18 Capital Journal, Salem. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING i Per Lin .1" Per Line I times .tfl Per Lin. times .40 Per Ltn ) month I.W UlD tSci 3 tint mln 40ei tim mln 5 READERS In Local Newt Cl. Only. Per Lin -SB yJ FOR SALE HOUSES I- ifOPFRS 8 RDREAM HOME built by ovnfr, located one block from school, store, and transportation. Extra large '. Int. Will sell turn, or unfurn. Phone . 8803. 274 . SU LLI VA NR EALT Y 1 NC. FAIR OAKS WAY BEAUTIFUL wooded drive on Kmswood Heish'A can be your new address. We pave mo lovely homes lhat will be fin " Ished in about .10 day. Onp 3 BR horn nh about 1150 in. It. and one 3 BI home all on one floor with about 1400 tn. ft. Both will have til kitchens, y hwd. throughout. Wpjsix pIpcI. heae. in sulated and weal herst ripped, plus manv othpr line feature. These home are priced right CITY NORTH IF ynu want, a beautiful home at "dap of fit v, it will pay you to look this oiip over. 3 nice BR, all rooms am Us lit and .., quite roomv, plastered, all modern. 1 'i blocks to bus, hwd. floors, auio. floor f urn., alt. garage, lot. 67x137, full price k 49,000. 43.250 dwn. Bal. 450.00 per mo., . int. at 4",. NOB HILL a LOOK no further as there is not a cleaner or better home tn Salem for the money. Five lame room and bsmt. plus 20x18, utility on ground level, nice location i with lovely view, redecorated in and out, fireplace, wired for range, new furnace, abundanre of fruit and shrubbery. close to crhools and bos and 1mm. possession. , IP. 000. ONE ACRE NORTH , l E R F. i( Is that much souk (it after home ' in Kcizer district. This is just a dandy nice 3 BR plastered modern home, 6 years old and well built, a swell kitchen, full hath, nice LR and DR. utility room, ail. garaae, good lawn, plenty of shrub bery, weeping willow tree, cherry tree, chicken house, good little barn, cement i pump hou.se, acre in strewbernes. all on one arte of the best of soil. Full price only 17.500. More land can be had. 30 ACRES NORTH HOWELL (t ROOM HOUSE in good condition. 4' arren berries, 16x20 chicken hou.se. 50 young peach trees, good 6" drilled well. Willamette, silt loam. This la a good one. 10.500. Excellent iernis. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. 3365 Portland Rd. REALTORS Ph.3 255 a27: 12000 DOWN WILL BUY WELL LOCATED S ROOM HOME 16750 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET ' 413 N. High SI. Phone 21793 a274 i RnrtM. hou.se North. 'New k modern, "i oil lira! . hwd. floors, la tin dry room, g a rare. Lot. 50x140. near school A; bus, No fir nlers. JHOflO. Call 6037 or 110(1 N. Winirr. fl272 , PA RT L YFU R N ISHED, 1 1 000 DOWN, HAL. 450 mo., romb. kitchen At t It v. rm., 1 bed mi., shower bath. eler. stove, be drm. suite, tables At chair. Price 41300. See ALLEN .IONES OR MRS. NEEDHAM REALTORS 341 Stain St., Rm. 4 Phone 3-4a.ll a 272 41500 DOWN" . jVll'E 'I BR home, close to grade and Jr. ,' high srh.inl on bus line. Price 46500. See Mrs. Pairer. associated with ALLEN JONES OR MRS. NEEDHAM, REALTORS 141 State St., Rm. 4 Ph. 34831 a272- " KINO WOOD HEIGHTS SPACIOUS VIEW of valley. 6 rm. modern ,, bungalow home 2 fireplacrs. Ige. rm., auto-nil heal, dblr. narage. A real fam ilv home. Price 111. 500 Call Cohurn L. Grabenhorst. wilh r.RABENNORST BROS.. REALTORS .. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 1131 Eves. 7772 a273 OM E Located east. Lot 7nxi32 ft. S mis . hdwd. firs., elec. water healer, wired 1 for range, oil floor furnace, utility rm., Harare. Price $6750. 4275(1 will handle. Call O. H. Grnhenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1.14 S. Llherty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 32948 272 vFiVINO CTTY OFFERS THIS new 6 rm. home with auto- heal. hdwd. firs.. Venetl. i excellent condition thru-out. Will sell t furnished at 111.500. Unfurn. at 110,- l fi00. FOR DETAILS Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Llberl.v SI. Ph. 4131 373 ' " " COUNTR ! YHOME '15 rnv. i located on S. River Road. Lae. ' nmdem home, beautiful location. Horse stables, all fenced. Place In excellent ' rnnditinn. FOR APPOINTMENT Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 350R , a272 LOCATED NORTH ! 1 ACRE With modern 2 bdrm. home, hwd. firs., auto-oil heat, garage attached. In good location. Price only 18900. Call Rirharri E. Grabenhorsl. wilh GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph 4131 Eves. 3 5 089 1 I.Mno. WEST Salem. 2 bdrm. home, LR. DR. kitchen, enclosed back porch, new g a rate. nrk. shop, nice lawn, paved l . Call Mr. Cooper for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS " 945 S. Com l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 32373 a374 , P7.WI, KEI.ER nisi., new 3 bdrm. home. LR. kitchen, nook, wired for range, new i electric pump, 'i acre, very good buy. Mr. Cooper for appointment . OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 fl. Com l. St. Til. 4590 Eves. 22373 S274 l?000 DOWN 1 HI. 00 Pl'R Month. 4 Interest, Full price ' tfiftno.00. See m new 2 herlionm house ! hefnrp you buy. Elect t ic heat, a t Inched earner with utility room. Kitchen, din ri le and large Living Rnnm. Owner leaving State must sell quickly. For add ed intonn.iimii call A BRA MS A- SKINNER, INC. 111 Masonic flldg. Phone Mr) Insuranra Mtg. Loans a272 "" 43fiiO "FULL" PRICE URGE bedroom. 1 small brdrnom. large1 huns mom kitchen, plumbum com plete Lot anniox. 63VJ00. This house is . Inr a ted floui Ii of 1 2th strr-t and o;ri Ps:if;c Hulnsav. Terms 11800 H.ss n p balance 24 on per tnoiUli at 4", Inter- j est. For arideri information call ARRAMS A- SKINNER. INC 411 Mn.sou Bldg. Phone in 3 " l In ut iin Mtg. Loa 16400.00 I Rl It It (KM home under Kei.er Dist i ict la rue lot. atei heater, attacl: service. :!iiuld ao G garage, rity bus I. with 10'. down. ! ARRAMS A- SKINNER. INC Md sonic Bldg. Phone 9 sir i ance Mtg. Loans a372 OWNER MUST sell 4 bedroom house at j 985 Summer St reel . Ideal location. ' Lane distinctive hung loom. Larse ; Dining Room, modern kitchen. Full . basemen. Mut-t he .seen to he anprert ' erl Telephone 42.S2. take a look and ! rrake an otter. aJ74 j ""WE ARE ANXIni'S Tn" SHOWYOU I THIS ONE HAVE an exdusne hating on th; 3! RD liciif on Rout h Cottage St than 100 ft, from new Bush Park I.e s,s j Con- I sirlerahle luriiu urr gnrs with it. Old I house hut in good condition. Lo! alone I worih 150(10.00 Total price 13750.00. Moe in now See VICK BROS, or F. O.I n FT, A NO, 230 N. Church. Phone 5710 a273 ' SOUTH SUMMER ST. 112.500 00 ATTRACTIVE well built new 3 BR home. J lull basemt nice DR fireplace, nice lo- cation CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL 110 00 I YR. OLD Cape Cod. 3 BR. ha firs.. fireplace, DR. auto, oil floor fur., utility. This L reallv a grind buv PFARI. STREET 18750 00 IATE BI'II.T 3 BR home, maple flonis. DR. auto oil floor fur., utility, att. gar., don't I miss Ihi. I SUB NORTH J 16. SOU 00 I t'AVT BE Hl'll.T for less today. 