cast Salem Girl Scouts Are Given Certificates East Salem, Dec. 4 One of the two active Girl Scout groups of East Salem is the large troop of Four Corners girls. On Tues day afternoon investiture services were held and pins given to the following girls: Rohertaf- Amunrison, Marilyn Snook, Bar bara Snook, Mary Grace Har ger and Audry Miller. Two members were taken into patrol I, Joyce Hutchens and Carol Jean Hoffman, and Delores Eg gleston became a member of pa trol II. There are 10 fields in girl scoutwork, a 10-point ob jective and members must have a point from each field before they receive their badge. The following girls have re ceived their points In eight of the fields. For sports and games, Joyce Brown, Joan Grimm, Jan ice Kleen, Carolyn Meyer, Ro berta Amundson, Audry Miller, Gretta Ann Schrecengost, Val Jean Gosnell, Wanda Mayden, Mary Grace Harger and Carol Hoffman. Receiving their points in the musical and dancing field are Gretta Ann Schrecengost, Van Jean Gosnell, Wanda May den and Mary Grace Harger; for arts and crafts, Carol Hoff man, Mary Grace Harger, Wan da Mayden, Joyce Brown, Joan Grimm, Janice Kleen Val Jean Gosnell, Gretta Ann Schrecen gost, Audrey Miller, Roberta Amundson, Carolyn Meyer, feviarilyn Snook, Barbara Snook, Margaret Baker, Geraldine Bales, Mary Grace Harger and Delores Eggleston; for commu n'iiy life, Joyce Brown, Carolyn Meyer, Audrey Miller, Gretta Ann Schrecengost, Val Jean Gosnell, Wanda Mayden and Mary Grace Harger; for cooking and homemaking, Joan Grimm, Lorna Strawn, Wanda ' Mayden and Mary Grace Harger; for literature and dramatics Cretta Ann Schrecengost, Margaret Baker and Mary Grace Harger; and Mary Grace Harger also has her points for nature and health. Mrs. G. H. Wing is scout lead er for the girls and Mrs. John Harger is her assistant. Follow ing the meeting Mrs. Harger took the girls for some active community work, the placing of posters for the sale of the Christ mas seals in many of the stores in North Salem. Each group had been given a number of stores in which to place the post ers. The girls are planning a Christmas party for the after noon of the 16th. At the meeting held at Mid dle Grove school house Mon day night to consider the offer made by George Hardy of ground upon which to build a local club house there were rep resentatives from each of the community organizations, and after a general discussion Ted Kuenzi, John Van Laanen and Gordon Wyatt were named as a committee to make the inves tigating necessary as to just what legal proceedings would be necessary to start the proj ect and what preliminary plans could be made. There will be another meeting at the school- house the night of December 15 to hear the report of the committee. Mother, Son Found Slain North Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 4 (P) A mother and her 10- months-old son, principals in a broken marriage and a custody dispute, lay dead today. The body of little Neil Ellis Wartnik, born last January 24, was found in bed yesterday in the blood-spattered nine-room Wartnik home in the exclusive Toluca Lake district. Thirty miles away attendants of a Her mosa Beach hotel found the bo dy of his mother, Mrs. Lena Mae Wartnik, 30, a former model. The estranged husband and father, Sam H. Wartnik, 45, sportswear manufacturer, was in San Francisco and today Is believed en route here. The Wartniks were married in Las Vegas, Nev., May 19, 194B, sep arated last November 9 and he filed a divorce suit November 24, alleging that Mrs. Wartnik drank to excess. Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop It your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to takeachance with anymedt cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial processwlth other time tested medicines lor coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) So Fast! So Easy! So Thorough! THIS NEW g CLEANER 50 and your old cleaner It's a breeze to whisk over your rugi - with this streamlined lightweight G-E Cleanerl And how it cleans brushes out deep-down dirt, gently, quickly, thoroughly! See what convenience and efficiency G-E experts have built into this hand some cleaner. Exclinlv To -lip Noxzh ReQvlator adjusts cleaner to any rug thickness. Powerful Batr and Swepor loosen! deep-down dirt quickly and gently. To-tip 771 Lock can be locked into position for balanced bit ing of cleaner at rug edge. Aecordhn-top Bop wide-top dustproof- asy to empty. All these and many other G-E features make this a "real buy.' Compare before you choose I Stop in today and try it for yourself. MODtt AVF 26 Complete &et ol "ahovc-fhtr-floor" cleaning tools tot jutt littit extra. EASY TERMS Vince's Electric 157 S. Liberty St. Phone 6292 TPofs tore fffecffcfse IT'S maoe with i "HE WANTS SOME t AORE KEN-l-RATION" . ., . w.