'. 2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 2, 1947 Polk County School Costs Treble During Last Decade Independence Cost of operating the public schools of Polk county like that in most other counties of the state, has almost trebled in the past 10 years according to a summary of tax levies just released by the state tax Dallas Assists Needy Family Dallas With showers, collec tions of money, and gifts of food and clothing Dallas residents have responded to the need of the Russell Butler family who lost all possessions and their res idence recently in a fire on the Ellendale road. A collection taken at the Wil lamette Valley Lumber company where Mr. Butler is employed, brought $451. Children of the elementary school conducted a clothing drive for the eight chil dren of the Butler family. Mem bers of the Evangelical United Brethren church sponsored a shower for the stricken family, and the Red Cross r.ssisted with a large quantity of food and clothing. Despite the tight housing sit uation the family has found an other place to live. Because of the generous man ner in which the community re sponded, an offer of Jesse Jones, owner of the Majestic and Rio theaters in Dallas, to run a mid night matinee benefit was de clined with the grateful thanks of the family. Brooks James Rickards have purchas ed the Kaneko place and have taken possession. Mrs. Elmer Conn was taken to the Deaconess hospital where she underwent surgery Tuesday morning. Mrs. Henry Harris, who was In the Deaconess hospital a week, returned to her home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sprin ger and son Larry were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph deVries at Pratum Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boise and daughter Patsy and Judy went to Klinton, Okla., on business and to visit relatives. They left Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klampe and two children, and Mrs. Will Klampe went to Dallas to visit Mrs. Will Klampc's brother, Wil liam Springer and family Sun day afternoon. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Avery How ard, at her home In Portland, Friday. She had been 111 about a year. The Howards were for mer residents of Brooks for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loomis entertained with a dinner Thanksgiving day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asplnwall, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loomis, Le roy and Roberta Loomis, Mrs. Hatlie Geisy, Etta Mae Fleck, Bob Hayes and Manley Bennett. Mr. and Mn. Arthur Bradl.y anl.r tainfd wllh a dinner Thanksgiving day for 'heir two aons, Mr. and Mrs. Mlckry Rradl.y and baby nor. of Corvallts mid Mr. ind Mn. Robrrt Bradley ind dangli ter Bird aon of Albany. Dlrtnrr sural at the home of Mr. and Mra. Oorge Wood on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mra. Norton Wood and Ron. Jimmy. Mr. and Mra. Frank Wood and Joan and Jane. Mr. and Mra. Paul Daugli man. Josephine and Betty, Mn. Urnce Bolton, Douglas and David. Mr. and Mn. Claud Wood and Karen. Mr. and Mn. Dwight Wood. William Wood, Gilbert. Charlotte and Helen Wood. A family reunion was held at the R. L Davis home on Thanksgiving day. Attend ing were Mr. and Mn Howard Johnaon Alberta, Blllle. Nova Mae, Darrell and Wanda Fae Johnson all of Myrtle Creek Ore.. Mr. and Mrs. Hrnry Uavla, Lavern Dorta Ann and Arlon Pnvls. Mr. and Mra James E. Sayre and Mis.' Marian Sayre spent Thanksgiving day ai Newhera with Mr. and Mrs. c. A. f.ee and Robert Lee. Mrs, Patterson la spending a few i al the Henry Harris home. Mrs. Its sister. Mra. Jordan, left for her home Monday Mn. F.lmei Conn, who iinderaeiil aur lery two weeks aao, la rerotering aalla fsetorlly and Is at home now. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Rrrrt weio hosts for a family dinner on Thanksgiving day In Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reed. Dale and Rleven of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Rrrd and Marilyn of Portland and Kenneth Heed. