i t WANTED POSITIONS ,BTO PAINTING Jut shade betUr by Ra7 liter Call Bnroci uoioi uo oooa v ANTED Sewing and alterations. Ph ' 8387, 285 W, RureL hllS FOR RENT CHOICE sleeping room for couple, hot ind cold water. 478 N. Cottage, JUl tlPSTAIRS sleeping room, for one man. reasonable. 780 N, Church. J113 MRGE, pleaiant room, gentlemen only. - Oarage available. Good restaurant in same block. 1143 8. Liberty. JU2 i WANTED: Working girl, steadily emp., to ,if share nice apt. Phone 6623. J112 'f LCE. SLPG. rm. 1 or 2 gentlemen. Ph ! 25013. JIU" i CLOSE IN desirable slpg. rm. lor aentle '5 man. Ph. 6682 between 1 & 9 p.m. Jill NICE SLEEPING room. Close to state house. 1271 Chcmeneta. ji i; LARGE 3-room turn. apt. Private bath. to quiet middle nge coupie. no cnn dren or drinkers. 930 Garnet. Jill i WILL RENT 3 bedroom furnished house 2 acres from May 15 to Oct. 1st, l mue straight ahead from Roberts school, Rt. 3, Box 880. J 1 13 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, 130 Mc Nnry, West Salem. JUS TRAILER SPACE, 2 room mod. cottages. Castle Hall, 99 E. 12th St. Junction Ph. 25769. JUl GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff J TRAILER space, all mod., near bus. 4 Q )! xr 41 at anrl Mllnn flt. ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health. Ren sell U G Pugh. 684 N. 17th. Ph 4692 1 sandBr for rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT V i or' house by emp. couple. Ph. 7410 V eves. JalLV REFINED FAMILY WANT 2 or 3 bedrm. furn house, perma nent, reiercnres, excellent cure, rton smokers or drinkers. Let's talk it over. Ph. 6006, 8 to 5. Mr. Wheatley. Jall6- WILL RENT or buy furniture of one bdrm. house, flat or apt. to rent same, or buy house from owner if reasonable. 3680 Silverton Rd., 1 ml. E. of Fair grounds. Jall3 PERM. EMP. vet, wife At 3 yr. old daugh ter desire to rent or lease a furn. house or apt. Call 4619 between 8 a.m. At 5 p.m Jallfi WANTED TO sublease small modern apart ment for June, July At August. Tele phone 9607. Edith Wyckoff. Jall3 1 BDRM. APT. or house, family of 4, good references. Ph. 3179 ask for Mr. Lyden No Sun. or eves. Jall2 ASSIST. MGR. Grand Theatre At wife need furn. or unfurn. apt. or house. Vet War II, no children, pets. Perma nent residence. Call Grand Theatre, Mr. Hlle. Jall5 VET As WIFE need 2 or 3 room furn, apt. Best references. Phone 2-4685. Jall2 AN -ONE WHO has no objection to one (well behaved) child age 7, that has a furnished apt. house, or flat to rent we would appreciate you considering us by June 1st. Best of care. Call 8037 during day. Ja 115 BOUSE or apt. furn. or unfurn. Vet and wife and Infant daughter. rNo high rent). Lloyd Lansing. Ph. 7112. Jall2 WANTED : Furn. Apt. by reg. pharmacist 6s wife. Phone 6403. Jall2 WANTED FOR summer, beginning June loth, furnished one to three room apart ment by visiting, retired diplomat. Call 3280 between 6 As 9 p.m. Jall2 MIDDLE AGE respectable couple wanl 2 or 3 rm. apt. Must be mod. As homey. Vernon B. Jensen, 255 Vista Ave. Ph. 3719. jam1 MOTHER ft MO. old baby needs furn 2 or 3 room apt. or house. Ph. 4133 or 4262. Ask for Rosemary. Jalll PERMANENT business man. wife and 2 sons, high school and college age, DES PERATELY need apt. or house. Ph, 4060. Jul 12 $10 REWARD. Vet At wife At 6 wks. old bub. need a home desperately. Small furnished apt. Phone 2-8630. Jall3 BED RM. house or apt. can be sub urb n. Ph. 5630. Jall3 WANTED 3 or 4 bedroom house, around June I. box 400, capital Journal. Jall3 WANTED TO lease la. bldg. Will pay up to $200 per mo. Ph. 9346 or 24379 eves Will buy If reasonable. Jalll ROOM AND BOARD WANTED, by father and sons, 4 and , room and board, private home. Ph. 4047. J116 CONVALESCENT woman- wishes care In private home. Ph. 24036. JJ115- LOST AND FOUND LOST LAST week, brooch, red stone, gold frame. Ph. 21234. kill MISCELLANEOUS R. W. (TINY) Hindman announces the opening of his Texaco Service Station As automotive repair shop. All kinds of repair work. 2095 N. Com'l. St. mll4 S UBURBAN GARBAGE Serv. Ph. 2-567?. 3620 State St. Haul trash, brush, etc. mll3 WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital beds, crutches Buy, sell, rent, exchange. Max Buren. 745 Court. Ph. 7775. ml27 AUTO GLASS Installed, fast service. Elf. Strom's, 340 Court St. ml22 BASEMENTS, DITCHES, Clearing Level ing. " "ALllTC EXCAVATING COMPANY Power Shovela-Bulldozera-Trucks Salem, Oregon. Phones 3456 or 8799. m MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. SI. 00 LES SPRINGER 404 Court St rnllJ' HEAT your home electrically It's eon venlent. clean economical See us lot free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty u DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000. mll5 HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer wort ditching basement excavation, aud gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con cieto mix cement. SALEM SAND At GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST. SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Comma rclaJ 8u SALEM Phone 831 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OIL WATER heater. Ph. 5861. nl WASHING MACHINE. Ice box. canary and cage, rarroi. MISC. 263 . Coml. Apt. if- nll2 UNIVERSAL ELEC. RANGE. 1460 No. 19. n!13' CONSOLE radio. Perfect condition. Ph. 6810. nll6 SEWING mach.. 23. Portable elec, 445, Ph. S766. 1940 N. IB. nlll" mod. gas range, side arm gas water neater, wood furnace. 194 6. Cottage, Ph. 7452. nll3 LARGE elec wall heater, thermostat con trol. Ph. 7041. nllfl' GOOD used piped wood furnace. Ph. 7041 nl!6 FISHERMEN FLY RODj, Casting Rods. Level Wind. Star Drag and Automatic Reels. Tapered fly lines, spinners, hooks and all kinds of fishing supplies. Guns, ammunition, scopes. Marine paint and boat equip ment. Burchcraft boats. Evinrude mo tors, 1 and 2 h.p. size available for hunt ing, fishing or boating. See HAIN'S OUTBOARD & SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial nll3 PLASTERBOARD At plywood, furnace At bricks, all kinds of lumber. 