1 38 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVEHTISINGi Pr Uni i" Per Line t limes 5 Per Line 6 times .40 Per Line I month 1.M Uin tSei 3 time m!n 4flei 6 time min ant READER Id Local Newt Col. On It: Per Line J5 FOR SALE HOUSES loo FT. on Broadway. 3 room house, part! modern. Garage. Plumbing Luae Realty, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 79.S2. BY OWNER: Lovely 3 bedrra. home, aulo. oil heat. hdwd. floors, fireplace. V blinds, full basement. Close to school, bus by door, good location in Hollywood dit. Priced right, terras. Ph. 6367 for ppt. e267 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS IPACIOUS VIEW of valley, 6 rm. modern bungalow home. 7 fireplaces, !e. rm... auto-oil heat. dble. garage. A real fam ily home. Price $14 500. Csll Cobiirn L. Grabeuhnrst. with fiRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eve. 7772 a265- NEW HOME t BDRM. home located South. Lot U0 X 120 ft. All elec., fireplace, small chick en house. All on hmrt ground in a very niR feet ion of new homes. Price $10, 000. TERMS. Call P. .1. Dawson with OR ARENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Librrty St. Ph. 4131 a25 CLOSE IN NORTH GOOD I bdrm. home, redecorated, base men I, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. fir., close to school. Sen thus before you huy. Price $10,800. Call Richard E. Grahenhorst. with OR ABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eve. 2:.fiM a 265 COZY HOME NORTH 4 I.OE. rms.. hdwd. floors, fireplace, small dm off lv. rm., full basement, with sawdust heat, beautiful ft round. THIS HOME IS WOIITH THE MONEY. $10, 500. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. with OR ABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1.14 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eve. 2S089 a "" PA P !TL Y FIT R N I SH ED HOUSE 11200 DOWN B1.. K5 mo. 3 bedrooms. Immed. pnss. Nw gas range, daveno, rug, etc. 13700. See ALLEN JONES OR MRS. NEEDHAM REALTORS 341 State, room 4 Phone 6963 a 2 6.1 SO FT. FRONTAGE ON SHE I BDRM. home with new furniture In cludes an elec. ranee, elec. refrlg. '! A. On rage. barn. Price J6950 or unfurn ished 15950. PEE ALLEN JONES OR MRS NEEDHAM, REALTORS 341 State, room 4 Phone (1963 a 265 jw!Oo7GOODWe.t Salem buy. 5 rm. plas ured, wired for rg. Corner paved. Oar. 12350 dn. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 3, Liberty Ph. 7113 a 265 AnrrYoTriokinK-foranice 3 bed room home on close in creek lot that is priced rifht? iOOOO. Then see F. G. Delano or Vick Bros.. 390 Church St., Phone 5710. a267" PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL THIS 3-BR home is worth the money. About 20 minutes from town. About 'i acre. Modern. Attached gar. Wired for ranae. Nook In knotty Pine. Full price 15595. More land available. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt. I, Box 162. Open Eves. A Sundays. a287 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Modern home in excellent condition, Available soon. 868 S. Liberty St. 267 f BI)RMIIOi;SE. garage, oil heater, trash burner, ldry, trays, chicken hse. '.i acre. 376 Evergreen. "85 NOWVACANT. 4 bedroom English tvpe home, double plumbing, carpeted living room and dining room. Long breakfast nook, automatic oil heat. Corner lot. beautif il shrubs, nutsidc fireplace and patio. Exclusive residential district. Play room In basement. Call owner, 3345 for appointment. a2fi8 FMALL2 BEDROOM HO USErlot 68x185, 10 walnut trees, 1 cherry, year around creek. Completely furn., ref.. elec. range, hot tvr r heater, oil circulator, laun dry travs, wash, machine, etc. 2 blks. from clly bus, 4 blk. from school bus. and suburban bus. Ph. 5867 or 254BO. a260' IM MEDIATE- POSSESSION For sale by nwner. 4 rooms As bathroom in restricted area. Schools cloe. and "i block from 2 rity bus lines. Price 14375.00: S2734 on rontracl, balance cash. Address 2210 Laurel avenue. Ph. 3122 or 3722. a6f. PHONE 3210 S?otin. ft bdrm. home on l't acres ahoii' 6 miles Soulh, near school, on paved street Call Mr. Plcha. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT I RDRM. home, hnrdw. floors, auto, oil heal, firepl.. V-tallnds. full basmt., in sulated A wealher stripped. This well rnnstrurted home will pass your clo.pt inspection end the price Is right. Call Mr. Crawford. VERY FINE NEW HOME BDRM home, LR. DR. kit., ait. garage. Nob Hill Annex District, close to schools, furnace, full basemt.. ldry. travs. fire place, hdw. floors. J12.500. 4:on down, hal. 43 00 month. Cnlt Mr. Neely. NORTH DISTRICT I.AROE HOME In the North district. This home Is in exceptional good condition, harriw. At fir floors, plastered. 3 bdrms. down, 4 bedrooms up, double plumb ing, dntiole garage, full basement. suto. oil heat, outside entrance to up stair, fine for large family ni fer in come propertv. I2.750. cnlt Mr. Neely. BURT PICHA. REALTORS rhone 3210 317 N. High SI reel $6500.00 t RM. house with exlra room In oarage. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, floor fur n ace, excellent shape, less llinn 10 yrv old. Ph. 24541 alier " R;:tiI1 il RM. mod, home 1 yr. old. hdw. fir... LR. PR ki'ch. B.N., 2 BR. large playroom 1S3.1. garaee, rorner lot 106x113. immed poss., $12,000. 305 Park Ave., Salem. a:'69 1Y OWNER: New 5 R. home w-11 built. LR d;neite, dream kitchen. 2 BR., bath, b rlnsrls. UR . Venetian hlmds throughout half hdwd. fl., coved lin. with matched, horriers, thoroughly insulated, a as fl . furnace, alt. gar., to have slab roi k t porch and concrete rii., 1 blk. (torn bus,, close to sci.ools. I blk. nortti ol Market i reel on 23rd. Ow ner cannot occupy I home because of asthma. 5 grown trees ' Phone 2J5-M Dallas tor app't. a.'ill NEW I RM. HOME, unfinished attic. 1 ac t Keirrr Dlst $4200. 1 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 431 N. Hlzh St. Phone 24793 aiftV , $3500 FULL PRICE I RM. hoiive with haih. rompleleyl turn with n"w furn.ntre. E!pc. hot watei heater, f n (nigh room to build large h.e. on lot. M. O. HUMPHREY. REALTORS 22t Fairgrounds Ph. 24596 3fi.i Piinnr 3210 liwm 8 bdrm.. bath. LR. DR A Kit. Nice Isrie rorner lot . North on Broadft a v. nsr bus. close to school., seversl ture fruit I rr r.. paved street wnd aide walk. Call Mr Pichs BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone .1210 .117 N. High St. a'J..' tflfl.VI. MODl'RN 3 bdrm. home near KrlTer : near r t r v bus A' store. Terms OIfl"N AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4 Ee. 95 16 aJ.S flVftOo"ooD" SIRABI.E 3bdrmrtiome on a! loi ely street in Hollywood disinrt. has 1 DR, !;notly pine den. nice bsmt . sawdust J fur., lg. fenced beck yard. Call Mr. Walters. I HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chetnriceta St. Ph. 3793 Ees. 2-5360 a365 VERY GOOD 3 bdrm. home In Nob Hill' D;st., near MrKinley school, full bsm' , furn, hwd firs., loveh lot. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa ft . Ph. 3793 Eves. 2-5360 A3SS iai.Sft7orN E"lgTLR7Kit.."nook. 7 bdrma. down. 1 bdrm. up, rinse to bus. -:oo.00 DOWN. bal. 150.00 per mo.. bus this new 3 bdrm. home. LR. Kit., bath. utility room hwd. floors. $10.. son. 00. IMM. Poss. New 3 bdrm. home. LR. DR. kitchen, hwd. fir., fireplace. near Enelewood. Call Omer. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. peiltors 311 Chemekete f Ph. 2-1549 Eve.. 2-5091 e265 ...... r - Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 6, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES good income property also house end 2 !" cimirwuuu u..iiu, "'u,' lots in bus. zone. 17000. Ph. 9608. a269 1 low Atv'e, I'j J BR. bath. LR. j dinette, kitchen, built-ms end Venetian (7500.00 EACH , blind. Cement foundation, cooking and I NICK modern 3 bdnn. home on 100 1 Rater heating electric, gas heating, 1 140 Corner lot. Eacii has Irge. LR. DR.! hlock to bus A Good Buy. kitchen, hwd. floor, firepl.. tile drain boards, full bsmts.. furn. l.i down, e real buy. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 341 Chemcketa St. Ph. 3793 Ees. 9441 a265 KNOB HILL THIS BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm. home, strictly English type, has dble. p!bg.. tile baths. oil heat, party room. 2 fireplaces finest location. Try and beat this for 125.000. Will take nice smaller home in trade. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Pll. 3793 Eves. 9441 a265- 3 BR home located N.E., Ige. lot, elec. cooking, elec. water heater, bus by door 15250. LARSEN HOME Az LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8339 Eve. 7440 e2G5 12.000.00 DOWN NEW 3 bedroom house living room, util iiy room, nice sized kitchen and dinette comb with plenty of built-ins; electric water healer, laundry tray, attached garage, Ketzer district. City bus 1 block. For additional information call ABRAMS &, SKINNER. INC. 411 Masonic Bides. Phone 0510 Insurance Mtt. Loans a 265 ENGLE WOOD Nice 2 BR house ; large lot. J4600.00. SO. COMMERCIAL- 3 BR furnished house. 'i A, low good garden; some fruit. 16950. SOUTH FHA house, new. 2 lovely bed room, wired for range, water heater, oil furnace, 11380.00 down; $36.00 a month. N. E. Excellent 5 room home: H. W. floors, floor furnace, . water heater, attic, att. 8 a rate, large lot. 12550 down. 39.50 per month. I RR HOUSE Close in, HW floors, good liv. A; tl:ning rooms, full basement. I ' set plumbing. Large lot, D. garage. plenty shrubs and tiade. Onlv Sll.j00.00. R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR 176 S. Commercial Ph. 8341. a265" HIGHLAND DISTRICT BEDROOM 110 USE built in 1940. Large living room, kitchen-dinette combina tion. Utility room, garage, lawn and shrubbery: fruit trees: garden space; paved street; bus I'j blocks. For addi tion a I information est II ABRAMS As SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtg. Loans a265' 14, 1)00.00 FULL PRICE II..HHUW) DOWN Balance 140.00 per month 2 bedroom home. Nice size lot. City bus at i .or Southeast, For additional in formation call ABRAMS As SKINNER, INH. 411 Masonic Bldfi. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtg. Loans a 26ft INCO"'EPROPi:RTY Imm. po.sT8ome furniture. 4 bedrm up, one down, large living rm.. dining rm,. kitchen, nook, full basement. 2 lots. Close to new shopping district on Capitol. Rent from apt. covers running expenses. Ph 9603 fnr app. a266 FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE: Two lots, inc. Call 7386. , Summer As Elec eaJ67 I6O0 BLK. N. 4th. Ph. 3563. aa286; .MANY BEAUTIFUL home Alt!S 95 J 100 ! and larger amidst 10 acres of fir nd oak trees, city water, near school, re stricted district. 2 blks. 8 of Com')- 1 Liberty Rd Junction, then I oik E on, Ratclifl Dr Owner." Ph 4284 FOR SALE FARMS 230 ACRE FARM I'4 MILES to Salem on pvd. rd. 80 Ac. cleared. 13 'i A. orchard, mostly cher- , ries, good soil, 2 sprmes, 7 rm. hnue. 2 story, new 28x38 barn, loft . cement r mui u.iii- .-wit-ci, muuu uu (low n owner wilt take cherry crop as y early payment, on ha Inner. Call Ed. Lnklnbeal HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1549 Eves. 26680 bjfi.i GOOD SOIL.Tlmberi past. A creek, all these and more on this 126 A. farm lo cated Ensl, on pavm'l. close to schl.. on mall At milk rls. Gravity water to bldg.. Mostly in hlRh income seed crop. Excel lent, for stock or dairy. 3 BR home, fire place, wired for rge. 2 good barns, plliv. Ii.se. At 3-cnr gar. This place has Just what vnii want. l5.0no. LARSEN HOME A- LOAN CO. Exclusive List In as - Per.sonal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389 Eve. 7440 bJfi.S' CHOICE VALLEY FARMS !'- ACRES, good soil lypr. 100 acs. tn cult., all year creek, spring water nipcri ! lo bides., mod. hse.. larse barn. 2 BR I tenant house, near Salem. $35,000. Terms. ;.6 ACS.. 175 cult., good hides., creek. 4 acs. Barl let t pears. 8 ac. cherries, bal. farm land and pastr.. $38,000. ?. AC'S., 120 rult.. 35 acs. bottom land bal. upland, good hi rig s.. $16,000. Itn ACS., about 130 cult., 32 acs. of hear ing filberts, bet of soil (vp. gnod bides.. 8 rm. plast. hse , $58,000. Reasonable lerms. A N. DUNCAN. REALTOR 13-14 L.i rid A- Bush Bids. : r-AKM LUAPia b:'6.i' VAI.t.FY FARMS NEAR SALEM 10 At rtlS A- 4 BR. HOME --All enutp there included. Owner wishe to retire Will consider good city property. A good deal and ood tert" NEAR .IFFFFTtSnN 03 ACRE! A 1 IIPS. All equip. stock included. 1. cows. Irrigation system Oood mint land. Mieht consider trade for aiM. hse or trrrrrv 'ore, R ISHERWOOD. RFM.TOR Ph. BFI' -WpMnce Por R. 1. Ror Ifl" Oorn Fvet. A- Pun da vs b?67 FOR SALE ArRFAGR LOVELY rnv C.E with modern liousf Enl of sltn. ii f urn T 'neon'" te-". Lnse Really. Oregon Bids , Ph, "i'" hh'Jfi.V MnnrnN sen 5 rni.s.. erin Aufo ' 'I '"Tl . shan" i , Home n-'tli 6 Ac. t'.0ftn "r ""h r"creation Fver'lhint In exeellen WIlUMtnfB R F AL FST 172 5. L.bertv . N r ni McCain P'.i 2-6148 ipimv. ACRE. S'oitr Ave. 475 on. Inquir- bb?fifi N'nnTH mvrp poAD r Arte. on. Rl I TI I I 'o-- on irw 3 hditn all on our f'-ior full d-v hrii! A'i!o. o't l)e-t ? '"n!r r'tv bn s-rv'-e i-'osr to school and store Call T'i T '-h.i! HUFF" RFAL Fsr tw pn nt'rt'- 31 C!i"""Vrt Ph. 2-1540 Eves. 2fi8fl nh3ltS- 24 ACir snivr. i'.n 71 AC SMAI I TTrtFR n0 TIIF REAL EST AT M"f rf 113 N Huh St. Phone 34793 hb36 ArrtEAGF " ONI Y 4''. m'les 'roi town Ica1 S icre trail berries, fruit ntnre. berin plastered home, f Irenlm e. Wired for inner, water henfer, barn cb"V home Pi irr Include rlec. "m-f living and dtninc room mlie 74iO on R. r MEREDITH RFMTOR 176 S. Coml Ph fifl4I hh'Jfl'S , A 1. KM A 1 h fir.. V. blinds srd. basement. bdrm.. beaut i f til Oil furnace, 1mm Po. . tond terms. OIJON AND REFVE REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Pii. 4.S90 Eve. 3m c26 Wisrt 1 bdrm. home Fas' fireplace, hwd. j fir he, irnietit . Im"v po Ol SON AND REFVE. RFALTORS 945 S. Com l. St. Ph. 490 Eve. """0 0265" JOE HirrrillSON REALTOR PHON'F '696 FARMS M A. 30 A cu'.f.v Good 4 rm. hou-e. chick hse Weil. 3 sprini.. 