabagas, $1.75-2.10; carrots, orange box, $3 50-4. parsnlw lug $1.25-1.40; orange box. $3-3.26 Spinach Local, $1 25-1.50 orange box; Ca package 12 oz., $1.50-1.90 dozen crates, bunches $3-3.25; The Dalles. t angc box, $1.65-1.76. Squaih Danish. $1.16-1.25 orange ooxt Marblehead Hubbard- 6-6e lb.: Calif Zuc chini luns, $5-5.25; crates, $4-4.50; scal lop. $5.50-6; crooked neck, $4-4.25 lub. Sweet Potatne Caul, bo-id oasaet, field pack $3.75-4: shed pack. S5-S.25: Texas yams, waxed, $4.75-5; Calif. Jer sey SO lb. pack i4. 50-4. 7ft: Louisiana yams 85-5.26 Tomatoes Cal.. Indto, 23 lb. lugs, $6; Mexico orlilnals, best, $6.25-6.50; poor er, ripe and tasty, $1-2: repack mostly $4.50-4 TS; 13 18-oz. tubes. $3-3.25; 12-14 oz. tubes, $2.75-3; Texas originals, best, $5.75-6; repacks, mostly $6.50-6.75. Turnipi Mia-Coiumoia. si. lb-1.30. Garlic 25 1-or pkga. $1.65-1.76 Fresh Fruit: Apples Box. Ore. Newtown, wrapped and psckt-d $2 25; poor 81.50; loose, $1.25-1.35; Wash. Winesaps, wrapped and packed. i25 and larger $4.25-4.50; O grade, $T 40-2. 50. Avocados Cal. Fuertea, 20 to 85s. $5.40 65; choice $5-5.15 Banana - dune tied, U-llUc lb. I out hands 12-13'c lb. Cocoanuts $2.65-2.78 doa $18-16 a 200 lb. sack. Cranberries MoFar land $8.28-8.601 lte Howes to 88.76. Grapes- -Calll Bmperora, mostly 88.86-4 a lug Almonen t2.2b-2.60 Grapefruit Texas pinks, 85 to 70. 15- 6.25; small, $3.76-4.10; white, $3-3.25. Ariz, all sir j $3-3.26. Florida pinks, ail sizes, $. i.25 Marsh needles. 64-06. $3.60-4; whl'ej, all size $3-3.50 Lemon Cal. 300s, $7.85-8.10; 360l, $7.50-7.65, 432s, $7-7.25. Llmea ab-lb lus ll.26-l.7t Melons- -Oallj jumbo honey dew. $2.80 i.c Oranges Per box. Calif, navels, fancy, 150 and larger. $6.85-7; 178s, $6.50-6.75; 200. $6.25-6.50; 32s, $5.75-8.35) 252 and smaller, $5.10-6.75; Arizona Valencia, 176s and larger, 16.76-6.25; smaller, $4.85 5.50. Pears- -Or. Wash. Anjous and Comic ioncr W St P. $2-2.26 No 1 63.10 box: V boxes li.85-l.60 rintapplee Hawaiian -18-10. 17.00- 7 25 Cuban, crates, 10 and 16, $7.25-7.60. Rhubarb Wash hothouse. 16 lb, bos es ex-fancy 83 00-l.Osi fancy 1 2.75-2. 85: choice $2 25-2 .10: Oregon field grown. 30 lb. boxes $1-1.35; 10-lb. apple box. 11.50-1 80. trftwberrlea L, flat M b alloc ks, M-tt; fv fcUber Calif., la fiui, airborne, II 86 ) 75. Heat: Beef Steer Good, all weight. $47.50- 48.50; commercial. $46-47; utility. $41-43. uowi commercial. -&; utility J- 43; canner-cutter 840-42, Veal an. Calf Choice, f 51-521 good, $50-51; commercial, 147-48; utility. 844. Beef Cuta Hindquarters $54-55: rounds, $55-56; loins, trimmed, 864-66; triangles, $42-43; square chucks, $45-47; ribs, $54-57; forequarters, $43-45, Lambs and Mutton Lambs. spring. good choice 30-60 lbs,, $51-52; commer cial, all weltthUs, $48-49. Mutton Good, 70 lbs. down S24-2B. Pork Cuts Loins. No. 1, 8 to 12 lbs,, $52-54; shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $37.40-40; spare ribs 3 lbs. down, $45-49. Caroai-.es All weight. $33-33.50. Coin try Killed Meats: Veal Per pound, top light. 42.44c; choice, 45c; other grade according to weight and quality. Hosa Fancy olocker. 34-360; light blockers 3.1 -34c ; sows, 36-28c. Lamo Per pound. 4Z-45c; muiion, ia- 22c. Beef Good cow.' 3S-40o Ib.i canner and cutters 32-35c lb. Mlicellaneont. quality large 39.7r- medium. 26.2c: see Caicara Bark Dry 30o lb.; green, &c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 40-4;. lb. Mohair 43c lb. on 12-month growth. Hldea Calves 37c lb., according to weight kip 23c lb., green beef II -14c lb.; bulb, 8-9c. "lit wuoiationat Wal tints Franquettea nrst quality um bo, 34 7c; large, 32.7c: medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbo, J0.2c. large. i8.2c: medium, 26.2c; baby. 23.3c; soft shell first n quality large ai.zct moaium. ?.'ic; aby. 22.3c Filberts Jumbo. 