Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 13, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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    Commemorative Services to
Be Held, Providence Church
Scio Annual commemoration and worship services at the old
hlstoris Providence church, seven miles southeast of Scio, will be
Sunday with services at both 11 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Basket
-dinner is held at noon bv as
Keizer Community
Bible School
Daily Vacation Bible school
classes for the Keizer Commu
nity will be held in the Grange
hall, June 16-20, according to
an announcement by Lee Wiens,
pastor of Keizer Community
church. There will be classes
for all ages and anyone residing
In the community is eligible tot
Due to the rush of the local
harvest season all classes will
be held in the evening beginning
at 7:45 p.m. J. E. Clark will be
superintendent of the school.
Teachers are: Rev. Lee Wiens,
Mrs. Lec Wiens, Mrs. Lauren
Stettler, Mrs. Blanche Rappc
and Mrs. Mickey Hickman.
Salem A
Jesus Name Pentecontat Tabernacle
1175 Lewis street. R. V. SIttser, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service
11. Evening; service 7:45. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 7: H5 p.m. Young people's
meeting, Friday 7:45 p.m.
Christ Lutheran State street at 18th.
C. R. Sehulz. pastor. Sunday school and
Bible classes 9:45. Divine worship 11.
Sermon, "The Church of Jesus Christ."
Christ Lutheran church will conduct a
daily vacation Bible school from June 18
27. Monday throiiRh Friday, 9-11:30 a.m.
dally. Children between the ages 5-14 are
invited to enroll. A course on the Life or
Christ will be taught by the use of vis
ual aids.
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Che
meketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift,
rector. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Prayer
and sermon 11 a.m.
First Church of Christ. Scientist Che
mekela and Liberty. Sunday school 11
a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Sermon,
"God the Preserver of Man." Evening
service 8 p.m. Sermon, "God the Pre
server of Man." Wednesday evening
testimony meeting at 8.
First Methodist Church, Church and
State streets James M. Adams, minister.
Morning worship. 11 a.m.; sermon. "The
Evidences of Immortality: music. "Bless
ing and Glory." anthem. "The Holy City,"
Victor B. Palmason. Vesper mediation,
7 p.m.: "God Forth," a cathedral pic
ture. Interest groups for all age levels,
1:30 p.m. Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.. McCor
mlck class dinner at 1478 Center street,
residence of Dr. Roy M. Lockenour. Wed
nesday, 10:45 a.m., the WSCS meeting
at the church; program speaker. Captain
Walter Lansing, state police force, "Our
Children and the Law." Thursday, 7:30
choir rehearsal and mid-week service.
Unlfersal Churrh of The Master No. B7
(Spiritual) 480 N. Cottage street; pastor,
, . Bv, Charity B. Craig. Evening service,
"t.SO p.m.
Calvary Chapel, Full Gospel 1275 N.
Church. Rev. Claude c. and Mary w. ueu.
pastors. Sunday school 9:45, Miss Lora
Frlesen, aupt. Sunday morning service,
11 a.m., sermon by the pastor. Sunday
evening, "Defenders of the Faith," meet
ing at 7 p.m.. Jack Seagrove speaking;
Lela Mae Krater. leader. Sunday night,
7:45. "Father's Day" program by Sunday
school children, followed by "Father's
Dav" message by Rev. Mrs. ciauae c
Bell. Monday afternoon and evening,
third anniversary fellowship meeting with
Rev. C. C. Herlow of Arkansas speaking
at 3:45, and Rev. Mrs. Maurice G. Brock,
radio pastor of "A-men Corner," Port
land, speaking at the 7:45 p.m. service.
Special music has been arranged for these
meetings. Tuesday and Friday nights,
services at 8 p.m.
St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) Rev.
H. W. Gross, pastor, N. 16th and A sis.
Sunday school at 9 a.m. Morning service
at 10 a.m.
The Immanucl Baptist, Hazel at AcRd
my Sts. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship service, 11 a.m. Evening serv
ice 7:45 p.m. Rev. J. R. Turnbull will
peak at both meetings.