3 BR 1 I story 7 yr. oid home with bull dry basm , . I auto, oil air cond. fur.. 3 fire pic, Is din. rm , ovenued garage, S acre, love-, I Ir tswn At shrubs. Call Ed Lnkinbral HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1 I Realtors 341 Chemeketa 8' $ Ph. 21549 Eve. 36680 a374 KEW MODEST BCNGALOW. See, compare. I buy. 2 bdrm., oil heat, oak fir., att. gar . ven. blinds. Improvements in At paid, i Priro 17400 00. At 315 Kooni St. ioff 8. Water St.t Silverton, Ore. 1373' Yo place classified ads! ! phone 3571 or 8037. Ore., Friday, November 14, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: 11900 down. New 3 bdrm. I plastered home wired for rang At ha. elec. water heater, attached garage, rea dy to move into. Ph. 24504. 273 MODERN ? BEDROOM home. Bu door, close to school. 860 S. 20th St. a273 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SIX YEARS old two bedroom home, hard wood floor thruout. automatic oil heal, fireplace, location North near schools 410.500. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8218 373 1375C SMALL HOI'SE, 80' lot. 1143 6lh St. 46500 NEAT t BR Insulated home in good neigh borhood, attractively decorated. base mem . nlre lot. close to park, schools As bui. 1561 Elm St. Call lor appoint, ment. 16850 NEW IT'S NEW At an rarl He. Cozy kitchen, large comb. LR At DR. 1 BR down, un finished upstairs. Electric heat. 11800 down. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 1333 Edgewaler Phi 0 a273 RANCH STYLE HOME REDI'CED! WELL-BUILT 3 BR home, all electric. About !.i acre. Hwd, firs, thru out, fplace. A truly lovely home. 113.400, Terms. Appointment onlv. B. fSHER WOOD. REALTOR PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. R. 1, Box 162 a273 PHONE 3210 FULL PRICE 14500 DRIVE BY 403 S. 32nd St., then rail Mr. Crawford to see this 5 room home on a corner lot. NORTHEAST 1 3 RORM. Home on a large well land scaped lot. in city limit. Dble. saraer, chicken coop, only 16500. Call Mr. Crawford. FINEST VIEW IN SALEM ! ALMOST NEW View home on Kmgwood Drue. 1 story Ranch St vie, 3 brirm.. sunken living rm.. b;rh door.s. V-bl;nas, full baimt. Knot i y Pine Rumpus Rm. with fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Thn home one of the best. 436,000. Call Mr. Neely. ONE STORY BUNGALOW 1 RDRM.. Bath, living rm.. kit., buill-lns, elec. eook , elec. water heater, garage, shrubs. Drive oui and look at 170 Abrams Ave. and then call Mr. Neely. EAST NEAR STATE STREET Hflt.vi. LARGE 6 room home near Stale St. Plastered, paved St. At sidewalks, 1 blk. lo bus. Ca'l Mr. Pirha. SUBURBAN WELL RI'ILT home on an extra large lot N.E. Nice lawn A; shrubs, 3 bdrm. A: extra room, firepl.. lidw. floor through out, nice kit. Az nook. DR. utility rm.. garaRe. We're glad to show you this one,. Call Mr. Crawford. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Streeta27.V (;ooiCOMFORTAni.E 4 liednn. home with all modern conveniences, nice cor ner. In good location. Priced for quick sale. GOODWIN At McMILLIN Realtors 474 Court SI Phone 47H7 Eve. 8715 or 8IF2I a 27.1 BY OWNER REAIlTIFt'L NEW suburban home. 2 BR At. hnlh. auto, oil furnace. V. blinds, lots of huilt-iiu AND a A. of outstanding garden soil bordered by spring fed creek. A beautiful home at a sacrifice price. N. of Alum. Plant to Shady Lane F to Pleasant View Dr. N. to 37fiO. Drive In. a 3 73 J70 FISHER RD. GO B and see this well built S rm. home. Then phone 24791 for app't. You ran buy this home on terms. ALDEN BOWES REAL ESTATE 1815 Portland Rd. a 27.1 NOTICE SIA.MHl. SOMETHING different, this lovely home in very nice district, hwd. floors, fireplace, very lovely floor plan, full basement, with party room, nil heat, this house will carry a good loan. Call R. Maddv for appointment OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 a273 S RM. nOME for sale by owner. Engle wood dist. 813 N. 30th. a275 WELL LOCATED 4 bedroom home tn south east Salem Close to school, buses Ai iiore. Walking distance to Slate bldfts. Nice corner lot. Ready for Immediate oc cupancv. Electric range A: water heater with place, A natural for apt. deal or room rentals Reasonable down pay ment A- hnlanre about 135 per mnnt h. Will consider good car as part, on down payment. Price 10950. For further details Phone 9371 or call at 421 S. 18th St. Plare located at 497 S. 181 h. a272 l?nn, I BR home N.E. close to bus line. Has bath, garage, woodshed, several fruit trees. Call O. V. Hume wlfh STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High Ph. 4131 Eves 25206 a272a . S7080. NEAT a I tractive 5 room mode home. Has fireplace. H W flo rs. base- ment. oil furnace, R a rage. Close to bus and 2 blks to grade school. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 35306 aJ72 I ACRE N.E. with attractive 3 BR home. Has HW floors, fire plare, floor furnace. garage. On bus line. Price 47400. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS IMS. High Si Ph. 4131 Eves. 25206 a272 HOLLY OOD DISTRICT 4 BEDItM. MODERN HOME 110.800 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 372 BY OWNER:" New VRhome Veil built, Ln. dine l te, dream kitchen. 3 BR., bath, b closets, (tit , Venetian blinds throughout, half hdwd, M., coved ltn. with matched borders, thoroughly Insulated, gas tl. furnace, all. snr , to have stab rock porch and concrete dr., 1 blk. from bus. close to schools. 1 blk. north of Market si reel on 23rd. Owner cannot occupy home bemuse of asthma 5 grown tree. Phona 225-M Dallas for appt. a273 NONE BETTER III.7.MI 8 yr. old 4 bed rm. sub. home on 'i acre north, party rm. In basmt.. 3 flre-plm-ps, hwd floors, beautiful lawn Ar shrubs, pavement , bus near. NORTH SUMMER ST. 41.1.. MM) 4 bed rm. home near high school, hoi waiei heat, hwd, floors, fireplace, double plumb newlv decorated NEW, B EST CONSTR UC I' lO N Xll.imo 4 hrd rm. full basement, air cond fut . insulated Az. weatherstripped, two 1 blocks to FualfMvood srhool. I NEAT A; CLEAN MKiH Lv. rm.. kit . 3 bed rmv, bath, mil-, lly, garage, paved at., romer lot. , Call Mr. Walters Mil pf RFTAL Kin A I K COMPANY iliois .ill Chemeketa St 3,93 Fe.v 35260 a274 I WH.s.n.00 4 bed room house on nice corner lot. LR, DR nook. kit., good tor Income, prop. 12500 00 down Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 34 1 Chenieket a St . 3193 Ete-s. 9441 aJ74 8in.HOO.00 New 3 bed house on one floor, has large LR. DR, kit., fireplace. hurt floors throughout. Elec. heat in sulated. A good buy Call Rav Da MS. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemekela 81 PH. 3793 Etes. 9441 a374 I0.oH) Nice clean 3 bed rm. home. liv. rm din rm . kit .. hwd firs., fireplace Ig garage attached, also outdoor fireplace Call Omer HUFF REAL ES1ATF COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa 8t Th. Iis.!l Eves. 2.S.031 S374 BEAUTIFUL 4 bed rm. home near the Capital bldas.. nice Ig living and din ing rooms, hwd ftrs.. fireplace, bsmt. oil fur For appointment call Omer HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt Ph. 31549 Even. 35091 a374 IMM. POSS, 4 rm hse. nicely dec. close tn schools, store At town. On bus. Air cond. auto. heat. Attached tar., huge mil tree. 1000. Terms. 