16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin Per Lin t times Per Line. 6 times Far Line I month Uin ei 3 titn tnln Wei I time mln Mi RFADERS Id LocaJ New Col. Per LID FOR SALE HOUSES LARGE CREEK LOT. EXCELLENT HOME WITH INCOME. CLOSE IN THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hilh fit. Piione 24791 363 ALMOST 2 AC. WITH 2 BDRM. HEAT. CLEAN home. Paved road. For quirk sale $3950. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 268 13(5X0 4 bed rm, mod. home in Gervais: gas and oil Moves: dble. it sr.: paved street; large lot. G. J. Molsan, Ger vm. Ph. 312. a269 TRAILER HOUSE22 ft., home marie. rnnri rnnHitinn flirnihherf. 1400.00. Terma If necessary. Phone Maier at 9703 between noon and 8 p.m. a268 . BOOfVELT STREET, well built 7 year old home, Full basement, nice dining room, fireplace, hard wood floois and finished attic, insulated. 1 Is. bdrm. dwn. A good buy for right partv. Call Ed Lukinbcal at HUFF REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa Phone 21549 Eves. 26680 a266" 5!ANBR7NGATlDNs7l250n down. 152.00 mo. New !S im. home, 2 spurious bdnns., LR with fireplace, auto, oil heat. DR. kitch.. utility rm., all hdwd. fir,. Fully InndJ-rnped. cement patio. Drive out to 425 Wayne Dr. or Mrs. Ewing will be there from 3-5 pm. Frl. A: Sat. to show you this really fine home or Ph. 24731 at any time. ALDEN ROWER. REAL ESTATE 3815 Portland fid. a267 , ROOMSft bath, good location. 14200.1 1411 Pine, street, Silverton, Oregon. a268 SflH.W. Jtinno down will handle this 5-room home East on bus line. Has fireplace, auto. wtr. htr.. garage. Lot. 50x200. Pos session foon. Call O V. Hum vitri STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Ph 4121 Eves. 2521)6 a368 . 1ACRE with 3 BR home, basement, pa rage, price l7two. 11500 down, bal. J50 per mo- Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume w;th STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. HlBh St. Ph. 4121 Eves. 25206 a268' ll.iHion.ARfiE creek lot N.E. with mod hom. basement, elect, heal, fireplace, double plumhinit. 1 BR down. 3 Bit's up. Also ncal. attractive furnished apt. rent ed for .M.I per mo. 2-car garage. Arrang ed jo sleeping rooms could be rented. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Humt with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. HlBh St. Ph. 4121 Evrjs. 25206 a 268' :ikioLARGE 4-BR home located South Larse lot on paved street garage, some furniture is included. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. HlBh Si. Ph. 4121 E0 35206 8268 ' kVn.0. ("LEAN 4-BR home located close to Salem hmh. Fireplace, basement, f nace, auto. wtr. htr., garaae. A very good buy. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. HlBh St. Ph 4121 Eve. 25561 a268' WMHTCI.EAN modern 2-BR home Engle wood DIM. Fireplare, Venetian blinds, basement, auto, oil furnace, garage, beautiful yard. Immediate possession. Call Sianley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. HlBh St. Ph. 4121 Eves. 35MU a268' :.V(. NEW 2-BR home S.F. close 1 arhnol.v Auto. wtr. htr.. wired for rana Immediate possession. 1 1550 down will handle. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 Eves. 2SS61 a26B NOB HILL l.nniC NO further as there ts not cleaner or better home in Bnlem for the mnnev Five lnmc rooms and bsmt., plus 2(1x18 utility on ground level, nice lo- eatlon with lovely view, redecorated In and nut, fireplace, wired Tor range, new furnace, abundance of fruit, and shrub hrry, rlnsn to schools and bus and 1mm. possession. Jfinrtn. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS Tim Portland Rd p',nll".i3'. ,ni?l! CITY NORTH IF YOU want a nice home at edge of city, it will pay you lo look this one over. 3 BR, plastered, ail. narnse, auto, gas Jurn. Winn $2350 dwn.. bal. at 4. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS S3B5 Portland Rd. Phone 335S a 267' ONE ACRE NORTH HERE IT la thai much sought after home in Keizer disl. mis is jusi a onn nice 2 BR plastered modern home. 6 years old and well built, a swell kit chen, full bath, nice LR and DR. utility room. att. garace. good lawn, plenty of nhrubbery werping willow tree, cherry trees, chicken house good little bam. rement pump house, acre in straw berries, all on one acre of the best or aoil. Full price only 17500. More land can be had. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS ms Portland Rd. Piione 3255 a267 " KING WOOD HEIG HT8 Sl'.U'IOI'S Vli:W of allcy. 6 rm, modern bungalow home. 2 fireplaces. Ie. rms.. auto-oil hrat. dble. enrage. A real fam llv home. Price 114.500. Call Cnbum I.. Grabrnhnrst, w i' h ORABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Ets. 7772 a.fi6" FURNISHED HOME CO.Y 3 bdim. bumtalow home completely furnished in good tasie, splendid condi tion thru-oul. full bsmi., nice yard, fine local ton on N. 17th Si. FOR DETAILS Call C'ohurn L. Grahennorsl. with GRABENHORST BROS.. RKALTOHS 134 S. Liberty Si. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 aififi oYvNERLEAVINri CITY OFFERS THIS new 5 rm. home with auto hcat , iidw d f lis . Venetian blinds, in excellent condition t hr.i-nut. Will ell furnished at 111,500 oi unluiil. at 10. -M0. Till! D. .1. tMHI GR AnENHOHH 1' BROS. REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a2fifl N. LIBERTY ST. ft RDRMS, all on 1 floor, bnsml , auto oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. tli.s.. dole, ga raae, located clo.se in. N. 3 business gone I,Him- lot. Prire HI. (WO Call Uicliaid E. Orabcnlitii-sl. with GRABKNHORSr BROS.. Ul-.Al.lOUK 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 2.HU8B a qu EXTRA GOOD 2 bdrm, home East, fire place, HW iloois. insulated, rlec. hrat, large loi . nice yard and Mi nibs, GOODWIN A; McMlLLIN Realtors 474 Court St Phnne. 4707 Kr. 8715 or Rlt-21 a26H finnn ? bdrm , Salem H'mlits, jsnno, 1500 loan pnvuhle 139 0(1 per mo, GOODWIN A: McMlLLIN p-altots 474 Court 8 Pnon 4707 Fve 8115 or 81F21 a368 j GOOD COMFORTABLE 4 bdrm home with) all modern conveniences, mee corner, in) good location. Priced for quick sale, j 19000. GOODWIN A McMlLLIN Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 Eve. 8715 or 81F21 JfR I.EOlCHILns." INC. j REALTORS ' OWN YOUR OWN I LARGE HOME FOR QUICK SALE 3 bed ! rms., living rm., dining rm and Excellent lor at ion. tbjon. i f YR. OLD PLASTERED HOME. 3 bednn.v, living rm., dinette and kite lien comb., utility rm.. laige garaae. Oil ctrr. in cluded. Lot about 100x113 with many aharie Iters. 16900. INCOME PLCS A HOME for yourself. New ; Plastered duplex. Elec. heal. 18600. Con- enieni ierm. ABOVE THE AVEHAOE. Nw well con-; atructed 3 bedrm. ranch type home. Liv-i in rm. w.tn menace, ainins rm.. k chen. Large lot. About 110x130. Ru by i more, CALL or SEE i LEO N. CHILDS INC.. REALTORS "31 years Ol aepennaoie service 10 nome owners." 