55 Madrona. nlll fcSED WINDOWS & frames, also free kindling for hauling away. 1065 N 22nd. Call daytime. nll2 FT. FRIGIDAIRERef. Old model, good condition. Also vacuette electric aweep er. 133 Park Ave. after 5:30. nll2 BEAUTIFUL formal. Worn twice. Sire 16. ynone saog. nll3 FOR SALE: Maple dinette set. electric mangle, electr.c cleaner (Hoover), elec tric toaster. 1511 N. Church St. nU2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I 1 C1R. Swing Saw. 12" cap, 2 blades, elec. switch 2-60 amp. Jc 4-110 fuse plugs. 1 outside copper elec. lantern, paint com pressor complete with motor, new power 15" band saw, 2 blades. Lawn mower, rubber wheels, 18", 7 blades. Day bed coll spring At mattress. New Innertube, 5:25x17". Bench grinder with wheels, and Ironing board. 708 N. Cottage. Phone 7704. nils GOOD EUREKA Sweeper. All attach ment!. 710 Brey'a Ave. Ph, 7617. nll3 NFAKLV NEW Westinghouse Electric Range, 2-9x12 rugs, 1-7x9 rug, swing rocker, cocktail tables, 2 china table lamps, sewing cabinet, used vacuum cleaner, leather daveno. 1440 Ferry after 5 p.m. nl!6 II AUTO. Rifle, 130. 205 E. Wilson. nl!3 FOR SALE U12. 1x6, 125 per M. Toilet At shower. Alter 3 P.M. Caldwell, 55 Highway Ave., Salem, Ore. nl!2 4 x Mi SPEED Graphic P.4.5 lense, Kalart range finder, King Sol flash, ex cel ten tcond. Call 57 p.m. 7746. 11112 TOMATO PLANTS Jl.SD flat, 25c dox. Cabbage At lettuce, 20cenls dos., first house Vest Keizer, nll5 USED BERGER furnace and piping adapted for either wood, sawdust or oil. hot water tank, trash burner, some lengths hot water pipe; soloray burner with thermostat control and copper tubing Come in and inspect before remove, this Is a good buy for anyone interested In saving money. Phone 4185 days and 5066 after six p.m. Ask for Mr. Thomas. n!12 PC. BEDROOM suite, Innerspring At box spring mattress, 1125. 1385 Pearl St. nll2 EV1NRUDE MOTOR, 9.7 H.P. Good con dition, Haln's Outboard Shop, 1201 S. Com'l. nll2 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD Motor, '46, 2 H.P. 185, Ph. 22361. n!12 SLIGHTLY USED folding type baby bug gy. Ph. 4687. 2350 S. 13th. n!12 2 ENGAGEMENT rings, one wedding band. Ph. 2-tjg68. after 5 P. M. nU2 TAB El, At CHAIR for sale. 163' 4 N. Com mercial, Chinese Tea Garden. Closed Tuesday. nll5 MOTO RING TO l!" A." May 15th., room for 2, Share expense, ref. Ph. 4098. n!12' 2 GAL. AUTO shot gun. R. C. M. Pre mier with 2 barrels, one with raised ventilated rib. One with Weaver clock. Vernon White, Ph. Needy Mutual Tele phone Co., Woodburn, Rt. 2. nll2 WOOD range, white enamel. Pipes, coil, hot water heater. 435 So. 22nd. Ph. 3697. nll3 FIRTEX 4x8 ft. ceiling tile At wall plank. some used plywood, odd sites. Rt. 7, Box 431-L. McCain Ave. on Silverton Road, Salem. nll3 ONE DAVENPORT At chair. One 9x12 rug. One dropleaf kitchen table. 2010 McCoy Street. nll2 ONE MAYTAG Washing Machine. One Speed Queen. One A.B.C. One, "A H.P. Electric Motor. These machines all re conditioned. One 75-lb. Icebox. 936 Trade, nll2 NEW 7-IN. table saw At V h.p. motor, Mi h.p. motor At sander. Belts, pulleys At small worx taDie. rn. z-oaz. nna LAWSMOWER. good condition, able. 2242 North 4th Si. Reason nll2' LAWNMOWER As baby walker. Ph. 4934 nll2 CAFE DISH WASHING sink, 3 section, small size, for sale. 12th St. Furniture Store. 705 South 12th. nll2' WOOD RANGE with coils, water tank. Reasonable. Phone 7357. 2035 N. Church St., evenings As Sundays. nll2 JOHNSON Outboard Motor, 3 Mi h.p., late model, like new: perfect troller. Motor carrying box. 12' V-bottom cartop boat 68 Park Avenue, Salem. nll5" WE BUY At sell furniture, tools, stoves. dishes, motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. KLIGMAN'S, 285 . . Commercial. Phone 9885. BOYS BICYCLE, apt. 395 Division. Basement nl!2 FIREWORKS, wholesale lots only. Place your order early. Ph. 4735. 1670 Broad' way, nl33 FISHING TACKI " boxes, all metal, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26 METAL IRONING boards, pads At covers. ."EATER APPLIANCE CO 25S N. Liberty St. nl26' ELECTR; AUTOMATIC, side arm water teaters. fnsten to your present tank YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 LAWN CARTS, lawn edgers, hand cult) vators and hoes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' FULLER brushes 1745 Grant Ph. 8357 nl!4 WASHABLE, ONE coat FaHetone walls, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders tor immeniat aeuvery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 SUN (ULTRA violet) lamps. Heat (Infra red lamps and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl36 RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. ELECTKIC BLANKETS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' PIN-DP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. HOTPLATES. SINGLE and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 ELECTRIC FANS, desk and pedestal, for oilier garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, canneries. Kitchen and Indus trial ext. a ast fans. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' REGRIGERATOR ICE trays, rubber Ac aluminum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. r GARDEN sand, gravel, erasned rock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL ING BAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8A61 STOP '"EEDING your lawn, try Weed-No- uore. YFATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 Si FAT WHITE FACE beef. Inspected Phone 22639. nll2 WESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used by armed forces. Kills files, mo squitoes, cockroaches At related insects YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nliB FARMERS, ATTENTION. Westinghouse, automatlo electric milk cooler. 60 capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' BABY BUGGY $7.50. Ph. 21432. nlll" BEAN STAKES Ph. 6683. 