Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 23, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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    Linfield Choir
Gives Concert
Friends of Linfield college
and music lovers will appreciate
the opportunity to hear the Lin
field college a cappella choir
in concert here Sunday eve
ning, May 25, at 7:30 o'clock
This fine choral group will be
presented by the Calvary Bap
tist church at Soulh Liberty
and Miller street. The public
is invited to attend.
The Linfield choir, under the
direction of H. Johann Esch
bach, has achieved an enviable
reputation on its concert tour
in Washington, Idaho and Ore
gon. The group consists of 62
voices, 29 women and 33 men,
chosen from the student body
for voice quality and general
musicianship. All the songs are
presented from memory and un
accompanied. Linfield college, located in
McMinnvillc since 1858, is one
of the fine liberal arts colleges
with a Christian emphasis in
talent J
St. Mark . Lutheran 343 N. Churih
m Pastor, Rev. M. A. Getzendaner, D.D.
Sunday school 9:45, Oscar Stndahl, super
intendent. Mornin service 11:00. Sermon,
the Reverend Walter I. Eclt. D.D., of
Portland will be the guest speaker.
Kmmanuel Ft ntecosUI 445 Ferry St.
Pastor. Clovis Caitle. Sunday school in
h m. Mornina service 11 o'clock. Evenlns
service 7:30 o'clock. YP meetini, 6:30 p.m.
si. John Lutheran (Mo. Synod) N.
18th and A sts. Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Mornini ser
vice al 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
First Chunh of ChriM. SeientUt Che
nwkeia and Liberty. Sunday school 11
a.m. Morning: Service 11 a.m. Sermon sub
jret: Soul and Body. Evening Service I
p.m. Sermon Subject: Soul and Body.
Knlcht Memorial Coniregallonal 19th
and Ferry Sts. Rev. Louis E. While, pas
tor. Sunday school with classes for all
aaM, 9:45 a.m. Mornina worship 11 a.m.
our DulDit truest will be Dr. Corwin H.
Olds, a Connregatlonal minister, lormer
army chaplain, and now on the stair of
the PaciIJC School OI Reunion, uerKCiey.
Calif. It a.m., Junior church and church
time nursery. 6:30 P.m.. Pilarim fellow
hio. The worship service will be led by
Mervin Davies and the minister will have
charge of a "Question Hour.
Fvanitelistic Tabernacle Assembly of
C.od Ferry at 13th si. Pastor. Rev. Wal
ter S. Frederick. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
J. Bartlett. superintendent. Mornini ser
vice 11 o'clock. Morninn worship sermon
subject. Lofty Conception or Stewardship.
6 o'clock Christ's Ambassadors Service.
Evening service 1:45 o'clock. Evangelistic
rally. Sermon subject, Sicniricance ol the
Biood of Christ.
Calvary Baptist 1230 South Liberty.
Dr. Charles Durddi, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Sermon
subject: "The Christian Implications ol
ihe United Nations." By Dr. Harry L.
. Dillin, president or Linfield coltene. Evening-
service 7:30 p.m. Concert by the Lin
field college A Cnpella choir. 6:30 p.m.
Baptist youth fellowship.
Calvary Chapel. Full Cnspel-irtt N.
Church St.. Salem. Pastors: Rev. Claude
C. and Marv W. Bell. Sunday school,
' 9:45 a.m., Mlsa Lora Frlesen, Supl. Sun
day morning service, 11 a.m. Sunday. 7
p.m.. "Defenders of the Faith." Miss
Jovce Friesen. Sunday evening service,
, 7:45 p.m. Tuesday evening service, 8 p.m.
. Friday evening service, 8 p.m.
Havesville Baptist Sunday School.
. Ha.vesville school house Rev. Henry Bar
net, pastor. Sunday school. 9:A5 a.m.
Morning service. 10:45 o'clock. Prayer
Meeting and Bible Study on Thursday
: evening at 7:30 o'clock at the pastor's
- home.
First Baptist, Liberty and Marion
Sis. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor, 8:45
a.m.. Sunday school. Marvin Clatterbaelc,
' supt. Morning service. 11 o'clock: ser
' mon subject. "Jehovah .lireh." Evening
service. 7:30: sermon. "The Prophetic
' Kinas of the East The Ambassadors
for Christ' male quartet from the Mult
nomah School of the Bible will sing and
Rev. Geo. Kehoe will brine a short talk
concerning the school at the services in
the evening.
