6 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 9, 1947 r nt .vte nl 1) orovtt Tlctvr Pythian Sisters Meet Given Final Plans Made for Zonta Tea By Jean Taylor Men as well as women are in vited to attend the silver tea for which Salem Zonta club is to en tertain on May 21 in the gardens at the home of Mrs. Chester M. Cox, 262 West Lincoln, invita. tion being extended to all per. sons interested in plans for the future Salem General hospital. The tea is arranged especially to benefit the Helen Yoclcey me morial fund which the club is to use in setting up a children's unit at the planned new hospital The tea will be from 3 until 9 o'clock, that date, and is in formal. Plans and reports for the event were given at the club meeting Thursday evening. Initiation was held tor five new members, including Miss Dorothy Cornelius, Mrs. B. F. Lambert, Miss Mary Larson, Mrs. M. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Na omi Massee. Dr. Helen Pearce conducted the initiation. Guests at the meeting in cluded Mrs. John Clearwater, and Miss Janet Bower. Thirty five attended the meeting, Mrs. Carl Booth, Dr. Lucille Fortner, and Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr. being hostesses at the Fischer home. For the program, Miss Alene Phillips and Mrs. Fischer reported on the recent legisla ture. Surprise Shower For Miss Prantl Gervais A surprise shower was given Sunday afternoon compliment to Miss Margaret Prantl, whoso marriage to Wil liam Trump of Portland will be an event of May 17. Hostesses were sisters of the bride, Mrs. Toe Marson, Mrs. Joe Klupengcr of Portland, Mrs. Alice Stevens and Mrs. Freda Roose of Ger vais. The afternoon was spent play ing cards with prizes going to Mrs. Albert Prantl and Mrs. Frank Adelman. Guests were Mrs. Frank Prantl, Mrs. Frank Adelman, Mrs. Cecilia Ericr, Mrs. Peter Prantl, Mrs Thercsia Schindler, Mrs. Frank Nosack, Mrs. Lena Birn, Mrs. Joe Kuhn, Mrs. Katie Ditrick, Mrs. John Dit rick, Mrs. Tony Adelman, Mrs. Harold Bacon, Mrs. Albert Prantl, Mrs. George Lanning, Mrs. Stanley Sequin, Mrs. Ray Kuhn, Mrs. Lymon Eder, all of Gervais, Mrs. John Adelman, Mrs. Lawrence Adelman of Hubbard, Mrs. Albert Nosack ot Hillsboro, Mrs. Bill Koch ot Salem. Mrs. John Ditrick, Jr., of Colton, Mrs. Fred Schind ler, Mrs. Clarence Schindler, and Mrs. J. S. Aricher, Rita and Joan Aicher of Woodburn, Mrs. Marlin Buckolz, Miss Pauline Buckhnlz, Mrs. Maurice Sussus and Mrs. Ray Fessler of Mt Angel, Mrs. Andrew Gilger of Portland, Mrs. William Eichoff of Gaston. The recreation meeting of the Salem Business and Profession al Women's club will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock In the Chamber of Commerce rooms. LaVerne Hardwicke is in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Ruth Versleeg and members of the drama group will present a round-table play during the evening; f v V1''! ' jr Engaged Miss Elaine Hamre of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin P. Hamre of Sil verton, whose engagement to Robert L. Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd C. Fry of Silverton, was made known Monday eve ning at a party honoring the bride-elect on occasion of her 18th birthday anniversary. Reception Fetes Newly-Wed Pair Lebanon The attractive country lodge of Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Lant of Corvallls was the scene of a wedding reception on April 27 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Warren of Leb anon whose recent marriage in Vancouver came as a surprise to their many friends. The hostess, aunt of the bride, pre sided at the refreshment table centered with candles and ar rangements of spring flowers. Approximately 75 guests from various valley points gathered to honor the couple. Among L.eoanon people present were the parents of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. John Eg- gen, Miss Mildred Enckson, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson. The bride, Mary L. Morss be fore her marriage, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Morss of Lebanon. Prior to her mar riage she was employed at the Eggen studio, as was the groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Warren of the Tennessee dis trict. The couple are making their home In Lebanon where Mr. Warren will continue with his work at the Eggen studio. Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding will be her brother, Clarence Miller, and nephews, Bonnie and Richie of Gresham, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. iind Mrs. James Bennison and their daughter, Rebekah, of Portland. Silverton Many honors were attributed to Home Temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, at the annual District No. 2 convention with Leodu Temple No. 20 of Scio, hostess lodge, according to reportF given by delegates at Thursday's meeting when Ethyl Knight Overosi, MEC, presided. Mrs. Henrietta Loe told of the accom plishments of the temple during the past year. Mrs. Nada Lee Grinde was grand manager for the afternoon session. Mrs Josephine Hartman was a mem ber of the resolutions commit tee. The officers of Home Tem ple including Mrs. Ethyl Knight Oveross, MEC; Mrs. Marion Nicol, PC; Mrs. Alma McDonald, M of F; Mrs. Gladys Eller, M of R & C; Mrs. Cecil Anderson, E. junior; Mrs. Florence Tuggle, guard; Mrs. Mabel Talbot, pro tector; Nada Grinde, manager; with the degree staff of Alpha temple, No. 1, Albany, exempli fied the initiation ceremonials. Leodus temple paid tribute to Home temple for its institu tion of Leodus temple December 5, 1916, at the Odd Fellows and Rebekah hall in Scio. Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman of Home temple No. 21, extended an invitation to the members for the next district No. 2 conven tion to be at Silverton. Mrs. Wanda VanClcave was recom mended as the D. D. grand chief, and Mrs. Olive Morley as mis tress of R & C. At the local meeting Thurs day, Mrs. Helen Burrier was elected candidate for initiation on May 15. The refreshment committee will be Mrs. Marie Hope, Mrs. Emily Holm, Mrs Josephine Hartman, Mrs. Lil lian Heald and Mrs. Emma Kauf man. The visiting committee for the month named by Mrs. Ov eross, MEC, will be Mrs. Alice Egan and Cecil Anderson. Mother's day program is in charge of Mrs. Tecla Rue and Mrs. Alma McDonald. The Altruistic club meets Fri day, May 9, at the Ben Gifford home for no-hostess noon dinner and all-day work. Salem Girl Is Wed in Bend In ceremonies read May 4, in Bend, Miss Ella May Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Douglas, was married in simple riles to Lyle C. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Smith, of Klamath Falls. The couple was married at the Episcopal church with Rev D. V. R. Bolster officiating, be fore members of the family and a few friends. The bride's father gave her in marriage. She wore a Co penhagen blue wool gabardine suit with white accessories and a white orchid. The bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Bartram Wilcox of Klamath Falls, was matron of honor She wore a beige suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yel low carnations. The bride's brother, Claire J Douglas, Jr., of Bend, was best man for Mr. Smith. Out-of-town guests present at the wedding included the bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. Dixon of Portland; Capt. and Mrs. A. D. Douglas of Ft. Lewis, who left soon after for his sta tion in Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Wilcox of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug las, parents of the bride, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to a hunting lodge near Lakeview for their wedding trip. They will be at home in Klamath Falls, where he is in business. Guests at the C. D. Frazer home in West Salem earlier in the week were Judge and Mrs. C. A. Wintermeier of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dunger of Portland. Christian Group To Hold Dinner On Friday evening, the Chris tian Business and Professional women of the city will hold a dinner meeting at the Gold Ar row to make plans for the or ganization of a chapter in Salem. Mrs. Helen Duff Baugh is na tional organizer with headquar ters in Portland which has the only chapter in Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. Archie McNeill will be guests on the program arranged by Miss Katherine Lovett, chairman. Rev. George Millen of the First Evangelical United Breth- Sorority to Give Formal Eta and Alpha Epsilon chap ters of Beta Sigma Phi are giv ing a formal dance Friday eve ning for members and their guests. Dancing to the music of Glenn Williams and his orchestra will be from nine o'clock until 12. at the Mayflower hall. Several parties are being arranged to precede and follow the affair Committee in charge is head ed by Mrs. Don L. Parker and assisting are Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs. Sam C. Campbell. Mrs. Helen Taylor, Miss Christine Bell, Miss Betty Schlapkoh! and Miss Janet Meecham. Hostesses Entertain Bridge Clubs Several bridge clubs are being entertained at the week-end. Mrs. Frank Hunt entertained Thursday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Probert, in State street. The affair was dessert and bridge. Additional guests were Mrs. Jack Price and Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Mrs. Ward Davis entertained members of her club and addi tional guests on Thursday after noon with luncheon and bridge On Friday evening, at the Wayne Hadley home in Sagi naw street, a group will gather for a no-host dinner with bridge following. The group was formed several weeks ago Members are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mr. and Mrs Wilmer H. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. Additional guests this week will be Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. McElhinny. Salore Club Plans Events Salore club, young business and professional women of the YWCA. entertained Monday eve ning with a "guest night" no host supper at the YWCA. Following the dinner, a busi ness meeting was held and plans were formulated for summer activities, including hikes, pic nics, horseback riding, bus ex cursions, tennis and swimming. A skating party will be held May 19 and the group will at tend the Ice Follies in Portland June 1. One meeting will be devoted to discussion of hair The New C00LERAT0R 15V2 cu. ft. Freezer lis "2 ! Jail For Home, Farm and Food Stores Popularly priced, expertly en gineered and sturdily huilt sec the new Conlcnitnr Freez er before you buy! Timc-aav iriR features iiu'ludc easy, finger-lift lid and (oole nitor's own removable bin-dividers (iiiter-iliaiigeable. of course, to your own needs). Come in and see the Coolerator Freez er today! JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL OF THESE UNITS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ren church will sing, accom panied by Mrs. Millen. New ... to match beloved Stradivari Perfume STRADIVARI TOILET WATER STRADIVARI DUSTING POWDER Stradivari perfumk ... the fragrance with a love song in its heart. In gilt crown bottle: 2 oz. $25.00 . . . 1 01. $13.50 . . . oz. $7.50. STRADIVARI TOILET WATER ... Truly Stradivari, rich and deep with fragrance. Sceptre bottle, in rose colored cupid box. 4 oz., $6.50. Stradivari DUSTING POWDER ... to complete her ensemble in Stradivari fragrance. In rose-colored eupid box with bath puff, $3.50. WILL ETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE Stat at Liberty, "On the Corner" 3cl fine flaval Schilling Pepper far Quality pepper adds zest to every meal. Schilling Pepper is always fresh, pungent, rich in flavor oils-a quality famous for more that 65 years. ALSO 35 OTHER WHOLE AND GROUND SPICES styling, and make-up techniques and another to clothes, figure and color problems. A com plete schedule of meeting dates and plans may be obtained soon at the YWCA. East Salem Mrs. Lester B. Edens was hostess recently at a shower honoring Mrs. Dale Grimm. The afternoon was spent informally. Assisting was Mrs. John Jeoffreys of Reading, Pa. Mrs. Dale Jeoffreys poured. As advertised In VOGUE In the glamour-manner for spring Lithe, lovely young shoes by Gold Cross ... with the air of elegance that is definitely "this spring.' Fit-Tested, of course -one reason why more smart women wear Gold Cross Shoes than any other brand of fine footwear in the world. it Mille r s CROSS SHOES AMEIICA'J UNCHALLENGED SHOE VALUE ay away Sale! Guaranteed lj BUY NOW AND SAVE PRICES ARE GOING UP! Raw fur auctions indicate prices are going op from 10 to 35 ! Ed Hamilton Furs anticipated the rise and have matchless values for you now. Coats with that careful, unhurried work manship . . . that skillful matching oi skins . . . available to you now at the lowest prices of the year and the season to cornel Take advantage of the LAYAWAY SALE NOWI Pay for It the easy way! Come Bee this great collection of wanted, popular furs. SPECIAL VALUES! N0UT0N LAMB . $89 CHINA MINK ..... $799 PERSIAN LAMB . . . $499 Big Combination Offer on Storage, Cleaning, Glazing, Restyling Your Fur Coat into brand new 1948 style for only " (Excepting when additional skins are treed.) 59 Nominal Rates on Storage, Cleaning, Demothlng, Restyling, etc . . Ask ior Estimate.