10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Saturday, November S, 1917 CLASSIFIED ADYEK I ISl.NUl Per Lint i Pel Line I timei -2! Per Line 6 times 4) Per Line I monlh .. Mm 'iSn 3 timf tnln lOei lime mm Mir (AIEH Id Loral Stmt Lot Onl Per Line .... JIJ FOR SALE HOUSES HOME WITH INCOME BEAUTIFUL home close in. 3 BR plus 3 im. pt in full basement. Kuril nee heat. Income from apt and si pin rooms now $110. IIO.-iOO: half down. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. -Ph. 23323 n267 "" LARGE CREEK LOT EXCELLENT HOME WITH INCOME, CLOSE IN THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a263- ALMOST 2 AC. WITH 2 BDRM. M:AT. CLEAN home. Paved road, tor quick .tale 13350. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hllh St. Phone 247!3 "no bed rm. mod. home in Gervai; gas and oil stoves; dble. par.; paved street: large lot. G. J. Moisan, Oer vai.i. Ph. 312. n.269- TRAILER HOUSE 22 ft., home marie good condition, furnished, 1400.00. Terms if necessary. Phone Malcr at 9703 between noon and 8 p.m. 2li8 SlANRRIN GARDENS. SZ.iOO down, $52.00 mo. New 1 rm. home 2 spacious bdrms.. LR with fireplace, auto, oil heat, DR. kitrh.. utility rm.. all tiriwri firs. Fully landscaped, rrment patio. Drive out to 425 Wayne Dr. or Mrs. Ewhir will be there from 3-5 nm. Krl. A- Sal. to show you this really fine home or Ph. 247SI At any time. ALDEN BOWES. REAL ESTATE 3315 Portland Rd. 267 4 RMS., J5100 FULL PRICE BRAND NEW, close to bus. in.side city la rHf lot. plastered. Immediate possess ion. BEDRMS.. $7650 HOLLYWOOD DIST. Cornei- paved street. full bsmt., furnace, sarace, Lawn and shrubs, elec. hot water healer, KINGWOOD HEIGHTS, $8300 FULL PRICE 4 REDRMS.. bsmt., large lot. garage, pari hardwood floors, wired for range. In , good cond. Completely redecorated. j NEW J 92 50 ; t REDRMS, down, upstairs made Into apt j renting for $32.50. Wall lo wall rue.. b.smi plastered. Large lot, lawn All rubs, earn-.' p. M. O. HUMPHREYS A CO. REALTORS and 2236 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-451)6 n263 T750. DOWN" IKILL HOUSE in exquisite sell Inn. Very b 1 1 racti 'p well built completely Insu lated, p) fist e red, wired for range, elec, heat, fluorescent lighting. Ceiled stor age rm. upstairs. 7."ixl50 lot. some beau tiful trees. A site for an expensive home Truly a marvelous place to live. Selling At. 5750. 1 a2fi!l- HOUSES (ti.Mto. WE have a 2 bedim, home located on the bus I me in a very good rilt, Hwd. floors. Oil heat. Beautiful yard. Imm. Pnss. OLSON A: REEVE REALTORS B45 S. Com l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 238.10 g269 NOTICE 11000 DOWN ffilMin. 2 heiirni. Jlome South. Close tn; school bus, store. Small monthly payments. OLSON A: REEVE REALTORS P4.i S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 258110 n2f!9' KINGWOOD HEIGHTS M'AUIOUS VIEW of valley, 6 rm. modem bungalow home, 2 fireplnces. Iae. rooms, aulo-oll heat dble. garage. A real (am ' llv home. Price $14,500. Ca 11 Cob.irn L. Giabenhorsl . wi: h GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SI. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 a267 FURNISHED HOME COZY H hririn. home, completely furnished In good tasle, splendid condition thru-i out, full basmt., nice yard, fine loca tion on N. 17th S: FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Ornbcnhnrst , with GRABENHORST BR OS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 a2(17 F NO LEW OO D DISTRICT (i.Y t bdrm. home, bunualow type. hwd. fir.'... ge. Iiv, rm., fireplace, basement, a ul o-nil heat . 7 yrs. old. Don't miss this. Price reduced to JlO.ono. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1.14 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a26' WEST SALEM HOUSES t MRS. LR, DR, Kit., Ige. garage, Mod- em. IMT.'i FURNISHED. 2 Bit's, LR C'OMR. KIT. A: DR. Extra rental. 5.00. BSMT. i BR's. Partially Itiru. Nice lot. I. SB Oft. ALL ELECTRIC. T.se. lot. Well hulll. J7350. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR PH. 6PT1. Wallace Road. R. 1, Box 162 a27:i SUBURBAN H.MW, NEW unfinished home In new dlst, IS rms. Shake exterior. City water A hus. Lame lot with cherry trees. Would con sider good car for down payment. OLSON A; REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Com l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9536 a26il' ROOMS";' bath"."fiood location. $42on. 1411 Pine street, Silverton, Oregon. a268 jfig.Mt. Mono down will handle this 5-ioom home Easl on bus line. Has fireplace, auto. wtr. lit i-., gaiHge. Lot 50x20ft. Pos nessmn soon. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. High Si. Ph 4121 Eves. 25206 20B 1 ACRE with 3 RR home, hasemrnl, gn-l rase, price $7000. $15110 down,- bill. $50 ! per -no. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume w ill) 1 STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. Hisli St. Ph. 4121 Eves. 2520P a 268 il.'i.iHMt. LARGE creek lot N.E. with mod-: home, basement, elect . heat, 1 replace, double plumbing. 1 BR down, 3 BR's up. AI.'O ncnl altraclive fuinished apt. rem-! rd for .'45 per mo. 2 -car garage. Arramt-I ed so sleeping rooms could be rented, i Immediate pa--.session. Call O. V. Hume; with PTATF FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S. High Si. Ph. 4121 Eves. 2.i2llfi H'JtiH- , ilium .LARGE 4-BR home located South. ' Larse lot on niued sired gaiRur, some . Iiivnilure is inclndrd. SJ'ATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS ! 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 Eves. 2.'i.'tR aJHR i;o:.ll. CLE AN 4-BR home located dose lo Saleni high, rireplavr, basement, fui nare. auto. wtr. htr., g.uao. A very ; good bur. Call Stanlev Brown with I ST A IE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1 153 S. High Si. Pn 4121 Eves. 2.1.1BI 1 a 268' ffiMM). CLEAN modern 2-BR home Ens le wood Hi si. Fueplaie, Venetian blind', b.isemenl, auto. o;l furnace, g a nine, beaul ifut ya rd, Immediate Possession, call Si a u lev Brown with STATE FINANCE CO REAL'I ORS I S3 8. HlBh St. Th. 4121 Eves. 2.- 1 ".0. NEW 2-RR home schonl.. Auto. ! r. In I ., SE close if , w i:rd for 1 anee $1550 down wil ImmMnte possess, on handle Call R'an!" Broun with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 2; 61 ' aJfiB NOB HILL LOOK NO further as I here Is not a cleaner or better home in Salem lor the money Five large rooms and bsmt.. phi.M 30x 18 utility on ground level, nice o-1 e al ion with lovely iew. lericcoi'aied in '. and out, fireplace, wired for range, new i furnace abundance of fruit ami shrub-: b'ly, close to. schools and bus and imm ! ro.sse.vion. snoon, SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REAL'I ORS S.lllh Portland Rd. Phone aj.i.s aJfiT CITY NORTH IE YOU want a nice home ai ede of r'.ty, 1 1 will pay you to look this one o ei 2 BR, plastered, att. gai ane, a mo. gas (urn. '9'ion $.'250 dwn. bI. m 4,. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. n EALTORS (lias Portland Rd. Phone 32i!k alfi'i' PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL fills X- RR home Is woi th the mourv About 20 minutes f loin tow n. About 1 , acre, Modern. A' (ached sr. Wired lot ranae. Nook in knottv pine, Full price 15595. More land available, R. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Th. F1I. Wallace Road. Rt. 1, Box 1R2 Open Evi-s. At Sundays. aJ67 SxTRA GOOD 2 bdim home East. Tire plae, H W Moors, insula trd. elec. he l , la no lot . nice yard and shruhi. OOODWIN A McMILLIN pallor 474 Court St JPnont 4701 Svc. 8715 or 81F21 t268 FOR SALE HOUSES ONE ACRE NORTH HERE IT Is that much sought after liome in Krucf d.ss. T 1 1 is is just a dandy nice 2 BR plastered modern homo. 6 years old and well built, a .swell ku- cnen, full bath, nice LR and DR. utility room. Btt. Karate, good lawn, plenty of snriiooery weep: 112 u mow i rec. cnerry tree, chicken house soori little barn, crnient pump hnu.se, acre 111 straw berries, all on one acre ot the best of ."oil. FuJ puce only ('500. More land can be hart SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3253 a267 GOOD COMFORTABLE 4 bdrm. home with all modern conveniences, nice corner, in good location. Priced for quick .sate id 000. ; GOODWIN & McMILLIN Realtor.s 474 Court St.1 Phone 4707 Eve. 8715 or 81F21 a268- ' LEO N, CHILDS, INC. REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN LARt.E HOME FOR QUICK SALE. 2 beri nns,, hung rin., dining rin. and kit chen. Excellent location. '6500. Terms. ,11 Vlt. OLD PLASTERED HOME. 2 bedrm.s.. I 11 v ins rm., dinette and kitchen comb. utility rm. eluded. Lo latge garage. Oil circ. in - abOllt 100X113 With many Shade tree. $6900. INCOME PLUS A HOME for yourself. Nrw j plastered duplex. Elec, heat. $8500. Con- ( venient terms. ABOVE THE AVERAGE. Nrw well con-1 strutted 2 bedrm. ranch type home. Liv-j ing rm. with lireplace, d;uina rm.. kit -1 chen. Large lot. About 1 1012U. Bus by I the door, f 10.000. For these and many I more CALL or SEE j LEO N. CHILDS INC., REALTORS "'31 years ol dependable service lo home; ow nets.'' 1 344 Sta'e St. Ph. 9261 Evenings call 2-4007, 2-')355 or 6301' a26K', BY OWNER: Lovely 3 bedrm. home. aulo. oil ileal , hdwd. floors, fireplace, V blinds, full basement.. Close to schools, bus by door' good location 111 Hollywood riist. Priced right, terms. Ph. 6367 for appt. 267 Af,; YOV looking" "for "a nice 3 bed room home 011 close in creek lot thai i.s priced rinlu' t!in00 Then see F. G. Delano or Vick Bios., 290 Church St., Phone 5710.1 a67 ! NOW VACANT."" bedroom English type home, double plumbum, carpeted living room and dim 11a room. Long breakfast nook, automatic oil heat. Corner beatillf il shrubs, outside fireplace and patio. Exclusive residential district, Play room In basement. Call owner, 3345 for appointment. a26fl GOOn 'J bdrm.. Salem HelBhtsT SflOOO. Has $3400 loan pa vnhlc $311.00 per mo. GOODWIN A: McMILLIN Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 ' Eve 8713 or 81F21 a2U8 FOR SALE pxccllenl, BY OWNER: Modern horn In 1 dition, available soon. 868 .G Liberty St. lot 68x185, SMMJ, BEDROOM HOUSI 10 wain 11 1 trc.c.s, l cherry, year around creek. Completely furn.. rr-f., elec. range, hot r heater, oil circulator, laun dry I rays, wash, mnchtii". etc. 2 blks from city bus, blk. from school hu. and suburban bus. I'n. 5367 or 25480. n209' jesno.oo 1 RM. house with extra room In saiage, 2 bed rooms hardwood floors, floor fur nace, excellent shape, less than 10 vis. old. Ph. 24;i41 after fl n2t9 RM. mod. home 1 yr. old. hdw. firs DR. Ki'ch. B N.. 2 BR, large playroom 15X23, saraite, corner lot 100x113, Immed poss., $12,000. 305 Park Ave., Salem. a 263 BY OWNER:New s'ri "home" well 'built. LR. dineite. dream kitchen, 2 BR., bath, 5 closets, UR , Venetian blinds throughout, half hdwd. fl.. coved lin. with matched borders, I horouu hly Insulated, gas fl. furnace, att. gar., to have slab rock porch and concrete dr., 1 blk. from bus. dose to schools. 1 bik. nonh of Market st reel on 23 rd. Owner cannot occupv home because of asthma, ft grown trees Phone 225-M Dallas for app t. a261 BY OWNER, my equity In 3 bedroom home FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT Mornlnrslde Hll!. ft0x272. Ph. BB33, Walt Socolof.sk y. Broker. an269 1 LOT ON 09E North, In city limits, ap pioxinialely 40x127. )!)(! full price. M. O. HUMPHREYS A: CO., REALTORS 22S6 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 2450B a H261C 2 GOOD LOTS N. IBI'H ST. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 ati2(iH FOR SALE: Two lots. S. Summer &. Eire trie. Call 7386. aa267 moo 111.K. n. 4th. Ph. 3:6;t. AR2B6 MANY BEAUTIFUL home sites Oh x lilt and la rite r amidst 10 acres of Mi tw eak trees, city water near school re stricted district 2 blks S of Com'l Liberty Rd Kindlon then I blk E on Ratcllft Dr Owner' Ph 4ifl4 aa FOR SALE FAR VIS FARM FOR SALE HM ACRES located near Wnconda. North of Salem. 75 acres under cull. More lanlJI'ST THE pln be mil under cull. Lite. barn, goon soil, year-round creek. 6 nn. home. Would make a good dairy farm. 5 cows, some hay. oats and nulkliiE machine go. Call G. II. Grabeuliorst, ,lr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 22918 h'J67 NORTH- All tillahle Amity silt lonm. 3 A. limber. A-sld tniii. nuts. Lie. b.irn, pit ry hse., brooder, lion hse. tTOo; TERMS. Ill A. EAST All tillable. Pined ro.id cloe in 3 BR home, good outbuildinas. Ciiiuuletely equipped. I rue tor and ma chinery. $28,000 with low sfillOO dwn. LITTLE Gi:.M -2n A. all tillable level to genile slope. 3 A. brnles: 5 rm home, good pltry hse.. small barn. Only $5850. 7 mi. from downtown Salem. STROUT REALTY 950 R. i:ih St. -Phone 35:123 b267 to A. (arm for lease, brae house. Inquirr E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial b2HB , 20" ACRES NORTH HOWELL 1 5 It OO.M nouse. In cond condition, 4 ': acres berries 1620 chicken house. 50 young peach trees, soori 6" dulled well.; Willamette sill loam This is a good one. V)5(tn Excellent term SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS .13 65 Portland Rd. Phone 32 35 ACRES 5 MIUIS E,tst rm Slate Strert. good 7 loom modern home, good biiin. 7 sian rhions. al.io hor.se .sialls. chicken housr, double Karaite, all in cult, except ftbmil act es in past u re and timber. 'This is a nice place 111 an excellent location $17,500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. R EALTORS 3.165 Portland Rd. Phone 3255 1)267' 140 ACRES NORTH EXCELLENT WILLAMETTE silt and Ami ty soil, cood plastered 7 rnnm home u-,t li full hatrmoiit hi in 10 v till mill " ' 1 ,,,,, mv'il-rv l,n,, all(l ntl,r hiuMiiws 130 ai-rrs li ru Hal. timber and pasMire all frnred. S3.i otm. SULLIVAN RF Al TY INC. I REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 32.iS b26' 1 ML from nt v limits. Kelr.er dist : 3 bed rm home; auto oil heat : elect . wa ter healer; dial ph.; beautiful shrubs, and grounds. 