14 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lint n Pet Line I tlmei Per Line times 40 Per Line 1 month Ulo ?5ei 3 time nln Wei 6 time mm AO' HEADERS Id Local Nw Col Ont. Per Lint FOR SALE HOUSES $4550 t ROOM HOUSE, north, clean in and out; garage, nice bath, large kitchen. LR. one BR, small lot. Ideal lor young or old. Furnished 4!i50. $8.'i0 I BEDROOMS, Itvinu room, kitchen, bath, nook, small lot, Englewood scnool. I in j In nnt a very old house and is In fine condition. t69.0 ' DOM E and INCOME. Rooms to rent or; convert io duplex, walking distance stale house. Willamette un.v. Owirr must sell. Now is the time to see tn;s prop-1 erty. I $i;.aon t.ST.I.KWOOn. .1 BEDROOMS. 2 balh.s. large lot, rib!. gar., oil heat, fireplace. Hear bus. At ores. school, i Call D. L. BISHOP. 2-4129 CHAS HUDKINS A SON ! Realtors 250 N. High St. -Phone J-4129. a234' ELECTRIC ST. 2 B. R. modern house, large, lot. close to sen Barcain at 15500. K. E, 3 B. R. house, Food lot, chick, house. tflfiOO Terms. h'RAB STATE HOUSE. 3 H. R house, lart-ej Jiv. A din. rooms. $2400 down, bai at, $49 a mo. j N. WINTER ST. 4 B. R. oltler type house, cood income property. $8500. Term-. j EN ft I, F.WOOD One o! the best 5-room houses for tlie money. Basement, oil fur : surrounded by cood homes; $12,000. t BI.KS from Slate St. bus zone. Good 4( B. R. house. Ij se:s of plumbing, hn.se-1 . J..hl. nn.cri below ma rket va lue at 1 1 .400. R. E. MEREDITH, Realtor 176 S. Commercial Ph. 8841. a29: SUBURBAN HOMES STRICTLY modern 6 rm. ranrh-style home, 3 nice lae bdrms, air conditioned furnace, fireplace, garage A utility mi. attached. 9 '10 acres beautiful yard. Truly a beautiful home with a bcauulul set tine. LATE-BOLT mod. 5 rin. home with is. l.HnH thrnoiit full 'ua.smt. with nice bdrtn. A: rumpus rm. with fire-j place, breakfast nook A: rihle. garage ai-i Inched. I ac. of ferlile land. A beau-j Hf'il home in wonderful condition. Nice yard. Call O. If Orahenhnrst, with ORABFNIIOnfiT BROS.. Realtors. 134 S. Llbeity St. -Ph. 4131 Eves 2291ft a292 SOUTH SALEM COZY bungalow home. 5 lee. rm, wit.i hdwd. firs, thruout. auto-heat, full bdsmt. brant if ill yard, outside fireplace, spnnkilnc svstem. Owner leaving city. Call Cohurn L. Ornhenhorst , wilh ORABENHORST HnOS., Realtors, 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves 7772 fl292 18.500 WILL BUY THIS I BDRM. IIOMi:. auto-oil heat, wea ther stripped, fireplace, about Ki yrs. old. This home is in very nice location; newly docoratrd inside Call D. .f. Dawson, with ORABENHORST BROS.. Realtor-: 134 S. Liberty St.- Ph. 4131. a292 HOUSES FOR SALE MISfl Unf. 2 brdm house. Kei7er dist. jt30;,nNew 1 bedrm. S.; bus service: eapy iernis. Mmm 2 hedrm. house, S.E.: hits service. HM)00 2 bedrm. house, 3. city bus ser- vice. jai4on New 2 bedrm. house, should go G.I S79.MI 2 bedrm. house. Should go O.I. Highland district. ABRAMS AND SKINNER. INC. 411 Ma.snnic Bids. Ph. 9510 Insurance Mortgage Loans a 29 4 BETTER BUYS BY BOURNE TWO BLAI'TIELL new homes almoM rea dv to move into, location northeast, hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic floor furnace, larse unfinished upstairs vrtiir choice 9 500. QI'ICK POSSESSION Owner leavlnc slate. 1 bedrooms down, larce finished iiostnirs. insulated, automatic lieM. JMOO down, balance $49.00 per month which includes interest, principal, taxes and insurance: interest rate only 4',. and ran be paid oH ai any time. Totnl price on home, ja.800. Act nulck on this one. THREE BEDROOM, Kcizer district, one year old 52.000 down, hnlnnce on con tract. Total price 57.500. K.nno DOWN, nice nei two bedroom home. Tn!l price 8 000. t BEDROOM location northeast , tarce lot. price J3.500; hardwood floors, auio matic heat: rlcim and neat. Make a reasonable offrr on down payment. B'AKK AN OFFER on tins Olie-yenr-o!d 2 bedroom home: attached garace. f loor j furn a re: local ion norttieast Enciewooo school. P S - Don't offer over $8750. SEVERAL HOMES In lha J5.000 class hav ing 2 hc-iroonis. One in particular is verv neat and clean and you may have immediate possssion. LET US KNOW YOUR NEEDS. IF WK DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WE WILL TRY TO LOCATE IT FOR YOU. JOE t. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol --Ph. B21fi. n29l fHOMl Clean modern 2-BR home close in South. II. W. floors, fireplace, base ment, a ulo nil furnace, Immediate pos session. Call Stnnlev Brown with STATE FINANCE CO . REALTORS 153 S. lltgh St. Th. 4121 Eves 25..61 B294 f I2.SOO -Good modern 3 -BR home close in South. H W. floors, firerlare. V. blinds, auto oil furnace. Immediate pos session. .MHI -1 A. W.lh good 3-BR Imiue. base ment , furnace, e a race, chicken house. ' immediate possession. M.'iOO rtimn. fx.iwo New modern 2-RR home unfinished upstairs. Oil furnace, fireplace, V blinds : 12.000 don n. f Cull Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS .VI S. High 8t.--Ph 4121 Eves 25:.fil ! fl294l tf.WM -3 ronni unfinished home, city wn-1 ier. lot fifi200. Terms. j S3-MMI Complete! furnished 1 l,ir;e room, i Neat and at t r;ict :e. Well located, close' to bus on paved si. 1 M;iiti 3 room home well located. N E : Close to bus ! Y50O0 -Newiy decorated '.'-BR home Hieli-1 land Disl. Oariige Immedicnle posses- j stnn. W'.'.'Vtl I A and S-ronm home, ri-v nmci Knrjer, h.un chicken l-ouse. fruit trees garden spare. $-.nn-5 A. south. w;lli sood 4-rontn home s a race, rhirken house. Will trade tor ' ' city property. SA.Vin 3 A. north ed-:e of city. Has 5- 1 room nome with unfinished nine. City water. Immediate pos-cmoh. J Mnil I'.U A. new home Located a! 2165; Adams St. A 1 550 down. Vt950 5-room newly derornted east. Large j lot. Garage. Immediate possession. Terms. Ca!! O V. Hume, with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1S3 S. Huh St.-Ph. 4121-Eves 2,v:nfi J94 ! PHONE 3210 JMN'rn si vie limi-e. modern 1 stoiv 2 bed-: ronni, oniv Jison down, 'i aire lot. pooil ; oil RRMcr, Ints of Iterrirs. Full price 15200. Cail Mr. Ree-e. j i5oo Down i Rr.RE Is a 1'i Moiy 1 bed loom borne eler. ( rooking and watei heal. Oil circ heal.l close to bus and school. A clean cozy I home with a 1 ge lot. Immed poss. You will have to hurry. Call Mr. Klein ! WANNA SWAP'' BHPPIN' (RAUIORIl has for sale or trade a new .1 bedioom home N K sitbur-i ban. value $10 500. tot a smaller home In tow n. A new 2 bedroom home NE. talue $8500. for a 1 bedroom home. A new 3 bedroom home auburtian NE. lth I acre, sahie tfi85rt. for trailer house, truek or pickup. Call Mr. Cramloid, days $.1210 or crs. 25J30. BURT PICHA. RKALTOCR 3.17 N. High St.-Ph. 3210 n.'IH BY OWNER. 17.500 00. Laree"ln:iiB : d.n ing room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen. ba;h inillty room on one fioor. Untin.slied up amirs, oil heat, fireplace, garage k fruit cupboards, '-j acre lot, larae ard A fruit trees. 