ft I'1 Locals 'il Salem chapter 162, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a regular meeting Saturday eve ning at 8 o'clock for initiation and a ipecial Mothers' day program. Just received another ship ment of smart summer dresses, crepes, mesh, sheers. Regular and half sizes. Gilmore's, 439 Court, upstairs over Breit haupt's. 111 Modern dance, Crystal Gar dens Friday night. Music by Bobby Evans' 13 piece band. Ill Road oiling for dusty roads. Also stove and diesel oils for all types of business. Larmer Transfer. Phone 3131. 114 Mother's Day Box Candy at the South Salem Pharmacy. 112 Clem McCarthy and Bill Stern will broadcast an exclusive NBC on-the-spot account of the 57th running of "The Preakness" at Pimlico track on Saturday, May JlO. KGW-Portland will carry phe broadcast from 1 to 1:30 p.m. on above date. Visit Salem Public Market. Open every Saturday from 8:30 till 12:00 A.M. Fresh eggs: chickens, and flowers from the country. Corner Union and High. ' 111 Get out of the dust for sum mer, oil it. Call Tweedie, 9696 or 5769. 119 Guaranteed clock and watch repairing. The Jewel Box, 443 State. Air-Steamship tickets, Ku'gel, 735 North Capitol. Phone 7694. Ill New papas look! Cigars by box, popular brands. Ruth's, lobby Pioneer Trust building. 112 Salem soldier recently receiv ing a promotion to a technician fifth grade was James N. Smith of 1464 Gregson street, who is assigned to duty at Brooke army medical center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Remember her May 11. Curt & Dean, Florist. Located ir Erickson's Market. Free deliv ery. Phone 25014. 112 Three-drawer bedside chest Regular price, $9.45. Special at $6.90. Woodrow's, 450 Center. Ill Good supply of 600x16-650x16 700x16 recaps. Also good iised 4jires. Reasonable prices. Gil Ward, 395 North High. 112' See complete line Color Per. feet wall paper at Sears. Special discount on all radios. Broadway Appliance company 419 Ferry. 112 General invitation to inspect the Cooley gardens in Silverton this week-end has been Issued by the owners. There are more than 175 varieties of iris at present with new introductions, Rose Splendor, San Anlone and General Pattori, rated high for Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge of Silver ton, nationally known iris hub- ridizer. Alice Dustan, garden editor of "House Beautiful," was a visitor at he Cooley gardens during the week. We Install Auto Glass. Wood row's, 450 Center street " Three-drawer 23-inch chest ,$8.95. Woodrow's, 450 Center 111 Apartment house electric ranges for immediate delivery Broadway Appliance company 419 Ferry. 112' Five-drawer 30-inch chest $12.95. Woodrow's, 450 Center. Ill Fifty percent off on all fin ished furniture. Woodrow's, 450 Center. Ill 2 Lloyd Stearns, Portland log "ger, was hospitalized here Thurs day for injuries received when a loe rolled on his rieht lee while he was working for the Western Logging company at Valsetz. His injuries are not serious. Bed, springs, mattress, dress er, rugs, davenport, chairs. 2245 North Liberty. Ill For Rent Floor Sanders Woodrow's, 450 Center St Iris are blooming at 1330 Fair mount. The public is invited. 112' Asparagus now ready for can ning and freezing. Fiala Ranch, three miles north of Salem in Polk county. Phone 23072 Bring container. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cameron, 1050 Elm street, West Salem have as their guests her sister- in-law, Mrs. E. P. Brinton and two children of Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Brinton and children will leave for Borneo In July where her husband is superintendent of an oil well drilling opera tion. Johns-Manvllle slate surfaced shingles applied by expert roof ers. Nothing down 3 years to pay. Free Estimates. Ph. 4642 Mathis Brothers Roofing com- ny. 164 South. Commercial. Marriage licenses have been issued at Vancouver, Wash., to James S. Hayes, 200 S. 22nd street and Thelma C. Stetter, 1080 Madison street, both of Salem; Donald C. Farrow and Louise L. Wolf, both of Idanha; Robert I. Colvin, Aurora and Delia S. Skinner. Tacoma, and to Stanley P. Wilbur and Cor delia H. Nelson, both of Aurora. DeLuxe Cab Phone 8050. 