Central Church of Christ. N. Cottage at
Shipping Sts. James A. Scott, minister.
Bible school, ID a.m.; church service, 10:45
a.m.; sermon topic, "Our Father Who
Art In Heaven." Young People's Service,
11:15 p.m. Evening church service, 7:30.
Sermon topio, "The Two Covenants."
Christian Missionary Alliance North Sth
at Gaines St. Herman J. Bohl. pastor,
Wyman B. Bohl, associate. Sunday school
9:45 a.m., Mrs. Berth Sheets, superintend
ent. Morning service, 1 1. Sermon. "A
Tribute to Godly Fathers, and Their Place
Is Spiritual Leadership." Evening service.
7:30. Sermon, "Peter Getting Acquainted
With the Lord Jesus." Orchestra practice,
5:30. Young people 6:30 .
TaJbot Community Talbot, Ore. R.
Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school. 10
a.m. Classes for all ages. Diving worship,
11 a.m. Special Father's day sermon:
"The Great Decision." Evening service. 8
p.m. Sermon, "A Missionary-Minded Man
in Hell."
The neonanicd Church of Jesus Christ
(of I.. D. S. Corner North 17th and Clir
nekcta, St. Chas. H. Asher. Church
school. 10 a.m. Preachlnn services. 11
a.m. Zion's League, 6:30 p.m. Bible Study
class, 7:30 p.m., directed by Dr. Beal.
Hayesville Baptist Sunday School
Hayesville school house. Rev. Henry Bar
net, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning service, 10:45.
First Evangelical United Brethren
Where Marion crosses Summer street. Rev.
Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school.
9:45 a.m., R. H. Ermel, superintendent.
Worship service. 11 a.m. Sermon, "An
Ali-Around Man." Musical Evangelistic
hour, 7:45 p.m. Bell concert by P. Waldo
Davis. Sermon. "The Saddest Words of
Tongue or Pen."
First BaptM Liberty at Marion. Rev.
Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday school,
9:45 a.m., Tom Means, superintendent.
Morning service. 11. Evening service, 7:30.
Peter Becker of the American Sunday
School Union will speak, also a great song
service and motion pictures.
Four Corners Baptist State street at
Elma avenue. Rev. Frank O. Ferrin, pas
tor, Bible school, 9:45 a.m., Ben Swin
ford, superintendent. Morning worship.
11. Strmon, "Faith ol Our Fathers."
A man tried to save a half
dollar by not buying a road
map for a lone trio. .The time
he lost, the extra fas burned, ;
and the price of a night's room
and board cost him many
times the price of the map.
Details are important when
yon're making living space do
a big Job.
W. D. GARRETT. Designer
370 1 3 State St.
many as wish to participate. Free
coffee and ice water are being
Participants and other attend
ants from far and near through
out the state come together an
nually on the third Sunday in
June, to fellowship together and
worship on the historic Provi
dence grounds where the cole
brated circuit rider, Jacob
Powell served the church
pioneer days. Most years the
large church is filled to over
flowing for the afternoon serv
The 11 o"clock service will
open with congregational sing
ing, and John Turnidge of Leb
anon will give Scripture reading
and prayer. The morning ser
mon will be preached by Rev
Henry Albers, aged minister of
Albany and one-time minister at
the Providence church.
After conclusion of basket
dinner, afternoon service will
be opened at 2:15 with Ed Hol
land of Scio, presiding, Rev.
Paul Cologne of Lacomb Bap
list church as song leader, and
Inez Powell of Lacomb at the
Youth Training Unions, 7. Evening rv-
Ice, 8. Sermon, "Devotion to Christ.
The Fouritmare 490 North Ifttll xtrret
between Center and Chemekeia. Rev.
James H. Taylor (Missionary from Airi
ca). Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Rhoilin
LaDuke. superintendent. Clas-scs for all
ages. Morning service, 11. the pastor
speaking. Sermon, "1 Cannot Go Back.
Crusaders, young peoples rally, b:ju p.m.