844 P'-e St. Ph 9261 Evenings call 2-4007, 3-6855 or 690! a268 I BDRM. HOUSE, garare. oil healer, trash burner, Idry, trays, chicken hit. ht acre. 37(1 Evergreen. 3M To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Ore., Friday, November 7, 194 FOR SALE HOUS&S BY OWNER: Lovely 3 bedrm. home. auro. oil heat. hdwd. floors, fire place, V bltnds, full basement. Clue to schools, bus by door. lood lorn lion in Hollywood dut. Priced right, terms. Ph. 6367 for appt. 267 ARE YOUlooklngfnranice3 bed room home on close in creek lot that is priced rlKhi? WOOO. Then see F. G. Delano or Vlck. Bros., 290 Church St., Phone -ST 10. 267 PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL l THIS 3-BR home is worth tne none?. 1 About 30 mlnnlr.v Irnm t nu n. Ahni acre. Modern. Attached gar. W:red for ranae. Nook tn t jr!i ,,. 15595. More land available. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road, Rt. 1, Box 162. Open Eves. ft Sundays. a267 FORSALE BY OWNER: Modemhome In excellent condition, available soon. 868 s. Liberty St. a267 NOW " VACANT. " 4 " beriroomEng"iis"h type home, double plumbing, carpeted living room and dining room. Long breakfast nook, automatic oil heal. Corner lot. heaulir 1 1 ah rubs. outside fireplace and patio. Exclusive residential district. Play room in basement, Call owner, 3345 for appoint mrnt. a268" SMALL ? BEDROOM HOUSE, lot 68x185 10 walnut trees. 1 cherry, year around creek. Completely furn., ref.. elec. range, hot f-r heater, oil circulator, laun dry trays, wash, machine, etc. 2 blks. from city bus, '-i blk, from school bus. and suburban bus. Ph. 5867 or 25488. b269' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION For sale b: owner. 4 rooms At bathroom in restricted a:r a. Schools close, and ' blork from 2 city bus lines. Price M375.O0: $2734 on contract, balance cash. Address 2210 Laurel avenue. Ph. 3122 or 3722. 266 PHONE 3210 V'liofl. .1 bdrm . home on I ' i ac res a boil t 6 miles Soul h, nrai school, on paved street Call Mr. Picha. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 4 It I) KM. home, hnrriw. floors, au'o. heat, f irenl.. V-blinds. full basemt., sulated A: went her stripped. This well constructed home will pass your cIoj Inspection and I he price is right. Call Mr. Crawrord VERY FINE NEW HOME 3 BDRM home. LR. DR. kit,, att. garaae, Noo Hill Annex District, close to schools, furnace, full basemt .. Idry. trays, fire Place, hdw. floors. tI2.500. MliOO down, bal. J43.00 month. Call Mr. Necly. NORTH DISTRICT LARflE HOME in the North district. This home Is in exceptional food condition, narnw. m ir rioors, plastered. 7 norms, down, 4 bedrooms up, double plumb ing, douole garage. full basement, auto, oil heat, outside entrance to up stairs, line for lame family or for .n comc property J12.750. Call Mr, Neely. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street 2fi6 J6!i00.0n 5 RM. house with extra room tn garage. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, floor fur nace, excellent shape, less than 10 vrs. old.Ph. 24541 after 6 8269 5 RM, mod. home 1 yr. old. hdw. firs., LR. DR. kitch. B.N.. 2 BR. large playroom l.x23, Raraae, corner lot. 106x113, immrd. poss., $12,000. 305 Park Ave., Salem. 269 B Y0 W N eIr !N e w V RTVome'wVll built" LR. dinette, dream kitchen. 2 BR., bath. 5 closets. UR., Venetian blinds throughout, half hdwd. fl., coved lin. with matched borders, thoroughly Insulated, gas fl. furnace, att. gar., to have slab rock porch and concrete dr., 1 blk. from bus. J close to schools, 1 blk. north of Market I street on 23rd. Owner cannot occupy I home because of asthma. 5 grown trees, i Phone 225-M Dallas (or app t. n26B ! BY OWNER, my equity In 3 bedroom home. good income property also house and 2 lots in bus. zone. 17000. Ph. 9608. a2S9 INCO"E PROPERTY Imm. poss. Borne furniture. 4 bedrm tip, one down, large living rm., dining rm.. kitchen, nook full basement, 2 lots. Close to new shopping district on Capitol. Rent from apt. rovers running expenses. Ph. 9(tnR for app. a2ttft' FOR SALE LOTS 2 GOOD LOTS N. 1RTH ST. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 K. HlBh St. Phone 24793 aa2HR FOR SALE: Two lots. S. 8m Inc. Call 7386. JflOft BLK. N. 4th. Ph. 303. fla286 MANY BEAUTIFri. homo sitea, 05 x 10(1 and larger, amidst 10 acres of fir and oak trees, city water, nonr school, re st rlc ted district, 2 blks. S. of Com'l Liberty Rd. Junction, then 1 blk E. on Rntclift Dr Owner's Ph 42B4 an' FOR SALE FARMS III A. farm for lease, large house. Inquire E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial 26fl' 20 ACRES NORTH HOWELL 5 ROOM House in good concllt i aeres berries. 18x20 chicken house. 50 young peach trees, good 6" drilled well. I Willamette silt loam This is a good . one. Iftifin Excellent terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS I 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255 b267 I 35 ACRES I 3 MILES East on State Street, good 1 1 room modern home, good barn. 7 slan-; chious, also horse a; alls, chicken house, i double garage, all in cult, except about 9 acres in pasture and umber. This is a nice place tn an excellent location. , 117,500 ; SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3.18S Portland Rd. Piione 3255 h2B7' : 140 ACRES NORTH j EXCELLENT WILLAMETTE silt and Ami ty soil, good pla-Mered 1 ronm home I with full basement, bain 30x60 with 21 stanchions, silo, pouhry house and oilier buildings. 1.10 acrrs in cuh. Bal. limber and pasture, all fenced. t3S nno. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 33t?5 Portland Rd. Piione 3255 b267 FARM FOR SALE " IH8 ACHES located near Waconda ot Salem. 75 acrrs under cull can be put under cult, bar . North More n. iiood , Would 1. year-round creek 6 rm. home make a good dair some i hav. oats and milking machine go. ! Cnll (i H (liahenhoisi. Jr., with GRAFIENHORSI' BROS., REALTORS 1.14 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Ees. 2'2!HR I b266 j 3' 3 M!.from" city '"limits." Keirer dist; 3 bedrm home; auto oil heat: elect, wa ter healer: dial ph.: beautiful shrubs and grounds. 24 :15 A., most y Bai l lett pears. Evervlhlng needed to operate. Home with Income $27,500. Insured ti tle. Ilae Pugh, Rt. 2. Box 164, Salem, Ph. 2-2.184. h268 PHONE 3210 5 ACRES CHKHAL1S LOAM HDKM. modern house, good well, lame garage, chicken house, 2 acres in peach es, 3 acres in f iscue. Close in, only -75C1. Call Mr. Crawford. Bunt PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 3.17 N. Hih St. b2fiS' Hi. 70 ACRE FARM. 30 A. cleared, 40 A. tim I her and pasture, .1 springs, creek, mod- ern 3 BR home. 4 cows, 2 heilers, brood sow, chickens, draesaw. trailer A- misc. farm emu p. 13 miles from Salem, 4U miles from Turner. Priced (or muck sa or Itarie for city or suburban prop- en. E Landon, Rt. 3, Box 94, Turn Oregon. VALLEY FARMS NEAR SALEM 10 ACRES A I BR. HOME All equip, j there included. Owner wishes to retire, j Will consider good city property. A good, deal and mod terms. ! NEAR JEFFERSON 93 ACRES A 2 1ISFS. All equip. A stock included. 