Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 10, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CaplUI Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 10, 1947
Monmouth PTA
Holds Election
Monmouth Officers of the
Monmouth PTA were installed
by Mm. Marvin Perkins, retir
ing president, and are Mrs.
Lewis Perkins, president; Mrs.
R. C. McCoy, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Arthur Swindell, sec
ond vic president; Mrs. Marvin
Perkins, secretary, and Mrs.
Henry Alsip, treasurer.
Mrs. Lewis Perkins and John
B a r r , director of traiiwig
schools for OCE, gave repoTls.
The unit was awarded a certifi
cate of standardization at the
atate convention with Mrs. Lew
is Perkins official delegate. Mrs.
Donald Searing, membership
chairman, reported 42 new
members during the year with
immunization and health exam
inations given by the Polk
county health unit through ar
rangements made by Mrs. Fred
Hill, health committee chair
In her final report Mrs. Per
kins listed activities of the year
as sponsoring the lunch room
project with an average of 125
served at noon; purchase of a
J74 scholarship for a qualified
Monmouth high school gradu
ate; a Christmas party attended
by several hundred students and
parents; host to the county coun
cil; a demonstration at the high
school; sponsored cub scouts
with monthly meetings during
the summer and a cash award to
the classroom having the great
est number of parents present.
Mobile Chest Report
Shows Many Films
Albany According to reports
received here by the Linn coun
tv public health association
from Oregon State Chest X-
ry Survey headquarters in
Portland, 4,671 miniature chest
X-rays were filmed in Linn
county during the first ten days
of April while three mobile
units were operating through
out the area.
This report was received by
Mrs. Boyd Southard, secretary
of the Linn association, with
which the Linn county public
health department co-operated
in conducting the X-ray survey
in that county.
According to the health de
partment records, 110 of the
large follow-up X-ray films have
been taken by the health de
partment since the micre-film
pictures were filmed, and still
more are yet to be taken.
Mrs. Clifford Precine and
mall daughter, Sherry Lee,
spent the past week with her
grandmother, Mrs. Lura Truw.
Mrs. C, E. Cotes and Mrs. Wil
liam Condin were hostess for
the Woman's club. Red Cross
aewing and quilting were done
by the members and visitors.
Mrs. Fred Brassfield has put
In a dress shop upstairs at the
Pedee store.
Mrs. Jack Wells and Mrs.
Glen Edwards attended the
Parent and Teachers association
convention in Portland. They
were guests ot Mrs. Wells moth
er, Mrs. Kate Powers. Little
Bonnie Edwards stayed with his
grandmother, Mrs, Lafe Ed
wards. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ruiter
and daughter have moved to
the J. P. Simpson farm at Rit
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Lund have
moved to Ihc Ruiter house at
Simpson mill.
Mrs. Glen Edwards and girls
of her 4-H club held a weiner
roast on the banks of the Lucki
mule. Sidney Howard spent Satur
day in Albany visiting his aunt,
Mrs. Emma Murphy of James
lown, N. D., who is leaving
Tuesday for home, and her
daughter Pansy Murphy who
came from her home in Los
Mr. and Mrs. William Cower,
who have spent the past week
with her mother, Mrs. Althea
McSherry, returned to their
home at Valfetz. Mrs. Anna
Gardner of Falls City will spend
some time with her daughter,
Mrs. McSherry.
Lebanon Considers
City Zoning Plan
Lebanon City zoning, what
has been done and what plans
are for the future, will be ex
plained by City Councilman
Kenneth Wilshire at next Mon
day night's meeting of the Leb
anon Chamber of Commerce.
Wilshire reported he will
have charts and maps to illu
strate his talk, and that he will
welcome an open discussion to
get members' reactions to plans.