Evening service. 7:45. the pastor bringing
the message. Sermon, "The Gospel Makes
a Stir."
Beth an. v Evanirlical and Reformed
Marion and Capitol. Rev. Sam P. Neu
felt of Salem, speaker. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Morning service. 11. Sermon.
"The Old-Fashioned Gospel."
First Christian Center and High street,
Rev. Dudley Strain, pastor. Church school.
9:45 a.m. Morning service. 10:00. ser
mon. "Living Triumphnntly." Evening
service, 7:45. Sermon, "Is Cliristlnnll y
Practical." 6:30 P.m.. youth meetings, Jr,
high, senior high. Phi Zeta Christo.
Court Street Christian Seventeenth at
Court street, W. H. Lyman, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45 a.m. Morninic service,
10:50. Sermon by Grace Farnham, mis
sionary from Japan. Christian Endeavor
hour, 7 p.m. Evening service 8. bermon.
'Echoes from Camp Harmony."
First Church of the NaiareneCenter
street at 13th. Orville W. Jenkins, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., William Beaver,
superintendent. Morning worship, 10:50.
Sermon, "Christ's Forbearance." Evening
service, 7:45. Mrs. Lucille Broyles. mis
sionary to British Honduras, guest speak
er. Young people's, 6:45 p.m.
Seventh-Day Adventist Corner Hood
and Summer. G. T. Dickinson, pastor.
Sabbath school. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Morn
ing service, 11. Guest speaker. Gilbert
Oliver. Young people's meet. nit SaturdaZy
at 3:30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Saturday, 8.
First Presbyterian Cliemeketa and Win
ter street. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor.
Church school, 9:45 a.m., J. J. Fltzsimons,
superintendent. iu:oa a.m., sermon, ra
thcrs Are People" by the pastor. 7:30
p.m., "A Pattern for New Lite," the Rev
W. F. Kocnlg of Corral!!.
Bethel Baptist North Collage at D
street. Gustav G. R a user, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11
Sermon. "After the Rapture, What?" Eve
ning service, 7:30. Rev. Ruben Kern of
Vancouver, B. C, guest speaker.
Salem Free Methodist Corner N. Winter
and Market. Richard T. Fine, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning wor.
ship. 11. Young people, 7 p.m. Evangelis
tic, 7:45 p.m.
Wesleyan Methodist Fifteenth and Mill
street. A. G. Yates, pastor. Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Morning service, II. Young
people's meeting, 6:45 p.m. Evening serv
ice, 7:30 p.m.
Leslie Methodist South Commercial at
Myers. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11.
Sermon. "The Great Invitation." Youth
Fellowship and Wesley Fellowship. 7 p.m.
Evening worship. 8. Sermon, "Ships That
Pass In the Night."
First Church of God Cottage and Hood
streets. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Mrs.
H. A. Schlatter, superintendent. Junior
church, 10:45 a.m. ll a.m., sermon, "A
Christian Home (Father's day). Unified
services, 7:30, Youth Fellowship and ser
mon. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter
The Salvation Army 241 Stale street.
Captain and Mrs. R. B. Lesher. com
manding officers. Sunday school 10 a m
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Y.P. legion 6
p.m. Salvation meeting 7:30 p.m.
... -uiucnn tiQoa ana -North
Summer street. Rev. R. a. Krueger. 8un-
.-, .,. Aumt mo in class
s.46 a. m. Morning worship service 11 a.m.
j ," "a. iiituauon- Sun
day school and church picnic at Leslie,
church. Junior Luther league 6 p.m. 6en-
. ,v.tul o j,.i, necepiion lor
confirmands. Vacation Bible acohol Mon-
Knlrht MrmnH.I a" .1 . ...
teenth and Ferry streets. Louis E. White
minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m with
classes for all ages. Morning worship 11
church-time nursery 11 a.m. Pilgrim
,,. : H '"'' inc wrsnip service
wll be conduntAri h- vifni-i. n
and Sue Olson will lead the discussion!