Christ Lutheran, State street at I8lh.
' C. R. Schulz, pastor. Sunday School and
Bible Classes at 9:45. Divine worship at
11 o'clock: sermon theme, "Ho, Everyone
' That Thirsteth."
The Salvation Army, 241 State Street
' Captain and Mr. R. B. Lesher, com
mandinit officers. Sunday. Sunday school.
10 a.m.; Holiness meeting, 11 a.m.; Y. P.
Legion. 6 p.m.; Salvation meeting, 7:30
p.m. Thursday: Family night. 7:30 p m.
Friday: Youth night. Saturday: Praise
service, 8 p.m.
M. B, Church, 1125 Elm Street Rev. A.
A. Locwen, pastor; A. H. Fadenrechl.
assistant. Sunday: 8:45 a.m., Sunday
school. 10:45 a.m.. morning worship;
sermon subicct. "Jehovah Jireh" )The
Lord Will provide i. 6:45 p.m.. Young
neoDle's meellnfis. 7:45 p.m.. evening Bos-
pel service with Dr. Kalland as the
sDe-.ker. Wednesday: 7:15 p.m.. mid
week Bible class under Dr. Houser. 8 p.m.,
prayer service.
Universalis! Church of the Master No,
.11 iSnirltuall. 460 N. Cottage street.
Ciuest speaker. Rev. Evalyn Bennett of
Portland. Evening service, i:ju o ciock
The Foursquare Church. 490 N. litlh,
between Center and Chemeketa. Pastor,
Rev. Jas. H. Taylor. Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; Rhollln LaDukc. supt. Classes for
all ages. Morning service, 11 a.m.; Rev.
.las. H. Taylor, speaking: subject "The
Earnest of Our Inheritance!" 6:45 p.m..
Foursquare Crusaders: "Youth Rally." All
are welcome. Evening service. 7:45 p.m.,
the pastor speaking on "Blind From
Rirth." 7r45 p.m., Tuesday, Mid-Week
Prayer and PraiiC.
Wtl Salem Methodist Church, Ucrth
Ave. at Third: O. Leonard Jones, pastor.
Church school. 9:45 a.m., Mrs, Leo Estey,
supt. Worship II a.m.: sermon, "Chris
tian Ideals for the Nation." Solo by Miss
Edith Fairham. "O Savior Hear Me."
Gluck. Evening Fellowship: For Youth
at 6:30: for adults. 7:30.
Jesus Name Pentecostal Tabernacle, 1175
Lewis St.; Ronald V. Sittser, pastor. Bun
day school, 10 a.m.; morning service, 11
a.m.: evening service. 7:45 p.m. Prayer
meeting, Wednesdey. 7:45 p.m. Young
People's Meeting, Friday, 7:45.
Bethel Baptist Church
Cottage and D Streets, Salem, Oregon
Signs of His Coming May 25th
Palestine in the News (Whan . . June Lit
The Coming of Christ ....... June 8tn
(How. When. What)
After the Rapture, What? .... June 15th
You are cordially invited!
firl Concrrcalional N. Collage at
Marlon. Rev. S. R. Huntington. D.D.. pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
service, 10:55. Sermon. "Let's Be Patriotic"
with a tribute to our service men and
women and the placing of the Book of
Remembrance In the archives of the
church). Pilgrim Fellowship at ihe church
7 p.m. Forum. "Penology and Parole,"
led by H. M. Randall. 8 p.m.
Talbot Community R. Rogers Irwin,
pastor .Sunday school 10 a.m. Classes lor
all ages. Divine worship 11 a.m. Rev. D.
D. Randall. American Sunday school mis
sionary, who organized Talbot school 30
years ago, will preach. Evening services
8 o'clock. Special music.
The Reorganized Church tit Jesus Christ
of Latter lay Saints Corner North 17lh
and Chemeketa street. Chunh school 10
a.m. Morning services 10. 7-ion's league
6;:iD. Bible Study class 7:30. Chas. H.
Ashcr, pastor.
Immanuel Baptist Corner of Hazel and
Academy streets. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.,
S. Berger, superintendent. Morning serv
ice 11. Rev. Julius Hen, speaker. Young
people's meeting 7 p.m. Evening service
7:45. Rev. Julius Herr, speaker.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa and Win
ter street. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor;
Francis H. Chambers, assistant. Church
school, 9:45 a.m., J. J. Fitzsimmons, su
perintendent. Morning worship 10:55.