15 cows Irrigation system. Good mint land. Muht consider trade , for apt. h.e. or grocery store. j R ISHERWOOD. REALTOR ! Ph. 6F1 1 Wallace Road R. 1. Box 162 Open Fves. A Sunday's h.67 ; "'"" fOR SALE ACREAGE , . . . 4 A. Nr. oti McCain Ae., very rich soil, ph, 2-6146. bb269 ACRE. 1475.00. toitii A REAL ESTATE ONLY t3"ft CASH DRUE BY 1175 Spruce street. If Inter ested come in SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 jvl Hih 8! Phone T6BO f LOVELY SUBURBAN Jt'T orr Pacific hithwa- North: elec tric fur usee, fi i cp; nee, V. bimris, nice wooded tract Us oop SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. Huh St. Phont 7660 t REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART ft CO., REALTORS 3 BEDROOMS ON ONE FLOOR JUST THE place for your family to call home, located at 1345 "D" St.: only 7 yrs. old. hardwood thru-out. immediate possession insulated ft weather-stripped. being newly redecorated now. Ask for Mrs. Mankertz, or call her at 2-1222. Buy It today! Move in tomorrow! ESPECIALLY FOR YOU YOU WILL appreciate the top grade con struction of this 2 bedroom home located on Norway street In the Englewood dis trict: lame living room, hardwood firs., full basement with air-con ditioned oil furnace, possession in 2 weeks. Full price is s 10.500. Ak for Mr. Danielson POSSESSION NOW) ONLY X75WJ for this 2 bedroom home with i hi-ic lucatra in mat sous in auer Keizer district. About 125 ft. frontage on River Rd.. city bus by door, definite business possibilities here. The address is ino N. River Rd. I2o0fl down will suf fiee. LEE OHMART Ac CO.. REALTOR 477 Court St. Day Ph. 24115-24116 Eve. Ph. 24722-24483-5514 REIMANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN 11750 DOWN i HEDROOM Home, plastered, basement, coiner lot, large garage, near schools and bus. Immediate possession. Will rent lor S65.00 per mo. ,)2.i0. No. 202. 110 DOWN 510 MO. BI'YS LOTS 4: acreascs North: close In. Don't wait. Plan now to build In the spring. $250 DOWN 115 MO. HmxIM) LOT South, city water, bus. fruit Ac nut trees, restricted district. No. I FINE VIEW LARGE LIVING room with fireplace: very complete kilchen with nook, full ba.se. ment with rumpus room and fireplace, air conditioning furnace. No. 327. CLOSE IN 3 BEDROOM home, all on one floor, cor ner lot in excellent residential district, hardwood floors Ihruout, oil piped fur nace, full ba.sement. very close lo high schools, walking distance to ivn. Nn. 328. 1650 DOWN J25 PER MONTH SMALL HOL'SE started about 20x24 sub floor and sliidding up: larse corner lot 75x120. Inside city limits, price J 1750. No. 629. 7 ACRES NEW HOI Sk. 5 small rooms, across street from school, paved rood. Close to shop ping di.strirt. only J3500. No. 818. DOWN'IOWN-APT. HOUSE "I I'.VIT Apt. house. Oil steam heat A; Kot water, lot 48x122, grossing 1728 per mo. Price Mfi.finn. No. 744. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Salem's Building Realtors'' 201 S. High Ph. 9203 Eves. 4c Sun. .36056-24628 SUBURBAN $5250 NORTHEAST; TWO bedrooms, one-third acre tract, on pavement and bus. , SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 c NELSON NEWS NEAR STATE CAPITOL 15300 I BDRM. home with L.R.. Kit., bath with extra dressing rm.. utility porch, auto, air roudit loned piped gas furnace, en closed picket fence yard, some terms. On bus. GOOD, NEW ENGLEWOOD A BEAIJTIFI'L strictly modem home, floor imbedded radiant heat Insures even temperature. LR.. D.R.. Kit., bath, util ity rm., tiled fplare, eler. water heater, completely m.'iilaled A: weather stripped; let us show you this one. J9500. A RARE OPPORTUNITY, KINGWOOD HTS. OWNER TO sacrifice beautiful Calif. ranch tvpe home below actual cost. Built for permanent home, spacious L. R. '14x261 wn h lae. plate glass win riows, bdrms. 12x15) tiled bath with built-in dresser, extra complete bath off mod. uiiltfv rm. Shown by apptmt. on ly. Additional ndioimng land available. CROPS PROVE! 0 AC. 5 mi. S.W.. 1 1 j ac. strawberries. 6 ac. oats Ac vetch, prunes, rherries. apples, waliuiis, 2 rm. cabin, hay well, 14750. See Mr. Gallacher. GOOD GROCERY STORE GROCERY STORE grossing $7000 UK good local ion first class fixtures and delivery truck, immediately available. Call Mr. Schmidt. NELSON A- NELSON Specializing Reall ors Ohel I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson 702 N. Hlah St.. Salem. Ore. Phone 4622 Eves. 2-1350 c2fifi JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR- " PHONE 7096 FARMS M A. 20 A. cult Iv. Good 4 rm. house, chick, li.se. Well, 2 springs, l mi. from school, Win. silt soil. A rent buy for thhtifl. 10 A. Keizer dist 8 A. strawberries, 1 A. family orchard. Excellent building spot. A. Norlh. Filberts, Walnuts, Peaches. A good modern 7 rm. house. Clase to sell on I, in a good community. Call Mr. Torvend 7606 or Eves. 25141, CITY 3 BEDROO.M home paillv furnished. A ve ry livable older type. Immrd. poss. Price 18000. Call Mr. Rill Brown. SUBURBAN 4 ACRE. New one bedroom home. Poul try house. Filberts, apples, cherries, wal nuts. 900 00 down payment. Price 13. 9(10. Call Mr. (Bill) Brown, 7696 or Eves. 4H37. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court Street c266 MrKILLOP REAL ESTATEAGENCY 169 South High CITY Sfi.MHT-Enclewood District, lot 68x104. bun galow style. 1 yrs.. 1 BR. bat h. LR, dinette, kitchen, built -ins and Venetian blinds. Cement foundation, cooking and water heating electric, gas heating, 1 block to bus-A Good Btty. fidoo LOCATED South, close to town and rlly park. LR, 2 BR, kitchen, bath, full basement, nice lawn and shrubs, JHMHIO CREEK properly, located East. large lot 50x145. 2 BR bath. LR. dinette, kit chen, fireplace, built -ins and Venetian blinds, HW floors, full basement, bus by door, close to school and shopping cen ter, insulated and weather at ripped. SM.-tmi SOI-TII, beautiful new 3 BR home, witli basement and LR. DR, kit chen, bath, fireplace, Venetian blinds, attached garage, close to schools and bus. very well built, good location, saw dust heal, SUBURBAN WtiMl NEW. ready to move Into by De r ember 1st . 2 BR buiiRalow. bath, LR. d; net le. kitchen, plenty built -ins, un finished upstairs, school A: city buses by rlonr, very nice neighborhood. (IP.fiiMi i down and terms with owner. One acre and 2 RIl Plastered house with LR. kitchen and hath, garace, school and city buses by door, very nice neigh borhood. Tins is a rral buy. Sn.iHW in;,n iFl'l.. modrrn suburban home, 8 yrnrs old. 2 BR. LR. DR. kit chen bat h hardwood floors t hroughout. nice built -in.. Venet inn blinds, full basement and automatic nil heal . elec tric cnokiiiM and water heating. One ol (tie mnsi beautiful Mews around Salem. 