1535 S. 22nd St. Phone 9312. a 201' t RIOROOM house, partly modern. In Aumsville. Cow shed 18x28. New. Bre i Guy Harris, AuinsMile. ;a7 j fAOOfl. NEW 3 bdrm. home, A . fine soil. Call J 1 101 except before 1 or after 8 p m. Sundays. a2E3 ffP.W "MinRMIIOMprHollj--ood"Diit. Ph. 365?, 3055 Warner. a233 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Ore., Monday, December 8, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: New 5 rm home well built. LR. dinette, dream kitchen 2 BR., bath. 5 closets. UR. Venetian blinds through out, half hwd . fl.. coved lin. with match ed borders thoroughly insulated, gas fl furnace, att gar . wide concrete drive. 1 b!k. from bin, clo.se to schools. 1 blk north of Market street on 23rd. Owner cannot occupy hom becau.se of as thma. 5 st r own trees. Phone 225-M Dalian for app't. a299 BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 room house for sale by owner. Price 12150. 3455 Simpson St. a295 MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES SEVERAL TO choose from 8000. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4:13 N. Hieh St. Phone 24133 293' BRAND NEW S8750 KNOI.KHOOI) DIST. ranch type. Hdwd. floors thruout. auto, oi! furnace, Vene t.an blind.";, rln.se to school and bus, BRAND NEW $5100 I RFDFM. Located E. inside city. J blks. from bus and More. 1mm pom. 58400 FULL PRICE EXTRA CHOICE center location. 2 bedrms.. full basmt., auto, oil furnace, paved street, ciop to arade and hiah schools, bits at. front door, grocery store across street. moo DOWN N.E. ALMOST new 2 hedrm.. larae lot, pri- lieafer. Full price $5250. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTORS 30.15 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 7820 or 24396 a203 12250 DOWN BI'YS THIS nat 3 BR home and lot In Jefferson, Recently repainted and re decorated Price J4S0O STROUT REALTY 9S9 S. 12th S Pnone 2."i323 a292 IMMEDIATE mss. 1 yr. old furn. home on two i ice lots in Gervais. 11500.00 down. Call Ed. Culherton. HUFF REAL FSTATE CO. Realtor 341 Chenffceta Rt. Phone 2-1349: Eves. 2-55B4 292 .W:,o.oo Nice 2 B.R, home. liv. rm. with Hwd. firs., frnlce. .dinette, kit., bsmt.. oil furnace. Call Onier Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor. 341 Chemeketa Rt. Ph. 2-1543: Eves. 2-5091 a292 $7?S0.(M1 Lh'. R.. Dining R.. Kit.. 2 B R-. bath, bsmt.. snwdut pipe furnace. Near School avid bus. Call Omer Huff. HUFF REAL FSTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549: Eves. 2-5091 a292 BARGAIN HUNTERS ONLY MO50.no Nice 3 rooms and hath, on beau tiful creek lot, terms? Yes, Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. ReaP.ors 341 Chemeketa fit. Phone 37A3' Eves. 9441 tor.no BDRM. HOME In very cood settina. In Tir grovp. hwd. firs., oil heat. 1mm. poss. Two hlks. to .school and bus. OLSON AND RFEVE, REALTORS 94S S. Com'l St. Ph. 4530; Eve. a292" Jnr.00. JUST LISTED I BDRM. HOME. Hwd. firs., fireplace, hasmt.. new oil furnace, large kit. with brea tfust bar 2-e.ir an race. I nun. Pos OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 915 S. Com'l St. Ph 4590; Eve. 253.10 B292 SOMETHING DIFFERENT BDRM. HOME with unfinished a' tic. lovely L. rm. and D. rm.. hwd. firs., fire place, pat!o, full basmt . part? room, oil furnace, n sood location. Call Maddy for anpntnlmenl. OUSON AND REEVE. REALTORS H45 S. Com'l at. Ph. 4590; Eve. 25830 B292 s;.-.iui.o Home and Income New liou.se Living rm . dinette, kitchen, 2 hedrms. utility, elec water heater, deep lot with 4 rm. rrntnl in rear. This Is a good buy Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Ren. tors 341 Chemeketa 8t Phone 3793; Eves. 25260 n'292 lB.iOO.no I YR. OLD small home. cor. lot. pvd. st .. City bus bv door. auto, piped furnace. Neat and clean. Don't miss this. $42sn no SFRI RBXN H ac. 3 Br. house. 11500 down. Bal, easy terms. 17.000 00 I ACHE. Beautiful 3 Br. home, 7 yrs. old. Small barn, nice garden, lawn, and shrubs Excl. soil, pvd. rd. City bus by door. S mi, nut. This place will carry In rue bank loan. I mm. Poss. To see this call Mr. Lukinbcal. HUFP REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-1549; Eves. 2-6680 fl-'92 NEW SUBURBAN" HOME F.H.A. APPROVED - 1 ROOM plastered house, durable asphalt exterior, text ureri stucco interior. Care fully planned for comfort and conven ience. Lovely location only 2 miles from eity center. Open 8 a m. to 5 p.m. every dnv including Sunday. Take Wal lace roflri at west end Polk county bridge to Orchard Heichts, to Karen Way. sec ond house on right. C. F. Karn, builder. a292 OWNI'r"le.V1NC1 Snlrm3 yearold mod ern 2 bedroom home in good district near Hollywood. Hdwd. firs, thruclt, insu lated. Call 517R or (1037. a292 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT KINO WOOD HEIGHTS choice oration and view. Approx 79x180 adjoining very nice homes. Full price $1500. Terms ar ranaed. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTORS 3015 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 7820 or 24530 aa293 i.'ixlitn nt "My edse south; many fir trees: gentle slope, city Water: 100 Block. Rat cliff Dr Phone 4VB4 an FORSALE FARMS MISSION BOTTOM tc; ACHES of good Amity soil. Good mod ern 6 rm. home with 3 hdrms., unhn. a: lie. Hdwd. Ilrs.. and fireplace, basmt. furnace. hrM cins condition. 35 ac icviurd consistiiiB of prunes, walnuts Ar filberts. 15 ac. under rult., bal. liuilier. Paved roiri A aood farm. Price $21. Ofin. Cnll G. 11 (intbcnhort, Jr.. wit h OR AHFN HOIIM I' BROS . Real: 01 s. 1.14 S. Liierty SI. Ph 4131 Ees 22U8 b292- COUNlItY HOME .'." t'1tES located on S. River Road. mod. home, beaut:(ul location, horse stables, all fenced Place in excellent condition. FOR APPOl NTI EN T Call Rschnrd V. 1rnhenhor.st. with (inAIIFNUOIIST UltOS , Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. I'll. 4131 Eves L'.Miao b:'92' INCOME PRODUCERS! 133 . well improved H0 A. tillable. Escel. irrlnntinn well. 12 Rm. Mod. j home. bsmt.. furnace. New 2480 poul I Irs- home. New tnitk hse.. barn, out bldss. 60 A. ctops in. 25 000 -Terms. :w A. Tractor. Fnu:p. NFW HOME. 120 000 - Terms. 80 A. 1 1 liable. 3 A. walnuts, 'fi A hemes. 40 A. prunes, 18 A. pas Hiie t A. timber Mod. new S Rm. hour. 5 Rm hunkhouse. onbui!d:nas Fill hsuit. with furnace. Beautiful Home. Diversilirri Income. BF AN" FRM. M A all tillable, lliOOO--Ifl.iOO dwn. New Mod, home. 7 A. wired. Irrigating svstrm included. Highway location. S A assorted fruits, jliop RANCH. 30'j A. river bottom. Mod- ern 8 Rm. home. New drier valued a I ItiOOO. A-l shnpe. 123.000 $13,000 dwn uu'l. machinery and irrigation system. 1 350 A. Yamhill ruer bottom. 250 A. in i cult iv at Ion. 5 Rm. house, 40x60 burn 1 145.000. t SlROl'T REAITY i 95? S 12tli Stieet Phone 25323 hapa ! DAIRY FARM. CLOSE IN ; 50 AC. Will. soil, tood buildings, stem's Ar enuipmeir Imome s'.arts the day you i take po.sses--:nii. i THE HEAL ESTATE MARKET 43.1 N. Huh St. Phone 24793 b2!3' i $lfi.(Mio.oo-46 acres, all cultivated. 