Sermon, "The Limits of Tolerance" by the
Rev. John B. Harrington. Evening service
7:30. Youth night. Message by Robert
Savre. Tuxis Fellowship, 6:15 p.m. Junior
High Fellowship 6:30 p.m. College Fire
side 8:30 p.m.
Four Corners Baptist State street at
Elma avenue. Rev. Frank O. Fernn. pas
tor. Bible school 9:45. Ben Swlnford, su
perintendent. Morning service 11. Ser
mon, "The Christian Fight." Youth Train
ing unions 6:30. Evening service 7:30.
Sermon, "Stephen and Saul." Slngspira
tion will follow the evening service, fea
turing Bob Hupfer and the trombone.
Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at
Jefferson. S. Raynor Smith, minister.
Church school 9:45, Mrs. Lloyd Hockett,
superintendent. Morning worship 11, the
pastor preaching on "I Believe In the
Holy Spirit." Evening worship 7:,10. "The
Religions of India." illustrated with prayer
rugs and prayer wheels.
Englewood Evangelical I'niled Brethren
North 17th at Nebraska. J. M. Good
heart, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
Morning service U. Stewardship day.
Sermon, "The Only Unmentionable."
Youth and Adult Fellowships meet at 6:30.
Evening service 7:30. Report on Women's
Society for World Service convention.
Youth round-up at 8:30 In church base
ment. Evangelistic Tabernacle, Aemb? of
fiod Ferry at 13th Mreet. Rev. Waller S.
Frederick, pastor. Sunday school 0:45. J.
Bartlett, superintendent. Morning service
11. Rev. Sheets speaks. Subject, "Three
fold Aspect ol the Holy Spirit." Afternoon
service 2:30. Rev. Sheets speaks. Subject,
"Evidences of the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit." Evening Evangelistic rally. Sub
ject. "The Indispensibllity of the Holy
Seventh-day Adventlst Hood and Sum
mer. G. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath
school, Saturday 9:30 a.m. Morning ser
v! e 11 o'clock. Young people's investiture
service at 3:30 p.m.
First Church of God Cottage and Hood
s. eets. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. world
service victory and pencil march and meeting program 10:45 a.m. Ser
mon: "Bit More Christians" 11 a.m,
Youth fellowship 6:45 p.m. Sermon: "The
Sleep of Death" 7:45 p.m. Rev. Wilms
Perry, speaker. Rev. and Mrs. H. A.
Schlatter, ministers.
Bethany Evangelical and Reformed
yi-:on and Capitol. Edward C. Siuffer.
evangelist of Portland, pastor. Sundas
ac!;ool 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermo-i subject: "When in Rome, Do as
tne Romans Do. '
Flnl Church of the Nararenf 13ih and
Center streets. Rev. Orviiie W. Jenkins,
pastor. Sunday school 9:45 o'clock. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. Rev. Harold Volk.
Choir: 'Precious Hiding Place." Youth
groups meet at 6:30. Evangelistic service
7:30 p.m. Rev, Volk preaching. Choir:
"Wonderful Grace of Jesus." Duet: Wil
lard Friesen and Dr. Harold Poole,
. juth Satem Friends South Commer
cial and Washington. J. Francis Lowe,
pastor. Sunday school 8:45. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor & p.m.
Evening service 7 o'clock.
First Christian Center and High
streets. Rev. Dudley Stra:n. pastor.
Church school 9:45 a.m. Morning ser
jvlce 10:50 a.m. Sermon topic: "The
'Church's One Foundation." Evening ter-
...? I)
Lhurclies of
and Drawing By Frederick Polley
A few miles southwest of Har-i
rodsburg, Ky., I found this plain
frame building, known as the
"O 1 d-M u d-M e e t i n g House"
which was erected in 1800 on
a high bluff above Salt river by
a group of pioneering Dutch
families that had immigrated
from the vicinity of Conewago,
in the southern part of Pennsyl
vania, near Gettysburg. The
first migration to Kentucky from
the Conewago settlement came
as early as 1780.
For many years the Dutch
colony here in the Salt river
country were without a regular
pastor, but in 1796 the Synod
of the Dutch Reformed church
sent a missionary, Rev. Peter
Labagh, to the community. He
made the trip from Hackensack.
New Jersey, to Harrodsburg on
horse-back, a distance of about
700 miles.