13 acres In all Ten acres of prunes, I A. wn In its and cherry, 2 A. cleared land. You must see this tn appreciate It. COME IN OR CALL 5131 -8620 Evening Phone 7163 c368 ' CALABA A- HABERNICHT." REALTORS NORTH 4TH STREET S ROOM home, 3 bedrooms, wired for range, elec. water heater, garage, small lot, immediate possession. S5500. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT ft nillKOOM home. 1 down and 2 up. one partly finished, is wired (or range, elec. water heater, larne lot. $6900. BROADWAY NORTH WELL BUILT 3 bedroom with extra sleep ing porrh. has 15xifl living room, fire place, basement and furnace, corner lot, good location. 8!50. JUST OFF HI WAY-SOUTH b268iv,RV itlraclne modern 2 bedroom home. i nice setting, hardwood floors, fire place, electric heat, wired for range. elec. water healer, lot Is 110x130, nearly acre. 610 OOO Good term. LANCASTER DRIVE MODERN 5 room home, ranrh style, nak floors, flreplaie. Ven. blind, oil floor furnace, double garage, nearly . arre of land, located very near Pen "4" Cor ners. $12,500. CALABA Ai HABERNICHT. REALTORS 3JI North High 81. Ph. 5838 Eves. -J779 or 3-52.18 e I37S0 At WORTH IT ? .MAI L houses at 1143 6th St. 3 lots with nice shrubs Ai trees ! 13600 j SMALL t Bk cottage. Good location, part ly furnisned. 11400 DOWN 2-BR " ome on 100' lot. Nice neighborhood. Price 16450. 5 ACRES EXCEPTIONALLY nice acreaie. etos In with a good !nvl home. $10 V00 WALTER MUSORAVE. REALTORS 1333 Edcewa-er Phone M09. c36 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED BFST t bedroom house for 1 10 000 fash. Prefer N Salem. Call L. N. ElllJ. 3130 Garden Rd. Phone 2-1211. ca2M LIST WITH MLtM TO "FXI. -F.M 8 LFM REALTY CO C W RARTLETT ! REALTOR, 149 N. HIQB BT PH 16ftf . WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT NEW or nearly new house 2 or 3 bed rooms on first floor. Lg. rms. Lot larger than 50x100 ft. Near a city school, Not West Salem. Will pay to 120.000. Ph. 9416. ca266 Wanted listings I PERSONAL ATTENTION given listing and sale of your home. Our excellent loca tlon bring man; buyers. II your prop erty la for aale, SEE US. LEO N. CHILDS, REALTORS "31 year of dependable service to home owners." 344 Slate St. Ph. k261 ca' WANTED: Listings, of Salem and West Salem property. Good demand. B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Wallace Rd.. Rt- 1. Box 162. Ph. 6F1 1 ca" NOTICE! If your property la for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S High St. ca WANTED LISTINGS, city, suburban ana farm property. ? offer rou prompt ef ficient service. , CALABA Ai HABERNICHT. REALTORS 231 N High St. Phone 5338 ca' FOR PROMPT and courteous servlc list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Reu Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Pnone 7327 ci WE ARE in need of good houses to sell in or near Salem II you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ( EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE 5 room house tn Portland for similar house in Salem. Phone WEbster 8325 Portland or 4397 Sal WANTED 30 fryer rabbils Mon. night whites 25c per pound. 3705 Portland Rd Phone 5013. eb268 WING'S BABBITRY "pays " top prices for rryer rabbits. 3985 State. Ph. 109F5. eb288 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INVESTIGATE THIS IF YOU ARE INTER ESTED IN A REAL paying, up-to-date business, located in a nice Willamette Valley town. Complete confectionery with lite, fountain A: 8 booths. Also car ries complete line of drug sundries and school supplies k jewelry As kodaks. Complete stock & fixtures go. Lae. stor age rm. Will sell bldg. or will !eae. Doing a fine business. FOR FURTHrJTl DETAILS Call G, H. Grabenhnrst. .Tr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 22948 cd266 APARTMENT HOUSE LOCATED CLOSE-IN. Has 7 apts. and 5 sleeping rms. Partly finished, excell. rond. thru-oul. Lee. lot. beautiful grounds, 8 garages, inconje 1370 per mo. plus owner's apt. If you want a nice apartment house. It will pay to look into this. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eve. 22948 Cd266 COIN OPERATED radios with locations available. Fast return on Invest. Write G. R. Curry, 101 Washington, Dallas, Ore. cd270 FOR SALE: Grocery store near Corvallis. For further information, write P. O. Box 424. Dallas. Ore. cd267 FURNITURE FOR SALE A A- 8 pc. dining i Oak buffet Gateleg tables uites 69.50 A: 179.50 521.501 19.75 to 112.50 -139.951 Dishwashers Davenports At chairs S27.50 and 169.50 Box spring A; innerspnnit mattresses 146.00 to 182.50 Apl. houe gas range. 518.50 Ar 122.50 STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Phone 7.i96 d268' SAVE YOU MONEY Chests of drawers Desks 5-pc. breakfast set Large clothes dryers Bunk beds tor 2 single' bed J .. Toev's Furniture Co, 1350 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3797, .1 7.n: . 16,95 . 19.95 . 3.00 . 19.95 d271 BLUE BILTWELL davenport, upholstered swing rocker, 2 occasional chairs, brass fireplace set, twin spool bed, sprlns A: mattress, 6 way lamp, 30"x4.V mantle mirror, rush hot torn bedrm. rocker These are all good pieces and priced to sell. 940 "E" St. d267 FRIC.IDAIREImperiar"ColdVftU7ftr frl- gidaire elec. range 1 Duncan Phyfe ma hog. dining set Ar serving table Alexander Smith broadloom rugs, 9x15 A: 7-6x9 Overstuffed occasional chairs Phone 2-40.13 Eves. d267 DAVENPORT in excellent cond. Phone 6020 after 6. d267 6-PC. LR SET. blonde oak. used only few mos., cost S265. SACRIFICE FOR 1185. 1180 Shipping St. d266 MAHOGANY BUFFET, Chippendale, good rond.. silver drawer, linen drawer. 2 side cabinets for dish storage. 1595 N. 19th. d266 NEW REFRIGERATOR, new deluxe model range, myrtle wood bedroom set, dining rm. set. oak. Alfred F. Odem. Bt. 8. K riser district. Inquire Smith, Ward Store. d266 "SPECIALS" 8 PCE. dining room suite 1169.50 Daveno and swing rocker. Reg. 8129.50 ...$98.50 Jennv Lind beds In beautiful nat ural hdwd. finish, twin or full $26.50 Quality innerspring mattresses, over 200 springs. Reg. 36.50. .. .120.50 SEE OCR LINE of fine hardwood chests and desks in modern design. BAIGLEY BROS. 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 35491 d2fi6 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for furn. and what have you? Ph. 35511. 894 N. Liberty Sun dale's. da 2 72 HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 5110. da AUCTIONS AUCTION FOR THE convenience of the public. Mr O. .1. Watts will offer his entire lot of aond household furniture without re serve at Hie JOE BURKE SALE BARN 3610 Silverton Road - Salem Suturriav. Nov. 8 10:30 a m. t KVERRET cab. grand piano. Spanish guitar, sm. snare drum, blue overstuff, da ven. and chair, wine color daveno, oversiutfed rocker, 7-tube Airline radio. 