3 FORMATS, $10 each, Ph. 21132. n!12 BLDG. MATS. Prvt. Salem new home owner husk unused: Celotex sqs., Frtex shts., Bldg. paper, Hemlk Fl., No 1 V. gr., Wnd. At Fr., etc., also used hot air Furn. pipe. Will sell all or part rea sonable. Phone 21970. nll2 47 RADIO-PHONO, comb, cabinet mod., 3 new fir. lamp's 2 refrlg., Kelvlnator 8 ft., a. E. 5 ft., 2 Ice boxes, 2 elec. washing machines, girls bike, flat top elec. range, all enamel, 24 Park Ave, anytime. Go out Center turn left on Park. nlll FARMERS ATTENTION. Clean Easy por table At t racks ter milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl20' PLASTI-KOTB paint, the cellophane like finish for floors, furniture, automobiles On wood, concrete, linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 8t. ni26 FISHING RODS at Hobsons. 120 to 876. Ph. 24226. nI17 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights lanterns. YEATEK APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n!26 TELEPHONE Intercomm. sets. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. 11126 ELECTRIC SHAVERS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26( FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I THE TROPIC Master overseas radio. Pow erful 6 tube set. Ideal for coastal cr out r locations. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N. Liberty St. nl36 SMOOTHIES FOR perfect Ice cream. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!36 BABY BOTTLE sterilizers, bottle warm ers, vaporizers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. ni26 EXEC a .IC CURLING Irons, pants press ers, solder Irons. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' HEAVY steel clothes line posts. $12.00 pr. Swings $18.00 up. Porch rails $3.00 per ft. up, 1145 N. Liberty. Pill ELECTRIC BARBECUE sets for fireplac or outdoors YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 FARMERS ATTENTION, Electric milk pasteurizers, butter churns and fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26 VACUUM CLEANERS, tubular and up right. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 UTOMATIC, ELECTRIC irons. Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO- 255 N. Liberty St. nI26 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and Incandescent YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies, and lawn furniture like new. Y EAT EH APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St nlU1 AUTOMOBILE-TRUCK-FIRE Insurance savings, see Biu osko. 66 court or Ph. 5661. INDIRECT LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. ELECTRIC TABLE broilers, table roast- YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty St. ni26' NOTICE POULTRY AND hog feeders. Wa are of fering Blue Ribbon condensed butter milk in 50 gal. barrels. A pp. 400 lbs. per barrel at 5c per lb., which is our exact cost. Northwest Poultry at Dairy. 1505 N. Front. Phone 7007. nl29- ABSOR-O-DOR keep your refrigerator clean and sweet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26a ELECTRIC ROOM heatt.s. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 DISSTON CHAIN SAW PARTS AND SAWS IN STOCK. COMPLETE LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PH. 8023. THE INDUS TRIAL SUPPLY CO. OF SALEM, 1058 SO. COMMERCIAL, Dill WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays, lull size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 FRUIT JUICERS, can openers, food chop pers. French fry cutters, tooa muis, re frigerator dish sets, aluminum cooking ware, cookie Jars, knife sharpeners, Ice crushers, condiment sew, carving sets, cutlery sets, camping dish sets, stain less steel table service, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, wall and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 1 burner with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 RESTAURANT GRILL, electric, automatic Akron, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26 DOOR CHIMES Electrical and mechan ical YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Liberty St, nl26 ASTERS, marigolds, stock, rose petunias, 25c dozen. Mixed pots for Mother's Day, 82.00. Tuberous begonias, blooming fuschlas, Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks, Oregon. Phone 24351. nll2 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 xacIcs $5.00 1 ton $10.00 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY Phone 8127 nl!2 MODERN TRAILER Home. Priced right for quick sale. Plenty room Ac very neat. Inquire at Bills Barber Shop, or Unmn Oil Service Station, Wlllamlna, Ore. nl!2 VACUUM CLEANERS (tanks and up rights) with attachments. EUREKA GENERAL ELECT RIO PREMIER DUPLEX WESTINGHOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTEK Trade In allowance, easy terms. VINCE'8 ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty St. Salem, Ore.'nl2T' 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 66 gallon water heaters for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 755 N. Liberty St. nl26 NIGHTCRAWLERS, 2493 State. Bremmer. 0133 CANNING (16 quart) pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26a NO WAXING required with transpar e t Plastt-Kote lot drain boards, floors, furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist 1 do not cell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nl28 ELECT RIJ WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2 loom. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical Bee as fo: free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty b IV10 McCORMICK Tractor At plow, like new. $675.00. Have no use for. 7 miles north of Salem, Newberg highway. Rt, 2, Box 240. Salem. nll2 MODEL A FORD In good cond. No. 1 cattle dog. Shepherd Collie breed, 2 pups Aust. Shepherd, trained to pull. Gooseberries. Miss Peters, Aumsville, Oregon. nlll CHAMPION outboard motor. 3li h.p. A-l cond. 930 Garnet St. nlll MAJESTIC wood range. Connected for hot water. Wood heater. 145 Rose- mont. W. Salem. Ph. 24625, after o'clock. nll2 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Wanted small apartment sire. State make, size condition, cash price. Address Capital Journal, Box 409. nall4 V" NTFD WILL purchase used Singer sewing Machines. Sinaer Sewing Ma chine Co., 142 High St., Salem, Ore. nal20 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs Antique snop, 4J court, m. 31443. nal30 PERSONAL READING, know the truth. 