1 Church Circles Plan Meeting The regular choir music night program at the First Presbyter ian church will feature Ruth and Henri Arcand of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arcand are a two piano team and their programs of sacred and classic music have received fine recognition wher ever they have appeared. Among the numbers that they will play are Bach's "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Sheep May Safe ly Graze," Rachmaninoff's "Rus sian Easter Bells," and Mozart's "Sonata in D Major." The choir, directed by Vir ginia Ward Elliott, will sing three anthems that have been the most popular during the past year. Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, or ganist, will play Largo from "Concerto Grosso in D. Minor" by Vivaldi-Bach and Finale from "Chorale in A Minor" by Franck. em 5 Lhu relied Writ Salem Methodist O. Leonard Jones- minister. Church school 8:45, Mr. Leo Estey, supt. Worship 11 a.m.. ser mon: "Flndlnt Ourselves." Evening fel lowship for youth at 6:30 in charge ot Ksy Karnopp. Evening service for adults 7:30. First Church of God Cottage and Hood atreeta. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., Mr?. H. A. Schlatter, supt. Junior church 10:45 p.m. Sermon: "In the Sanctuary." Rev. "Wilma Perry, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:45 p.m. by a gioup from Pacific Bible college, Portland. Sermon: "The Sweetest sons." Rev. Wtlma. Perry, 7:45 p.m. Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Schlatter, ministers. St. Mailt Evangelical Lutheran 313 N. Church St. Rev, M. A. Getzendaner, D.D.. pa.stor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning srrvice 11. Sermon: The Rev. Allen Lam bert will be the gueat preacher. I.abiih Center Community (Evangelical 1'niled Brethren) V. A. Zornes. min ister. May 18, Conference Missions Sun dav. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning wor ship 11 a.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Lyle Leach. Sermon topic: "God-Titled Men." Clear Lake Community (Evangelical United Brethren) V. A. Zornes, minis ter. May 18, Conference Missions Sun day. Morning worship 9:55 a.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Lyle Leach. Sermon topic: "God-Titled Men." Sunday school 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. First Presbyterian Chemcketa and Winter street. Chester W, Ilamblin. pas tor. Francis H. Chambers, assistant pas tor. Church school 9:45 a.m. J. J. Fitz simons, supt. Morning worship 10:55 a.m. Sermon subject: "The Stars in Their Courses." Sermon by the pastor. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Music nig lit. Program by the choir with Ruth and Henri Ar cand of Portland, duo pianists, as guest artists. Tuxis Fellowship 6:15 P.m. Junior high Fellowship 6:30 p.m. College Fireside 8:30 p.m. First Christian Center and High streets. Rev. Dudley Strain, pastor, church school 9:45. Morning worship 10:50. Sermon topic: "We Need to Be Wiser." Evening service 7:30. Rev. Em melt Ricknrd, guest speaker. Youth .meetings 6:15, Jr. Hi, Sr. Hi, Phi Zeta ' Christo. Omission St. Church. United Brethren In Christ Mission between 12th and Uni versity streets. George Martin, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 10:50. Sermon. "If God Be for Us." Eve ning worship 7:30. Sermon, "The Prayer of Faith." Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. Bible study on prayer and revivals. South Salem Friends South Commercial and Washington. J. Francis Lowe, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11. D D. Randall of the American Sun day school union will be present for the morning service and will deliver the mes sage. Evening Christian endeavor 6. Evening worship 1. Seventh Day Advenlist Corner Hood and Summer. G. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school Saturday 9:30 a.m. Morn ing service 11. District young people's meeting 3:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 7:30 p.m. St. Paul's Episcopal church and Che meketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Jun ior church and classes 9:45 a.m. Prayer service and sermon 11 a.m. Court Street Christian 17th at Court at rects W. H. Lyman, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 10:50. Sermon "The Great Divorce." Christian endeavor hour 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "Silence, Please!" Church night dinner and fellowship Thursday 6:30 p.m. Church of Christ Madison and Baker. L. L. Freeman, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Evening service 7. Song practice. Sermon 7:45. Bible study Wednesday evening 7:45. Bethel Baptist North Cottage at D streets. Gustave G. Rauscr, minister. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon, "Why I Am a Minister of the Gospel." Evening service 7:30. Sermon, The American Sunday school union as guests. Wednesday 7:45 prayer fellow ship and Bible study. First Evangelical I n Med Brethren Where Marion crosses Summer street. Rev. Wilmer N, Brown, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. R, H. Ermel. supt. Morning rervice 11 a.m. Home mission day. Rev. E. A. Fogg of Corvallis. guest speaker. Evening service 7:45 p.m. Sacred concert, Pacific College a Cappclla Choir. Jesus Name Pentecostal Tabernacle 1175 Lewis street R. V. Sittser, pastor, Sunday school 10 a.m. Classes for all ages. Morning service 11. Sermon, "Our Place In the Body," continued. Evening service 7:45. Sermon, "Illustrated Mes sage." Young people's service Friday eve ning 7:45. Salem Truth Center 26a N. Cottage. Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Morning serv ice 11. May 18. Sermon, "Our Divine Birthwrlght." Evening service 8., Tues day, May 20. Sermon "Youthful Long cvlty." Library open 6 afternoons each week 2-5. First Church of Chrlit. Scientist Che meketa and Liberty. Sunday school 11 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Sermon, "Mortals and Immortals." Evening serv- His Ascension "He Shewed Himself Alive . . . Being seen of them forty days . . . while they beheld. He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight." Acts 1:3. 9. Jislorlc Text )M-W w tl V'rfiiyl i itiiti, ?;, rAAii NATIONAL MORMON CHAPEL AT This beautiful building, the ire 8 p mortals.' i. Sermon. "Mortals and Im Wcdnesday evening meeting 8 Salem Free. Melhodfst Corner N. Win ter and Market. Richard T. Fine, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning wor ship 11 a.m. ''The measure of a Man." Young people 7 p.m. Evangelistic 7:45 p.m. Christ Lutheran State at 18th utreMs. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:45. Di vine worship 11. sermon, ah nun me Power of Jesus Name." Luther league 5:30 p.m. St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod 1 N. 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gnu. pastor. Sunday school 0:30 a.m. Morning service 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. First Spirit ualisl 248 N. Commercial. Services at. 2::i0 and 7:30. Rev. Maxlne Roberts, speaker. Circle at 6. Calvary Chapel. Full Gospel 127S N. Church street. Kev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Miss Lora Frlesen. supt. Morning serv ice 11 a.m. Rev. Claude C. Bell preach ing. Defenders of the faith 7 p.m. Spe cial guest speaker Rev. KltlRer from Mc Minnville. Miss Joyce Friesen, leader. Evening service 7:45 p.m., Rev. Mary W. Bell preaching, Tuesday evening service 8 p.m. Friday evening service 