2 4. .15 A . nio.si ly Bai tlei t penrn. Everything needed to operate. lloinr with income $27,500, Insured tl-! t. Dne Push, Rt. 2, Box 164, Salem,! Ph. 2-2.184. b2tifi " PHONE 3210 S ACRES CI1E1IALIS LOAM tlRM. iiindein house, good well. Urge.' cataite. cnick n houe, 2 acres in peach--es, 3 acre.- :n f isiiie. Close in, only "i CUI Mi . Craw lord BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 3210 ;t;r; N. H.gli St. bJfia. VALLEY FARMS NEAR SA1 EM 10 ACRES HOME - All eouiP i there indtided. Owner w ..Mies to retire Will consider good city property. A good deal and good '.emus ; NEAR JEFFERSON 1 !I3 ACRES A l II' is. All entiip. A' stock. included 15 tows. Irrigation sysiem i.oou mint land. Mitht considrr trade for sol. hse or ciocer' B ISHERWOOD, REALTOR ! Ph. (IF 1 1--Wallace Road --It. I, Box 12 ! Open Ees. A Sundays B267" j it) ('RE FARM, 30 A.'deared. 40 A. tim-l her ;id pAsttne. 3 springs, eieek, mod em .1 BIl home, 4 cows, 3 heifpis. brood I sow, chickens, drasoaw. ti ailer A nnsc. fsnii eou;o. 13 miles Lorn Salem. 4'.' m les from Turner Priced lor quick sale or :r,srie for c ty or suburban prop-j riv. E. Landon, RL 2, Box 94, Turner , Oregon. b2S3 1 FOn SALE ACREACR ACREAGE ATTENTION SUBDIVIDERS CI Acre tract in city limits, with good 3 bedrm., streets on 3 sides. Sewer & wsirr lines in. OLSON A: REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9336 bb269' KEIZER ui'KM. 1 bdrm. home with large lot Close to -chrio!. bus & store. Immed. poss. Good terms. OLSON A; REEVE REALTORS 34.i S. Com'l. Ph. 4390 Eve. 2.;830 bb269 BY OWNER. PRACTICALLY NEW AL'Itli, walnuts, cherries, deep well, elec. pump, garden sprinklers, elec. wa ter heater. Is, lawn, 2 BR, elec. heat, fully Insulated wall (o wall carpets in LR A: hall, close to store, bus by door, built by owner, 'i mi. East of city lim it. 14!) Fl.shrr Rd. Phone 2-5730, bb'JfiO 5 A. N.i:. on McCain Ave,, Ph 2-6146. REAL ESTATE very rich soil. bb269 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR PHONE 7636 CITY NEAR II Kill .SCHOOL, comfortable 2 BR home. Plastered, Ven. blinds, fireplace, basement, furnace. Deep lot. For ap- ' ((J. Kvfs 4917 , MOIll MV nn hnm- nn Iro. W Vn blind.;, hw rlrs. Basement, ubl. tar., nice .shrubs A: Harden spot, Immed. poss. Call Mrs. Hedges for appoint men I 7606. NEW RANCH type 2 BR home, exira iae. lot. Plastered. HW Mrs., piay room A: mil. rm., auto, heat, bus bv door. S13.000. Mr. Brown will be pleased to show you lliis at your convenience. Ph. 7636 or Eves. 4137. SUBURBAN 7 A., modern 2 RR home. 6 yrs. old. Chick. h.-;c.. barn. Very good soil. Could oe sub-divided nicely 1 racior and equip ment I'oulrt br purchased. Cloe in. Call Mr. ' Bill 1 Brown for appointment. 7696 or Eves. 4337. Only M0. 500. FARMS EAST to A, Win. sill loam. 4 BR modern home, flood barn A: ot her out bldps. Can be bought completely equipped. Beat of locations. A GOOD KARM VALUE. '.'." A, 4 ml. from downtown. 18 A. cultiv., bal. pasture Fam. orch. Best of soil. 7 rm. hse . dbl. plumbing , wall to wall carpot. Furnace. 4 stanchion barn, chick, hse.. mad), shed. A very comfortable farm home. Can be bousht turn. 1 NICE home.-, on 5 A. 1 with 2 BR, DR, LR, kit., bath, glassed porch, attic floor ed. HW firs. Other 4 rin, house rented. Small barn, chick, hse., hog hse., brood er hse. All for M2.00Q. .'"on APPOINTMENT call Henry Trovcnd, Farm Mcr. Ph. 76D6 or Ev BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GAS STATION. 2 hoists, slcam cleaner, spray paint guns. etc. 3 yr. lease, 63.O0 per mo. -Good location. $4500 plus in ventory. Call Mr. Brown 7636 or Eves. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court Street vMV NICE NEW house, two bedrooms down and one up. Hdwd, floors and plastered throirihnnl, Attached garage. S9000.00. TWO BEDROOM plastered house on a 70 x 220 lot. Fruit, nuts, berries, larce gar den and chicken house. All for 6700.00. TINS IS good residential property. Full basement wit It spare bedroom. two bedrooms and all. Nice fireplace and caranc. 5RlMl.no. THREE BEDROOM plastered house. Nice lot and in good d:st rlct. 6800. .19 x MO homrsite. This Is In a nice nrw section of town, a most desirable" local ity. $750.00. A NEIGIIItoitHOOn grocery doing a very nice hu.slncss, Ljvintt quarters, slock and everything goes for 514.000.00. P. II. BELL. RE LTOR 361 Chcinekeia Street Snlcm, Ores oil Phone 41ti)6 c2C8 PHONE 3210 S'jmio BUYS this 3 Bdrm. home on l'i acres about B mlls South near school on paved road. Call Mr. Picha. HOME A; INCOME DRIVE BY 125 Abrtinit Ave. and (hen call Mr. C r 11 w r o r d at 3210 t n see this 1 bdrm. home and .1 room a pi. on a la rce lot. Do not disturb the tenants. Full Price $52.10. ONLY 525.nno.0ft L3.VC- ACRES Nut Ranch, 8 miles from Salem, 73 tie. wn Inuts, 50 ac. filberts, bn lance t libber and pastille, 6 room lm:iic, excellent nut dryer, tractor, disc, drill, wa u on, elec. water ayslem. Call Mr. Neely. ONLY Mr.on.nn ONE STORY 2 bdrm home, bath. LR. DR. kit., built -ins. enraxe, corner lot . 5nxl 10. good two local ion, exceptional. Call Mr. Nrely. Jioon.no down SMALL e hdrin. house. North, gas heat, cooking water heater, almost imme diate posses." ion, Full price $3050. Call Mr. Crawford NORTH ON BROADWAY SIMM). .1 bdrm.. bath. LR, DR, kit. Nieei In rae cornet- lot. near bus, close to , school, .several nice fruit trees, paved; street and sidewalk. Call Mr. Picha. BURT PICHA. REALTORS I Phone 3210 337 N. High Street C.269 LOVELY SUBURBAN JUST OFF Pacific highway North; elec tric furnace, fireplace, V. blinds, nice wooded tract Hft.mm SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. Hull Si Phone 7660 c LEE OH MART' A: CO.. REALTORS 3 BEDROOMS ON ONE FLOOR your family 10 call home; located at 1315 "D ' Si.: only 7 yrs. old, linrdw ood thru-out , im media le possession insulated A- weather-stripped, being newly redecorated now. Ask for Mrs. Manner!, or call her at 2-1222. Buy it today! Move in tomorrow! ESPECIALLY FOR YOU YOU WILL appreciate the lop grade con struction of Mils 2 bedroom home located on Norway street In the Enalewood dis t rid ; large In ina room, hardwood firs., full basement wil h air-conriit ioned oil furnace, possession in 2 weeks. Full price is Mn.fino. Ask for M r. Danlclson. POSSESSION NOW! ONLY sL'idu lor this 2 bedroom home with app. ' acre located in that sought after Keirer riist net . About 125 ft. frontage on River Rd.. city bus by door, dcfiniie! bn.Miie-s posibihl i-s here The address I is 4170 N. liner Rd. $2500 down will suf- rice. I LEE OH MART Ar CO, REALTOR 477 Court Si. ),iv Ph. 21115-24116! Eve. Ph. 24722-24183-5514 I REIMANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN si 750 DOWN ! RliDROOM Home, plasiricd. basement corner lot, large sarage. near schools and bus. linmedinie possession, Will rent for (,.!. on per mo. s.i;).0. No. 201. 