2361 State St pue ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of J. M. or Blanche Vaughn, Call 6562 evenings. pill ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O Box 724' P276 AUTOMOBILES TRAILER house, factory built. 8x22. clean and fresh paint, $600. 771 8. 21st St. ql 16' FOR SALE or trade. 1941 Ford truck 3 axel lob. 8'i rubber. 8x16 flat bed. Very good shape. Write Box 412, Capi tal Journal. ql 12 '28 CHEV coach, 497 So. 18. reasonable. Call eves. 0.113- DANDY small sleeping trailer. 8 ply tire: Ideal for sportsmen or vacations. Call evenings. 497 So. 18. qllJ TWO 2 WHEEL Trailers. $25 each. Two 16 In. stet) frame trailers, $45 each, Lawn swings. 1790 N. Front. qll3 '33 DODGE Sedan. 34 Chev. S'dan. 29 Cnev. Sedan. Pr:ced to .dl. P.t. 9. Box school. qliai AUTOMOBILES MODERN ALL Metal. Hayes Trailer House, Masontt interior. Butane range. Oil circulating heater, elec. brakes, newly finished Inside J1.700. 1220 Troy Street. 1 mile north Aluminum plant off Cherry Ave. 0.113 39 BUICK 5 Pass. Coupe, radio, heater, spot light At fog light, motor good, ssoa. W. J. Fisher, 312 Maple St., Dallas, Ore. Call between 8 At 8 P. M. QUI Til FORD dump truck. Come Az see It. 1375 3rd St., W. Salem. qH3 USED TIRES 100 16x600 USED TIRES HAVE BEEN REPAIRED. CHOICE 15.95 EA. ALSO ARMY SURPLUS FORD V-8 MOTORS AND DODGE AND PLY. MOTORS ACME AUTO At TRUCK WRECKER MIKE STEINBOCH q!12' mi PONTIAC, a pass. A-l cond, clean. J1400; radio, heater. Take older car in trade. 690 Norman, off Center. 113 1841 KS-7 Int. Truck with 34ft. trailer. A-l cond. Union Station, 2540 Portland Rd. Q112 4-WHEKL TRAILER. Cast I2D0. Will sell for $125. Pit. 5313. 1335 South 19th. Q113 19t FORD PANEL. Call at 587 Statesman street. Phone 21987. qll3 Hit? 4-TON 4x4 Dodse Weapons carrier, ex. cond., private party. $1050.00. Gates Lumber Co., Qatrs, Oregon. ql 13 EMERGENCY SALE on both '37 Plymouth 2 dr. '41 DcSoto Deluxe bus. coupe. 2.109 Cherry Ave. qlll noUSE TRAILERS, also camping lugRage and stock trailers. Klngwood Used Cars, West Salem, qlll '3'! CHEV CPE., 1200. Salem. After 5 p.m. 1001 2nd St., W. qlll 194A PLY. 5-pass, coupe. R. At H., fog lights. Excellent condition. See after 3:30 p.m. 1520 Norway St. No Dealers. qll2 NEW '47 Ford. Sportsman eonv. Inquire Union Service Station, 390 State. qlI2 '41 FORD Vfc ton pickup. State St. Clean. 2382 qll2 '35 FORD panel, '36 motor. A-l shape. Good tires, one trailer 6'. ft. wide, 10 ft. long, Inclosed. Ideal for fishing, hunting or moving belongings. 1937 N. Commercial after 5 p.m. qlll 44 REO HEAVY duty logging truck and Fruehauf trailer. Excellent condition. Approx. 85 rubber job included for eaulty 130O0. Call after 7:00, Bridgeway Camp, Albany, Oregon. qlM 38 DODGE COUPE, good rubber, radio, 1795, Ph. 6622 days. qlll SUPERIOR S COAT paint Job 130. 1790 . Front St. Ph. 26075. qll4 94' OLDS 6 4 dr. Sdn. Radio, heater. 1160 Reedy Drive, 1 blk. east of Park Ave. between Tess Ave. As Moody Lane after 4 P. M. Qlll FOR SALE or trade, '41 Ford 2 dr. sed R. Ac H.i Mod. A Sed. All In good cond. Priced for quick sale. 34 Park Ave., anytime. Go out Center turn left on Park. qlll 30 FORD PANEL, '38 Nash overdrive, rtdlo heater. Can be seen at 2344 6o. Com'l., days, eves, 150 Williams Ave., Shady Rest Trailer Park. qlll FOR : LE 1935 Packard 6dn. You try It. You'll buy It at S450.00, R. 4, B 329E. Hi mile N. Prlngle school on Battle Creek Road. qlll WILL PAY cash for 35 to 38 model car. Must be good cond. At reasonable. Pre fer Chev. or Plymouth. Call after ' P.M. 1725 N. 19. qlll1 1941 STUDEBAKER 5 -pass. cpe.. radio At heater. Low mileage. 98 pet. rubber and overdrive. 1973 Capital. qlll WANTED Good clean cars. Square Deal Used Ci.rs. 1155 So. 12lh. q 37 OLDS CONV. Coupe. Radio, heater. Excel, cond. $850. Ph. 5947. qll3 K.7 INT. DUMP truck, 8 tires. 2 speed rear end, 1000 S. Comm'l. Ph, 9038. qll2 'II G.M.C. DUMP truck. 6 yd. 'A mi. W. of Grand Island store. Lien Bros. Das on. q 1 12 FOR SALE 1 Durant duster ready for use in hops or beans $325.00 John J. Rob erts & -Co. Phone 2-3052 or 9623. qll3 Special 1937 Ford-2 dr., $325 1942 Mercury 4 dr. R At H, $1375 1942 Stude., 4 dr. R & H, overdrive $13D5 1940 DcSoto 4 dr. R At H 11095 SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q!12 '36 PLYMOUTH fi pass, coupe, new paint. $400. 1790 N, Front. qll3 S TRAILER HOUSES, recond., call aft. 3 P. M. 55 Highway Ave. qll3 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Tudor 217 Cherry St. Silverton. qll3 1946 TRAILER HOUSE, sleeps four. Ask tor Garlnger, Castle Hall Park, 12 th street Junction. qll4 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES 8ERVTCB PARTS AD makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8602 Baiem HUDSON SALES SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling pody and fender repair painting. "Oive Shrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8503 Salem FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chtlds. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. rU3' CASH FOR SPRING S55 to MOO on signature, furniture or auto up to $500. $8.38 a mo. repays sioo loan in lull in 15 mos. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of S who ask for - loan at Personal get It. Call today PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. 8122 M165 rl30 MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF TOD art capable of building 10 to loo Douses Baiem or vicinity during 1947 and oeed financial assistance Contact Us. We are also interested In financing one or two large apartment bouse units. STATE FINANCE COH Lie 8316M223 163 & High St. Ph. 4121 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'A and b TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment with to reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Pb 7163 f Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 4 4'A A N Duncan 1314 Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 968 IH PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any w: e in the Willamette valley. 