On December 22. 1800, three
acres of land was purchased by
the "agents and overseers of the
Reformed church," from David
and Elizabeth Adams, and the
large frame building shown
the drawing was erected. "This
was probably the first freehold
of the Dutch Reformed church
west of the Alleghenies." The
smaller of the two buildings
vice 7:30 p.m. Sermon: "Religion With
out Churches." Youth meetings: Jr. Hi.
Sr. Hi, Phi Zeta Chrlsto 6:15 p.m.
Court Street Christian 17th at Court
s.reet. W. H. Lyman, pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. MoAving service 10:50
o'clock. Sermon subject : "I Choose
Christ." W. H. Lyman. Christian Endea
vor hour 6:30 o'clock. Evening service
7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject: H. A. Ran
dall, missionary (30 years In Oregon for
American Sunday School Union).
Bethel Baptitt North Cottage at D
meet. Gusiav G. Rauser. minister. Sun
day school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Ser
mon aubieet: "Signs of His Coming."
'"ophetic sermon.! Evening service 7:30,
Rev. Henry Barnet, guest speaker.
l.abkh Center Community (Evangelical
I'nited Brethren) Rome 7. Vernon A.
Zornea, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Gue3t minis
ter, District Superintendent Rev. Paul P.
Clear Lake Community (Evan self cat
fitted Brethren) Route 3. Vernon A.
Zornes. pastor. Sunday school 11 a.m.
Morning service 9:55 o'clock. Rev. Paul
P. Petticord, Oregon district superinten
dent and former Salem minister, will be
guest speaker and preside at the quar
terly conference at 2:13. Christian En
deavor featuring illustrated lessons 7
First Spiritual!! '248
Services at 2:30 and 7:30.
nr. of Long Beach, Calif,
cle at 6.
Rev. M. Bon
speaker. Cir-
Leslie MetJiodit South Commercial at
Myers. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday
school. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship ll a.m.
'Sermon theme: "Memorial Requisitions."
Yo th fellowship and Wesley fellowship
7 p.m. Evening worship 8 p.m. Sermon
theme: "Our Presumptuous Self-Satiafac-tlon."
Calvary Lutheran Rev. E. H. Becker,
pa.stor. will conduct services at 11. The
Sunday school and Bible class meets at
Mason Swiss Bell Ringers
Will give another Sacred Concei t on their many novel and unique
and the Instrument of Mystery THE VICTOR THEREMIN Also
a mervelous scientific musical demonstration with Photo-Cell
flashlights and whirling olsc.
First Christian Church of Salem
Corner Center ?.nd High StreeH
formerly a school house, is oc
cupied by the caretakers of the
property, now owned and pre
served by the Harrodsburg His
torical society.
The old church built of heavy
structural timbers on a stone i
foundation was well chinked
with mud and then weather j
boarded. This evidently is how
the name "Old - Mud - Meeting ;
House" came to be applied to;
the building.
About the year 1825, because;
ol deaths among the communi
cants, migrations to other sec-!
lions, and intermarrying of the
young people with those of
other faiths, especially with the
Presbyterians, the congregation
of the church began to slowly
disintegrate. In the spring oi
1826 the Rev. Laban Jones, a
Presbyterian minister, came to
the Old-Mud-Meeting House. In
a short time the congregation
took the name of Cumberland
Presbyterian church. "After
1847, no church organization
was attempted at the Old-Mud-Mecting
House, yet regular wor
ship was maintained by Presby
terian pastors from Harrods
burg." 10. The sermon topic will be: -Pentecost
and Its Meaning for Us.' The church Is
located at Marion, Oregon.
hurch of Chri.t Madi.son and Baker
street. L. L. Freeman, minister. Bible
school 10. Preaching 11. Evening service,
song drill 7. Preaching 7:45.
Minion Slreel Vniiert Brethren It, S3
Mission street. Rev. Georce Martin, pas
tor. Sunday arhool 9:45. Morning worship
11. Sermon: "What Can We Do?" Eve
ning evangelistic service at 7:30.
The Churrh of God 280 Chemeketa
upstairs. Frank Allaway. pasior. Sunday
school 10. Morning service 11. Evening
service 7:45.
Church of ,leui Christ of Latter Way
Saints VFW hall. Hood and Church. John
E. Salsbury. bishop. Sunday school 10
a.m. Priesthood meeting. Relief society
and primary 11:30 a.m. No evening meet
ing because of state conference in Fort
land. Salem Free Methodist. Corner North
W:nter and Market. Richard T. Fine, pas
tor, Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11 a.m. Young people 7 p.m. Eve
ning service 7:45 p.m.