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cole had aa their cuesla for Thaiiksgivlnt dinner Mrs. Anna Dunlavy. Mr. and Mra. D. George Cole ol fliavton. Mr. and Mrs. Brllt Asplnwnll were Thanksgiving day dtnnei guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde LgKollctle. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Jones. Caroline and Robert were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mra Merle Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corel spent the commission. It is costing the taxpayers a total of $813,769.49 to maintain the public schools of this county this year. Of this amount $525 546.43 is represented by levies against property and $288,223.06 is the county's allocation out of the basic school fund. Ten years ago in 1938 the levy for school purposes in this county, all against property, to talled $285,345.29 including the elementary school levy of $32, 391.52 which has now been ab sorbed by the new basic school fund. The county's public school bill represents 69 percent of the total cost of operating governmental units in the county, amounting to $1,181,147 of which $892,- 923.75 will come out of the pock ets of the property owners and $288,223 out of income tax mon ies collected by the state and turned over to the county. The public school bill for the state as a whole averaged 55.4 percent of the state's total tax levy for this year property and income. Polk county, incidentally, is the only county in the state with a current levy for county and school library purposes in ex cess of last year's levy for this purpose. In all other counties the income tax offset entirely or almost wiped out the county school levy. The current levy for schools is nearly $165,000 in excess of the levy for 1946-47 which in cluded $207,887 of income tax monies as compared with $288, 223 this year. The current levy for support of the public schools In this county includes, in addition to the $288,223 from the income tax $396,040.23 in special levies against property, $63,565.53 in levies by non-high school dis tricts and $65,940.67 in the coun ty school levy. Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Syver son and family spent Thanksgiv ing day in Lacomb with friends. Mr. and Mrs. WIUli Poltrr and non wTP In Portland at the home of hln brnthf r. Mr. and Mrs, Lafe Potter tor the holliiayii. Mr. anil Mrs. Harold rriinn mcrtainfrt with a Thanknglvlng dinner for relatives from Portland. Mn, GeoiKQ Evcrs entertained for her newlnc club In fit week In her home. Fol low inn an Informal af tarnoon refrexh menla were served. Prenent were Mr. F,d Haynm, Mrs. Roy M mi tit, Mm. Sin .Irpscn, Mra. Willis La Vine, Mn. W. H. Duvls. Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Mrs. W. J. Roblnflon. Mrs William Caswell and Mn. Cecil Lake. House B'lfst during the holidays at the h nine or Mr. mid Mr. Arthur K reiver wan Mm. Eva French Hall of Newport, ThankflRlvIng dny dinner Ritenta at the John Nflflon home Included Mrs. Oltta NeUot. and Alec Nelson of Lacomb. Ore. Il wan a family reunion at the Clyde Rafters home on Thankcglvlng day. Pren- were Mr. and Mra. Troy wamhaiiith and family, of Mllwaukle, Mr. and Mrs. OeorRe Bertlllflon and daughter of Ore gon City and Clyde Rotten., Jr., of Albany. In Mill City lor the Holiday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Un. lame Swan were Mr. and Mrs. Orrllle Odnerman and. daughter, Mr. and Mn. (leorge Olllenwater and two children, of Bwlss Home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blmtrk and naiiah- ter it pent the holidays In Drain with her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cltnr spent Thanksgiving day with her sister and hrolher-ln-law. Mr. and Mra. Otto Bchcl in an of Salem. Mr. and Mrs Russell Motif rg and fam ily had Thanksgiving dinner with her relatives In Sweet Home. The Milt City Three Links club held a fanry work sale In Mth Hendrlrson'a store Saturday. In charge .?er Natallle Bwltl. president of the culb; Rachel Oltn stend and Lfltle Swan. Marlon County 4-H club agent. Ant hoi Hlnty, spokt to the four upper grades her last week-end. Club leaders were aluo In v lied, to attend. Mr. and Mrs. George Laird left last week on a three weeks' vacation trip. Laird la employed