The famous OBCHS
les bbo 0ne Night 0nly
Evergreen Chapter
To Honor Mothers
Woodburn Mothers will be
honored at the regular meeting
of Evergreen chapter No. 41
Order of the Eastern Star, Mon
day evening at the Masonic tem
ple. Refreshments will be serv
ed by a committee which in
cludes Mrs. Howard Magnuson,
Mrs. Lester Walling, Mrs. Les
lie Paulson, Mrs. Lewis Paul
son, and Mrs. Charles Cornwell.
Building Permits
Granted at Stayton
Staylon The Slayton city
council at its meeting granted a
building permit to Wilbur Por
ter to move the present build
ing housing the Porter & Lau
radio store one lot north, and
construct a building of Stran
steel and concrete at 58S Third
Cost of the building is esti
mated at $7,000 and will be used
as a showroom for radios and
appliances. It is planned to
start construction about June 1.
Harry J. Rowe was given a
permit to tear down a barn just
off Third street between Ida
and Water streets, and to build
a three-room apartment at a
cost of $1,000.
A building permit was issued
to Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Pope
to build a one-story, six-room
dwelling and shop on West Lo
cust street for $10,000. They
plan to build the shop first and
live in it until the house is com
pleted. Clifford C. Carrick was issued
a permit to build an addition at
a cost of $1,200 at 419 East
Fourth and Jefferson streets,
and Betty Gootle Amos was
granted one for a one-room ad
dition to her home on Jefferson
Falls City
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Starr of
Myrtle Point spent the night
with his mother, Mrs. Anna
The Loyal Women's class met
with Mrs. Richard Paul. Mrs
Liilie Ward had charge of the
devotions and Mrs. Robert Nel
son of the program. A luncheon
was served to ten. There will
be a mother and daughter pro
gram and no-host dinner Fri
day at 8:30 o'clock at the Chris
tian church.
Roger Regella, Evelyn and
Barbara Graham attended the
C. E. convention in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cooper
were host to an aluminum dem
onstartion dinner. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joslin.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson, Mrs.
Harvey Marr, Mrs. Jack Marr,
Mrs. Sidney Gist and Leland
Dicky Gage of the navy medi
cal corps and wife from Brem
erlon visited his grandmother,
Mrs. Marie Sullivan over the
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Craig
of Portland spent the past week
with relatives and old friends.
Butteville Home Ec
Club at Peterson's
Butteville Airs. L. Peterson
was hostess in her home at Don
ald to members of the Butteville
Grange HEC group. Mrs. James
Wallace, chairman, presided. It
was voted to give the group $50
of the club funds. Present were
Mrs. Alma Campbell, Mrs. Wm.
Groshong, Mrs. W. O. Lindquist,
Mrs. Bertha Olson, Mrs. James
Wallace, Mrs. J. L. Williams,
Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Phil
Halhaway and the hostess, Mrs.
Hattrbergs Are Hosts
Silverton Dr. and Mrs. A.
W. Simmons of Silverton and
the family of their daughter,
the former Joyse Simmons, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Johnson and Judy
ray or Portland, were dinner
guests al the Hazel Dell home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hatte
bng, relatives of the Simmons
Silverton Armory
TONITE, 9 to 12
14 Entertainers 14
Admission 7 to plus
federal Tax 14a
Total 85t
Adah chapter. OES, will
meet for the regular meeting on
Tuesday evening with a Moth
er's Day program planned
Chairman of the refreshment
committee will be Mrs. C. A
Mrs. Vern McGowan and chil
dren have left for Pilot Rock
to join McGowan who has been
teaching there this winter. He
will return to Independence
with them next week.
Mrs. M. J. Butler was hostess
to the members of the Polk
county chorus at her home fol
lowing the music week pro
gram at the training school.
Miss Mary Louise Carey has
rented the Robinson apartment
recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. Milss Darnall.
Mrs. Ira Mix will attend the
Mother's Day activities at Ore
gon State college this week-end
with her daughter, Marilyn Mix.
She plans to leave Friday and
return Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dar
ling took Linda Sue Hill to
her home at Eugene following
a week spent here.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dickinson
spent the week at their beach
cottage at Delake.