1456 Chemeketa WEST SALEM HO USPS t RR'i. l.R, DR. Kit, lie. garage, Mod- ern. 45075 FURNISHED 3 BR i. LR COMB. KIT At DR. Extra rental. 15500. BSMT 3 BR i. Partially turn. Nice lot mon ALL ELECTRIC Ie lot. Well built 17350 B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. R. I. Bot a: ?73 FOR SALE LOTS BUSINESS LOT LOCATED S. r. on pas'd t. with aide alk in. Aire 50x97 ft Good location for small store or restaurant. Near ne ' cannery. i Call G. H Grabenhorst. with ORABCNHORST BROS, REALTORS ! 114 8. Liberty St, Ph. 4131 Ees. 33348 ' aaJ73 j I.AROP SUBURBAN LOTS 45MI I He PEAL ESTATE MARKET 4.1,1 N. High Si. Phone 34793 a374 BLK. N. 4th. Ph. 3583. aa:86l FOR SALE LOTS YOU MIGHT buy more land for the mon py. but ynu can't buy more location than this 256 foot Hlway Corner, North oi unaerpas. GOODWIN A McMILLIN Realtor 474 Court Phone 4707 Kve. 8715 or 8IF21 aa373 CITY LOTS I GOOD buy on two city loti 50x135 sewer and Rater available. 1600 each. JOE L BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capiiol Ph. 8216 aa273' MANY BEAUTIFUL Dome sites. 95 1 and target amidst 10 acres of fir oak trees, city water, near school. 100 sincied district, 3 blka. 8. of Com'l- Lioertj Ha. junction, then 1 big, Z- on Ratclilt Dr Owner's Ph. 4384 FOR SALE FARMS BARGAIN. HARD to beat, truck farm, good 3 rm. furniture, variety fruit, ries, gravel road, ml. W. acres store, near Hubbard. 5 A. brry, house, elec, A. strawber U N. Broad- S2250.00. nance Possession. W. Huff, b278 FARM Sl.yr.fHl. ? acres of the best soil In the Willamette, valley. 7 room modern home, basement, furnace, all kinds of fruit. At num. large barn, room for 12 head of milk cow.s, chicken house. This won't last long, hurry, call today for appoint ment R. Maddy. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS B45 S. Com l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 b373 PHONE 3210 10 ACnES fruit with home. 2 bdrm. with unfinished attic, 5 ac. prunes, 2 ac. Roy al Anne cherries, walnuts, apples, pears, 2 ac. open, fine land on good road, in Sunny: rie tract. Call Mr. Nee I. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street b273- 10 ACRES 4fiMM.0fl. 5 rm house, barn, chicken house. some bottom land, good view, creek, part furnished. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa 8. Ph. 3791 Eves. 9441 b274 FOR SALE ACREAGE. BARGAINS IN SUBURBAN HOMES S.VV10 3 BR a. Acre. North. Modern. Good house Patio. $5750 ACRES North. 2 BR livable hse. Walnuts. SOl.'iO a ACRES. 3 BR home. Terms on all of the.e. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. R. 1, Box 162 bb273 REAL ESTATE ONLY (3650 CASH DRIVE BY 1175 Spruce street. II Inter ested come In. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors HS N. High St. Phone 7660 c SUr.URBAN 15250 NORTHEAST; TWO bedrooms, one-third acre trart, on pavement and bus, SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 140 N. High St Phone 7660 c" LOVELY SUBURBAN JUST OFF Pacific highway North; elec tric furnace, fireplace, v. blinds, nice wooded tract 118.000 SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St Phone 7660 c MANBRIN GARDENS. New A room home it 425 Wayne Dr. 42500.00. Will handle. Call 24791 or 3826 anytime for appointment. Priced to sell. Alden Bowes Real Estate. C272" NELSON NEWS ! 3 B R.MS. OFF CHEMEKETA IDEAL LOCATION close to hospitals. L.R .i Dinette. 2 B.Rms., hath with built-in tub. ulili'y rm. on 1st fir., 1 B Rm. up, elec. water hi r., wired for range, Ige. 1 lot on bus. Full price 16450. . 3 B RMS. HOLLYWOOD GOOD. MODERN, substantial home wilh full basmt.. L.R., D.R.. Kit.. 2 BR., hnlh 1st floor 1 B.R up. Elec. water htr. Close to bus. dist. 47650. COW. CHICKENS AND FRUIT NEAT COTTAGE with bath, utility porch, elec. water htr., wired for elec. range, small barn. 5 acre tract, 3 acres limber and pasture, strawberries, boysenberries and cherries for cash Income, on good road 10 minutes out. Only 15500. See Mr. Gallagher. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IF VOI1 are looking for a substantial well established business in a choice down town locat Ion, check wit h our Mr. Schmidt. This business grossed HOO.GOO in 1946. Priced right NELSON A; NELSON Sp.-cinlizing Realtors Cliet. I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson 702 N. High St.. Salem. Ore. Phone 4622 Eves. 2-1350 c272 REIMANN S REAL" EST ATECOLUMN FAIRMOUNT HILL BEDROOMS, 6 rms. balh. located Fan mou ill, Hill; oil furnace, water hea er, garage. No. 306. SUBURBAN HOME 4 ROOM. 'J bedroom home, chicken A rab bit house, wired for range, water sys tem. On ' Acre. 15200. No. 201. COUNTRY HOME 1 HFDROOM. 6 rm.. basement, oil heat, water system, fireplace, garage, chicken house A' shop on paved road. 6 Acre.-; witii live stream, located East. 416.000. No. 816. LOTS OR Acreage, North. 410 Down, 110 ppr mo. UNFINISHED THREE, f bdrm.. 4 room houses located South. 4500 down you can move m and finish as ynu go. No. 205. WEST SALEM I BEDROOM. 4 room house, new ; unfin ished upstairs. 46825. Easy terms. No. 13. IF YOU want lo trade or sell your prop erly come in and give us the opportun ity to help you. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Salem's Building Realtors" 301 S. High Ph. 9303 - Ees. Al Sun. 26056-24628 C372 LEO CHILDS. INC. REALTORS SEE THESE (iOOIl LOCATION. Corner lot. Very clean 3 bed rm. home. Oil floor furnace: fire place. Immediate possession. 16600. t'rrniN WONDER Ell. SOIL! 7'i acres. 4 arre.s : filberts, berries, cherries, apples, etc. ! Veiy well built 3 bedrm. home all large' rooms. Small barn, chicken house. Close to Salem. H0.500. I KEI.ER DIST. 2 hedrm. home. New. I.iv-1 mi rm . dining rm.. fireplace, elec. heat.i 80 ft. routase. Must see to appreciate j no.flon. ! VERY. VERY NICE 13 acres only 3 mile' from Salem. Comfortable 7 yr. old Plas-1 lered home HW floor, full basement, I auto, oil heat. 2-car garage. Check this; quickly, tl 1.000. For these and many mme CALL or SEE LEO N. CllU.DS. INC. REALTORS j "31 year of dependable service to home owners." 344 Stale St. Ph. 9J61 . Eves, call 6901. 3-4007 or 2-5855 c274 LEE OHMAHTft CO "REALTORS A LOT OF HOUSE FOR THE MONEY BETTER SEE this 3 bedroom large home mi S. Commercial S; ., unfinished up stair, basement with furnace, lots of shrubs A flowers. 4.1000 cash: balance payable 150 00 per month at 5. Ask to see this now. Oh. ve the lot is 50x130. LOIS WE II AVE 3 nod lot on I he corner of Rakei' A Norway. Each 50x101 farm Fa. si . Price is only 8750.00 and 1850 00. SlreC naerl FAIRMOUNT HI1 L BUILDING 81TF A nice lot 74x93 ft. riaht on Luther St. Owner wants 11450.00. Look for our sign. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A 1 bedroom home with f tre place, base ment wlih oil furnace: located on Ship Ping St, close to Capitol. 