Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 22, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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    ritain Rebukes
Russian Policy
Of Opposition
kNeil Warns That if
Soviet Persists, Peace
)f World Will Collapse
V.uj Vnrk. Sent. 22 (PI Brit.
Lin warned tndav that If the So
viet Union uersistcd in Irvine to
force its own will upon the world
the unstable peace of tne world
will crumble and crash" with
'hideous consequences."
British Minister of Stale Hec
tor McNeil delivered this warn
ing before the United Nations as
sembly in a 6600-word basic pol
icy statement for the United
He vigorously attacked Russia
and at the same time appealed to
Moscow to drop what he called
its inflexible and unyielding at
titude on world problems.
Vishinsky Censured
McNeil ridiculed the charges
of Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky
that there is "war-mongering" in
the United States. McNeil called
jyishinsky's attack "a comedy
He then denied Vishinskys'
charges that the Marshall plan
for economic aid to Europe
threatened the sovereignty of
any country, and accused Russia
of obstructing atomic control
and paralyzing the security
council by her 20 vetoes.
McNeil was in an affable mood
before making his speech. He
chatted and laughed with Vishin
sky, and sat for a moment on the
arm of the chief Soviet delegate's
chair with his arm about Vishin
sky's shoulder.
Syria Protests on Palestine
After hearing today's opening
speaker, Faris El Khoury of
Syria, deliver a vigorous at
tack on the plan to divide Pales
tine into separate Jewish and
Arab countries a plan which
the British cabinet is reported
ready to support McNeil took
the rostrum.
He prefaced his prepared
speecn Dy saying mai ine assem-a
. , .
bly would not expect him to fol
low El Khoury's Arab-country
line and go into the Palestine
question in detail. It was noted,
in fact, that McNeil's text con
tained no reference to the Pales
tine question.
The Soviet delegation listened
attentively as McNeil launched
Into his attack. Vishinsky ap
peared to be jotting, down notes.
"Russia's No. 2 delegate, Andrei
A. Gromyko, kept, his eyes fixed
on the speaker.
Secretary of State Marshall
was In Washington, conferring
with the president but the other
American delegates, headed by
Warren R. Austin, were present.
(Concluded on Par IS, Column 6)
Soviet Press
London, Sept. 22 (U.R) Radio
Moscow poured out a flood of
propaganda, against the United
States and its newspapers today,
and the Soviet army's newspa
per in Berlin advised Americans
to reflect upon what Russia did
to the nazis.
The Russian radio tirade,
which began yesterday, was peg
ged generally upon the United
Nations general assembly meet
ing and especially upon Ameri
can reaction to Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister Andrei Vishin
sky s speech against the United
States Thursday.
American newspapers, radio
Moscow said, quoting a Tass
agency dispatch, were "resorting
to vulgar abuse and personal at
tack-'.V members of the Soviet
delegation, impudently disre
garding the rules of elementary
It said the speech had enraged
the commentators of most Amer
ican newspapers, which are
"controlled by large monopo
lies." The commentators, radio
Moscow said, were "unable to
disprove the essence of his (Vi
shinsky's) accusations."
The New York newspaper PM,
radio Moscow said, "recognized
the justice of a number of state
ments by the head of the Soviet
The Soviet army's German
language newspaper, Taegliche
Rundschau of Berlin, said it
would be a mistake for Ameri
cans who want to make war on
Russia to believe that it would
be won in advance.
The Weather
(Released by United States
, Weather Bureau)
Forecast for Salem and Vicin
ity: Fair tonight and Tuesday
with little change In tempera
ture. Lowest temperature to
night, near 50 degrees; highest
Tuesday, near 80. Weather will
be favorable for all farm work.
Maximum yesterday 83. Mini
mum today 52. Mean tempera
ture yesterday 70 which was 10
above normal. Total 24-hour
precipitation to 11:30 a.m. to
day .00. Total precipitation for
the month 1.01 which is .01 of
an inch above normal. Willam
ette river height Monday morn
ing. -3.8 feet.