20c Ib.i large. i8c; medium 16c. small 13c. Quotation, above supp fl by North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb bae purchases fob plants are not necessarily representative oi all dealers.) Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. May 35 m Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats no. 2 38-lb. wnue 82.00. Barley No, 2 4S-lb. b.w. 76.00. No. 1 flax 6.05. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.34; soft white (excluding rex) 9.34: white club 2.34; western red 3.34 Hard red winter: ordinary 3.34; id percent 2.36; 11 percent 3.44; 12 percent 2.53. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.54: 10 percent 2.54; 11 percent 2.60; 12 percent 2.66. Today' car receipts: wheat 9: barley 1; flour 4; corn 3; oat 2; millfeed 12. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., May 25 flJ.RV-Livestock: Cattle salable 215: calves 36. Scattered sales steady, but most classes nominal following Monday's uneven trade; lea steers strong to 50 cents higher Monday, top load 31.00: otner cattle steady 10 weak; few canner and cutter cows to day 15.50-18.00; fat dairy type tows 19.00- 19.30; Rrass lat cows up to iii.ja Monaay; good beef caws up to 25.00: common to good sausage bulls 24.25 Monday; good beef cows up to 25.00; common to good isaee. bulls 21.00-2B.00: goon beei OUiil quotable to 27.50 or above. Vealers slow, generally asking steady at 37.00-30.00 for good and choice grades. Hogs salable 100. No early sales; bid ding around 1.00 lower at 25.50 down; best ncld up to ae.oo. oooa ngnt sows 19.50; choice under 100 lb feeders quoted up to 27.50; heavier weight salable down to 24.50. Sheen salable 200. Market active. steady; good and choice 86-102 lb spring lambs 20.00; goon 110 lb woolen lambs 23.00; good wooled ewes up to 11.50; shorn ewes salable around 10.00-10.80. Chicago Livestock Chicago, May 25 (U.R) Livestock: Hogs 13,000, Market now active on all weights, around 60-76 cents lower on weights under 240 lbs. Heavier weights and sows 75 cents to 1.00 lower, tops 25.25; bulk good and choice 170-250 lbs 24.50-25.001 240-260 IDS 23.50-24.50; 270' 290 lbs 22.00-23.25; 300-350 lbs 21.00 22.00; 376-400 lb butchers 20.00-2.76. Mont gooa j&u-ddu in sows ii.ou-iB.uo. rros Dects oood clearance. Cattle 4000; calves 600. Most killing classes 26 cents higher, market slows at advance, scarcity main supporting prop: Bulls steady to strong, vealers steady to weak. Choice to prime 1250 lb steers 35.50, new high on crop. Most good and choice steers 31.00-34.75; high choice 1477 lb offerings 34.75; good and choice heif ers, 30.00-33.60; two loads choice neavy neiiera 3400. Most beer cows 20.oo-2a.oo; high good kind to 26.60, Canner and cutters 16.60-19.50. Heavy sausage bulls to iia.au. veaiers ji.oo. Mostly ju.uu down. Sheep: 500. Receipts too small for mantel test. Biaugmer clauses quoin Die nominally steady with Monday's decline. Stock Quotations (By the Associated Pre) Alllet Chem Dye 106 American Can 87 ',4 Am Powr St Llghl 10 Amer Te) At Tel 157S . aconda Copper 40 Atchison l)2'3 Bendix Aviation 36 Bethlehem Steel 36'K Boeing Aircraft 25 'i California Packing 36 Canadian Pacltl 17S 4ft'i (T.rysler Corp 61 Commonwealth St South 3' Consolidated Edison 23 Consolidated Vult ll'ft Crown Zellerbach 33T& Curtis Wright 7". Douglas Aircraft fin1,, Dunont d Nemours 181 Ctrneral Electric 41'1 General Foods 40 1W Genera! Motors 61 'a Go-irtyear Tire 46 Great Northern nfd 47'i International Harvester flSVi Int Paper pfd A2 John Mai villa 41 Kennecott 58'i Long Bell A . 27'i Montgomery Ward 63'? Nash Kelvlnator IB 1 i National Dairy 30 'i N 7 Central 16" North Am Co .,.. 