46500 includes all f until uve A: fixtures on premises. See Mr, Dnntelsivn about this one MAKE YOUR OFFER MUST 8ELI. BETTER THN 3 acres located on King wood Dr. A late built 1 bedroom horn with a v.ew possession within 30 dan. 1 EE OHM ART Az CO. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115-34116 T.t. Ph. 3-1333-5514-24733-34483 CAIABA A HABERNICHT. REALTORS NEAT A; CLEAN MOVE RIGHT IN ARM I T 15 YEARS old. well built 5-room home, wired for range and flee, water heater North S5500 JUST F4.ST OF KEIZER SCHOOL SM LL. ATTRACTIVE 3 -bed room home w:h a pp. 1 j acre of land, located on pa ted road. Plenty of frontage for ad ditional home 16750 mPO MODERN HOME ATTRACTIVE 5-room home locaied olf St ate street, has hard ood floor. ; V. blind, wired for rang. lc. ater; heater, garage. FAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT MOPP.RN 6-room home. 3 bedrooms down rurnare, iataae. ai, in s:i rarpeung room, nice yard 110 9SS 331 N- High St. Phont 83 ( Evt. Phon 3779 or 35336 cl REAL ESTATE 4 BEDROOMS. 47950 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT, full bsmt., fur nace, large lot, garage. Call for Mr. Klunder. 2 BDRMS.. NORTH, 15200 EXTRA LARGE lot 40x320 ft. Paved street, needs some work. Most of material on place. Immediate possession. Garage. CAPITOLA DISTRICT. 15500 LARGE OLDER type house mth apt. renting tor 445 per month. Interior in - very good condition. Paved street, 1 block to bus. double garage. M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO. REALTORS I 3286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4.96 : C274J ALMOST 3 AC. WITH 3 BEDROOM NEAT CLEAN HOME. ONLY 43350 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 34793 c373 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR PHONE 7696 CITY GOOD 3 BR home in Falrmount Hill dist. Plastered. Full base., auto, oi! f fir. New wall to wall carpet. An excellent view. Immed. pom. Call Mrs, Hedges for appt. SUBURBAN I ACRE NE. Five year old 2 BR home. HW firs., fireplace. Some knotty pine finish. Attach, gar. Fruit hse., chicle hse., elec. range. Mr. (Bill) Brown will show you this. Ph. 7606- or Eves. 4037. LRGE LOT NE. Eng. I'a, 3 BR down, 1 up with knotty pine fin. HW firs., fire place, Ven. blinds. Gar. This home is onlv eight years old and a good buy at 19500. FARMS MISSION' BOTTOM 50 acres. Has been all in wheat, Just eight mile N. of Salem. 80 ACRES East of Salem. Old hse. At barn. Fenced. Good pasture land. 30 A. in cultiv. Some river bottom. 16000 down payment. GOOD FIVE acres NE. Close In. A nice building spot. Can be bought reasonable HenrT Trovend. Farm Manager. 7696 or Eves. 25141. JOE HUTCHISON. 4.S5 Court Sti REALTOR WANTED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED WE NEED a two or three bedroom home preferably with basement, location North that ran be purchased for 42000 down and 160 or more per month. 1 1000 DOWN HAVE THREE parties that want to pur chae 2 bedroom homes. They have 41000 to 11500 for down payment, balance on contract basis 150 to $60 per month, 6, Interest. JOE L BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 ca272 PHONE 3210 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT HAVE RI'YER with cash for home with 2 or 3 bdrm. in Englewood District. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street ca273' WANTED t or 3 bedrm. mod. home with bftsniL within walking distance of IiIrIi school. Ph. 4423. ca272- 7 ROOT HOUSE will pay up to 312,000. Will consider close-tn suburban proper ty. Ph. Albany 1295-1221 Cottage, Al bany. ca273 LIST WITn SALEM TO SELL ' 'EM B A LEM REALTY CO C W BARTLETT REALTOR. 149 N HIGH ST PH 7660 WANTED LISTINGS PERSONAL ATTENTION given UstinR and sale of your home Our excellent loca tion brings many huvers If vour prop erty Is for sale SEE US. LEO N CHILDS. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. l361 ea WANTED: Llstlnas of Salem and West Salem propertv Good demand. B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Wallace Rd Rt 1, Box 163. Ph. 6F11 ea NOTICE! If your property Ii for sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St. ca WANTED LISTINGS, city, suburban and farm property, we offer you prompt ef ficient service. CALABA At HABERNICHT. REALTORS 331 N High St. Phone 5838 ca FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property wltb FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca WE ARE In need of rood houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sate, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPEC'IALNew Tavern Ar Sandwich Shop, in lively logging and sawmill town. stools, 2 tables with room for more, own I sewage system Az pump, Parking Lot. 518.000. Call Mr. Cooper for appoint ment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l SI. Ph. 4590, Eves. 32373 cd274 G ROC ER Y "STOR E " GOOD LOCATION. Complete stork A- fix tures go. Good lease, option for 5 yr. more. Shows excellent Income. FOR FURTHER DETAILS Call D. ,1. Dawson llh GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 cd273 COURT INVESTMENT DON'T MISS THIS! 30 units, late-built, rozy arrangement, elec. heat, circular drive. Income 4131ft per mo. For truly a fine Investment INVESTIGATE THIS. Call Cobtirn L. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BR05-. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Eves. 7773 cd272 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INVESTIGATE THIS IF YOU ARE IN TERESTED IN a real, paying, tip-io-datr business, located In a nice Willamette Valley town. Complete confectionery with Ige. fountain and 8 booths. Also carries complete line of drug sundries, school supplies, jewelry and kodaks. Complete stock A fixtures go. Lge. stor age rm. Will lease or will sell hide. Doing a fine business. FOR FURTHER DETAILS Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS . REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22948 cd272 NEWSPAPER AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING BUSINESS OFFERED AT a very attractive price. In cludes large inventory of paper stock and all necessary presses and equip ment. Also bindery equipment. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 cri272 "'"APARTMENT. INCOME" 4400 MO. ONLY 418.000. 'a CASH THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4.13 N, High St. Phone 2479.1 rd274 TO TRADE: Aparlment house. 5"rentals, Portland, well located, for Salem in rome property. Phone 2-1670. rri273 UNIT COURT sery atlractur. 