as truck driver lot the Shell Oil company and Mrs. Laird opera Ira a lor a I brauly ahop. Mr. and Mis. Clyde Ouldei. And three sons were In Stajton for a family dinnet Thanksgiving day wllh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J-ied Carter. Three New Club Groups Formed North Spring Valley North Spring Valley has organized three 4-11 clubs, the Junior and Senior Sewing clubs and the Calf club, which have all start ed on projects. All three clubs rotate meetings at the homes of members and leaders. Officers of the 4-H Junior Girls' Sewing club are Ruth Carlson, president; Charlene Mathews, vice president; and Phyllis McKinney, secretary. The two other members are Ruth Ann Susmilch and Eleanor Waldron. Club leader is Mrs. Fleet Wadron. Officers of the 4-H Senior Girls' Sewing club are Marjorie Mischell, president; Donna Mc Laughlin, vice president; and Macyle McKinney, secretary, with other members including Marjory Box and Patsy Sus milch. Mrs. Harvey McLaugh lin is club leader. The 4-H Calf club installed as officers Harold Waldron, president; Larry Mathews, vice president; Macyle McKinney, secretary. The two other mem bers are Marjorie Mischell and Donna McLaughlin. W. E. Weim berg is leader of the group. Defective Chimney Blamed for Blaze Dallas Fire in the Dan Gard ner home on Church street Sun day evening seriously damaged the interior of the residence, but loss is covered by Insurance. The blaze broke out while the family was away, but quick action of the Dallas fire de partment is credited with saving the home from being a total loss, Gardner declares. A defective flue was believed to be the cause of the fire. Sec ond floor of the house was vir tually gutted and one down stairs bedroom was seriously damaged. Commotion caused by tile fire interuptcd church services in the Methodist church located in the same neighborhood with some of the congregation joining the fire fighters. Temporarily Mr. and Mrs. Gardner are living with a daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anders. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoutenburg of this district, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cotner of Salem were Thanks giving day guests of Mr. and Mrs Marion John Stoutenberg at Sa lem. Afternoon guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs Joe Gisler, Mrs. Margaret Do byns and son Lee of Salem. Marion John Stoutenburg, who received Injuries October 1, 1946, at Salem, underwent surgery for the lid of his right eye at the Physicians' and Sur geons' hospital Tuesday morning. Kearney Stoutenburg of The Dalles was a guest of relatives here from Thanksgiving day un til Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Countiss and grand son, Donald Brown, accompa nied by Mr. and Mrs. Arno Brown of Portland, have return ed from a two days' vacation trip with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lytz at Chehalis, Silverton Bureau Correspondent and agent, Anna Powell, 203 Welch street. Phone Main 2. If paper ii nor delivered please call by 6:45 p.m. Future Linn Jurors Drawn Albany County Clerk H. M. Russell and Sheriff Mike South ard have drawn 63 namesof pros pective jurors to serve during the December term of circuit court, starting Monday, Decem ber 8, at which time the case of Ermalee C. Morris vs. Webb Fitzwater will be heard. Judge Victor Olliver held motion day Tuesday. To insure against possible ex hausting of the regular panel of 31 names, the clerk and sheriff drew an additional special panel of 32 names to supplement the regular list. The regular panel Is as follows: Ruth Nlssen. Jennie Crenshaw. Florence Trapp, JeiRl Howe. Verlie ByaU. Wllma ingrain, ujariyi s. Holloway, Elizabeth M. Reuland, Elsey Hammerly, all of Al bany: Reuben Edward-, Amy Mitsch, Addle E. Bturievant. Msy A. Myler, Kathryn Hayden, Lulu Barr, Bonlta B. Caldwell. Grace Langmark and Agnes Berns, all of Lebanon; Gladys A. Inorn, Millie J. Taylor and Joieph Templeton. Halsey. Blella rianman, Norene Trolllnger, George A. Sandner, and John Bilbernagle, acio; Maude Ktzer, Harriaburg; Eva Bresiler, Lyona; Jenile Howe, and Beu Ish