Friday P. M. IKSLM X? 'KGW ZS' IKEX IKOIN." flop flarriian I Nrws of World I (irorir Moorad I Sin. Amtrlm I Elmrr Pelersnn Suprrmm 6:30 I Cart. Midnight H:4& I Tom Mix 6:0fW Gnbrirl I1fatrr Mvtttery Thratrr Mvfttery Theater ! Kill Stern I .Music Meet (hp I'rr-M Meet Die Presi Cmrn Kid Cisi-o Kill 9 :1JV 7:S. 7:1.1 (i:(rft 8:1.1 ft:.m I.ct ficnrcf no H Thr Kiln's Men I Sports Week-end I Fannie Brice I Let George Do It I Itohhy Grayson I Snnt: of Cheer 1 Studio 1 Hurl Ives People Are Funny' This Ih Your FBI Thin Man I Errs on Future People Are Funnvf This U Your Fill I Thin Man I Mw Waltz Time ! Break the Rank ! fiinny Simms I Mel Venter 1 Waltz Time ! Break the Bank Ginny Slmmi I Inside of Sport In Public Interest' 'Neath W. Skiei ( Durantr-Moore ! llrnry J. Taloi In Public Intireill 'Neath W. Skies I Duranle-Moore J II: (lit 1ft: IS (I init io: t.V- Fulton Lewli, Jr. ' New Nruii 1 Music News Son o' Guru ! News I Rand Wajron 1 1 .ftft 11:1.1 11:8ft 11:15 Open House Open House. Oprn House Nrws I Nens I Speaker I Ron Slt Orch. On hestra Tsitnorr 12:1101 Siirn Off Saturday 6 A. News March Time News . Ie . ! Hi. Shine . New I OirlieMra I ft:O0 8:1ft K:30 8:1.1 0:1ft 0 :3ft 0:1.- lfi:flO 10:15 jn:sn 10:15 11:00 11:1.1 1 1 :no 11:1 .i I Haven of Rest I H.iven or Rest j Sons of Pioneers Orrhrstra I Bands for llonds I Bands fo- llonds Pastor's Call I Orchestra Music Consumer Time F.d MrConnell Fd McConnrll Record Shop Rerord Shop Vet Advlsrr Walker's Kitchen Ncwk I Bins Sines This Is .Inn This Is .liix ' I Farm A Home Farm ft Home The Baxtrrs Camp Choir OrrhrMra Orchestra Orrhrstra Orrhrstra The Platter Jork Tlie Platter Jock I 1 he 1'l.illrr Jork I I The Platter Jork I Spirit of Pioneer Stars Tomorrow 12:15 News ! Slars Tomorrow 12::t(l I Hillbilly Serrnatte siirs Tomorrow 12:1,1 I Variety Show ' Stars Tomorrow I :no I Kids' Bible Club 1:1.1 j Kids llihle Cluh J:30 ! Orchestra ( 1:15 Two-Ton Baker 2MV j Treasury Salute ) 2:15 j Winnie (lie Wave j :,lft I Open House 2:1.5 Open House Fd. Tomlinson Orchestra Three Sons Shine King Cole Trim Rhopsodr Itiinpsodv Tune Parly Proudly We Hall Foreign Polit y Foreign Policy ' Curtain Time- Curtain Time Bands or Land Bands of Land Bands of Land Bands of Land 8:00 I Hawaii Calls 8:15 Hawaii Calls 8:30 I News 8:15 I Orchestra 4; (lit Ilnrkriilge Show 4:15 j Horkrhlge Show 4:3ft I Proudly We Hail 4:1.1 I Sports Parade ' XateM Patterns til s -vw R 2540 PATTKUN NO. R2540 Loveliest of Linens! Brnutiful liisos and dainty lilacs, cn Vined with Kay hows, enhance a table-cloth that is a masteipiccp" Imagine how delighted a new bride would be to receive this superb gift. Easy to embroider wonderful to have! Pattern envelope No. R2540 contains hot-iron transfers for all designs, color chart, stitch illustrations and directions. To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Hoberts, Salem C';ipital Journal. 828 Mission street. San Krancisco !t, Calif. li 5 stkVairfi'SITJ LAT Hv O L oe R a1 L. AiU.i.i..ffti,liilllii A L O Ce R I SMS E t ACROSS ... Ilfn, TEM; PIEjR A T eJ I C E . 1-ubllo notice. ''.U'i'""1'" ' AiN 3Hr!oIBSIAR EjBM 13. Llusl. r ol wool curve eX 1 Tfi(N M PJI L A V A tll..-r 45. JVinK,,! S'T R UiSiGIuIEMS T I R is. IVif.irin convrnt I L LfjREMAlRjK HNjG t'l. l ily In Uullund Inti-rimllonal " u Wk - IS - "X Klinlci liifiitiin; E N SHH I N Ori T ACT ill. Number 11. Amiuoniii -, M nG4I Aniinoniii (lerlviitlv Phiro of Corroded I.oiHiire Fl'tMK'll Nhln Unliu-d tli li'iory 8tnrt fur man's nam English comerllnn Unit of work English letter Si-lcntltt Uriilt-istnod but not FdiMo frralo Intrigues S-iau plant H. i-l;u-o won t 3 s r. "16 n a , 9 I" 8 Ti so" . ; Jt 3a 1 33 W so' Tj '' 5i ,;'0" W Trrrjr and Pirate' Knox Mannlnr I Sky Kinc i Muiir I .lark Armstrotif I Harry Flannerr I Frank