114 Large assortment box candy for Mothers Day. Wrapped for mailing at Ruth's, lobby Pioneer Trust building. 112 Interior painting. Small jobs accepted. Phone 25745. 112 Washing machines for imme- uiate delivery. Broadway Appli ance company, 419 Ferry. 112 Olson Washer Repair. 25100. 125 Dr. Wiles, Dentist, 701 First National Bank Phone 4924 for immediate appointment Claude Hastings, of Redmond, who with his brother, Tom Hast ings, operated a barber shop at Detroit, has purchased a used car lot here. River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial band and Gravel. Phone 21966 Stove oil. Cadwell Oil com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. Insureo savings earn more than twi percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. Salem Heating & Sheet Meta company have moved from the Hollywood district to the new building at 1085 Broadway. Due to the strike we have no phone. 113 Place your order now for canned asparagus. Aufranc's Phone 8487. Ill E. R. Hitchman Logging com pany has been granted a per mit by the county court to move a scraper over county roads and Bernard Schmid, Aumsville, a permit to haul logs. Bazaar, rummage sale, above Greenbaum's, May 10, Spiritual Sunflowers. Ill De-Luxe Serve-Self laundry 345 Jefferson street. Open daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays to 9 p.m. Automatic and conventional machines. The best in the west. 112 Beautiful potted plants, cut flowers, bedding plants that will please mother. Pemberton's Flower Shop, 1980 South 12th. 112 Road oiling for dusty roads. Also stove and diesel oils for all types of burners. Larmer Trans fer. Phone 8131. 115 Reber Allen, Alfred Jensen and Earl Adams have filed arti cles of incorporation for Sil verton Community Chest with the county clerk. The Silver Creek Lodge res taurant will be open as soon as kitchen and dormitory facilities are completed. The "Snack Shack," serving sandwiches, cof fee, beverages, ice cream and picnic supplies will be open daily starting Saturday, May 10. 112 Choice canary singers for sale. 150 North 21st. Phone 26549. 112 Experienced beauty operator wanted. Bonnie Dee Beauty Shop, 482 Court. Phone 9659. 112 Certificate of assumed busi ness name for Salem Duraclean Service has ben filed with the county clerk by Leonard C. Orton, 609 Locust street. Certi ficate for Taylor's Service, auto motive repair service, Silverton, has been filed by Clarence L. Taylor, Silverton. Four Corners Garage. Tailor made seat covers, tops, truck and tractor seats repaired and re covered. Phone 21165. 112 Call the Arrow Pickup and Moving Service. Phone 7665. Prompt service. Formerly Sa lem Moving and Delivery Serv ice. 115 Modern dance, Crystal Gar dens Friday night. Music by Bobby Evans' 13 piece band. Ill Dance Saturday, Silverton Armory. Glen Woodry's Orches tra, ill The Salem Spanish club will meet Friday, M a v 9 at the YWCA, 768 State, at 8. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gies of Salem will speak on their trip to South and Central America. Mrs. Else Al len will conduct the Spanish study drill. New officers of the club are: Mrs. Clara Poland, president: Herbert Noble, vice president: and Verna Keppin ger, secretary. Ivan Martin was appointed to act as general pro gram chairman. Window screens and doors. Masterwood Cabinet Shop, 164 South Commercial. Phone 5596. Ill Goode and Denison, electrici ans. Call W: M. Goode, 9480. or E. K. Denison, 47F3. Ill- Deeds have been Issued by the counly court to Paul R. and Vivian Hendricks, one covering a lot in Capital park addition for $250 and the other a lot In Depot addition for $225, It's roller skating each Mon day, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, at the Capitola Roller Rink. Let's go skating tonight. Ill For Mothers Day. Blooming azaleas, rhododendrons. Knight Pearcy Nursey, South Liberty, 3 blocks south of State. Closed Sunday. 