1 10 DOWN M0 MO. HI YS LOTS A- acreiisei North: close In Don't w ait Plan now to build in the spring. DOWN l.i MO, ltH it'ti I. (IT South, r:ly water, bus. fruit Med district. No. 621. VIEW i with fireplace: very ,ith nook, lull base- A- nut trees, iw.tr; FINE LARGE LIVING roor complei e kitchen ' mMil with rumpus room and fireplace, air conditioning furnace. No, 327. CLOSE IN It BEDROOM home, nil on one floor, cor ner lot in excellent residential district , hardwood floors thru out, oil piped fur nace, full ha sr me lit . cry close to high A- grade schools, walking distance to town. No. 3.'8. Jfif-O DOWN 125 PER MONTH SMALL HOUSE avtnd about 2024 sub llrt studding large corner 1ft 75x120. No- h-9 Inside city limits, price $1750. ! ACHES NEW HOUSE. 5 sm.ill rooms, across street from school, paved ro.id. Clo.-e to shop ping rii.-trict. onlv 35O0. No. filS. DOWN 1 OWN APT. HOUSE M I'NIV Apt. houf. Oil steam heat A- Hot .iter, lot 48x122. c ros.sing $728 per mo. Price MS ooo. No. 714. REIM ANN REAL ESTATE 'Salem's HiiiWLne Realiors" 201 3. Hull Ph. 9203 Eves A- Sun. 26056-3462B cJ67 CALABA A- HABERNICHT. REALTORS NOR TH 4 TH STREET S ROOM home. 2 bed rooms, wired for range, flee, water heater, gam tie, small lot, immediate possession $5500, HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 1 BEDROOM home. I down and one ptrtly finished is wired for ranee. elec. water heater, Urge lot. $6900. BROADWAY--NORTH ' Wi l l, BUILT 2 bedroom with elra sleep- porch, has 15x.t9 living room, fire- - place, ha seme nt ann furnace, corner Jot, good location. S8950. JUST OFF 1UWA Y--SOUTH t VERY attracltve mo.lern 2 bedroom home ' nice set l ins. hardwood Moors p!ai e, r lee trie hrnt. wired for flee water hewtrr. lot Is 110x130. fire- range. I nearly j i acre. $10 000 Good terms. LANCASTER DRIVE MODERN room home, ranch lle. oak I tools. Ilreplni e, Ven, blinds, oil tloor turn at e, rioubte in i age. nearly acre of land, located verv near Pen "4" Cor ners $12 500, CALAHA A- HABERNICHT. REAITOHS " J 231 North Huh St - Ph. Evc. 377 or 3-82.1 REAL ESTATE only 36:n cash DRIVE BV 1175 Spruce street. II Inter ested come in. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. Hitch St. Phone 7660 c SUBURBAN $5250 NORTHEAST; TWO bedrooms, one-third acre tract . on pavement and bus. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. high Si Phone 7660 C McKILLOP REALESTATE AGENCY 169 South High CITY Wl.ioo EiiRlewooa District, lot 63.tl04. bun galow ityle, 1 'it yrs., 1 BR, bath, LR. dinette, kite lien, bin It -ins and Venetian blinds. Cement foundation, cooking and water heating electric, gas heating, 1 block to bus--A Good Buy. XfiHllti LOCATED South, close to town and city park. LR, 2 BR. kitchen, bath, full basement , nice lawn and shrubs. SlKHXl CREEK property, located East, large lot 50x145. 2 BR bath. LR. dinette, kit chen, fireplace, built -ins and Venetian blinds. HW floors, full basement, bus by door, close to school and shopping cen ter. Insulated and weather stripped. SIJ,.-iiMi SOTTH. beautiful new 3 BR home, wit 11 basement and LR. DR. kit chen, bath, fireplace. Venetian blinds, attached garace. clo.se to schools and bus. very well built, good location, saw dust heat. SUBURBAN SRItio NEW. ready to move Into by De cember 1st 2 BR bungalow, bath, LR, 1 dinette, kite lien, plenty built -ins, un-; finished upstairs, school A: city buses by door, very nice neighborhood. j SHt.flilO . down and terms with owner., One here and 2 RR plastered house with! LR. kitchen and bath, garage, school and ci'y buses by door, very nice neigh-, borhood. This is a real buy. si imu BEAI'Tiri'L, modern suburban home. 8 years old. 2 BR, LR. DR. kit chen bath hardwood floors throughout, nice built-lns. Venetian blinds, lull basement and automatic oil heat, elec tric cnokms and water lie a ting. One of the most beaut if ul views around Salem. 13 acres in all Ten acres of prunes. 1 A, wain its and cherry. 2 A. cleared land. You must see this to nopreciate it. COME IN OR CALL 5131--R620 Evening Phone 7163 c2 WANTED REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS GET IT ON THE BEAM PROPERTY OWNERS who wish'lo sell are urged to set a lislinor of It into our of fice immediately so that it can be in cluded in our official opening announce ment of which about 10.000 copies will be published very shortly. Our new location, new building, and new publicity will att ract as much at -tention as a bright beam of light. If your property Is on that beam, a buy er might be attracted to It. Among cli ents who are waiting for suitable prop- I erlif AN EXPERIENCED restaurant man who wants a wood location for a waffle shop. AN OIL company that wants to buy or lease a going Indenendent s.atlon, or buy or lease ground and build: AN ICE c renin manufacturer wants a lo cation near or North of Center Street: A MAN retiring from miriwesEcrn univer sity with his family wants a country proper! y, 40 acres or more of rolling land wit n stream, some timber and a nii"-forv house: A MAN who ha5 .Inst sold his bi'iess In Eastern Ores on wants a 4 bedroom home a! around 5l2.0n0: A MAN In n small Indiana town wilt be here about December 1 to look for 2ft to 50 acres and would pay $4000 to SflOftO: N. DAKOTA businessman wants 1 bedroom spTial type home in 53500 bracket. IF YOU have n business or any property that von wish to sell, call 4622 or come to our new office at 702 N. High. NELSON A: NELSON Specializing Realtors Chet T. Nelson Theo. O. Nelson 702 N. High St.. Salem. Ore. Phone 4622 Eves. 2-1350 ca207 BUYERS WAITING! COAST-TO-COAST contacts. Alw need of new lislings of Homes, .Farms. Businesses. List yours tortayl STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th Sl.--Phone25323 ea267' L I S T W ITIISAIX MT 0 S E I. lV. M 8A LEM REALTY CO C W BARTLFTT REALTOR 149 N HIGH ST. PH 7660 WANTED LISTINGS PERSONAL ATTENTION Riven listings and sale of your home Our excellent loca tion brings many buvers If vour prop erly Is for sale SEE US LEO N CHILDS REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." .144 State St. -Ph. b261 ca WANTED: Listing? of Saleni and West j B.l.m nrnnirtv Door) demand B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Wallace Rd Rt 1. Boi 162 Ph. 6F11 ca1 for sale. NOTICE! rf your property rent or exchange list It with us have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S High St WANTED LISTINGS city, suburban and! farm property, we offer you prompt ei ficient service CALABA At HABERNICHT, REALTORS 231 N High St Phone 5838 ca' FOR PROMPT and courteous lervtca list your properLy with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 655 N Liberty Pnone 7327 ca' WE ARE tn need of good houses to i-ell in or near Salem It you wish to list your property lor sale, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. -Phone 4131 ca' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SWAP OWNER OT 3!) acre farm wants to trade tor city property. Farm mostly in cul- ttvaiion. four bedroom home, doublet nluniheH and in fine condition. If like to lower the cost of living better ! check 'in this one. Value $14,750, accept; Salem home n.s part SALEM REALTY CO. j Realtors 149 N High SI. Phone 7660 cb26S" VILL TRADE 5 room house In Portland for simitar house in Salem. Phone I WEbsler 8325 Portland or 4397 Salem. Cb267' I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INVESTIGATE THIS IE YOU ARE IN TFRESTED IN A REAL paying, up-to- date inis;iiess. located in a nice Wil lamette Val'ey town. Complete confec tionery with Ice. fount a in tz 8 booths AUn i-nrries comnletc line ot drug iun- rinr.s. school supplie; A: lewelry A: ko- rintt rnmnirte stock and fixtures ao. ! L-r -tornse nn. Will sell blda. or will, Ic.tc. Doing a fine business. FOR FUR THER DETAILS Call G. H . Cirabeulioist. .Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Ees. 22948 cd267-' FOR LEASE Od. local ton for used car lot. Walt SocoloLsky. Ph. 8835. d269 54FT ON 99E NORTH CLOSE business building m front. 3 bedrm. house in tear, fiont and back porch glassed in. garage, cnoice joch- t.on for business. Imm. Poss. Full price i $10 500. Cnurtcou to brokers. I M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTOR 22H6 Fa irg rounds Rd. Ph. 24596 ed269 ' RELIABLE man take care store route. Dis ir.biite, collect; new product: protected terntorv. Earn excellent weekly in-, I come. B A: W Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. ' cd267 , COIN-OPERATED radios with locations available. Fast return on invest. Write O R. Curry, 101 Washington! Dallas. 1 I ore. cdil.O FOR S.LECirocrry store near Corvalli. ' l For further infonnation. w rite P. O Box 424. Dallas, Ore. cri2fi7 laKNITUKE I OK SAI.F. 1 H OOD R XC.K, white enamel, copper coils. tike iew; Oolcrator. 75 lb. ice box. 2550 ! Chcmekela. Ph. 21496. dJ69 HAH Pc. d'ning nil. suites $69.50 A: $ 9.50 oak buffet .$27.50 Cntelra tables $9.75 to SI2..S0 Dishwashers $39.95. Davenports A; chairs S27.50 and $69.50 1 manresse.s ....$4600 to $82.50 Ant house b.is mines , STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 Slate Phone 7596 d2fi? SAVE YOU MONEY Chests ot drawers Desks : , .$ 7.95 . . 16,95: 5-pc. breakfast set I. .trap clothes dryers Bunk bed -or 2 :n;!e h-d ... Toev's Furniture Co. 1550 Fairground Rd Ph. 3791 19.35 3 00 19 95 ! d27l' Journal Want Ads Pay FfpNITTRE FOR SALE BLUE B1LT WELL davenport, upholstered I IRST CLASS carpenter work. New or re swing rocKer 2 occasional chairs, bra model, lie or small. Ph. 8381 aftet 5 fireplace set, twin spool bed. spring A: ! p.m. h25 mat'.resi, 6 way lamp, 30"x45" mantle mirror, rusn bottom bedrm. rociter Thes are all good pieces and priced 10 sell. 940 "E St. d267 FK1GIDAIRE Imperial-C0ldwall7ft. (rl- gidairc dec. ranse 1 Duncan Phyfe mahog. dining set It serving table Alexander Smith broadloom rugs, 9xlo A: 7-6x9 Overstuffed occasional chairs Phone 2-4033 Eves. d26" DAVENPORT lnexcellentcondrPhone 60i!0 after 6. d267 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for furn and what have you? Ph 35511 604 N Liberty Bun dale's IIIGIIRST PRICES paid Phone Glenn m Woodry Auction Market Ph 5110 aa' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NOW OPiCX for the practice of large ani mal medicine. Southsidc Veterinary Hos pital. 2740 South Commercial, Salem. Pnone 250H1. el!67 LIVESTOCK WANTED WAN T ED : A n y kind of cattle, hoRs"iind sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed and bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. 1. Smethen A: Hon. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Sa lem. Ph. 2134S. ea282' WANTED All kinds of cattle, hogs, sows and boars al your farm or delivered market price. E C McCandllsh, Rt 9, Box 2Xi across from Ball Park on So. 25th. Ph. 8147. ea272 RABBITS W A N TiTDJ 0 f r y e r r a b b i t sM 0 n. night , whites J5c per pound. 2705 Portland Rd. Phone 5013. co268 WING'S K.I1HITRY pays' topp'rices (or fryer rabbits. 3385 Stale. Ph. 109F5 eb28R- PETS NOW OPEN for the practice of ca nine and feline medicine. Southside Veterinary Hospital, 2740 South Com mercial, Salem. Phone 25084. ec267 CANARY BIRI)S 260 N18th! ec268 FOR SALE WOOD' 16" WOOD Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $11.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber Aj Manufacturing Co., Independence, Oregon ee270 FOR SALE: Dry ash wood 16" or 4 ft. $14.00 del. M F. Webb. Turner, Ph. 8x5 aB8, FINE DRY KINDLING wood $5 30 a load Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ce238' DRY AND GREEN SLABS. Immediate de livery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee28S GO Ol)"(iREEN EDGINGS sT.50aloVd" dOlT ble load $10. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533 TRI CITY FUEL 9 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood At Edgings Heavy 4 ft Slab PHONE 6683 We Give S&H Green Stamps ee2R6 W A LNU TS II E LLsTl 5Ta C k s" 1007 " $ 3 50 ton Bring sacks Morris Klorfetn Pack ing Co. 460 N Front. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 24031 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 LISTED GOOD, DRY kindling wood. Green edging. Green and dry slab Immediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee269 WEST SALEM" FUEL-CO. GREEN & DRY WOOD also dried planer wood, A; sawdust Pick up wood Bt 1525 Edecwater. W Salem Stova ol! A diesel oil Ph 2-4031 ee FOR SALE POULTRY W E WE LC O yiF. the oppor tti n 1 1 y to help you with your poultry disease problems. Autopsy, diagnosis and treat ment. Southsidc Veterinary Hospital, 2740 South Commercial, Salem. Phone 25084. 1267 'if 7 locker' lf NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks Slarled chicks and older pullets Always avail able Ph. 22861 Lee's Hatcher? t' CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens r an: number. Prompt service Dressed 'poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 22861 Lee s Hatchery C PRODUCE LI RALES oats & vetch hay, $25.00. 2 ml. N. o underpass 011 Hiway 89. Rl, 7 Box 129F. ff207 WANTED HEI.F EXl'TTENOG. H. L. Stiff Furn. k272 STEN(K;RAPIIERS needed lu several slate depnriments. Permanent interesting work. Paid vacation, sick leave, retire ment benefits. Salary $150 to $185. Apply Slate Civil Service Commission, 444 Cen ter. Salem. r268 CLERK TYPIST bynationally known con cern, typing ex p. necessary. Call 4168 for appl. g268" WANTED: BEAUTY operator as assistant instructor Call 8141 HELP WANTED: Part time secretary to' Dean Grist of Willamette College of music, can Air, remx av vjoo ior dp pointiuent. g-268" CAPABLE GIRL or woman to assist wilh housework A: care of 3 children. Modern country Home, private room, good wages, liberal time off Anyone under 20 of nae need not apply. Write Box 161. Stayton, Ore or phone 1X4 Slayton. B267 IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Instruction Col umn. g269 WANTED:-YOUNG woman under 40 tor general help at Small Beach Inn. Per manent home for right person. Non moker preierred. Write Mrs. Al N.'RQQM AND BOARD Pierce. Neskowin, Ore. rp. c26 1 GIRL FOR light housework and help with care of 2 children, one in school. Room. board it wages. Ph. 2-5488. 