10 to 26 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money fo building modern bomes financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S High St. $ MONET $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages ens Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Ltd 8-216 M-223 153 8 High St r ADTO LOANS) WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLOOR OUARD IAN BLDG License No. M-169 8-164 FIRST MORTOAOE8 ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate. Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to $5000. NET In vestors 6 pet Interest Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by as without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO- 163 8 High St GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8V138 and U-J3I and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 8 Commercial St Tel 9168 136 DIRECTORY 4PPI.IANCF REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Pa. 2-5100. 0126 DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 133 Center Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. ol28' AUTO BRAKES .MIKE PANER. 275 S. Com'L Ph. 6101 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. 0127' AUTOMOTIVE COV, MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimate!, reasonable. Ph. 5313. 642 N. High oil MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phont 7838 Night. 2417 333 Center BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for hrusl:. Virgil Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146. Salem. o!34" BULLDOZING excavntion. road building At land clearing. Dean Robinson, 2283 Claude St., Salem, Ore. Ph. 4306. 0133 CATERING GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT Contracting, Harry L, Hill. Ph. 7641. 0134' GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071, 0115' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENS jEY. 771 r 31St St. Ph. 7176. Ol29 CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofs and alterations. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kans Construc tion Co. Ph. 4830 or 25106. ollB Dl' IVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. 0126 EJ'ANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations Brooks Trailer Camp. 1984 Stall Bt. 0126 EXTERMINATORS COCKROATH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR nervlce Ph 1056 Lee Cross 1260 N 17th 0138 PE M BE R TON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. Phone 23346. 1980 8 0124 BREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 271 o rURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED. Furniture to glue and repair Leo Bros.. 4020 K- Stat Pb 21233 0153 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur McClellar, Phone 22456. ol35' NEWTON'S light pickup At delivery. Haul ing of all kinds Household moving Fully insured. Phone 22812. o!24 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS Free .lei 1717 Center St. Phone 6396. ol27 LANDSCAPING LEVELING At DOZING JOHNSON At BRIGGS, building streets At ronds. Ph. 8035. Salem. QUI LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries, inc., success ors to H. At 8 Lumber Co., Wallnci road, West Salem. Ph. 9593. oll4 MAGAZINE SUSCRIl'TIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER, 925 Saginaw. P. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. OIL -IPCULATORS OH. BURNER Sales and Service Wm. C Drew. Phone 5395. olll NEW FURNACES At oil burners. We clean and repair all makes. Free estimates. No obligation. All work guaranteed. Holland Furnace Co. Ph. 7681. o!31 PAINTING GOOD WORK, REASONABLE. Froe esti mate. C. Home, Phone 5313, 0124 PAINTIKG & PAPERIIANGING PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513 857 Shipping. oll5 JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. ROY C. HANSON Phone 2-58?3. PAPERIIANGING E X PER TPA PEn HANGING. H. J. Wood worth. Phone 3015. 0134 PAPERING At PAINTING repair. Ph. 6522. 0132 PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Lurry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. o!13 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. 0127 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Bhove dragline excavating Walling Sand Oravel Co Phone 8561 i SEWER SERVICE ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Prompt service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. o SEPTIC TANKS SE' TIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlng. Pb. 9633. 0114 MIKE'S Cesspool At Septic Service, tnoo ern equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. 0127 K P. IIAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 SPRAYING SPRAYING. L W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. 0126' COMPLET" spray equipment, lawn, trees, irub. A fields Philip W. Belike. Dial 21708. 0122 STAYTON FLATROCK PATIOS, WALKS, Fireplaces, Garden Walls. Any Quantity. Ph. 2-5639. o!33 TRANSFER AN D STORA G E LOCAL St DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks m Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer At Storage Ph 3 13 1 o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVEB" "vTcnrnT" CLEANER ownera. wt will service your Hoovei cleaner com plete for $2.50 Plufc oaru u required Hogg Bros. Ph 9140. o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN Ph 5965 0133' WELDING WHITTAKEE'S WELDING WORKS. Ph 0134 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M, D. Enloe7 Rt." 9, Box 144, Aburn Rd. Ph. 25198. ol34 Shelter J Pugh, Rt Oregon. Ph. 23412. Box 2S8B Salem, 0118 J. A. SNEED Si SONS, Well drilling 2505 BrooLs St., Salem Phone 6809. ol27 WINDOW CLEANING KA..EM WINDOW Service Housa Clean i.iE, floor waxing. Ph. 21342. oll9 4.CME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed polished Ph. 3237 A4i Court uanadoe Oulberuoo and Mather PROFESSIONAL Phone 4467 CLEANING SERVICE LODGES Fraternal Order of Eagles meet every mesa ay at a pjn. More man a million members j-"-- I. O. O. P. meeU every 0w0 Wednesday night. Visl v" 'tors welcome. Third de gree. 4 Pacific Lod?e No. 50, A.F. Ad A.M. M.M. degree Friday. I Hay 9, 7 pjn. 1UM Market Quotations Salem Llvriterk (By Valley Packing Co.) Hogs, 35-: under Portland each wt. 3prlng lambs, 118.50. Wooled 1946 lambs, SI. Sheared 1946 lambs, 116. Yearlings, $13.50, Ewes, 12 to 17.50. Fat dairy cows, I12-13.50. Cutters, 18-12. Dairy heifers, (13-1T. Bulls, S12-17. Calves. 