3 rm. una BRAND NEW. bath each, a and a utility an extra sleeping rm. i., enough rm. on lo: for 4 more units. Class A construction, stucco finish, ready for occupancy Dec 15. Close lo bus and .stores, elect, raiue In pch unit, Individual ui ility meter. Income 1340 per mo. Full price 421,000 LOCKERS STORE BUILDING in nearby town. 186 locker. eetal apt and bus. rentals, meat dept. doing good business. Will accept Salem home a part payment or about 18000 down should handle. Full price $15,000. M. O. HUMPHREYS. REALTORS 3386 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 crlJ74 THKPERM.Vs't"oNE Co7-719"ErHHdon St.. Columbus 11, Ohio, desires respon sible dealer in this area. The individual j essseesesse or organisation splected will be granttdFOR SALE POULTRY in vrlnl (rinrlui. fnr a natnaarti .. . , . process used on both old and new build-1 Inss. Nationally advertised. Near no competition. A new and fertile f:e:d a". most opportune lime m lustory-lremen- ' nous Pioi.ii wiia.ii.ra ippi.canis ran procure indisputable lacu cri374 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT BUY MODERN BRICK court consisting or 8 complete cottages, complete in every de tail, all but 3 are fully furnished, lovely setting, wonderful location. This is a property for an investment minded pur Dlir- I Fhone 5m for appointment. CALABA A- HABERNICHT. REALTORS 23! N. Hull Street CAH GROCERY STORE complete with land, building, equipment and stock. Ideal location close to Detroit Dam site. 441.000 gross for 1946 Total price 410 000. ft hilts' Grocery. East Mill City, Orpeon. cdJ73 3 ACr. FARM. All modern 4-room bruise I w red for ransp. Price 43900. Call I Broadacres Store, Aurora. cd27ii BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Selling entire stock, and five year lease on buildings. This includes service station, restaurant, and appli ance store. Stock in store includes new elec. ranges, popular brands elec. mo tors, new and used oil heaters, elec. washers, dinette set, 7 ft. refng., 8 ft. deep freeze, print inr press and type, floor furnace, gas range, vacuum clean ers, all kinds of paint and many Items too small to mention. Hardman Bros., U mile pa.it totem pole on Portland high way. Open from 9 until 8. cd274 T. A . B ER G L AND R E A L EST ATE 290 W. Miller St. Ph. 6438 OCEAN VIEW Cottages 157.000 APT. H-E., 4 fi-rm. units 431.000 APT. USE., 25 units . 447.000 APT. Hst... 6 units JJ1 000 A I" TO COURT 446.500 so.ME VERY good 3 and 4 bdrm. homes in Sam. T. A BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 290 W. Miller Ph. 6438 rd273 INCOME PROPERTY APT. HOUSE, over 1200 per month, com pletely furnished, walking distance of down town. 115,000 TRADE CAN be arranged for a nice apt. house located North, 6 apis., completely furnished, ovpr 5225 per month income. Owner desires a two or three bedroom home located North. Sli.WHt HOME with over 4125 per month Income, near down town Salem. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1H0 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Cd272 A GOOD IXVESTMEVTNew 6 "unit all ejerinc 1 bedroom court, each unit a sep arate structure, partially furnished all new equipment. Stuccoed Pumice Block construction built for long life with lit tle maintenance, 'i block from bus line but within walking distance of down town Salem. Income 54.500.00 Annually. Full price 445.000.00. Terms If desired. Shown by appointment only. Call Paul Hale, Phone 8727, Business Service. Inc. cd276 APARTMENTS, INCOME 4400 MO. ONLY 518.000' , CASH THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High SI. Phone34793 cd372 GROCERY Ac MEAT MARKET DOING GOOD business. Choice location. Fixtures in very good cond. Delivery truck, ciean stock. Neon signs. Long Ieae. Everything goes for 48500 plus In ventory. Call for Mr. Klunrier. M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO. REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 cd272 E WANT A MANAGER for one of our Auto Glass and Trim Shops ne"ar Seattle. Wash. A block of shares Is for sale the man who can show himself capa ble and responsible enough to handle It. Approximately 15000 will be required Give complete details In first letter li your own handwriting regarding educa tion and experience background. All re piles strictly confidential. Write Tresner At i s inc., 812 5th, Bremerton, Wash. cd273 FURNITURE FOR SALE BUN Ki BElislrr7soll(I oak. walnut finish, makes twin beds, complete with mat tresses, springs, larjte chest and mirror. A real quality value, only 439.50 STUDENT'S DESK, walnut, fine finish. wen bin ir and roomy, on y J22.50 JUST ARRIVED, tapestry DAVENETTE. fine construction, opens to full size bed. Ideal for your apartment 4129.50 DINETTE. 5 piece set, attractively fin ished. 134.50 BAIGLEY BROS. 3315 Fairgrounds Rd. Open 'till I Dial 2-5491 d272' JOBBERS WANTED for a New Type Da- veno. Opens and closes dflferently. For information write 1610 Trade St., Sa lem. Orecon Ph. 6306. ' d373 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for furn. and what have you? Ph. 25511. 594 N. Liberty Sun dale's. da272 HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph. 5110. da AUCTIONS AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. 10:30 A.M. 3610 SILVERTON RD.. SALEM EARLY CONSIGNMENTS include new da- veno. dressers, chest, of drawers, radios, oil circulators, sewing machine, child's rockinR horses. Misc. of all kinds. New blankets, spreads, etc. New doors, win dow sashes, frames, all sizes. Ground feed, baled hay, corn, potatoes, LIVESTOCK BEGINNING NOV. 15 we will handle live stock of all kinds. Springers and fresh dairy cows and hellers. Several good young dairy type bulls, ready for ser vice. Hogs, calves, rabbits. Your consignments always welcome at the JOE BURKE SALE BARN 3610 Silverton Rd., Salem Phone 2-4074 Hot Lunch A. J. BAKER. Auctioneer dd272- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine registered Guernsey bull. White's ranch, 1 mile east of Turner. e274 8 CHESTER WHITE weaner pigs. Ph. 7708. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs and sheep. Will' call at farm. Ltrensed and bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. I. Smethen At. Son, 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Sa lem. Ph. 21345. ea382 WANTED All kinds of cattle, hogs, sows. And boars at your farm or delivered, market price. E. C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 333 across from Ball Park on So. 25th. Ph. 8147. ea272" RABBITS WING'S RABBITRY pays top prices foi fryer rahbits. 3985 State. Ph. 109F5. b288 PETS ENGLISH BULL. Beautiful fawn color. I yr. old male, loveable. playful, exc. pet. A.K.C. Very reason, price. Owner Miss Collier. Ph. 9241. See at LeGray Kennpls. Ph 23168. ec274 CHOICE AN All nt7dW REG. SPRINGER SPANIEL female. Inquire daytime for Dewight Manning, Burrell sarnce. Night 770 N. Capitol. ec373 FOR SALE WOOD FINE DRY KINDLING wood 15.50 a load Oregon Fuel Co. JMl. 5533. ec288 DR Y A N D GREEN SLABsTTriimedtate de livery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee288 GOOD GREENEDGINGS-4.V50 a load. dotT ble load 110. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533 ee288 TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Load 410.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood Az Edgings Heaw 4 ft Slab PHONE 8683 We Give 8 AH Green Stamp ee286 WALNUT SHELLS, 15 sacks 4LO0. 