8-pc. mahogany dining room suit, ( We. ex ten, tabid, 7-pc. dinette set, L A H comb, electric, and wood range whit el , el. heater, oil circulator, wood circula tor. Blonde 5-pc. bedrm. suite with twin beds, has Innerspriug mattresses, double bed mil spring and mattress, single bed complete. aLso chest of drawers to match. New Royal sewing machine. General El. v aeuum cleaner. Maytag el. wash, ma chine, smoke stands, curtain stretchers, sm. vise, rubber-tired lawn mower, girl's bicycle, heavy hens, many misc. articles. Lots of new mdse., used furni ture, tools and "what have you." Corn, apples, potatoes, onions. YOUR CONSIGNMENTS WELCOMED AT THE JOE BURKE SALE BARN J610 Silverton Road, Salem Phone 3-4074 Hot Lunch A. J. Baker, Your Favorite Auctioneer dd266" SPECIAL FURNITURE AUCTION FRIDAY NIGHT 7 P.M. NOVEMBER 7 AT LANE Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard on Silverton Rd. Psrtia. list: L k H Table top electric range, several good beds k springs, mattresses, chairs At tables, electric roaster, dressers A chest of drawers, dishes, davenos. Many other good articles ot furniture. dd26' LIVESTOCK WANTED j WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs and sheep. W'lll call at farm. Licensed and bonded buyer. Prompt service. E. I. Bmethen Ar Son. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Pa lem. Ph. 31345. ea282 M-iTv-rrn All fctnrU rtf rattle, hnn. and boar at four farm or delivered. market price. E. C. McCandUsh. Rt. 9. Box 233 across iroro tau ran on po 3Mh Ph, 8147. ea273" PETS CHOICE PURE BRED Wire Terrier pup Pies. Reg. tn A.K.C. K. N. Wood. Indepen dence. Ore.. 1 mil north. rc266 CANARY BIRDS. 360 N. 18th. eeJ88' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE WOOD Dry ish wood 16" or 4 ft. . M Webb. Turner, Ph. 8x5. ee263 FINE DRY KINDLING wood 15.50 a load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee288 DRY AND-GREENSLABs71mme"dia"te de livery. Oregon tue) Co. Ph. 6533. ee28S GO O DGR EEN EDI iING sT&.SO a load. dOU b'e load 110. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee283' TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load 110.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood As Edgings Heavv 4 ft Slab PHONE 6683 W Give S&H Green Stamps , ee286 WALNUT SHELLS, 15 Sacks 11.00. 13.50 ton Bring sacks Morris Klorfein Pack ing Co. 460 N. Front. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 24031. CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUI SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 LISTED GOOD. DRY kindling wood. Green edsing. Green and dry slab Immediate delivery. Oregon f-uel Co. Ph. 5533. ee263 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRV WOOD aUo dried planer wood, k sawdust pick up wood 152) Edgewater. W. Salem. Stov oil dievl oil. Ph 2-4031. FOR SALE POULTRY FRYERS for the locker, off Cherry. 1205 Alder Ave.. 1267 NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks. Started chicks and older pullet. Always avail able. Ph 22861 Lee's Hatchery I" CUSTOM DRESSING of ehlckTnT an: numher. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phon 22861 Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE OATS A VETCH J32.00. clover 135.00. livered, or trade for cows or heifers. Also hauling. 3535 S. Com'l. ff266 WANTED HELP YOCNG girl to help evenings in dining room boarding nouse. Short hours. Easy work. 501 N. Winter St. g266 STENOGRAPHERS needed In several state departments. Permanent interesting work. Paid vacation, sick leave, retire ment benefits. Salary S150 to S185. Apply ataic civil service commission. 444 Cen ter. Salem. g268' CLERK TYPIST by nationally known con rem, typing exp. necessary. Call 4168 ror PPt g268' WANTED: BEAUTY operator as assistant instructor. Call814L g268 HELP WANTED: Part time secretary to Dean Grist of Willamette College o Music. Call Mr. Fenix at 9265 for bp pointmcnt. g268' CAPABLE GIRL or woman to assist with housework A; care of 3 children. Modern country home, private room, good wage; liberal time off. Anyone under 20 yrs. of aae need uot apply. Write Box 161, Stavton, Ore. or phone 1X4 Stayton. g267 IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Instruction Col umn. g269 WANTED: YOUNG woman under 40 for general help at Small Beach Inn. Per manent home for right person. Non smoker preferred. Write Mrs. Al Pierce. Neskowin. Ore. g267 BRICKLAYER 8F15. build fireplace. Dalla: g266 WANTED: Oood shoe salesman for good steady job. Style Arch Shoe Store. 357 Stale St. B266 GIRL FOR Unlit housework and help with care of 2 children, one in school. Room. hoard Sz wages. Ph. 2-5488. g275 NATIONAL retail organization has opening for exp. radio repairman. Ans. giving exp., ane, marital status & length o "residence in Salem. Write Box 346, Cap Ital Journal. s267' WANTED First class body man. Best working conditions. Top pay if you can ouallfy. See Oearhart, Valley Motor Co.. 375 Center. Salem. WANTED POSITIONS DOWNSPOUT drains installed, also sep tic tanks, drain tile, sewer lines, dig ging. Ph. 25408. 424 Evergreen Ave. Ed. Smith. h271 JANITOR or cleaning work wanted part or full time. 20 years experience. Box 349 Capital Journal or phone 22138. h268 CHI I D " CAR E by hou rda y or n is : hTT Ph" . 21928. h26B- JOB WANTED: After school and Sat. car ing for children or light housework in this neighborhood. Reliable senior girl at 540 N. 15th St. hJ67 BOY'S JR. SIZE BICYCLE. 100 Childs Ave. h267 MOTHERS! Will care for babies in my home during the day while you're on business or social engagements. Phone 7651. h267 BOOKKEEPER desires position. 14 years Cashier of Country Bank. 6 years County Treasurer. For interview call phone 8014. h267 EXPERIENCED counter salesman. Hdwre.. Auto Parts. Gen'l Mdse. Ph. 9588 lor In terview. h266 FIRST CLASS carpenter work. New or re model, Ige or small. Ph. 8281 after S P m. h275 BOOK-KKEFERavatlable 2 or 3 days per week, long experience in several lines of business, best of references. Phone 5926. h266 DRESS MAKING, Ph. 6361. Alterations, tailoring h268 EXCL. ADULT 2-6878 BABY SITTER. CHILD CARE in my home by day or hour. 295 N. 23rd St. Ph. 4686. h272 nmNITI'REefinlshTng. Edgar R. Brock. Stone Piano Co. Phone 2-5281. h2S5 INTFRIOR PAINTING, experienced, and recommended. Ph. 6796. h282 R ugs a nd furniture upholstery cleaned and moth proofed In your home. Ph. 3736. h276' cTemE s'T "CONTRACTING, prompt service Ph. 24751. 276 and decorating. M-V1NG St HAULING. Call 32456. h270 WANTED, FURNITURE to glu A repair Lee Bro's. Ph. 31233. n AUTO PAINTING Just a shade Better by Ray Etter Call Shrork Motor Co 8S02 h EDUCATION DIESEL TRACTOR WE TRAIN YOU HEAVY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY needs qualified Diesel and tractor mechanics and engineers. High pay Jobs. Life-long security. Foreign op portunities. Free placement service cov ers entire United States. Special offer to Veterans. Ask for FREE copy of Diesel Trouble-shooters Manual. For informa tion write, please give home address. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE. 406 Panama Building, Portland 4, Oregon. hh277 IFYOU LlKEORwrsketch or paint write for Talent Test (No Fee. Give ase and occupation. Box 348 Capital Journal. hh269 riANOS"MrDVo. Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 34598 hh274 FOR RENT NICELY furn. heated sleeping rooms. Close In. Gentlemen preferred. 1271 Chemeketa. J268 FOR R V. NT. trailer house for bachelor. 1730 Water St. J268 ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL SALEM. 161 8. High St. Ph. 3164. NICE larse sleeping room for 3 working girls, hii N. Winter. J268' , RonM DlirtiT furn. act., nrlv. bath. 1450 ) N. 4th. Ph. 6840. J266 . FI'RN. trailer house for rent. 640 Mar t ton. Ph. 5087. J26R NEW F1RNISHFD apt. Prefer working couple with baby that they want taken care of during day. 365 8. IS' h. j368 MODERN Furnished only. 1675 Saginaw Aoartment." 3 adult" St. j27' !rM5J0rrM,dm' "'"' FOR RENT WARM "SLEEP IN Groora for rent, Capitol. 360 N. J268- STRICTLY MODERN furnished eottasex by the week or mo. Utilities furnished. 3230 Portland Rd. ii'.Q CABIN VACANCY. Weekly ratea. 3 mi. on Dallas Hiway- Box 469. J267 SLEEPING BOOM 940 "p" St. Men. 270 SLEEPING ROOM for employed lady. No smoker. Close in. Phone 9379. J267- LARGE furnished sleeping room. Close In. 533 S. Liberty. Ph. 6996. J267 ROOM Me n 549 NCottaBeT PhT"3723. J2ST LIGHT housekeeping room and sleep ing room. 390 N. Church. Ph. 4335. J26T SLEEPING RM. for man. private entrance telephone, hot As cold water. 1505 N Capitol. Ph. 3425. j269 NICELY furnished sleeping room for 2 employed girls. 535 N. Winter. J26T ROOM with cooking privilege. 1880 Cen ter St. J267 LIGHT HSKPG. basement rm. for gentle man only. Ph. 7310. J266 NEW MOD. 2 bdrm. home. Sell furnishings. Ph. 2-6324. J26T SLEEPING RM., bus by door. 99T" Mill. J2G6 NICE, WARM SLEEPING room for business man. Ph. 69j0. J266 HEATED SLEEPING room for woman, 1445 Saginaw. j263 SIEPING ROOM. Private bath. Ph. 7865. J268 APPROX. 2,000 SO. FT. of basement space suitable for offices or varied lines. See S. A. Whcatley, 444 Slate St., evenings 725 Court St, J268 MEN'S nice sleeping rooms, pvt. entry, bath, 56-17 week. 1443 S. Coml. Ph. 9260. J267 DEsTrBALE RM CLOSK IN: PRIVATE ENTRArCE BLK. FROM WILLAMETTE PH. 25548. J268 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rooms. Ph. 6033. J286 GOOD USED PIANO S.HlT- Stiff. ' SELF BRAKING trailer. 3085 N. Com'l. J278 NEWLY CARPETED sleeping rms. 3 blocks from High & State. Ph. 24863. J269 MODERN COTTAGES By day, week or month. Reasonable. 3580 So. Com'l. 267 TRAILER SPACE Modern park, clean. Free laundry privileges. Reas. rates. 3580 So. Com'l. J267 ATMORAYS. sell H O. Ozone Good health. Rent Pugh 684 N. 17th Ph 4692 FLOOR sunder tor rent. Ward. Montgomery WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE aged couple. No children or pets, want furn. apt. or house. References. Ph. 8913 week days. jo272 RES PONS IDLE-middle aged couplePer- manent, need 4 or 5 room furnishrd apt. or house Ph. 24495 Ja26" LOCAL BUSINESS man urgently needs home in Hollywood d;st. Bus. ref Perm. Ph. 31664 after 10 a.m. ja26.1 ROOM AND BOARD jToVRirVRoorri "495 N. 31st St. Man preferred. j267 LOST AND FOUND LOST: DAR membership pin Monday State House or downtown Salem. Phone 7858 days or 2-4805 after 8 p.m. k267 LOST Grev gabardine hand on South Com'l. Sunday. Ph. 4814. k267 FOUND Ticked hound. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES bought, repaired. Any make. 1 yr. guarantee. 1930 N. 18. pn. 7671. m2ai CROCHET WORK made to order. Also will do sewing and curtain stretching in my home. Phone 26982 or 3265 Portland Rd. Cottage No. 15. Starbuck Cottages. m3G8 THE GARMENT BAZAAR has quality used women's it children clothing. 1330 -Bag- Inaw. m268 HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines. Free estimate given before work !s started. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. rn SCISSORS sharpened. Dexter. Ph. 6833. DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. mzis- MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. OFFERS GUARANTEED. ECONOMICAL RADIO REPAIR ON ALL MODELS. MONTGOMERY WARD Ar CO. TRADE AND HIGH 818. m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial 8ts SALEM Phone 8311 m MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 11.00. Les Springer. 464 Court St. m-iec HEAT your home electrically It's con- venlent, clean, economical see us rot free estlmat. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 FT Liberty FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROSE BROADLOOM rugs. 11x9 and 12x21. Pair of lamps. Matching fire side chair. Portable record player. Kvack. 345 N. 17th. n267" DRAG SAW. light weight. Vaughn, nearly new; 4 blades. Rt. 2, BOX ix, lurnrr. Ph. 22952 evenings. n267 SMALL GAS Stove ... 17.50 $27.50 116.50 $43.00 J6.00 $7.50 to 117.50 Oil Circulator Wood Circulator .... H. P. Elec. Range ., Wood Heaters Men's Suits MAC S 145 S. Church n268 GAS CIRCULATOR heater 125. Nearly new Phone 7427. ".nn- INNERSPRING MATTRESS, perf. cond. 1775 N. Front auer a p.m. HAVE YOU SEEN THE CLOCK DOCTOR ABOUT 1HA1 1 IWicriCv-r.; awu a. nm. n27l FOR SALE. Aliis-Chalmers Dozer model WM with blade. One model IjU-bo wun drum and blade. Rt 6, Box 115. phone 8127. n2"1" GIRL'S BALLOON TIRE BICYCLE, all new accessories, exc. cond. lau. rn. oms. wn at 346 Richmond Ave. n268" BLACK, WESTERN show saddle, silver trim, with taps 1200. 335Q aunnyvirw Ave. Ph. 25775. "388 SEALY TUFTLESS MATTRESS nearly new. price. Call at 1880 n. itn oaiem, after 6:00 p.m. "26a MONARCH wood or coal circulator. Used ie season, cost iiju.uu. im j 1779 Chemeketa. 11268. I SMALL enamel wood range, 135,00. 1 med. sized oil circulator, a gooa one $40.00. Phone 23F14. Frank Hubbard. Rt. 2, Box 63. Dallas, Orc ,.J36B ESTATE ELECT. RANGE, new In 1941. -Ph. 3661 between 6 & P.m. WHITE BUNNY FUR COAT, green trim. size 14 Dresses and sniru, iecn s' and sine 6. Phone 7366 n268 FOR SALE: Oood looking Estate Heat- rola wood circulator, only jjo.uu. not. Point Elect, iron 33.00. 2 wooden bins for kitchen built ins. Ph. 7183. 66" BC-348 RECeTVeR, $38.00. Ph. 36948 after FACTORY BUILT Elco trailer home. 18 ft. Can be seen after 4 p.m. or on oat. Sun. at 1990 Warner St. ' "268 BLUE BIGELOW rug 9x15 A Pad. Exc. cond. Ph. 22195. ' 15 MONTHS old beef. $70. Ph. 33400. ANTIQUE marble top cherry Bed room suite. Oak bedstead. Philco table radio. Bench milling machine. Tenith ladies bike. Garden wheelbarrow. Crosscut saw. scythe. 395 N. 20th St. Ph. 3-37KI n368 HOUSEHOLD furnishings, refrig . daven port and chair, tapie oens. stoves, misc. items. sat. afternoon and Sunday. 641 N. 20th. n267 : JEWEL CROTON wrist watch; like new; reason. 2S 8. 35th. ri267 BATHTUB 840.00: electric ranee $70.00: babv bed and wool mattress 112.00: an good. Ph. 3585. 3915 State St. nJ7 virnil u nn. firrulimr. romolete wih barrel and lutings. 1973 D St. or Ptinn 7888. r.:ST'RrTB RILT. Phont 35912. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WARDS LOW BED FARM WAGON WITH 6.50x16 tires, 2" plank bed, IT 1240 00 A 2 ton hand winch. SEARS GAS drag saw 5' blade, like new 165 00. 9'-3Xl5' car cover tarpi $14.00. 16x32 it 16x50' storage tents. SxLl' 20 oz. canvas covers for tractors or farm ma chinery 110.00. There were truck coven with straps and zippers. SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. E. Of S. 12th Tel. 7918 n267' FREE GAS. Retread tire service now open Silverton Road and Lana Ave. One gal. free with each 5 gals. sold. 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. FURNACE with sawdust burner, s d. water heater and tank. Phone 3-4351, 567 Knapp St. n267 lUlfl REFRIGERATOR, super super Kel- vinaior. 9 cubic feet. 1349.00. 1946 Mon arch fully automatic electric range 1249.00. Almost new 9 pc. walnut dining room set 1295. A 1 mast new 5 pc. walnut bedroom set 124a. 00 Royal Vacuui cleaner 127.50. Golden oak 6 pc. breakfast set $45.00. 871 Ktngwood Drive. Phone 4193. n271 FOR SALE OR TRADE: I 33-cu. ft refrigerator 1 300-cu. ft. refrigerator 1 27-cu. ft. refrigerator 1 Coleman oil stove 1 man's bicycle 1 radio-tocktail bar Phone 2-1325 4010 State St.. FOR SALE: Older type Hotpoint Electric ranac or trade for good davenport i chair. Ph. 9689. n267 FOR SALE: 5 room wood circulating heat er 125.00. Call after 4:30 p.m.. 1238 N 5th. n267 GASOLINE GENERATOR. 6 volt, portable, can be converted to light plant. Like new. 2345 Myrtle Ave, n266 PIANO 1175. Thor mangle 135. Ph. 3416, 453 n267' USED TEXTBOOKS: Typing course, short hand, bookkeeping & accounting, (ten otype sprrd manual, 1943-44 Federal tax course. Some Spanish language text Phone 9298. n267 WOOD FUR., hot water tank with coils, gns water heater attach., all in good cond. 550. Ph. 25260. n26I USED WALNUT DINING TABLE, six chairs Excellent condition. Price reasonable 1475 Baker St., Ph. 7241. n267 FREE GAS. Retread tire service now open Silverton Road and Lana Ave. One gal. free with each 5 gals. sold. 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. n267 WOOD CIRCULATING HEATER, dining room table. 5 chairs, baby buggy, baby car seat, will sell cheap. 3130 Myrtle Ave. Ph. 24719 T1267 MEALM ASTER RANGE, all white porce lain. Phone 25415. n36T 5-PIF.CE BDRM. SUITE, 50 lb. Ice box, 14 laying hens. 376 Evergreen. n266 HO MEFREEZE R, exc. cond. $ 12 571h77 378 after 4:30. n266 WOOD RANGE and water tank cheap. Ph. 26933. J1-?68 TWO HORSE TRAILER. Made Detroit, Mich. All steel frame. New 7" Urea. 1850 with dolly: 1750 without. At W. R. Adams. Monmouth. n266 VAGABOND house trailer. 16 ft., sleeps 3. good shape. Inquire at office Howards Trailer Park. 3560 Portland Rd. n266 TOILETS, bath tubs and wash basin, com plete new bathroom sets, new shipment just received. Capital Bargain House, 145 Centri L-19 T(T BOY'S World Bicycle, 235 Fisher Rd". n266 HOLLANDER sable dyed muskrat coat. Just cleaned and glazed. 16-18. Call 3836. n269 ELECTRIC POWER PLANT, 115 volt A-C 1500 watt aulomaUc 1945 model. A-l con dition, cost over 1500. sell 1300. Have power line reason for selling. Paul Riffe. Rt. 5, Box 313, Salem: n266 MARSHALL STRAWBERRY Plants, hill grown in isolated new field for our own Planting stock, 110.00 per 1000 dug and packed In boxes. Order early, have es timated 60.000 plants. Paul Riffe, Rt. 5. Box 313, Salens n266 ELECT. RANGE. Hughes Hotpoint. 665 Eriina Lane. n266 LARGE wood circulator. Good condition. 130.00. 726 S. 13th. n266 i. E. REFRIGERATOR, 6 eu. ft. hermeti cally sealed unit. Perfect cond. Reduced to 1125. Ph. 9416. n266 9 Horatio Alger 15 Penny Packer mysteries by Wirt 18 Kay Tracy mysteries by Judd "Dane Dawson at Dunkirk," by Sidney Bowes "Fore." by Van Loon. Ph. 9416. W GROCERY STORE EQUIPMENT A REAL buy, 3 separate compressors. 11, 895.00. 2 l h.p. and 1 i h.p. flx section al walk-in cooler. 30 cu. ft. reach-in dai ry case. 6-ft. triple glass meat case, R L. ELFSTROM CO., 340 Court St. Phone 9321. TH6T I 9xlS TWEED REV. RUG $75; 9x12 rust color rug $50; German Roller eanary and cage: girl's bicycle. Ph. 8608. n26B NEW REVOLVER & holster: H Ai R .23 l.r. $48 value for 135. Mrs. Baker, Apt. 3. 830 N. Com'l. Call 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. n366 ST rX WBER R Y PLANTS, Marshall, hill grown 110.00 per 1000 dug. Rt. 5. Box 273. Joe Tendrick, VM ml. NW Macleay. n269 DELUXE WASHING machine in good cond. 790 Hianland Ave. n266 C-MELODY SAXOPHONE & ease. Good condition. $75. Call 3855 Market Ave. Pen 4 Corners T26.8 MONARCH white enamel wood ft coa! range $85.00. Ph. 22793. n366 OIL circulator. Duo-Therm . 584 N. "Lib erty. n369 ELECTRIC steam radiator, $16.00. Blge low weave wool rug. rust and green, siie x7'i. $15.00. Ph. 25965. n266 Fo.ooo BOXES apples from our own or chard. Delicious. Spitzenberg. Jona than. Yellow Newtowns. 75c. $1.00. $1.35 and 11.50 a box according to grade. All hand picked and free from worms. Puritan Cider works. West Salem. n269 2 DOUBLE BEDS. box springs. 1 Beau t y rest mattress, one regular, nearly new. Rev. Krueger, 1405 N. Summer. Ph. 5636. na6 36GAUGE Remington auto, shotgun, per fect condition, $89.50. Beautiful May tag wood circulator. 385 N. 14th St. Call before noon, after 6. n366 E LE C TR O LUX CLEANERS , Sales, Service. S- pplies. 191 8. High. Ph. 7719. n283' WALLINGAND to GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. Cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 44 yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 8561. C II A R I SC OnSETlERE. Ph. 7074. n284 CONVERSION OIL BURNERS for range heaters, small furnaces. Easy to in stall. $49.95. Terms If desired. Allen Hardware M YOUNG STEER BEEF and one hind carter. Phone 22639. n366 HUNDREDS OF XMAS rTEMS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. RAW LEI On PRODUCTS, 1397 8. 13th St B273' DOES YOUR ROOF" LEAK? Use 100r. asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather. Fireproof. Installed by ex perienced men. For FREE estimate Ph. 7177. Western Auto Supply Co. n311' NEW Looking Floors at amall cost. Rent t Dreadnaueht Sander. Ph. 7177. West ern Auto Supply Co. "311 HEAT YOUR home electrically. It's con venlent. clean, economical. See ni fo fret estimates. YEATER APFL1ANCJ CO. 255 N. Liberty B C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines "arts for all makes Pinking shears round. Ph. 3765. 1940 N. 18th. n383a FULLER BRUSHES. 174S Grant Ph 1357 nJ61 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO $150.00. 4 burn er gas range oven and broiler $50. new electric hot water heater $60. 