300-450 lb.. 110-21. Veal, 150-300 lb.. 119-24. Portland F.astslde Local green peas opened at 13.60 a .10 lb box with California supplies selling at $3.20-3.40 a 28-lb tub at today's ses sion of the Portland Eastslde Farmers' Wholesalo Produce market. The season's first local gooseberries were offered at 16-17o a lb. Best radishes were sold at 80c-$l a dozen bunches, Smal sized, top quality green onions were quoted at 35-50c a dozen bunches. Willamette valley strawberries were val ued at $3.75-4 a crate. Local lettuce was offered at $3.75-4 for 3 doien heads. Portland Produce ExcAanie Butterlat--Tentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum .35 of 1 percent acidity delivery in Portland, 67-66c Ib.i first quality, 66-67C lb.; second quality. 61-63c; valley routes and count-y points, 9 cents less than first. or 64-650. Butter Wholesale f .o.b. bulk, 68c lb. . cubes, grade AA, 93 score, 61c: A 93 score. 60c. B, 90 score, 60c; C. 89 score, 57c. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole salers: Oregon singles, 3S-52c; Oregon loaf. 38H-54C. Esss To wholesalers: A grane, large Mi-SWac medium. 48'i-49'i-; A grade mall. 42'ic; B grade, large, 45-47'ac Ect Purchased from farmers: Current receipts. 45-SOc. buyers pay 3-3'4c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery tits. Portlan l Dairy Market utter Prices to retailers, oraae aa carton 66-67c; AA prints. 65-66c: A prints. 64-65c: A cartons, 66-67c; B prints, 6oc: one-fo.rth pound cubes, cent higher. Etn Prices to retailers, aa extra large. large (certified), 58-59c; A large. 54-S5c; AA medium, 64c; A medium. 50 51c: A small. 46; dozen; carton. 2tte id- riitlnnnl. Cheese Prices to retailers: rortiano Oregon singles, 36 'i -54c lb.; Oregon loaf. 56c: triplets, 36-54C Poultry: Chickens Paying price to proaue- ers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 30-31c fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 30-31c lb.: 3 to 4 36-37c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 36- 37c; fowl, Leghorn, under 3'.a lbs., 20c: Ib.t ana over, 23-zic; coiorra, an weights, 33-34o lb.; stags, all weights, 14-I6c. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48-32c lb. dressed; prices to producers, 43c: fry rrs, live, white, 20-24C lb.; colored, 17-21c lb. Vegetables: Artichokes-Calif. 4 and S dox. to a rag. J3.85-4; 6 dox., $2.50-2.75. paragui Oregon, Hood River. Canby. per box, 30 1-lb. bunches. $3.75-4; loose. 13.65-3.75, No. 2s, $2.75-3. Washington, Sunnyslde. No. 1 mediums. 12-13e lb.; un classified and small, 7-8 Mc. Aro dot Calif., fancy. 20, 24, 14.45-5; Fuertes, fancy, 30, 35, $4.60-4.85; choice, all sizes, $3.95-4.20. Cabbage California No. 1, $3-3.75; Tex as 80-lb. crates, 14.25; red, $7.75-8.95 crate. Track soles, Calif, crate, $3. Local, pointed type, $1 crate. Carrots California, bunched, A dot. $4-4.25; 50-lb. sacks, topped, $2-2.15: truck sales. Calif., bunched. 6 doz. $4.25-4.50: sacked. 50-lb., $1.35-1.60. Track sales, 6 doz.. $3.50-3.75. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed, standard crate. (2.85-3; track sales, $2.50 crate. Lo cal snowball, I3.7& crate. Celery Sturdee crates, Pascal, $6 7: d. crate, $5.25-6; std. crates, $5.75-8. Corn Calif., crates, 5 don., $6.25-6.50. Cuoi ,bers - Oregon nothouse. $7.25-8 3-dor., lugs, 30-32Vjc lb. Exsplant 30-lb. lug, $4.25-4.50. Endive 3 dor., $3.50-3.75. Le Local. 80-90c dor. Let tu re Calif., 4s, $5-5.25; few poor. lower; Stockton. 3-3'. dox.. $3.75-4; Wat- sonville, $5-5.50; track sales, $4.75-5; Sac ra men to. 3-3 Vi dOZ.. $3.75-4.20. LOCal, IS, $4-4.50. Mushrooms 80-90o lb. Onions, green Local, mid-Columbia, 30- 40c. Infons, dried Oregon yellow, No. 1, inches and larger, $2.75-3; medium. $1.65-1 75; Texas white wax, $4-4.25; Ber mudas. 13-3.25. sale to joobers. cold storage. No. Is, $2-2.25; medium, $1.75. r-ppers Mexican-caw., 45 lbs., $13.26-, 13.75 lug; loose, 40-45c lb. i Parsley Car ., $6-6.50. 10 dozen, bunches. Peas Calif., 28 lbs.. $3.20-3.40; track sales. $3.15 a tub; bulk, 12-14c lb. Potatoi Steady, Oregon-Washington Russets. No t. per cwt., $3.75-4, baker size, $4.50- .70, No. 2, $3.10-3.25; No. 2 (50-lb.', $1-1.05. 15 lbs.. 60-65c; Deschutes No. 2, 50 1 bs.. $1.26-1.30. New crop: Cali fornia 100-lb. sacks. $4.25-4.45; Texas Bliss Triumphs, 50 lbs., $3.15-3.50. Track sulci 1, Calif., long whites. 100 lbs., $3.15- 3.25. Radishes Local, dos., 60-75c. Spfnarb Local, new crop, 75-P0c. Squash Calif. Zucchini. 30-lb. lug. $5- 5.50; summer, $3.75-3.85 lug. . Potatoes -Calif. Jersey, 30-lb. has-$4.25-5; Calif. La Yams, $4.15-4.35: Texas, M. 15-4.25. Tomatoes Mexico, lugs. No. Is. $7-7.60: repacked. $7.50-8; 31 1-lb. tubs, $6.50-7; Calif., In i.lo 9 and 12 top packs, $7-7.50: 16 top, $5.60-8; Imperial, 16 top, $5-5.50; Indlo, flats. 22 lbs., J fi.35 -7. Track sales, Mrxtcan lugs, $6.25-6.50. Turnips CaltL, $1-1.10 dox. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane-wrap ped; spinach, 24 12-oz., $1.50-1.65; salad, 8-or.., $1.15-1.20; celery hearts, per dox,. $3.25-3.50. C;rll,:--30 l-oi. pkss,. $1.65-1.76. Freih Fruit: Apples Newtowns. Hood River, w. and , $4.75-5; Wlnesaps, w. and p., $4.50-6. AvocMdos California Fuertes. 30-35a. $4.45-5 box; 20-24s, $4.60-4.90; choice, $3.75-4, Bananas Bunched, 110.50-11.60 cwt.. cut hands, $12-13.50 cwt. Cherries-Calif. Tartarian. $5.75-6.15 lug. Daten--Calif. 24 8-ox. pkgs.. $4.65-4.76: natural and hydrated flats, 15 lbs., $4.26- 4.50. Ciooheberr les Local, 12-15c lb. Grapefruit Texas pinks, 64-72. 14.75; 1I2-126S, $3.75-3.86; Marsh seedless. 80- 90s, $3-3.35; Arizona white, $2.50-3; choice. lower. Lemons Calif, fancy. 252-SOOs. $6."iD- 6,75; 432s, 14-5; choice, $1 less. Limrs California, 15 tubs of 6 llmr-v u.nu-j ou; jugs oi so, usc-Sl Oranges - California navels, 176 and : grr, 15.75-6.10; 220-252S, $5.25-5.40; mtuier. m-4.u; cnoice, aoc-H less a dox Rhubarb Loca'. field-grown, 30-lb. box. 76-flflc; 90i-$l 30-lb apple box; wins, 85- 90c-ll a 15-lb. box. Strawberries Air express. Calif.. 