Counsp nr Mm r n.i. w..u..,
Arthur Fiskc. "",OH ana
SI Mat-Ir r-, 1 . ....
Church street. Rev. M. a. Getzendaner,
D.D., pastor. Sunday school 9:45, Oscar
Llndahl. supt. Morning worship U. Ser
mon, "Facing Our Inescapables."
Mnnnnll , .
- - -" a. n. ,ran
enrecht. assistant. Sunday school 9:45
n"""F .m. soung
"Train a child In the way ha
should to." Frov. 11:0
"He that sparelh his rod hUfth
hit son." Prov. 1,1:31
mncforaiitol HEARING AID
BatterlM for Ml Make Rearlne Aids
Otarion Hearlni Aid
Center tf Salem, 466 Court St. Ph. 21000
j he tieet is the Cause of i
J i
Juvenile Delinquency
l l
WyyW ftof to YfltJ'taH
S mm fcf0f r
XMr r tg" hl)or h,ttr
n one lC7r7777f7t I
. .
Presbyterians to
Camp Two Weeks
More than 100 Presbyterian
young people will gather at Sil
ver Creek camp for a high
school conference. Beginning
Sunday afternoon, June 15, the
conference will continue for the
week, closing after the morning
service on June 22. Salem,
Bend, Corvallis, Cottage Grove,
Eugene. Lebanon, McMinnville,
Nclscott. Redmond, and Wald-
port will be represented.
Dr. Chester W. Hamblin will
be the conference director.
With him as leaders will be:
The Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Bak
er, Redmond; the Rev. Marvis
Keyser; ..the Revv John Harring
ton, Lewis and Clark college
Portland; the Rev. and Mrs
Hugh Peniston, Collage Grove,
the Rev. J. R. Harris, Eugene;
Mrs. A. V. Logan. Corvallis:
Miss Anna Stout, Salem; Don
Douris. Salem, and Miss Eliza
beth Currie, a missionary from
Stayron Churches
Methodist Rev. R. T. Cooklngham.
pastor. Bible school. 10 a.m. Worship aer.
vice at 11. Youth lellowshlp at 8:30 p.m
Evenin praise service at 1:30.
rhurrh of Christ Vernon E. Beeks,
pastor. Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning
worship service 10:50. Evening worship at
7:30. luranic n.n ix.. w
Buckner, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning wnrsnip ii owut. j...,..,,.
hour at 7:13 p.m. Evening service at 8.
Assembly ot God Dwlght I,. Roys, pas
tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning ser-
vIl ll o'c ock. Youne peopie-s meeting
6:43 p.m. Evening evangelistic service
7:45 o'clock.
nmaculate Conception Catholic Rev.
Math. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses at 6 a.m., 7:30 a.m.. 9:30 a.m.
people's meeting; 6:45 p.m. Evening gos
pel service 7:43 p.m. Friday: Dally va
cation Bible school demonstration pro
gram 7:30 p.m.
West Salem Methodist Oerth and Third.
Leonard .Tones, minister. Church
school 9:45. Mrs. Leo Estey. supt. Wor
ship 11 a.m. Sermon, "Practical chris
tian Ideals." Evening; reiiotrsnip i:ju.
Meeting of the official board.
The Church of God 380 Chemekcta. up
stairs. Frank Allaway, pastor. Sun
day school 10 a.m. Mrs. George Croley.
supt. Morning service 11. luesoay nignt
band meeting 7:45. Friday night young
people V.L.B. 7:45.
Salem Truth Center 263 N. Cottage.
Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Morning serv
ice 11. Sermon, "Your Mental Garden."
Evening service 8. Sermon, "Effective
Prayer." Library open afternoons each
veek 3-5.
First Spiritualist 248 N. Commercial.
Services at 9:30 and 7:30. Rev. Maxlne
Roberts speaker. Circle at 6.
of the
Marion County Holiness Assn.