6275 NATIONAL retail organization has opening rr.r p iv rniiin reuRirman. An.-, ft 1 V I II exp., age, marital status A- length ot i LOST AND KOl'ND I residence in Salem. Write Box 346. Cap-j ital Jouriia, R267 LOST: BROWN zipper billfold containing; WANTEl-Fir:stcW body man. Best; several bills. Finder please call 2-15C1. working conditions. Top pay if you can t Reward. i qualify. See Gcarhart Valley Motor Co. -LOST: SAT. morn., lady's yellow sold Bu-, 375 Center. Salem. c' , ova wrist watch. 10 reward. Ann Kte-i ,S'SS'SWNWSSS i ains. Price's Store. k269 WANTED POSITIONS ; LOST:""brOWN bmroldby "discharged vet. - ,, , . .- i of 1 mo. Ph. 5768. Reward. k267 GENERAL CARPENTER work, repairing A: - - J cabinet work. Ph. 9457 Eves. h269tLOST: DAP membership Pin Monday at. - - - i S'ate House or downtown Salem. Phone OFFICE WORK, short hand and lypma ; daJ( or 248M R-ter 6 p.m. k267; experience, riium- mjq. VI'.T GOING to school would like emp. clerk. Phone "8141. Marion Euer. h269 Installed, also tic tank. drain tile, sewer lines, 25408. 424 Evergreen Ring. Ph. Ave Ed. Smith. h271 ! JANITOR or cleaning work wanted part or ..il fniK m vmi vueiienre Rox 349 Capital Journal or piione 22138. h268 CH-l.n CAKE by'hour. l.ror nl,M.-p-,.i aura h268 i JOB wNT,;nTfief-sclu0rand Sat. carl ma for children or liht housework in this neighborhood Reliable senior rl ! INTER.OR :r.UNT,NGrPh: 21380 SaiSer ! - ."-"i MOTHERS! Will care for babies In my business or social engagements. Phone; 7651. BOOKKEEPER desires position. U yer i reasurer. rm nurm" vnn 0014. LADY Vants hour work by day. Ph. 26876, onrss MAKING. Alterations, tailoring ph s.ifii. h268 EXCL. ADILT PABY SITTER. PH 2.(379 njO C'in.O CARE m my home by day or (ioji i i 295 N. :?rd St Ph. 4686. H372 E?.rr"BriSl ill RMTTRF refinishmt. I 6ton Piano Co. Photv I WANTED POSITIONS INTERIOR PAINTING, experienced, and recommended. Ph. 6796. h282 RL'GS nd furniture and moth proofed ! 37J6. upholstery cleaned n your home. Ph h276 prompt service M-VING & HAULING. Call 22456. h270- WANTED FURNITURE to elu Si repau Lee Bros Ph 21233. n WW PAINTING Just a shade Detter o Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 n- j L-nnriTinM ir,uutftUUI' DIESEL TRACTOR WE TRAIN YOU HEAVY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY needs qualified Diesel And iractor mechanics and engineers. High pay jobs. Life-long security. Foreign op portunities. Free placement service cov ers entire United Slates. Special offer 10 Veterans. Ask for FREE copy ot Diesel Trouble-shooters Manual. For informa tion write, please give home addiebs. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE, 406 Panama Building, Portland 4, Oregon. hh277 IF YOU LIKE TO" DRAW. sWlcrTor paint write for Talent Test 1N0 Feci. Give ase and occupation. Box 348 Capital Journal. hh269 PIANO STUDIO FrTderlckWllon. 1531 Market. Ph 249R. hh274 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Prefer e ployed or middle age couple. 412 Ev green Ave, j67 SMALL SINGLE apt line. Ph. 8206. partly furn. on bus J2bU FURN. APTS. Adults only. 1075 N. Capitol. J-61 FOR RENT: House in Lake Lnbish, fam ily preferred. Otto Miller, 545 Fourth. Woodburn. Ph. Red 42. j269- HEATED RM. for business" girl. 745 N. Capitol. Ph. 5323. J269 SLEEPING-ROOM. Phone 9752," after 6 NICELY furn. heated sleeping rooms. Close In. Gentlemen preferred. 1271 Chcmekcta. j268 FOR RENT, trailer 1730 Water St. house for bachelor. J268 ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL SALEM, 161 S. High St. Ph. 3184 J- NICE large sleeping room for 2 working girls. 535 N. Winter. j268 i ROOM partly furn. apt., priv. bath. 1415 N. 4lh. Ph. 6840. J267- FURN. trailer house for" rent. 640 Mar ion. Ph. 5087. J268 MODERN Furnished Apartment. 2 adults only. 1675 Saginaw St. j267 I RM. Apt. Middle aced lady pref. Phone 2-2520. j267' WARM SLEEPING room Tor rent. 360 N. Capitol. j268' STRICTLY MODERN furnished "collates by the week or mo. Utilities furnished. 3230 Portland Rd. j270 CA BlFvACA NC VrWMkIy"f atMr ml. on Dallas Hiway. Box 460, J267 SieEPINGROOM 940 D St." MenTJ270" S LE EPI N G ROOM ror employed lady. No smoscr. Close in. Phone 9379. j267 LARGE furnished sleeping room. Close In. 533 S. Liberty. Ph. 6D96. j267 ROOM Men 549 N. Cottage. PlC 3723. J267- LIGHT housekeeping room and sleep ing room. 790 N. Church. Ph. 4335. J267' SLEEPING RM. for man. private entrance, telephone, hot ft cold water. 1505 N. Capitol. Ph. 3425. j269 NICELY furnished sleeping room for 2 employed girls. 535 N. Winter. J267 ROOM with cooking privilege. 1880 Cen ter St. J267 NEW MOD 2 bdrm. home, sell furnishings. Ph. 2-6324. j267 SLEEPING R5ibus by "doorr 991 Mil! J267 room for wom.m. j2S3 SI EPING ROOM. Private bath. Ph. 7865 , J268 APPROX. 2Tofl S Q . F f. o f b a s em en 1 space suitable for of rices or varied lines. See S. A. Wheatley, 444 State St.. evenings 725 Court St. j268 I MEN'S nice sleeping rooms, pvt. entry. nam, t-ji wcck, 144J 5. coml. Ph. 9260. J267' DESIRRALE R M C LOS E IN : PRIVATE ENTRAnB BLK. FROM WILLAMETTE PH. 25548. j268 R iLLYWOOn sleeping rooms. Ph. 6093 J286 GOOD USEb-"piANOS H l" Stiff- " SELF BRA KIN GYra"l 1 e r72085 N-"Com7i J278 NEWLY CARPETED sleeping rms 3 blocks from High 6t StatePh 24863 i269 MODERN COTTAGES - By dayweck"or month. Reasonable. 3580 So. Com'l. )267 TRAILER SPACE Modern park, clean. F'ree laundry privileges. Re as. rates. 3580 So. Com'l. J267 ATMORATS. Orone Good health Rent sell H O Push 684 N mh.Ph 4692 sander for rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT 1 VnfVr. rm.r X- hahv nrrii iinfiirn hi or apl. Permanently em P. Ph. 7250. ja269 WILL PAY reasonable rent for 3 BR home Call 9079 bet. 8:30 and 6. Ask for Mr. Dickey. After 6 and Sun. call 2-2080. Ja26fl MIDDLE aged couple. No children or pets, want furn. apt. or house. References. Ph. 8913 week days. ja272 RESPONSIBLE middle aged couple. Per manent, need 4 or 5 room furnished apt. or n oust Ph. 24495. ja267 LOCAL BUSINESS man urgently needs home in Hollywood dist. Bus Perm. Ph. 21664 after 10 a n ja269' HOME WANTED for aged lady. Bed pa tient. Call 24838. JJ2C9 BOARD Room, 495 N. 21st St. Man preferred. ,i.i267 , LOST Grey gabardine hood South k267 Com'l. Sunday. Ph. 4814. FOUND-Ticked hound Owner call 26130 k26fl MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS, tailor- Phone 6361. m.. SEWING MACHINES bought, repaired. Any "J-f- ' m i """"O"" " SKiS j "piVms or 326A Portltiid Rd I No 15 Siarbuck Cottages. m268 inaw. m268 voi'R SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3312 tor free pick up and de lnery service on all makes of machines. Free estimate given beiore w or started Sinaer Sewin Machine Co.. iSO' N. Com'l. m i SCISSORS sharpened Dexter. Ph 6P33 m270' "-(DEAD and worthless stock removed on 1 moment a notice Pn5Wji m273 ; ,":.",rrr ST erovtrr ntPT OFFERS GUARANTEED. scoWMitai RAIMU KbfAlK At U MWi'f.Lu MON l ti'JMt.Kr WSKU v TRADE1 AND HIGH 5TS Journal Want Ads Pay MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR i-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State it Commercial Sts SALEM- Pnone 8311 m MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, tl 00 Les Springer. 