14- 4.35; rail express. 12 baskets. 13.76. Track saies. 3. in. Dressed Meats: VealLight top quality. 2S-6e: heavy top quality, as -sue; a, 20-200; C, 22-24c: cull. 18-JHf. Hok Block, butchers, picker slvle 125-160 lbs.. 37-38c; over 313 lbs., 86-37c 10.: so vs, an wu., Z9-.nc 10. Lambs--A S8-40o; A, 37-38c( B, 24-lOe C, 28-300 lb. Multon 10-15e lb., according to quality Beer Best quality, 32-34c; B, 25-26c; C, 32-24c; canner and cutter, 18-21c; bo logns bulls, 25-26c. Wool, Cascara Bark: Cast-era Bark r-reen. 8-8Wc; dry. 20c Wool Valley, coarse and medium grnaes, wuvtc ID. Mohair- 40c lb, on 12-month growth. IT' . Calves, 40c lb., according to weignt; rips, aon 10.1 green beer, llo 1 b. Rendered Ineitllile Fals 12-13C lb, Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, tm wa Chinese earn dies. Amazing aneeeM tor 6000 years in China No matter with what ail ments your are afflicted disorder flnusltia. heart tongs, liver, kidneys tea, eonRllpatlon. outers, dla&etae. rheumatism, gall and bladder lever kin. female com plain u CHARLIE CHAN CHINISI BIBB (XX nifl,. Bear, IKt T.n. and 8l ntf tM N. Cin.lNltl P1i.bc IIRSQ ALZM. oil Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 9, 194T 17 Chicago Livestock Chicago. May 9 (U.R) Livestock: Hogs 4,000. Moderately active; 35-SOo higher on weights up to 260 lbs; heavier hogs uneven; generally steady to 35c higher. Sows also steady to 25c higher: top 35.00. Bulk good and choice 180-260 lbs 23.75-24.75; 270-290 lbs 22.25-23.75; 300 350 lbs 21.00-33.50; 350-400 lbs 20.00-21.00; mont good and choice shows 18.00-18.25. Cattle 2.000; calves 500. Generally mar ket active and firm with week's advance; little beef In crop. Sost medium to low choice steers 21.00-25.75: the top paid for two loads 1,135 lb averages. Good 750 lb mixed yearlings 24.25; weighty offer ings 24.50; receipts maily cows; boef of ferings 14.00-17.00; canners and cutters 11.00-13.75; weighty bulls 17.00-17.50; veal em 26,00. Sheep 600. No early sales; medium to good wooled lambs undertone weak; more than a load held about 21.75-22.00; uni formly good and choice wooled lambs Ab sent, quoted steady or up to 23.50. Part deck good and choice 105 lbs fed clipped lambs No. 1 pelts steady at 22.00. Odd lot native slaughter ewes steady at 10.50; 9.00 down for wooled and shorn kinds. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., May 9 ( Wheat No futures quoted. Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat ibid: Soft white 2,36; soft white (excluding Rex) 2.36; white club 2.36; western red 2.36. Hard red winter: Ordinary percent 2.37; 11 percent 2.44; 12 percent 2.52. Hnrd white Baart: Ten percent 2.36; 11 percent 2.40: 12 percent 2.46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 11: barley j; nour i; corn so; oats z; miuieed e, Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., May 9 UP Livestock. Cattle salable 65; calves. 10. Market about steady on limited supplies; steers scarce. Good to choice fed steers quoted up to Monday's top of 24.00; week's top heifers 23.00; few canner and cutler cows 11.00-12.50; medium beef cows up to 15.135, some held higher. Good sausage bulls up to 16.75; good to choice vealers sal able 24.00-27.00. Hogs salable 25. Butcher hogs steady, feeder pigs unevenly lower. Good to choke 235 lb butchers 25.50: 160 lbs 23.50; good 415 lb sows 20.10; good to choice 102 lb feeder pigs down to 23.00. Sheep salable 25. Market nominal. Good to choice spring lambs salable around 20.00-20.50; wooled lambs 19.00 and down but nothing strictly choice offered. Good to choice No. 2 and 3 pelt lambs 18.00 18.25; good to choice shorn ewes this week 7.00-7.50; wooled ewes up to 8.50. Salem Markets Completed from reports ot Baiem dealers for the guidance ot Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pelletts, $4.15 cwt. Era Mash $4.60 cwt. Dairy Feed $3.85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1, 34e 1'- No. , 28c; colored fryers. No. 1. 14c lb Egt Bayers' Prices White and Brown extra large g u-e A, 62c; med., 48c; standards. . doser: pullets, 10c; crax, 30c. ""holesale Price Large, 66o dozen: med.. 52c dozen. Batter wholesale A, 65c. Retail- Grade A. 70c. Batterfat Premium. 68c; No. 1. 17c; No. 2, 63 c. Lebanon Berries Bring $4 a Crate Lebanon, May 9 (Special) First local strawberries in mar ketable quantities appeared Thursday when George E. Ross of the Tennessee district brought in three crates of extra fancy berries which brought $4 a crate. Approximately a dozen other crates appeared in the markets before noon, bringing an aver age retail price of 30 cents a box. Timber from soft-wooded trees is sought for lumber and pulp; from hard-wood trees, for furniture and veneer manufac ture. Births, Deaths Births Iverton To Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hanna of Bcotts Mills, a daughter. May 7, at Silverton hospital. Allen To Mr. and Mrs. Mlnard W. Allen, 1180 Smith, a son, Ronald Wesley, April 29. a Hew To Mr. and Mrs. Noble L. Bal- lew, Portland, a daughter, Janet Dawn. April 38. Alexander To Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Alexander, Independence, a daughter, Carol Ann, May 1. Dunckel To Mr. and Mrs. EM ward J. Dunckel, Independence, a daughter, Mollle Ann, April 38. Yada To Mr, and Mrs. Latxuro Yada. route 1, Brooks, a daughter, Jere Ann, May 5. BullisTo Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bullis, Valsctz, a daughter, Linda Aileen, May 3. Silverton At Silverton hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hartxler of Hubbard, a daughter. May 6; to Mr. and Mrs, George Kyilo, Molalla a son. May 7; to Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Kllewer of Silverton, a daughter, May 5: to Mr. and Mrs. Paul i Central Location. Nt!vV Kt Easily reached by public y sSg transportation. LT2aV Ample Parking Space in jT-V Our Own Parking Lot. 1 I 0 FLi J I V Funeral Service With'n AVVj JLJ i I Your Means. I - pj pj rOoug- ImJ Ll U Barrck ch Coleman, Molalla, a son. I; and to Angel, a Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Cot son. May 3. Bartlett To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bartlett, 271 North 21st, a son, Roger Kenneth, May 3. Hewson To Mr. and Mrs. Quentln A, Hewson, route 3, a daughter, Vickie Ann, May 4. McClaughry To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. McCIaughry. route 2, a son, Phillip Mi- liaei. April ll. Anderson To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Anderson, loo Carleton Way, a son, Jan Andiw, April 11. Walr To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Walyer. 