161 Northern Paciflo 25' P a Amer Fish 15 Pacific Gas Elea 35 Pacific T St T 96 '4 Pan American !0 P'-n y J O 48 Radio Corp 13i itayonler 32 Ra -onier pfd Re; n 'd. Metal 27S Richfield 27'i Safeway 201 Sears Roebuck 40"i Sinclair OH 26 Vi Southern Pacific 59 Standard Bran 27 Stand t Oil Calif TD-i Studebaker 27 Sun Mining 10 T4 TJnlon Oil - 32 union Purine 185'i Unitei. A1rli: t 17'i United Aircraft 30'i United States Steal 79 warner Brother 13'i Wast Bier Uf- OO 3074 Woolwortb 47 'i Two Earthquakes Recorded by Graph Pasadena, Calif., May 25 UP) Two earthquakes, one violent, were recorded today at the Cal ifornia Institute of Technology. The first, recorded at 12:29:50 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) was about 7,400 miles distant, apparently in northern Burma or northeastern India, seismolo gists said. It was a major quake and capable of doing great dam age if in a populated area. The second, described as mod erately strong vas about 1,000 miles in a northerly direction, the seismologists said. The Caspian Sea has a drain age basin about three-quarters the siz of the tntir Mississippi basin. Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, May 25 OT The stock market today suffered its second successive setback for the first time since May 1. The General Motors wage set tlement stirred a favorable re sponse among motor shares which maintained a steady tone for that section. Elsewhere rails and oils reacted to a mid-day flurry of profit-taking. While some recovery was made, the majority of issues stayed in low er ground. Transactions for the day ex panded to around 1,800,000 shares. General Motors opened at a new 1948 high on a 3,500-share block, lost its advance and then regained most of it. New tops for the year or long er also were touched by Inter national Paper which announced increased and extra dividends, and by General Electric. Others holding plus signs Included Westinghouse Electric, Chrysler, American Smelting, Allied Chemical and Pubhcker. Lower were U.S. Steel, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Sinclair Oil, Texas Co., J. I. Case and Johns Manville. Bonds were narrow and com modities mixed. Dollar Value Only 59 Cents Washington, May 25 W) The cost of living on which the new General Motors wage agreement is based is now 59 percent higher than in 1940. That means a dollar will buy only wha: 59 cents could buy in 1940. In other words: A 1948 dollar is worth only 59 cents in terms of buying power in 1940. Figures on the cost of living are issued monthly by the la bor department's bureau of la bor statistics. It's known as the cost of living index. The bureau has employes In 56 cities. Every month t h e y check on tl price of things families buy, like food, cloth ing, rent, fuel, furnishings. In this way the government keeps a check on whether liv ing costs are rising or falling, Truman Issue Before Texans (By the Associated Press) Texas names a 50-vote dem ocratic national convention del egation today in a stale conven tion torn between factions for and against President Truman and a middle-of-the-road group. Lone Star state republicans pick 33 delegates expected to be largely in the camp of Senator Taft of Ohio. The democrats met at Brown wood, the republicans at Cor pus Christi. It was the only presidential delegate picking of the day. At Washington Senator Rob ert A. Taft said he is counting on two-thirds of the 267 repub lican presidential nominating delegates from 12 southern and three borderline slates. Although Taft didn't discuss in detail his claimed southern strength, aides contend the Ohi oan will have majority backing in 12 of the 15 states on the first ballot at Philadelphia. They concede Gov. Thomas E. Dewey only one delegation, Ok lahoma's 20-vote group, and said they " break even with him in Florida, with six votes