Suit Filed on Demo Election Portland, Sept. 22 (1 State Democratic National Committee man Lew Wallace and seven oth er party members have filed suit in circuit court contesting the May 17 election of officers for the democratic state central committee. The complaint asserts the meeting lacked a quorum and rejected valid proxy ballots. The court is asked to nullify the elec tion, declare previous officers to be in office and direct a new election. Byron G. Carney, Milwaukie, was elected state chairman in the May 17 balloting that barred proxies held by Wallace. Harry Carey, Old Time Actor, Dies Hollywood, Sept. 22 (U.R) Harry Carey, 69, one of the few remaining two-gun, steely-eyed movie cowboys who never strummed a guitar or kissed a lady, died from a heart condi tion yesterday. Carey rolled his own cigar ettes in scores of westerns, cut thousands of notches on his trus ty sishootcrs, and always look ed me viuains square in me eye Y He succumbed at his Brent- wuuu iiume duel several monins illness. He was hospitalized Septem ber 10 to 14 from a black widow spider bite, but the hospital said the insect's venom did not con tribute to his death. The Alaskan herd of fur seals is estimated to be worth about $100,000,000. Vlllsr Hurricane Piles Boats, Rubbish Along Biloxi Waterfront Boats and rubbish are piled in a tan gle along the waterfront at Biloxi, Miss., mute evidence of the fury of the hurricane which swept over the area after first ripping across southern Florida. (Ar" wirepnoto) N. E. Drapela to Attend Army School Now wearing the uniform of the U. S. army is Norman E. Drapela, son of Louis Drapela, route 9, box 398, Salem, who ac cording to word received by the local army recruiting office has been accepted for duty with the U. S. Army air forces. Drapela, a Salem high school graduate, was one of those men who took advantage of the "school of your choice" plan that the ar my has for high school gradu ates choosing the school that he f IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL PURPOSE ALL STEEL TRAILERS 6-FOOT BODY SPRINGS AND TIMKIN AXLES Won't Weave at Any Speed Special Price I UT Was $220.00 Bonesteele Sales fir Service, Inc. 370 N. Church St., Salem, Ore. Phone 5281 SALEM ICE ARENA NOW OPEN Evening! 8:00 to 10:30 Saturday and Sunday Afternoon -. . 2:00 to 4:00 Parties and Private Instruction - By Appointment 610 N. Capitol phone 6868 wanted prior to his enlistment. His choice was technical train ing in radio repair and opera tion and following his basic training at McChord field he will be sent to Scott Field, 111., to complete hia technical training. Man Killed in Crash Roseburg, Sept. 22 () Les- ter Leland Munsil, 44, Roseburg, was killed north of here yes terday when the automobile he was driving crashed into a South em Pacific freight train at i Pacific highway crossing. Disloyalty Cases To Be Reviewed Washington, Sept. 22 (U.R) Civil service commission offi cials said today they hope to complete within two weeks the panel of 15 persons who will hear appeals of government workers accused of disloyalty. Under President Truman's loyalty program, special boards of at least three judges will be the last court of appeals for em ployes who are ordered dismiss ed for disloyalty. Civil Service Commissioner Arthur Flemming said the com mission was using "meticulous care" in choosing the panel be cause of the importance of its work. By naming a 15-member panel of judges, he said, the com mission seek3 to avoid giving any one person too heavy a burden. U. S. Agriculture Doubles in Value Chicago, Sept. 22 (Pi Nor man J. Wall, of the bureau of agricultural economics, Wash ington, reported today U. S. ag riculture now is worth more than $111,000,000,000, a little than twice the 1940 figure and an increase of $12,600,000,- 000 in a year. In an address prepared for a conference of the national ag riculture credit committee, Wall Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 22, 1947 3 said agriculture during 1946 showed improvement "all along the line with the single excep tion of its debt, which became larger.' The committee is com posed of representatives of banking, insurance, farm organ izations and the federal govern ment. "But the. debt increase was easily offset by the higher val uations of assets," added Wall, who is head of the bureau's di vision of finance. EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING good selection of New Radios General Electric Crosley Howard MITCHELL'S State at 1 9th Phone 7577 FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE REMEMBER you don't have to work at Farming to SAVE on your Automobile, Truck or Fire Insurance. BILL OSKO 466 Court St. Phone 5661 imPRESSive inCLEANations!s . tu u - 0. VI AND MttO-EVERY ONt Of Oo CAN HITTHt MILLION f " DOLLAR. BRACKET, IF YOuVl JUST SFND VOUR. CLOTHES TO COMMERCIAL