975 Edgewater. a aon. Tom Mi chael, April 11. Maneely l! Mr. and Mrs, Robert W. Maneely, 2147 dauth Winter, a son, John Robert, April 10. . Barnes To Mr. gi:d Mrs. Woodrow O. Barnes. 639 Center, a Ctitshter, Jo Beth, April 37. Welch To Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer V, Welch. 1740 Yew. a son, Bruce PtMd, April 21. Irons To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Irons, Idanha, a daughter, Pearlle Diane, April 30. Stavenau To Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stavenau. 430 Locust, a daughter, Sherry Gall, April 19. Gilstrap To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gilslrap, Grand Ronde, a daughter, Donna Kay. April 19. Kanoff To Mr. and Mrs. James W. Knnoff, Lebanon, a son, James Lee, April 18. Taylor To Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor, 2010 Bruce, a son. Dale Roger, April 17. Bonnocofskl To Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bon nog of ski, route 7, a daughter, Monica Annette, April 16. Heth To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heth, 370 Taylor, a son. Randy Linn, April 16. Nekuda To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nt kuda. route 8, a daughter, Nancy Ja, April 15. Izro To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Irz. Salem, a daughter, Sandra Jo, April 16. Deaths Alice Karler Smnldcn In this city May 7. Alice Farley. Smol- dr-n. late resident of Eusene. at the aie of 53 years. Wife of A. L. Smolden of Eu gene: sister of P. L. Farley of Salem, Fnnkle Talbott of Junction City and Mrs, Bertha Baker of Tillamook. Grave side services will be held Saturday. May 10. at 10:30 a.m. at the City View ceme tery with Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiat ing. Direction W. T. Rigdon company. Horare Marnard Yoakum Horace Maynard Yoakum, at the resi dence, 650 Locust street, Monday, March S. at the age of 73 years. Brother of Mrs. Charles Bratcher of Phoenix. Aria. Announcement ot services later by Clough-Barrier- company. Bruit, Karen Elaine Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brust of Salem died at a local hospital Friday, May 9. Also survived by two .sisters, Janrse Charlaine and Penny Janene Brust of Salem: grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick of Salem and Charles Nnnce of Mohall, N. D. Graveside serv ices Saturday. 10 a.m. at Belcrest Memo rial park with Rev. R. C. Schulz officiat ing under direction of Olough-Barrlck company. Rose Ot Muleet Funeral services were held Monday at the Immaculate Conception Calholio church in Slayton for Mrs. Rose Ote Mulcet, 34, who died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rak in fltayton. Friday. May 2, following a lin gering Illness. Recitation of rosary was held at the Weddle Funeral home Sunday at 8 P.m. and burial was In Lone Oak: .m.tr Rnrn October 2. 1912 at Lake Thelma, Canada, Mrs. Mulcet had lived in Oregon 33 years and in me commnmu eight months. Besides her parents, she it survived by a brotner, .ionn iw oi oicm, and Walter Rak of Aumsville. Cora Cooper Olmsted Slayton Graveside services were held Saturday at Lone Oak cemetery lor Mrs. Cora Cooper Olmsted, 75. wife of E. M. Olmsted, publisher of the Idaho County Free Press at Oransevllle, Idaho, and a former Stnyton publisher. Rev. Wlllard Buckner of the Stayton Baptist church officiated and burial was beside her fa ther and mother. Mrs. Olmsted died sud denly of cerebral hemorrhage at her hnme In Grangeville Tuesday evening, April 29. while sitting at the supper table. She had not been well since a previous similar attack In 1844. Cora W. Cooper was born April 14. 1872, near Salem, and at an early bkc moved with her parents to fltayton. Here she grew to womanhood and was always busy at some useful work. She was local correspondent for a Salem paper lor over 20 years, and worked In the Btayton post office for many years. For many more years she was employed as a saleslady In a local store. She was married January 12, 1928 at Eugene to E. M. Olmsted. During the past 19 years the Olmsteds have formed many new friendships in the Idaho town. Besides her husband she Is survived by a brother. W. O. Cooper of Slayton: a niece, Pearl Brewer of Tillamook, and another niece, Bess Murphy. Hamilton. Mont.; five step children. Edith J. Hayes. Toppenish, Wash.: Hazel E. Barrel!, Ephrala. Wash.; Susan E. Powell, John L. Olmsted and Eugene Q. Olmsted, all of OrangevlDi. Pallbearers were Conrad Nelbert. Wilbur Lesley. Charles Burmester and Lloyd Schaefer. Due to ill health. Olmsted was unable to make the trip to Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. John Olmsted of Grangeville, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hal of Al bany 'sister of K. M. Olrmted), and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brewer of Tillamook were here for the services. fe F.l.tahrth Hold. He Woodburn Mrs. Elsie Elizabeth Gold nde, 42, of 480 Bradley street. Woodburn, died at a Snlem hospital Wednesday nlgit. She was born In Mt. Angel January 4. 190a and has lived In Oregon all of ner life. Survived by hrr husband, Joseph OoldAdr of Woodburn: two daughters, Florence and Jean at home: four brothers, Frank Esch of Mt. Angel. John Esch of Gervais. .V ill mm Esch of Canby and Nick Eeh of Portland: an uncle, Judge Paul Puiher of Oregon City; and an aunt. Miss Matilda Fisher of Oregon City. Recitation of the Rosary will be held tonight (Fri day) at 7:30 at the Rmno chapel. Funeral services at 9 a.m. Saturday from St. Luke's Catholic church with Interment In fit. Luke's cemetery. )