7 room 1 house. Modem. Barns and other bldcn good. Willamet te silt and clay loams Call Ed. Culbertsnn, I HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. I Realtrrs 31 Chemeketa St Phone 2-1S48; Ees. 2-5584 h2!U FOR SALE ACREAGE MONEY MAKER 7 ACRES, 4-ROOM MOUSE, barn, chicken, brooder, hog. rabbit houses: 3 pastures. Roysen, raspberries, strawberries. A Lne 6 h p. tractor & eqp:.. trailer. 7 good young cows. 50 laying hens. This is a money maker. 1 mile from city school Let us show sou (lis place trdnv. Call D. I BISHOP a-4129 CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Reai'ors 350 N. High St, Phone 2-4133 bb332 FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGES SACRIFICE for force sale 10 acre, with berries, fruit, nuts, pasture, grove of fir trees. 3 B.R. older type modem hou.se. plastered, fireplace, E.W. heater, wired for ranee, barn, chick, house, 5 miles from town, paved his h way. close to bus line, sch. and store. Some fur niture Included. $8950. Ifl ACRES North of Kcizer. All In culti. 5 room hou.se. full set of plumhlna, barn, elect, water system. On paved rd. Make an offer. I ACRE rlose to town, 5 room modern house, berries, garden, priced at 15950 for quick sale. 10 ACRES, no buildings. Good black land. 12500. Good terms. R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR 176 S. Commercial Ph. 8841 Eve.Phonc 2459124644. bb295" 19 AC, all under cult. 5 ae. strawberries A; loganberries. Price $4300. Liveable house. Irrigation well. Good business location on 83E. 11000 will handle. Across from Hudsnath Garage. Lloyd Walls. Rt. I. Box 80C Brooks. Call eves, after 7:30 bb293 24'j ACRES 14200.00 SACRIFICE on account of sickness. 20 acres cultivated. 18 acres bottom land can be Irrigated, 3'i sub-clover A; alta fiscue, t acre pears, 2 acres oak timber 4 rm. plastered hou.se, 30x50 barn, chick en house, wire fenced. 12150.00 cash, bal. yearly at S. C. E. Coville, Broker. Turner. Ore. Phone 22. bb293 SI t .iinn.OO Lovely rambling type sub. home, on '. j acre, swell location, has 3 bed nits, on one floor. Just completed Priced right Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realto s 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793; Eves. 25260 bb292 $9750.00 Nice i acre with dandy, clean B-room home. Has liv. room, dm. room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bat h. and den. Nice fruit, shrubs pavement, bus by door. A cood buv. Call Rav Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa F' . Phone 3793; Eves. 941 bb232 A. good soil In cultivation, cozy 3 rm. house, clec. furniture, fruit. i A. straw beriies, gravel road, mi. W, N. Broidnrrcs store, 'i mi. hard road, near Hubbard. Price S2250. Finnnce Pos session. W. E. Huff. bb295 REAL ESTATE LEE OHM ART A: CO.. REALTORS 2745 N. RIVER ROAD WE WILL admit a little redecorating would be in order but It's really a nice Iraet of land 100x450 ft., runs- riRht down to the river's edj;e: house has 2 bedrooms: '.j basement with furnace: city hus at door; lots of fruit and nut trees: husiness possibilities. It s listed at $9,000. Please call for Mr. Daniel son on thl?; one. WHY PAY RENT? $tti0O DOWN and $65.00 per month buys a modern 1 bedroom home located close in: It's vacant so you may have imme diate possession. Rood automatic heating plant. Full price Is $7000. It's better than piilni; tip rent receipts. See us now, BUY HER A HOME BEFORE CHRISTMAS IT'S IMMEDIATE possession on this 2 bedroom home located at 1285 Fir St. Nice fenced yard, school bus takes chil dren lo Bush grade school, basement wilh excellent oil furnace. Price just reduced to $8,950. Better call Mr. Stew art. BEN LOMOND LOTS SEVERAL good lots still available: some with 60 ft. f ron I age; Inside eity limits, waler in, restrictions. Buy now, build later. LEE OHM ART A- CO.. REALTORS 477 Court 61 .--Dnv Ph. 24115-24116 Evening Ph. 24483-5514-24722 r IMMEDIATE possession, pood buy. $7600. near McKlnley school. 3 bedrooms, hv in groom, dining room, fireplace, nice hack yard and outside fireplace. Call F. W. Coolev wilh Alrien Bowes. Real Esttte, Fh. 24791. 3815 Portland Rd. c2!)4' CALABA A- HABF.RNICHT. Realtors IT'S CLEAN IT'S ECONOMICAL $.V!50 buys this 5 room home with attached RaraEe, It has a lame lot and is lo cated North. You can move in to morrow, it's reads. SMALL. NEAT MODERN LOCATED on South Capital, attractive 2 bedroom home, fireplace, garage, large corner lot. SfifiOfl. ELBOW ROOM JEST OlTSlllE town, extra large lot. 2 bedroom home with unfinished upstairs, fireplace, oil floor furnace, V blinds, elec water heater, nice yard and a nice place $8500. BEST OF EVERYTHING ' IN THIS attractive and modern 5 room home, tile I need fireplace, lovely wall to wall carpet inc. auto air conditioned oil furnace, V blinds throughout, insul ated ami weathrr stripped. Located in the Fnglcwoori school district. $12,600. 2.11 N. High St. Ph. SH3B Eve Phone 3779 or 2-52::8 e JOE "HUTCHISON.-REALTOR PHONE 7696 CITY VERY good 1 ' -l- story home in nice disl. Lib. LV. DR., lovely Kii., 2 BR and full bath down, 1 BR up and pari bat h. Ven blinds, firepl., part HW firs. Full has, furnace. Dbl. aar. Base, wnlls scaled A- paint ed. Close to schools A: bus. EXCEL LENT BUY FOR 310.500. (lOOD 1 story hung. 2 BR. LR. DR, Kit. A; hath. Plastered. Firepl., Ven. blinds, full base. A: good fur. Close to grade, Jr. Hi A: Hiah schs. Term can be Arranged. 16900. FARMS BEAU, farm home, with 15 A. all in rultiv. 4 BR up. 1 Irg. BR down. Lrae. LR, lovely DR A: Kit. Music rm. HW firs., dbl. plumb., plastered. Full base., dbl. sar. Barn 20x34. poultry h-.e. 34x60. Best of soil. Cherries, filberts k walnuts. 20 A. good land. 14 A cul'.lv. R A. past.. bal. fir I mill. Beau. bldt. site. -4 ( rm. hse., part base Small barn. 6 stanchions. 2 poultry hses. Sheds. Selling price only $6850. fl5 A. in culltv. 4 past. 9 rm. mod. hse. S rm. tenant hse. Lis lit A: water Piped. Lrae. barn, ma eh. shed. Dhl. gar. Fine soil in w heat and hops, nice location. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court Street Ph. Eves. 4937. 25141. 24789 -M leo n. rmi.ns.iNC. " REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN 31 1ST SELL lI U KI,V. Cement founda l ion. Plasteicd 2 bedroom home with full basement. Will take terms. See us Immediatelv. $5250. VERY NEAT, VERY CLEAN. 3 bedroom older type home. Han full basement with wood furnace. Larue comer lot. S.i.iliO, or with furniture 16000. Vtll 1.1. LIKE TIMS! 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, hwd. floors, utility room. Also extra room for play room or extra bedroom. Elec. cooking, elec. hot water heater, s acre. North. $9750. ni AL'TII'l'L ranch type home in the coun try with 13 acres. Beaut 11 ul view. 3 miles out. 2 bedrooms, living room, din ing room, kitchen, hath, fireplace auto oil. 2 car garage, full basement. Price $17 000. For these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N. CHII DS. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners" F.vfj. call 2-4007. 2-5855 or 6901 344 State St. Ph. 0251 C292 16500 S B R. Fl AsTEHED house, close In on pa-.ed stres't Nr. bus A: schools. Large tot, 85 x 100. Good location. NORTH SALEM J BR. OLDER ipe house, large L R. A DR Circ. neat. F:n location. This IS a very good house for 16950. 3 BEDROOMS SALEM NFW. PLSTIHH home with hdnri. firs., firep.ace. Very attract, kitchen A: din ing rm. Pipei furnace. S acre, bus by tlie door. S.'me terms. Price i',0,500. 5 MILES OUT 10 ACRES :n Lake Labish drainage dist. 5 A. beaer dam in mint. Rest is culn ated Willamette silt soil. Full set of farm blds. incl. 3 bedvoom modern pla.vt. home Deep well, auto, elect, wtr s v.rni, barn, mac lime shed. etc. One of the best little farms in the valley. Owner unable to work. Full price $20,000 WALTER Mt'SORAVF. REALTORS 1333 EdKCAiter Phone 5109 c293 THE HOME IDEAL BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED on lovely wood ed tract North of city limits Just off Pacific highway. Two nice bedrooms, d.ntng room and nook. V. blinds, fire place, full basement i plenty space for b. recreat on room' lame lo;. double garage. R'ter se tills one at $17,000. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. Hign St. rnone 7660 C I REAL ESTATE REIMANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN S6830 Livinit room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, with unfinished upstairs. Immediate possession, new and f In filled Very easy terms to responsible party. No. 13 $871111 2 bedroom home on large lot, NE. oak floors, livine room, large dinette, nice kitchen, auto floor furnace. $2700 down. No. 278. 89Si IJOOO down, 4 bedroom home on 1.86 acres of very Rood land. Close to school, located East. No. 838. $9000 $1500 down, nire stucro 2 bedroom home; close In on Mill Creek, Fire place, basement, furnace. No. 243. $10(10 24 unit downtown apartment hou.e. prossing 728 per mo. Oil steam heat. This Is a valuable piece of property. 'i ACRE. Highway frontage with 3 bed room house. One block to bus. This is It. Only $6500. No. 302. $HUKi Yes. only $10 will give you (he right lo build on a lot of 7000 square feet. S'fOOit 4'i acres Beaverdam. balance of 20 acres Willamette silt . Pleasnnt 5 room house with fireplace, wired for range. Good barn. North. No. 858. SIHWi m acres in perfect condition, all crops In. Small but delightful house with fireplace, beautifully situated. All equipment, house furnishing and cows go. THIS I SA BUY. See It and be surprised. $ IB. 50(1 A fine large modern residence, with an income of $205 a month plus grand living quarters for the owner. Near Hollywood district. REIMANN'S REAL KSTATB "Salem's Building Realtors' 201 S. High Ph. 02O3. Eves. &, Sim. 26056-24628 C292" SUBURBAN $5250 NORTHEAST: TWO bedrooms, one-third acre tract, on pavement and bus. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 140 N. High St Phone 7680 c WANTED REAL ESTATE LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL EM SA LEM REALTY CO C. W BARTLETT REALTOR. 149 N HIGH T. PH 7660 WANTED LISTTNGb PERSONAL ATTENTION given listing! and sate of your home Our excellent loca tion brings many buyers. If vour prop erty Is for sale, SEE US. LEO N. CHILDS. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. b2Al ea WANTED: Listings of Salem and West Salem property. Good demand. B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Wallace Rd Rt 1. Box 162. Ph. 6FI1 ca NOT ICE I If your property la for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S H:gr St ca- WANTED LISTINGS city, suburoan and farm property, we offer you prompt ef ficient service. CALABA & HABERNICHT. REALTORS 331 N High St Phone 5838 ca FOR PRO. MPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD vOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 655 N Liberty Phone 7327 ca' WE ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem If you wlsb to list your property for sale, see ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS ) 134 S Liberty St Phone 413' ca" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Investor's Opportunity THREE HOUSES No. I Nice 2 bedroom, living room, bath. , double aarace. ! No. "!--Oood 2 bedroom, living room, kitch i en. full bath. No. :i 4 bedrooms, fireplace, double car aae. ALL wi uo id condition. Located on half acre in heart of Waldpott , overlooking view of ocean and bay Paying excellent dividend on investment. Truly a fine value for s8750. See Mr. Pylc who has pictures of hous es inside and out. COLBATII LAND CO. Phone 269:13 Eves. 21403. cd:94 REPAIR SHOP AND GAS STATION IMMEDIATE possession of good repair shop, tools, inventory, everything goes. This set up would make an excellent partnership arransement, $5000. We think a GI business loan could be ar ranged on the above property If neccs sarv. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 rri294' APT. HOUSE, stone's throw of new civic center and state bldgs. Mostly furn ished. See this. LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bid. Th. 7952 cd292" I. COUPLE can handle. Coffee shop and lee cream parlor. Good loration. Priced rlcht. . BUSINESS shows cood profit. Large building and lot. 'a down, bal. easy terms. 3. WELL made bldg. includes f reeling unit for storage. R.H. spur. Suitable for poultry or warehouse. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Ph. 6F11. Wallace Rd., R. 1, Box 162 cd297 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY, drugs and jewelry, photo supplies. 10-ycar lesae with apartment. lor living quarters. Near Salem. No phone information please. Call at 455 Court street. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High OPPORTUNITIES WVl'ER SYSTEM, investment property, ne it inn better than 12 re . Very lit tle attention needed to take care of this business. GROCERY STORE. Includes Stock and Fixtures, 3 year lea.-e at 60 per mo. Call for an appointment to see this, or drop in for complete information as to equipment. Located on main thoroughfare. FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT, new, lo cated .11 fast growing district on hishway, no competition yet. all new equipment, stock at inventory, liv ing quarters available. GIFT ELECTRIC SHOP, comer lo cation, very nice business, good mark-up, 5 year lease. GROCERY STORE, very well equipped, includes Meat, Department, good lo cation, cood lease can be arranged. In tint quarters available if desired. See Tlusl $15,000 BARBI HS ATTENTION. Here is a fin opportunity to buy a beautiful 7 year old Four Bedroom Home AND a fully equipped barber shop t2-chairi. ALSO fully equipped beauty shop, in one of the best locatioils In Sa le m. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE COME IN 169 South Hiah or PHONE US 5131-86i0 Eenings 21325-7163 cd293 RESTAURANT ON 99E CLOSE IN. Very good fixtures, very nice 1;mh quarters on property, srade A cer tificate, no parking problem. A bargain for $12,500. M. O. HUMPHREYS A CO. REALTORS 3035 PORTLAND RD PH. 7820 or 24596 cd293 t AP RTMENTS WITH monthly income or 1 $140-2,S0-375-$500-S700. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 34793 rd293 BLIVEN. COONEY A CRAIO REALTORS m:UTY shop in good downtown location. Owner must sell a going business at once. Priced reasonable. Phone 7906; eves 8918 or 5053. BLIVEN COONEY A CRAIO N. High 5:. No Parking Meters cd29: CONFEUTIONFRY owner. Ph MSP. Sandwich Shop or cd2l3 FURNITURE FOR SALE BDRM. SUITE, beds, bookcase A misc. ar ticles. 1520 S. Com'l. dJ93 2 PC. SECTIONAL davenport. Makes into double bed, 760 Siewait fit. -.232 FURNITURE FOR SALE .MR. JACOBSEN. new owner of 12th Stre-t Furniture Store, offers good buys in new ana Uiea rurmture wa.Mii us mac ii inc. line iirw jh.du Sewing Machine. Console Cabinet, 149.50 4 to 6 room Gas Circulating Heater 139.50 Maitic Ciief Gas Ranitc, all white. . .$79.50 G. E. Electric Mixer 19.30 9-drawcr Flat-top Deck $32.50 Child's Table and Chair Sets, New. .$7.95 Antique Marble Top Small Chest. . .140 00 Antique Walnut Sewing Rocker ...125.00 Larae Cut Glass Bowl, a beauty. . .115.00 A very nice selection of Antique China. Brass. Copper and Glass, tin. IO Pirhimi 111-A nr-w Coil Sorine Hollywood Bed $24.50 ' Collapsible Baby Buggy, like new. .$15.00 New fan tpe Electric Heaters; were $16.30 $9.95 Unfinished Hardwood Chairs 13.75 Unfinished 5-drawer Chest $11.95 A large selection o( Coil Springs. Mat tresses. Bedsteads. Chairs, Tables. Wood and O.I Heaters. Wood Ranses. Tools and Dishes. 12:h STREET FURNITURE Phone 7141705 So. 12th Street. d294 SPECIAL CLOSE OUT ii.ti.siji poswr mo - .:? Jenny Lino beds '?! iMicuen lao.e ana i cnairs la.aai Chest of drawers Desks 16.95 TOEV'S FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 3737 d292 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for used furniture tools, and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser. 0885. 285 N. Commercial. da' TOP PRICES paid for furn and what have you? Ph. 25511. 694 N. Lib Sundale's da294' HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Wnnrir? Auction Market Ph 5110 oa AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY eve. at 7 o'clock. Wood burn Auction, ml. South of Woodburn on lmvay 99E. Bedroom sets, lamps, stoves, washing machines, and articles too numerous to mention. Every Tues day, If you have any furniture to sell let us sell it for you. Lots cl buyers. Albert Ohrlst, owner, Emory Alderman, auctioneer. dd293 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED Horses and colts to break and train. 2040 S. ea224- W ANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs and sheep. Will call at farm Licensed and bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. 1. Bmethen & Son. 1550 Lancaster Dr. Sa- . lent. Ph. 21345 ea298 W A N TE D A lflt'ln d s of cattle, hogs, sows and boars at your farm or delivered. market price. E. C. McCandllsh. Rt. 9. Box 23 across from Ball Park on So. 25th. Ph. 8147. ea236 RABBITS WIN G ' SR A BBITRY "pay to pp r I c m f o T fryer rabbits. Ph. 103F5. 3985 State. eb5 PETS P'RTI-COLORED and black Cocker pup Pies. Sired by Champion Willetts, Two Tone Toni. Reasonable, Call after 4 p.m. 1601 Chemeketa. ec303 A BARGAI N "a t$ TSTrVr Lst er c d" ff UCol or Collies, eastern bred. male, six months old. 1 mile west of Shaw. Silver Heizh's ranch. Phone 85-F-5. ec295 CANAKYS, Ph. 4335. SINGERS, 1340 Chemeketa. ec5 COCKER SPANIEL puppies, reds, blacks & buffs. Reg. litter. Make exc. Christ mas gifts. Will hold. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Road. ec294 FOR SALE WOOD GOOD green 16-in. edging. S5.50 a load. Double load, $10. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. e7 16' WOOD 2 UNIT LOADS Old and Second Growth Fir Delivered to Salem $11.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Independence. Orecon ee294 ATTENTION! SAVE money on fuel. Try the new wood man. Millwood 16.50 for I'j cord load. 16.00 for large load of sawdust. Phone 26128 ee296' FIR block wood. Ph. Maker 7868. ec293 OAK WOOD for sale JSi walnut trees. Call 50F2. Salem. ec232 DRY SECOND GROWTH, dry slab wood. f sawdust Ph Maker 7863. ec307 GOOD FREH SCREENED OreKon Fuel Co., Ph 5533. SAWDUST. ee292" WALNUT SHELLS. 15 sacks tl.00. 13 50 ton. Bring sacks Morris KlorfeiD Pack- DRY or nrccn 16-ln. or 4-ft. slab. Tmmcri. delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee7e GREEN OR DRY S3VVOOD"' ' SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 24031. Pej CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN Si DRY WOOD also dried planer - wood. Si sawdust Ptck up wood at 1525 Edgewatcr. W. Salem. Stove oil & dicsel oil. Ph 2-4031 ec FINE kihn dry smooth kindling wood, $5.50 a load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ec7 FOR SALE POULTRY HEAVY FAT HENS for table use. W. O. Pounds. R. 2, Box 155, Salem, l'ii miles straight west of Keizcr school. 1294 TURKEYS Dressed Hens and Toms. Di rect from 'arm. Liberty Turkey Farm. Phone 22873. Rt. 9. Box 517. f305 NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks Started eh trie and olripr oulleLs AIwata ft v All. able Ph 22861 Lee's Hatchery I' - - . - number Prompt service Dressed poul- Hi whoie.snle out noeelalt. Phnna a?fifil 0 v.ni.tii. nil.- Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP EXPERIENCED lady grocery clerk wanted Call in person. 21st A Market. k294" 8 NEAT YOUNG MEN over 18 to Work .JlTjJl with Dist Mtsr. Steady work and ad-1 IP Pi awifmic vnncrment. Average earnings $75.00 MISCELLANEOUS wkly. Apply between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. : Mr. Hammond. Marion Hotel. KJ92 , U FT. trailer house 5300. 30 Tess Ave. : m296" WANTED: AN experienced alteration .a-! dy. Esther Foster, 260 N. High. Ph. 7741 . ; "W BEAUTY SALON." Ample free park K'93 tntt- Esther Wilson, manager. Ph. 26277. - .-.TT-. r;rZ r " Dickson's Mkt.. Hiway 99 South. m304 EXP. AUTO MFC take full chg. of garage! on com. Everything fur. Mehama Ga-:W"EL CHAIRS, hospital bed. buy. sell. ransc. R. L. Guilliams, Mehama, Ore. C293 ! X-RAY TECHNICIAN vacancy In Oreaon' State hospital, Salem Bee inn ins salary , $180 pri month w ith complete main-j tenance for $30. Previous experience m j operation of X-ray photographic and 1 therapeutic apparatus Apply State Cl-, vii Service Commission. 444 Center st., Salem. 2i)2 FULL TIME DOOR MAN, neat appearance. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. e291!" .MOTHERS, do you need to earn? If un employed Investigate Avon products Inc. Earn $1.00 or more per hour. Work dur ing school hours. Write District Manager. 