each and tour for Stassen. Party loyalty, an issue among the democrats there four years ago when Texas sent pro and anti-Roosevelt delegations to the national convention, was the big question today. One group favored a delega tion instructed for the presi dent. A second wanted an un instructed delegation opposed to the president and his civil rights program but willing to stand by him if nominated. A third was anti-Truman all the way. Fisherman's Body Found Seattle, May 25 M A body, identified as that of Frank Tho mas, missing fisherman, was found floating yesterday in the ocean near North Bend, Ore., the coast guard reported, Thomas (home town un known) was last seen May 14, clinging to the side of his fish ing vessel as It drifted seaward in Coos Bay. In 1915 the Signal Corps of the U., S. army accomplished the first successful radio mas sage from an airplane to the ground. Backaches Headaches . Prostate Disorders Forrest I. Goddard Naturopathic and Chiropractic Physician 1765 N. Capitol St. Phone t-1484 Capital Journal, galem. Oregon, Solem Markets Completed from report M Salem dealera for the cul dance of Oapl UI Journal Reader (Revliad dally. I Retail Frleea-. Rabbit Feed Prllels 14.40-B. FlB Main $5.60-5.60 Dairj Feerti 14. 45-4.611. Pool try: Buylni Prlrei No. 1 colors rt henj, 30-33c; No. 1 Lechorn hen. 23-27c; No. 1 colored tryera 3 Iba. and up, 41c: No. 1 colored fryer. 3-1 lba. llo: No. 1 old rooster. 14c, Er.fi.: Bujlnr Prlret Lane Grade A. ale: mediums, 48-49e; pullet, 35-40c: era 34c, wnoieiaie I'rice Large D4-0&0 doien; ledlum. 52-330 doten. Bultir, Butterfat material Premum 87e: No. 1. He: No. 3, 75-SIc (buylni price). Hiiiter Wholesale A Ha: retail, erada A, 890. Longshoremen Strike June 15 San Francisco, May 25 (U.fi) CIO longshoremen said today they have notified employers and federal conciliators that they will strike west coast shipping June 15 when their current contract expires. The union said that Pacific coast shippers and waterfront employers had turned down all of its contract demands and had countered with "outrageous de mands" of their own. The longshore negotiating committee also charged the ship owners with "creating confu sion" by rumors of federal in tervention, injunctions and pro hibition of strikes for 80 days. Among the demands rejected by the employers, the union said, were those calling for re duction of the present work shift of 10-14 to eight hours, for reduction of the work week from seven to six days and for wage increases. The union said the employers then insisted on a long-term contract instead of the present J2-month agreement, with no provision for wage reviews. Unless the employers change their position, the union said, a strike appears "inevitable." A spokesman for the em ployers charged that the union was "trying to create a situa tion with talk of a strike." He denied that the employers had made "outrageous demands and insisted they were making every effort to continue nego tiations. Births, Deaths Births Remlnaton To Mr. and Mr, Oren K. Remington, route 7, a ion, Oren Junior, May IB, Aubol To Mr. and Mrs. Auhol, 1354 Sixth, West Salem, a son, Gary Lynn, May 16. Maronda To Mr. and Mr. Harold W. Mnronda, Independence, a daughter, Jac queline Elaine, May 16. Wellaud To Mr. and Mrs, Walter W. We Hand, 8S5 Thompson, a son, William Fred, May 18. Pevny To Mr. and Mr. Julian M. Pevny, 35,1 South 19th, a on, Ronald Eu aene. May 18. Linden To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Lin den, Jr., 3775 Linden Ave., a daughter, Tina Kay, May 30. Ballantyne To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bnllamyne, 1333 Center, a son, Wayne Dennis, May II. Richter To Mr. and Mrs. Krvlne F. Richler, route 6, a daughter, Verna May, May 10. Chrlsholm To Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chriaholm. 