Salem Truth Center '262 N. Cottage.
L- i Walton Quick, leader. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock May 25, Subject: "From
Sense to Spirit." Evening service 8
o'c'ock Tuesday May 27. Subject: "Youth
ful Longevity." Library open 5 afternoons
each week from 2 to 5.
Saint Paul' Episcopal Church and
Chemckefa streetfl. Rev. George H. Swift,
rector. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Jun
ior church and classes 9:45 a.m. Holy
F harlsl and sermon 11 a.m.
riUrim Holiness 2740 Cherry avenue,
V. G. Story, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Morning service 11. YPS 7 p.m. Eve
ning service 7:30.
lirst K range! leal frilled Brethren
ihere Marion crosses Summer street. Rev.
'"'timer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school
Due Sunday
On Pentecost Sunday, eight
senior confirmands of the two
year class will be confirmed at
Central Lutheran church, Hood
and North Summer streets, at
the 11 o'clock service.
Members of the class are
Charles Dahlen. Elling Halvor
son. Delbert Hupp, Donna Lee
Hupp, Opal Hupp, Edna Jacob
er, Luella Leffingwell, Maynard
The pastor. Rev. R. A. Krue
ger, will speak on the subject,
"Confirmation or Graduation?"
Holy Communion will be cele
brated at the service. The of
fering for Pentecost will be tak
en for Augsburg college, Min
neapolis, and Oak Grove semin
ary. Fargo, N, D., which arc
the church schools.
In the afternoon the confirm
ands will hold open house for
the members and friends of the
Dallas Churches
Firsl Presbylrrlan Enrl William Ben
bow. D.D., pftslor. Cliut'cl) school. 9:43.
Mornin worship. 11. Sprmon. 'WUal
Mean Ye By These Stones?"'
Christian and Missionary Alliam-e A.
Hoenisch, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45.
Mornimt worship. 11. Rev. Tatsart. dis
frict superintendent of American Sunday
School union, will be the speaker. Eve
ning; revival. 7:45.
Eramtlical tnited Brethren V. A.
Backer. pastor. Sunday scnool. 9:45.
Morninir worship. 11. Sermon. "The Price
of Peace." Youth fellowship. 7. Evan
selisttc hour. 7:4i. Rev. 11. E. Briuiett.
Jr.. of Western School of Evane!iral Re
ligion, Jenninas Lodge. ill speak.
Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Ufer. pa.slor.
Sunday school, 10. Divine service, U.
f Salt Crrek Rplit Olio Nallingr. pas
l:o. Sunday srhnol. fl:45. Morning worship,
ill.-Sermon. "Two Lovrs." Junior ciiurch
TVicf, 11:30. Sprmon. "Thr Story of
jNoah." Young people's service. 8.
Apostolic Faith N.
Morning sen ice. 11.
Sunday schoc1. 9.30.
C. Rwensen. pastor.
Evening service. 8.
Seventh tlav AdventUt C. T. Dickinson,
pastor. Snbbaih school, 9.45. Morning
worship, 11.
Chunh of (inri J. W. Hunter, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11.
Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evening ser
vice, 7:30.
Grace Mennonile Homer Leisr. usslor
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship in
charge of the Multnomah School of the
B:ble. 11. E'.ening service in ciiarce of the
Salem College and Academy. 7:30.
Falls City Seventh Way ArivcnlUt
Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school.
9:45. Preaching service, 11.
Christian Science Morning service. 11.
Sunday school, 9:45. Subject of the lesson
sermon for the week is "Soul and Body."
Falls Cilv Free MelhodM Sianlev
Walker. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morn
ing service, 11. Young people's meeting,
7. Evangelistic service, 8.
-C. A. Sias, minister. Morn-
ins service, 11.
Fall Citv MellinriiM-
pastor, Sunday school,
Qiieni in Schenck.
0. Church service,
Falls Citv Christian II. N. Waddell.
pastor. Morning worship, II. Bible school,
10. Evangelistic service, 7:30.
Mennonlie Brethren G. H. Jautzcn.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:4f. Worship ser
vice, 10:45, Christian fellowship. 7. Al
K rocker, chairman. Evening service. 7:45.
Mefs;ige by Rev. Peter Becker. Sunday
school union missionary.
