aim ""j HOBILES r coupe, all new tire, new up f, RiH. will paint anj color oe ftTeft Side Body Shop, 110 Edge West Salem. Ph. 25557. qB8 f ARD aedan, 110. Inquire at 1140 St. Ph. 4573. ql07 IV. 2-dt. aedan. 103 R&H, S335. HI. W: sood running cond. welt Ph. 33F2. Muat aril n!8 BD deluxe, radio As heater, motor i erhauled. Oood rubber and new 13o By owner. 1700 N. Front a p m qse jjp Convertible. " Exc. cond. 45. 000 . ztuuu. Alter a p.m. call o7ft. it. n offer1 on my '42 Chev. Mi-ton m. Excel, cond. throughout. 1440 rz 8t" aftcr 4 p,m' -101 H. . acrlflcB 1046 Chev. 5-yd. dump towel1, 20.000 ml., 3-Bpd. Brownie, new tl J Make offer. Take car In trade. ' tenter St. Ph. 6381. qloi i piCK convertible. Juat overhauled, painted, radio is heater. 1825. 1 J R 15th SI q9B . 141 DESOTO deluxe coupe. Radio, heater, . ''eld drive, overdrive. New paint id, ' tooff tire. 11175,00, No trade please. : After 5 p.m. or Sunday. 1576 Franklin, W , Salem. q99 1M1 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. Very filamn. J1230. Take good '32 or older car a; part. 1305 N. Summer St. '99 tt-MODEL A coifpe, 16" wheels. Oood COsd. $250. 1525 Bellevue. q00 ' .iBBOCK "SE7."t i..')'B 1 reported that the "REDS" in "" Italy are behind 2 to 1. We wager . i-lhat It's 2 to 1 that you'll find that ,v you never had a belter Used Car than one of our SHROCK1ZED ... SPECIALS. We juggeat that you droo In ana look aver our com Dirt ft election of quality car, that linve fcfbeen alven our regular SH ROCK IS- Ti J INO 1 Procea HERE Ot'R SOME OF THESE 1946 Hudson Com m adore R&H 8 Sedan, 1046 Hudson Super Six Sedan, erdrlve Ov- 1046 Hudson Super Six Coach, Heater 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan 1042 Hudson Commodore I Conv. Coupe 1041 Ford Coupe, very clean 1D41 Hudson Coach, R&eH 1P41 Pontlac Sedane'.te, RSiH 1941 Chev. Coach We are open evenings by appointment. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY Thli Time Us Hudson Corner Church St Cliemeketa Phone 1822 MALL houae trailer. Like new. 1235. f 108S N. Commercial. QflB o TRADE 1047 lb-ton Ford stake pickup. 500C miles, lor Into model pa.., far. fc Call 7378. qOB 39 CHEV. Mi-ton panel, 2 new tires, new i bivttery Sc brakes; good cond. Ph. 9448. Foreman's Cleaners it Dyers, 1070 S. Commercial, 1 TKAGUE LEADS THE FIELD FINEST SELECTION USED CARS RECONDITIONED AND WARRANTED BEFORE YOU BUY LOOK THESE OVER TRADES ACCEPTED WITH TERMS UP TO 18 MONTHS 1941 CHEVROLET! 6-PASS COUPE 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE TUDOR 1941 OLD6MOBILE 8EDAN-HYD. 1941 NASH 8-PASS. COUPE 1940 PACKARD 110-TUDOR SEDAN 1940 HUDSON COUPE 1939 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1039 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN 1939 OLDSMOBILE TUDOR SEDAN 1938 FORD DELUXE COUPE MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM T SALEM'S BIO DOWNTOWN CAB LOT HZ NORTH COMMERCIAL 8T, YOI R KA1SF.R-FRAZER DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 241711 0.9B 1639 DODGE coupe. Oood condition, new paint and upholstery, heater. Best offer over 1800 takes. Call 26B94 after 8:30 p.m. W SLICK '41 FORD tudor. Out Com'l. ml. past Vista Market, turn left to Slf Ratcllff Drive, bottom of bill. 9 p.m. qioo 11 CHEV. roadster with pickup bed. Oood tires. Run good. 75.00. By owner. ?n. a 2-1267 eve 9100 V.M LOOK AT THIS HOT ROD STUDEBAKER conv. Motor In fine snape. uoou ur. buk wu Brooks St. I"" HUDSON SAJUaS SERVICE PARTS Free estimate.-. Overhauling Body and Fender Repair Painting "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 Sa lem. Q' M ANTED Good clean cars. Squara Deal Used Cars. 1155 8. 12th. i JEKP STATION WAGONS THh ALL-STEEL ALL-PUR POSH UTILITY UNIT OOMi. IN AND DRIVE ONE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ELSNE1 MOTOR CO. 152 N. HIGH ST. SALEM. OREGON 18' ALUMINUM trailer, fully equlpt. West. Inghouse elec welder, 220 slngla phase. 3500 Sllverton Rd. Q8 '39 V-8 one ton pickup, good condition, four speed transmission. John F. Zielin skl, Rt, 7, Box 358, Salem. Hazel Green Plat. 198 '86 CHEV. sedan. New dutch, motor it paint Job. 175 Waller. 103 1987 BUCK Deluxe. R&H, good condition. Ph. 3293. See at 4385 Hudson Ave. after 8 p,m ?I00. '81 FORD sedan new upholstering, car In good cond. Priced right. 920 N. Com ). ql00 18-FT. ELCAR Trailer house; sleeps 4; lota of built in; A-l shape; reasonable. Will take car In trade. Inquire at 72 Williams Ave. qlOO '8t REO coupe, good cond. Radio, heater, lood tires. Brat ffer takes, 1730 Water St., Salem. Moore's Trailer Camp. q99 19tt DODGE sedan 8. Looks good runs pod. 190.00. 395 S. 18th. q98 '48 "MASTER BILT" Trallar Homi. 34-ft.. d Butane it elect "quipped. Elec. brakes. Havy duty tires. Larae awning. Otiier lra Ready to to. Priced to sell. Ray nuuer. hi. i BOl 6W OB 99S, mi. N of Brooks. 4101 AUTOMOBILES 194ft INDIAN 74, top shape and appear ance, extras. Bee Sat. or Sun. at 1139 Union. 8626.00. qga '88 DODQE, new brakes, sealbeam lights, heater, just put In good cond. 3146 State. Ph. 3981. qloo WANTEO - USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRINC YOUR CAR HERE WF WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT S WORTH ANDERSON - USED CARS 24C CENTER ST PHONE 3734. 1 ANDERSON MOTORCYCLE CO. Sales it Service Triumph - Ariel . Velocetta - Norton Vincent - H.R.D. No Motorcycles Available Now 610 EDOEWATER ST., SALEM PHONE 26539 ( BOATS 18-FT. OLD TOWN CANOE. Complete with paddle it sails S75. Salem Boat houxe. qqE8 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low interest rates. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 r98 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and ternu on larger loans long and short tlma payments ROY H SIMMONS 13- South Commercial St. Phone 9168 t $ MONEY $ S 4T. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-218 M-222 SHORT OP CASH? SEFi THF COMPANY THAT LIKES TO SAY -YES" VED EXTRA CASH tor shopping, cloth ing, or home repairs? Get 125, 1100, 1301 or up to S500 on auto at "Personal" where 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan ge! Itl Loan.' made on salary, auto, truck, or furniture. Married or single no matter what your work or busi ness phone or coma In to aee us If you need cash PERSONAL FINANCE CO 618 STATE RM. 125 Phoni 3191- -fc Galtlnzer. Mgr Lie S122-M165 rlD4 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4!a and Sr. YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts ant' Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7162 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and M-328 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 9168. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 890 State Street old quarters First National Bank NO. M-159 S-154 DIRECTORY AIDING MACHINES All maker used machines sold, rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Phons 4773 Agate cutting polishing and mount ing. Brown' Agate Shop, 1710 8. 12th. olll APPLIANCE REPAIR Parker Washing Machine Service Sz Repair. 1117 Edgewater, Ph. 2-3241 O120 AUTO BRAKES Mike Pa note, 275 S. Comm'l St., Ph: 5161. Brake is wheel aligning specialist, ol04 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NaS" SERVIOE service dny phone 7838. Night 24417. 333 Center o Wlrth Garage General repairing cars, trucks, farm tractors, bulldozers, weld ing, trailers built. 840 Plymouth Jr.. between Cherry Ave. it River Rd. Ph, 21367. 0118 BULLDOZING Bulldozing leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush Virgil Huskey. oio Falrview Ave. Ph 23146, Salem. 099 PECO PACIFIC) EXCAVATING CO. Salem, Oregon BULLDOZING St GRADING 912 Edgewater, Ph. 2-1413. BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing grading clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wirth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. otl8 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA registers. All makes sold rented, repaired. Roen, 45(. Court Ph 6773. o CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. S15 S. 31St St, Ol04 CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting. Clifi Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 4071. 114 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnaces, chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 So. 21st St. Ph. 7176. 0105 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking Tailoring Alterations. 1290 N. 24th. 1 block M. of D St. Ol09 Dressmaking, AH., Remodeling. Prices reas. 2440 Cherry Ave, Ph. 1004. oi02 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl St. ol04 Frosty" Olsen Florist. Ph. 7186. 0119 drelthauph's for flowers. Dial 9195. o Stove and Diesel Oil: prompt delivery Cadwell's Phona 9788 O' FURNITURE REPAIRING Toys it furniture repaired. Toys for sale. Upstairs 197 Mi 8. Comm'L Ph. 6602. O109 Overstuffed Furniture Recovered, Re paired; 25 years experience. Ph. 22684. Rt 4. Box 109 A B. Ronna, Prop. 0106 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co Products. Free del. 1717 Center St Phone 5395. O105 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Deskj chairs, files and filing supplies, safe, duplicator and supplies, desk lamps, typewrite stands, brief oases. . Plerc Wlr Recorders. Roen. 456 Court. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 4069. Inside or out O. Horn, Ph. 23518. 0114 Elf&trom'j ara equipped to do your oain ng Phona 9221 MINTING A PAPER HANGING Painting and paperhinglng. Frea esti mate th. 9313, 857 Shipping. Oil PA PER HANGING Olln OroiS. Ph. 67F14 or 8178. Garden plowing and discing, Kelzer District or North Salem. Phong 2-2160. O102- RototllUng lawns it gardens. Ph. 22122. O102 PLUMBING Al Rogers Plumbing and Supply. General repairing, plumbing supplies and fix tures For quicker service call 24418. 1184 8, Commercial 0123 Decatur ft Maerz, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies, Water Systems, General Re pair work. Phona 1223. 173 S. Com'l. 0118 Mac's Pixlt Shop Furniture repairing, lawn mower sharpening, saw filing, screens made to order 721 Fern street. Salem, Oregon. Phona 2-4786. olOS SAND GRAVEL OravaL sand silt delivered at your puce or on your uwi at p" -" Garden Soil: crushed rock. Shovel Oravat . sw DIRECTORY SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter cleans sewers, sinks, lavatory, bathtub, atool, L. trays. Septic tanks cleaned. 5327 or 9466. o SEPTIO TANKS K. V. Hamel, Septic Tanks Cleaned. Spartan electric aewer machine service. Mod., econ.. easy meth. clears lines of roots, grease, etc. 1143 8th St.. W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. 0115 Mike's Septir Service. Tanks Cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elrr St. W. Salem. Ph. 0468 - 6327. olOS SIGN? St SHO-CARDS Rob't Eckley. Ph. 23626. SPRAYING L W Caudle spraying and pruning. Ph. 7900. O108 SURVEYING VALLY ENGINEERING CO. Engineering. Surveying, Drafting 600 Locust Ph. 26318 Oll9 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local eV Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, ooa. briquets. Trucks to Portland duly Agent. Lyo'j Van Lines for household good to California point Larmer Transfer St Storagb, Ph. 3131. o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal and Underwood portables. All makes used machines Repairs ano rent. Roen. 4i 6 Court. o' VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 7328. ol00 WEATHERSTRIPPING crofoot Brothers Ph. 24658. WELL DRILLING J. A. Snecd & Sons, well drilling. 2505 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 6809. o!22 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window cneaners Windows, walls & woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed and polished Ph 3337 347 Sou t. Lanidoc Culbertson and Mather o Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457 o V'OOD SAWING R B. Cross. Ph. 8178 or 8674. WOOD St SAWDUST West- Salem Fuel Co Ph. 24031 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE LfcFELLE ST BEET FROM HIGH STREET TO WINTER STREET Notice is hereby given that the corn mot council of the city of Salem, Ore gon deems It necessary and expedient ant" hereby declares lis purpose and n teiitlon to Improve Leieile atreet from the east line of High street to the West lint oi Winter street, in the city of Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, at the ot. pense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty except the street intersections, cne expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, cor.ftructlng cement concrete curbs, -ind paving said portion of said street with a 6-inch Portland cement concrete pave men. fifteen feet wide. In accordance with the plans and specifications there for which wen adopted by the common council April 12. 