2 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Oct. 22. 1947 Parish Offers Fall Festival Woodburn St. Luke's Parish will interrupt the fall card party series to present an evening fes tival in the hall Sunday evening starting at 8:15 o'clock. Games will be played throughout the evening with merchandise and other awards. Refreshments will be served. The Woodburn Catholic Daughters will be in charge of the refreshments, with Mrs Rose Aicher, Mrs. Alfred Halter and Mrs. Fred Schindler as co chairmen. The games will be under the direction of the Knights of Columbus, with Frank Nathman and Charles Smith in charge. These men will assist at the evening festi val: Jos. S. Aicher, Ned Uffcl man, Bob Miller, John McNully, Albert McNulty, Joseph Kirsch, Pat McCormick, Paul Halter, Albert McCormick, Tony Zas- toupil and Corn Donnelly. At the card social last Sunday evening, E. J. Manning, Mrs. M J. Opitz, and Mrs. Gertrude Jen sen were the winners at the 13- tables of "500." At the 12 pino chle tables, Mrs. Albert Snyder, Fritz Geschwill and J. H. Kirk wood won the awards. Special prizes went to Mrs. A. Cacka Jr., and Earl Manning. Teachers Are Placed By College Bureau Oregon College of Education, Monmouth The Oregon College of Education placement service announces that all this years graduates who wished to teach had a wide choice of positions and were placed early in the season. In addition nearly 100 former sturints used the service to secure better positions. The Oregon College of Education conducts the placement service to assist its graduates in finding positions suited to their abilities. This year calls for teachers for the elementary and junior high schools came from all parts of Oregon as well as from neigh boring states. Calls for teachers in special fields were numerous especially in music. Three Links Club Guest Kaeppeli Home Turner The Three Link club held its regular October meet ing at the country home of Mrs. Rose Kaeppeli. Those present were Edith Waldrop, Hester Crume, Vera Waller, Nellie Hamilton, Lucelle Harris, Nora Robertson and Rose Kaeppeli and Albert Kaeppeli. A no-host dinner was served and the after noon wai spent with a business meeting and working on a quilt. Officers Elected By Sunshine Club Donald The first fall meeting of the Donald Sunshine club was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Gienelli. Elinor Trindle, Marion coun ty home demonstration agent, demonstrated "pressure sauce pans." A lunch prepared in the cooker was served at noon. At 1:30 o'clock the meeting was called to order by Mrs. Ruby Conyne, president. Elected new officers for ensuing year were Mrs. Conyne, president; Mrs. Driever, vice president; Mrs. Whitsett, secretary and treasur er. The next meeting will be held Oct. 28 at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Bekcbrede. Gervais Group Meets Gervais The Clara Jones missionary society met in the social hall of the Presbyterian church for the regular meeting Fourteen members were pres ent and Mrs. J. K. Wallers was a special guest. Mrs. R. S. Mar shal led the devotional, Mrs Clara Jones had the book of prayer and Mrs. J. R. Brown was assisted with the topic by other members. Mrs. B. Burner and Mrs. E. Hanes served re freshments at the close of the meeting. MfWJJ A Itcsl Seller I W T T 1 Becomes A Best Picture GEORGE HIT. NO. 2 Woodburn Rotarians Hear Psychologist Woodburn William H. Bo- lander, psychologist at the Ore gon State Training school, was the guest speaker at the Wood burn Rotary club. He talked on psychology and how it fits in with the work at the tram ing school. Lyman H. Shorey gave a talk on his recent eastern trip and told of seeing Floyd (Bill) Bev- ens in his famous game. M. D. Woolley gave a report on the community chest campaign and asked club members to assist in putting it over. Independence Adds Two Grade Teachers Independ ence Two new teachers have been added to the grade school faculty due to res ignations. Mrs. Maxine Eng blom was forced to resign as fourth grade teacher because of ill health. This position has been filled by Mrs. Bertha Humph rcy of Salem. Mrs. Humphrey received her training in Iowa having received both her bache lor's and master's degree there. In addition to this training she has had 15 years' experience teaching in teachers colleges in that state. This last summer she taught at the Oregon College of Education. Mrs. Beck who taught the fifth and sixth grades also re signed and Mrs. Everett Van- Maancn has been hired to take her place. Mrs. Van Maanen is a graduate of the Northern State Teachers college at Aberdeen S. D. She has also had addi tional training at Colorado State Teachers college at Greeley Mrs. VanMaanen taught for six years in South Dakota and the past two years at Monterey, Calif. The VanMaanens live in Independence. Hubbard A "fall festival" will be held by the St. Agnes Alter society of Hubbard Friday, Noverber 7 8 p.m., at the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piper arc in Klamath Falls where he studying to become a chef at the Oregon vocational school. New owners of the Hubbard Bar-B-Q are Al Krenz and Carl Hale. They took over from the former owners, O. M. and Mar ian Painter Wednesday. The Painters expect to leave soon on a vacation trip to California for a few weeks. The Hubbard Cemetery asso ciation will held a meeting Sat urday, October 25, at the Hub bard Hardware store. Mrs. Clarence Sherman has left by bus for California taking her grandson Eddie with her. She will go to Oakland and then on to Los Angeles for an indefi nite stay. Falls CityMr. and Mrs. Wil lis Frink entertained at their country home with a demonstra tion dinner at 7 o'clock. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Graham, Miss Darlene Rancoe and Grant B'rink. L HAL WALLIS i 1 1 JrSs V.U Y.A 3. JF jNfrV W daughter.. .a notorious ? J kii' 1 I iti Ann V W gambler who came . 1 1 7Ssf t u i- 'la Ji A h H 1 between them! ; ASTOR COREY tr C W I n,rf bv LEWIS ALLEN '"w'"''' X N 7 STARTS TODAY!! IJiM.'lKHHVliMVlJtHl.lA'.'lHTt'll.lMTnm Campus Invites Monmouth Dads Oregon College of Education, Monmouth Dad will be honor ed Friday, October 24, and Sat urday, October 25, on the Ore gon College of Education cam pus in the first annual Dad's week-end. Friday night the OCE Wolves will play Vanport col lege on the stadium field grid iron. After the game a Dad's dance will be held in "Rec" hall. Saturday morning the dads will register, will go on a tour of the campus, and will have lunch served to them in Jessica Todd hall. Following the lunch the dads will meet in the Physi cal Education building to or ganize and elect officers. Aft er dinner served in Todd hall the dads will be entertained in Campbell hall with a perform ance by Miss Dorothy Crawford, "The One-Woman Theater." Among the dads from Salem who have said they will attend Dads' week-end at OCE are B. A. Hilfiker, route 9, and R. Reynolds, 750 N. Capitol street. Silverton Mrs. H. R. Irish, for many years a local resident, was visit ing friends here for several days during the week from her home in Eugene. The auxiliary of the Lions club will serve a ham dinner to the members of the families this evening, at the Legion hall at 6:30 o'clock. Special musical entertainment will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans are on a two weeks' tour of sou thern and southwestern states on vacation. The Junior Woman's club meets with the president, Mrs. W. B. Starkey Tuesday eve ning. Jerry Van Gorder, foster son of the B. R. Piglers who was shot in an eye by a paper clip from a sling shot in the hands of a morning paper carrier, has entirely lost sight of one eye with the complete results not determined until an infection is cleared up, it was reported by the boy's family Tuesday. Lodges at Lebanon Observe Homecoming Lebanon Odd Fellows and Rcbckahs are observing their annual homecoming event with a social evening at the IOOF hall Thursday. There will be games, cards, a program and refresh ments. On Tuesday, Oct. 28, Pearl Rebekahs will conduct in itiation. The Monday night pre ceding lodge will be devoted to staff practice at the hall. Study Courses Start Silverton Mrs. L. B. Schar- back, leader of the Bethany club division of educational discus sions from the study of "The Mass," a course outlined by St. Paul's Catholic church, will open her home to members of her group Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Several other divisions of groups have begun their course study for the coming year s programs and entertain ment hours. Falls City Mrs. Bill Poland have left for California to visit her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Al Groll of Portland were callers at the home of Claude's mother, Mrs. Katie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Frink of Eugene were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hicks. Mrs. Anna Short of Salem was a house guest at the Leslie Grip- pin home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Durfee of Brideport visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Burbank. Lloyd Heacock of Oakridge was calling on friends Monday. Mrs. Ella Wells has left for her home in Ohio. Carol Reynolds of Portland was calling on friends Monday. Fourth Safe Prowl Reported at Albany Albany Albany's fourth safe robbery within two months was discovered Monday morning at the Nissen Motor Co., Ford agen cy, 121 Lyon street, when it was found that burglars had broken into the garage during the week end but had gained but little loot. Found missing were some tools and $2.26 in cash. Entrance was effected via a rear window. The safe was un damaged as the door had been left open. The local safe robbery epi demic started September 14 with the looting of the Scharpf Broth ers lumber yard safe, the Mc Donald Candy Co., and the Al bany Bowling Lanes safe. In all the four robberies have yielded the perpetrators nearly $1500 cash. Turner Population Officially Set 555 Turner The city population. . according to official count last week, shows 555. On the south there are a number of acres of pasture land of the original sur vey. North of the city is a large addition not included. Attention HALLOWEEN PARTY! Come In Costume Prizes for the Best-Funniest-Scariest There's Be Gamei, Prizes, Fun and Cartoons Plus Our Special Halloween Feature MARGARET O'BRIEN in The Canterville Ghost BRING THE GANG AND GET HERE EARLY! Poor Open HILARIOUS I nnnr HnAH at Q' VhmV KtnftC