8225 S. E Yamhill, Portland, Ore. g292 WANTED AT ONCE new A used car sales - man, must have had exp. Box 383 Capital JournaL B293" WANTED, outside salesman for building materials A roofing. Liberal commission Plan. Apply Mr. Orifftn. Montgomery Ward A Co.. 155 N Liberty Sl. f MEN WANTED for vacuum cleaner sales man. Libera! commission plan Weekly salary. Apply Mr. Carroll. Montgomery Ward A Cc WANTED POSITIONS TOPPING. TRIMMING A removing trees. Free estimates. 20 years in Salem. J. C. Murphy. 425 S. 20th. Ph. 7678. h.37 EXP.CARE :6FcilILDuirte 8 months in I my home. Box 395 Capital Journal. h294 LANDSCAPE, pruning lawn work, tic. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church St. h6 CHILD CARE 791 Rosemont, W. Salem. h:97 ! CHILD CARE. Ph. 7558. h- , MAN and 3 sons. 16 and 18. wants farm) Jobs. Experienced. dependable. No ! drinkers. Wife and 3 schol children. Good home more than hiph wages. Mr. Lukksrila. 441 Irvmaton Courts, Hous ton. Texas, h!97 WANTED POSITIONS DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS. Ph. 836! . I li296 , 3 h"92 I OD' I CALL 0588 if you need exp. man clerk for I Christmas rush. h292 ARCH., ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. If you need the services of a structural de signer or civil engineer, call Salem 4926 20 years broad experience. h-34 j EXCEL. ADULT BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-6876. h293 INTERIOR PAINTING. Free estimate. Rea sonable. Phone 25745, "239 UNION CARPENTER wants work. No Jobs too targe or too small. 1161 Union St. Phone 2-1487. hl!92 CHILD CARE in my home by day or hour. 1066 S. 13th Phone 26057. h232 iTERIORpVlTINGrc"xpTph76736rh311 CARE FOR children. Ph. 9688. GENERAL CEMENT contracting. 247ol. ! IRONING. Phone 5291 h306 RLGS and furniture upholstery cleaned an(( rooUl pr0o(ed lo your home Ph. -i-tr mm? tt repan AUTO PAINTING Just a shade oettei o Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 h EDUCATION AREYOl JOB SATISFIED?-C.?7r GOV ERNMENT JOB! Prepare NOW for 1948 examinations. Bookler Particulars FREE, Write today. Box 362 Capital Journal.: hh292 . ; FOR RENT : r i n.-, mj.m'i.hi room, mi, priv., priv. I bath. wood, water, llsnts, gas furn. 1250 N. Winter Apt WARM SLEEPING rm. for rent. Also ant. 360 N. Capitol. J293 FREE RENT: Small modern home to cou ple or .small family for board of elderly gentleman. 555 W. Madrona. Ph. 2:613. J29a- R3I. FURN. Apt, 755 N. Capitol. J2U2- HEATED BASEMENT Sleeping Rm. Pri vate entrance & bath 755 N. Capitol. J292 SLEEPING room. 1 or 2 working girl: smokers or drinkers. 254 No. Church.' Ph. 5670. I SMALL BSMT. APT. 435 Division. J292 " VACANCY Modern cottages, weekly or monthly rates. Com'l. Elec heat. 3580 J292 SLEEPING RM. with private bath; ecn tleman preferred. 654 N. Church. J233" LIGHT House heepi UK rm. 1190 Oak, j294 CLEAN SLPG. R5IS, for girls. 15.00 week. I" 1. 6033. 2035 McCoy. j234 NICE WARM SLPd. RM. Ph. 7282. J234 EXTRA NICE sl-epinc room for employed . i ROOM furnished apt. Electric heat. 412 Eversrcen Ave. JJUJ SLEEPING ROO.M. 4335. 790 N. Church. Ph. J294- WARM sleeping room for men. mekcta. ROO.M for rentT- Pit" 4706 1130 Che-j294- J294- WASHING MACHINES for rent by thel hour or day Free pickup and delivery.. Home Washer Service. Ph. 26793. J233 TRAILER SPACE Modern park, roomy, clean. Free laundry privileges. Reason able rates. 3560 So. Com'l. J292 DON'T NEGLECT (he sixth side of your rooms. Refinlsh your floors with our high speed fir. sanders Ar, polishers. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. 602 Edsewater. J304' SLPG. RM, 9732. 395 N. 14th. J296 HEATED !g. clean slcepine rm. from State & High. Ph. 24863. 2 blocks J305- FOR RENT ROOMS BY THE MONTH HOTEL SALEM 161 S. HIGH ST. PHONE 3184 GOOD USED PIANOS- H L. Stiff ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent sell H O. Pufih 681 N 17th Ph 4692 FLOOR aander for rent. Montgomery I ! TRY US for your tool need: Reas, rates. Howser Bros Ph. 3646, 602 Edgewatcr 14 a klim Trt DC KIT j " MrN 1 c u lw R L IN I FAMILY needs 3 or 4 bedrm hse., furn. or Hiifurn. in Salem or vicinity. Can give local references and guarantee good care. Ph. 3536 or white H. G. Cutshall. 770 Shippina. ja294" 3 OR 4 ROOM APT., house, furnished or unfurnished, up to' 5.00. ph. 9308 after noons. Ja294 BEDROOM, with kitchen privileges. 901 S. 13th. Ja292 PERMANENTLY cmp. man, wife A: 2 small children urgently need 2 bedroom home or apartment. Box 394, Capital Journal. Ja29G VET., WIFE and 3-yr.-old wants small house. Ph. 5344. Ja293 2 BDRM UNFURN. HOUSE by couple with 7 mo. old baby. Ph. 24485. ja232" S3IALLUNFURNISHED house or apt. Per manently employed. References. Will lease for 1 year. Reply Box 392, Capital Journal. ja292 WORKING MOTHER with 2 small girls needs apt. or house. Ph. 21793. Ja233 STATE HIGHWAY EMPLOYEE with 2 children transferred to Salem wishes 5 rm. house, furn. or unf. Refs. Ph. days 6350. eves. 8831. Ja294 URGENTLY NEEDED man, unfurn. house, Will be permanent. 21664 after 10 a.m. jv local business 'Hollywood Dist. References. Ph. Ja3f)2 ROOM AND BOARD j YOUNG ENGINEER desires rm. A board In ni- nn. hnmiiil rK i-,446 8 to 5 J2!7!L - sis . . . v . LOST AND FOUND I -. 1 lea- I WOULD FINDER please return brown lea i ther purse my husband made and con-1 tents. Keep money. E Adams. 4090 NJ River Rd.. Ph 22564. k232 LOST on Slate St.. on Tuesday night, black and white small check umbrella. ! rent. Max uuren. rn ma. id i-ouri i. m3 E. WILLIAMS, jewing machine repair "pcctalist. I do not sell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking shears mound. Ph. 5765. 1310 N 18th. m307' DECORATING HOLLY holly wreaths and gift boxes. Ph. 58F12 evenings. m303 SOLID-POLISHED BRASS candle holders $5.50 pair. Wrought Iron railings in stock A made to order. 1145 N. Libert m205 DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment's notlce Ph 5000 m296" SCIssoRSTharpened Dexter Ph 6833 m294' j HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine I repaired by a qtialif.ed Smccr rcpresen- tatlve. Ph 3513 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines Free estlmat given before work 13 started Smcer Sewina Machine Co. 130 N Com'l ; m" MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. II 00 Les Springer 464 Court St. m293 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us fot free estlmat YEATER APPLIANCF CO. 255 N Liberty m MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT OFFERS GUARANTEED. ECONOMICAL RADIO REPAIR ON ALL MODELS MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. TRADE AND HIGH STS. m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adotpb Bldg. State A Commercial St SALEM Phone 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BICYCLE. Vf and brakes. good cond.. $;5. Ph. 4677 TRASH BURNER A 10 El cheap washing machine. Fh. 35100. i. tank. Also 3215 Artv.e n293 IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i BABY CARRIAGE and matt. Excel, cond. ; 570 N. Liberty. Ph 268B4. n293 OFFICER'S NEW ahort coat. $30. Wood heatini tove. $10. Phone 36266. n293 PHILcbTABINET-radlo." Ph. 4678. n2M MAN'S BICYCLE: 3 burners and oven ras ranee; model T Ford 2015 N. 4th. Ph. 21001. n293 prGI-TuiE' BROWNING auto., extra 30" duck barrel, full length leather case, 10 boxes shells. P. O. No. 584. Ph. 7171 during business hours n293 BABY CRIB Ai mattress. Good cond 1 Call 5243. nas3' FOR SALE: 1947 advanced Phllco refrig erator. Ph. 23417. n293 KITCHEN RANGE, copper coil and hot water boiler, 125.00. Phone 3-2B22. n203 FOR SALE: Two 17-Jewel Waltham ladies' wrist watcnes. also good pocket watches. Clock Doctor ISO S. 14th. n293 SHALLOW WELL pump, foot valve. 