1048 which are nw or file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto ire madi a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by tna through the street Improvement depart ment By order oi the 'common council April U, 1048. AijrKJLi) Munur uity ttecoraer Date ol first publication hereof li Aprl. 14 194f. Capital Journal April 14. 16. 16, V. 19 20 2i, 22. 23 24, and 26th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE OXFORD STREET FROM CAPITOL STREET TO LOl U, SUBDIVI SION OF LOT 8, TUXEDO IMRK ADDITION Notice Is hereby given that tha com mon comic!1 oi the city ol Salem, Ore gon, deems 1. necessary and expedient and hereby declares It purpose and in tention to Improve Oxford street from the west line of Capitol street to .ne east line of Lol 11, Subdivision of Lot it Tuxedo Park Addition .o tne city oi rift lem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty except thu etree' Intersection, the expense of wmcn will oe assume a oy r,ne city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, snd pavlni salo portion oi said street witn 2',2-lnch asphaltlc concrete pavement thirty feet wide, in accordance witn tie plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council April 12, 1948. which are now on file n the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof The common council hereby declares 1U purpose and Intention to make he aoove described improvement oy iina through the street Improvement depart ment. By order ol tha common council April 12 1948: ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is April 14, 194d. capital journal April m, is, io, n. 19. 20, 21, 22. 23. 24 and 26th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST NOB HILL STREET FROM OXFORD STREET TO SUPERIOR STREET Notice Is hereby given that tha corn- mot, council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and n ttntlon to Improve West Nob Hill street from tne north line oi oxiora street to the south line of Superior street, in the city of Salem Marlon county. Oregon at the expense of the abutting and id Jacent property by bringing said por tion oi said street to tne esiaousnea grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, ana paving aaia portion oi aia street with a 2'.i-lnch asphaltlc concrete pavement twenty-four feet wide, in ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by tht common council April 12, 1V48. whlcn ara now on flla In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the abov described Improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By ordei oi the common council April 12 1948 ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date oi first publication hereof la April 14, 194 Capital Journal April 14, 15. 16. It IV 20, 21. 22. 23, 24 and 26th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE BELLEVUE STREET FROM 18TH TO 16T11 STREET Notlcr is hereby given that the com mor council of the city ot Salem, Oregon, deetrid it necessary and expedient ana hereby declare. it, purpose and intention to improve Bellevue street from the east lln of IStb street to the west line of 16th street, in the city of Salem, Marlon County Oregon at tha expense of 'he abutting and adiacent property, except thb street lr tersectlon, tha expense ol wh'ch will be esumed by the city of Salem, by cringing said portion of said street to tne estaousnea graae. con structlng cement concrete curbs, and pav lne said portion ot said street with a t'.k Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement thirty fee. wide, In accordance with the plans ar" specifications therefor which were adopted by thu common council April 12 194b which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which oy thi reference thereto are made a part hereoi. The common council hereby declares it purpose anrf intention to make lne abov described improvement by and tnrougb tne street improvement depart ment B order ol the common council April 12. 194S: ALFRED MUNDT." City Recorder Date of first publication bareof It Aprl. 14, 1948 Capital Journat April 14, II, 16, 11 19 30 21, 22, 23. 24 and 26th. NOTICE OF FINAL BEARING As executor of the eitate of INA EDNA LaFOLLETTE, deceased, tht undersigned has filed In the Circuit Court of Oregon lor Marlon County. In Probate, his final account in estate of said decedent, nd April 30. 1946, at ten o'clock, a. m., end courtroom of said court have been ap pointed by said court for hearing of ob jections to aald account and settlement thereof. CLYDE LaFOLLETTE, Ft -Tutor aforesaid. JOHN H. CARSON. Attorney for Exerutog, April J, t, 14 and U Grains Decline Sharply Again Chicago, April 23 (Pi Grains dropped sharply for the second straight day today. In a nerv ous and active trade, wheat led the market lower in response to more rains in the southwest and a reduction in the government's cash wheat buying price. Wheat closed 6 to 64 lower, May $2.41 '2-3i, corn 3's-6Vi lower, May $2.16f-2.17; oats were l3,i-2i!4 lower. May $1.09'4-Vi, and soybeans were 3'2 to 8 cents lower, May $3.96. Stock Quotations By thr Associated Press) Alllec Ohem Si Dye 192 American Can , 81 'i Am Powe At Light 9 l Amer Te) Ai re) 1541; aconda Copper 38 Atchison I05't Bendix Aviation 35 Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft ,. 