2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 3, 1948 Silverion Has Observance Silverton The home unit Christmas social observances re solved into group gatherings generally over the New Year's week-end with churches, lodg es, communities, clubs, friend ship organizations leading in numerous affairs. Th Hparinnartprs' romDanv of the National Guard were hosts to the public New Years Eve in a dance at the armory, with . BUI Turner and his music mak ers furnishing the entertain ment. The Silverton Hills commun ity club and Grange with Mrs. Anton Sacher as chairman, spon sored a mask-party late supper and a few hours of informal dancing at the hall. Mrs. Elden Mulkey as Mae West was award ed first prize for women, and Johnny McKillop as a pirate for the men. Charles Mulkey was in charge of the music for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott were hosts to the members of their Friendship club New Year's eve at the Modern Woodman hall with around 30 present for the no-host supper and an even ing of cards and informal danc ing until the new year. Practically every church or ganization in town observed the last day of the year in a pro gram of devotions, song and prayer with a mid-night supper, New Year's eve. Brooks The Brooks Sewing Club date has been changed, and the meet ing will be held Friday after noon January 2, at the home of Mrs. Anna Dunlavy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lea are remodeling their home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McDougall were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Sturgis, and the Misses Barbara Jean, Sue Ann and Margie Sturgis. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe en tertained with a Christmas din ner for Mr. and Mrs. Mclvin Klampe and son Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Orvall Klampe, Verle, Arlyce, Marvin, Morris. Loren and Nyles, Mr. and Mrs. Llyde Klampe and baby, Mrs. Bertha Bloomfield, Glenn and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Poultcr and daughter Marilyn of Portland, and Reg McDonald of Salem. Mrs. J. J. Lesher went to Coos Bay to spend the holidays with her daughter Edna and family. Mrs. Will Klampe and daugh ters Misses Grace and Arlene and Valmcr Klampe and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klampe and two children were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph deVries in Pratum. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspinwall entertained with Christmas din ner for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loomis, Bob Hayes, Mrs. Etta Mae Fleck, Roberta Scolt, Mrs. Hattie Geisy and Manley Ben nett. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Russell. Misses Ann and Carol Russell and Allen Russell were Christ mas dinner guests at the home of Mr. Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Russell at Thurston. Mrs. Myrtle Davis who has been ill in the Memorial hos pital, in Salem, was brought to the Brooks Convalescent home and is recovering. Little Jimmie Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norton Wood is ill with measles. A community meeting is culled : for Monday night at the Brooks school house at eight o'clack tor the purpose of organizing a P. T. A. Everyone in this district la urged to attend this meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Otto had as Christmas dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Attn. Miss Mer na Loy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford LaFonulain and Wilford I.a Founlain, Jr. I i WV itutioi ENDS TODAY w'l V V PU fSl Died by HENRY KING STARTS TOMORROW! . k STARTS WED. HtB,.J-rr V -7. PhfViJLJ J But Bimnv fartnnn - Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn and family were Christmas day guests of their brother and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Strawn and family at Hubbard. There were 22 members of the family of Mrs. G. I. Shelburne who came to her home for a family Christmas tree Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Childs who are attending O. S. C. at Corvallis came far- Ihest to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shel burne and family were Christ mas day and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Trent at Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stout enburg entertained twenty rela tives at their home Christmas day. Mrs. Tom A. Boulden is tak ing rest cure at her home for right foot trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stouten- burg were hosts Christmas day to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Vernon. Mrs. Stouten burg and her mother were after noon callers at the La Marr home in Mission Bottom district, and Alexander La Follette re turned with them to be a vaca tion guest at Stoutenburg home. Byron La Follette is a guest at the Vernon home. Mrs. Charles Clow entertain ed 21 members of her family at her home Christmas day. Mr and Mrs. LaVelle Patterson of the Pleasantdale district were in attendance. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schind ler and son Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jones of Portland were guests of Mr. and Eve and together the two fam ilies attended a family dinner at the home of their mother, Mrs. Josephine Jones at White son, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clifton and family of Hebo were guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence S. Crawley and family on Sunday; also guests at the same time were Mrs. Tessa Sholes and son Charles of Stralton, Colo., mother and brother of Mrs. Clif ton who had been their house guests for some time and were cnroute to their home by auto mobile. Mrs. Sholes came by rail about three months ago and her son came by car for her. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wicku ler of McMinnville were Christ mas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knoche. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knoche were guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Edward Duckman, at Portland rhrislmas ri.iv and returned home rriciay. I Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Wright had as their dinner guests on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs Henry Bash and son Henry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Cliatfield of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Allen May and son of Webfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Wright and son of Salem were afternoon guests at the same home after having attended a family dinner at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. May Versteeg at Salem. j ENDS XODAV CONT. 1:45 P.M. I CLARK AmRRAALLULi II I y '"WON STAHTS SHN.-CONT. 1:45 P.M. ' )' t-rO ' AT " 1 j-w"""R"d iJM? if Mm -f AM . , f -4 ?r w Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Elkins of Independence who were feted recently on occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. The couple was married at Webster City, Iowa, December 22, 1897. They have five children all present for the celebration at the Methodist church in Independence. They are Harold P. and Melvin M. Elkins, south of Monmouth; Mrs. Ella A. McCarty and William C. Elkins of Portland and Mrs. Lillian G. McGonigal, Woodburn. (McEwan Photo Shop) Aumsville Bonnie and Glenn Klein are spending the Christmas holiday at the home bf their parents, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Klein. They had the misfortune of having their suitcases and clothes all stolen from their car while at tending the basketball game be fore coming home. Four suit cases and a bag containing about $300 worth of clothes were tak en. Mrs. Charles Busby an d Elmer Klein were honored with a dinner on their birthdays at the Klein home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Busby and Ray of Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowen of , Salem, Bon nie, Glenn, Ellis and Sally. Fred W. Klein of Fairmont, Minn., is spending several weeks at the home of his brothers, El mer and Albert Klein. This is his first trip west and he likes the climate and scenery around here. Mrs. Arnold Goff and Shirley and Carol of Forest Grove were guests at the Northrup Bates home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Robbin and son Bobby are spending the holidays in Indiana with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis, their four sons, Joe Lewis and K Mrs. C. E. Lewis are spending 1' 1 week in Uraac, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perlow Jr. and daughter have moved into the Leslv house. Fred Klein of Fairmont. Minn., who has been visiting at the Elmer and Alberl Klein homes, left Tuesday for Bakers field, Calif. Another of the many family gatherings was at the Elmer Klein home. Those present were! The Place tattucJ IS! DELICIOUS DINNERS III Of 1 1 DANCING AND DRINKS WtH (31 II Open 6:30 to 2 A.M. Coektoil Lounge II faty I, I MMwMilnoJNrw v Mrs. Elizabeth Lenz, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bostrach, Bar bara and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindeman, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jarvis and Jerry, of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Balko vich of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lenz. Sharee and Vicky Sue of Nehalem, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gehlen, Sharon and Ga ry of Stayton, Miss Lucy Lenz of Baker and Fred Klein of Fairmont, Minn. Mrs. Ed Collin, Aumsville telephone operator, is recovering from a paralysis of a muscle in her right cheek. Sammy and Anna Collins are home helping their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bratges and Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Corkorin spent Christmas here also. Box Social Planned Butteville Club 624 of Sea Scouts and Boy Scouts met at the Grange hall with the presi dent, Norman Yergen, presid ing. Plans were formulated for a box social in the near future. The Boy Scouts were lined up tor inspection. Mrs. Norman Yergen, Girl Scout leader, of Donald, present-j ed her girls in a musical pro-j gram. Lunch was served. ' frW iif,"jpiuuT a nv MILL CITY THEATRE OPENS 7:15 P.M. SUNDAY AND MONDAY JOE LOUIS-WALCOTT FIGHT PICTURES Also Lawrence Tiernev in "SAN QUENTIN" w 5k to Go Is Chateau Pedee Ml ! Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark jwere Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gib json and Larry of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Axel Erickson, Patsy and Jack of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Quick of For est Grove; Mrs. Anna Gibson of Portland. Her mother, Mrs. Gib son remained for a longer visit. Richard Birchell who is at tending State college in New Mexico, spent the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. M. Birchell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gage and children of Lakeside are visilt ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rittie Kerbee, Lonetta Mc Gillis of Portland is also a holi day guest at the Kerbee home. Miss Theda Condron of Cor vallis spent several days the past week, with her sister, Mrs. Thera Womer. Mr. and Mrs. Howey Bortel of California, Mrs. Jim Siddall and Emma of Dallas, Miss Lois Sid dall, student nurse at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, visited Friday with Mrs. Mol lie Loay. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank and Betty were hosts to a fam ily gathering Christmas Day. Twenty-four were seated at small tables for dinner. Those present were Mrs. Winnie Flet cher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson, Larry and Judy of Sa lem. Mr. Rex Womer, Mrs. Letha Bevens and daughter Janice of West Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Shellenbach, Larry and Bon nie of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dueltgen, Bobby and Ronny of Portland, Mrs. Thera Womer, Miss Nola Womer, A. L. Bur bank, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bur bank and Betty. Buena Vista Ed Culbertson of the U. S. navy in California is spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Culbertson. Mrs. Kenneth Byers and in fant daughter are visiting her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cobine. Robert McLaughlin and Miss RIGHT NOW! ltKi:AT t TT V : STARS! PLAYING THEMSELVES Will Hoist .( WHda Soiling "a yd n Vi'oicio I Mid W.W.ob. ttnd'.o Jahnnr Cay Joan CoulM4 Do Wolf Ian Ay Kill Faint Kxewlvi tarry KiigtiaU Mono Iihmm Com Pelty lolly lawliman eb Woo 1st M,llan4 Alan (odd faulana Gadda4 Dorothy lomou) Vtron.io loli Wtlli p.ona lynn Bo.bo.o Stunwyifc Mow of d Or) J.iva lliabeiK it on Jahn tvd AND! A Hew Kind o Van Roach! . . Tourhl . . Tcrrificl tf.i Reltv Brown left via plane for' Oakland. Calif., after spending the holidays with Robert's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mc Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather entertained for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells, Jack and Gor don. Raymond Pruett, Bill Prather and Thenuis Human of South Africa, the latter a stud ent at OSC and a holiday guest of Raymond Pruett. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bartel of Los Angeles and Lois Sid dal of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ander son drove to Portland to visit with Mrs. Anderson's brother. Cecil Steele, who is seriously ill in the hospital there. The Perry Wells received word from Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guy of the arrival of boy. They are living in Pilot Rock and Mr Guy is working in the McGoran Grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hahn DANCE SATURDAY NITE CRYSTAL GARDENS MODERN AND OLD TIME 2 Floors 2 Bands 1 Price ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Gregory Peck "THE YEARLING" Eddie Dean "STARS OVER TEXAS" Cont. From 1 P.M. TOMORROW! -.e TWO CO-FEATURE! Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette "OVER SANTA FE TRAIL" CARTOON NEWS! STARTS TOn A Vf m (OWL SHOW AFTER 11:30 p.m MARiORIE and ......ntirtW rtif PI HI u nnnlfVT u urn IL. Penny SINGLETON Arthur LAKE - Larry SIMMS S Scnn01 br fctlw Man Ind lad OMTCtotf b mi BERLIN HISTORY-MAKING CO-FEATURETTE! THE COLOR CARTOON announce the birth of a girl. Mrs. Hahn is Lindsay Ward's sister. The Buena Vista school is having the ceiling lowered and a new lighting system put In during the holidays. Miss Elaine Wells is visiting her sister and family, Mrs. Rex Gunn in Eugene this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris ENDS Franchot Tone "LOST HONEYMOON"" TODAY! Louis Hayword "REPEAT PERFORMANCE" (SAT.) m CONT. FROM 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! ANOTHER BIG ENCORE HIT! 'sm Mastic' I "Bi m n i ! . n DANA ANDREWS - ANNE BAXTER WALTER HAN -WALTER HUSTON PLUS! A FIRST RUN ACTION CO-HIT! Sm'iL "LAND BURNETTE RUSH A DU 1 A Z T A 11 IT IM v rn, jio m pom 1 1 u DagwooJ's a diamond KENT HUGH HERBERT JEROME DAISY NOW! YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF ALL THE POMP AND MAGNIFICENCE OF ROYAL WEDDING OF ELIZABETH AND PHILLIP SEE THE FABULOUS CROWN JEWELS OF ROYALTY! HEAR THE ACTUAL WEDDING! TRULY THE MOST COLORFUL, HISTORICALLY ROMANTIC EVENT EVER FILMED! NOVELTY AIRMAIL FOX NbWS! of Canby were Monday . of Mr. and Mrs. Harold wS? row. "y Uranium ores can be pholn graphed by putting the polishIS sections of the mineral in dir,n contact with photographic iju thus showing the exact location of the radioactive particles i the ore. " r II V rnMl 1 n L . i l i rnvm i r.m. in the rough smeetlvj Ilwc wet! COWAN afV & " ' ' I FILMED ON THE SPOT IN TECHNICOLOR it