III min way i Hob Garrrd Dinner Muic I rtr licnorant Pleasure Parade He Icnorant The Sheriff I Sport Spotlight (The Sheriff Slraii m Sremi I Supper Cluh Cavalcade Sport Lowell Thoinnx I Fleetwood I.awton Cavalcade Sports .lark Smith Show I Alan Youny American Music I Free for All I Alan Ynunjt American Muie Free for All I T.awson MrCall Hi-re's to Vets I ('oncert Hour I Concert Hour ! Five Star Final Milton Charles I Tony Pastor On h I Tonr Pastor Ori h I Concert Hour Concert Hour I ItoKe Bowl Orrh. Itoe Bowl On li. Xlra Hour Serenade Orrhr Alr-fli Ira M. to 4:45 P. M. I Frank Mcrrlwell Dawn Down Heat 1 News I Frank Merriwell I Dawn Down Beat Garden Gate Nrws Dawn Down nest ' Knln Klork I Dave West, Songs' Dawn Down Brat Koln Klork I nave West. Songs' Roundup Rovs I Koln Klork I Now Hear This Martin Acronskr News The Old Sonit News Nrws I Sam Hayes j Collins Calling News j Wake I'p & Smile' Theater of Today J Wake I'p A Smilel Theater of Today I Wake Hp & Smile. Advrnture Vtakr. I'p & Smlle So. Amcr. Swing J ! Fairy Tales I Grand Cent. Sta. Home Hem. Agent ' Grand Cent. Sta. I American Farmer I County Fair Amerlran Farmer County Fair I Resenrch Give and Take Dirt Doctor I Give and Take Youth Asks Gov'H Adventurer's Cluh I Youth Aslis Gov't Adventurer's Cluh I Box at Opera I Box at Opera I Box at Oprra I Box at Oprra I Mary Lee Taylor I .Mary Lee Taylor I Tr ii pi ran a I Tropicana Box at Opera Box at Oprra I Boi at Opera Box at Opera I Nrws I Orrhrslra ' Farm Journal I Farm Journal Box at Opera I Cross Section, Box at Opera I U.S. A. Sunset Round I'P 1 N. Thomas Sunset Round I'P ! Chlrasoans Concert Newspaper ofAlr Conreil Nrwspaper of Air Concert Columbia Feature I Concert j Columbia Feature Jimmy Blnir Nf us Chlltison Trio j Columbia Feature I Buddy Weed Trio Little Show j Jim Robertson j Little Show I Bible Messacrs J Colirmhia Feature I Harry Wlsmer I t'clumhia Feature I Music Library Danger Ahead I Music Library j Gren Gray Orrh. rs- W Solution of Yesterday't Puzzl . Finished DOWN , HiRhent ault at hrtrlg , Chinese bullillnv 1. Cnns by . So arc . Trap . Salt of anlslo AC 1(1 . Lay barA bj fro.lon . tcrpl . Controversially . Itpverug . Trou M . Symbol for tplltirluto . HoiiMIt . Trispasslnf; . Mnpi'iilin na mn , CatotmifT l evict' , Combat between two , Article of furniture fpnilTiln nam , I'orgy , i'hllippln nirii.iiir . Arnblan co m in a nil T . SbippniR container , Roman prieata . P iff lei . Stite of mind , Ureal hert heavily to sleep , Nimbi , lirowinK out Aerial rnllway: colloq, Judge Wonilerlim fear Ami not liusliy ciutup wif J larivittiv L5JCLaMLa5LBaE.LJH5iJ Jo u ma I Fea tu re Donald Duck SPECIAL TOPA.y AIODtoi, SUTURE Henry The Ncbbs Little Orphan Annie Kcc'lax Fellers 7 MARKET S-Jo A; S I I X 1 11... ,...,. I AoenSoH fivEEVBOOVArs X HEV,WILBUR,V IT'S " W(vHtirs f 1x3 lSt-fT IT LiiI S -s 5EEMS HEADEdT&TWER A. VWtX GOES A HERE.' ) ( UCRE? (NEW FIRE jA A BEAUTVapILL Xrf make ww mz( for 7we rail- weck,0(3 Xw?! XX i I Vjip .pJraoo' (gy I-1' .VLrftBalffllMlHlMBTH Y the police - call th- Tl ( ou go cheoo to the ( GREAT SCOTTl I CANT BELICVE IT! I PAPER-STOP THEM- HEAOQUARTERS WITH THE If DA I I I VIKl! AND THOSE FOREIGN THUCSl m 1 FOLLOW THEM-OH, MY SACK HANDS' I WILL IK I SHE'S ONE OF THEM-AND THEY ( HEAD IF ONLY I J ( WAIT TO MAKE SURE 4 rHEr j j rrlH The Gumps By Gus Edson Home! jfiKa2' I Ul25 A MONTH IS HM--lAUREL STREET I WIPE OPEN SPACES. T MUST BE IT.' '931 aaj A LOT OF MONEY- NEAR POKEY R0AP. SI ALL RIGHT- FIRST f LOOKS LOVELY.' Pi C'MON, FOLKS -HOP IN -I'LLX BUT, WITH HOUSING NEVER HEARP OF. ,39 HOUSE WE'VE SEEM SHAPE TREES I'LL TAKE YOU FOR TOUR ) AS IT IS, YOU'RE IT-- AH.' HERE'S Ms IN TH?EE MINUTES-" X 'N ALL' 00H I'M I u Mult and Jeff By Bud Fisher But After All There Was No Cover Charge