1 m". from school Wm silt so:!. A real bur for s?..00. IP V Kener dut 8 A strawberries. 1 A fam.l orcha'd. Excellent butldmc spot : A. North. F-'.bert. Walnuts Peaches. good molern 7 rm home. C'oe t school, in a good community. Call Mr Torvend 7696 or " " 25141. CITY 3 BIDROOM home part! fnrn;s!id. I rv luaole o)d"r tpe. Immed poss. Price 16900. Call Mr R;in Brown, SUBURBAN iM ACRE. New one bedioom home pnf- try house. Filberts, apple., eherr;. wsl- j HT.V ion no don rt PS'ment Price 3 - fo ri. -,'all Mr. 'Bill) Bron, 7696 or Ee, JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Street c3fl REAL ESTATE McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 163 South HiSh CITY xwiiin LOCATED South. clo.se to town end c:ty park. LR. 2 BR. kitchen, bath, full basement, nice lawn and shrubs. smihiu (.'REEK property, located Ea.it. large lot 50X145. 2 BR bath. LR. dinette, kit chen, fireplace, built -ins and Venetian bl:nds, HW floors, full basement, bus by door, close to school and shopping cen ter, insulated and weather stripped. SI I. ;,0 SOUTH, beautiful new 3 BR home, with basement and LR. DR. kit chen, bath, fireplace. Venetian blind, attached garage', elate to schools end bit', very well built, good location, saw dust heat. SUBURBAN XNHMi NEW, ready io move Into by De cember 1st. 2 BR bungalow, bath, LR. dinette, kitchen, plenty built-ins, un finished upstairs, school Ac city busea by door, very nice neighborhood. SiJO.fiOii 'a down and terms with owner. One aero and 2 BR plastered house with LR. kitchen and bath, garage, school and city buses by door, very nice neigh borhood. This Is a real buy, I7,(I(M REAUTIIT L, modern suburban home, 8 years old. 2 BR, LR, DR. kit chen bath hardwood floors throughout, nice built-ins, Venetian blinds, full basement and automatic oil heat, elec tric cooking and water heating. One ol the most beautiful views around Salem. 13 a c res in all Ten ac res of pru ne . 1 A. wain its and cherry. 2 A. cleared land. You must sec tins to appreciate it. COME IN OR CALL 5131-3620 Evening Phone 7163 c268- NELSON NEWS MODERN COTTAGE ,3850 COMPLETELY MODERN. 3 rm. cot tate. with cjec. auto, water hrater, elec. heat. wired for elec. range, elec. water sys tem, good flooring, newly decorated, about acre. WFLL BUILT PRE-WAR HOME SPACIOUS ROOMS with walk-in clothes clotets. plenty built-ins. extra large comb. L.R.. D.R.. 2 bdrms.. bath, kit., nook, all on 1 fir.. large unfinished at tic, full bamt.. ideal for recreat ional rm.. auto, oil furnace, by appointment only. M3.200. GOOD COUNTRY HOME BUY FITLY MODERN 2 bdrm. home with L.R., D.R.. kit., utility rm. with L. trays, elec. water htr.. gar . 1 A., some native tmbr., exceptional well with elec. pmp., on surfaced rd. in high class sub. comly. Only SfiOOO. INCOME PROPERTY WITH A FUTURE BEST BUY we know of today. One of Sa lem's belter built homes, now bring ing owner over 200 per m on 111 plus living quarters. Lame lot. next door Zone 3. In vest ic ate this one. LARGE CLOSE-IN FARM !3I A. With creek Az so 75 cleared. 20 A. youiiB cherries. 160 A. pasture, consiri e ruble tmbr., 7 rm. home, bat h, f tpl.. furnace, b.mt.. Irg. barn, only 8 miles out. Will take income prop, up to 110, 000. PLEASE REMEMBER IF YOU gel a listing of your property into our office before November 10, it will! be included in some special advert is-1 tug that will bring a lot of inquiries, i One of them might b for your proper-! i y. If ymt have property to sell, just ' Phone 46H2. NELSON Az NELSON Specializing Realtors Cliet. I. Nflson Theo. G. Nelson i 702 N. High St.. Salem. Ore. Phone 46.'2 , Eves. 2-U.iO c2G.i- I REIM ANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN HIGHWAY FRONTAGE I ACRE with 3 bed room Diapered house i located on back of land; outdoor fire place, one block to bus. Fruit trees. !6.)0fl. FOR RENT FOUR BEDROOM HOME 2 BEDROOM CORNER LOT. H750 down, immediate pns se.'.sion. near bus Ac schools, electric hot water. No. 202. FULL BASEMENT CORNER LOT. 2 bedroom home, plastered, pipr.d furnace. 1 block to grade school on bus line, paved streets. Will t rade tor suburban propertv. 7000. No. 257. STRIKING BEDROOM home, elect, heat. Shade A fruit trees. Hdwd. floors thrunui, can as sume G. I loan at 4. Lot 76x169. Northeast. No. 3 BEDROOMS NICE HOUSE on N. 191 h. Fireplace, base men), auio, oil hent . nice back yard. $11,500. icrins. No. 316. f 1 200 DOWN FOR 1 bedroom unfinished home on large lot. East. 2 d.i vs' work and you can move in. Nice location. No. 240, INCOME ROOMINC HOUSE in good condition, now grossing owner 1110 per mo. In addi tion to living quarters. Good neithbor hnod. close In business district. Bus by door. $8500. No. 748. AUTO COURT IN COAST town, six collages with addi-l lional living quarters for owner, onlv 9' years old. all have garages: grossing around 9000 per year. J27.SIH1. No. 723. REIM ANN REAL ESTATE "Salem's Building Realtors" 201 S. Hiah Ph. 9203 Ees. & Sun. 26056 - 246l'8 e 26S CALABA A- HABERNICHT. REALTORS NORTH 4TH STREET lionu lmm 1 hprlrnom wired for range, elec. water heater, garage, small Immerilele possession. $!S500. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 3 BEDROOM home. 1 down and 2 up. one partly finished. Is wired for range, elec. water healer, large lot. S6900. BROADWAY NORTH WELL BUILT 2 bedroom with extra sleep ing porch, has 15x39 living room, fire place, basement and furnace, corner lot, good locntlon. $8950. JUST OFF HI WAY SOUTH VERY attractive modern 2 bedroom home, nice set ting, hardwood floors, fire place, elcclrir heal, wired for range, elec, water healer, lot Is 110x120, nearly la acre. $10,000. Good I e rms. LANCASTER DRIVE MODERN ft room home, ranch it I yle. oak floors, fireplace, Veil, blinds, oil floor furnace, double garage, nearly acre of land, loraled very near Pen "4" Cor ners. $12,500. CALABA A HABERNICHT. REALTORS 2.11 North High St. Ph. 5B38 Eves. 3779 or 2-52;t8 c 27M) A- WORTH IT : SMALL houses ai 1143 6lh St. 2 lots with nice shrubs A: trees 53600 SMALL '; Hi. cottage. Good location, part 1) furnished. $1400 DOWN t-ItR ome on 100' lot. Nice neighborhood. Price $6150. 5 ACRES EXCEPTIONALLY nice acreage, close in with a good lmn:!v home. $lfl..i00. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 1233 EiUewa:er Phone 5109. r266' LEE OHMART-a7CO.. REALTORS MrKlNI.EY DISTRICT IT'S 4 3 millt.M. home located at 1940 8 High St . deep lot. part basement with oil tut n nee. loelv location, nun er will fuumh title insurance. 