Wheadon, Brownsville; Virginia Kooa. Tangent, and Sarah E. Flook, Mill City. in apeiiiai venire is composed or jaunita e. Jordan. Agnes Bohl. Neva Holat. Opal Olson, Ava C. Templeton and Elmer M. Davis, all of Albany; Beulah m. Miies, Koyai e. Tyier, Ruby Easton, Ei fie Kinzer, George B. Child. Albert Fennell, Frances A. Piece, John N. Beard, Alberla Bates and Clay Nichols, Lebanon; Catherine Cosgrove, Foster: Helen C. Alley, Lacomb; Albert Julian and Gladys ttmiten, Lyons; weti caiiaway and Joan Vroman, Brownsville; Haael DeLonjt Wlrth and Rosalia Fiedler, Sclo; Margaret Heaeman and Bertha II. Barton. Bweet Home; George Worklnger and Fred J. sprenger. Haney; uoidie i. Murphy, stav ton; Olive Pugh. Bhedd; Wilbur Funic, Jefferson and Addle Elliott, Harrlsburg. Sfayfon Choral Society Elects Stayton Election of officers ! for Stayton's newly formed Choral club were held when the club met at the Women's club house. Mrs. Lenore Crabtree was elected president; Mrs. Kathryn Weddle, vice president; Mrs. Tressa Van Nuys, secretary; Mrs. Delia Keithley, treasurer; Miss Paula Smith, librarian; Bill Co vert, membership: Mrs. Ruth Spaniol, pianist; Felix French, conductor. Mrs. Weddle is also assistant pianist. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, the club has been or ganized to bring people together who have an interest in singing. Membership in the club has been limited to 35. Members are Mesdames Mabel Tate, Kathryn Weddle, Delia Keithley, Maudcen Robl, Lenore ' i V II ' i I ' J iM i ou naven r uvea Until You've Seen '; 'Life With Father' J 0 Crabtree, Barbara Shower, Mar ian Klecker, Mabel Buckner, Golda Brown, Misses Betty Jo Keithley and Paula Smith, so pranos; Mesdames Ora Bochme, Reba Inglis, Frances Ricks, Ruth Peek, Twila Sims, Tressa Van Nuys and Miss Pat Woods, altos; Ted Boehme and Bill Co vert, tenors; Albert Olds and Bill Carleton, baritones; L. C. Keithley and Stanley Brown, bass. The club did not meet last week because of Thanksgiving, but will meet each Thursday night until the erd of the school year at the high school at 8 o'clock. at the meeting of the Independ- Instructor of band music for lie nrp Chamber ot commerce Tuesday evening at the Masonic inrf.n.ndanra schools, will prn 1 numhers for the Ult AX-X, -nnm T3a.il TnHH liYlPPt.nl Give Roses for Christmas P & D JUMBO BOXED ROSES OREGON NO. 1 OREGON GROWN Peace - Apricot Queen - Crimson Glory - Aniac Rubiayat - Blaze - Charlotte Armstrong: - King Midas and Twenty Other Patents Also Old Established Favorites 1.15 Gunn Dinner Speaker Independence Dr. Henry Gunn, president of the Oregon College of Education at Mon mouth, will be the guest speaker b ?1L IN Lyons Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye spent the week-end in Eugene, where they attended the Oregon and Oregon State football game. They were met there by their daughter, Miss Imogene Roye who is a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Corbett of Salem visited relatives in Ly ons. They were guests at the Clyde Bressler and Earl Allen homes. Paul Cookingham of Salem spent Sunday at the home of his parents Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Cookingham. ' Mrs. Roy Huber has returned home from the Deaconess hos pital and is convalescing fol lowing an operation. Andrew Silbernagel is in the Salem Memorial hospital suf fering from injuries received when a log rolled over him as he was at work at the Silber nagel brothers logging. Earl Slover was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital where he will undergo medical treatment. Mrs. Calvin Trahan was call ed to Lebanon due to the serious illness of her father Mr. Walls. Wash. They were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arno Brown at Portland. Thanksgiving holiday at thn hnmo o! Mr. and Mra. J H. Krllr-r at Lwila Laat T hankagivllig nay dinner gurala at In. home or Mr. and Mra. W. B. Himpll were Mr. and Mn. J. S. Rnaarll o( Thliraton. Miss Anna Ruascll, Allan Ruasell. and Mlas Carol RuAAt'tl. Mtaa Anne Himril. atndent al Umvrraily of Oregon aoenl the holldava at the home of her par ent. Mr. and Mra. W. B. Russell. EihK Today Opens 6:45 "SINBAD