8 p.m. First Methodist Church and State streets. Joseph M. Adams, pastor. Church school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon, "A Dynamic Faith." Solo "Prayer" (Giuonl Corydon Blidgett. Sanc tuary service 7 p.m. Prayer worship led by Wesley fellowship. Dale Cleaver, speaker. Interest groups Junio Hi, Senior Hi, Wesley and adulL 7:30 p.m. The Salvation Army 'J41 State street. Captain and Mrs. R. B. Lesher, command ing oiltcers. Sunday school 10 a.m. Holi ness meeting 11 a.m. Y. P. legion 6 p.m. Salvation meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Family night 7:30 p.m. Friday, Youth night activities. Saturday, Praise serv ice 8 p.m. Calvary Baptist 1230 South Liberty. Rev. Charles Durden. D.D., pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11, Guest speaker. Rev. Gilbert Christian, executive secretary of the Oregon Coun cil ol Churches. Evening service 7:30. Guest speaker. Rev. Gilbert Christian. Baptist youth fellowship 6:30 a.m. Mid week service for prayer and praise Wed nesday 7:30 p.m. tniversal Church of The Master Nn. . (Spiritual) 460 N. Cottage. Guest speaker, Mrs. Arlie Thompson. Evening service 7:30. Everyone cordially invited. . B. Church 1125 Elm street. Rev. A. Loewcn, paster. A. H. Fadcnrecht. assistant. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing worship 10:45 a.m. Young people's meetings 6:45 p.m. Evening gospel serv- 7:45. Wednesday: Midweek Bible class under Dr. Houser 7:15 p.m. Prayer meeting 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Tabernacle. AssembW nf God Ferry at 13th street. Rev. Waller S. Frederick, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. J. Bartlctt, supt. Morning service 11. Mother's Day service. Sermon, "The Mother as the Ideal." Younir oeonle Christ's ambassadors 6 p.m. Evening service 7:45. Evangelistic rallv. Wednes day 7:45 midweek .service. Friday, all day oi prayer m the tabernacle. Radio broad cast over KSLM. Saturday 5:45 Taber nacle Echoes. Sunday 5:15 sermons in song. First Conrreratlonal North Cottar f Marion. Rev. S. R. Huntington, D.D., pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing service 10:55. Sermon. "To Be Alive In Such an Age!" Pilgrim fellowship at the church 7 p.m. Central Lutheran Hood and North Sum mer streets. Rev. R. A. Kriiecer. nastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Evelyn Halvor- son, leader. Adult Bible class 9:45 a.m. Morning worship II a.m. Sermon. "Cour age." Nursery will be onen durinc thr Midweek Bible study and prayer J hour Wednesday 8 p.m, Christian and Missionary Alliance Fifth at Gaines streets. Rev. Herman J. Bohl, pastor. Associate. Wvman B. Rnhi Run. day school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Bertha Sheets supt. Morning service 11. Rev. Rice of Dallaa will bring the message of the Rev. Wilma Perry, Evangelist if K ' I Vf J dliurcliei oj? and Drawing By Frederick Polley Washington chapel Church of l.. . r I Jcu Chnrt of Latter-DayJVl 5S OPS iUnfJaV Samls is located at he intersec- turn of 16th street Columbia r Canf,p fa r road and Harvard street, in the TOT C Vd lig 6 1 Kd 1 5 cau aT l'r I Home Missions Sunday will be H was designed by Ramm Hansen, a Norwegian convert, and Don Carlos Young, Jr., a grandson of Brigham Young. It is built of Utah marble quarried in the Ncbo mountains about 90 miles from Salt Lake City. All the marble was milled and fin ished to specifications before it was shipped from Utah. The spire is patterned after the general design of the chief spire of the Salt Lake City tem ple, and here as there, it is capped by a 10-foot figure of the Angel Moroni. Other sym bols and architectural units in the building are fashioned from the temple in Salt Lake