13 .50 ion. Brln sacks Morris Klorfeln Park ing Co. 460 N Front. e" GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 24031 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Store Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phon 6444 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A- DRY WOOD also dried planer wood. At sawdust Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater. w Salem Stov oi) Ar diesel oil. Ph 2-4031 ee YOUNG FAT TURRET tnmj 37c lb. alive. Hens 44c. Rt. 8. Box 310. King wood Dr. Ph. ''ll2- I322 srvf HAMPSHIRE baby chick. Started .h:Pti and oider Bullet Alwavs avail- I able Ph 33861. Lees Hatchery r custom DRESSING of chickens, any numbpr. Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale out specialty. Phon 33861 tee's Hatchery ! w.'n mmrn .k " 1 tu nr'l'r wVntEdI FpVrtenc'ed-of f ice man or oman. Automotive experiencp prefpr- Must bp able to handle all office details including payroll and credits. Please state age, qualification. Box 356. Capital Journal. g397 S A I V. s M , N W A N TED: fh"p e. rpVttin sention since radto. Every home reeds one We will train vou for the work. Write Repair Sales A Service. 1055 N 18th or call between 9 Ai 11 a.m. g374 WANTED HELP GOOD POSITION open for clerk-steno. Must know shorthand. 5 day week, stea dy employment. Ph. 9281 for intervie1 appt. or call at State Forester office. A.sk lor Mr. Lyon. g. WANT 8 men Interested going to Costa Kica six months lima trip aboard Tuna Clipper. Box 1286 Newport, Oregon. r276 YOL"NGWOMESwsntedrorKeneral "office work. No previous exp. nec. Afternoon work. Call Oregon Journal, 433 Ferry 3 to 5 p.m. g273 EXPERIENCED FOOD SALESMAN IF you are 27 to 37. married, home In Salem, own a car, experienced calling on retail it wholesale grocery trade and de siroj of making a permanent connec tion with a nat'l. food mfg. with un limited opportunity for the future, an swer this add by letter only, giving full details of experience, personal reference, earnings etc. If you have not had outside selling experience don't answer this ad Good salary, car mileage As expenses. Write Box 355 Capital Journal. g273 W ANT ED. A LAD Yt og lvT 5 we dis lTm as" sage. Permanent position. Start next week. Helen S. Carrtllon, 527 Franklin Ave. Bend, Oregon g272 SAll:sMAN. SalemRoTkrWooPco. Phon e 3748 for appt. WANTED First class body man. Best working conditions. Top pay if you can qualify. See Gearhart. Valley Motor Co., 375 Center. Salem. g WANTED POSITIONS GOOD RELIABLE YOUNG MAN de.sir?s steady emp. as truck driver, dozer oper. Good mechanic helper or what have you. WUUnt to learn. Call or write Ednar Brubaker, 1341 !j Waller St. h274 CHILDREN CARED FOR close lo Market St. Ph. 9688. h277 WILL DO PAPER HANGING and paint ing anytime, anywhere around Salem. Emil Carstens, RatcliK Drive, Box 80. h273 CAPABLE, practical nurse now available. Ph. 8322. h273 HOUSEWORK and' ironing by hour. Phone 2-4354. h273 SEE US for all kinds of carpenter work. remodeling- At repairs. Go anywhere. F. E. Sarver - J. G. Welch, West Salem. Riverside Auto Court. h273 CAPABLE. EXPERIENCED MAN wants permanent, employment crating, care taker, what have you? Phone 3036. h272 INTERIOR DECORATING done by con tract. Painting, enameling, cRlsominint;, At wall spreads. New color schemes. Ph. 9074 from 4 to B p.m. and leave address or phone no. Free estimates. h273 PLAS TERINGJOBSrN on et o b Ig or sma 11 . Ph. 7205. h274 DOWNSPOUT drains Installed, also sep tic tanks, drain tile sewer lines, dig ging. Ph. 24508. 424 Evergreen Ave. Ed Smith. h272 CHILD CARE In my home by day or hour. 295 N. 23rd St Ph. 4686, ll272 FUR N I filRE-refTni3h I ns. Edgar R. Brock. Stone Piano Co. Phone 2-5281. h285 FIRST CLASS carpenter work. New or re model, Ige or small. Ph. 8281 after 5 p.m. h275 INTERIOR PAINTING, experienced, and recommended. Ph. 6796. h282 RUGS and furniture upholstery cleaned and motn proofed In your home. Ph 3736. h376 CEMENT CONTRACTING, prompt service Ph. 34751. h276 WANTED, FURNITURE to glue Ar repair Le Bro's. Ph. 21233. h AUTO PAINTING lust a shade Better dj Ray Ettet. Call Shrocfc Motor Co. 8502 n EDUCATION PIANO STDIO. Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market. Ph. 34598. hh374 DIESEL TRACTOR WE TRAIN YOU PEA VY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY needs Qualified Diesel and tractor mechanics and engineers. High pay Jobs, Life-long security. Foreign op portunities. Free placement service cov era entire United States. Special offer t Veterans. Afc for FREE copy of Diesel Troubleshooters Manual. For informa tion write, please give home address TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE, 406 Panama Building, Portland 4, Oregon. hh277 FOR RENT CHOICE SLEEPING room, 478 N. Cot: as f J274 SLEEPING RM. Ph. 7558. SLEEPING ROOM, hot water heat, hot At cold water. Close In. Ph. 4098. j274- SLEEPING ROOM for employed woman. Close in. Ph. 9379. J273 SLEEPING ROOM for business man. Close in. Ph. 6485. 691 Union j274 CABINS AVAILABLE by day, week or month. Hayesvllle Motel. j274 SLEEPING ROOM, kit. priv. Private bath, wood, lights, gas, water furnished. Adults. 1250 N. Wjnter. Apt. l. J272 SLrGRMsT790 N. Church. Ph. 4335. J273 GARAGE. GOOD for storage purposes. Close in. 476 Marion. J273 FURNISHED ROOMS with kitchen priv ileges for employed women. 415 Mar ket. J213 TRAILER HOUSE for rent furnished. 675 s. lath. J27.6 7rms private bath, furn., fine for two working women. Ph. 8048. J2T2 NICE modern sleeping room. Close ln. for 2 working girls. 835 n. winter. jus- STOREa"nd "trailer house: 944 N. Coml. J272 VACANCY NOW Clean modern cottages. Utilities furn. By day, week or month. Reas. 3580 So. Com'l. J273 WASII LNC M A C n I N E S FOR RENT bv the hour or day. Free pickup and delivery. Home Washer Co. Ph. J274 SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 9752, after 6. J272 ROOMS FOR BENT HOTEL SALEM, 161 S. High St. Ph. 3184. H LLYWOOD sleeping rooms. Ph. 6093 GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff SELF BRAKING trailer 2085 N Com'l. J278 TRAILER SPACE Modern Free laundry privileges. 3580 So. Com'l park, clean. Reas. rates. J273 ATMORATS. Ozone Good health. Rem sell H O Pugh 684 N 17th Ph 4692 FLOOR aander for rent. Ward WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MARRIED couple want furn. or unfurn. apt. or house by 1st of the month. Ph. 4734 before 3 p.m. Ph. 7912 after 5 p.m. Ja277 i SAILORS stationed permanently in Sa lem need 2 or 3 room furnished apart ment. Phone 21603 betwren9 A: 5Ja274 LADY employe of Penney's store desires quiet apt. or small house. Phone store 7434 ask for Hazel. Ja274 SMALL HOUSE or ant. with range and water heater. Ph. 31435 after 6 p.m. Ja373 sTatV "EMPl7YEE'fcwife" "desirTlo rent apt. or small house, furn.. or unfurn. Call between 8-5. 4171 ext. 343. Mr. Gould. ja273 t OR 1 BDRM. HOUSE urgently needed In Salem by mfg. Jeweler living pres ently out of town, employed in Salem. Box 554 Capital Journal. ja276 RESPONSIBLE professional man wishes 3 bedroom or larger home lurnisnea or unfurnished preferably suburban, excel lent local rpferencesPh. 