35 ft 4" casina. 21 ft. 1" tal. pipe. 35 Fair- haven Ave. AM Sunday, week days af ter 5:30. n293 1011 FARM ALL Model M tractor, like new. Bird A Zysset Co. Ph. 6866. n292 GIRL'S-COLLEGIATE-bfreieTmanSUit, almost new, size 42 & E flat clarinet. 3460 Center n233 MAN'S BICYCLE. Oood cond. Ph. 9368. n293 FINE REBUILT PIANOS from $225. Terms as low as 110 a month. Shop with safe ty at TALLMANS. 395 S. 12th. n295' FOR SALE today only. Gas range, daveno. lawn mower, cotton mattress and spring, chair, misc. articles. 965 Highland. Ph. 24838. n293 I TIIERMODORS. wall type. h. 31516. n294 NEW refrigerator. 1938 Hazel Ave. n294' j292iCAST IRON wood heater S8.00 30-gnllon water lank $i.50 Wicker baby co-cart $7.00 Early American walnut settee. Needs upholstery and finish 30.00 Leather office couch $8.00 Oak dining room table $8.00 Old bureau and table. 2 old phonographs, one costs $600. IVAN O. MARTIN. Ph. 4419 I .MAHOGANY twin bed set complete. Excel. cond. 504 N. 14th, downstairs. n294' PROJECTOR 8 m.m. model 50 Eastman U;iP0 vcrv lit'"' JS-au. can uwi or- ONE PAIR girls white shoe skates, si?e 6 2; good condition. Pn. 25124. n234- - - --- - - , . . studio couch with bed, table model cream separator. Call between 10 a.m. and, 3 p.m. or eveninas. Rt. 9. Box 104. mile E. of Krueger's Store, first house W. of Lee's Hatchery Go E. on Center St. J. W. Valech. n294 , ELECTRIC AND gas water heaters. I Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293' t GIRL'S Jr. size bicycle. Ph. 3684. 11294 " 1 USED MONTGOMERY WARD WASHER $20.00. Phone 2-1698, n294 , -- -- ,"-:"" .lniit, n.r, rt.s i r.s, or.e a, rmc new. 435 N. Winter after 4 p.ti n294 II MODEL WASH. MACH. lee sire, good cond- 65 Ralph Olson, 'j mi. W. of can nery. Si ay ton. Ph. 28F24. n294 ( MAN'S ALL WOOL arey top coat, size 38. $15.00. Zenith table radio $10.00. 1850 North I9th St. n294 PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS, rro dieting, large small centerpieces, dollies ruffly doilies, chair sets. Write Edith Walker, Rt. 3. Box 770-A. n294 BOY'S BICYCLE. Ph. 8750 or 1125. 16 St. Call after 5 p.m. n294 FOR SALE: Superior coal or wood range arey and white enamel, colls and warm- intt oven. Perfect condition. S60.00 Phnn 2-1209 after 6 p.m. n292 ANTIQLrE BEDROOMSETbed A dresser with mirror IS x 40 plate glass. $30.00. Ph. 6093. 2035 McCoy n294 NEARLY NEW WESTINGHOUSF. roaster, complete with dishes & grill. H. M, Miller. Rt. 7. Box 43I-T on McCain Ave off Silverton hlway. n294 j ATTENTION ATTORNEYS: Oregon code 1930. Oregon compiled laws annotated, encyclopedia or pleading: & practice, encyclopedia of law & procedure. Am erican law Ai procedure, Oregon laws, mtscel. books. 1926 N. E. 51st, Portland. TR 8084. n297 WOOD CIRCULATOR heater, $20.00. 1675 N. Liberty. n294 WARD'S NURSERY Department has re ceived its first shipment of fruit trees Many varieties of Apples, Pears. Peaches. Plums, Prunes, Cherries and Nuts. These fine trees are bred and grown under conditions that tetve you stock perfectly suited to this climate and soil! Priced to save you money. Ward's Farm Store. n292 LET OUR ENGINEER give you a free es timate on your sprinuler Irrigation prob lems. Wards Farm Store. n292 NEW 5 pc. Chrome Dinette Set with 4 chrome chairs. Large extension table, Hairpin legs and 10 inch leaf. A Tegu lar 159.50 set, now reduced lo $44.50. You save $15 by shopping at Woodry's Fur niture Market, 1605 N. Summer St. Just I his Item. Come in and let lis show you how to save money on al! Items when buy inn furniture. The Glenn Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer St, Just 16 blocks N. of State Capitol Build ing. Free parking and free delivery. n294' IN PRACTICALLY NEW COND. Finser tip length skunk jacket. $55. Ph. 5642. n292' LUMBER. Everything dimen sions. Prir ritrht. M. C. Knode. In ouire 390 Park Ave.. Salem, Oregon. n 1 KIMBLE PIANO. Good rnnd., walnut case med. size. $335. Ph. 22FI6. n292 I HOLLY" A Holly wreaths. Cedar and Christmas trees. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 South 12th. Phone 33346 n396 ROCK iXfnrVh7et" roVie7l5lbT" felt. Lare-e quantities available from Los Angeles firm Write Box 393, Capital Journal n296 sed wood RiMits, completely recon- ditioned. a 00 ppiece. Capital Bargain Hnnsc US Oritur St n295 SPINET PIANOS $495 Up. Limited supply. $50 down Terms to suit on balance TALLMAN'S, 395 S. 12th. A mile from hich prices. n295 NEW KENMORE cas range. Original cost ilfiO: sacrifice $125.00. L. R. Miller. Box 445. Tdlewood drive. First street, Tlh of 12th St. cutoff A 99E. n292 P R-CTI Ci7lY N E W 3 J r . Misses winter coats, size 12 Also skirts, sweaters A dresses. Ph. 4386, 1336 Court. n292 CRoriirTED ""items" make" ideal Christmas gifts Table cloths, dollies, etc. 2581 Cher ry Av. n292 PRACTICALLY NEW i drive socket set. i to I1 by 16th.. I 8-ln. skill saw blade, new. Ph. 26F25. Rt 5. Box 27. n292 MARSHALL 'Jr WENDELL PIANO rebuilt A- refinished like n-w. walnut case Sweet resonant tone 1275. $35 down, 12 mo. Shop TALLMANS A save. 395 S. l?(h n235' EI.FCTRTC water heater. 40-gal., dual element Seidlehuber 1000-walt upper and 2000-watt lower. Verv sllghtlv used. Sold last spring for $109.25. You can have it for $75.00. Propane Gas A- Ap pliance company, 349 Ferry St., Salem. n293- FINE $60 overcoat cheap. Worn very little, Ph. 35623. n392 FUR COAT almost new. Less than half price. Size 18-30. Call 4633. n292 37 FT. NEW 3-in. wood cutter. Cull 35536. 11752 ONE USED Easy washing machine. $37 50 See at Sheyder's Transfer, 385 South Cottace sr... Salem. Ore. n292' FOR SALE: Used Eastman wood furnace in cood condiiiorV completely automatic with fan A filter. Can easily be con verted to oil burner. Al Wilde, Ph. Rd 65. Mt. Angol n392 A REAL Christmas present at a bit saving 32" x 62" fine, nearly new pool table complete, lit. 50, Phone 5355. n292' SIZE It China mink fur cost. exc. cond very reasonably priced. 1230 S. 16:h. Apt. 2. vet. Housing n293 COMBINATION book cast and desk.S 13,50 Beds $ 7.50 to 27.50 Stools 1.95 to 3.15 New bedroom sets 119.50 to 149 95 Desks 13.95 to 50.95 Innerspring mattresses . 