City. The chapel was erected in the years 1930-33, and was officially dedicated November 5, 1933. The interior furnishings are both unique and beautiful. The windows are of special interest to visitors and to the members of the faith, in that they repre sent scenes that have to do with the founding and spread of the church. The continent of North j America has special significance: to members of the church, be-i cause it was here in this country, j in New York state, that the church was organized April 6, 1830. Visiting tourists in Washing ton are invited to view the in terior of the chapel and guides are furnished by the church for this purpose. Our acknowledge ments to J. Ridge Hicks. Presi dent Washington State Mission, for factual information in the above article. morning. Evening service 7:30. Rev. Fadenrecht. associate pastor of the West Salem M. B. church, is the speaker of the evening. Young people's meeting 6:30 Sunday evening. The Reorganized Church nf Jesus Christ nr I.. D. S. Coiner N. 17th and Che meketa slreets. Charles H. Ashcr, pastor. All church services canrelled for Sunday, May 18, to attend conference in Vancou ver, Wash., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jason Lee Methodist N. Winter at Jef ferson. S. Raynor Smith, minister. Church srhool 9:45. Morning worship 11 with Dr. Norman A. Huffman of Willamette university preaching on "The Perils of Idolizing the Bible." Evening worship 7:30 with Mrs. S. Raynor Smith speak ing on "The Women ol China." Youth fellowship group? 6:30. Bethany Evangelical and Reformed Marlon and Capitol. Ed Statiffer, evan aellJit or Portland, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Sermon, "Salem Is Delaying the Lord's Return, Why?" First Baptist Liberty and Marion. Rev. Harold Backland of the Portland Chinese Mission will be the speaker today. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Marvin Clatterbuck, Ice supt. Mornin? worship 11. Evening serv- 7:30, Sermon. Rev. Backland will also present the evening service. Hayesville Baptist Sunday School Hayesvllie school house. Rev. Henry Barnet. pastor. Sunday srhool 9:45 a.m. Morning service 10:45. Prayer meeting and Bible study on Thursday evening at 7:30 at the pastor'a home. E V I V A L FIRST Cottage and Hood Sis. Salem, Oregon Services Nightly, 7:45 May 1 8 to 25 Children Meeting 4:00 to 5:00 Except Sot. and Sun. Mr. Clarence Perry Song Evangelist Ucv. and .Mrs. H. A. St'hlattcr, Ministers I I M. merit a WASHINGTONrshew.saTardedthe I?" t1 ooscrvcu at nit' riiat rvctiiKuii-, , - cal United Brethren church Sun-1 group of the First Christian dav. The ministers of the con-! church of this city, of which she ference will make a pulpit ex-iis a member. In inter-church ac change for the morning worship I livilics in the city and state service. The Kev. fc. A. rojS.isl,e " ULU" a " ",v pastor of the Corvallis Evangeli-1 i"g been president of the Ore cal United Brethren church, will be the guest minister for the morning worship service, and Rev. Brown will be the guest minister at the Tat't Evangelical United Brethren church. The A Cappella choir from Pacific college, Ncwberg, will present a sacred concert under the direction of Professor Roy Clark, in the Musical Evangelist hour at 7:45 p.m. The choir has just returned from a California concert tour. First Church of the Nuxnrene 13th and Center streets. Rev. Orvllle W. Jenkins, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Win. Beaver, supt. Morning service 10:50 a.m. Rev. Harold L. Volk. evangelist. Choir. "What a Friend We Have In Jesus." Youth groups meet at 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Harold L. Volk. speaker. Choir, vival services continue ea( h tilslit at 7:30 except Saturday. Hold to God s UnchanRing Hand.' Leslie Methodist South Commercial at ! Christian and Missionary Alhanre-IL Myers. Joseph Knotts. minister. Sun-' A. Franklin pastor. Sunday school 10 day school 9:45 a.m. Morning service ui '- Worship 11 a.m. Young Jovb er a.m. Sermon theme. "The Enmilv Be- j vice 6:45 p.m. Evangelistic even.ni er tween Satan and God." Youth and Wes- vice I:45- ley fellowships 7 p.m. Evening service 8 p.m. sermon. 