3843,7. Ja272 j CHRISTIAisr"wiDOWwVn;7r or2 rm. j partly furnished ant. Adventist pre-1 ferred. Must have heat furnished. Ph. j 7320. Ja372 W ILL r X CH A N GF 2 b drm . furnished house in Portland for 2 bdrm. apt. or house, furnished or unfurn. in Salem. Call 4724 before 6 p.m. Ask for Mr. Schukart. ja274 ilESTOXSlRLK BUSINESS MAN needs mod. 3 BR home. auto. heat, good dis trict, exc. local refs. Leas with ootion to bllT. Ph. 5193. JS374" HOUSE SOLD. Must have 3 bedroom timis by Dec. 1. Reference furnished. Ph. 839n. ja373 WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE aged couple. No children or pets, want furn. apt. or bouse. Riferencei. Ph. 8913 week days. ja373 LOST AND. FOUND LOST: Jersey reg. papers. Finder please mail to G. R. Campbell, Rt. 1. Box 269, Woodburn. kZ74 LOST: Silver ldentTf Icatlon bracelet en craved with Jack K. Eyerly. Ph. 3263. k373' WILL PERSON WHO RANSACKED lady's purse in Highland bus please return the papers and the pen which was a gift from my son who is now dead. Mail to Mary Kusie, 713 Highland Ave. 1:273 MISCELLANEOUS MRS. HAZEL A. GRAN INC., Charl corse iere. Also dressmaking in my home. Ph. 8830 for appointment. m34 SCISSORS sharpened. Dexter. Ph. 6833. m294- UPHOI.STER Y done reasonable. Complete rebuilt Job, Furniture refinlshing. Let's talk over that Job that you have ne glected so long and make It modern Home Upholstery. Ph. 26191. m275' MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 41.00. Les Springer. 464 Court St. m293 HANDY .MAN wants odd Jobs carpentering-, plumbing, electrical work. Phone 24961 alter 6 p.m. m276- tailor m272 SEWING MACHINES bought, repaired. Any make. 1 yr. guarantee. 1930 N. 18. Ph 7671. m2fll HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines. Free estimate given before work a started Singer Sewlna Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l. . m HEAT your homa electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N. Liberty DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment s notice. Ph 5000. m273 MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. OFFERS GUARANTEED, ECONOMICAL RADIO REPAIR ON ALL MODELS MONTGOMERY WARD & CO TRADE AND HIGH STS. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State Ar Commercial 6ts SALEM-- Phone 8311 tn FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOME-MADE print little" gTflil dresses. Reasonably priced, Ph. 4613. 196 N. 24th. FOR SALE; used oil burner complete. Call 7387. n274 GOOD BLACK Rothnioor lady's all wool suit, size 42. 110. Ph 6071. n273 RUG AND pad. 7'ix9, blue and beige, per- iect condition. 285 Park Ave. North of Market St. n374 PIANOS INVESTIGATE Tallman's Christmas lay- away plan. Select your piano now. 510.00 holds a piano for Christmas delivery. Fine selection of Knabe, Kragauer, and Lester Betsy Ross spinets lo select from. Also Mirr A Pi anna and fine rebuilt pi anos at bargain prices. See at Tallman's. 395 S. 12th, a mile from high prices. n296 fixll USED RUG. Call 25690. P.274' JUST RECEIVED a nev shipment ot elec. ranges. Immediate delivery. Hardman Bros, 'i mile north totem pole on Port land highway. n273 BEAUTIFUL WALNUT FINISH wood cir culator, nearly new. cost 160. a steal at 435.00. 3560 Winola Sr. near Salem Heights school. C. A. Studebaker. H274" good-YOUNGcdwforMlePhT 7814. n274 GRAY OATS and bale straw. George Manolls, Rt. 3, Box 185, Silverton, Ph. 4144. n274 STUDIO PIANO. This small dainty Instru ment cannot be told from new. A snap. See at Tallman's. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. n277 FOR SALE: Boys Jr. Bike. Good condition. Phone 5736 after 5 p.m. n274 SO R R E LL R I DING HO RS E Mak e an offer. 270 Hansen Ave. Ph. 22361. n274 LARGE SIZE MO NT AG wood circulator, alo hot water tank.PhL2C779: n274 ELECTRIcTrange "CLOCK ATtlmer. Elec tric water hpater. Automatic oil heater. Beds, daveno, kitchen table As chairs, student's desk. 2 wheel trailer, must be sold sure Sat. afternoon A: Sunday. Near airport. Route 5. Box 336A. n273 WELLINGTON PIANO, rebuilt. (225. 435 down, 410 a month. Tallman's, 396 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. n277 B. TABLE, 4 ch.. iron bed. springs, mat smoke stand, cot bed. baby bed. floor lamp. R chair, globe, misc. articles. 1460 State St Ii274 F 2-LIGHT WINDOW, frame, weights, no finish, es'iN1!. 2 porch columns 8 ft. 9' in., hollow. 141S N. 4th St. 273 THOMPSON PIANO rebuilt. 4275. 435 down 410 a month. Shop Tallman's & Save. 395 S. 12th. n276 LAWN furniture, one redwood chaise lounRe. chair, picnic table and two benches. Ph. 8640. 272 CRric"HDn7as-gifts every Sat. till Xmas at the Salem Public Market, 1240 F. Rural St. or dial 18F3. n272 DAVENPORT, worn but useable, Have pur chased a new one. Must be removed by Sat. 412.50. PJt. 25636after5 p.m. n272- EirECT7Wobl COMB. Lang range. Very good condition. Atkinson Appliance Co. 2005 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24439. n.273" UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent condition. 4140. 1975 S. Cottage. 11273 FOR SALE: Schwlnn New World light weight bicycle. 3 speed gear shift. Rim type brakes. Like new. Phone 26911. n273 NEARLY NEW KNOX meal master oil range with fan. Rt. 3, Box 390A, near Chemawa. Ed Radke. n273 ALMOST NEW mall tricycle, one large wai;on. I pr. lady's, size 5. 1 pr. men's, size 8 Ice Skates. Ph. 26089. 1320 Crn terSt. n273J FOR SALE: Almost new Hudson Seal coat. Large size, half price Phone 4633. n273 GOOD Hotpoinl electric iron, $2.50. Estate Heatrola wood circulator, cost over $100. sell 125. Flour bins for built-in. 50c. Ph. 7183. n273 PRACTICALLY new. walnut veneer water fall kneehole desk. 20x42 top. $30. Ph. 8037 daytime. n POTTED plants, cut flowers, floral work of all kinds. Pemberton'a Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 23346. n273 GERANIUM rose pliilt slips, 5c. 1467 Court street "373 FRIGIDAIRE. Hot Point range. Both In excellent condition. Ph. 8640. n372 MUST selPbefor December 1. twin beds. poot style, maple finished, spring filled mattress, coll spring! and bedspread, $75 or 440 each. I Peerless cook stove. Ph. 3768. 272 WnEEL chair. $30.00. Rt. 2, Box 394. Mrs. Harry Hest. n272 FIRTEX 25.000 ft., 4c per ft., 1 sheet or truck load. Dry tongue and groove lum hcr. $65.00. C. O. Long, Rt. 3, Box 35. Salem. 1 ml. North of Keizer. n273 HOLLYWOOD style double bed. Box spring and mattress. Like new. $45.00. Rev. Krueger, 1405 N. Summer 8t. n272 ALMOST NEW. IOC, wool, black, Sir.t 48 lady's coat, walnut library table, cabinet radio, bed. pillows. Phane 23361. 1845 Grant. n272 CHROME MAPLE DINETTE set. Nearly new bedroom suite with box springs and innerspring mattress. 14S Duncan Ave. Before 13. n273 WARM BLACK. COAT like new. sine 34. Dress shoes size 6'iA. Kitchen table. 3 chairs. 835. N. Liberty St. n273 TOILETS, bath tubs and wash basin, com plete new bathroom sets, new shipment iusi received. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. n275 HOUSEHOLD furniture for sal. Rugs ft miscellaneous. 