3.!00 down, halame $45 00 per month. Total price is $7900. Please do not disturb occupants, lust give us a call. LOOK AT THIS $5950 MODERN BUNGALOW IT' A NEAT little numher with one bed room, located north In the Fnglewoori school district, wall to wall carpeting, automatic air conditioned furnace With extra lot, FuH price is only jeaoo. WANT TO GO SUBURBAN FOR Mji.vt we will sell you 1 acres with a suhMantial 3 bedroom home. Located on Silvetton Rd.. Just east of Lan caster drive, good barn with box stalls, bus by door. Our sign Is on property Call us lo sre the interior. LOTS OF LOTS SEE VS FOR lois In the Ben Lomond riitnrt. $.sono building rest rici Ion: not less than 800 sq. ft. Priced from $450.00 up IKE OHMART A- CO. REALTORS 477 Court St.-Dav Ph. 2411S-24116 Er. Th. 24483-5514-24723 c285 $4000 00 l' ACRES and 4 room house, good an:!, can be handled for $1200 down and $30 per no. $7500 00 I ACRE and a brand new 2 bedroom home, modern, located North, best of earden soil. Th i a nice place and a good buy FNGLEWOOD DISTRICT HFt HAVE two nice 2-bedroom homes and one 3 -bedroom home, alt on ope floor. Call for appointment, we will be very glad to miow von. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 ft Com 1. Phone 4217 Eve. 48 e35 ATTENTION SUBDIVIDERS 15.:no. 13 acre tract in city limit sood 3 bdrm. home, street on ! ides. sewer A water lines :n. OlSON AND REFVE. REALTOR 945 S. Com 1. St. Ph. 4S90 Eve. JMin C265 REAL ESTATE - KEIZER LOTS IWil FT., nrar store At school. City bus. 1 jo 00. (10 00 per month. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4530 Eve. 25830 C265 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS WHY NOT INVESTIGATE' COMFORTABLE 5 bedrm. home. Full bath, Venetian blind., cement founda tion. Good location. $4.i00. AT rtACTIVE Bt'Y. Well preserved older type home. 6 large cheerful rooms. built-in., fireplace, elec. water heater, gas furnace, garaiie. Fine large East front lot. some trees. On paved street near school and bus. Price $.o00. NEW AND READY for you. Ranch type home. Living rm.. dinette, kitchen, S nice bedrms., hwd. floors, auto. heat. Lot aootit 75 x ISO. New elec. range in cluded for only 13500. ANOTHER NEW WELL-BUILT 3 bdrm home All on one floor. Large living rm.. dining rm., large kitchen, modern in every respect. Hwd. floors, complete ly insulated, elec. heat. Must be seen to be appreciated. (14,600. For these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 Siate St. Ph. 9261 Evenings call 8901. 2-4007 or 2-5855 c'.'fl5 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED BEST ! bedroom house for 1 10.000 cash. Prefer N. Salem. Call L. N. Ellis. 3120 Garden Rd. Phone 2-J231. ca266 WANT NEW or nearly new house J or 3 brd rooms on first floor. Lg. rms. Lot larger ilian 50x100 ft. Near a city school. Not West Salem. Will pay to $20.ono, Pn. 941. ra266 WANTED LISTINGS j PERSONAL ATTENTION Riven listings end lion brines many buyers If vour prop erty Is for sale SEE US. LEO N CHILDS. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. -Ph. b261 ca WANTED Listings of Salem end West Salem propertv Good demand. B ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Wallace Rd.. Rt. 1. Box 162. Ph. 6F11 ea NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S High St. ca LIST wTth SALEM TO SELL 'EM SA LEM REALTY CO C W BARTLETT REALTOR. 149 N HIGH ST. PH 7660 ca' WANTED LISTINGS, city, suburban and farm property, we offer you prompt ef ficient service. CALABA At HABERNICHT, REALTORS 231 N High St. Phone S838 ca FOK PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Res,) Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Pnone 7327 ca WE ARE in need of rood houses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale, see OR ABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 413) ra EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE 5 room house In Portland for similar house in Salem. Phone WEbstcr 8335 Portland or 4397 Salem. cb207 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , -- COIN OPERATED radios with locations available. Fast return on invest. Write G. R. Curry, 101 Washington, Dallas. I Ore. cd270 1 FOR SALE: Grocery store near Corvalli For further information, write P. O Box 424. Dallas, Ore. cd26' NEWSPAPERA; COMMERCIAL PRINTING BUSINESS OFFERED AT a very attractive price. Includes large inventory of paper stock , and all necessary presses and equipment. AKo bindery equipment. FOR DETAILS Call Cobiirn L. Grabcniiorsl . with OR ABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 cd26.V APARTMENTS. INCOME $415 MO ONLY $18.000-'a CASH THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 cd265 FURN. API'! HSE. grossing-$114. 0o " per month. 3 rm. extra for owner apt. Only J8400. $3000 down. bal. good terms. HIGHWAY GARAGE. Reported income of $12,000 per yr., good ami. hse. Highway frontage for service sla. Completely equipped. $10,500. Terms. LARSEN HOME At LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389 Eve. 7140 cd265- FURNITURE FOR SALE FRIG ID A I RE Imperial Coldwall, 7fLfri gidane elec. ranze 1 Duncan Phyfe ma hog, dining set As serving table Alexander Smith broad loom rues, 9x15 A- 7-6x9 Overstuffed occasional chairs Phone 2-4033 Eves. dJ6" DAVENPORT In excellent cond. Phone 6020 after 6. d267 i-n r,i. monne ohk. ud muy fw . 1180 Shipping St. d266 i MAHOGANY BUFFET, Chippenrinlc, good ?L. 1Z I' ' "." ! caoincis lor uisn siurnke. r. mm. , . cl266j NEW REFRIGERATOR, new deluxe model; range, myrtle wood bedroom set,, dining rm. set. oak. Alfred F. Odem. R:. 8. Keiser district. Inquire Smith, Ward Store. d266 "SPECIALS" ft Pt'E. dining room suite $169.50 Daveno and swing rocker, Rcr. $129.50 $118.50 Jenny Llnd beds in beautiful nat ural hdwd. finish, twin or full $28.50 Quality Inncrspring mattresses, over 200 springs. Reg. 36.50 $'.'9.50 SEE Ot'R LINE of fine hardwood chests and desks in modern design. BAIGLFY BROS. 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 25491 ri266' V ANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for used ftirittire. tools and hardware Call Mr. Reiser. 9885 385 N. Commercial da'J65 TOP PRICES paid for furn and what have you? Ph 35511 894 N Liberty Sun dale's. da272 HI (ill FST PRICES paid Pnone Glenaat Woodry Auction Market Ph 5110 da j AUCTIONS t AUCTION FOR THE convenience or the public. Mr O. J. Wait. will offer hi entire lot of good household furniture without .serte at the JOE BURKE SALE BARN 3610 Silverton Road - Salem . I 'l-VKKRKT c,b. ir.nd ..... MNCJ HAt'tlXO. C.ll WD. M'0 guitar, sin. snare drum, blue overstuff. WANTED FURNITl'RE to glue At repair rinvpn. and chair, w me color daveno, Lee Bro's Ph 21233. h overstuffed rocker. 7-tube Airline radio, , .-.-,..... . .w"."."H.rt.frr 8-oc. mahogany dining room suit. tlge. 