TWMfrft IT I I . PICK-UP vJb I PHONE 9448 JffijpjlP.jillllMt BEIIVER1 WMMIMWMMMMMMM J 48 HOUR SERVICE ON ALL DRY CLEANING I .lgW ' Some of Pp Everything he Needs ? --in a glass of 1 Imatolw milkP J It takes a lot of wholesome nutrition to keep ' ' ' ! that young half-back going at top form. Head- 'A ,' ing the list of foods on his diet should be a ,! i ( quart a doy of Mayflower Milk for vitamins, p ' s, ' v minerals and plenty of body building food 1 elements. Order an extra quart today see ' " ' , ' how the whole family enjoys its delicious , .Vcountry-fresh flavor. jgljl At Your Store Or at Your Door ' -s-rf $ ' 2135 Fairgrounds Road Salem Phone 9205 r , , I Reg. $1.98 Seamless Hot Water BOTTLE OO Smooth red rubber finish. 90 oz, capacity. Made of the world's finest crude rubber, and constructed for your greater use. At Fred Meyer Drills Bordens Mull soy 3 for 1. 00 For infant feeding Edna Wallace Hopper Special Offer Save 31c 131 hi fn.P-::l ( Edna Wallace Hop per Twin Treat ment, a $1.20 Value 60c White Clay 60c Homogenized Face Cream Daggett and Ramsdell $3.50 Elorda Eye and Throat Cream 1.00 89 For a petal smooth skin try this fa mous twin treatment. A super B.lky night cream. t'Jet your year's supply today. On salt for a limited time only. At Frtd Mmyr Druga 50c Barbaso L Shave AA maaM Cream 1 -1 Barbassl A Bordens Biolac 5 u. n.oo At Fred Mtyer Drugt 69c Box Rose Garden Soap 3 Boxes $1 .00 5 Bars In a Box Assorted Colors Luxurious colored bath soap. Stock up now at this low price. SOc Mennen't Lather Shave Sweetheart Soap Reg. 8c 321 At Fred Meyer Drum At Fred Mtytt Drugs Fitch's Skin Prep After Shave Lotion 43 W i 1 1 1 whiskf n, giving you a close, clean shave. 47' HeaU tiny t( nicks. 4 Fred Meyer Drug Sofskin Creme 33 59 'eavM your hand loft, tmooth and jovcly at all times. At Fred Meyer Dri'x Regular $1.95 Rex Avenue Compacts 1.00 Metal Cases Enamel Finish Selected Mirrors Choice of Design Choice of Color FreJ M.y.r DruJ Special Introductory Offer Squibb Dental Cream Two Regular 23c Tubes, Both for You save 9c. Satisfaction guaranteed, try this new formula dental cream, if you are not entirely sat Is fied return second'tube and your full purchase price will be refunded. 39e $1.95 Nylon Bristle Hair Brush $1.00 Lucile Back Lucite Handle Choice of Colors Clear, Blue, Crystal fr.d M.yr Drill! $2.00 Tussy Cologne 1,00 A cologne de signed to keep you fresh and sweet from early morn 'til end of day. At Frwd Mtytr Orufff Saval Spaoial Purohasa Briar Pipes 39 Eo. 3 for 1 Larue variety of Bhupes and fin ishes, Add to your collection now at this all-time low price, buy several to put away as Rifts. Made by famous manufactur ers, they sold for years at 41. 00. cm. 200 Cigarettes $1.37 Old Gold. Phli.,. Morris, Cam els and 23 other popular brands at this thrifty price. S2.00 Valua Barkelay Lightir 79c 2 for $1.50 ptnrm-proof tlchtrr, with Imnrovt-il fluid cnmpartm'nt. MKht-wrlKh, with Mark rrarkl. flnlxh. Mall tr fW fHlrrJ. jnntnctt pr'palrt. on or ders ol two or more llEMeri. Tobacco Values Ralsijh, 16 oz., 89e Velvet, 16 oz., 84o Granger, 16 oz., 79o Oeorga Washington, 16 oi,, 69o Edgsworth, 16 oz., SI. 1 9 Revelation, 16 oz., $1.49 Hnme Itrml avrlliible, plur Wrrh lncton 8tl It, at Confrrtlonnrv srrllnn. McLoughlln HrlRht!. Vtn At"rd Mtyr Tobacco Section! erDollarDays Req. $1.20 Box Candy Bars $1.00B27 Your favorite candv bar la in cluded in thin assortment. Buy by the box and save, Have on hand for the kiddles, lunches or in-between-meal snacks. Rag. 69o 0'Brian's Nuttl Brittla or Crystal Lumps, 39o tin, 3 for $1.00 Vnciium p"f-kfd tins to keep thin ronrlv an (refill mi th day It wi; made. Keep neveral linn on hind to line a von nied. Remember, enndv t8 an enerKlzlnn food. Old-Fashionod Chooolata Cremas, 35o lb., 3 $1.00 Tmir favorite candy U back again. Frcrl Meyer Chocolate Minis, lb. 69c Rich creamy blended chocolate filled with mini cream. Hallowasn Tabla Favors and Novaltias from 9o to 59c i. Horn, whlitk. candv filled ta ble favori, candy filled lanterna, etc. Orange and Black Gum Dropi, 35c lb. Orange and Black Jeliy Beam, 35c lb. Llcorict Bridgt Mix, 49c lb. At Frd Mtyr Candy Suttiont 148 NO. LIBERTY ST. Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Fred Meyer 50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia 39 '1.25 SSS Tonic 99' White'i Cod Liver Oil Tablets iocs 98 Spangles Dance Floor Wax 1 Lb. 39' Boraxo For Dirty Hands , 15' 10 Oz. Cashmere Bouquet Soap 12' 2,.r23 Mennen't Borated Talc Antiieptie 43 Wix 5's 12' j 20' 45' $1.00 Fairyfoot Bunion Pads 89 Vaseline Hair Tonic 63' Old Spice Shave Mug $100 Seaforth Deodorant Cologne $100 Elmo Brilliantine 3 oz. $100 Elmo Photo Finish Lipstick $100 Tussy Cream Deodorant 2 ox. $100 Yardlcy Lipstick $100 Max Factor Lipstick $100 Chen Yu Lipstick $100 Breck Hair Lotion $100 At rJ .,.r O-ofl