1335 N. 17th. Ph. 6033. n273' SURPLUS STORE. 1351 HOYT ST. GAS RANGES, New Apt. size. 489.50. Fold ins steel chairs. 43 00. Bunk beds with mattre&ses. $23.50 pair Stretchers. Elec tee heaters 42 gal electric water hear ers. Oil circulators. 30 Ai 40M B.T.U. New rubber pack for teeing tfnh. time or beer or to'.einr water, get him one for Xmas. 13.75. Sleeping ban. Electric house wire, switches, outlets, fuse boxes. en-ranee cable, ranae eab'e. 750 watt gas electric generator 185 00. City line. Hoyt, 1 Block E. of 8. 13tn. Tel. 7016. 274 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLeVbRU 5 H E s7"l745 Orant.-Ph. 835V. 11306 . NEW HEAVY STEEL clothes line pwtg 511 pair. Ornamental metal work to order. U45 N. Liberty. "394 ESTATE HEATROLA oil circulator. Ige. si?e. good cond. Medium sized wood cir culator, good cond. 166 Lincoln, Wood burn. Main 110. n374 0 CATERPILLAR with drum. Skagtt load ing donkey 33 International truck to log trailer. Ph. 753 Philomath. n374, DEMPSTER U h.p. shallow well pump, 340 gallon per hour. Practically new. 12 ml. N. on Wallace Rd. at Wheatland Ferry. Write Clyde LaFollett, Rt. 1. Bog 344J. Ph. Dayton 7X2. n274 ELECTRIC RANGES (apartment sire). Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293a DAVENPORT. 118.00. 235 eV BusiTst. n273 PORTABLE ELECTRIC clothes washers. Ideal for apartment or trailer houses. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n29.1" LARGE OIL PAINTING With heavy gold frame. (Antique) Ph. 32483 before 3 p.m. 273 RESTAURANT TYPE electric ranges, grid dles. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 LARGE GS "FLbORFURNACE! Also 24 gal gas water tank nearly new. Ph. 35782. n273 LITTLE GIANT elertrlc washing machines, Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 2 SAILORS stationed permanently in Sa lem need 2 or 3 room furnished apart ment. Phone 21692 between I & i. n273 GERMICIDAL LAMPS In your home or of fice help to prevent the spread of dis ease. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 GAS COOK STOVE. 1945 Roper, and hot water heater, 32 gallons. 3690 Sunny side Ave., Salem. n273 RADIOS, RECORD players and recorders. YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 REASONABLE quick sale, overstuffed chair and ottoman & oriental rugs. Ph. 8359 Sat. Az Sun. n273 ELECTR I Tl RON S team" rons. me t a 1 1 r -oninz boards, pads and rovers. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n283 US E nW ESTI N G II O U s E electric ranee 425. Two good doors, one with glass 110. oo. 704 N. Com'l. St. n273 THOR AUTOMAGIC washer-dishwasher, Glariirons. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293" SUNBEAM coffee master 425. Ph. COFFEE MAKERS and replacement parts. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 LADY'S BICYCLE, used 3 mo. 25475. 135. Ph. n272 HOTPLATES WITH or without ovens. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 16 PCS. xi, 8' 6". 12 pes. '-i" plaster board 2'x6' 4". 3 garBue door 3'xI0-. 18 ft. V water pipe. Price 115.00. 457 N. 17th St. n274 OIL CIRCULATORS with or without, fans. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293- COLEMAN OIL CIRcFlATOR, "small's r. Exc. cond. 445.00. 100 Highway Ave. n273 E LECT r1"cMI X E r"s ' Dor m eyer" Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY I'A CDS. DRY SLAB WOOD 115. Girl's Col son bike 425. 535 S. 20th. n272 REVERE WARE, aluminum cooking uten sils kitchen gadset. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 CHEAP Larga Grunow 12 tube radio. New tube, good condition Worth 4120. Now 460.00. Frank Amell, Rt. 9, Box 152. Sa lem. n273 XMAS TREE strings, wreaths, tree hold ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 ONE HIND QUARTER good fat beef. Phone 32639. P275 STUDENT AND executive desk lamp. lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ', f' n293 FARMERS ATTENTION Electric butter churns, milk coolers, fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 RECORD THEIR voices with a Wi Gay Recordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 PURE BRED SPRINGER spaniel pups, also collie-shepherd pups. Jefferson, Rt. l. Box 92. near Sidney school on Salem Buena Vista road. n273 ELECTRIC CORN poppers, roasterettea, broilers, blendors. coffe grinders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 BUTTONHOLE attachments, ripper foot tor White singer or Eldridge machine. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. n272 PLASTI-KOTE. cellophane-like finish tor your floors. It requires no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293B ANTIQUES by appointment. Phone 4322. n293 RINGER ROLLS Az service, all makes washers. 24 yr. pxp. Van's Home Furn ishings. 601 Edgewater, Ed Ellis, for merly with Nelson Bros. Ph. 6931. n292 CLOCKS AND door chlmr. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOUSE TRAILER. 1946 Elcar. 25 ft. Elec tric ornks. Like new. Camp Joy Auto Court. 3215 Portland Road. n272 SUN AND heat lamps and bulbs. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 REMINGTON automatic shotguns, com plete with leather cases; one 12 g. As one 30 gauge. Both like new condition Choice ammunition for both. Call Schneider at 5978. n274 UNIVERSAL BANTAM electric ranges. 110 vou. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 WESTINGHOUSE RANGE and Easy wash- ing machine. 410 N. 18th. n27 EXHAUST FANS, kitchen and Industrial. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. Sales. Service, PPlles. 191 S. High. Ph. 7719. n283" ELECTRIC ROOM heaters, radiant, steam and fan 110-220 volt. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n293 WALLING SAND Ai GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. Cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. i yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 8561. PRESSURE COOKERS. 4 quart for cook ing. 16 quart for eanmng. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 CHARIS CORSET IERF. Ph. 7,074. n384 ELECTRIC COMFORTERS, blankets and heating pads YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n393 CONVERSION OIL BURNERS for ranges, neater, small furnace. Easy to in stall. 149 93 Term If desired. Allen Hardware n HUNDREDS OF XMAS ITEMS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. RAWLEIGB PRODUCTS. 1397 8 13th St, n273 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Us lOO". asphalt shlnglp. Unharmed by any weather. Fireproof. Installed by ex perienced men. For FREE estimate Ph. 7177. Western Auto Supply Co. n311 NEW Looking Floors at small cost. nnl a Dreadnaught Sander. Ph. 7177. west ern Auto Supply Co n31I BEAT TOUR hom electrically f.'s con venient, clean, economical Be ns (of fret estimate YEATER APPL1ANC1 CO 355 N. Liberty o C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machin repalf specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts tor all make Pinking ahear ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18;h. nffi RIVER SILT. Phone 35912 J (Continued on Page 19)