'TO PAINTING Just a shade oetter oy exten. taDie. i-pc. oinette set, b hi comb, electric and wood range twhltei.j el heater, oil circulator, wood circula-1 tor. Blondr ft-pc. bedrm. suite with twin beds, lias inncrspring mattresses, double i bed coil spring and mattress, single bed complete, also chest of drawer to match. New Royal sewing machine, General El. vacuum cleaner. Maytag el. wash, ma chine, smoke stands, curtain stretchers, sm. viae, rubber-tired lawn mower, gir'.'s bicycle, heavy hens, many misc. articles. Lois of new mdse., used furnl tuie. tools and "what have you." Corn, apples, potatoes, onions. YOUR CONSIGNMENTS WELCOMED AT THE JOE BURKE SALE BARN 3610 Silverton Road, Salem Phone 2-4074 Hot Lunch A. J. Baker, Your Favorite Auctioneer dd:68 SPECIAL FURNITURE AUCTION FRIDAY NIGHT 7 P.M. NOVEMBER 7 I AT LANE Sudtell's Auction Sale Yard on Silverton Rd. Partia. list: L A- H Tablet top electric range, seteral good beds At snnngs. matlrewes. chairs At tables. t electric roaster, dresser A- chest of drawers, dishes, davenos. Many other ; eod article of furniture. rid-'SS j eeesesyeesessss : LIVESTOCK WANTED W .AN T E D:" Any kind of call I e h o g s a n d sheep. Will call at farm. Llrenied and bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. I. Smelhen At Son, 1550 Lancaster Dr . Sa lem. Ph. 2U45. ea2R3 Journal Want Ads Pay LIVESTOCK WANTED W.ANTLD All kinds of cattle, hogs, sows, and boars at your farm or delivered, market price. . C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9. Hox 233 across from Ball Perk on So. 25th. Ph. 8147. ea272- RABBITS WING'S RABBITR Y pays top "prices for fryer rabo.ts. 3965 State. Ph. 109F5. eb288 PETS CHOICE PURE BRED Wire"-Terrier pup p:es. Reg. in A.K.C. K. N. Wood, Indepen dence. Ore.. 1 mile north. ec266 CANARY BIRDS. 260 N. UjTh! ec268 FOR SALE WOOD F I N ED R YK I N D LIN G woodl 5.50 "V" I load" . Orceon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee288 DRY AND GREEN SLABS. Immediate de livery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ec288 GOOD GREEN EDGINGS S5.50 a load, dou ble load J 10. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ec288" TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load (10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood A: Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 8683 We Give S&H Green Stamps ee286 DRY 2nd growth, slab wood and saw dust. Ph. Maker 7868. ec285 W A L N U T S HELLS, 15 sacks ii7ooTI3 50 ton. Bring sack Morris Klorfein Pack- lng Co. 460 N. Front. GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 24031. ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 8444 ee LISTED GOOD. DRY kindling -wood7Green edsins. Green and dry slab. Immediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee269 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN i DRY WOOD also dried planer wood. A; sawdust Pick up wood at 1525 Edsewater. W Salem. Stove oil A: ri:esel oil. Ph 2-4011 ee FOR SALE POULTRY FRYERS lor the locker, off Cherry. 1205 Alder Ave.. 1267 OR SALE Young fat turkey toms. 37c lb. alive, hens 44c. Rt. 8, Box 310 King wood Dr. Ph. 7212. f265 NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks. Started chicks and older pullets Always avail- able Ph 22861 Lee's Hiitchery t' CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens" any numher. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 22861 Lee1. Hatchery f PRODUCE O A TSA l ET C II-$ 3 2 '.00 c 1 o ve r $3 s7obd e livercd. or trade for cows or heifers. Also hauling. 3535 S. Com'l. ff266 WANTED HELP CAPABLE GIRL or woman to assist with hou.-,ework As care of 3 children. Modern country home, private room, good wages. nocrai time on. Anyone under 20 yrs.i oi axe nci-nnoi apci.v. write hox loi.f St ay ton, Ore. or phone 1X4 Staylon. - - "267 IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint . iait:u inn ao in instruction oi- umn- B-69 MAN WANTED for Rawlclgh business. Real opportunity. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORK-155-O. I Oakland. Calif. g265 WANTED: YOUNG woman under 40 for central help at Small Beach Inn. Per manent home for right person. Non smoker preferred. Write Mrs. Al N. Pierce, Neskowin, Ore. a267 EXP. ALTERATION LADY. Esther Foster. 260 N. High. Ask for Mrs. Garrett. g266 i BRICKLAYER to build fireplace. Dallas g266 8F15. WANTED: Good shoe snlrsman for good steady job. Style Arch Shoe Store, State St. g266 GIRL FOR light housework and help with care of 2 children, one in school. Room. board As wages. Ph. 2-5488. R275 W A N T i:dTho u s i: k e En: R t o 'takTo v e r responsibility of home As care of Ti yr. old daughter A; elderly gentleman while we are East. If Interested, may stay on. Call 7977. B'265 GIRL for Rencral housework. 2 adults. 1375 Market St. Ph. 6056. B265 NATIONAL retail organization has opening for e.p. radio repairman. Ans. giving exp., ase. marital status A: length of residence in Salem. Write Box 346. Cao Ital Journal. W A N T E OF fret class-bod y man . Best working conditions. Top pay If you can qualify. See Gearhart. Valley Motor Co.. 375 Center, Salem. a WANTED POSITIONS - BOY'S JR. SIZE BICYCLE. 100 CllildS Ave. hi!6i , . hntaie in mv home during the day while you're on business or social engagements. Phone 7fi.il. h267 BOOKKEEPER desires position. 14 years i,j.. r -.,. no.ilr A ar ronnm Treasurer. For interview call phone goi4. h-7 EXPERIENCED counter salesman. Hriwre., Auto Parts, Gcn'l Mdse, Ph. 9588 for in tervlpw. h2fi6 FIRST CLASS carpenter work. New or re model, Uc or small. Ph. 8281 after 5 p.m. "275 BOOK-KEEPER available 2 or 3 days per week, long experience in several lines of business, best of references. Phone 5936. h266 CAPABLE practical nurse now available. Ph. 8332. h26a DRESS MAKING, Alterations, tailoring h26S Ph. 6361. EXCl" ADULT BABY 2-6876. SITTER. PH. h268 26206after 7 ' h?65; HSKPR. for teacher p.m. Ph, CHILD CARE in my home by day or hour. 295 N. 23rd St. Ph. 4686. H272 FURNITURE refinishing. Edgar R. Brock. Stone Piano Co. Phone 2-5281. h2S5 INTrniOR PAINTING, experienced, and recommended. Ph. 679B. h282 RUGS and furniture upholstery cleaned and moth proofed in your home. Ph 3736. h3"6 CF.MEVT CONTRACTING, prompt eervlc i Ph. 24751. h276 PAINTING and decorating, work guaran teed. Ph 3193 h2B7 Rfl- Etter Call Shroek Motor Co 802 rnT.r Ttn EDUCAllUIN ;.-.v, r. o V- .i.-Vvr"ftriain ,r r. , , -r.f' iMn Pri ntve aae end occupation. Box 348 Capital Journal. hh29 PIANO St'DIO. Frederick Wilson, ISJt Market Ph. 2459B. nn. FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN furnished cottages bv the week or mo. Utilities furnished. 3230 Portland Rd. J'J'O FOR LEASE: Modern 5-rm house on 5 acre located on Pnngle Rd. $50.00. Call 2.M74. J"' CABIN V A CAN C Y . Weekly rates. 3 ml. on Dallas III way. Box 469. J267 SLEEPING ROOM 940 D St. Men. J270 si FEPING ROOM for employed Udy. No ' ,mokfr. Close in. Phone 9379. J367- - LARGE furnished sleeping room. C ose In. 533 S. Liberty. Ph. 6996. J-67 ROOM Men. 549 N. Cottage. Ph. 3723 J267 tin II T housekeeping room and sleep- ing room. 790 N. Church. Ph. 4.135. )267 TJ-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, adults. 