464 Court St. m267 HEAT youi homi electrically It' con ven lent, clean economical See a foi free estimat V EATER APPLIANCB CO.. 255 N Liberty jJS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MONARCH WHITE enamel wood and coal ranee with waterfront Almost new, $45. 1025 N. 19th. nJ69 WALNUT KIMBALL marie spinet piano like new. Ph. 4483 after 3 p.m. Bat. n267 IMPROVED-! Con-alTis A: Marshall Straw berry plants, J5, 1000. Phone 2-1056. U269 FOR SALE Nearly new Deluxe Model Westingliouse Roaster-Oven, complete with baking dishes, cookbook and grill 133.00. H. Miller. Rt. 7, Box 431T. Salem. ' mile north on McCain, off Silvertou highway. n-67 ANTIQUES by appointment. Phone 4322. SUNDAY ONLY UNDERWOOD Portable typewriter, $33.00 Premier Duplex Vac. Cleaner ....$12,50 1 To 1 Chain Hoist $20.00 International time recording clock, $10 Craftsman metal turning lathe complete with 4 jaw chuck and accessories: no motor. 6" swing, 12" between centers $40.00. lAll Hems in very good condition) 753 N. Winter n267 LEAVING CITY For sale, dining room &. bedroom sets, electric range, refrigerator, breakfast set; mostly new. Ph. 4193. n269 PR. OF girls while ice skates, size 2. Ph. 3865. 11261)' !9(i FT. quarter sawed oak flooring, $85. ilt horse motor $35. One set overhead g a ruse door hardware, new, $40. Call after &.30. Ph. 22193. H268 RINGER ROLLS A: service, all makes washers. 21 yrs. exp. Van's Home Furn ishings, 60) Edgewater. Ed Ellis, for merly with Nelson Bros. Ph. 6931. n292 DRAG SAW. llpht welgnt, Vaughn, nearly new; 4 blades. Rt. 2, Box 22, Turner. Ph. 22952 evenings. n267 INDUSTRIAL" FAN cnmp!e(e7 Alsonew 'i h,P. G.E. and Westingliouse electric mo tors. Ph. 2-4621. n267 10 GAUGE Winchester repeating lever ac tion shotgun. It has a 32 inch barrel and is in perfect condition. Lots of am munition. Rome 4, Box 436c. Two miles North of Brunks Corner. n267 WHITE ELEC. stove. 4 burner, grill, $135. Call at ?45 Belmont. 3 to 5 p.m. n269 small-"gas Stove ...,.7.$17.50 Oil Ciivulalor $27.50 Wood Circuiulor , JIG. 50 H. P. Elec. Range $45.00 Wood Healers S.OO Men's Suits $7.50 to $17.50 n268 GAS CIRCULATOR heater 125, Nearly new. Phone 742 1. , n2C8' IN N E R S PR ING MATTReVs" perL cond. 1775 N. Front after 5 p.m. n268 HAVE"YOirSEEN THE CLOCK DOCTOR ABOUT THAT TIMEPIECE? 190 S. 14th. n271 FOR SALE, Allts-Chaimers Dor:er model WM wilh blade. One model LO-35 with drum and blade. Rt 6, Box 115, phone 8127. n271 GIRL'S-RaTloON TIRe" BICYCLeTTiI new accessories, e.c. cond. $30. Ph. 5349. Call at 346 Richmond Ave. n268' BLACK, WESTERN show saddle, silver trim, wilh taps $200. 3350 Sunnyview Ave. Ph. 25775. n268 Se7LYTUFTLESS VATTRESSariynew. 's price. Call at 1830 N. 4lh Si., Salem, after 6:00 p.m. n263 MONARCH wood or coal circulator. Used one season. Cost $130.00. Take $35.00. 1779 Chcmekela. n263. I SMALL enamel wood ranse, $25.00. 1 med. sized oil circulator, a good one $40.00. Phone 23F14. Frank Hubbard. Rt. 2, Box 63. Dallas, Ore n268 E S T A T EE L E Ct7 RANG ETie w In-194 1 . Ph. 3661 between 6 A; 8 P.m. n268 WHITE BUNNY FUR COAT, green trim, size 14 Dresses and shirts, teen ace and size 6. Phone 7366. n268 BC-318 "nLXEIVER,-$38.0O."PhT26948artPr S. n267. FACTORY BUILT Elco trailer home. 18 ft. Can be seen after 4 p.m. or on Sat. A: Sun. at 1990 Warner St. 11268 BLUE BIG BLOW rug 9x15 At pad. Exc.l cond. Ph. 22195. n26 Pi" MONTHS old beef" S10. PhT23400. ANTIQUE marble top cherry Bed room suite. Oak bedstead. Phtlco table radio. Bench milling machine. Zenith ladies' bike. Garden wheelbarrow. Crosscut saw, scythe. 395 N. 20th St. Ph. 2-3761 n268 HOUSEHOLD furnishings, refrlg.. daven port and chairs, table beds, stoves, misc. items. Sat. afternoon and Sunday. , 641 N. 20th. n267 it ,IEWEL CROTONw7ist watch; like new; reason. 625 S. 25th. n267' BATHTUB $40.00; electric rangfTt70.00: baby bed and wool mattress $12.00: all good. Ph. 3585. 3915 State St. n267 SlEDIUM OIL circulator, complete with barrel and fittings. 1975 D St. or Phone 79S6. P267- WARDS LOW BED FARM WAGON WITH . .7(1x10 tires, 2" plank bed, 17' J240.00 A: gin pole 2 ton hand-wrench. SEARS GAS drag saw 5' blade. like new $65.00. 9'gxl.Y car cover tarps $14.00 15x32 ii 16x50' storage tents 8x11' 20 oz. canvas covers for tractors or farm ma chinery $10,00. These were truck covers with straps and dippers. SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. E. of S. 12th Tel. 7916 n268 PIPE, 2 -inch galvanized, 1 1 ; in. gal v., 1 in. galv. 468 N. Winter. Call Snuffv. n267-' A NEW HIGH IN OLD FASHIONED COMPORT SMART is the word for this Charles of London style In new Simmons davenos we are now featuring. They are ol double spring construction for com fort and durability, covered In rich fabrics, for style and wear. Nominally priced to sell from $119.50 to $129.50. Now at our special price of $89.50 to $98.50. Here are your favorite davenos ai your favorite furn. Store. See t hem try them today; Glenn Woodry Fur niture Market. 1605 N. Summer St. 16 blks N. of State Capitol Bldg. n267- ELECTRIC Hot Point range. Good con dition. S175.00. Ph. 24917. n269- FREE GAS. Retread tire service now open Silverton Road and Lana Ave One gal. free witn each 5 gais. sold. 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. n267 Fl'RNACE with sawdust burner, s.d. water heater and tank. Phone 2-4851, 567 Knapp St. n267 f f) 16 RE F RICE R A TOR, super" "super Kel vinator. 9 cubic feel. $349.00. 1946 Mon arch fully automatic electric range $249.00. Almost, new 9 pc. walnut dining room set $295. Almost new 5 pc. walnut bedroom set 1245.00 Royal Vacuum cleaner 527 50 Golden oak 6 pc. breakfast set $45 00. 871 King wood Drive. Phone 4193. n271 FOR SALE OR TRADE. I 33-cu. ft refrigerator 1 300-cu. (t. refrigerator 1 27-cu. ft. refrigerator 1 Coleman oil stove 1 man's bicycle 1 rad:o-ocktail bar Phone 2-1325 4010 Slate St.. Salem. n267 FCR SALE: Older type Hotpoint Electric ranse or trade for good davenport A: chair. Ph. 9689. n267 FOR SALE: 5 room wood circulating heat er $25 u0. Call after 4:30 p.m., 1238 N. 5th. n267 riANO $175. Thor mangle 125. PhT"3416. 453 Shipping. n267 t'SED TEXTBOOKS: Typmt course, short hand, bookkeeping Ac accounting, sten otype speed manual. 1943-44 Federal tax course. Sme Spanish language texts. Phone 9296. n267 WOOD FCR.. hot water tank with coils, gas water heater attach., all in good cond. $50. Ph. 25260. n257 FREE CAS. Retread t:re service now open Silverton Road ana. Lana Ave. One gal. ' free with each 5 gals, told. 6 30 a.m. to jll-30 P.m. n267 ! MEALM ASTER RANGE, all" whitt porcf 1 lam. Fhona 33415. n267 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOrS WOOD CIRCULATING HEATER, dintn-l rnnm lab & ciiallS. bab btliigy, . bust le A 1. car seal w'U sell cheap. 