-yy . it it .... ..... ... ' M Why Dog Lovers Feed KEN-L-RATION Every Day of the Year If you want to make your dog happy and keep him healthy, too, switch to Ken-L-Ration todayl Every can is packed with fine cuts of lean, red meatnutritious, wholesome U. S. GoTt. In spected horse meat. Ken-L-Ration also contains every known dog-health vitamin plus minerals dogs need daily. Remember, tool Ken-L-Ration is inspected by the U.S. Department of Agricul ture. Start feeding your dog Ken-L-Ration today feed it to himregularlyiry.fyand noticetht difference! At grocers and dealers everywhere. loot to rfcfiW on mvity cot I FRit DOG BOOK I Tested, practical information on How to Train and Care for Your Dog) Humorous cartoon illustration! by Sam Co bean. Send Dial and address for your Free copy nowl The Quaker Oats Company. Dept. K, Box 1721, Chicago 90, Illinois. Wartnik had obtained an or der on Mrs. Wartnik to appear tomorrow in superior court to show cause why he should not be given custody of the child. In an accompanying affidavit he alleged that his wife threaten ed him and threatened suicide herself at various times. Detective Lt. Edward W. Smith said there were no cuts on the child's body and he may have been smothered or stran gled. Police Chief Jack Harlow of Hermosa Beach said there were superficial cuts on Mrs. Wartnik s wrists and body and that he had found an empty pill box and bottle In the hotel room closet. Autopsies were ordered. Pilot Killed Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 4 W) A two-place plane crashed last night near the Evergreen airport nine miles east of here, killing the pilot, Charles Warren Ede len, 26, the only occupant. Ede len, married veteran living on route 5, Vancouver, was taking flight training under the GI bill of rights. Waif Rebukes High Bureau Washington, Dec. 4 (P) Rep. Walter Norblad (R-Ore.) took the state department to task to day for approving recent trade agreements which lower the tar iff on certain edible nuts. He said he intended to carry his protest to President Truman before the executive acts on the agreements. He admitted, how ever, he was not optimistic Mr. Truman would reverse the de partments. "The action of the depart ment," Norblad said in a state ment, "will severely cripple our American growers and as a re sult many of them in the near future will be forced out of busi ness." Norblad said he was unable to understand the department's ac tion in "injuring an important segment of our agriculture econ omy when there must have been full realization of the dire conse quences." The Oregonian said the SO per cent reduction in tariff on shell- Capltal Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, December 4, 19479 ed walnuts was the only schedule drowning man when he needs ln that directly affects the Pacific stead a life-raft." he said. northwest. "These new concessions to for- Most of the helium for Indus eign competitors will have the! try and medicine is obtained effect of tossing an anchor at a from certain natural gas wells. DON'T GAMBLE With Your Health We have been filling pre scriptions in Salem since 1899 . . . there must be a reason for this constant year after year service. Rely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions SCHAEFEHTS DRUG STORE 1809 Prescription, Accurately Filled 1947 Original Yellow Front Drug A Candy Store In Salem. Sole Agents (or Fenslar Remedies In Marlon County. 135 North Commercial St Phone 819? or 972R "DON'T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH" P re iw - ... m ne Count on giving appliances for Christmas. They make wonderful gifts . . . appreci ated by people who prefer the best in the home. In quire at the ATKINSON AP PLIANCE COMPANY about prices. It's a convenient way to eliminate a lot of tire some shopping. 