WELL.HowbJl DIDN'T. -iwELL. IF THE -AND THE'-AND THE WINE HAD J iS"7-AND THE I goY I Would) VoUEMJoy I WlSrt WHyOVsTERS HAD SOUP HAD BEEN AS OLD ASK MAID AS HAVE HAD A I MRS.CLUTTs'j t HAD "JJ BEEN AS COLD BEEN AS THE CHICKEN. J UOVlNG WONDERFUL. dinner J staved ir as the soup- warm as " jrz Cx as the n timfi . PARTY(MEr X-- THE WINE - ' jw WOULD TOO MIND UREX yplTCHER DUSANVWOW ,'X XOH rT WON y 0hG$7' I (VrriN THU WWBTO' ) LETS HAVE ) OA-JE ONEY TWO HITS YwHM A OAMe.') 9 fct PLAYED RCSlAR FELLERS V OETAILS.' J I AN' FANNED TWCWW ONE WHEN DID IT . UNTH. THIS AFTERNOijK im ". I .Jbil. T V5r A V. MEN ' TAKt PlAffiV IlAliM MJT I'D LIKE THAvT?E?ri vrg?4!i k J3xjCfi 11 gi YLwjESTrnG5' W twee" different W 'yojIe l itf'&L l i I OT?"-- TIM.. INTHEJUDGE'5 V INTO MILLIONS' fiLlNVEsk. JSgt'iitr ?S iLri BUS?NES5DRJNXf M'LU VfeSIl Tarnn By Edgar Rice Burrouphs Tarzan Arrives on the Scene DIdStI I i yi THINK. tX' A KJ "1' AFJE TAR:'N Tl lillivferS!! I WHEN Hf CAME IN SIGHT OF BIG I I MCBVLl.-Pb1 I T STJIx 1 X ffi r AKKIVW . ON THE BEACH, HeJ ttUVSyTfl LOUIE AND PEANE, FOLLOWING A w JrSL Ah I t--W SfaA ATl7T IS r; - wEa-rTiL he took Jl l- jj "J &fa;lr SOMEONE ELSE HAD FIRED THE telac::X,Ky, FWM A THICKET OTHER EVES W llAli!? -f 5 FOR. WVl N-lS-'l $ 0'""- fw)-.'srAi-EO0NscoNrfM 5&&ffl I also had D.icovERf tVp" , 1 t VTI u2SfKDC 4 i i Vh.A-, f' j TRAIL. s,VK.-g.;W; ) y ; AND A TAWNY FORM CREPT FORTH . VjlVJX1 CHATMOR ',J 1 1 g T 14 Capital Journal, Salem, By Walt By Carl By z is hi r7 is? 1 By Harold Gray By Gene . 57 XQ Room and Board Oregon, Friday, May 9, 1947 Disney Anderson Hess Byrnes Page The "Deep" Thinker All Aboard Pin-Up Boy Overheated Hot News Vie Sh&iiQe ReUwMH By Cameron Dockery Chapter 27 Jeff followed Coulter out side. He stood on the porch watching the car move off The glaring headlights picked out cactus and sagebrush either side of the road and the glassy star ing eyes of a fascinated jack rabbit, It was only when the tail light had become a scarlet pin prick that he turned. Lin da had come up beside him. .She moved back and closed the door, shutting out the rec tangle of light from the adobe. When she looked up at him her face was illuminated only by the starlight. "You know, Jeff, that man thp feeline he's eoine in lash out unexpectedly with some venomous action that will be just as deadly as a rattler's fangs." His arm went around her, drawing her close. The sweet fragrance of her hair came up to him and he bent his head, thrusting his chin into the circle of her braids. "Linda, I want you and your father to leave here tomor row." "Jeff!" She twisted in his arms. "Please," he insisted. "Coul ter means business this time. He has men and guns to back him up and except for the Gen- trys three miles away, we're more or less isolated here." Jeff's shirt was open at the throat and Linda gripped the lapels and pulled his head down "I love you, Jeff, don't you rea lize that? I want to be with you." "I don't want you around when there may be shooting." "I've been in the war I've heard gunfire and attended wounded men weeks on end; I'm not afraid." His fingers closed on her wrists, lowering her arms gent ly to her sides. "There's your father he is n't well this sort of thing might might " Even in that indistinct light he could see the quick misery in her eyes but she didn't turn away. "Dad won't want to go any more than I do, Jeff. We're all one family now. Your house has been our home for the past year more of a home, I think, than any other place we've liv ed. If it's going to be defended, we want to help." His mouth twisted wryly. 