58th Year, No. 226
Oregon Schools
Got $2 Million
War Surplus
By James D. Olson
Property valued at $2,160,-
826.44 has been donated to Ore
gon school districts and educa
tional institutions by the army
and navy during the past six
months according to George K.
Aiken, state budget director.
In addition the state has pur
chased goods from war assets
administration valued at $185,
S04 which was obtained at a cost
of $61,200.23 and resold to vari
ous state departments as well
as to school districts.
The material and equipment
donated and purchased for the
figures quoted was handled by
the state educational agency for
surplus property, a department
created by the last legislature.
This agency was given a revolv
ing fund of $165,000 to be used
in the purchase of property but
90 percent of this fund will be
recovered, according to the bud
get director when payment is
made by the various purchasers.
Only a Portion
'The property purchased by
the agency" said Aiken "repre
sents only a portion of the pur
chase made ' by state agencies.
Several of the institutions of
higher education have made in
dependent purchases and some
state departments have dealt di
rectly with the war assets com
mission or the army and navy,
thus obtaining property valued
in excess of a million dollars at
only a fraction of its true value."
An Indication of the benefits
derived through purchase of sur
plus property is shown in the re-
nnrt of the stfpnrv fnr Anffnst.
i' " ' "
wnen property valued at $66,-
945.67 was sold to school dis
tricts in the state for $8,062.07.
Recently an X-ray machine of
the latest type, valued at $6,000
which had been scorched by a
fire at Oregon shipyards, was
purchased for Fairview home for
Variety of Equipment
"This machine was complete
with, the exception- of a table
which will be purchased giving
this institution modern X-ray
facilities at an extremely low
cost, Aiken said.
Purchases made for school
district includes a large variety
of equipment and supplies al-
tnougn tne greatest part was
equipment for use in vocational
training. Such equipment has
included air compressors, gas
engines, all sorts of drill presses
and a wide variety of similar
Many of the schools have been
equipped with cafeteria equip
ment through purchases and do
nations in the program.
Before the property becomes
unavailable Aiken believes that
the state will acquire more than
$3,000,000 of property from
WAA and donations from the
army and navy.
Snell Opens Salmon
Derby af Waldport
Waldport, Sept. 22 (IP) The
annual Waldport salmon derby
was underway here today.
Governor Snell opened the
contest officially Saturday night
with a banquet address to wel
come out-of-state visitors and a
group of Hollywood stars.
Snell told the dinner group e
believed the people of Oregon
would be pleased if one day
Governor Earl Warren of Cal
ifornia should be president of
the United States.
Threat of Midwest Frosts
Sends Grain Prices Up
(By tht Axsoeittfd Prut)
A threat of frost and wheat buying by millers reversed the pro
tracted slump in grain prices at the Chicago board of trade today,
but wholesale butter and egg prices continued their downward
trend. Livestock prices, which:
also moved lower last week,
were mixed at Chicago and
other markets.
The exchanges and wholesale
commodities. price levels, which
moved generally lower last
week, were watched for an indi
cation of whether a turning point
in tne record high cost of living
had been reached.
Meanwhile, there were these
other developments:
At a 16-nation conference in
Paris, western Europe pledged a
program of self-help and re
quested $19,330,000,000 under a
four-year Marshall plan to avert
economic " catastrophe." The
conference envisaged, as part of
its self-help plan, grain produc
tion on a prewar basis, with in
creases above prewar standards
in potatoes, sugar, oils and fats.
A cabinet food committee in
Washington agreed on what fu
apital A Journal
,';.r;d.,"B.;.To,.y.? Salem,
13 in Hospital
From Chlorine
Gas Poisoning
Mine city firemen, three em
ployes of the paper mill and one
railroad man are in the hospital
for observation and treatment
for fumes received shortly be
fore 8 o'clock Monday morn
inr when a freight car jumped
the tracks and drove a tank car
filled with chlorine into a stor
age shed at the Oregon Pulp
ana raper mm.