26 i California Packing 32'3 Canadian Pacific lS'a j i ; C.rysler Corp 81 Commonwealth A South 3 Consolidated Edison 22S Consolidated Vultee 137 Crown Zellerbach 30'- Curtiss Wrlgr: 8 Douglas Aircraft 64 Dunont dt Nemours l"Sli General Electric 38 Oeneral Food 38 Genera Motors oS'i Goidvear Tlrr 43 'i Greai Northern ofd 46'j International Harvester 9hi Int Paper pf" - 56i John? Mni.vllle 38 Kennecott - ..... 56 '-i Long Bell A - 27', Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator l? National Dairy 2"'a N Y Central - 16s North Am Co 15 'i Northern Pacific 22 i P a Amer Fish 141; Pacific Gas Elec 33 Paclflr TAT 99 Pan Amerlcau 9 P-n y J O 43 Radio Corp 10'i Rayonler 2B7i Ra onler pfd 32 Re:nj!t- Metals 2fi' Richfield 20", Safeway 19'3 Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Bran Standa . Oil Calif Studrbaker Sun Mining Union OH U Pacific United Alrlli United Aircraft United States Steel Warner Brothers . , West Elec Mf- Co Wool- orth 37 ' 21s. 55 H LEGAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION No. 34892 EMMA L. GARLAND, Plaintiff, vs. WIL LIAM COOPER and JANE DOE COOP ER, hi wife, or If they be dead, then the unknown heirs of - William Cooper and the unknown heirs of Jane Doe Cooper; and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real csiate described In the complaint here in Defendants. SUMMONS Ti WILLIAM COOPER and JANE DOE COOPER his wife. o If they be dead, then tlv unknown heirs of William Cooper and tl unknown heirs of Jane Doe Cooper' and also all other persons or panic? unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real es tate described in the complaint herein, DEFENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORFGON. you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint 'lied against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the date of the last publication of this summons, and If you do not sa appear plaintiff will tp ply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree (1) Declaring, determining and de creeing that plaintiff be the owner ot the full, free and unencumbered lit simpl title In and to the real premises hereinbefore described and quieting the plaintiff's title thereto and declaring that th ciaims. If any there be, of the defendants or any of them in and to said premises are without right or foun dation either In law or in equity; (2) Forever barring and enjoining the defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming under, by or through them or either of them, from thereafter asserting any right title or interest in and to said real premises or any prat thereof- (3 Awardinr to plaintiff such other, further and different relief as to this court may seem just and equitable. Said real premises are particularly de scribed as follows: That part of the north one-half N'4 o. the northwest quarter NWH of Block Sixty -neven (ti) la North Sa lem with Additions, lying west of the Fairgrounds Road, in the City of Sa lem. Marion County Oregon. Said tract of land being also that part of Lot Eight 8 In said block which lies west of the Fairgrounds Road. This summons Is being published In tne Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published !n Marlon County. Oregon In pursuance of an order of the Honorable Geo. R. Dun can one of the Judges of tha above -n-tttled court and cause, which order was entered In the above entitled suit rn April 6. 1946. and that the date ot tne first publication hereof Is April 9, 1948, an : the date of the last or final publi cation hereof will be May 7. 1948 RHOTEN St RHOTEN Attorneys for Plaintiff Postoffica Address: Salem Oregon April 9, 16. 23, 30, May 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEFfEBY IS GIVEN that V an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreron for the County of Mar lon In Probate, duly made and entered on the fifteenth day of April. 194B, 1 have been duly appointed as executrix of the last wll'. and testament and estate of LIZZIE E SAMPSON, deceased, and that I have duly Qualified as sucn execu trix. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to pre sent them with proper vouchers, to me at 214 Pioneer Trust Building, aaiem. Oregon, within six months after ihe date of the first publication ot this 10 llce. Dated and first published the six teenth day of April. 1948. MELBA HANLEY. Executrix aforesaid Allan O. Carson and Wallace P. Carson, Attorneys tot' Executrix. April 16. 23 30; May 7, 14, 1949. NOTICE TO CREDITORS have been appointed administrator oi estate of THERESA REINHART, de ceased. All persons having claims against .aid estate hereby are required to pre sent them, with proper vouchers, within six months from date hereof, to me, at 214 Pioneer Trust Building, saiem, Ore gon. Dated April 2. 1948. LAWRENCE N, SIMON. Administrator, JoHN H. CARSON, Attorney for Admlnlitrstor. Anr 2. 9. 16 and 23. LODGES Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at S djti Mors than million members. 1. O. O F. meet ever; Wednesday night. Visi tors welvome. Third degree, Wednesday, April 14. A Pacific Lodge No. SO, A.P. & "VTwA. M. E.A. Degree Friday, I'i April 23. 7 p.m. 98 A Klngwood Lodge, 304. Special yffVcommunicittlon, 7:30 p.m., ri3T- Monday, April J. E E. De gree. 100 Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Salem Ltvetlock Prices (By Valley Packing company) Spring lamsb up to 122. to Wooled lambs up to I' Freih sheared lambs up to 120.00 Yearlings up to I16.U0 Ewes 12.00 to Fat dairy cows up to 118. 0 Cutter cows up to 117. tiO Da.ry heifers 114.00 to 120.00 Bulh 117.00 lo 122. -SO Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) up to 24,()0 Vea' (160 to 30i. lbs., choice. UP to 130.00 Hogs 35 cents under Portland prices for each type Portland Eaililde Market Best radishes sold for 90 cents a doren bunches on the Portland Eftal.side Farmers Wholesale Produce market today. No. 1 cauliflower was II. SO a crate top with general range S 1 .36 to 11.35. Rhubarb brought J1.S0 a 30-pound box with 20-pound boxes going at 90 cents to 11.00. No. 1 Wasiiliieton asparagus was quoted at 13 to 15 cents a pound with ordinary spears at 11 to 12 cents. California asparagus was down to 9 to 10 cents a pound. Lettuce sold lor 14.75 to 15.00 a four doLen crate. Winesap apples moved at 13.50 to 13.15 a box of extra fancy and fancy wrapped and packed. dutierfat rTemavrr subject to imme Portland Produce diatn change Premium quality maximum ? to percent acidity delivered In Portland. 