'We'll talk about it some more tomorrow." She was silent and he pulled her to him again, bending his head until their lips met. This was not the hastily snatched kiss of two light-hearted young peo ple but the sealing of a pact that bound them together for eternity. Jeff's voice was hus ky with emotion when he spoke. "Linda, Linda " "What is it, Jeff?" "I'm thinking that I really owe that skunk, Coulter, a vote of thanks. If he hadn't decid ed to grab some easy money by renting my house, I'd never have met you." "Something would have brought us together." His mood changed to a light er vein. "Well, 1 m almost con vinced now that you're worth all this trouble." She laughed and prodded him into the house. Mr. Hardy was seated before the fire, staring into the flames as though he could find a solution to the im mediate problem in the swiftly changing shapes and colors giv en off by the grease wood. "Jeff," he said, "this whole thing would be settled if you could find the deed to this place wouldn t it? Yes. Even if Coulter would n't accept it, I'd just have to show it to the right officials and get a writ against him. "Well, it must be around. Your father mentioned he'd hid den it and unless Coulter found and destroyed it, it still exists somewhere." "But we've looked every where we could think of." Hardy's eyes were the same piercing blue as Linda's when he looked up. "Do you still have your father's last letter?" Jeff nodded slowly. "Yes, I've kept it here in my wallet." "Would you mind letting me 4r fVtwfftafiri see it?" "Of course not." Jeff removT ed the worn, creased letter and handed it to Mr. Hardy, who be gan to read it softly aloud . . . "May, 10, 1941: 4 p.m. Dear son, I have just returned from a walk up to The Finger. I was up there quite awhile think ing of old Amos and of you and our bit of land here. I've been digging a tunnel into the ridge that marks the southwest boun dary of our land, Jeff. I'm con vinced now that our property may have some value, though I have only a few samples to go on at present. Tne letter ended abruptly and Hardy frowned. Jeff leaned over his shoulder. "You see, sir, Dad must have had his heart attack just then and he never finished his lett ter." "It docs seem as though h could have scrawled the placl where he'd hidden the papers, though. He must have known you wouldn't know." t "No, I don't think he'd havel wanted to then. He knew CoulA ter or some of the men who ow- ed their jobs to him might find the letter first." "Maybe he thought he'd al ready written enough to tell you." Jeff stared. "But he says so little." "Does he? Look at that head ing, Jeff. Did he always put the time of day on his letters?" "No, that was unusual." "I think it had a purpose. He says he'd just returned from The Finger, a name that meant something to you and your fath er alone. Everyone else knows it by the name of Indian Rock." Jeff grew taut with excite ment. "My Lord, sir, I'll bet you've hit it! Say he was up there at three, the shadow of the Finger would point to a certain spot on the desert. The papers would be buried there!" "Of course , the time of year would make a difference in the shadow." Jeff's eyes became obsidian with amazement. "Tomorrow is May 10th, sir exactly five years since Dad wrote that let ter!" (To be continued) JfSm 2763 Front-Buttoned Frock Whea the thermometer starts shooting skyward, you'll want a wonder- ful washable like this to leave you feeling neat and looking nice. It has air conditioned cap sleeves and open neckline, plus a trim, front-buttoning. Sweeten with ruffing to suit your taste! No. 2763 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18, 20, 36, 38. 40, 42, 44, and 46. Size 36 requires 3 yds. 35-in. , Send 20c for PATTERN, which'; includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, ' address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number In your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif By Gene Ahem