June 19-29
First Nazarene Church
Center Street at 13th Salem, Oregon
' n. - 'j .t"i
? IDA .
nurcnes of srmenca
Text and Drawing By Frederick Polley
This quaintly picturesque pi
oneer building has served the
village of Hanover, Ind., and the
students of Hanover college since
1832. The building stands on
the high bluffs well back from
the Ohio river, where flood wa
ters cannot reach it. Faith and
good, honest construction have
brought it through. Its brick
walls arc 17 inches thick, the
hand-hewen beams cut from the
primitive forest, and the sturdy
stone foundations built by mem
bers of the early church are all
in a remarkable condition today.
The building originally had
three stories and for many years
was used by Hanover college as
a recreation hall, dormitory and
chapel. One wing of the early
structure was occupied by Pres
byterian seminary, now located
in Chicago. In the 1850s, when
the college was moved to its
present location overlooking the
Ohio river, this building was
deeded to the Presbyterian
church of Hanover. The college
continues to use the building
for all of its baccalaureate and
commencement exercises.
For well over 100 years the
building has been the church
home of the village. It has also
been the church home of the
student body of the college. Here
all Hanover college seniors have
been graduated.
The Presbyterian church was
organized at Hanover in 1820
on the site of the present build
ing. The interior has been re
modeled to accommodate an or
gan and sanctuary but the ex
terior has not been changed since
1837. Because of its early con
nection with the college and its
continued use for commencement
exercises, the building is prob
ably the oldest educational
structure in Indiana.
Mill City Churches
n. t-v.t-iet Vtrcitinn mtn-
aervict 11. Special memonil services.
T-i. t. . tnt.rt.i i.iovrf Whltrord. Dai-
tor. Sunday school 9:45 m. Mornlntt
church wrvlcei ll a.m. i,nrinu"
6:30 p.m. Evening church services
Free MfthodIM V. N. Cranmer. minis
ter Sunday school 10 a.m. Morninn
church services IX a.m. Evening church
services 7:30 p.m.
Catholic Rev. Mai. pastor. Morning
church services 9 am.
rede lanfe..el Howard Pfrry. pas
tor. Sunday school 10. Church service
vaiia rii Methodist Quentin Schenck.
pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning serv
ices H. Young people a mcciiii .
-Services 10:30 a.m.
j 7:45 p.m.
Rev. James R.
First Seryice June 19,
7:45 p.m.
Dallas Churches
First FrmbTterian E. W. Binbow. D.D..
pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Mornm.?
service 11. Rev. Ernest GreenliiMd, piieM
minister, will uprak on the topic, "Nrw
Life in the Church."
Grare Mrnnonite Homer Lei&y, pastor.
Sunday school 10. Morn inn worship 11.
Sermon. "An Oasis in the Desert." Jun
ior and Intermedial e service 7:30. Pro
gram by Bible institute students S.
Trinity Lutheran Karl A. tlfer, pastor.
Sunday school 10. Divine service 11.
First Christian Fred L. Townr, pastor.
Bible school 9:45. Morn ins worship 11.
Christian Endeavor 7. Evening service .
Salt Creek Baptist -Olto Nnllinger, pas
tor. Sunday school 0:45. Morning wor
ship 11. Sermon, "Ovcriaken by Bless
ings." Junior church service 11:30. Eve
ning service 8. Sermon, "Ruth, Redeemed
and Claimed."
Apostolic Faith N. C. Swensrn, pastor.
Sunday school 9:.10, Morning worship 11.
Evening worship 8.
Falls City Christian H. N. Wadell. pas
tor. Bible school 10. Morning worship
11. Evangelistic service 7:J0.
Mennonlte. Brethren G. H. Jantzen.
pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Worship terv
ice 10:45. Union service at Or nee rhuih
3 ::i0. Dr. P. C. Hieherl. guest speaker.
Christian fellowship 7. Evening service
Christian Science Sunday school 9:45.
Morning worship 11.
Seventh Day AdvrntUt C. T. Dickin
son, pastor. Sabbath school 9:45. Ser
mon ai 11.
Church af God J. W. Hunter, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11.
Young people's meeting 6:45. Evening
service 7:30.
