2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 5, 1948 Independence School Budget Based Upon Five Year Plan Independence The school budget hearing set for January 26 in the grade school building is scheduled Jour months early this year because of the operation of the rural school law. AH district budgets have to be in the hands of the county board by Feb Church Congregation Plans Annual Dinner Silverton Weekly church an nouncements of the First Chris tian congregation begins Mon day evening with a 6:30 no-host dinner in the annual business meeting and reports from all departments. Loyal Berean class guests of Mrs. I. L. Stewart at her home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Tuesday evening Junior Wom en's guild at the Doris Plank home. Choir rehearsal and pray er and Bible study Wednesday evening. The young people of the Chris tian Endeavor enjoyed an "aft erglow" hour at the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Charles Bales as hosts follow ing the Sunday evening service Silverton House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Geiser of Mill street over the New Year's day and night were a brother and sister-in-law of Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Geiser of Portland who are here to attend the funeral serv ices of William Roth, 81, in Sa lem, a relative of the family. Spending the holiday week end in Yakima at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gang (Ber nice Hannan) were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bcrger of Corvallis, for merly of Salem, and Mrs. Mike Hannan and small son, Larry, Silverton. Leaving for home the last of the week were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicols of Marysviile. Calif., who have been at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rinkin in Evans Valley for the holiday week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tay lor have as their holiday house guests, the mother of Mrs. Tay lor, Mrs. Hannah Bucklin of Arlington, Wash., who plans to return home the first of the coming week. Turner Surprise Grange held a din tier New Year's day nt the Ma sonic hall. Mrs. John Mickey and brother Jack LaRont have returned from Missouri following the funeral of their father. Mrs. Moore and son, Ora, had relatives for the holidays. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Helemn, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Helemn and Dawn Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wood and Tana. Black Butte. Mrs. Fern Powell, Darlene and Joan, Prineville: Mr. and Mrs Calvin Powell and Diane, from Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garr, Bennie and Bobbie, Newport. At the A. E. Spencer home for part of the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Edwards and children from Lacomb and Wade Pyle of Lebanon. Holiday guesls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kinion were rela tives from Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Webb and daughter Donna Lea are spend ing a two-week vacation at San Luis Obispo, Calif. Mrs. Sudie Ward has return ed home from a 10 day visit in Portland and Estacada, at tending the wedding of her grandson, Sammic Stubbs, in Portland. Louis Hennies received pain ful injuries while working on the Mutual Telephone lines, a telephone pole falling on him. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wien shaar are spending the holiday week in Portland. Tax Experts Due Woodburn Deputy collectors of internal revenue- will be at the cilv hall in Woodburn Jan uary 8 to assist farmers in pre paring form 1040-ES for federal income tax returns. Ed Langley HI Silverton Ed Langley, one of Silverton's elderly native sons Is under treatment at the local hospital having been ill for the past week. Culture pearls were produced In China as far back as the 14th Century. ruary 1, The local budget has been drawn up with provision for putting into operation a five year high school in Indepen dence. Next year it is planned that the high school will con sist of the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades. The local school board approv ed this plan when it was point ed out that practically all grades in the elementary school are overcrowded