10 rorsie or Not to For - Rive." Midweek service Thursday 7:30 Not to For- The Four Square ( Hurrh 430 N. 19th between Center and Chemerteta. Rev. .las. XflJ'r;.,pa.St0.r' . Sun(ln' r:on 9:45 "j "' f"" m -BUUke- s,lfn- i" Si's. T T.n4ilo,.Cry 'UfS MnF. oeniioii. -uniimiiea rait h. Crusaders 6:45. ages from 15 to 35. Kve- ninit service. 7:45. Rev. Jas. II. Tavlor showine pictures of Africa. Sermon. "See ing Africa" with slides never before hown in Salem. Tuesday midweek prayer serv ice 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. Columhia dis trict cni.sader rally 7:45 p.m. Thursday 7:45 special, c. T. James, converted radio and vaudeville artist, sinsins and playina. roiir corners napiiM Stale street at Elma avenue. Rev. Frank O. Ferrin. pas tor. Bible school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Subject. "The Man Who Came Down to Go Up." Youth traiiiins unions 6:30. three croups. Evening service 7:30. Sub ject. "The Writings of Oori." Midweek prayer and Bible study hour, Wednesday Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. f'rrtuison. minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mornine ser-Ices 11 o'clork. Sermon subject: "Citi zenship Dar." Special music. Church or Christ Rev. Lloyd Whit ford pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning services 1 1 o'clock. Evening services 8 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Catholie Rev. Mai, services fl o'clock. STAYTON Churches pastor. Morning Glorious Revival Services with REV. HAROLD L VOLK OF DENVER, COLO. Hear This Outstanding Preacher Tell the Sweet Story of Redemption ""-' ' May 18 - June 1 7:30 p.m. except Saturdays FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Center Street ot 13th ORVILLE W. JENKINS, Postor "SALEM'S DOWNTOWN EVANGELISTIC CENT Elf J f .? . 6 Miss Delvon Long Miss Long to Go to Norway Miss Delvon Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbcrt Long, ol 645 S. 12th street, has just recently been accorded the great honor of being chosen one of the two young people to repre sent the Oregon Christian Youth council at the second World Christian Youth conference, which will be held at Oslo, Nor way, this summer. Miss Long, who is now doing social service work at Friendly House, in Portland, has been an outstanding y o u n g person throughout her student days, both in Salem high school and at Willamette university, from which she was graduated in 1946. At Salem high, she was elected to Sigma Lamda national honor society. At Willamette she was president ot various clubs and organizations, anri in her senior year was president both as to scholarship and ac- jtlvitv on the campus. She had ! the honor of being nmed in jwhos Who Among Students of American Universities and Col- leges. She has been an extreme- gon Christian Youth council in 1945. In company with the other delegates from the United States, who arc expected to number 200 Miss Long will sail for Norway the first part of July. Silverton Churches Church nf Cod G. W. Cleghorn, pastor. Sunday .Hcliool 10 a.m. ngmum n n Evangelistic service 8 p.m. Latter nay Sainis ( Mormon)-Sandfly school 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. MIA 7:30 p.m. Assembly of tiod Omar Bailey, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. Youue people society 6:45 p.m. Eaiicelisuc service 8 p.m. cviith n;iv Advent M Elder Bens'.ey, . PMor. Sabbalh school Saturday 8:30 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Saturday. llolinest Carl Mansfield, pas- ; . , , , . , u-nrhiD 11 ' ,or" S'V'd"n- rv?r!