770 S. Commercial. J265 NICE 3 bedroom houe. bus stop et door. West Salem district. $75.00. Ph 21917. J287- SLEEPING R5t. for man. private entrance, telephone, hot At cold water. 1505 N Capitol. Ph. 3425. J26 FOR RENT NICELY furnished sleeping room lor 2 employed girls. 535 N. Winter. J267 ROOM with cooking privilege. 1880 Cen J267 room basement apt. 407 Union. J265 LIGHT IISKPG. basement rm. for gentle man only. Ph. 7310. j266 NEW MOD. 2 bdrm. home. Sell lurnujhinas. Ph. 2-6324. J267 SLEEPING-RMbUS bydoor799 1 Mill". J266 NICE. WARM SLEEPINGroonT foTbusinesx man. Pn. 6950. J266 1-RM. APT, furn. Downstairs. No objec tions to one child. $30.00 month. 410 Ever: :en Ave. J265 160.1 PORTLAND RD.. suttablefoTof flees. Plentv of parking space. $60.00 per mo Ph, 8389. J265 SLPG. ROOM, private bath A; entrance, automatic heat 341 N. 19th St. J265 CLOSE IN sleeping room for employed la dy. Call 8662 between 1 and 9 p.m. J265 Olrls only. J265 SI-EPING ROOM. Private balfi. Ph. 7865. APPROX. 2,0(W SQ. FT. of basement space suitable for oflices or varied lines. See S. A. Wheatley, 444 State St., evenings 725 Court St. j268 WASHING-MACHINES-' "forrent by- t he hour. Ph. 2-4657. i265 TRAILER HOUSE As single-ro"omT944 N. Commercial St, J265 MEN'S nice sleeping rooms, pvt. entrv. bath, $6-$7 week. 1443 S. Coml. Ph. 9260. J267 DFSIR RALE RM CLOSE IN: PRIVATE ENTRANCE BLK. FROM WILLAMETTE PH. 25548. J268 If L LY WOO ir7feep:ng-room3Prtr 6093. GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff SELF BRAKING trailer. 2085 N Com'l J278 MODERN COTTAGES By day. wrek or month. Reasonable. 3580 So. Com'l. J267 FOR RENT ELEC. SANDER. $3.00 per day. Elec edger. $1.S0 per day Elec Polisher SI. 50 per day. Elec. Holt polisher. $2 SO per day. Wall paper steamer. $2.50 per day. FOR SALE PALE floor sealer, Unseed oil. shellac, waxes, floor varnish P O REPINE CO. 2585 Portland Rd. J265 TRAILER-SPACEModem park, "clean. Free laundry privileges. Reas. rates. 3580 So. Com'l. J267 ATMORAYS. Ozone Oood health Rent sell H G Pugh 684 N 17th Ph 4692 FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward I WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE middle aaed couple. Per manent, need 4 or 5 room furni.shcd apt. or house Ph. 24495. Ja267 LOCAL BUSINESS man urgently needs home in Hollywood dist. Bus. ref. Perm. Ph. 21664 after 10 a.m. ja26 OR 3 ROOM furn. apt or smnll house for couple. Permanent. Ph. 3571 befnrr 5 p.m. ja265 W.NTED-" TOR E NT OR" LEASE COUPLE Perm, settled: guarantee per fect care of 4 or 5 room unfurnished hoii4$ or apt. with or without stove At ref rig. Consider lease. Ph. 4851. ja265 YOUNG business girl wants small furn. apt. Call 25353 eves, after 6 p.m. ja265 STOREMANAGERwi5hes3 bed room hse. J Ph. 22080. ja265; ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A- Room, 495 N. 21st St. Man preferred. Ji2fi7 LOST AND FOUND LOST: DAR membership pin Mondny at State House or downtown Salem. Phone 7858 days or 2-4805 after 6 p.m. k267 LOST Grey gabardine hood on South Com'l. Sunday. Ph. 4814. k267' FOUND Ticked hound. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR SLNfiE R Seeing-machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines. Free estimate given before work is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. m DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment's notice. Ph 5000. m273' MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. OFFERS GUARANTEED. ECONOMICAL RADIO REPAIR ON ALL MODELS. MONTGOMERY WARD At CO. TRADE AND HIGH STS. m' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State At Commercial St SALEM Phone 8311 m' MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1 00 Lea Springer. 464 Court St. m267 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 255 N Liberty m" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 3 ROSE BROADLOOM rusts. 11x9 and 12x21. Pair of lamps. Matching fire side chairs. Portable record player. Kyack, 345 N. 17th. n267" DRAG S A wl Ib h tw e i g h tV aug h nn early new; 4 blades. Rl, 2, Box 22, Turner. Ph. 22952 evenings. n267 I iJE W EL C ROTON Wrist w a tc h": Ilk e new; reason. 625 S. 25th. li267 BA THTI; R$4 o7oole I ec t r fc t RnR. 70 .0 n : baby bed and wool mattress $12.00: all good. Ph. 3S85. 3915 State St. n267 MEDIUM OIL circulator, complete with barrel and fittings. 1975 D St. or Phone 7986. 267 W A FtDS LOW BED FAR MW AG ON WITH 6.30x16 tires. 2" plank bed, 17' $240.00 A; 2 ton hand winch. SEARS GAS drag saw 5' blade, like nrw $65.00. 9'axl5' car cover- tarp S14.00.1 15x32 As 16x50' storage tents. 8x11' 20 oz. j canvas covers for tractors or farm ma chinery 10.00. There were truck cover with straps and ripper. SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. E. of S. I2th Tel. 7916 n267 FREE GAS. Retread tire service now open Silverton Road and Lana Ave. One gal ' free with each 5 gals. sold. 6:30 a.m. toj n267 FURNACE with sawdust burner, s d. water; heater and tank. Phone 2-4851, 567 Knapp St. n267; Ifllfi REFRIGERATOR, super super Kel vinator. 9 cubic feet. $349 00. 1946 Mon arch fully automatic electric range $249.00. Almost new 9 pc. walnut dining room set $293. Almost new 5 pc. walnut bedroom set. $245.00. Royal Vacuum cleaner 127.50. Golden oak 6 pc. breakfast set $45.00. 871 Kingwood Drive. Phone 4193. n27I" FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1 33-cu. ft refrigerator 1 300-cu. ft. refrigerator 1 27-cu. ft. refrigerator 1 Coleman oil stove 1 man's bicycle 1 radio-cocktail bar Phone 2-1325. 4010 Slate St.. Salem. n267 FOR SALE: oidertVpe Hot point Electric ranae or trade lor sood davenport A: chair. Ph. 9689. n267- FOR SALE: 5 room wood circulating heat er $35.00. Call after 4:30 p.m., 1338 N. 5th. n267 GA SO LIN EG E N E R AT O R . voTt portable. can be converted to light plant. Like new. 2345 Myrtle Ave. n266 PIANO" insTThor' mingle I257PhT34i6. 433 Shipping. n267 t S T. DT EXT BOOK S PTyping course. 6 h o r t -hand, bookkeeping A: accounting, aten otype speed manual. 1943-44 Federal tax course. Some Spanish language texts. Phone 9298. n267 WOOD FVR hot water tank with coila. gas water hrater attach., all in good cond. 150. Ph. 3536fL n:67 VSED "VALNrTDlNING TABLE. HX chairs Excellent condition. Price reasonable, 1475 Baker St.. Ph. 7341. nJ67- FREE GAS. Retread lire service now open S;iverton Road and Lana Ave. One gal. tram m-MH ! K 1ft a m tn 11:30 p.m. D267I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD- CIRCl'LATING HEATEB. dm'.ng i room table. 5 chairs, baby buggy, baby car seat, will sell cheap. 2120 Myrtle Ave. Pil. 24719. 267 FOR SALE: 35 sack. of plaster. Also 2 sets windows and frames, ROW weather stripped, size 24x18. L. Warner, 995 Hea ther Lane. 1 block off Raicllff drive, off Halscy. n265 : MEALMASTER-RANGE, all white porce- j lain Phone 25415. n26T fiCL'. FT. KELVIN ATOR. Reasonable. 