89-91o lb.. First quality, 88-89c lb.; second quality 83-8flo lb.; valley routes an country points 2c less than first. tatter - Wholesale. FOB bulk cubes, rade AA 93 score 83o lb,; A 93 score. 82c lb.; B score 82c lb.; 69 score, 80o lb. Cheese -Selling price to Portland whole. sale Oregon singles 45-62c; Oregon lb loal. 47-560 Ei ti To wholesalers, A grade, large, mall, nominal B grade large 42,fc-46l(jc. I'l-SS'.ic. medium 48-fto'jc; A grade Egga -Purchased from farmers. Current receipts. 47 Vd -50 Wc: buyers pay 3-3e Do ts for eggs Portland Dal'- Market: Butler P.icet- to retailers. Grade AA ! prints. Sir. AA cartons, 88c; A prints, 86c; A cartons, 87c B prints, 8a-86c Eke Prices tr retailer a A targe. 58 -59c; A large. 55c; A A medium, a$c; A medium o'ac a mau nominal, oar ton -Si additional Cheese Price, to retailers.. Portland. Oregon lnglu 47-65c: Oregon loat. 6 49-S8c; triples 4c less than alnxles. Poultry--Llve chickens Paving prices to producers: Fryers 2U to 3 lbs., 40-tVc fryers. 3 to 4 lbs.. 41-43c: roasters 4 lbs and ovei 39-40c: fowl Leghorns, under 4 lbs . 22-24c: fowl Leghorns 4 ibs. anr1 over 2c--28c; colored fowl all weights 32 -33c; No. 1 broilers under 2'i lbs. K'-36c lb.; stnR.v all weights, 14-17c. Dressed Turkeys (Quoted to growers in dressec basis Grade A tome 40c. gradi A young hens 5062c. Dreurd Turkeys (To retailers.) No. 1 toms -50c in.; No i young bens 60-62c lb nominal quotation. Rabbits Average to retailers for locai l dre&sed animals, 55-5 7c; fryers, live, white. 30-32c lb., colored. 28-30C Rabbits- Dressed retail 60-65a. Vegetable A-lHhokes California, per box, frost free 4 to & doz.. 14.25-4.50; fair quality, 13.50-3.75 Asparagus Wash. No. Is, med green, 13-15c lb.: field pack lower; Calif. Delta, med. green, 11 -12c; crates, 13.30-3. 75; srr.a'l crooks, 7-9c lb. Beans -Oaill Kentucky Wonders, 5 J6t lb. Beets Local, bunched, 60-60e dozen ounches; 60 lb sk. si. 60-1.75 Broccoli 40 lb. crates, 6. 25-6.75. Bruiteli Sprouts 12 lb, basket flat. 2,25-2.3S Bunched Vegetables Per dozen, Or econ green onion.-., 50-60c; radishes, 80-90c; cabbage, turnips and mustard greens, 75 85c; Calif, mdlshrs, 65-10c; mustard greens, 4 doz,. $4.50-3.85; 6 doz., 15-5.23; green onions, 60-85c; carrots, lame, 6 doz., SB. 50-6. 75; smnll, $6-6.60; beets. $1.25-1.40; turnips. SI. 20-1.25 doz.; pnrfiley, 85-P0c; cits., 10 doz., S7.7S-8.25: endive, 91.25 1.50; 4 doz., J7.75-8.3S; broccoli, 28 bunch es, $5.50-6. Cabbage Local. S3.50-3.7bi large neaaa. 12.25-: 50; Calif. No 1 14.25-4.50; Calif round type medium, S5-5.50; some to 4,60: trni'k sales Calif. 12.75-3.10. Stnlnx Ktadt. $3-3. 2h, loca. roundhead. 60-00 lb. crate, $2.50-2.75: few to J4.50; red S8-V; kraut cabbage, 75-lb. sk.. 75-85ci red, $6-7: fey O ivego, $3.60-3.76: Calll new crop crate. S3. 50-3.75 Carrots- 6 do?,. 17-7,25; some higher. Cauliflower Colorado. S2.25-2.50: track -s Colorado $2 Cm Murdc crates. ?-3 doz., $2.25-2.50; Roseburg, $1.50-1.65 cr. .( Cain Pascal nprdee crair doz.. $2.50-2.75; local to No. 1, $1.50-1.65; No 2, $1-1 25 CeleryOregon white. $3.50-4.00. Pas cal std. crates. 2'V3 dozen, J3.25-3.7h; wrapped 15-6.25: ncarts tied $1.75-3; Cat Pascal, slur dee crates. 2-3 doz., J 3.1.5 3.75; standard, $2.50-2.75; Arizona, 3.0 3.75. Cucumbers Call!., 80 lb. lugs, S3.&0 3.75 Oregon, hot house lugs 3 ',4 -6 dos. $5.75-6; std.. S7-7.35; Florida wax, bushel basket, S7-7.25 Chin tne Lettuce $2-2.26 crate. Eggplants 20 lb flats. tl.75-2 Call!., lug. $4.25-4.50. Endive 4 doz. $3.76-4. Garlie New crop 16-2&0. Lettuce California dry pack 4s. best, $5-5 25; fair. $4.50-4.75; 5s, $3-3.25. Leeks Local $1-1.25 lUNtard Greens 80c-Jl Onions Supply moderate, market .t! 60 lb sk. Ore. Brooks yellows No. 1, $6-8.50: large $8.25-8.50; No. 2, $3.25 4.00 broilers. No. 1, 10 lb. aacks, 60-65c; white med. No. 1, 14.86-6. Washington ye' lows, common -medium. $3.85-4: large, $6.50-6.75. brokers tale Idaho yellows med., $4.50; large. $5.25; Australian .'el low. No. 1 large. $8-8.75 50 lb. sk.; Texas, white wax, 50 lbs.. $8-8.25; yellow Bermuda.-- $7.25-7.50. Parsley- -Calll.. 83-B0c Peas Calif. 28-lb. hampers, J4-4..5; crates, 18-20c lb.: some lower. Ptppen Texas, baskets. $5.00-5.55; Mexican, 45 lb crate, $7-7.50: per pound, 28-30c; Fla.. 28 lb. basket. $6.50-7. Potatoes Marke Urm Ore. Deschutes, and Klamath Russets, No. 1. S6-6 25: some $6.50; 25 lb 61.60-1.70: No. 2s. 50 :b. $2.40-2.60; 15 lb.. B7C-J1.05; No. 1 bakers $6.25-6.50; No. 3. $6.50-6.75; Calif. Trl uriphfl. 60 lb. paper sk. $3.40-3.50; Ida ho russets No. 1-A $3.35-3.50; 610 lb. sk. 14.3". per 50 lb. ssck; Fla. Triumphs, $4.50-4.60 50 lb. sack., size 6. $3.83-4; Min nesota Cobbles, No. 1-A, $4.25-4. 50; Calif. White Rose. 100 lbs., No. 1-A, $6.40-6.6-1; 50 lbs., No. I -A. $4.50-4.60. Root Vegetables 50-lb ska. beets, $1-2; turnips, $2-2.25, orange box, S3.25-3.M); rutabagas, $1.75-2.10: carrots, orange box, $3.50-4; parsnips lugs. $1.35-1.40: orange box. $3-3.25 Spinach Local. $1.15-1.25: orange oox; Cai packages 12 or.,, jl. 50-1. 90 dozen crates; bunches $3-3.25: The Dalles, r ante box, $1.65-1.75. San a th Danish. $1.15-1.25 orange oox: Marbienead Hubbard 6-6e lb Calif Kuc c'llnl lues. $4,35-4.50: scallop, $6.50-6; crooked neck. $4-4.26 lug. Sweet Potatoes Oaut.. 80-lb basket, field pack. $3.76-4; shed pack. $5-6.35: Texas yams, waxed, $4.90-5.25; Calif., Jer sey 60 lb. pack, i4.60-4.75i Louisiana yams. $5-5.25 Tomatoes Mexican orlilnals, $6.75-7; ripe., poor, $1 60-4.50. repacks mostly ft- 12-16 oz. tubes, 13-3.35; 30 tubes in lugs $5-6.25 Turnips--Mtd-Ooiumbla. tl. 18-1.20. Garlic 25 1-07 pkgs.. Sl.66-l.7tt Fresh Fruit; Appier.- Box. Oregon-Washington. De licious, comb., 125s and larger. 14. 25-4. 50; Wlnesaps. wrapped and packed, 135s and larger, $3-3.60. A roe, dos - Oallf. Fuertest 20-24 $'..93-6.16: 20-3&S. S4.6O-4.60i Choice. S4.