112 Furniture upholstering. Call 9560 Certificate of assumed busi ness name has been filed with the county clerk for Williams & Co., grocery and general mer chandise, Detroit, by Philip Wil liams, Esther Zacher Williams, Margaret Noble and Janet M. Morgan, all Detroit. Fearon M. Smith, 310 Kappahn street, has filed certificate of assumed name for Smitty's Clipper Ser vice, 394 N. Church street. Dexter sharpens lawnmowers at your home by machine. 6833. Ill Eola Acres Florist. 5730. Ill' World famous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug Store. Ill If permission is received from the civilian production adminis tration, on an application filed Thursday, George A. Rhoten will build a business building on High street just south of;ers awaited a government crop the Model Food market, on prop- report due after the close of tht erty where the home of the late board of trade. Dr. S. C. Stone was located. The estimated cost is $6500. Hospital and Health and Ac cident Dept. of Mutual of Oma ha, local office 409 Guardian Building. G. J. Becker, manager. Phone 8482. Ill Dance Saturday. Silverton Armory. Glen Woodry's Orches tra. Ill Permit to haul logs has been granted by the county court to Richard and Mark Thornton, Sa lem. Processing of straw berries will be started at the U. S. Al derman plant in the Unionvale district Monday. There will oe 35 men and women employed, according to William Maxwell, manager. Hot water heater, 45 Automatic gas, Bund. 7736. gallon. Phone 112 House for rent on beach near Ocean Lake. Ph. 3203. 112 For Mothers' day blooming Rhododendrons and Azalias. Closed Sunday. Knight Pearcy Nursery. S. Liberty, 3 bocks south of State. Ill Sweedish massage reducing. 1816 First National Bank build ing. Phone 8798. 113 Now you can get it! Endow ment at age 60 for yourself if you live. If you should die be fore that date we'll guarantee to pay principal sum to your named beneficiary and also refund all the premiums paid, plus ac cumulated dividends. You will live, die or quit. What else can happen? Why worry? Call 8818 Salem. A. J. Ullman, General Agent, Ohio National Life In surance Company. Ill Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Fu- schias, tuberous begonias, ger aniums, perennials, in bloom. Boyd Nursery, 2440 State street. Ill" Tuberous Begonia plants. ready to set out. $2.50 dozen. Closed Sunday. Knight Pearcy Nursery, South Liberty, 3 blocks south of State. 112 Circuit Court Anawar in A. D. vs. Paul Marcott ad mits find deniea. Formal judnment order of dismissal filed In J. A. Moxley vs. Ada Thomas and Clementine Dawes with coat bill of 147.20 aasewed against plaintiff. Decree of divorce in Clara M. vs. A. C. Harry Wilson Fives Judgment axain.tt de fendant for J200 and confirms property agreement. Complaint for divorce by Blanch vs. Roy Gibbon allege cruel and inhuman treatment, asks custody or three children and 135 a month for support of each. Married Nov. 19, 1026, at Smith Center. Kans. Order in Lawrence H. and Dorothy Woody vs. Walter A. and Madeline E. Brackhahn allows motion to make com plaint more definite and certain by In serting agreement. Motion to modify t decree In Schmltt vs. Schmitt on the docket for heanna Thursday was continued to an Indefinite date Complaint for divorce by Oladys Marie vs. Elmo C. Lowe alleges cruel and inhu man treatment, asks custody of a minor child with 150 a month for its support and ISO a month alimony and all th per sonal property located at 1031 South 23th street. Married August 30, U15, in Salem. Order In Em II Balla vs. Florence Mills bajted on stipulation agrees to name of defendant appearing as Florence Mills Ireland and that E C. Ireland, her hus band, appear as party defendant. Paul George Davis was sentenced Paae Thursday Circuit Judge E. M. four months in the county Jail on charge of larceny of an automobile longing to Richard Taylor. Order In state unemplovm'nt eompenja tton comnvjvlon vs. William R. Hakin. bated on stipulation, vacates a previous order of d:mL&sa! and reinstates the cause on the trial docket. Probate Court Final aeeount filed bv Oeraldlne Lang- ford a administratrix of the estate of Harold E. Brenneman and final hearing set for June 1. Il Cnlnm Pnnvt NT O 7 Q Hi 1 j Widiam Wilson, Jr., 20. Undent, and Appraisal of 11728 made on utara of'Anun Eluabeth Achroeder, 20, bookkeeper. William O. Jorner by Oeorge H. and Jo- both Salem. Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, May 9 W' Feeble recovery efforts paid off mod erately for assorted stock market leaders today although many - pivotals maintained their low drift. Transfers for the full session approximated 700,000 shares. Emerging with gams were Chrysler, General Motors, Beth lehem, Sears Roebuck, Mont- gomery Ward, International Harvester, Kennecott, Eastman Kodak, Schenley, International Paper, Standard Oil (NJ), Tex as Co., Santa Fe, Southern Pa cific and Northern Pacific. Bottom for the year or long er was touched by Glenn Martin, Douglas Aircraft, N. Y. Central, Baltimore & Ohio and Rexall Drug. In the minus ranks were Norfolk & Western, Chesapeake & Ohio, Radio Corp., Standard Oil of Ind., Du Ponl, Union Carbide, Allied Chemical and Lehman Corp., Lion Oil, up bet ter than a point in the morning following a split proposal, cut this to a net of V. Bonds were uneven. Price Changes Few in Grain Chicago, May 9 (JP) Price changes in grains were mostly of a minor nature today as trad- Wheat sold off about a cent at one time but rallied later when trade news said the government had resumed flour buying. Wheat closed -W lower, May $2.65-2.65 V, corn was lower to 1 cent higher, May $1.70:U-H, and oats were Vs-s higher, May 93'-94. Employed lady, non-smoker, needs room in very clean and very quiet surroundings. Box 397 Capital Journal. 113 Brown Corday bag, was left in car back seat by mistake. Phone 1030 Gervais. Mrs. John Darc - Lorenze. Reward. 112 Expert Swiss watch repairing. Fast service guaranteed. Stevens & Son, manufacturing jewelers. 339 Court Street. Dance Saturday, Crystal Gar dens. Modern and old time. 112 Immanuel Baptist church, corner Hazel and Academy, Sunday, May 14, 1947. Mr. H. Elson Mc'Cutcheon, field repre sentative of the Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary will be the speaker at the morn ing service at 11 o'clock and eve ning service at 8 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited. Ill Cool and comfortable at Salem Ice Arena Saturday and Sunday afternoons. 2 to 4. 112 Ice skating, Salem Ice Arena. Evenings 8:30 to 10:30. 112 Mothers' day special: Virginia baked ham or fried spring chicken dinner, $1.25, at the Laurel Cafe on the Highway, Woodburn, Ore. Modern 4-room house. Un finished upstairs; full basement; lot 50x165. 2295 Breyman. Ph. 21984. HI When the Russians discovered the Pribilof islands they intro duced a colony of Aleut Indians to take seal skins and the In dians took the names of Russian noblemen. Now, under U. 5. supervision, a roster oi xne col ony reads like a pre-Commu- nist Russian "blue-book." sephine Bell and Zelpha Orover. Justice Court Plea of guilty by Doris Elmina Mr.TI waln, 325 North Capitol, no motor vehicle license, 16 fine suspended and 14.50 cuts paid. Fine of 150 and cost Imposed on James Valentine Wood, Jefferson, reekltu driving. Slate vk. Rex Layton. 1935 Center, driv ing while d runic, trial continued to May 8. State vs. Mernwelher Lewis, autault and battery, complainant, Narie Kleper, trial held and Judgment of Innocent handed down. Stale v. Cecil Baasett, larreny. request ed preliminary hearini. act for Ma; 31. Police Court Driving car. with defective muffler: Lvnn Blumeastein, 3915 River Crest drive, fined 15. Disorderly ronduct: Lynn BlumenMein, 3915 River Crest drive, ball 125. Exr.eslve speed through Intersection: Nile W. CaMor, 1000 Monroe avenue, fined 15. Vaarancy: Nicholas H. transient, 30 days suspended. Violation of the basic speed rule: '. Thomas, Jefferson, ball 17.50. Violation of noise ordinance: Hall, Monmouth. Unnecessary ue of auto horn: Farlow, 220 D street, pleaded trial set for May 16, ball 110. Eldon F. Innocent, Drunk and disorderly: Donald rison, 1320 Stale, fined $25. Marriage Licenses Charley Earl Wallace. 