and ail existing class rooms in use. Census fig ures recently released indicate that grade school enrollment will increase steadily for sev eral years to come. This reor ganization plan will relieve con gestion in the grade school and a building program will not be an immediate necessity. The pro posed budget provides for two additional teachers at the high school to take care of this extra grade and provide Increased curricular offerings. The pro posed budget also makes allow ances for alterations in the old high school building to provide rooms for the increased enroll ment which will result from the extra grade. New high school and elemen tary school standards have re cently been released by the state department of education These make it necessary for the school district to provide addi tional secretarial help in both schools and to install some new equipment Many people in Independence have been very much interested in gelling a kindergarten started here so the school board has been working on this program and provision has been made for a part time teacher next year in cooperation with the college. Tentative plans have been made and budget allowance made, for a part time special teacher for physically handi capped children. Help in this en terprise will be provided by the college and the state department of education. Because no adequate facilities are now available to take care of the expanding program of the Independence schools a spe cial election has been called for January 19 in the grade school building to get permission from the voters to use money now on hand In the form of U.S. bonds to build a music building at the high school. The expenditure of this money will not mean raising additional money since it is already on hand, 11 was orig inally set aside for the retire ment of bonds but since coun ty officials have ruled that it cannot legally be used for thai purpose is it planned to divert it to provide badly needed room. The budget increase over last year is about 23 per cent with all new adjustments. The bud get committee composed of Glen Smith, Clarence Harwood and Brad Humphrey agreed with the school board in the belief that the proposed changes and addi tions were needed and that the estimated cost was Justifiable and not excessive. Statewide es timates of budget increases for the next fiscal year are placed at 20 per cent for operation only. Dallas Boosts Price of Gas Dallas Price of gasoline in Dallas rose to a new high as the new year opened. Dealers of the city met and agreed on a price schedule for all services. Includ ed was a one cent per gallon boost on the price of gasoline besides the recent raise an nounced by the oil companies. The one cent additional is to go to the local dealers. As one service station operator put it, "It is the first raise that we have received for 19 years." The group indicated that while the price of gasoline had grown considerably higher, the deal ers had not received any bene fit locally until the action of the group this week. Prices in Dallas now are 26Vi cents for regular grades and 28 V4 'en's for ethyl. A few rais es on lubrication services, wash ing Jobs, and other services were also authorized. The local dealers and service station operators are not organ ized as an association but met together for the specific purpose of adopting a uniform schedule of prices. Ray Kliever and Hen ry Friesen led the meeting. The one-cent per gallon in crease in their favor on gasoline was in conformity with a state wide movement, they declared. Royal Neighbors Expecting Officials Silverton Mrs. Lewis Tho mas is announcing the Tuesday evening meeting of the local Royal Neighbors of America camp, when special guests mak ing offcial visits will be State RNA Supervisor Mrs. Mayme Logan of Portland and Mrs. Sa rah Peterson of Salem, district J deputy of the lodge. The refreshment committee will be Mrs. Vcnila Vcrbeck, j Mrs. Hattie Benlson and Mrs. ' Jessie Egan. j The lodge is planning a joint installation of officers with the Modern Woodmen the evening of Tuesday, January 13, installing ; officer, Mrs. Herman Nargeli and ceremonial marshal, Mrs. Venita Verbecx. Brooks Farm Union Will Present Play Brooks The Brooks Farmers' Union is giving a play, "A Poor