&6 4.86 Bananas Bunched, 11-1) 'Ac Ib.l out hands, la-ia'io lb, Coooanuts $2.66-2,76 dog,. $16-11 t. IflO lb. sack Cranberries McFarlands $8,3&-8.60t laU Kowes to $8,75. Grapes- -Calll Emperors, mostly l3.d5- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . . NOW! ROTOTI LLERS The Perfect Cultivator Rototillcr is the answer lo cultivating between rows, con trollinn w eds and a duzen other uses. IT DOES THE WORK OF TEN MEN Teague Motor Company S55 N. Liberty Phone 2417S a lug: Almerles $3.35-3.50 Grapefruit Texas pinks, large, $3.85-4: small. $3.10-3.50 white. $3-3.50; Arizona all sizes $3-3.25: Florida pinks, all sizes. $ 1.2s Marsh leedleu 6 4-9 6a $3.50-4; wh'e.i. all ilzes $3-3.50 I.emoni--Cal.. S0O-360S $7.35-7.50; 432s. 16-G.50 Lliues 60-lb tun $1.26-1.76 Melons- -Calif. Jumbo honeydews. $3.80 3t Orini -Per box. Calif, navels, fancy, 176a and larger, 16. 40-6.65; 200s, 16.15 3.40; 352s, $4.55-4.65. Pears -Ore. Wnih.. Anjous and Cornice tunc? W Ji P $2-3. 36 No 1 S3. 10 box: V boxes $1,85-1.90 Pineapples- -Hawaiian 12-15-30 17.00 7 25 Cuban, crates. 30 and 36. $7.25-7. &0. Rhuharb--Was!i hothouse. 15 ib. box es ex-fancy. 13, 00-3.05; fancy $2.76-2.85; choice, 13 25-2,50: Oregon field grown, 15-lb. bo:;es. $1.36; 20 Ibs. to $1-1.25; 30 lbs., 11.40-1.50. Rtrawberries La., flats of 34 hallncka. $7 20: few hither; Calif., 12 cup flais, $4.50-4.75. 5Iat Steers Oood, all weights, $43-45; tom mercial, $41-42.50. Cows Commercial. $30-41: utility, J7 38 cutter and canuer, S34-36. Veal and Calf Choice, $50-51; good, tJO-M; commercial, $45-47; utility. $40-43. Beef Cuts Hindquarters, $49-50: full lo.u. trimmed, $48-49: triangles, $36-38; square chunks. $41-44; ribs, $63-54; fore- qufrters, $50-51. I'HtnDi ana Mutton Lamos, gooci ana choice, 30-60 lbs., $43-45: over 50 lbs., $4.1-45: commercial, all weights, $41-42. Pork Cuts Loin No. 1. H-12 lbs.. $52-54: shoulders, 16 lbs. down. $40-43; a parr ribs, 3 lbs. down, $50-52; trimmed loins, $66-i0. $66-70 Careasies All welihts. $33-33.30. Country Klllea Meatei Veal Per pound top light. 43-44et other grndes according to weight and quality Hogs- Fancy blockers. 34-36c; light blockers, 30-31c; sows. 26-28c. I.amb Per pound, 39-4 lc; Mutton, 12 8c Reef Oood cows, 34-40c; canners and cutters, 31-33c lb Mlscellaneou. Cakrara Bark Dry. 21c. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 40-4. lb. Mohai: -40c Ib on 12-month growth. Hides -Calves 30c lb.: according to weight; kips. 20o lb., green beef, 12c lb.; oulb. 7-8c Nut Quotations! Walnuts Franquettes flrat quality jum DO.v. 34.7c. large 32.7c; medium, 27.3c: second quality jumbos. 30. 2c; targe, 28.3c: medium. 25.7c baby 28.2c: soft shell firat quality large. 39.7c medium. 26.2c; sec- quality large. 37.2c; medium. 24.7c: baby, 23.3c rill i, i Jumbo. 1414-250 lb.i large. 72'.V24c; medium. 20c: small, :JV4-18c. 'Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb bag purchases fob plants an are not necessarily representative oi alt dealers.) Portland Grain Portland. Ore., April 23 () Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.32; soft white (excluding Rex) 2.32; white club 2.32; western red 2.32. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.32; 10 per cent. 2.34; 11 percent 2.42; 12 percent 2. go. Hard white baart: Ordinary 3. S3; 10 percent 2.53; 11 percent 2.57; 12 percent 2.65. , Today's car receipts: Wheat 13. barley 4, flour 1, corn 1, oats 2. mlllfeed 6. Portland Livestock Portland, April 23 tVi (USDAl Salable rattle today, 100 total 290: ralves 10; steady on scant supply: 2 medium 1012 1120 Ib fed steers 25.00-26.50: part load top medium 865 lb heifers 24.00; odd head common 22.50; few low good cows 22.50; medium 20.00-22.00; cutter-common 17.00 20.00 canners 15.00-16.50; bulls scarce; vealera steady; 2 Rood vealers 28.00-30.00; medium 25.00-28.00; common 18.00-24.00. For week salable cattle 186.1, total 3435; calves 322 and 3110; compared week ago fed steers 1.25-1.50 hlRher; heifers steady to 50 cents lilRher; Rood cows 50 cents up; lower (trades .50-1.00 hlRhe.r; bulls strong lo 50 cents hiRher; vealers fully steady; top steers for week 1050 lb high good 28.00; hulk avernRC good 27.00-75; medium 25.00-26,75; common 21 .00-24.50; good (ed heifers 25.00-26.50; medium Xl.00 24.50; common IB. 50-22. 50; grind ynung cows 23.25; liulk: average good 22.50-2:t.Oll; medium 20.00-22.00; ctitler-cnmmon 17.00 19.50; manners 15.00-16,50; shells down to 10.00; good wclxliiy beer bulls 23.50-24.50; good Knusage bulls 22.00-23.50; medium 20.00-21.50; cutler-common 18.00-19.50; few choice vealers 32.50; bulk good-rhoice 28.50-32.00; medium 25.00-28.00; common 18.00-2400; culls down to 12,00. Salable and total hogs today 25; odd head good 220-24S Ib butchers 23.75: about steady; small lot 283 lb 21.75; nothing else offered. For week salable hogs 1420, total 4531 ; compared last week's clone butcher classes steady; Monday's loss re gained during week; closing top 24.00; sows steady; feeder pigs 50 cents lower; Monday's top 23.25: bulk good-choice dur ing week 160-240 lb butchers 23.50-24.00; 250-270 lbs 21.00-22.00; 270-300 Ibs 20.00 50; light smooth sows 18.50-19.00; bulk good-choice 17.50-18.00; heavy sows 15.50; goodtchoice 74-120 lb feeder pigs 23.75 24.50; common 88 Ibs down to 20.00. Salable sheep today none; market nom inally steady. For week: salable 1256, total 1309; compared week ago slaughter lambs SOc-1.00 higher; most advance on shorn lambs; slaughter ewes 50 cents higher; bulk good-choice wooled lambs 22.00-50; common-medium 18.00-20.00; 5 doubles good-choice, mostly choice, 122 Ib shorn lambs 22.50: few good wooled yearling weathers 18.00; good-choice wool ed slaughter ewes 10.50-18.50: common medium 6.50-9.50; good-choice 156 lb fresh ly shorn slaughter ewes 10.00. Chimin Livestock Chicago, April 23 fljK) (U8UA1 Live stock: Hwf 5500. Slow and very uneven. Steady to 50 cents lower. Most declines on weltliu under 240 pounds. Top 22.50 sparingly. Bulk good and choice 170-230 founds 21 50-23.25; 240-260 