The impact broke the valve
on the tanker, liberating the
deadly gas which almost trap
ped six men working in a base
ment beneath the shed. None
are believed seriously injured
and several others were releas
ed shortly after being received
by the hospitals. About 40 re
ceived mild doses of chlorine
The accident virtually inac-
tivated the entire headquarters
battalion of the fire department
on duty at the city hall, only one
of the 15 men answering the call
escaping the fumes.
All firemen suffering from the
gas and several others were
given first aid at the fire sta
tion, "shots" being administer
ed by a physician and nurse to
relieve irritation and most of
them given oxygen in varying
amounts to help clear their
No warning was given the
firemen of the nature of the ac
cident and they were effected
by the fumes before there was
an opportunity to don masks.
All remained in service until
the gas was under control. The
first aid car and an ambulance
took them to the hospital or
home after they were treated.
Cause of Accident
The accident occurred when
an Oregon Electric switch en-
gine and a crew were engaged
in moving a car loaded with
sulphur to a siding near the stor
age shed. According to wit
nesses, the crew failed to throw
a switch, derailing the boxcar
and sending it into a small hand
car and the tank car loaded with
chlorine. The tanker was driven
lnto the storage shed, shoving
the building six feet off its
foundation. Six men who were
almost trapped held their breath
until they escaped into the fresh
air outside.
(Concluded on Page 13, Column 1)
Cold Wave Hits
Middle West
(By Uii United Frni)
A mass of cool air moved
across the nation today sending
temperatures tumbling to their
lowest marks this fall.
The U. S. weather bureau at
Chicago said the cool air, blow
ing down from Canada, would
push Into the east coast late to
day. The weather dropped the tem
peratures into the 20s in the
Dakotas, some parts of Minne
sota and northern Wisconsin
and in the northern part of
Iowa. At Chicago, the mercury
dipped to 42 degrees.
Killing frosts were reported
in some parts of the Dakotas,
northern Wisconsin and north
ern Minnesota, the weather bu
reau said.
The lowest temperature was
recorded at Aberdeen, S. D.
where a low of 20 degrees was
recorded. The temperatures be
gan dropping yesterday after
the whip-end of the hurricane
that hit Florida and the Gulf
coast lashed rain into the mid
west. By morning the cool wave
blanketed the central states,
ture food exports to recommend
to President Truman. Secretary
of Agriculture Anderson, who
announced the agreement, de
clined to give out details. The
committee planned to see the
president later in the day.
Mrs. Helen S. Cohen, chair
man of the Flatbush (Brooklyn)
Consumers and Tenants council,
told a joint congressional sub
committee in New York that
"Americans are not eating be
cause speculators in the basic
food markets are making mil
lions." The subcommittee is in
vestigating high living costs.
Wholesale butter dropped as
much as two cents a pound in
New York and two and a half
cents at Chicago. Wholesale eggs
were unchanged to two cents a
dozen lower in Chicago and
down as much as four cents on
top grades in New York.
Oregon, Monday, September 22, 1947
First link of the new North Santiam highway is now completed and the four mile section be
tween Gates and Niagara is open to traffic. Shown above is a scenic site on the new route
with easy grades, safe curves and a roadbed 22 feet wide. Lower view shows some 10,000 tons
of rock - hear Lakewood shattered by a 3250 pound charge of dynamite. Here the roadbed
for the new highway and railroad is being "bla's,tedif"6TT"fbcTif precipice that towers above
the new North Santiam highway being constructed to Detroit.
. .
Blast Shatters 10,000
Tons on Santiam Road
By Ben Maxwell ,
First completed section of the new North Santiam highway, a
four mile stretch between Gates and Niagara, is now open for
traffic and the oiled, 22-foot roadbed with easy grades and safe
curves is suggestive of what may be expected when the entire
job of construction and realignment is completed some 18 months
hence. Kuckenberg Construction?
company of Portland, builders of
the new road, started work here
in May of last year. Although
the new road is entirely safe
for traffic at moderate speed
high speed is hazardous because
soft spots are certain to appear
and heavy construction machin
ery is using the road at all
Now Kuckenberg is at work
on a 10 mile section eastward
towards Detroit. Here they will
encounter some of the roughes
construction yet undertaken in
building Oregon's highways. On
Saturday morning a charge of
65 cases of 40 percent dyna
mite, a total of 3250 pounds,
was loaded in 72 holes and de
tonated to shatter 10,000 tons
of hard rock near Lakewood.