2120 Myrtle 1 Ph. 24719. TOILE S, bath tubs and wash basin, com plete new bathroom sets, new shipment just received. Capital Bargain Hntue, 145 Center n-09 HOLLANDER sable dyed muskrnt coat. Just cleaiied and glazed. 16-18. Call 3H36. P269 9 Horatio Alger 15 Penny Packer mysteries by Wirt 18 Kay Tracy mysteries by Judd "Dane Dawson at Dunkirk," by Sidney Howes "Fore." oy Van Loon Ph. 9416. "-,2! ' GROCERY STORE EQUIPMENT A REAL buy. 3 separate compressors. $1. 895 00. 2 ' h p and 1 h.p. 6x6 section al walk-in cooler. 30 cu. ft. reach-in dai rv case. 6-ft. triple glass meat case, R. L. ELFSTROM CO., 340 Court St. Phone 9221. H267 I 1) x I H-T W E E D R E V . RUG $75: 9x12 rust color rug $50: German Roller canary and cane: girl's bicycle. Ph. 9608 n269 ST RWRE RR Y PLANTS, Marshall, hill mown $10.00 per 1000 dug. Rt. 5. Box 273. Joe Fendrick, 'j mi. NW Maclenv. n270 OIL circulator, erty. Duo-Therm . 594 N. Llh n2C9 10.11110 BOXES apples from our own or chard. Delicious. SpitzenbciR. Jona than. Yellow Newtowns, 75c. $1.00. $1 25 and S1.50 h box according to grade. All hand picked and free from worms. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n269 eVectIioYvX CLEANERS" SalesTscrvlce, C ppllcs. 191 S. HlBlL pl- 7719' "'iR.:t WALLING-SAND" A GRAVEL CO URUSIIED ROCK for roads and driveway. Cement, rrady mix concrete garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. i yd. shovel and drag line. Ph 8561 n cilTVRI?ORVETIJREPh7j074 n2S4 CNTERSION OIL BURNERS for ramies, healers, small furnaces Eas to in stall $49 95 Terms If desired Allen Hardware H UN D RI ' T)S O F XMAS ITEMS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n277" DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Use asphalt shingles. Unharmed bj wrnilier. Fire.nroof. Installed b perlenced men. For FREE e.stimaie Ph. 7177. Western Auto Supply Co 11311" NEW Looking Floors at small cost a Dreadnainht Sander. Ph. 7177 fWf- ern Auto Supply C& ..7Ln3n- l's enn 11 us for HEAT YOUR home electrlcall' venient dean, economical free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty C E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist 1 do not sell new machines, "arts 'or rII makes Pinking slimis ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 13th. n283 FULLER-BRHSnns 1745 Grani itf fi:- 7 I n268 ulMUGHT GRAN iTVlAN CM 1 500 0'4 burn er gas range oven and broiler $50, new electric hot water heater $80 14 cu fl, Home Freezer S340. Phone 4284. n267 JOHNSON A BRIGGS Enterprises shin gles for sale. No. 3'i $8.00. No. l' 110 00. Ph. 8035. n271 SALEm'sAND Si GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Roads - Clearing Uitcning Sewer tt Basement Equipment Renta4 IS B Jt jds 12 00 per hr. 10 B- H yds 9 60 per nr. D-7 Cat ft Dozer 9 60 pet nr. D-B Cat At Dozer 8 40 pet nr. D-4 Cat & Dozer 7 00 per nr. Phone Day. SiC" ffveninr.s 824F or 3400 Salem. Oregon n RIVER SILT Phone 25912 n SURPLUS STORE 1?51 " HOYT ST. FOLDING METAL CHAIRS, new ship ment. $3.00. Burl walnut conference tables or bar tops 2'8"x96", mahogany finish. J 45.00. 4-drawer metal filing cabinets, $59.50., Bunk beds and mat tresses. Kitchen sinks and wash basins. Short rain jackets. Navy 1 cu. ft. sales. Special on electr water heaters. Elec tric heaters. House wire (use boxes, outlets, switches, entrance cable, range cable. PlyiiiR suits for flying or goose hunting, extra warm. Machinery paint 40c qt. Oil circulators. 2 drawer of fice desks, 25.00. Hoyt St., 1 block E. of s, 12th. Ph. 7916. n2un GARDEN SAND, g r a vc criisheo ; Shovel & drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND & GRAVEL CO Ph 8561. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SAW TIMBER, standing or log? delivered to our mill. Highest prices paid. Writs or call Warren Lumber Co. Phone Green 249, 986 East Lincoln St. Woodburn. . na271 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Keilcy ph 23H6. na277 WANTED-Fi i P lywood-Im m e d 1 7te 1 y a7i varieties desirable Attention; Mills, Wholesalers, Brokers Will pay Sight Draft or Letler of Credit Money waiting. Phone University 3-5700 or wire offer lo Mr P L Stevens. Purchasing Agent, 13480 Wyoming. Detroit 21, Michigan. na OIL CIRCULATORS BOUGHT, sold exchanged and repaired, rhone 6072. na271 USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185 PERSONAL B. J. K.; Daddy quit job.' Leaving for L. A. in two weeks. Come home. p267 PROFESSIONAL adviser. Ph. 3081 for app. Mrs. Phillips. p271 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself, F. W. Luklnbeal. Nov. 7, 1947. p268 READING, know" "the""""t ruth. 2361. P267 PSYCHIC Life Reader tells your past as you alone know It; your present as n is; vour future as It will be North of Salem on Highway 99 at St or 1 7 Ar. Howard Trailer park at city limits P2fl7 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O BOX 124 P27(l AUTOMOBILES SI -FT. TRAILER house, 3 roomscomplete ly furn. Sleeps 4. Newly painted in and outside. S750. 2560 Laurel Ave. q272 '10 NASH Ambassador ""6" Sedan Pri vate owner. 425 Manbrln Dr. PfiW Private owner. 425 Manbrln Dr. Ph.i 23589. q269'. '39 FORD deluxe cpe. '46 engine, new transmission, springs, shocks, R. & H, $825. Ph. S880. q2i$ JTOTO it SCOOT E R Red Cus hman m o d. S3. Used 1 mo. Rcas. Inq. at 1684 Chemckria after 5 p.m. q269 'II PLY., R A: H. clean, priced very rea sonable. 1201 State St. q269 I9:il MODEL AS22joV. Complete iyover haulcd motor. Surprisingly good condi tion. Res. 2435 Lancaster Drive. Phone 21353. i269 '37 roxmc2-"tifor sale' of ""trade fl cylinders, Perfect condition Prefer monrl A sedan trad: in. R. C. Watkius, 1540 Shady Lane. q267 BY OWNER, "38 Buick special coupe, new transmission, motor overhauled. Radio and heater Scaled beam headlights. Wceknites 7 to 9 pn., 622 N. High, or phone 4522 days. q267" TRAILER HOUSE cheap. R. 1, Box 5. I Brooks. Ore. q267 FOR SALE Covered trailer, 6x16 tires, I ideal for hunting or fishing, ball hitch. j See it at 1397 N. Com'l. St. q267 ! Si'js, MT Chev, coupe, runs good. 1397 N. I Com l. St q263 j'll WILLYS coupe for sale cheap. Might I consider model A. Phone 2-3116. q268 jBYWNERTl939 MaiacT" Deluxe Chevro I let coupe, good condition, heater, reas I Qnablc- Pn- 24775- l06 N- l3ln- q-68 19 PONT1AC deluxe, radio. Exc. cond. 1440 Ferry after 3 p.m. o63 '19 FORD coupe, excellent body, motor At tires good $225.00. Frank Hubbard, Phone 23F14. DalUs Ore. Rt. 2, Box 63. q268 FOR S ALE" O R TRADE. 1941 Packard 'fl 5 pass, coupe. Harold V. Dean, Mill City, Ore. Phone 1352. q269 '37 WILLYS sedan with 43iecp motor (250. Ph. U7R. Stayton. q268 39 CHEV Silverton. ton pickup $800. 605 Lincoln, 3268 "3fl FORD sed . good motor, ttrcs Is body. Rt. 8. Box 492, W. Salem. q27l (Continued on Page 0