-l! Christian Srienre Sunday aa.ool fl.4a .a.m. Serwccs 11 a.m. I Mar.uam Methodisl-G. A. Ga.-hoden ! minister. Sunday srhool 10 a.m. Worsnin ! '1' " I MflUad,s B. F. Brownin. Piustor. j 1 9-4S a.m. Mrs. Nad. Lee Gnnde, supt. Worship hour 11 a.m. Ser mon by pastor. Youth iciiowsnip si. Paul' Catholie Father .John .1 Walhli. pn.stor. Sunday mass 8 and a.m. Weclc days 8:15 a.m. t'lrcl rhritllan Arthur ntmrlfR Rate.1. I minister. Bible school 9Ab a.m. Ford, supt ., assisted by .lames C. Bon ne- and Harry Vettrr. Communion and momma worship hour. 1 1 a.m. Sermon: "All Tilings to All Men." Christian En deavor 7 p.m. Evening service 8 p.m.. theme: "What Shall We Do?" C'alvarv Lutheran Rev. James A. Tof te, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class 10 a.m. Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Morn ing worship 11, catechize the calechu mens. Sermon tiieme: "Remember What 1 Told You." Male chorus will sing. Immanuel Luthrran 5. h. Almlie, pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Divine wor ship 11, sermon: God's Wise Man." An them, choir. Presentation Christian Ser vice play by Luther league. Luther league i ?cls 7:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pan tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11, sermon subject: "The Cost of Discipleship." Special mu sic. Luther league 7:15 p.m. Conftrmfilion in si rue Lion Saturday 9:30 a.m. and Sun day 10 a.m. - - Dallas Churches Flrt Presbvlerian Karl Will. am Ben bow, D. D-. minister. Ctutich M-iiool a :.; morning worship 11 a.m. Dr. Kcnbow a:l! preacli on the Uicme "PiertesMiation and Providence. Christian Scienre Services eery Sun day at II am. Sunday .ichoo! a, a is, i Sublet l of the Iscnsou sermon lor week is Mortals and lmnioi : a FalU Cil Seventh llav AdventM RaiPli , Olitidrn, pastor. Sabbaiti m)ioo. 9 as a.m. T- 'aeliini aeruces eeiy S.ibbaiH a. 11 i a.m. i Kvameliral Mennmiilr HrrlUren I). P i Srhuliz. paMor. Sunday. !i S. .Sunday, .school. 11 a.m.. i no nun a worsh.p. p.m.! cvaneelisllc service. j Fvantelical I'nited Brethren Rev. W A. I Backer, minister. Sunday ii-hool. 9:45. Keysiotie class in cliarse of tin- openine i exercises. Mornine worship. 11. Rev. Ver-I non A. Zornes ol Clear Ih'kp will preach on tli subject, "Tile Debt Wr Owe."' A : special offcritu wi'.l be received lor con- j ference missions. YouUt lellouhip. 7. FvAimettstlc hour. 1 A. Rev. c. F. War-1 keibarth will preach in the niiM-nce of the pastor, who will preach at Mnpleton Seventh Hay AdveutUi Pastor C. T. I Dn'klndon. district superintendent. As-1 sociates. Ralph Gladden and Robert Skm- I ncr. Sabhatli school at 9:4 j. Sermon at 1 11 o'clock. hurrh of dnd J. w. Hunter, pas! or Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Mornum worship. a.m. Youiift People's in re: inn, 6:45 ,. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Falls Cliy Free Melliodisl Rev. R.anley Walker, pastor. Sunday .school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Ynunn people's meet ins 7 p.m. Evangelistic service 8 p.m. Sail Creek Baptist Olto Nallmser. pas (or. 9:45 a.m.. Sunday school. U a.m. morninii worship. Sermon. "Seven Won ders. 8 p.m., bapUMunl senior. Apnstnlir Failh Rev. N C. Swensen. paMor. Sunday: 11 a.m. and ft p.m. Sun da:' school at 9:30 a.m. Oak Grove Clark 8. Fnz, pa. si or. Com munity worship. 9:45 a.m. Senium. "The Christian's Greatest Pnvilene." Communi ty Sunday school. 