Falls City Free Methodist Rev. Stan
ley Walker, pastor. Sunday school 10.
Morning service 11. Young people's meet
ing 7. Evangelistic service 8.
Bethel Sunday School Sunday school
10:30. Morning service 11:30.
Christian and Missionary Allisnce Rev.
A. Hoenisch, pastor. Sunday school 9:45.
Morning worship 11. Sermon, "Bible
Fathers." Pre-prayer session 7. Evan
gelistic service 7:45. Sermon, "The Five
Great Judgments of God.
Free Methodist Evelyn Collins, pastor.
Bund ay school 9:45. Morning service 11.
Guest speaker, Marcus Glle. Evening serv
ice 7:45 with Mr. Glle again apeaklng.
Methodist Clark 8. Enz. pastor. Church
school 9:45. Morning worship 11. ' Ser
mon. "Our Father." Youth lellowshlp 6.
Evening service 7:45. Sermon, "Why Do
St. Phillip's Catholic Mass at 10:15.
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren O. P.
Schull. pastor. Sunday school 9:45.
Morning worship 11. Message by pastor.
Fellowship lunch 12:30. Chidlren'a day
program 2:30. All-request program by
senior C, E. 7:30.
Oak Grove Chapel Clark S. En, pas
tor. Community worship 9:45. Sermon,
"Our Father." Community Sunday school
Prnlealanl Episcopal Perry II. Smith,
pastor. Morning service 11.
Evangelistic 1'nfted Brethren W. A.
Backer, pastor. Sunday pchool 9:45. Morn
ing worship 11. Sermon. "The Greatest
Variable on Earth." Youth fellowship 7.
Evangelistic hour 7:45.
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
10:50 A.M. "Christ's Forbearance"
7:45 P.M. Mrs. Lucille Broyles, Missionary to British
Continues This Week, 9-12 A.M.
June 19-29 11:00 a.m. and 7:45 p.m
REV. BISHOP, Evangelist
Services in our Church
First Church of the Nazarene
Center St. at 13th
"Salem's Downtown Evangelistic Center"
Army Chaplain
.Guest Speaker
The Rev. Vm. F. Kociuk. a
former army chaplain and now
j director of the Westminster
Foundation at Corvallis, will
I speak at the evening service at
the First Presbyterian church on
Sunday at 7:30 o'clock on the
topic "A Pattern for New Life. '
After graduation from Park
college and McCormick Theolog
ical Seminary at Chicago Mr.
Koenig served pastorates in
New York slate and in Utah.
During the war he was a trans
port chaplain on the Pacific.
Since leaving the army he has
been working with the returned
veterans on the campus of Ore
gon State college, doing this as
director of the Westminster
Foundation, which is supported
by the Presbyterian churches of
the slate of Oregon.
At the morning service Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin will give a
Father's Day message on the
subject "Fathers Arc People."
Mrs. Dobbs, the organist, will
play Andante from "Fanlasie"
by Franck, and "Coronation
March," by Meyerbeer. T h e
choir, directed by Virginia Ward
Elliott, will sing "The Lord Is
Exalted," by West.
Motion Picture
A moving picture of the work
of the War Victims and Recon
struction committee rf the Congregational-Christian
will be shown in the church
school of First Congregational
church next Sunday morning at
9:45. "Marie Louise" is one of
the highly recommended films
to come out of the war, and
presents the story of a little
French refugee girl and her help
by people of the United Slates.
At the regular morning serv
ice, Dr. S. R. Huntington will
preach on the subject "Strug
gling with Bible Difficulties."
Woodburn Churches
St, Mary's Episcopal Win. S. Van Meier,
vicar. Morning service 8.30 a.m.
lmmanuel Lutheran Worship with con
firmation exercises at 11 a.m. Sunday
school 10 a.m.
Foursquare T. Brocke. pastor. Sunday
school 9:4S. Morning worship 11. Jun
ior Crusaders Gi.10. Young people's serv
ice fi:3l. Evangelistic service 7:45.