21 farmer, Tur ner, and Laura Elnora Chrlsslnier, 11, domestic. West Stayton. Alex R. Rltacca, legal, plasterer, and nn:e Peirce, legal, housewife, both Salem. I Robert L. Clirk, 21. student, and Viva ). beautician, both Salem. iM. Keyes, The state department of edu-i cation may be asked to name a non-partisan committee to se lect a site for the proposed union high school to serve Stayton, Turner and Aumsville, it was decided at a meeting at Clover dale this week. School boards of the three towns may ask ap pointment of such a committee at a meeting In Aumsville Sat urdav night. Army Seeking Interpreters In order to meet the increas ing positions in the military in telligence service the war de partment is embarking on a spe cial program for training quali mr tuny wun me occupation i forces in Japan. This was tno word received this week bv J-t Col. H. c. neniesen in rnareo of the Salem army recruiting of-! fice. I The course, taking from six to nine months, is designed to give enlisted personnel intensive in struction in the Japanese lan guage and in technical subjects relative to intelligence work. Former servicemen successful ly completing the new regular army entrance qualifications, will not receive basic training but instead will report to t h e language school at the Presidio of Monterey. Men reenlisting may retain the rank held at the time of discharge. Non-veterans qualifying by reason of basic knowledge of Japanese must be high school graduates and must enlist in the regular army for two or three year terms. New York Stock Quotations New Torlt &- closing auditions tods Allied Chem & Dye lfifli, American Cid gp. Am P.wer A Llih ' Amer Tel ft rel v. Anaconda Oopper .,, "' A'chlson ' 7f) ' Bendlx Arlatlon 7. Bom ticcrart V- ;;, lj i c. jchrwier Corp .. i"!!"'"' in iummonwe Sout . i i nsolidated Edisor "" -,fl Consolidated Vultee f1T Continental Insurance ,n, Crown Zellertach ... CurtLsa Wright D iglaa Aircraft ...!!."!" iV Dupont fle Hemou--. 177 General Electric 34 i General foods 4it General Motor t Ooodyear Tire 49 Oreat Northern pfd 3 3 International Harvester 81 tnt Paper pfd ... Johns Manvllia i Kennecott 45 Long Bell A .,' 1R Maytag Miami Oopper in Montgomery War-" 51 Nash Relvinaioi National Dairy N Y Central 4 North Am Co Northern Paclfle is Pao Amer Fish Pacific Gas Elee 35 Pacilie TAT Pnn American u i, Penney J O 40'.. Radio Corp n Rayonier 21 la Rayonler Pfd 37'4 Reynolds Metals !!!!!! 27 Richfield lis Safeway 20 Sears Roebuck 33'. Sinclair on 151, Southern Paclfle 3s Standard Brands 30 Standard Oil Calif afi'-. Stewart Warner 15, Studebater 19 3un Mlnln a'j Union Oil 2P Union Paclfle 127 .a United Airlines 25 United Alrciaft 19'; jilted States Steal 67 7h Warner rtrothers 1.V4, West Elec Mfg Oo 24 'i Wootworth 4U Beer license application as been approved by the counly court for Jacob Fischer, three miles west of Detroit. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere gratitude to the kind friends who have so Cenernuslv holnpHifl" of hea us during our recent bereave ment. The family of Mrs. Adda Louisa Miller. FREE SAMPLES FREE DEMONSTRATION 3 to 9 p.m., Saturday, Sunday CTAyrtD HAPPY of Vegetable Juice Cocktail Made from tomatoes, carrots, celery, parsley. It's as good as it sounds! It's a fine hot weather food! It's excellent for breakfast or luncheon! It's just the right cocktail for dinner! It's a grand bedtime snack! It contains the things kiddies need! It's price is right! In reach of all! 2 25c 6 for 69c A Cose of Either Size Come in and sample this too! They will all enjov it! SAVING SALEM Hess and Wile Both Elected Weaver W. Hrss, former Sa lem pastor, now of Clackamas. was re-elected district superin-1 tenrient of the Church of the Nazarene at the annual assem-1 bly of the Oregon Pacific dis-1 trict in Medford Thursday Mrs.' Hess was elected president of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the church, succeed ing Mrs. Fred Weatherford of Portland. Hons' annual report showed a gain in every department of the church district, a total mem bership of 32fi6 and 5291 Sun day school members. Department secretaries elec- Inntnnr). HI ,.3 IT..,.! L'., Vor- ,,;., . d u j Wallace. Newton, Portland; Miss Hazel F 11 p p n n r .Inv Knrpnn