7'MTi. Men's 100 WoolTopcdt5 vv $1095 As Low As I 7 Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. Contractors E Home Owners See us for your electrical work. We have the ma terial and the time. Free estimates. Our work is priced right Karnes Electric Co. Electrical Contracting 2060 N Capitol PHONE 1566 JonWoU- than That's why I turn quintuplets when I take care of your car I become an ENGINEER 'Cause in Shellubrication 1 follow factory-approved chart of your car just like a blueprint and specification sheet. And use 14 special lubricants and 15 different kinds of equipment ...and a DETECTIVE Many of the "service spots" in your car are hidden. Lubricating just those you can see is only half a job. My job is to find and take care of every point that rubs, squeaks or wears ...and a DOCTOR An M.D.'s checkup tells you what to watch out for. That's part of my job also ... to warn you before troubles happen ...and a CARETAKER I empty ash trays . . . wash windows . . . vacuum or sweep the inside, wipe off the outside of your car. I check tires, lights, battery and radiator. Do a dozen extra services but at no extra cost ...finally an AUDITOR With Shellubrication, you get a "picture-chart" receipt showing exactly what's been done for your car point by point. So you can be lure everything has been cared for aii bmuse Shellubrication is my business USED MOTOR LE 5 H.P., 3 Phase FAIRBANKS MORSE l!i H.P., 1 Phase WAGNER .... 3 H.P., 3 Phase GENERAL ELECTRIC 5 II. P., 1 Phase WAGNER .... . $6000 . $6360 . $7220 . $12500 2 H.P., 440 V, Broke, 1 " Shaft $35.00 35 H.P., 440 V Compensator, GE, New . .150.00 Many Other Used Motor Bargains Vi H.P. to 75 H.P. Walton Brown Motor Shop Wagner Motor Distributors Phone 25934 Corner S. Commercial and Kearney PARAMOUNT GROCERY Home of Fair Prices and Qualify Merchandise SALEM'S LEADING SERVICE STORE NUCOA 1- pound pkg 38c 2- pound pkg 75c CRACKERS Sunshine, 2-lb. box 39c Hi-Ho, 1- pound 25c COFFEE CHASE and SANBORN Qf 2 lb. Jars 07C TOMATO JUICE 23c SURFINE 46-oz. . . SUNKIST ORANGES 220 0 0e Size J, Dot. J 7 POTATOES. rlGv 59' ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT 64 Size Dozen 59e CELERY utah 2ic FLOTILL FRUIT COCKTAIL No ,2M Tins 35c CIRCUS BRAND SALTED PEANUTS ,lkiTta 29c RITTERS PORK and BEANS No x jRrs 17c GVfSM!L- ssrsrrs SALMON ITJrT'C'TX' !VyrV'Y4tl ICICLE BRAND Mft I.3..iAx.4.tIvL1 A.T.A.. I i ib. Tins iyc - FLOTILL DICED PEACHES Oft Pictsweer Peas pkg. 29c ond PEARS No- 2' Birdseye Peas pkg. 29c Chocolate Syrup Picrsweer Corn pkg, 29c K .PRIDE 19c Birdseye Corn pkg. 29c MINCEMEAT Picrsweer Spinach pkg. 29c pennant brand . jc Birdseye Spinach pkg. 29c 30 "-Jor ; J3C Picrsweer Strawberries pkg. 49c Grapefruit Juice y 3 TEXAN BRAND lft Birdseye Strawberries pkg. 49c 46-oz. Tin I"C PUREX Vi Gallon Jars . . . 23c CATSUP Del Monte Ol Bottle C BABY FOOD Clapps cans .A-wW PUDDINGS Royal O TO. All Flavors . . . " for -t Jello O ")) . for H All Flavors PEAS Stockier 17 Green Pod I C BEST FOODS I MAYONAISE Last Channe O At This Price . . . .Pint C WIDE NOODLES Mission Ol. lib. Cello AJC "PARAMOUNT" flume of Better Meats Don't Jeopardize A'our Family's Health by Purchasing Cheap Meat at ( heap Prices When for a Small Added Cost VVc Can Offer You Those Nationally Known SWIFT'S QUALITY MEATS and Other Leading Packer Brands Processed tinder Strict Government Inspection for Your Protection. DON'T TAKK CIIANCKS. SWIFT'S BRANDED ROUND OF STEER BEEF Ib. 73c Beautifully Marbled: Aired for Tenderness For Koastintf, Swissinj?, Frying, Stewing or Grinding ROAST OF STEER BEEF Ib. 53c Swift's Hrnnded; Arm or Blade Arm Cut for Koastinf Blade Cut or Oven Roasting BEEF SHORT RIBS Ib. 35c Swift's Branded; Lean and Meaty Brown In Hot Fat. add a Little Water and Cook Covered About Two Hours SWIFT'S GOVT. 1NSPKCTKD FRESH LAMB TONGUES 3 lbs. 25c Delicious When Cooked with Vegetables Try Them In Your Diet An Unusual Delicacy FRESH STEER BEEF TONGUES Ib. 29c ROASTING HENS Ib. 57c FRESH DRESSED FRYERS Ib. 73c We Really Enjoy Selling You GOOD Meats "WALT." STRF.BIG PARAMOUNT MARKET SERVICE QUALITY PRICE mm mm. u Phone 3161 rree UellVery 260 N. Liberty KEN-L-RATION FhU",r"