pounds 21.00- pounds 17.00-18.25; 375-425 pounds 16.50 17.00; sows weak lo 50 cents lower, most good 350-550 pounds 15.00-16.25; sows 600 and over around 14.50. prospects fair clearance. Cattle 1500; calves 300; slaughter ateers and heifers moderately active and steady; cows steady to 25 cents hlaher; bulls strong and 25 cents higher; vealers about steady; standard loads and lots good and choice fed steers and yearlings 28.25 32.00; part load 1175 pound topped at 32.00; medium and good fed heifers 25.00 29.00; few good beef cows up to 24.00. Canners and cutters 12.00-17.50; most medium and heavy bulla 24.00-25.00; tops on choice vealers 28.00. Sheep 3000; slaughter lambs fairly ac tive, generally steady; spots unevenly higher on shorn lambs; ewes scarce, large ly nominally stesdy: bulk good and choice fed wooled lambs 25.75-26.25: top 26.25; two loads 110 pounds at 26.00: two loads at 5.75 sorted moderately; medium lo good wooled skins 23.00-25.00; common to me dium 18.50-22.00; load good and choice 98 pound shorn lambs 25.00; smaller lots medium to good shorn lambs comparable pe)U 20.0023.50. Another Mine Found Florence, April 23 UP) An other floating mine was report ed at a beach park 16 mile north of here today. The navy was expected to blow it up. FIRST CHOICE OF MILLIONS Journal Want Ads Pay Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday, April 23, 1948 15 Stocks Advance To High Levels New York, April 23 Wi The stock market rallied afiain to day in some of the heaviest tra ding of the past two years. Gains of fractions to more than 2 points were numerous as the highest average level since last July 25 was reached. Selling of shares to cash in on recent price advances de pressed both rails and oils at times. Some of the carriers came back to life in the final hour, however, and moderate improvement occurred else where in the list. Total sales for the entire ses sion ran to around 2,300,000 shares. Holding advances, some at new highs for the year or long er, were such issues as Union Pacific, Chesapeake & Ohio, Denver & Rio Grande, Ameri can Can, Dow Chemical, Owens Illinois, J. I. Case, Youngstown Sheet, International Paper and Johns-Manville. Lower were Warren Petro leum, Superior Oil of Calif., Gulf Oil, and United Aircraft. Senate Group (Continued from Page 1) Oregon Milton-Freewater, Walla Walla river, $300,000 (in cludes $10,000 allowed by house for planning); Dorena reservoir, ' $3,500,000 (house voted $3,000, 000); Lookout Point reservoir, $6,000,000 (house, $5,000,000); Detroit reservoir, $3,500,000 (house, $3,000,000); Willamette river bank protection, $500,000; Fern Ridge reservoir, $155,000; Multnomah drainage district No. 1, $83,800; Amazon creek, $67,000; Pudding river, $29,000; Mill Four drainage district, Yaquina river, $22,000; Umpqua river and tributaries, $116,000; Coquille river, $93,000; Arling ton, $35,000; Nehalem river, $15,000. Rivers and Harbors Oregon and Washington Co lumbia river between Van couver and The Dalles, $326, 000, including $126,000 for The Dalles harbor (no provision for project in house bill); Columbia river. Umatilla (McNary dam) $27,000,000 (house bill, $20, 000,000); Columbia river at Bonneville, $500,000 (house, $600,000); Columbia and lower Willamette rivers between Van couver and Portland, $775,000. Oregon Coos bay, $2,000, 000 (house, $1,000,000); Ya quina bay and bar, $109,400. Fireworks Theme Portland, April 23 (fV) Fire works displays with the theme of Oregon territory's centennial will be part of the Portland Rose festival program. The dis plays, first here since before the war, will be the nights of June ;0 and 11. Salem Markets Completed from reports ol 8a Iera dealers for tha tuldanca of OapU ta! Journal Readers (Revised daily.) Peedtt Retail Price. - Rabbit Feed Pelleta 94-30-1. Maih f.5.45-5.50 Dairy Feeds 14.30-4.70. Poultry Heavy colored hens. Ho. 1, M 31c lb.. No. 2, 18-aOc: colored fryers. No. I 41c- Lehorn hens, 32-25c lb. (Buying prices.) Em: Buying Price Large Grade A, Mci mediums, 46-4Rc; pullets, 35c, crax, 34e. Wholesale Prlee Large. 63-530 doient medium, 60-61c dozen. Butterfat Premium, 90ct No. 1, lies No. 2, 18-A7C. Butler Wholesale A, 9et ratalU, arada A 91c. Births, Deaths Birfhi Bart ell Tn Mr. and Mrs. .lack Bar teit, 33B Smith 33rd, a daughter, Susan Kay, April 30. Lepper To Mr. and Mrs. Willarrt M, Lepper, route 1, Gervais, a son, Orval John, April 19. Mnrx- To Mr. and Mrs. James R. Marx, Milwaukle, a son, James Edward, April IB. Salslrnm To Mr. and Mrs. reward B. Snlsirom, 1076 Larmer, a daughter, Clau dia Berg, April 20. Keeney To Mr. and Mra. William R. Keeney, Jr., 1310 Oarnet, a daughter, Lorelei, April 19. Orr-To Mr. and Mrs. John R. Orr. Ed dyville, a daughter, Margaret Susan, April Sllverton To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler Jr., of Donald, a son. April 'Jl; Advertisement Thouiandanoweat and chew at en V, corn, pplei.They iimSTAZK, amazing; cream pate adheiiive-in-a-tube. Discovered by a dentist. One application holde platen comfortably aecure all day. every day, or money hack. Get 35( STAZE. Enjoy life I ITAZI HOLDS All MT 01 YOIR MONET IACI X j vy ?nd to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Faulhabrr, Mt. Anarl. a son, April 22, both at Sll verton hospital. nrtliv Mrr Kale Winn Mrs Kale Winn, at a Portland hos pi ta April 19, at the ase of 77 years, -v.r-by four daushtrrs. Mrs. Joe Wuoiu r dsr. Albany and Mrs. Nona Calavan Eugene, Mrs. Alicr Rram and Miss Vir kiiiir Winn both of Portland: three .10.11; Thomas Winn. Jr., of Vancouver, Wash., .toll 11 Henry Winn of Rick real! and .oy M. Winn of Gaston, Oreston. and a bro'h or, Roy McChtsney of Seaside. Life mem ber of the Christian church. Services will bo htlrt from (he Howell-Edwards chapel Monday, April 26. at 1:30 p.m. with Rev, Dudley Strain ofCciatiru. Interment in the IOOF cemetery. Orte F Fnwlrr Oil" F. Fowler at his residence at routo 1 Turner, April 21. Husband of Mrs. Rriilucl E. Fcwler of Turner; father of Mrs. MniJorlr Hawk, Louis E. Fowler and Frei Fowler, all of