985 North Summer, a daugh ter, Allison Ann, May 10. WenierTo Mr. and Mr. Karl I. Wen aer, 2416 South High, a son, Robert Stev en, May IV. Ptirlter To Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Purtaer, Corvallls, a daughter, Susan Vir sinia, May 15. Hal ha way To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hathaway, McCoy, a son, Steven James, May 20. Ennor To Mr, and Mrs, Ralph C. En nor, 10AO Hunt, a aon, Paul Prank, May HansonTo Mr, and Mrs. Henry A. a ii.ion, route 6, a aon, Henry Albert, Jr., May 30. ClarkTo Mr. and Mrs. Ivan D. Clark, 480 Ratellff, a son, Donald Dale, May 10. lleatht Erisar E. Fliher Edgar E, Fmher, late resident of route 0, at a local hospital. May 34. Father of Mrs. E. L. Ferraer in California, Mr. J. O. Thomas and Mr. Edna Rlgas, both of Salem; brother of E. I.. Fisher of Mc Mlnnvilte. Survived a)o by 13 trandchll dren and five great arandrhllriren. Fun eral announcement later by Clough-Bar rlck chapel. Ann Chrhllna Zobel Ann Christina Zobel, late resident of 104S North Winter street, at a local hos pital May 24. Survived by her huaband, Henry William Zobel of Salem; a daugh ter, Mrs. Mildred Blsnchard of Salem. Jacob H. Dunlap Jacob H. Dunlap, late resident of 414'i North Winter street, at a local hospital May 33. at the age ol 78 years. Survived by a son. Delbert O. Dunlap of Salem; and a cousin, James Nlckerson of Sa lem Services will be held Wednesday. HOP GROWERS We Have Just Received A Shipment of Dust and Fume Masks Used by Many of the Yards. WAR SURPLUS LIGHT WEIGHT ECONOMICAL rp Akin kifw Tuesday, May 25, 194817 ', Mar 36, at 3:30 pi, at the Olouih-Bar- j ficlatttii. Ritualistic aervlcea by fiilm : lodge No. 336, BPOB. Paaletla OeRut Willi rd ' Paulette DeHut Wlllnrd. Infant dauih- 1 ter of Mr. and Mr. Rojj W. Willard of ' 2199 Broadway atreft. Salem, at a local ! hoeplUi Monday, May 24. ALso survived by irandparcnl. Mr. and Mr. Dave De- 1 Hut of Salem and Mr. and Mra. Bill Wil lard oi Booth" Point, Term. Oravelde rrvices win be hr Wednesday. Mav 36. at 3 p.m. at the City View cemetery with Rev. Richard Pine officiating. Direction dough-Karrlc company, Loren K. Field Loren E. F eld. Jut rld-nt nf mm. I, Qervalx. at a Portland hospital. Bat. urday, Mar 33. at the aia of 36 year. h us nana or Mr. Elizabeth M. Fed of Oerval; father of Betty Jean Field, and Gary Z. Field, both of Oervais; aon of Mr, qiara uarountlne of Salem; and. brother of Harvey Field. Harold Field. Carl Field and Mr. Jack Bowman, all or Salem, Service will be, held Wednes day. May 36, at 3 p.m. at the Clouih- uarricK cnapel. Kltuailatlo aervlce by VF'W post No. 561. Interment In Belcreat Memorial park. William Autd William Auld. late resident of 650 Lo cust street. Monday. May 34, at the aae of 61 year. Brother of Mary Louise Auid or kock Mill. B.C., Frederick Auld of Charleston, W. Va., and Olln Auld of Ainevuie, N.C. Announcement of aerv- lce later by Clough-Barrlck company. Mrs. Monta Hmllh Mra. Monta Smith, at the residence, 687 N. Front street at the age of 5h years. Survived by two sistera, Mrs. Ollle Ship tead of Scoby. Mont., and Mrs. Otto Berth of Four Buttei. Mont.: and bv two brother. Otto and Fred Smith, both of Sheridan, Mont. Announcement of serv ices later by Clough-Barrlek company. Mrs. Analla Klempet Mrs. Analle Klemnel. at her residence. 