Prayer meeting Tuesday 7:45 p.m.
The fiope 1 Church Hublinrd, Brv.
and1 Mrs. E. U. Hustle, pastors. Sunday
school 10 a ,ni. Church srevicc 11 a, m.
Young people's service 7 p.m. Chinch
service R p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible
study Wednesday 7:45 p.m.
Tlir nenrganlrrd Church of .Iff. u Thrill
of Latter Day Sain Is Second and Cinr
flelri. Church school 10 a.m. Preaching
11 a.m. Zlon league 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Christian Rev. Georce TT. Richardson,
pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. Morning
worship 11 a.m. Christian j-.ncienvor B'.iu,
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30.
Free Methodist Gilbert Johnson, pas
tor. Stinriav school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11. Junior service 6 : P in. Eve- '
nlng worship service 7:45. i-rayer meet
ing Wednesday 7:45 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran John II. Werth. pns
tor. Lutheran Hour KALE 9:30 a.m.
Sunriav school 9:45 a.m. Divine worship
10:30 a.m. I
Full OoMirl (Assemhlf of Gnd Rev.
Lester Gibson, pnstor. Siiiday school 9:45 !
a.m. Morning worship 1 1 a.m. Christ s
Ambnssadors 7:00 p.m. EvanKclisLic. serv
ice 7:45 p.m. Wednesday prayer service
7:30 p.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Bay
Saints (Mormon, I.O.O.P. hall. Sundny
school 10 a.m. Sacrament meeting 7 p.m.
All welcome.
Church of God Rev. and Mrs. M. W.
Skinner, pastors 10. Sunday school.
Worship service 11. Youth fellowship 7:15.
Junior club 7:15. Evangelistic service 8.
Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30.
Niriaros Lutheran, Monitor Worship
with holy communion at 8 pm.; Sunday
school at 10 a.m. Mrs. Oscar Satrum
will entertain the Ladies' Aid at her
home on Wednesday, June 18, at 2 p.m.
Monitor Community Rev. and Mrs. A.
E. Solomon, pastors. Sunday school. 10
a.m.: morning worship, 11 a.m.; evening
service. 7:30 p.m.
St. I.ukc-H Catholic Rev. V T,
frnbeier, pastor. Masses at 6 8.30 a
10:30 a.m.; week-day masses at 7:20 a
MethndKt Rev. Orlando A. Jewell pas
tor. Church school, 9:45 a m.; rr.o: nin
worship, 11 a.m.; Youth Fellowship, 7
p.m.; Evening, 8 p.m. Choir practice, 8
p.m., Thursday.
First Prehbyterian fUnbbnth school. B 4S
a.m.; morn lug worship, 1 1 a.m. : Chris
tian Endenvor, 0:45 p.m.; evening vor
ship J, 7:45; mid -week service, 7;:t0 p.m.
Thursday. Rev. Glenn Williams of liilli
boro will speak both morning and eve
ning. Rethrl Presbyterian Morning worslun.
10 a.m.; Rev. Glenn Williams, speaker;
Snhbath school, 10:45; Christian Endeavor,
I Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday, .Tune 13, 1947 3
Rev. Rarey Will
Fill Local Pulpit
i Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
the Rev. Harry Rarey of the
i class of '22 at Willamette uni
I varsity will preach at the Jason
Lee Memorial Methodist church
with the other members of the
class of 1922 who are in attend
ance at their reunion at Willam
ette as honored guests. Rev. Mr.
Rarey is now pastor of the Meth
odist Church at Lebanon. Sun
day at 8 o'clock Rev. Nevitt B.
Smith, son of Rev. S. Raynor
Smith will preach the sermon.
Silverton Churches
Churrh tit God G. W. Olftrhnm. pastor.
Sunday srhonl 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
Evangelistic servtre 8 p.m.
I.allr-r najr Saints IMormon) Sunday
srhool 0:45 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m.
Young people", society 6;4S p m. Evan
gelistic service 8 p.m.
Seventh IUt Adventisl Elder Beaslee,
pastor. Sabbath school Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m. Saturday.
Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
Evening service 7:30.
C'hriMian Sclrnce Sunday school 9:15
a.m. Services 11 a.m.
Mirqiiam Mrtltorii( O. A. Oarbodtn,
mlnislT. Sunday school 10 a.m. Wor
Miip 11 a.m. Young people' service 7:45
Mrthodint B. P. Browning, pastor.
Chiiith school 9 if a.m. Mrs. Nada Lee
oi imlc. supt. Worship hour 1 1 a.m.
Srrmon by the pastor. Vouth fellowship
7:30 a.m.
AnKrmhlr of God Omar Bailey, pastor.
I Sunilay school 9:4."i a.m. Divine worship
11 a.m. Young people's society 6:45 p.m.
) Evangelistic service 8 p.m.
! SI. fa ill Catholic Father John J.
Wnlh. pastor. Summer schedule of serv
ices begins June 8. week-day mass 7. Sun
day masses 7 and 9 a.m.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
pastor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. M. B.
Ford. supt. Assistants Harry Vetter and
James C. Bonner. Morning worship com
munion and sermon. 11 a.m., supply pas
tor. Christian Endeavor 8:30 p.m. Eve
ning sermon, supply speaker 8 p.m. Daily
Bible school, 9 to 12 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr, pastor.
Sundny school and Bible rlassrs, 1ft a.m.
Divine worship 11. Sermon, "First
Things First." Sprrlnl music. Lulher
league 7:15 p.m. Vntntion Biblo school
dnlly 8 to 12 a.m.
Calvary Lutheran Rev, James A. Tofle,
pnstor. Sunday school and Bible class
10 a.m. Miss Olga Johnson, nupt. Morn
ing worship 11 a.m. Theme, "Excuse Me."
Daily Bible school 9 to 13 a.m.
Immanucl Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas
tor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. classes for all.
Divine worship 11. Sermon, "The Gospel
Inside and Outside
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ing account NOW at this bank or at any
one of our branches.
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Lutheran Choir
Here June 25th
The internationally famous
Lutheran Hour choir, composed
of 24 theological students of St.
John's Lutheran seminary of St.
Louis, Mo., will be presented in
concert at the high school au
ditorium at 8:15, June 25. This
choir is heard each Sunday in
conjunction with Dr. Walter A.
Mair's message, "Bringing Christ
to the Nation." Their presence
here is being made possible
through the efforts of St. John'
Lutheran church, 16th and A
streets, Salem. No admission
charge will be made but a free
will offering will be taken.
Musical Bell
Concert Sunday
Father's Day services have
been planned for the First Evan
gelical United Brethren church,
Marion and Summer streets, next
Sunday. A musical bell concert
will be presented by P. Waldo
Davis from Eugene In the Mu
sical Evangelistic Hour at 7:45.
Mr. Davis is well known in Sa
lem, having appeared on the lo
cal Youth for Christ Saturday
night youth rallies several times.
The minister, Rev. Wilmer N,
Brown, will speak on the sub
ject, "The Saddest Words of
Tongue or Pen." Other special
features will be presented by the
men of the church.
The children are especially
urged to bring their fathers to
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. "An
AU-Around Man" will be the
subject of the message in the
11 o'clock worship service. The
male chorus will sing.
Feast." Special music. Luther leagua
7:10 p.m. Sermon "The Company Wa
Keep." Monday second week vacation
Bible school 9 to 12 a.m.
Christian anil Missionary Alliance
Gorton T. Brat void, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Mm, Arthur Pederson,
supt. Pastor in charge 11 a.m. service,
subject, "Clod Is Watching You." Young
people service 7 p.m., home of James
Butts. Sunday evening service ( p.m.
Missionary flashes from Borneo. Pastor
speaks on the words of Jesus, "do and
Sin No More." Daily 9 to 12 a.m., Bible
vacation school.
Is the Time to
Paint That House
Phone 6634
LEO 0. PAGE, Am. Coih.r
DEX GIBSON, Aill. Monoj.r