Mr. and Mrs. Gid Newton and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Newton
plan to attend the Eugene Gun
club shoot at Eugene Sunday.
A very good attendance was
at the grade school Tuesday ev
ening to hear the musical num
bers presented in observance
of National Music week.
Reports are Feature
Farmer Union Session
Roberts The Roberts Farm
ers Union met with all officers
present. Herbert Miller, chair
man of the agriculture commit
tee, reported a shortage of
strawberry pickers, since the
berries are ripening before the
schools are out. L. H. Zielke
told of the rural school board
to be elected at the next an
nual school election and Mrs,
J. W. Isely talked on the na
tional union security associa
tion insurance. Those giving
summary reports on the slate
convention of the Farmers Un
ion, were Frank Boehringer, L.
H. Zielke and Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Isely.
E. N. Graves reported the fin
ance committee decided a pie
social was the best means of in
creasing the funds of the local,
and on discussion all agreed
that May 24 was the most suit
able date.
For entertainment there was
a vocal solo by Twila Cunning
ham, accompanied by her grand
mother, Mrs. E. A. Piatt, on the
piano; the Roberts Farmers Un
ion orchestra played several
numbers, Mrs. L. H. Zielke and
George Brassier on the violins,
E. N. Graves on the banjo and
Mrs. E. A. Piatt at the piano.
Mrs. G. S. Higgins gave a talk
on her recent trip east.
From the questions and ans
wers box H. G. Stevens gave
his answer on "why the Farm
ers Union didn't buy the grain
rrom tne farmers direct and
grind their own feed instead of
buying the ground feed." Frank
Boehringer brought up the sales
tax and it was voted to have a
mass meeting in conjunction
with the Grange. J. W. Isely,
Frank Boehringer and L. D.
Johnston were appointed to se
cure speakers. Mis. H. Bruce
and Mrs. Harry Williams served
on the refreshment committee.
Scotts Mills
Preparations are being made
for the strawberry hrvest.
Mrs. Homer Millard and in
fant daughter are home from
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge
who recently moved to Burnt
Woods, spent several days here
this week.
Waltzes, Quadrills,
Paul Jones, 2 and 3 Steps
Join the Crowd, and Have
A Good Tim
159 Court St
Every Saturday
Muslo By
Paul Winslow's Gang
Public Welcome
Old Time
V.F.W. Hall
Hood and Church Sts.
Music by
Wayne Strahan's
Refreshments Served
During Intermission
Gay New President
Woodburn Students
Woodburn James Gay, jun
ior, was elected president of the
Woodburn high school student
body at the annual student elec
tion. He succeeds Marion Shaw,
the present president on June
5. Gay is now vice president of
the student body and a four-letter
man in athletics.
Dale Yuranek, sophomore,
and also a four-letter man, was
named vice president. Jean
Hove, sophomore, was named
treasurer and Eileen Prinslow,
junior, who is now student
body treasurer, was elected sec
retary. Willis Meisenheimer,
freshman, was elected yell lead
er, Hazel Engle and Betty Twi
to, juniors, were named song
The new officers will be in
stalled at the final student as
sembly of the current school
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boring
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bor
ing and family visited relatives
at Linslaw. W. R. Boring s
father returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm
stead and sons Donald and Wal
ter spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmund
son and family at Oak Grove.
Mrs. Orville Bower, Miss
Maude and Mildred Simons of
Salem visited at the home of
Mrs. Daisy Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis
Beulah and Kenneth visited at
the home of his niece Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Bennet at Spring
field. Mrs. Nannie Martin who
has been visiting here returned
to the home of her daughter
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer and
son Billie motored to Newport
Judge and Mrs. Grant Mur
phy of Salem spent the week
end at the home of their daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Jungwirth. Sunday
the group made a trip to Suttle
Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyons
also went with them.
Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke
have moved to Stayton, where
they recently purchased prop
erty. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Taylor and his
father, Mr. Taylor of California
spent Sunday at Suttle Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Smith ot
Alpena, South Dakota, and Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Smith of Cor-
vallis were evening dinner
guests al the George Huffman
Trask Leases Garage
Stayton Loris Trask, who
has been employed in a Stay
ton garage for several years, has
leased the garage which John
Christensen has been operating
at the eastern edge of Stayton.
Christensen has just taken over
the service station operated by
Lyton Rice at Third and Flor
ence streets in Stayton.
toil COllHR
ittiii hi it i. miui mi . mi I mti
Your Radio Favorite
1 smwa j
Thrilling 2nd Hit!
olP 1
Silverton Bureau
Correspondent and agent,
Anna Powell, 203 Welch
street. Phone Main 2.
If paper it not delivered
please call by 6:45 p.m.
Miller Commander
Stayton Legion Post
Stayton Election of officers
was the main business taken up
at the meeting of Stayton post,
American Legion in the City hall
this week.
Earl Miller was elected com
mander and officers who will
serve with him are Leonard
Titus, first vice commander;
Blynn Humphreys, second vice
commander; Robert K. Wood,
adjutant; John Lau, finance of
ficer; Rodney Jelaca, sergeant-
at-arms; Frank Peabody, his
torian; George R. Duncan, serv
ice officer; D. George Cole,
chaplain; Harry Elmer, Lyons
Arnold Zimmerman, Sublimity
Frank Sena, Scio; Neal Dick
man, West Stayton; Paul Riffe,
Aumsville-S haw; executive
Earl Miller, Leonard Titus,
Charles V. Johnson, and Harry
Humphreys, were elected to rep
resent Stayton post at the state
convention in Portland, June 26
28. Alternates are Harry Elmer,
John Christensen, Ernie Miller
and Henry Deidrich.
Installation of offices will be
held Wednesday, June 4.
Mrs. Hutchings Heads
Missionary Society
Jefferson The Woman's Mis
sionary society of the Christian
church met in the church par
lor for an all-day meeting with
Mrs. G. M. Aupperle and Mrs.
Marvin Hutchings, hostesses.
The last two chapters of "India
at the Threshold" was reviewed
by Mrs. Charles Hart. Mrs.
Ernest Powell had charge of the
program. Mrs. W. W. Warner
and Mrs. Robert Terhune gave
talks on the theme "Where
Christians Walk Together." The
devotional theme "If we walk
the light we have fellow
ship" was given by Mrs. Chester
Rice. The officers elected for
the following year are Mrs.
Marvin Hutchings, president;
Mrs. Robert Terhune, vice presi
dent; treasurer, Mrs. Ernest
Powell; Miss Myrtle Myers, sec
retary; Mrs. Virgil Bailes, as
sistant secretary and Mrs.
Charles Hart, worlds call and
literature- secretary.
In 1945 the U. S. post office
handled 14,277,000 "dead" let
ters which could not be deliv
ered because of improper ad
dresses. CONT. FROM 1 P.M.
Ends Today! (Sat.)
Gary Cooper
Sonja Henie
Tomorrow! Cont. Shows!
June Allyson
Jimmy Durante
"2 Sisters From Boston"
Leslie Brooks
Ends Today! (Sat.)
Walt Disney's
Tim Holt
Tomorrow! Cont. Shows!
Andrea King
Helmut Dantine
Wild Bill Elliott
m Muttiim I mi nam 11111 n mil mm
Pet Hospital Asked
Silverton Council
Silverton City Police Judge
Arthur Dahl reported $488 in
fines and costs a total -for the
month of April arrests for le
gal violations and trials, at the
week's meeting of the city coun
cil, Mayor George Christenson
and City Manager Robert Bor
land, presiding. i
"Bob and Johnny," new taxi
drivers, were assessed $5 a
month for a street space for
parking in conducting their
business. Dr. H. E. Henkel, vet
erinarian, was present in the in
terest of privileges for building
a modern animal hospital, ask
ing for sewage and water rights.