This blast removed rock needed
for both ttie highway and rail
road roadbed and provided ma
terial essential for fills. A few
hours later another heavy blast
was fired at Sardine creek, a
mile eastward. Work in this
sector is being done under di
rection of the public roads ad
ministration, builders of high
ways for the forest service and
other agencies.
Construction east of Lake
wood is additionally difficult
because the contractor must pre
serve the tortuous old road
above the new route and the
railroad at or near the same
level. Blasts are carefully cal
culated in order that none of
the existing facilities may be
blocked longer than necessary.
Some 200 men are employed by
the contractor in this region and
the number will not be materi
ally decreased during winter
months. Inclement weather is
not expected to seriously inter
fere with rough work through
rock. Equipment in use at
present consists of nine dump
sters, six trucks, 17 tractors, two
blades and six shovels.
Bleacher Fire Fatal
Portland, Sept. 22 (Pi Leroy
O. Lewis, 54, Cottage Grove,
collapsed in the bleacher seats
at Vaughn street ball park here
Saturday during the Portland
Oakland game and was pro
nounced dead on arriving at a
hospital. The coroner's office
attributed death to heart attack.
No Patents on
Atomic Bomb
Washington, Sept. 22 (Pi
The atomic energy commission's
patent advisory panel doesn't
want this country to apply for
a patent on the A-bomb of any
other type of atomic weapon.
To do so, the panel said in a
week-end report, would "en
large" the chance of secrets
leaking out.
Noting that the atomic ener
gy act of 1946 gives the govern
ment exclusive control over in
ventions in the nuclear fission
field, the panel said that when
applications for patents are
made, they are placed in patent
office files to remain there for
as long as 20 years.
The report disclosed that some
5,500 invention records submit
ted by scientists and others who
worked on the A-bomb project
have been studied and that 2,300
have been recommended for fil
ing with the patent office.
Under the law, the govern
ment may pay royalties or other
compensation for inventions
taken over by the commission.
Hot Spell Ushers
In Oregon Autumn
Portland, Sept. 22 (P)--Au-tumn
begins officially at 4:29
p.m. tomorrow, but nobody, ad
mitted the weather bureau,
would know it.
The mercury zoomed to 100
degrees at North Dalles yester
day. Portland had the hottest
day of the entire summer, 92
degrees. The usually cool beach
resort of Newport recorded 94
degrees, and so did coastal
The forecast is for even more
of the same. The weather bu
reau expected even hotter tem
peratures this afternoon, and
warned that dry east winds and
falling humidities will bring
acute fire danger. Many logging
operations were expected to
close today.
"k Price Five Cents
quo 'aNaona I
33aoSn oso.-
Kingston Fire
Fatal to Woman
Stayton, Sept. 22 A body be
lieved to be that of Mrs. Clar
ence Murphy, about 43, was
found in the ruins of the old
Kingston store building at Kings
ton Monday morning, following
a fire which destroyed the build
ing about 7:30 Sunday night.
The discovery was mode by
Bruce Westerberg, her son, who
lives in a trailor house near
Sheriff Miller of Linn coun
ty has taken charge. The Stay-
ton fire department responded
to the alarm and farmers car
ried water in milk cans to fight
the fire. At that time it was
believed nobody was in the
building, used as a residence by
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mur
phy. Murphy had gone to the coast
and it was supposed that Mrs.
Murphy had accompanied him
The fire which brought many
people to the scene and created
much excitement, was reported
by Mrs. Louise Gassner, who
lived nearby. Loss of building
and furnishings was estimated
at $5000.
Tavern Owners to Meet
Portland. Sept. 22 Wl The
Oregon Tavern Owners associa
tion will convene here tomor
row and Wednesday.