965 ! Fa i r v ic w , n 2 65 !NEW GAME 10x13 inches with markers. retails $1.00. Attractive and interesting for children or adults. Makes e nice Ciulstnids gift. Past paid to you. Bring or mail one Right-Now Cleaner label and 40c in coin for handling charge. 'Riaht Now" Cleaner Replaces Soap, with bet ter results. Sold by Grocers. Herniosa Products Co.. Address Games Dept. No. 3. 304 N. E. Ru&sell St., Port land, Oregon. R265 TWIN Hollywood beds, practically new. I Kroehler davenport and chair, excellent condition. 1 Atlas 6-in. lathe, com plete with chuck and tools. 1946 model. 2295 N. 4th St. n265 Apiece bdrm77suite7"5o- ibTlce box. 14 laying hens. 376 Evergreen, n266 iVViAlTg AS WATER HEATERTVofl Union St. n265 HO MEFREEV,ERcXCcond after 4:30. n266 WOOD RANGE and water tank cheap. Ph. 26933. n266' TWO HORSE TRAILER Made Detroit, Mich. All steel frame. New 7" tires. S850 wiih dolly: $750 without. At W. R. Adams, Monmouth. n266 EMERY GRINDER, two wheel, me and medium, new, shatter proof shields, quarter Lorse speed 3450 R.P.M. 1470 North Capitol. No Phone. n265 VAGABOND house trailer. 16 ft., sleeps 3. good shape. Inquire at office Howards Trailer Park. 3560 Portland Rd. n26G II. G. CI.ETRAC tractor, motor completely reconditioned. Pete Lelack, Brooks, Ore. n265 TOILETS, bath tubs and wash basin, com plete new bathroom sets, new shipment j u.st received. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. n269 MrBOY'SWll BicTcie, 235 Fisher Rd. n 266 HOLLANDER sable dyed muskrat coat. Just cleaned and glazed. 16-18. Call 3836. n269 elec'Fricow'er plTVntTis-oft" A-C I.'iOO watt automatic 1945 model. A-l con dition, cost over $500. sell 1300. Have power line reason for selling. Paul Rifle. Rt. 5, Box 313. Salem. n266 MARSHALL STRAWBERRY pan"ts, hill grown in isolated new field for our own planting slock, $10.00 per 1000 dug and packed in boxes. Order early, have es timated 60.000 plants, Paul Riffe, Rt. 5. Box 313. Snlcin. n'266 FOR SALE: Axmilister rug 12'xl5'6". Mar oon and grey. Good condition. Give us an offer. Call evenings at 540 N. 151 h St. n265- ELECT. RANGE. Edina Lane. Hushes Hot point. 665 n266 LARGE wood circulator. Good condition 130.00. 726 S. 13th. n266 G E R E F R I G E R A T O R , 6 cu. ft. hermeti cally sealed unit. Perfect cond. Reduced to $125. Ph. 9416. n266 9 Horatio Alger 15 Penny Packer mysteries by Wirt 18 Kay Tracy mysteries by Judd "Dane Dawson at Dunkirk," by Sidney Bowes "Fore." by Van Loon. Ph. 9416. n'J67" ' .TcLFT.nELECT REf'TverV" rood cond. See it aTter 6j.m.. 290S. J9t!l. n265 GROCERY STORE EQUIPMENT A REAL buy. 3 separate compressors, $1, 895.00. 2 'i h.p. and 1 lb h.p. 6x6 section al walk-in cooler. 30 cu. ft. reach-in dai ry case. 6-ft. triple glass meat case. R. L. ELFSTROM CO., 340 Court St. Piionc 9221, 'H6' l9xi:tTWEEDREVRUG$75r9xl2 rust color rug $50; German Roller canary and cage: girl's bicycle. Ph. 9608. n269 NEW REVOLVER Al holster: H At R .32 l.r. $48 value for $33. Mrs. Baker, Apt. 3. 830 N. Com'l. Call 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.n266 STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Marshall, hill grown $10.00 per 1000 dug. R ' 5. Box 273. Joe Tcndrlck, l'.'a mi. NW Macleay. n269 DELUXE WASHING machine in good cond, 790 Highland Ave. n26fl C-MELODY SAXOPHONE As case. Good condition. $75. Call 3855 Market Ave. Pen 4 Comers. "266 MONARCH white enamel wood Ac coal range $83.00. Ph. 22703. jn266 OIL circulator. Duo-Therm . 594 N. Lib erty. "269J ELF:ctRIC steam radiator, f 18.6(1. Bige low weave wool rug. rust and green, size 6x7'a. $15.00. Ph. 25965. n266 10.000 BOXES apples from our own or chard. Delicious. Spltrenberg. Jona than, Yellow Newtowns. 7ftc, 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a box according to grade. All hand picked end Iree from worms. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Ii269 jTboUBLF. BEDS, box springs. 1 Beauty rest mattress, one regular, nearly new. Rev. Krueger, 140S N. Summer. Ph. 5636. H266 'JO GAUGE Remington auto, shotgun, per fect condition. $89.50. Beautiful May tag wood circulator. 385 N. 14th St. Call before noon, after 6. n266 ELECTRO LUX-CLEANERS. Scales.' Service, S-.pplies. 191 S. High. Ph. 7719. H283 wXlLING SAND A!GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drivewaya. Cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, li yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 8561. n" C H A RIS CORSETIERE. Ph. 7074. n284 CONVERSION OIL BURNERS for ranges heaters, small furnaces. Easy to In stall 149 95 Terms II desired, Allen Hardware n NEW CONDITIONED medium blue all wood coat lor girl 10-14 yrs. $10.00. Ph. 5355. n265 'V YOUNG STEER BEEF and one hind quarter. Phone 22639. i266 FO RS A LE4 cycle Briggs As Stratton gas motor tricycle and scooter. 115 Amp. Welder. Lawn Mower. New 8-ft. step ladder. Several tools. 992 N. Cottage. n265 SPINET PIANO. Save $100 on this buy. Easy payments Tallman's. 395 S. 12th A mile from high prices. HUNDREDS OF XMAS ITEMS. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n277- PIANOS, thoroughly rebuilt. Priced from $225. Terms as low as $35.00 down. $10.00 a month. Fine selection. Shop Tall man's and save. 3j-VsJlh- n2 5BI.BS.CAP A CITY Ice box In exc. cond. $18. Ph. 26801. H265 41 MODEL large Mtn wash mach. Four 900 truck tires, about 30 of rubber left. Ralph Olson, M ml. w. of cannery. Stayton. nJ65 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, 1397 8. 13th St n273 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Use 100; asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather. FireprooL Installed by ex perienced men. For FREE estimate Ph. "177. Western Auto Supply Co. n311 NEW Looking Floors at email cost. Rent a Dreadnausht Sander. Ph. 7177. West ern Auto Supply Co n31 HEAT YOUR home electrically IV con venient, clean, economical See us to' rea estimates. VEATER APPLIANCI CO. 255 N Liberty n' PlilLCO RADIO-PHONO, table model, sol id wood cabinet: excellent condition. $45.00. A. R. Barber, 1115 5. 18th, Ant. No. 2. "365 ALMOST NEW set of World Book Encyclo pedias: new handbooks on radio and re frigeration. Also box of radio tools, used Hawaiian guitar and croquet set. 637 N. Winter. n25 GOODVSF.D BICYCLE. $15.00. Call after 5 p.m. Route 8, Box 1353. n265 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewlnc machine repall specialist. I do not sell new machines Part for all make. Pinking ehear. ground. Ph. 5765, 1940 N. 18th. n283 FOr"saLE: 1 Butt nggine. Call at Buell Line Co. 1 mi. WestfBuelLOre.ri265" NEWPIANOBENCHES 11500. Tallmin . 395 S. 12th. n265 FULLER BRUSHES 1745 Grant tb 83 n36i UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO J150.00. 4 burn er gas range oven and broiler $50, new electric hot water heater $80. 