Church of ,lesu f'hrM nf Latter War
Saints Elder J. L. Orton presiding. Sun
day school, 10. Preaching service, 7,
MethndM Clark S. Enr. pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11.
Message by the pastor. " Building Living
Memorials." Youth fellowship, 6. Evening
prane service, 7:(6. Sermon, "The Spirit
of Pentecost."
Bethel Sunday Srhool Sunday
10:30. Morning service, 11:30.
Oak Grove Chapel Clark t
nr. Community worship. 9:
Building Living Memorials."
y Sunday school, 10:45.
En', nas
j. Sermon,
Cotnm unl-
F.vanielieal Mrnnnnltr Brethren D P.
Schullsr. pan! or. Sundny .school. 9:45.
Morning worship, 11. Christian Endeavor
program, 7:30.
9:45 a.m. Mornina service II a.m. Sermon
subject: "Redeeming the Time." Evening
service 7:4i. Service flag dismantling ser
vice. Sermon subject: 'Shall We Lay
Down Arms."
Central Lutheran Hood and North
Summer street. Rev. R. A. Krueaer, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible
clasA 9:45 a.m. Morning worship service:
Pr tecost Sunday 11 a.m. Sermon sub
ject: "Confirmation or Graduation?" The
choir will sing "Beautiful Savior" by F.
M ius Christiansen. Holy communion will
be celebrated. In the afternoon the con
firmands will have open house for mem
bers and Iriendji of the congregation.
Highland Avenue Friends
Church street at Highland. Cora .
ory, pastor. Sunday school at
Meeting for worship 8:30 p.m.
meeting 7:30 P.m. Rev. Torgart
I. Gieg
10 a.m.
will be
Ihe speaker, representing the American
sijnaay school Union.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Rally. The evangelists will nlay
Hawaiian music during the opening.
Nationally Known Evangelist
11:00 a.m. "Threefold Aspect of the Holy Spirit.
2:30 afternoon "Evidences of the Baptism of the Holy
7:45 p.m. Great Rally for Evangelism. "The Indispcnsa
bility of the Holy Spirit."
Rev. L. Sheets is a DYNAMIC. POSITIVE Preacher.
Tabernacle Echoes, Saturday, 5:45
Sermons in Song, Sunday. 5:15
Many Attend Evangelistic Tabernacle
There's a Reason
A Welcome Awaits Your Family at the Church
Jefferson Planning
Daily Bible School
Jefferson Representatives
Evangelical United Brethren
churches met at the Evangelical
parsonage to consider holding
a vacation Bible school. Mr. Ir
vin Wright was elected chair
man and Mrs. Chester Rico,
secretary. It was decided to hold
the vacation Bible school for
two weeks beginning Monday,
June 2 with sessions from 9 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m.. for five mornings
each week. Final schedule will
be worked out a meeting to be
held at the Evangelical parson
ag: Saturday, May 24, at 7 p.m.
Church Fellowship
To Present Play
The Pilgrim Fellowship of
Knight Memorial Congregation
al church will present a one
act comedy, "Are We Dressing?"
Monday evening. May 26, 8
o'clock, al the church, corner
1 Slh and Ferry streets.
The all-girl cast is as fol
lows: Homer Andrews, the fath
er, Virginia Bowers; Lora An
drews, the mother, Kathleen
Wilkes; Fred Andrews, the son,
Pat Boyer: Polly Andrews, the
daughter, Kay Pcrrin: Greg Mil
lard, son of the town's wealthi
est citizen, Sue Olson: Joan
Millard, his sister, Janet Boyer;
Ivan Konrad, a business man.
Roberta Boyer: Felicia, the An
drews' colored maid, Doreen
Admission is free, with an of
fering being received to help
send delegates to summer con
ference. Ice cream and cake
will be served.
Silverton Churches
"hunh of God G. W. Cleghorn, pastor
Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
Evangelistic service 8 p.m.
Latter lay Saints I Mormon Sun
day school 9:45 a.m. Divine worship 11
n ,. Young people's society 6:45 p.m.
Evangelistic service 8 p.m.
"rventh Way AdrentiM Fldfr Rea!f.
pastor. Ssbbaih school Saturday 9:30
a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Saturday.
Ch Hslian and Missionary Alliance B.
Franklin, pastor. Sunday school 10
m. Worship 11 a.m. Young people's scr
ee 6:45 p.m. Evanseliotic evening aer-
nig rim Holiness carl Maii.-field. pas
r. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship l:
a.m. Evening service 7:30.