I '111',! ' " c,t COOPER Churches Plan 50th Jubilee Hubbard The East Willam ette association of Congrega tional Christian churches, which had its origin in Hubbard 50 years ago, will hold its 50th an nual meeting at Eugene Sunday. Walter L. Shrock of Hubbard will be moderator, Rev. Evart P. Borden. Ashland will be reg ister arid Rev. Wesley G. Nichol son, Eugene, will be entertain ing minister. The meeting will be called to order at 3 o'clock with worship, business session, roll call and addresses by young people on assigned aspects of the subject, "A Sense of New Mission and a New Sense of Mission," a statement by S u p t. Dr. Paul Davies on 'The Merger' follow ed by a vote on the same and intermission. Evening meeting will begin at 6:45 o'clock with election of officers and conference reports, evening worship, first speaker Rev. Hugo Becker, Portland, followed by an offering for as sociation expenses; second speaker, Dr. Andrew Vance Mc- Cracken, editor of the Mission ary Herald, New York City. . Delegates from Hubbard are Mrs. Levi Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shrock. There are 18 churches in the association. Cousins Are Together After Long Separation Unionvale Mrs. L u c i n d a Countiss and grandson Donald Brown, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arno Brown of Portland. The dinner honored as special guests cousins of Mrs. Countiss, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Harley of Wyndale, Va., and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harley of Abing don, Va., who have been touring the northwest, visiting relatives. Mrs. Countiss had not seen these cousins since she left there- 45 years ago. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lytz of Che halis, Wash., also cousins of Mrs. Countiss and her daughter. ALL RABBITS ! at 9:30; Show Starts 10 COMPANION HIT! COOGAN C5-,u,w.,.,.. ...... -.-iWwafca nib Buena Vista Mrs. Willard Pruitt and Mrs Lindsay Wood attended the county health association meet ing in Rickreall. They report plans were made to have the T. B. Mobile unit come to Inde pendence the first part of De cember. Luther Keith Osborn is visit ing in Williams, Mont., helping is uncle in preparing to move to Oregon, near Philomath, where he will run a dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow returned from their hunting trip without the deer. Mrs. Orrville broke her leg when she fell from the ladder while picking apples. She is in the Salem hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Drazdoff are the parents of a daughter born Monday. This is their sec ond child and both are girls. Name Club Leader Mill City Virginia Vander-1 meer was elected president of! the Mill City high school pep! club which was organized last week for the purpose of improv ing the cheering section at games. Other officers are: Valle da Moberg, vice president; Isa belle Case, secretary; Wanda Vandermeer, treasurer; Mildred Toman, social chairman. OPENS 6:45 I . fifuMiaino m Patricia ROC - HOT CUHICUFl M M 2nd Feature "LITTLE MISS BIG" With Fred Brady - Frank McHugh Fay Holden umnr mini wsii BfianOONLEVY ijWTfTl 1 WMIR "W: I PHONE 3721 OPENS 6:45 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! Now You Can See the True, Thrilling Story of the U.S. Military Football Teams! NEW FIRST RUN CO-HIT! Church Dedication Held at Unionvale Unionvale A gathering esti mated at 150 people attended the dedication services of the new educational unit of the Un ionvale Evangelical United Brethren church in this district held Sunday in conjunction with the annual homecoming and rally day. Special singing was a a feature. Bishop Ira D. Warner, Pomona, Calif., was the speaker for the dedication of the $15,000 project. The special guests from a dis tance besides the speakers in cluded former Pastor Rev. Floyd E. Fisher of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dickover of Silver ton. Autumn flowers in baskets were the decorations. OPENS 6:45 P.M. NOW! (Adults 35c) FUN CO-FEATURE! HOOSIER HOTSHOTS CURTIS Jtff DONNEll K IBB EI CHAPTER THREE! "JESSE JAMES RIDES AGAIN" CARTOON - NEWS - nn iitaaisnsmmtimaam BSk Nevada" r iK&sZc Mitchum I KfyW-x Ann "H0PPY" RIDES THE OUTLAW TRAIL . . . MATCHING BULLET FOR BULLET WITH RUTHLESS GUNMEN! BILL BOYD AMDYCLYDE Evangelical Ladies Aid. Plans Husking Bee Aurora The Ladies' Aid so ciety of the Liberal Evangelical United Brethren church are making extensive plans for the annual corn husking bee, which is a traditional and seasonal fea ture of fall activities in the Lib eral community. Preceding the husking com petition, a home-talent program will be presented. After the husking, refreshments will be provided. The public is invited to attend. MAT. DAILY FROM 1 P.M. NOW! Thrills! fir j wh j j iA whit roid if i tf WA Kit Tarzanlaru" J y"t action co-hit: ends today! (wed.) "curse of ubang!" Charles Storrett "TERROR STREET" The Pigskin SCOOP OF 1947! SEE! The. 'Touchdown Twins' in Action . . . SEE! tke ihrilliitt Armv- JVavy football game! ...the eye-filling H'est Point dance ! ..tht romance along Flirtation ftali! .. tie exciting twins of tanIs I . . . the ifoeetaenlar parades! ...the heroes of the grid iron I m wawimuu W i I 5 I PLUS! LATE j NEWS!4;