Turner. Mrs. Alice Brtttrll and Kenneth H. Fowler, botli of Sn lem Mrs Pirn nor Smith of Kamtah, Idnho, Miss Blolse Fowler of Rackaway, Ore. and Harold W. Fowler of East Ber lin, Conn.; brother of Mrs. Nellie R. Hasan of Rodeo, Cnllt., Earl D. Fowler of Hvatuvllle, Md . Wayne V. Fowler of Al bany Oi., Ralph J. Fowler of Red Bluff, Calif, and Dwluht L. Fowler of Turner. Also survived by 17 grandchildren. Serv ices will be held Monday, April 26, at 10 a m. at the Clous h-Bnrriefc chapel with, int e: ment in the Roaedale cemetery. Please omit flowers. Homer E. MrWuin Homer E. McWain. late resident of 90 Falrview avenue, Thursday, April 22. in Dallas. Husband of Mrs. Mary L. McWain ot Salem; father of Edwin McWain ot Portland, Wesley McWain of Los Angeles and Mrs. Nadlne Trick of Costa Mesa. Calif.; and brother of Dean McWain of Sslem, Doualas McWain In California and Eueene McWain and Mrs. Edwina Red du:a. both of Los Anaeles. Also survived by four grandchildren. Services will be held Monday, April 26. at 3 p.m. at the ClciiKli-Barrlck chapel with Interment in Belorest Memorial parlt. Obituary Rohtrl Earl Tloorei Sllverton Robert Sari Doores. 42, died Thursday night at the Sllverton hospital. He was born in Montana, May 3, iflos. and had lived here the list year. Sur- Ivlng are his widow. Mrs. Olive Doores. Sllverton: two sisters. Wllma Doores of California and Mrs. Jeannette O. Sheeny. Martlnsdale, Mont.; two brothers, wllford of BllUnta. Mont., and Charles of Cali fornia; also his father, William Doores, Martlnsdale. Announcement later irom the Ekman funeral home. Ellen Beryl Deyle Stayton Funeral services were conduct ed Friday at ih Waddle funeral home In Stayton for Mr. El leu Beryl Doyle, 49, of uctes. who died at a Salem hospital Tuesday morning. Rev, Wll lard Buckner H the jtayton Baptist church officiated and our ai was in Fairview cemetery in Gates. Born In Ollllam county, February n. lavs, Mrs. Doyia was tne oaugmar or Mr. and Mra. W. J. Btltt of Gates, who ..urvive her. Other survivors Include a daughter, Mrs. Olaud Craln, Weiser, Ida- no; tnree suiters, Alice ami. at nomei Mrs. Vern Smith. Mehama, Mrs. Stanley Ooddon, Areata, Calif.; one brother. Del iera sutt ot rortiana. Cherlei W. Walker Albany Charles W. Walker. B39 Vint street, retired farmer, died at hi homo wennetiaay. ueain was tna result or heart disease, funeral services will ha held from the Fisher funeral home at p.m., Saturday. Mr. Walker was born, January 13, 1S79, near Knoxvllle, Tenn.; and came to Linn county when t boy. He married Roxella H, Fry, November 37, 1990, in Albany, who died In 1945. Sur viving am three sons, Percy O. and Nor man Walker of Albany, route 1, Ellis wainer ot uorvania ana a aaugnter, Mrs. George Slver, Albany; six grandchildren; two oroiners, Kimen walker, Aioerta. Canada, and Rotiert F. Walker, Raymond, wnsn.. ano a sister, mtj. rearie vanurs del, Albany. Catherine Elizabeth Co. r, rove Lebanon Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth Cos grove, SO, a resident of Quartr.vllle for 27 years, passed away April 31 at the Leba non General hospital. She was born in lo,. . May 15, 188ft Survivors are her widower. Michael; son, James P. of Coi- vallls; dnug liter, Jen n no Ann Mryers of Porto Rico; sister, Mrs. Eluerta Rose of North Dakota, and two grand children. Services will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. st t)iu Howe-Huston chapel in Sweet Homo with cider Kimball officiating. Crema tion will be in Eugene. Minnie Davli Dunran Albany Mrs, Minnie Davis Dungan, (It. 914 East Second street, died at her horns Wednesday. Funeral service will b held, from the Fisher funeral home at 1:30 p.m., Saturday. Mrs, Dunaan was born February 14, 1887, at Grand Forks. N. D.. and at the age of four years came to Oregon, locating at independence. For the last 65 years, except two years In Washington, aha had lived In Albany and vicinity. She was married In Albany Oc toner 11. 1905. to Cleveland D. Davis. who died In 1937. She la survived by two children, Zelma Harnlsh and Doris Har- ntsn. route No. z. Albany: a sister. Mra. George Warner, Albany, and a brother. i nomas Bkeiton oi Toledo and four grand children. K. W. Hidden Dallas K. W. Slddons, 8ft, better known as "Uncle Dan" Slddons, died at tha Dallas hospital Thursday. Funeral serv ices will ba held from the Henkle and Rollman chapel at 3 o'clock Saturday. Rev. N. C. Swanson officiating, and burial In the IOOF cemetery beside his wlfo who died November 31, 1943. Slddons waa born near Balnbrldg. Ind., May I, iaf0, and spent his early life In Indiana, tha eiirith child of a famtly of nine. He went to Washington in Iftfl and was Interested in timber and sawmills until his retire ment in March, 1946. He was married tft Anna Ha Hoc It In Portland September 10, 1905, and then moved to Raymond, Wash., returning to Portland In 1931 and a few veers laier tn a farm three miles west of Dallas. Surviving are several nieces and nephews. Advertisement SINUS CATARRH SUFFERERS FIND CURB FOR MISERY DUC TO NASAL CONGESTION. 5UFTLT RUSHED nEREI Relief at last from tartar of imuf. catarrh, and hny fever due to nasal eonnre tion ii seen today in reports of aucccaa with a formula which hat the power to reduc natal congestion. Men and women witt agoniiine simu headaches, c logged noetriln, tnrache. hawking and sneering minery tell of blended relief after lining it KLOHONOL eonU 13.00, but considering result, this u not expemive, amonnbi to only pennies per itot. KLOIIONOL (caution, use only aa directed) gold with money-back juaranl by rtiaf In llrui, 135 No Commercial, Perry Drue, 139 lo. Commercial. Hall order filled. Advertisement Get Prompt Relief Ec-zrnla? Scahips? Rpo. tmf Knjoy prompt re. Ilef from Irritation with Ciitirura Ointment. Contain. Oxyquinolint and Sulphurated Petro. latum. Otten rernm. mended by doctor,. Buy atdrugRitta today. FRANK A. DOERFLER Landscaping and Designing FREE ESTIMATES Phone 21322 F. A. Doerfler & Sons Frank, Don and Walley LANCASTER DRIVE At Four Corners Salem, Oregon h-v n IT 771 i