ChrMlan Si lenre Sun
school 9:4o
". Services 11 a.m.
Marqiiam Mel hod hi G. A. Garbodeu,
minister. Sunday school in a.m. Worship
11 a.m. Young peoples service 7:45 p.m.
MclhodM B. F. Browning, past or
C! ich school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Nada Lee
G i' hide, supt. Worship hour 11 a.m. Ser
mon tv the pastor. Youth fellowship 7:30
SI. Paul' Catholic Father .John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday mass 8 and Id
a.m. Week days B:ld a.m.
Firsl ChrislUn Arthur Charles Rate.',
minister. Bible school 9:45 a.m. M. R.
Ford, supl.. Harry Vetter and James C.
Bonner, assist a ni.s. Communion and ser
n.oi) : "Faith as Attitude," 11 a.m. Chris
tian Endeavor. 7 p.m. Evening service
educational ft p.m., sermon subject:
"What Is Baptism?"
Calvary Lutheran Rev. James A. Toltf.
pasior. Sunday school and Bible Ola a Johnson, supt., 10 a.m. Pente- '
cast Sunday worship hour, confirmation
-service and communion 11 a.m., theme:
"Hold FaM." Fellowship hour 5 p.m. Her
bert Hamann, Salem, speaker on Pales
tine. No-host supper following.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Aim lie, ph.v
tor. Sunday school and Bible clashes 10
a.m. Divine worship 11. Pentecost con
firmation service, 18 young folk confirm
ed, ant Item, Junior and Senior choirs.
Sermon: "Kept by the Power of God."
Luther League 7:30 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10
a.m. Divine worship 11. Sermon subject:
"Building the Church." Luther league 7:15
p.m. Confirmation instruction Saturday
!):U0 a.m.. Sunday 10 a.m.
Spirit of Ihe living God,
Pall afresh on me, MELT
inc. MOLD me, FILL me,
USE me; Spirit of the liv
ing God fall afresh on me.
"Grieve not the Holy Spir
it" Eph. 4:30.
Feast of
Assembly of God
Terry at 13th Street
Capital Journal. Siiem. Oregon. Friday, May 2.1. 1S47 9
Cornerstone Laying Service
Salem Academy Sunday
Cornerstone laying ceremonies, in connection with the construc
tion of the first building of the Salem College and Academy, lo
cated on a 24-acre campus on College Heights, two miles west of
Salem on the Dallas highway."
will be observed at 3 o clock
Sunday afternoon with Dr. Earl
S. Kalland, administrative presi
dent of the Western Baptist Theo
logical seminary of Portland as
the principal speaker. Actual
laying of the corner stone will be
in charge of Rex Putnam, state
superintendent of public instruc
tion. Rev. George H. Jan t .en. chair
man of the board of directors of
the college will preside, while
the committee on arrangements
consisted of J. J. Quiring, Rev
A. A. Powen and Rev. Jantzen
Special music will be given by
the Youth Center choir directed
by Ernie Friesen and by the Sa
lem Academy band under the
baton of Wyman Bohl.
Leslcr F. Smith, president of
Ihe school will present faculty
The building to be erected
will be 228 by 60 feet in di
mension and will contain admin
istrative offices as well as a
number of class rooms The
.ichool will offer a four-year
high school course as well as
two years of junior college work.
I1 is under the sponsorship of 19
denominations and at pi csent
has an enrollment of 130 stu
dent?. Bell Ringers to
Provide Concert
The "Victor Theremin, an
instrument that lias no keyboard.
strings, reeds or pipes, but res
ponds to (lie motion of the per
former's hands waving over it
in space without being touch
ed, will be featured in a pro
gram to be given by the Mason
Swiss Bell Ringers Saturday
night at the First Christian
The program will consist of
gospel songs and sacred hymns
played on Swiss hand bells,
musical glasses, singing saw and
similar instruments. A feature
will be a demonstration ot mu
sic obtained by the use of flash
lights, a photo cell and a whirl
ing disc.
Mill City Churches
Prebvterlan Dr. David J. Ferguson,
nuiusier. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
.services 11 a' r lock. Srrmon subject: "Me
morial Day Sunday."