14 cu. ft. Home Freerer $340. Phone 4284. n267 JOHNSON- BRIGG!i-Enterprlesshm. gies for sue. No. as $s.oo. ko. is iiooo. Ph. 8035. &371 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOtrih "SURPLUS STORE. 1151 HOYT ST. FOLDING METAL CHAIRS, new ship ment, $3.00. Burl walnut conference tables or bar tops 2'8"x9'6". mahogany finish. $45.00. 4-drawer metal filing cabinets, $59.50. Bunk beds end mat tresses. Kitchen sinks and wash basins. Short rain jackets. Navy 1 cu. ft. safes. Special on electr water heaters. Elec tric heaters. House wire fuse boxes, outlets, switches, entrance cable, rango cable. Flying suits for flying or gooe hunting, extra warm. Machinery paint 40c qt. Oil circulators, 2 drawer of Iice desks, $25.00. Hoyt St., 1 block E. of S. 12th. Ph. 7916. nJ67" LARGEOIL CIRCULATOR, stove Pipes and barrel 165.00. 7l2x8,-J rug, excellent con dition $20.00 Phone 8649. n265 PIANOS, select your Christmas piano now. Investigate Tallman's Christmas lay away plan Fine selection of spinets and rebuilt pianos. Easy payments to meet your needs. Tallman's Piano Factory Store. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. n265 GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel At drag-line excavating WALL LNG SAND At GRAVEL CO Ph 8561. SEWING MACHINES, repaired, botight, rental. W Davenport. Ph 7671 Work guaranteed n2fi6 RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. SALEM SAND At GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental IS B yds 12 00 per nr. 10 B- yds. 9 60 pet nr. D-7 Cat ft Dozer 9 60 per nr. D-fl Cat At Dorer 8 40 pet nr. D- Cat St Dorer 7 00 per nr. Phone Days 84?8 Evenings 8216 or 24400 Salem Oregon b WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: GAS rirculator heater. Call at 2362 N. Front. Sunset Donut Co. or Ph. 24737. na266 WANTED For storage, an electric stove. Will give good care. Ph. 8145. na265 WA NTE D TO BrYo7Ycnf electric sew ing machine. Portable or table mod'I. na265 WANTED Sewing machine: any condi tion. PhJ2j51I. 534 N. Liberty. na266 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags all kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 23136. na.277 WANTED Fir Plywood Immediately All varieties desirable Attention: Mills, Wholesalers. Brokers Will pay Sight Draft or Letter of Credit. Money waiting. Phone University 3-5700 or wire offer to Mr P L Stevens. Purchasing Agent, 15480 Wyoming, Detroit 31, Michigan. na' OIL CIRCULATORS BOUGHT, sold exchanged and repalr-d. Phone 6072. na271 USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185 PERSONAL R E A DIN C. . kno w 1 1 1 et r u ihT2 3 6 1P 267 PSYCHIC Life Reader tells your past as you alone know it; your present as It is; your future as It will be North ot Salem on Highway 99 at Stort7 Ave. Howard Trailer park at city limits pJflT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O Box I?4 P276 AUTOMOBILES '37 PONTIAC 2-dr. for sale ortrade. cylinders. Perfect condition. Prefer model A sedan trade In. R. C. Watkins, 540 Shady Lane. q67 tsto FORD 4 door tour, sedan. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State. q266 BY OWNER, 38 Bulck .speciafcoupe new tranamitsion, motor overhauled. Radio and heater. Sealed beam headlights. Weeknites 7 to 9 p.m., 622 N. High, or phone 4522 days. q267" T939 PLlMOUTHsedanrVery good7 Mr Call's Used Cars. 1297 Stale. q36R 1917 FORD sedan, $400.00 in extras. 1600 miles $2495 1947 Bnlck super sedan. 2700 mi. .. 3195 1941 Chev. sedan. RAH, clean .... 1395 1941 Chev. conv., RA:H, new top .. 1495 1941 Ford sedan, RA:H 1295 1940 Bulck 5 pass., RAzH 1350 1937 Bulck sedan 6.95 1937 Plymouth sedan fiS 19.17 Packard coupe, R&H 695 1935 Ford coupe, RAiH 445 1935 Chevrolet rnupe 375 SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12lh St., Salem, Ore. Ph. 36639. 0.267 1938 HUDSON sedan, c!eanthroughout'. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 Slate. q26B FOR SALE: 1935 Hudson starter ' $5.00. Good cond. 1775 N. Front. Ph. 3265. q265 18 SB FORD 4 door tour, sedan. McCaH's Used Cars. 1297 State. q26 '46 W HI 7.ZE rT"i a i r c onHlori7"Ne"ed col Is. Rt. 2, Box 161. J. H. Baldwin, l!s miles west of Keizer school. o267 19.1 BUICK sedan. A very good car. Mc Calls Used Cars. 1297 State. q26R 1947 D O D G E '. ir on panelPh. 35387q267 '35 FORD Touring, new top Ar curtains, cut down. '40 motor, hydraulic brakes. 2347 Breyman. Ph. 4567. q267 P RTV A T E O W N E R4 7 Ponti ar seri a n -ette streamliner. Like new. Will con sider "40 or '41 five passenger coupe in trade. 636 N. Front. Between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. q267 ;30 CHl:v7"TRrCKAll good rubber, $2757 Call 5966 after 6 p.m. q267 35 RF.oTRUCKoori condition; Seal Beam lights. Price $325. William Poole. Route 6. Box 273T. q267 '37 BUlckT SPEcTal 4 drTscdan. R H; clean. 296 Park ave. Ph. 21992. q267- 1941 OLDS 78 Deluxe sedan; hydra-ma-tic drive; radio and heater. 1941 OLDS 66 Sedan: heater. 104'J CHAMPION Studehaker 3 passenger coupe: over drive, radio A- heater. 19IB FORD Deluxe 2 door sedan; radio Ai heater, 2 USED Cushman motor scooters, mod els 52 and 54. 1911 CHEV. Special Deluxe sedan; radio and heater. Terms and Trades LODER BROS. Olds A- Cushman Motor Scooterv Salem Ore. Phone 6133. q267 34 CHEVROLET Master 4d-r., new paint, seat covers, heater. $350. 2209 Mill. 268 41 CHEV. coupe, exe. cond.. extras. Own-' i er T. J. Bernins, Mt. Angel. Ph. Blk. 79. q267 I 1936 DODGE. Good condition. Ph. 25112 or Route 9, Box 148. q26B 1 93 7P LY MO U T Hc lean. P lKne2-l 416. q267 1931 FORD coupe, good cond. Phone 8162 after 6 p.m. q268 l!)3R STUDEBAKER Commander, good con- dition. New tires, R. A; H. No dealers. Phone 5697. q268 19$7 DODGE 1-ton pickup. Approx." 4000 miles. Will sell at list price. Norman Pfafflnger. 5 ml. E. of Woodburn. q26B '36 FORD VB, new motor, good rubber. 991 Mill. q269 '3? CHEV. 2 dr. New tires, good motor. Price $650. Ph. 34249 3636 Slate St. qJB,', '41 G.M.C. Dump truck, 5 yds. Dayton, Rt. 1, Lien Bros. Garage. q268 '35 PONTIAC 3 dr. sedan. Good condi tion. New paint, good motor, rubber, heater. Will sell Imm. lor cash. Route 2. Box 390A. q268 '37 HUDSON club coupe. Can be aeen Donsley Motor Service, 895 N. Liberty. High offer takes it. q265 '40 PA C K ARDfl0 modeXradio7 fcnearer. First class cond. Call between 6 and 7. 1145 Hood. Ph. 24046. q265 I93t OLDSMOB1LE, new motor. 1935 Ford, new motor and 4 new tires. 3855 Market Ave. near Pen 4 Corners. q265 '39 STUDE. 4-dr. Sedan. Champion, R.H. Original owner 90 rubber. Very god condition. 1715 Yew St. q269 fRAILERlTs"oo. Ph. 2532"! q26J w7e3s"TErj lite model car. Any make. Ph. 26639 before 6 p.m. FOR SALE: New TD14 Int. with widei tracks, new Ollter NG C let rat D:ck Phelps. Milford Center, Ohio. q36 WANTED USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOO WHAT rrs worth. ANDERSON DSED CARS 24e) CENTER ST. PHONE 3734. '36 FORD panel, good condition 339 S3 Cs '11 (Continued on Page 19)