THE SAILOR" with Dmifrlns Fnlrbnnkft, Jr. Maureen o'llara - Waltrr Seliak Also "IIKHE COMKS ELMER" with l lVrcp - Dale Evans Radin Entertainers Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW! AND IT'S tIALLY GRIAT... MCAUSI IT'S TRULY RIAL! gltahieHRT MltH NOMINNASH . HD DONALDSON Ti'lA JAM DAIWIUVVHj CO-HIT! XL DELMAR Willi UNA Mlglt . ENDS TODAY! (Tue.) Carv Grant Sl'Sl'lClON" T.nsh La It ne "PIONEER JUSTICE" Opens 64S P.M. Tomorrow! (35c) fmuTy!!.C KVVisy Mi.tr... Janglt! I met Ht leopard Vfoman Action Co-Hit! Eddie Dean "DRIFTIN' RIVER" o "JESSE JAMES RIDES" Mat. Daily from 1 P.M. NOW SHOWING! REX HARRISON MAUREEN O'HARA m JOHH M. SIArtt - WILLIAM A. BACHEt l I 2a L ONTUgY-FOI Plus Cartoon "ONE NOTE TONY" And Airmail Fox Movietone Newt New Tuesday! SHE'S AN HILARIOUS SUPER SNOOPER! pi rami ; ANN SOTHERN' i vr- in AND js Heart-Warming DRAMA and f HUMOR ecu rwAMECHE McLEOD Rohm Karris John Ridgely Kitty Irish Added Treal.! rm mith's "srar ch-re" Laleal Warner New. WABwrDOonc v , JFE1ITH BlTHER B IRENE rw ELIZABETH MI FDMIIND GWENN.ZASU PITTS Asi, -HICHABLniMB note! :.;;.::'.:. yt rout, bucknbk UNIIJAt 1 miiol" V homo Lindsay & if U' w mm, ch.ousb I Hollywood Wonderland" Cartoon - Warner News CET BEflLOIHT I I WINTERIZING I I SERVICE FOR I I YOUR CAR I FOR REAL MERCURY SERVICE ALWAYS SEE YOUR DEALER Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY 430 N. Commercial Phone 7249 The Place to Go It tattucJ Chateau for Barbequed Crab Pan Fried Chicken Baked Ham and Delicious Steaki Dancing and Drinkt Phone 9833 Dinner, from 6:30 to 1 A.M. A $Q95 Sale Price Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. SPRING FLOWERING BULBS Lilies. Henry II. 45c; Auratum, 2.00; Regale. 30c; Croft, 40c; Ruhruni, 1.35; Formosanum, 30c; Prlnceps. 40c; Tulips, 10c; Hyacinths, 30c; Amaryllis. 45c; Pink Calla, 45c; Yellow Calla. 20c; Crocus, 5c; Kin Alfred, 20c; Soel D'or 7c; China Lily. 5c. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE GARDENER Trowels Seed Bed LopinR Shears Shovels Heaters Garden Glovei Hoes Grass Clippers Garden Carts Cultivators Lawnmowers Floral Miovels Books Leaf Rakes Lawn Sweepers Pruning Saws VISIT OUR PET DEPARTMENT A COMPLF.TE ASSORTMENT OF GIFTS Cat and Dog Supplies Aquarium Supplies Bird Supplies D. A. WHITE and SONS 265 STATE ST. PHONE 4952 .t3lii:eilfetarMlMt Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. Vfe w j afel ' for'"'. I J aEie Youir zed nil Payment DR. HARRY SEMLER, Dentist Yes, I mean every ward of It . . come In and arrange to have all your necessary dental work completed Right Now . . Pay Me NEXT YEARI You will appre ciate how easy It Is to arrange for credit at any of Dr. Semler's Dental Offices. No red tape . . ne delay . . ne third party or finance company fa deal with. This Liberal Offer applies to all types of dental work, Including the New Trans parent Palate Dental Plates. Take as long as 5, 10 or 15 months to pay. PAY WEEKLY or MONTHLY On Your Own Reasonable Terms Come In any time crt your convenience. Out-of-town patients' work completed in 1 to 3 days ( Difficult cases excepted ) Wear DENTAL PLATES WHILE YOU PAY.. Purches them en Dr. Sem ler's Liberal Credit Termt ... pay in Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. Ask about "IMMEDIATE RES TORATION," which enables you to Wear Your Plates the Soma Day Your Teeth Are Extracted. WW "'" K "YOUR SmI . n YOUR GOSPEL SINGER' iMerftl Or. Soide tsd0 KOCO t4?0te Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. Sunday 10:00 e xt. NEW PLATES in 1 DAY This applies only In cases where no extraction is required. Coma in any day (except Saturday) and your new plates will be delivered to you on the same day. This terv i c o particularly recom mended lor persons in public lit; who wish to avoid .the em bar ran merit and Inconvenience of "Toothless Days' 1-DAY SERVICE for Repairing Visit your nearest Dr. Semler Dental Office . . . conveniently located In Portland, Salem and Eugene. WATERS-ADOLPH BLDG. ill4tcllJlf&Ui 4TTr . r'Aimrn'iii utK 3 1 mic & lumnicitiiMi. Salem Oregon HOURS: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM... Saturday.; 8:30 AM fa 1 PM Only