Pilotless Army Plane
Crosses Atlantic to England
Waehinelnn. SeDt. 22 (IP) The United States air force announc
ed that a four-engined C-54
the first transatlantic flight in
trols. The transport took off
from Slephensville, Newfound
land, at 2 p.m. PST, yesterday
and 10 hours and 15 minutes
later landed at Brise Norton,
40 miles west of London.
The completely automatic
flight was computed at 2400
miles. It was an experiment by
the air force.
The plane, which is assigned
to the all-weather flying divi
sion at Wilmington, O., carried a
total of 15 men including an
emergency crew of nine but no
human hand touched the con
trols on the entire flight, the air
force said. It received its in
formation from the American
embassy in England.
The flight was accomplished
by self-controlled pre-sct mech
anism. No "mother ship ac
companied the plane.
As a first phase of the experi
ment, the plane was flown in
Europe Seeking
$19.3 Billions
Under Aid Plan
16 Nations Map Needs
Under Marshall Pro
gram for Recovery
Paris, Sept. 22 OT The 16
nations seeking Marshall plan
aid said today the American
people must decide whether Eu
rope can recover, and set the
price at $19,330,000,000 for the
years 1938 through 1951.
The alternative, they said, is
Italy's foreign minister said
that nation would have a re
volution in two or three months
unless the Italian people get
Representatives of the west
ern European nations, winding
up their -Russian - boycotted
meetings, signed a report pledg-
ig themselves to a program of
self-help but declaring:
Depend Upon U. S.
"In the last analysis the ex
ternal means of recovery can in
the largest measure come only
from the United States, which
has by its assistance in the last
two years already rescued Eu
rope from collapse and chaos.
. The American people,
throuKh their government and
their congress, will consider
this program and determine
whether the means can be found
of .supplying those needs. On
their decision will depend whe
ther Europe can achieve eco
nomic stability and thereby be
enabled to make her full con
tribution to the welfare of the
The conferees, who whipped
their report into shape after re
ceiving many suggestions from
William L. Clayton, U. S. un
dersecretary of state, said the 16
nations would need approxi
mately $35,000,000,000 in goods
from the western hemisphere in
the four years.
(Concluded on Pate 13, Column 5)
Food Report
Given Truman
Washington, Sept. 22 W
President Truman got a report
on the food situation at home
and abroad and recommenda
tions on what America should
do about it from a cabinet food
committee today but not action
was in sight for days.
Secretary of Agriculture An
derson said a special session of
congress was not even discussed
when the food committee saw
Mr. Truman.
But that did not rule out the
possibility that Secretary of
State Marshall had talked over
a separate conference with
Mr. Truman the advisability of
calling congress back ahead of
time, or that it was aiscussea
at a cabinet luncheon meeting.
Both Marshall and Anderson
are on the food committee along
with Secretary of Commerce
After a While House meeting
at which various departmental
t'nder secretaries sat in, Ander
son told reporters:
"A report has been handed to
the president on the food situa
tion generally and there h a ;
been a discussion with him, as
well as on certain recommenda
tions. He naturally, will take
the report and study it and we
xpect there will be comment c i
it some time in three or four
To a question whether "vo'.
tarv rationing" was discussed
Anderson said he didn't "think
it is proper for us to get into
v-t at all."
Wests Golden Wedding
Portland. Sept. 22 Wj Ex-
Governor Oswald West, who
headed this state from 1911 to
1915, and his wife, the former
Mabel Hutton of Salem, cele
brated their golden wedding
anniversary here today.
Skymaster plane today completed
history without a pilot at me con
this manner a few months ago
from Muroc, Calif., to Wilming
ton, Ohio.
The transatlantic flight was
commanded by Col. James M.
Gillespie, Wilmington, Ohio,
chief of the all-weather flying
division. Five observers were
aboard, representing other air
force offices, the Royal air force
and the Spcrry Gyroscope com
pany. The plane carried about 3,700
gallons of fuel.