iAi(. m. -..r-.. rnnU Pnri.:.,j i- .,i,. , c-i lalK. Mr"S- H. C. Dion. Grants Pass; Mrs. Richard Taylor, Eu- gone; Mrs. C. H. Herman. Med- ford; Mrs. Minnvillc; Ashland. Lowell Mrs. T. Ellis, Mc- S. Wiley Nava! Reserve Adopts By laws At the meetinR of the Salem Chapter of the Reserve Officers if th fifirvicos hnlH in the Floral room of the Chamber of Commerce members of the or ganization voted to approve the constitution and by-laws drafted by a committee after certain re visions had been made. Nomination of officers was postponed until a future date and the acting president, E. A. Me ola. appointed a committee to contact the Marion county court May 14 in support of the pro jected reserve center recently proposed to the court. Members of the committee were Pat Em mons, Cnrl H. Cover, Wallace Hug and Chandler Brown. The Salem chapter is open to all commissioned officers of the navy, marines, coast guard, navy nurses corps and Waves, who re sided in Marion or adjacent ! counties. At the next meeting, date of which will be announced i later, .membership applications I will be accepted for submission ito the national headquarters. Master Airport Plan Nearly Ready Tlie master plan for the Salem nil-port, City Engineer J. H. Davis reported to City Manaerr J. L. Franzen, was sent to the CAA office in Seattle and has heen returned with minor sug gestions. The plan should be completed early this month, he said. During April the city engin eering department constructed sanitary sewers on Cross street from i4th 16th, and on 16th from Cross to the north line of the Paulus cannery property The lines laid were IB-inch. Curbs were constructed on Claude street from Ford to 24th. Waller from 14th to Mission, Hincs from 14th to 15th, South lfith from Hines to Cross, and Saginaw from Owens to Myers. SUFFERERS FIND CURB FOR MISERY DUE TO LACK OF HEALTHY BILE Supply Ruirwd Here Sufferers Reolc N.-w rrlirf f..r KllhlnM-r autlerer lurk ing hi'tiltliy hile in nn tmlny in anmtiHire nu nt itf a wtirnl'Tful irc I'tirnt ion which arts with r-mnrknltlt elTrrt. Sufferer with nRiuiiimr cilir, atf.mnrh nod gall bladder misery d-ic to lark of li. nltliy l.ile now tell of remnrkftl.le reaultA after uninjr thU medi- ne whirh bus amnzinR power to alimulate le. GALLUSIN ii a very mil ronMderinx rcaiilla. la. OA it contH In nitlv ncnniM nr- GALLUSIN fra.-lton. use only a direeted) ia sold with full money bark cuarante by Srhaefer llrur. N. Commercial. Mall Order Filled BLEND Family Size 46-ounce 25c 3 for 69c 2.69 product. Brinjf the family in, CENTER WEST SALEM Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 9, 1947 15 Board of Viewers to Report On Cummings Lane Dispute The matter of designating Cummings Lane in the Keizer dis trict as a county road, long a matter of controversy, reached the hearing stage before the county court Friday morning and after ' discussion the court announced Larry Walker To Go to France Larry Walker. 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walker, prominent hop growers of the Independence district, will be one of approximately 90 scouts and scoulcrs from the north west who will take part in the International Boy Scout jam boree scheduled for Moisson, France, August 9-22. Young Walker is a junior in high school Iroon sDonsored bv the Ampri- can Legion. He has been a camp leader and active in athletics. The northwest contingent will leave for Butte, Mont., July 3. for a three-day indoctrination period and from there they will So to Camp Kilmer. New Jer sey. The entire contingent from the United States will board a U. S. transport in New York for the trip across the Atlantic. Transportation will be provided at cost. Prior to the Moissan conference, which will attract some 30.000 delegates from the 70 countries where scouting is jreprescntorf the American con- tingent will engage in a 15-riay tour of England and the low countries of Europe. Walker is financing his own trip which I will cost an estimated $700. He 'will return home early in Sep tember. Boundary Board (Continued from Paste 1 The non-high school district zones as now set up are