421o Shoreline drive. Tuesday, May 3. ouier ui mra. raut riirsney oi Yuma, Arii.. Mr. Paul Johnston of Lvonx. Ore.. Mrs. K. M. Built, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, nuBum mempri ana fiooert iiiempei, all of Salem, and Frank J. Klempel and Herman A. Klempel, both of Aberdeen, Idaho. Also survived by 34 grandchil dren and seven great grandchildren. An nouncement of funeral aervlcea later bv Clough-Barrlck company, Mary A. White In this city May 3B. Marv A. White. late reildent of Salem. Announcement of services later by W, T. Rigdon com pany. , Archie Thomas Kdmunson Macleay Archie Thomas Kdmitnsot), late resident of Portland, In Portland, May 33, at the age of 73 year. Former resident and native of Macleay. Survived by ,lwo daughters, Mrs. Charles Turner, Linda Vista, Calif., and Mrs. Nolan Mont gomery. 0114 S.E. 86th street, Portland; two aon. Tom of Portland and Earl ot U.S. armr: two sUters. Mrs. Musa Mtllar of Macleay and Mrs. Anna Arnold of Los Angeles. Oraveslde services will be held at Macleay cemetery at 3 p.m. Wednes day. Virginia Dinger Lippinrntt Albany Virginia Duaaer Llppincott, died at the home ot her son, A. N. Bug ger of Marion Saturday. Funeral services were held from the FLsher Funeral home in Albany at 11 a.m. Tuesday with Elder ' Ed Severxon of Harrisburg officiating. Mrs. Llppincott was born April 7, 1865 In: Virginia, and had lived in her nativa state and St. Joseph and St anbury. Mo., and In Nebraska before coming to Marlon 7 years ago. She Is survived by a dauah ter. Mrs. Ora Carpenter of Baldwin Park, Calif., and two sons, A. F, Dugger ot Baasett, Nebraska and A. N. uugger oi Marlon; one brother, Hugh Miller of naiueit. Nebrmika and three sister. Ella Tardy of Compton, Calif.; Alice Bailey ot Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Lou scnarner of Mt. Ayre, Iowa, and ten grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Edna Trilllna Miller Lebanon Funeral services tor E4na Trilllna Miller, 37, killed In an automo bile accident early Sundnv morning, will probably be hold horn Thursday. She Is survived bv her husband, Felix Miller, seriously Injured and in the Albany hos pital; two sons. Marvin D. Zurchcr and Richard Lee; three sisters, Mrs. Ellis Brown, Seaside; Mrs. May Stacker, Port land and Mrs. Minnie Duncan, Sweet Home; six brothers, Jeptha Culhe rtson, Reston; Lee, Sweet Home; Hubert, Al bany; John, Portland; James, Sullierlltt and William, address unknown. Jarquelyn Br ask Grlder Albany Funeral services for Mrs. Jae- quelyn Brisk Grlder, 27, who died of In iurle received In an automobile acci dent early Sunday morning, will be held In Spokane. During the war Mrs. Grlder spent six months with the WAC and was married to vernon or icier at uamp Acmir In April. 1945. She was born In Spokane, Mar 30. 1031 and had lived In Albany eight years, moving to Lebanon three; months aao. Advertisement Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When vour skin Is Irritated with pimp.es red b' itches and other skin blemishes from exter- causes vow re crazy with itching tort.ire try Sanltone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly Smarting disappears imme diately Sanitone Ointment Is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's Foot. For Sale M Willctt's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phont. 3118 Advertisement Vheii Kidneys Work Too Often Are you embarrassed and inconvenienced by too frequent elimination during the day or nignt? i ms symptom ns wen na smarting Passages. Backache, Leg Pains, Norvousneas, Rheum alio Pains and Swollen Ankles may be due to non-organic and non-systemie Kidney and Bladder troubles. In such cusp the very first doso of the SPlentlflcaliT compounded medicine called Cyitox usually goes lo work right now helping you these 3 ways: 1. Helps nature remove Irritating eicess acids, polsonoiM wastes and certain germ. 3. This cleansing action helps nature alleviate many palnit, aches, soreness and stiffness. 3. Helps reduce frequent night and day calls, thus promoting better sleep. Oct Cyttex from druggist today. Money back guaranteed unless Cyittx satisfies yom. 1 " ea. V