An air force authority de
scribed this successful experi
ment to reporters as a practical
demonstration of the possibility
of "push button flying."
It means in warfare that
loaded bombers could be sent
over targets without pilots
aboard, he said. In commercial
flying it might mean that cargo
planes could be sent automat
ically to destinations.
New Storm in
Gulf Moves on
South Florida
Winds Up to 60 MPH
With Rainlaced Squalls
Lash Coast
New Orleans, La., Sept. 22 (fP)
Winds up to 60 miles per hour
only 15 miles below hurricane
strength were predicted today
for storm-ravaged southern Flor
ida as a new tropical disturbance
moved swiftly across the Gulf of
The storm center, already
lashing the coast with rain-laced,
whistling squalls, headed toward
the Fort Myers-Tampa bay area
where it was expected to move
inland tonight. It was only half
the intensity of the great Atlan
tic hurricane, which tracked de
struction across Florida and then
roared across the gulf to devas
tate the rich gulf coast and New
The Miami weather bureau
said the newest blow was not ex
pected to be dangerous.
Listing Casualties
However, the dismal job of
tabulating casualties and proper
ty damage continued along the
coast of Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama and extreme northwest
Florida. Forty-three were known
dead, and there was apprehen
sion of extensive flood damage
to compound the desolation
strewn by the hurricane itself.
Delayed reports from Gulf
port, Miss., said beach areas still
were blocked off, and residents
were warned away because of
venomous snakes, apparently
washed ashore from outlying is
lands. Several reptiles were
killed measuring from four to
six feet in length.
Beaches Sprayed With DDT
Power trucks were brought
from upstate Mississippi to spray
beach debris with DDT and lime
to control odor and Insects. State
and municipal authorities con
ferred Sunday on requirements,
and prepared to ask the war as
sets administration for relief
stocks and heavy equipment to
clean beaches and highways.
Heavy timbers also were sought
for bridge repairs.
In Washington, the agriculture
department estimated that last
week's hurricane caused the loss
of between five and seven mil
lion boxes of citrus fruit in
It figures the loss-at between
four and five million boxes of
grapefruit and one to two mil
lion boxes of oranges. Florida
last year produced about 30,000,
000 boxes of grapefruit and
about 53,000,000 boxes of or
anges. (Conoluded on Fae 11, Column 8)
Red Cross on
Storm Relief
Washington, Sept. 22 (IP) The
American Red Cross said today
it nas appropriated si.uuu.uuu
to meet "disaster relief needs"
of stricken families in hurricane-swept
Gulf states and
southern Florida.
Disaster relief headquarters
for the whole area have been
set up at three points, West
Palm Beach, Fla., New Orleans
and Gulfport, Miss., with W. W.
Jefferson, Red Cross southeast
ern area manager, directing op
erations, the announcement
This move was made to "ex
pedite long term rehabilitation
work, including rebuilding and
repair of homes, and providing
furniture and household goods,"
it was explained.
Week-end surveys, on which
reports are incomplete, indicate
more than 1200 homes were de
stroyed, 12000 or more damaged
and that about 100,000 persons
were housed and fed by the Red
Cross in Florida, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Alabama.
26 Parachute to
Safety in Luzon
Manila, Sept. 22 (U.R) The
28th survivor of a U. S. air
transport crash in northern Lu
zon Saturday was found today
near Bontoc by search parties
from Camp John Hay.
The discovery of Vernon
Meadows (address unavailable
immediately) accounted for all
of the 27 persons aboard the
plane. The fuel ran out during
a storm, and the pilot ordered
a mass bailout. One was killed.
The other 26 were being
brought to Manila.
The first 17 of the survivors
arrived at Clark field, and the
other nine were awaiting trans
port. Small Quake Recorded
Berkeley, Calif., Sept. 22 (P)
A "small" earthquake was re
corded on the University of
California seismograph nt
6:17:52 p. m. (PST) yesterday.
Prof. Perry Byerly estimated
the distance at 1,100 miles,
either in Mexico or near the
Queen Charlotte islands off Bri
tish Columbia.