24.95 to 3ft. 93 Cotton mattresses 7.50 to 23.50 Coil springs 7 50 to 31.95 STATE STREET FURNITURE IftOO S:ae Si Phon 7598 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS d;93 8 FT. Stewart-Warner re.'rirerator. Ilk 1 new. Also very beautiful bed and dr? 1 er. 405 Union. n293 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS trees and cedar bouBi..sl sprayed trees at capital ana center, err. 6021 or 7900. n301 GIRL'S small bicycle 132. 1595 N. I8th. n294 SPECIAL for Xmas chair side radio, wal nut or mahogany finish $,9.95. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 453 Court Salem, Ore. n294 WALLBOARd7V'x4x8 sheets. $45 M. Also ceiling and le'xa1 panels. Fir Tex lath, also V and ,a'x4x8 shets. Rt. 7. Box 431L McCain Ave off Silverton Rd n294 ELECTROLirX CLEANER ft. air purifier. Complete with attachments. $69.75. 191 S. Hish. Ph. 7719. n307 11:00 34. 14 ply new Firestone tire. 5 tube car radio, new cond. 2 bird cages A stand. 16 qt pressure cooker. Ouit.ir A case. IS mm movie projector. 630 Uninn St. after 5:00. n294 GUARANTEED used electric ranges, priced for quick sale. BROi.DWAY APPLIANCE CO. 453 Court Salem, Ore. n294" FURNITURE we still have some used fur niture left which we have priced for quick sale. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 453 Court Salem, Ore. n294 SH0EICESKATES77'!!T Taylor Tricycle", medium sire. Bed and mattress. Ph. 49-in, 1975 W. Nob Hill. n290 LUMBER, shingles, shakes, plywood, in sula lion, wood gutter A down spouts. EOLA LUMBER CO. Salem-Dallas h:-li-way. Ph. 25950. Salem. n300 HINDQUARTEr" BEEF. 35clb Ph22639. n?93 HPFTnrffn "shakes-tf5750l p'erqr. Incl. undercour.se All widths of K D. finish lumber. All thicknesses of plywood We deliver. Phone 3701 . Borkmsn Lbr A Hdwe. Co. 2460 State Street. n292 ' RADIOS. RECORD plnyers and recorders, YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY n293" PIANO BUYS WALTERS upright, recond $195 00 Euphona upright, walnut cast;... $265 00 Chickerlng. small rosewood lprlght. Reflnished and reconditioned. . $30Q 00 Stein way, Refill ished mahogany. Studio size. A splendid piano. Half original price $650.00 STONE PIANO CO. "The valley's finest piano Rtore" , ;540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Cor. N. Collage! OPEN EVES. 7 TO 9 P M. Salem. Ore. Ph. 2-5231 u292 ELECTRIC IRONS, steam irons, metal ir oning boards, pads and covers. Y" EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 CHARIS corsetiere. Mrs. Bales. Ph. 7074. n310 THOR AUTOMAGIC was her-dishwasher, Oladlrons. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 FULLER BRUSHES. COFFEE MAKERS and replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 PIANOS INVESTIGATE Tallman's Christmas lay away olau Select your piano now. $10 00 holds a piano for Christmas delivery. Fine selection or Knabe. Krauauer. and Lester Betsy Ross spinets to select from. Also Mirr A Pianos and line rebuilt pi anos at bargain prices See at Tallman a. 395 S. 12th a mile from high prices. Open Tues. A Fri. Eves. 7 to 9 p.m. n236 ELECTRIC RANGES (apartment sire). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n233 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, 1307 8. 13th St. n296 PORTABLE ELECTRIC clothes washers, Ideal for apartments or trailer houses. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293- NEW HEAVY STEEL clothes line posts $13 pair Ornamental metal work to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n294 RESTAURANT TYPE electric ranges. rid dles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT RT. SPECIAL ON ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. ELECTRIC HOUSE and outside weather proof wire. Boxes, switches, outlets, kit chen lights. A few heavy duty, school type metal folding chairs, more en route, get your school or club order in now. $4.25 ea. Oak bedside tables. Bunk bed. and mattresses. Young DeLuxe washers. Apt. size gas ranges. Sleeping baes. wool or Kapoc for Xmas Metal card tables $7.50 Tram of 50 6 ton shop trailers $35.00 ea. Gas electric central Ing sets 110V. AC-3-8-25-62 A 90 KVA. Come South on 12th St. to Hovt fthe city linei turn East one block and there you are at the OYT ST. SALES WAREHOUSE FOR WAREHOUSE PRICES n293 LITTLE GIANT electric washing machines. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 WOOD RANGE, exc. cond. Rt. 4,"boV"41S" n293 GERMICIDAL LAMPS In your home or of fice help to prevent the spread of dis ease. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 CEDAR posts, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, pegs and nnv special cedar order. Ph. 68F22. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6. Box 118, Salem. 4 miles East out State St. n299 HOTPLATES WITn or without ovens. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293" BEAUTIFUL red fox care. like new. Just the thing to give for Xmas. $50. Girl's green coast, size 16, $25. Phone after six In the eve., 8331 n234 PRESSURE COOKERS 4 quart for coolc- ing 16 uuart for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY H293 ROYAL Vacuum Cleaner In Al cond.. $23.50. Mahogany Console Victrola and records, J25.00. 285 N. 13th. Ph. 24759. n294 OIL CIRCULATORS with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n203 SEWING MACHS overhauled and electri fied; yr guar.: any make Ph. 7671 ELECTRIC MIXTRS (DormeyerV YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FULL BLOODED Mexican Chihuahua pup- , pies. Also male for breeding. 420 MtUe Ave., Dallas. T20'a REVERE WARE, aluminum cooking uten dls kitchen undeets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293- SILVER FOX furs. Ph 35773. n29 XMAS TREE strings, wreatns. tree hold ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 tropical nsn. guppies. Inquire Bill. n292 Block s Shoe Store. STUDENT AND executive desk lamps, lighting fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 DRINK YOUR apple a dar. Enloy pure apple cider, clear and sparkling. Con tains all the fruit vitamins. Fresh dailv. Puritan Cider Works. W. Salem. n292 FARMERS ATTENTION Electric butter churns, milk coolers, fence controllera. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 FOR ALL MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS, new or renewal, call or writ- Mrs Paul H. Haiuer. 935 Saginaw St. Ph. 782? n299' RECORD THEIR rolces With a Wilcox Oa? Reeordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 4.NTIQUES by appointment hone 4322 0293 ELECTRIC CORN poppers, roasterettea, broilers, blendors. coffee trlnder. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n93 TWO GIRLS hicvcles, one regular, on smaller. 1 15.00 each. Ph. 8224. n293'' PLASTI-KOTE. ce ifopha iwMlki-f' lnTsV!oi your floors. It requires no waxine. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 SINGER ROLLS A lerfice. all mse washer 24 yrs exp Van s Home Furn ishings. 601 Edttewater. Ed EU!. for merly ith Nelson Bros. Ph 6931. n293 CLOCKS AND door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY (Continued on Page