14 cu. ft. Home Freerer 1340. Phone 4384. n267" JOHNSON- BRIGGS Enterprise shin gles for sale. No. 3 88-00. No. l a 110.00. Ph. 8035. B271 SALEii SAND ft GRAVEL COUl'ANT Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 4 yds. 13.00 per hi 10 B yds. f 90 per hr D-l Cat Doier 9.60 per hr D-8 Cat ft Doier 1.40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Dorer 7.00 per hr Phone Da?a 148 rren nss 634 0 34400 Salem, Ore cob FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Surplus-store! i3sFHOYT bt FOLDING METAL CHAIRS, new ship, ment, $3.00, Burl walnut conference tables or bar tops 3'8"x9'6", mahogany finish. 145.00. 4-drawer metal filing cabinets, 159.50. Bunk beds and mat tresses. Kitchen sinks and wash basins. Short rain Jackets. Navy 1 cu. ft. safes. Special on electr water heaters. Elec tric heaters. House wire fuse boxes, outlets, switches, entrance cable, rang cable. Plying suits for flying or goo&e hunting, extra warm. Machinery pain. 40c qt. Oil circulators, 2 drawer of fice deks, $25.00. Hoyt St., 1 block E. Of 8. 12th. Ph. 7916. n267- GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel ft drag-line excavating. W ALL IN O BAND ft GRAVEL CO Pb 8561. SEWING MACHINES, repaired, bought, rental. W. Davanport. Pb 7671. Work guaranteed. n260 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SAW TIMBER, standing or loas delivered to our mill. Highest prices paid. Write ' or call Warren Lumber Co. Phone Green 349, 988 East Lincoln St. Woodburn. na271 WANTED: GAS circulBtor heater. Call at 2362 N. Front. Sunset Donut Co. or Ph. 24737. na266- WANTED Sewing machine: any condi tion. Ph25511. 594 N. Liberty. nal'66 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds, Willis Kellcy. Ph. 23156. na277 WANTED Fir Plywood Immediately All varieties desirable. Attention: Mills, Wholesalers, Brokers Will pay. Sight Draft or Letter of Credit. Money waiting. Phone University 3-iTr.O or who uffer to Mr P L. Stevens, Purchasing Agent, 15480 Wyoming. Detroit 21. Mlcliiean. na" OIL CIRCULATORS BOUGHT, sold exchanged and Piione 6073. USED FURNITURE. Phnne 9185 PERSONAL B. J. K.: Daddy 0.11 It job. Leaving for L. A. in two weeks. Come home. p267 PROFESSION a Ladviser! Mrs. Phillip. Ph. 3081 for app. P271.' I WILL NOT be responsible for any dcb;.i contracted by anyone except- myself. F. W. Lukmbeal. Nov. 7, 1917. p263 READING, know thetruth.33Gir P267 PSYCHIC Life Reader tells your past aj you alone know It; your present as It is; your future as It will be North ol Salem on Highway 99 at 6tortr Ave. Howard Trailer park at city UmlU. rin ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O Box 724 P278 AUTOMOBILES "3" PONTIAC 2-dr. forsale or" tTadeT- cylinders. Perfect condition. Prerer model A sedan trade in. R. C. Watkins, 540 Shady Lane. 4207 foin FORD 4 door toursedanMcCalPs UsedCars. 1297 Slate. 0.266 BY OWNER, '38 Buick special coupe, new transmission, motor overhauled. Radio and heater. Sealed beam headlights. Weeknites 7 to 9 p.m., 622 N. High, or Phone 4522 days. q267" 1039 PLYMOUTHsedan. Very ' good. M(v Call's Used Cars, 12S7 State. q266 TRAILER HOUSE cheap. R. Brooks, Ore. 1, Box .1". q267 FOR SALE Covered trailer. 6x16 tires, ideal for hunting or fishing, ball hitch. See it at 1397 N. Com'l. St. q267 H5K, '87 Chev. coupe, runs good. 1397 N Com'LSl. q26a '11 WILLYS coupe for sale cheap. Might consider model A. Phone 2-5116. q268 1041 p6NTIACsed77ietteRA:H.,"can be seen at 350 N. 19th St, Sat. No dealers. q268 BY OWNER, 1939 Master Deluxe Chevro let coupe, good condition, heater, reas onable. Ph.24775, 1060 N. lath. q268" I9 PONTIAC deluxe, radio. Exc. cond" H4Q .,Fc"y flPr 2 p tn- q2fi8 '20 FORD coupe, excellent body, motor ft lires good 1225.00. Frank Hubbard. Phone 33F14, Dallas, Ore. Rt, 2, Box 63. q268 FO rTs ALE0 RrRADT'7HMl Packard "6i; 5 pass, coupe. Harold V. Dean, Mill City, Ore. Phone 1352. q26"S "37 WII.LYS sedan with '43 jeep motor 1250. Ph. 117R, Stayton. q268 39 CIlEV?T"tonllckup I80b505Llncoln', Silverton. n2G& '88. FORD Bed., good motor, tires ft body. Rt.8.Box492, W. Salem. q271 "41 HARLEY DAVIDSON and "sidecar, 61 model. 695 Court St., Standard Station. q26f) 1947 FORD sedan, $400.00 in extras, miles , 1947 Buick super sedan, 2700 ml. ., 1600 12495 3195 1941 Chev. sedan, RftH, clean .... 1395 1941 Chev. conv., RftH, new top .. 1495 1941 Ford sedan, RftH 1295 1940 Buick 5 pass.. RftH 1350 1937 Buick sedan 695 1937 Plymouth sedan 895 1937 Packard coupe. RftH 695 1935 Ford coupe. RftH 445 1935 Chevrolet coupe 375 SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St., Salem, Ore. Ph. 26639. 0267- 1938 HUDSON sedan, clean throughout. 193ft FORD 4 door tour, sedan. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State. q266 MWHI77ER7a7ronditton. Need coils". Rt. 2, Box 161. J. H. Baldwin. Ui mite west of Keizer school. q267 1934 BUICK sedan. A very good car. Mc Call's Used Cars. 1297 State. .q266 1B47 DODGE. 4 ton panel. PhTllV387"q267 '35 FORD Touring, new top ft curtains, rut down. '40 motor, hydraulic brakes. 3347 Breyman. Ph. 4567. q2G7 PRIVATE 6WNER47 Pontiax sedan ette streamliner. Like new. Will con aider '40 or '41 five passenger coupe in trade. 636 N. Front. Between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. e.267" 3nrHE v7"t rixk--aii good rubber, 127s" Call 5966 after 8 p.m. q267 '35 BEO TRUCK Good condition; Seal Beam lights. Price $325. William Poole. Route 6. Box 273T 0.267 '7;-Bl;iclrEciAir4 dr. sedan. Rft H: clean. 295 Park ave. Ph. 21992.-o.267" 1941 OLDS 78 Deluxe sedan; hydra-mafic drive; radio and heater. 1941 OLDS 66 Sedan: heater. ' 195 CHAMPION Studebaker 3 passengef coupe; over drive, radio A: heater. 1948 FORD Deluxe 3 door sedan; radio At heater. 3 USED Cushman motor scooters, mod els 52 and 54. 1941 CHEV. Special Deluxe sedan; radio and heater. Terms and Trades LODER BROS. Olds ft Cushman Motor Scooters Salem Ore. Phone 6133. q367 T4f'HEVR0TET Master 4d-r., new paTnt seat covers, heater. $350. 2209 Mill. q26S 41 CHEV. coupe, exc cond., extras. Own er T. J. Berning, Ml. Angel. Ph. Blk. 79. q367 ISM DODGE. Good condition, Ph. 35112 or Route 9. Box 148, q26fl 1937 PLYMOUTH, clean. Phone 3-1416. 1931 FORD coupe, good eond. Phone 8183 after 6 p.m. q266 1938 STUDEBAKER Commander, good con dition. New tires, R. ft H. No dealers. Phone 5697. qSfiS 1947 DODGE 1-ton plekup. Approx. 4D0O miles. Will sell at list price. Norman Pfaffinarr, 5 ml. E. of Woodburn. 26B '38 FORD V8, new motor, good rubber. 991 Mill. Q263 '41 G.M.C. Dump truck. 5 yds. t. 1. Lien Bros. Garage. 35 PONTIAC 3 dr. sedan. Good condi tion. New paint, good motor, rubber, heater. Will sell imm. lor cash. Route 3. Box 390A. ?3i8l 39 STUDE. 4-dr. Sedan, Champion, R.H. Original owner. 90i rubber. Very good condition. 1715 Yew fit, n36 TRAILER $35.00. Ph. 35327. 37 WANTED late model car. Any make. Ph. 36639 before 6 p.m. FOR SALE: New TD14 Int. with w.df tracks, new Oliver NG Cletrat Dick Phelps. Milford Center. Ohio. l36l WANTED USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING TOUR CAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH. ANDERSON USED CARS 340 CENTER ST. PHONE 3734. (Continued on Page 17) "