10:45 a.m., Ennl Stev ens, superintendent. Free Methodii.1 F.vclyn Collins, pa.stor. Sunday school, 9-45. Cecil Von Brocklin. superintendent. Church service. 11. Spe cial music. Messatte by the pastor. "Spirit ual Vitamins." Sunday school. 2:30. at Guthrie school. Walter Schnmke. supcr intedent. Evangelistic sernce, 7; 45. VrinilT Lutheran Karl A. lifer, i tor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Divine vice at 11 a.m. Nursery at 11 a.m. Terrydale C. A. Slas. minister. Mothers will be especially honored in the 11 a.m. service. The Christian Endeavorera nre preparing corsaces lor all mothers who attend. The sermon and muic will have 'Mother'" as their central theme. Bibir school 11 a.m. Fall I'ilv Moilmriiii rtini c. i. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Claude .Tutu, sum-mi '.niacin. Morning services 11. Young people's meeting 6 p.m. pastor. Sunday school 10.00 a.m. Chun-ii .service 11:15 a.m. pas:or. B.ble .school 10 a.m. Morn nut wor ship 11 a.m. Evangelistic service 7.30 P.m. Saints Elder J. L. Orion, presidina. Sun. 1 school 10 a.m. I'reacimia service 7 Protestant Episcnpal D c a n Perry H Smith. 11 a. in, service. Ret he) Sun da v Si imni i, Sunday srhool. 10:30 a.m. Services. 11:311 a.m. .p. ii. nciiicm. suneriniciif lent. I'lOlesljut Episcopal The Rev. Perry H. Smith. Sunday. A p.m.: Continuation at St. Hilda's, Monmouth. Dean Smith will present several members of the Dal las mission to the bishop for sacra nient of continuation at I he Monmouth church. Members of the Dallas mission and friends of the clasjt to be confirmed are Invited to be present. There will be no Sunday inornina srrvice. Mrnnnnilr Hrethren G. II. Jaiilen, minister. Sundny school. 9:45. Warship service. 10:4.i. Sermon. "Of Whom the World Wa. Not Worthy." Christian fel lowship, 7. EvenniR service. 7:45. This .service will he inch a rue of the turnip from l he Salem Collexe nud academy. Professor Smith will speak. Dallas MellMMiUI Clnrk S. F.ni, pastor. Church school, R. II. Cliapin. super in-1 tendent. 8:45 a.m. Morninit worship, II a.m. Sermon, "The Christian's Greatest Privilege." A nursery U provided. Youth fellowship, par.sonattr, fl p.m. EvrniiiR praise jservice, 7:30 P.m. Sermon. "Facing Christ's Most Pressing QurMion." Stayton Churches MrlhodM Rev. R. T. Cookingham. pastor. Bible school. 10 a.m. Worship ser vice at 11. Youtii fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Evenin praise service at 7.30. Church nt I'lirUI Vernon 1 pastor. Bible scnnol, 10 a in. worship service 10. 30. Evening worship at 17:30. Hap list Mirancr Hall) Rev. Wil!anl Burkner, pa.stor. Sunday school 10 a m. Morning worship 1 1 o'clock. Training hour at 7:15 p.m. Evening service at 8. Assembly of fiod D Win lit I,. Ro-.s. tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning vice 11 o clock. Young people's mnei 6:45 p.m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 o'c.ock. tmmarulalr Conrrptlon I'alhnlir Itrv Mat ii. Jonas, pa si or. Sim day srrv Ma ii.; at R a.m.. 7:30 a.m.. fl:1(l a.n MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem j Urt-O Stf tVAj ,.7thelWcofFttvith ! tMOMTiC flavor I I fST'iS at vourSArE WAY Store. 