Church nr Christ Lloyd Whitford. pas
tor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morning ser
vices 11 o'clock, Christ Inn Endeavor 6:30
p. hi. Evening services 8 o'clock.
er vices 8
Mai, pastor. Morning
Free Methodist Rev. V. N. Cranmrr,
minister. Sunday school in a.m. Morning
services 11 o'clock. Evening services 7:30
o clock.
Revival Fires Are Burning
This outstanding preacher and man of God will thrill
you as he tells the sweet story of Redemption,
7:45 Each Night Except Saturday
First Church of the Nazarenc
Center Street at 13th
"Salem's Downtown Evangelistic Center"
i Central Location.
lf Easily reached by public
y Nf 3 transportation.
S. sKJf Ample Parking Space in
VrO-VA Our Own Parking Lot.
S prr iii"Wl I Funeral Service Withn
rin Rj?to
Woodburn Churches
Immanuel Lutheran Divine worsh:
11 a.m. :lli lor European relief.
Sunday jhhooI 10 a.m. Confirmation
cliwo Saturday a.m.
Nittarok I ulheran Monitor! Divtn
w oiaiup uii olfenng for European !
her 9:31
.m. Sunday school 10:43 a.m.
Foursquare T. Brocif. pastor,
scnool 9 45. Morning worship 11.
Crmarirrs 6 H0. Young ponle'i
6:30. Evangelistic service 7:45.
,1 tinier
aervic Cathglir
r. L. Moffen-, na.-tor. Ma.'.i'j at 7, S:3(l and 10:30
Wee day masse at 8:15 a.m.
Thr tiosnrl Churrh (Hubbard) Ffv.
Hnd Mrs. E. R. Ha.itir, pa.uors. 8undT
rcliool 10 a.m. Church sf rv:r r 11 a.m.
Y uma people's service 7 p.m. Church aer
vice 8 p.m.
SI. Mary's Kpiicc
ter, vicar. Sunday
nig service 11 a.m.
pal Wm. S. Van Me
school 10 a.m. Morn-
Methodist Rev. Orlando A. Jewell, put
' . Church school 9:4A a.m. Morning
worship 11 s.m. Youth fellowship 7 p.m.
Evening service S p.m.
Fir' Prubvtf rian Sabbath school
9:4.i a.m. Mormiit tvorilitn 11 g.m. Evr
n a worship 7:30 p.m. Bill Spnngslead
morning and e cuing.
Bethel Presbyterian Morning woralnp
10 a.m, Sabbath school 10:43. Christ ti n
Endeavor 7:30. Bill Spnngslead. apealcer.
''hrUtian Rev. George Richarttion, pas
tor. Bibie school 10 a.m. Morning wor
ship 11 a-m. Christian Endeavor 6:30.
Full Gospel (Assembly of God) Lester
Gibson. pfl.Uor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m.
Votning worship ll a.m. Christ' Am
bassadors 7 p.m. Evangelistic service 7.45
r'lurth nf .lrsu Christ nf Latter
Saints ( Mormon) Sunday scnool
a m. Sacrament meeting 7 p.m.
Churrh f God Rev. and Mrs. M. W,
Skinner, pastors. Sunday school 10. Wor
ship service ll. Youth fellowship 7:15,
Junior club 7:13. Evangelistic jeruce .
he Reorianiieri Churrh of Jet in Christ
of Latter Day Saints Church school 10
a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. Zion leagut
;ju p.m.
Free Methodist Gilbert Johnson, paa
r. Sunday school :45 am. Morntnt
orshii 11. Junior service' 6:30 p.m. Ivg-
mng worship service 7:30.
Anilor Community Rev. and Mrs. A.
Solomon, pastors. Sunday ichool 10
a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening
service 7:30 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran John H.
r. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Werlh, pas
Divine wor-
ship 10:30 a.m.
Stayron Churches
lelhoriist Rev. R. T, Cooking ham.
pastor. Bible school, 10 a.m. worship ser
vice at It. Youth fellowship at 6:30 p.m.
Evenin praise service at 7:30.
Church f Christ Vernon K. Beks,
pastor. Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning
worship service 10:50. Evening worship al
.tnplist I (.range Hall) Rev, WilUi d
Buckner, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning worship It o'clock. Training
hour at 7:15 p.m. Evening service at 6.
AvsemMy of God Dwlght I,. Roys, pas
tor, Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning ser
vice 1 1 o'clock. Young people's meeting
8:45 p.m. Evening evangelistic aervic
7:45 o'clock.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Rer,
Math. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses at 6 a.m,, 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m.