as fol lows: Zone 1 naybelle. Chnmpneg, BiitlcvUle, Aurora, White, Donald, Arbor Grove, St Pn ill. Four Corners, Brondnrres. Belle Pn.wi. Mnliony. Knirf teld. St. Loui. Orr vn:. Eldridee. Pionrer. Parkersville, Whis key Hill. North Unwell. Zone 2 M union, Clear Lake. Kelr.er, Wnconria. Buena Cre.u, Lake Labi&h. f In vpsvillr, Hnel Oreen. Brook. Crnt rnl Unwell, Lnblsli Center. Willartl. Oak Ridge. Pratum. Fruitland. Brllid, Mncleay. Zone 3 Roberts. Hlverrinle. Riverside, Prosper t. Rosertale. Pleasant Point. Sunny sirir. Cloverrtale, Ankeny, Sidney, Talbot. I.ooney Butte, Marlon, Crawford, North Santiam, Salem Height. Zone 4 -Silver Kalis. Brush Creek, Un ion. McKee. Oriwy Pond. Monitor, Ml, Ann el. Harmony, Hazel Dell, Bethany. Ev ercreen. Cenierview, Valley Vie-, Union Hill, Mountain View. Crooked Finder. Brier Nob, Noble, Scot Is Mills, Thomas, Evans Valley. Zone S Wll.el, Shaw. Boric Point, Sub limity, West Stayton, tnrte pendente, Onk Olcnn. Howell, Krru Rldiie, Mehania, Oak dnle, Taylor, Elkhovn. Bert Lbner, Mt. Angel, who had been recovering from pneu monia, suffered a relapse this week and is hospitalized here A Gift from HARTMAN BROS.1 Straight to Dad's heart . . if G&jmG6ziy)ke for Father's Dayl INGUSH OADROON ASH TRAY A ffift to gladden his heart on Father's Day ... a gift he 11 look upon with sen timent and affection for years to come. Every precious scuff and wrinkle is preserved by master craftsmen to make this Mason Master piece a constant reminder of Baby's first trembling step. $6 Bock Ends 19 ,5 per pair, ORDER TODAY to be sure of delivery in lime for Father's Day June 15th. HARTMAN BROS. Jewelers of Salem LIBERTY AT STATE it would name a board of view ers to view the premises, deter mine the damages and be In structed to report back May 14 at 10 a.m. Twenty-four resi dents along the roadway signed petitions asking for the change, out of 31 property owners along the read. 27 have signed deeds relinqishing right of way, while the other four have so far refused, these being Capt. Walter Lansing, A. V. Lansing, Jack R., Virginia, Ellen M. and Kenneth C. El wood and Vera G. Smithley. Capt. Lansing expressed his disagreement to the present plan by stating that this is a dead end road, many other roads al ready county roads around Sa lem for many years are in no better condition, that, if as hoped by the petitioners the road would be oiled or paved soon it would be a discrimina tion against older and through roads while the present road was in the nature of a private road going no where except to the river. He also stated that he has a concrete garage with slab floor which extends four feet into the proposed right of way if the road is taken by the county and changed to a 40-foot road, also trees and shrubbery which cannot be moved, and if the job is done he wants to be assured his gar age will be moved and placed in as good condition it is now and proper recompense marie for the trees and shrubbery. He stated he was not opposed to progress but would like pro gress to be made on something like a basis of equality for all concerned. County Judge Murphy indi cated to the delegation that it it was expected there would be anythipg like an immediate pav ing of the road if it is taken over by the county then they are apt to be faced with dis appointment as he said thil road would be treated like any other roads of its class and oil- ling was more likely to be an eventuality than any immediate development. Trial of Harry Read, man ager of Salem Llectnc, charged with the illegal installation of a guy wire in a Salem street, will be held in municipal court Friday afternoon. Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. a & A.M. will open at Clough - Barrick Mortuary Friday, 1:15, to conduct funeral services for E. M. Croisan, 111 " PRESERVED IN BRONZE $7.so SCAUOPID CRYSTAL A1H TRAY. with Heisey glass. An endur ing and beautiful keepsake to add distinction to Dad's desk at home or at the office. A gift that will become his most prized possession. Give a sentimental yet useful gift this Father's Day ... a Mason Masterpiece! ond up f