'Capital Journal, Salem, Orojjon, Friday, May 16, lfli7 1 Mason Swiss Bell Uingcrs wno will be presented in concert at the First Christian church at 7:30 next Sunday night. The pro gram will consist of familiar hymns and gospel songs played on a large array of musical instruments. Woodburn Churches lmmaniiel Lutheran Sunday srhool t.1 10 a.m.. divine worship and hoiy com munion 11 am. Nidurov Lutheran. Mtmitnr Sunday school will be conducted at close ol ri:- i ue w or-hi p. Pentecost Sunday. Mai 25. at 0:30 a.m. I Foursquare T. Hvocke. pns'.or. Sun day school 9:45. Mnnmic worship 11. Junior OniMiders 6:10. Young people's ser vice 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:45. SI. Luke's Catholic ttev. V. L. Moffen brier, nastor. Masses at 7. R:in and 10:'10 a.m. Week day masses at 8:15 a.m. The (insprl Church. Hubbard new and Vis. E. R. Hn.Mie, pastors. Sunday school 10. Church .service 11. Young people's ; service 7. Church service 8. SI. Mart's Episcopal William fi. Van Mri er. icar. Sunday school 10 a.ni i Morning service 11 a.m. Mcihodisl Rev. Oriaud A. .Jewell, pa si or. Church school l 4.'i a.m. Monmu worshi 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Evening worship 8 p.m. First I'rrsln trrian S;ibb.i! h school 9:4.i a.m. Morn me worship 11 a.m. Ee ning worship " 30 p.m. Krthrl I'reshvirrl.m Mnnr.iu wor ship 10 a.m. Snhha'.h school 10.15. Chris tian Endeavor meeting 7:30. Christian He v. Ocorpr II. Richardson, pastor. Bible school 10 a m. Morn. an worship 11 a.m. Christ in u Endravor 6:30 lull Gosprl (Assembly nf God) Rev. Lester Gibson, pastor. Sunday school 0 45 a.m. Morn: tin worship 1! a.m. Christ's Ambassadors 7 p.m. Eaneci:s lice service 7:45 p.m. Church nf Irsus ChrM ot I.jttrr ll.iv Sain I Ulnrmonl ItKlK hall. Sundiiv sciiool lOi a.m. Sacrament meeting 7 p.ni ! Church t CihI Rev. and Mrs. M. W I Skinner, pastors. Sunday srhool 10. Wor ship service 11. Youth Fellowship 7:15 Junior club 7:15. K anuclislic service . Thr Kenreaniied Church of Jesus Christ nf l.attrr Pay S.iinU Church school 10 a.m. 1'rcachiug at 11 a.m. Z.on league 7:30 p.m. Free Met Inn" . Gllbrrl Johnson. .ias tor. Sunday school 9 45 a.m. Mornine worship 11. Junior service ft .30 p.m. Eve niiiK worship service 7:30, Monitor Community R-v. and Mrs. A. E. Solomon, pastors. Sunday srhool I 10 a.m. Morinus worship U a.m. Evening Trinity Lutheran John H. Werth. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Divi worship 10:30 a.m. NOW YOU MAY HAVE "GORGEOUS HAIR!" thanks to easy home treatment Dry, dull, dandruff y hair? Do this! At night massnKC scaln with sdentilicallv medicated Culictira Uinimrnt. Next day shampoo with fragrant, mildly medi cated Cuticura Soap. Try this several times results may amaze you ! ti5 years success. Buy at your druggist's today. :5ALT LAKE CITY 1510J ff tfSkr 5M ! CHICAGO 37" PJ. -i DfPOT TICKET Of net sApM'JA I I 17.1 So. Hit: h 1'hiinr IRIf, jiS.S)iiiJV I 33c nrrm I VW-1 GRAPETTE has a flavor I I C mHmS A C f1 You enjoy ANYTIME, I Church Group Holds Dinner Monday evening. May 10, members and friends and their families, of the First Congrega tional church will meet for a no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Cor win Olds, assistant to Dr. Ronald Bridges of the Panifin I School of Religion will speak briefly to the group. This is ithe regular spring business meet ling of the church, and officers for the coming church year will ' be elected. Other matters of -business will also be consider ed. j Thursday night. May 22. the j Men's club will hold their I monthly dinner. Members of j both basketball teams of the i church will he guests, and the j trophy won by the Senior B. league will be presented to the boys. A special feature of the meeting will be the presenta tion of official moving pictures of the 1940 world scries, and of sonic of the stars in action. One lava field in Iceland cov ers 1.700 square miles. Used Cars 1946 Nash Amb., R & H 1940 Hudson 5-Pass. Cpc, Radio and Heater 1939 Ply. Conv., R & Hf 1936 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Chev. Std. Coach 1935 Pontiac Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Plymouth Sedan 1931 DeSoto Sedan 1942 Harley Motorcycle Ron's Motor Co. Ph. 4598 240 S. High i 9 , m ave you I