Married Man," Friday and Sat urday nights at the Farmers' Union hall, January 9 and 10 at 8 o'clock. Directors of the play are Mrs. George Lesher and Mrs. J. W. Filts. The cast includes A. J. Harris, Mrs. Glen Wadley, Mr. and Mrs. Oran Lowery, Mrs. Ted Lowery, Ralph Lea, Mr. and Mrs. John Archer. Woodburn Rofarians Plan Ladies' Night Woodburn The 10th anniver sary and annual ladies' night banquet of the Woodburn Rotary club will be held Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock in St. Luke's hall. Committees appointed by Pres ident Harold Austin are: Decora tions, George Timm, Howard Butterfield and Philip LaBarr; program, Winton Hunt, Ray Glatt, Kenneth Childreth, Dr. Gerald Smith; food, Pat DeJar din, Eugene Stoller and Lyman Seely: arrangements and clean up, Perry Williams. W. Earl Dunn, Tony Halter, Clair Nibler and Walter Schuler; fellowship, J. Melvin Ringo, Glenn Goulet, William Merriott, Robert E. Lantz and Ivan Byers. Mexico is about one-fourth the size of the United States. OppttK fi:tft "BANJO" with Sharyn Moffolt Jacqueline White Waller Reed NOW SHOWING! THE STORY THEY SAID COULDN'T BE FILMED! Albany's Bank Deposits Gain Albany Bank deposits in Al bany gained during the last quarter despite the holiday spending, it was revealed when a check of the banks was made. The Christmas strain on the Individual pocketbook, how ever, is reflected in a drop of $7,565 in postal savings since the last survey was made after the October 4, call period state ments were released. Overall gain in total depos its since October amounts to $494,620.68 when banks, post of fice, and savings and loan com panies were lumped. The cur rent sum is $18,630,929.16 of de posits while the institutions have $5,445,587.09 outstanding in loans. Leading the list in amount of deposits is the Bank of Albany with $6,038,583.65 on the books while the largest single incre ment of loans outstanding be longs to the Albany branch of the First National bank of Port land with $1,911,970.84. Tabulation of Albany depos its: Bank of Albany, $6,038, 583.65; U. S. National bank, $5, 426,719.95; First National bank, $4,709,201.75; First Federal Sav ings & Loan, $1,441,035.81, and Postal savings, $1,015,388.00. Mrs. Aarhus Hostess For Mizpah Circle Silverton Mrs. Ole Meland, recently elected chairman, is announcing the meeting of the Mizpah Circle of the Immanuel Lutheran Woman's Missionary Federation general group Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Elser Aarhus .home with Mrs. S. L. Almlie to serve as co-hostess with Mrs. Aarhus. Assisting Mrs. Meland officially is Mrs. H. E. Henkel, circle secretary-treasurer. The hostesses are planning the program for the first meeting of the New Year. Lodge Installation Team Will Rehearse district deputy president, Try- pnena neoeKan luuge, i& r kcr Irtciullirtf am lt which George Christenson, grand mas ter, silver lodge no. i, uuu Fellows, Is installing officer, to meet for a second rehearsal Wed nesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the hall. Installation ceremonials will Tuel Heads Campaign Stayton For the third con secutive year, V. R. Tuel has been chosen city campaign di rector for the March of Dimes. The drive will start on Janu ary 15, and will end January 20. Schools Open Again Silverton Local schools open ed for after-holiday vacation classes today, being dismissed December 23 for twelve days Many families left town to be with relatives with the majority of homes being the scene of home-coming .affairs. be Thursday evening. January 8 at the regular meeting of tb groups. To be installed as nofcfte grand for Tryphena lodge is Mrs. Frank Giroux, and vice grand Mrs. Carl Rutherford. Reliable Tree Service Insured Operator Free Estimate Phone 21496 Journal Want Ads Pay nidi niiT l.i UVBH1I . . He's nvLr-oMii jor niinran: . . . 5 f and OREAMiWIT ttr SHIRUY! Cary Myrna Shirley IRANT L0Y TEMPLE (h V5- te -"mil1 Storts 1 Wed.! 9m, K JUL YOUNG jf 9$ mm vM ROBERT RYAN Mi JACQUELINE WHITE V PLUS 'tnd Hll "PI1II.O VANCE RETURNS" - Ao - Disney Cartoon News Hubbard The Hubbard PTA will meet Monday evening. Study club will be at 7 and the business meeting at 7:30 o'clock. A special pro gram will be presented at 8:15 o'clock by the Rural Dell com munity chorus with a presenta tion of the cantata "The Light of the World." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry and five children of Roseberg spent Christmas and the fol lowing week-end with her sis ter and family, the Gerald Meyers. Mrs. C. L. Welch was a week end guest of her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Ruth Mulkey and Robert m Hillsboro. Lawrence Miller has been promoted to Specialist I. B. M. in the U, S. navy. He Is station ed at the Great Lakes Naval Training station. Albert Miller is confined to his home with the mumps. The annual meeting of the Hubbard Community church (Congregational) will be held at the church Friday evening at eight o'clock. no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Pres-to-logo (HE CLEAN FUEL Capitol Lumber Co. Phone 8862 Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW SHOWING ttiUKT Ht r r J- SartaU New CO-FEATURE! Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette "OVER SANTA FE TRAIL" CARTOON NEWS! Opens 6:45 P.M. Now! Encore Thrills ... To Make You Warn A JO CENTURY-POX ENCORE TRIUMPH I 'with DANA ANDREWS ANNE BAXTER WALTER BRENNAN WALTER HUSTON First Run Co-Hit! Charles Starrett Smilev Burnette "Land Rush" LAST DAY! "Variety Girl" "The Romance of Rosy Ridge" NEW TOMORROW! A IOVI and , LAUOH SHOWI 2nd Ace Treat! ,,- TAKI A .- ....... . . ROMANTIC RIOf... Santafe TR&II, trcaj riiDTie . m v 0 . i 1. JENNIFER H01T - GUY KIBBE! Also: Brevity - News Mat. Daily from 1 p.m. Now! . . . A-N-D Filmed in Glorious Technicolor! The Royal Wedding' of Elizabeth and Phillip Added! Color Cartoon "SUPER SALESMAN" o Novelty "Time Out for Play" Fox News - "Highlight of '47" A Mightier on the screen! jKEfe. IT'S COOKIN' I I 11' m' Tin n,it 1 ?mi . aw It. ,.,'nLlr INTUYFO BOTH HENRY KING LAMAR TROTH STARTS WED. AT REGULAR PRICES! GRAND and STATE Sooftbes, Eases MISERIES OF (Soughing Colds When you catch a miserable cold, the only way you can get all the benefits of this spe cial 2-way action (at left) is to rub throat, chest and back at bedtime with Vicks VapoRub. VapoRub's relief - bringing action starts instantly . . . and keeps working for hours to help relieve coughing, upper bronchial congestion and irri tation even while you sleep! Try it I For children or adults. REMEMBER...yeu ft this S..CLI Pan.trating-StlmulatlnK action only whan vu iiamm u. tlma-taHad f I Wrw W VapoRub REALISM IN PLATES Lighter,morelifelike plates are now made with the refined materials all dentists recom mend for faithful reproduc tions . . . plates that closely resemble your own teeth. Color is unfading and dentures will not shrink or warp. 2L Now, with Accepted Credit, you can spread payments for Dental Plates, Bridgework, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays, Extractions over weeks or months, with payments to suit your convenience. I'ranfej I Office In Salem: 125 liberty St., Cor. Stale; Telephone SAI.m 882 5 Olitr Dr. Painless Parir orric.t in fug.n. and Portland "We're So Proud of Pop : : : since he had our home INSULATED and protected against cold air and loss of heat! . . Now we're sure of having a cosily warm home all during the winter months , . . And we'll save up to 30 on fuel costs too!" How about coming In this week to see us about the right Insulation for your home? JANUARY SPECIALS 500 Gal. SEPTIC TANK The minimum capacity tank that passes state plumbing code. 81 50 It's Pruning Time Supply yourself with just the tools for y o u r job. Hand Pruners Are Priced 1.00, 2.15, and 2.50 Loping Shears 2.35 and 4.50 Pruning Saws 1.95, 2.15, and 2.95 Heavy Cast Iron CORNER TUB for either right or left hand installation. 81 50 A guaranteed wax and carbon free motor oil in valuable 5 gal. container. 269 BATH SPRAY with rubber hose and large shower head Attaches to any bath faucet. NOW 75e See Our ODDS and ENDS TABLE in Housewares Dept. for discontinued and slightly damaged merchandise OUR HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT OFFERS THESE SPECIAL FEATURES I Lot Figurines ea. 98 C Gold Band Stemware Spec. 39 C Crystal Stemware 39 C Cork Decorated Table Mats 39 C 4 pc. Glass Salad Set 2.49 Glass Coffee Makers, Reg. 2.45 Now 1.49 fit GEORGE e7 PhoM 4610 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, OREGON i