The danger of too close park
ing around Main and McClaine
streets were discussed and the
manager asked to place "No
Parking" signs a distance from
the corner of Main on McClaine
street. The request of Pet Gro-
gan for recommendation to the
commission for beer license was
The municipal swimming pool
is to be opened for use June
1, it was announced.
The question of the rights of
A. Truax to place tanks on cer
tain properties will depend on
the reply from insurance com
panies. Dallas PTA Holding
Last Meeting of Year
Dallas Final meeting of the
Dallas PTA for the year will be
held Monday night at 8 o'clock
in the high school, program
committee members have an
nounced. Speakers will include
Mrs. C. A. Fratzke of Indepen
dence, incoming president of
the county council, and Mrs.
Roy Nelson of Dallas. Music
will be furnished by the high
school music department.
Lodge Holding Dinner
Stayton The next meeting of
Eva Rebekah lodge Tuesday
will be a no-host dinner t o
which the families are invited,
starting at 6:30 p. m. at the
IOOF hall. The regular lodge
meeting will follow. All mem
ber:! of the degree staff are urg
ed to be present and there will
be drill practice.
Mother's Day Guests
Silverton Mrs. Arthur Char
les Bates' son and his family,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bauev
and Sandra Darlene of Klam
ath Falls, will be at the home
of Rev and Mrs. Bates for Moth
er's Day.
Phone 3467 Matinee Daily From 1 P.M.
Prevue Tonitel (One Feature)
1 jp
Ken Curtis
County Red Cross
Naming Directors
Dallas The annual meeting
of the Polk county chapter of
the American Red Cross will be
held Monday night at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. A. J. Cleveland, secretary
has announced. Annual reports
will be heard and district di
rectors elected. All members of
the Red Cross and others
terested in Red Cross work are
invited to attend.
Buena Vista
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells and
Mrs. Cecil Hultman attended
the Dallas Music week program
at the high school auditorium.
Mrs. Wells sang in the Polk
County Choral society.
Mrs. Wm. Stewart and daugh
ter, Mrs. Don Nash and son of
Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. Jess
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gray
and children drove to Burns
to a'ttend the funeral of Mr.
Gray's aunt, Mrs. Blanche
Mr. and Mrs. John Scotts were
guests at the Jess Tann home.
Jack and Gordon Wells and
Roy Pruitt drove to the coast
and attended the Crab Festival.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams
and Bill Prather of Eugene
called at their parents' home,
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather.
Martha McGowan is going to
Pilot Rock this week-end and at
tend her son Scott's graduation
exercises and bring Mr. Mc
Gowan and Scott home Tues
day. Union School Reports
Coming Before Forum
Stayton A report on devel
opments in organization of a
Ends Today! Opens 1:45
Hoosier Hotshots
"Throw a Saddle on
a Star"
Sister Kenny'
Dean Jagg-er
Phillip Merivali!
Beulah Bondl
Charles Dlngie
Freddie Stewart
9 Guy Kibbee
union high school will highlight
the meelinff of the Stavton
Chamber of Commerce Monday
evening at the city hall. At the
forum session a representative J
of the state department of voca
tional education will explain
the Smith-Hughes program in
this state and answer questions.
Anvone interested in this phase
of education is invited to at
Pupils Give Program
Woodburn Twenty pupils of
the Washington Junior high
school gave a program consist
ing of recitations and musical
numbers at the Woodburn Ro
tary club. Perry Williams was
program chairman. The pro
gram for next Thursday will be
g'ven by the Silverton Rotary
Sloper Hall
Menmer Sisters
His Oregon Play Boys
The Valley's Top Western
Sponsored by
Journal Want Ads Pay
Ends Today! (Sot.)
Marshall Thompson
- in color -"GALLANT
Teala Loring
Jennifer Holt
Big Boy" Williams