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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1947)
National Guardsmen Hot to Go to Camp But to School Oregon's national guardsmen will not go to camp during the year 1947. This was the announcement made by Brig. Gen. Ray mond F. Olson, acting adjutant general for Oregon. Instead there is a probability that a school? for officers and selected non commissioned officers will be held sometime during the first two weeks of September. Site of the school Is expected to be the Portland army airbase, where is based the guard'3 air units. Oregon was given the choice of having camp or a school by the national guard bureau in Washington, D. C, but could not have both because of short ape of funds. With more units still to be organized and others not up to full strength, the na tional guard bureau directive calls for organization by phase lines with all units at full strength within a two year pe riod and June always proving the best month for the camp, the adjutant general's office chose the school this year. Next year, however, camp will be held as in pre-war days with June set as the date. Ground force units of the Ore gon national guard that have to Hate been activated are: head- k -uartcrs and headquarters de tachment, Oregon national Zuard, Portland; Oregon's part jof headquarters, 41st infantry division, rwuana; neaaquaneis. 162nd infantry regiment, Port land: service company, 162nd infantry regiment, Portland; headquarters, first battalion. 162nd infantry regiment, Silver tnn: headquarters company, first hattalion. 162nd infantry regi ment; Silverton, headquarters, second battalion, 162nd infan try. Portland; headquarters com nanv. second battalion, 162nd in fantry, Portland; headquarters, iRfith infantry regiment, Port land; headquarters company 186th infantry. Portland: serv ice company, 186th infantry ssss Portland; headquarters, second battalion, 186th infantry. Free- water; headquarters company, second battalion, 186th infan try, Freewater; headquarters, third battalion, 186th infantry. Forest Grove; headquarters company, third battalion, 186th infantry. Forest Grove; company M, 186th infantry, Tillamook: headquarters, battery 218th field artillery, Portland; and headquarters, 218th field artil lery, Portland. Air units that have been acti vated are the 142nd fighter group headquarters; 123rd fight er squadron; utility flight, 123rd fighter squadron; 123rd weather station (type A); 242nd air serv ice group headquarters detach ment; detachment "A" 242nd air service group; and 1810 en gineer aviation company. All of these units are located at the Portland air base. Another air unit expected to be that will probably be activated during May will be the 142nd aircraft central and warning squadron. A Frenchman, Roget, wrote one of the greatest technical books on the English language, his "Thesaurus." Let us show you tho Conversion OIL BURNER MUB All 1IIDMII r V VI nin vmm HAS All THESE FEATURES tow Flnt Cost Burn! low-Colt Furnac Oil N Moving faff to Wear Out NoSmokt NoSoor Vtry High Efficiency cilsA Onorattc Mo Hum or Roor Automatic Operation, Thermoitalic Control Electric Ignition No Pilot Light Safety Tailvcf and lilted by Underwriter vtry nig" OVER 100,000 IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Averse INSTALLED vrlcM with 27ft i-illon tank, $270 to $3(Mi. Terms ai Ion as $8.(13 per month, JUDSON'S 279 N. Commercial SALEM Ph. 4141 t"s7anTu. Folk Songs TONIGHT 1 I Tht Friendly PHIL CO Troubadour Presented at 8:30 p.m. K5LM H. LSTIFF Furniture Co. 450 Court St. Phone 9185 Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned and Mothproofed in your home. Work Guaranteed, Insured Salem Duraclean Service Phone 3736 Redheads Will Help Legion All Legion posts and auxiliar ies are invited to participate in the redhead roundup at Taft, June 27, 28 and 29, and send a redhead princess for the queen's contest. Held this year as a Legion benefit the profits go to participating posts and their auxiliaries. According to round up executives the sky is the limit to the returns each post or aux iliary may pocket. Sponsored by the Taft Cham ber of Commerce in cooperation with Devils Lake Post No. 114 this year's redhead roundup of fers every post in Oregon an op portunity for unlimited financial gain with a minimum of work. It comes as a grand finale to tho Legion convention to be held in Portland and will offer members a chance to visit the beach and take part in this nationally known event, which is second only to the rose festival as a tourist attraction. Girls are to be judged on beauty, poise and grace and It is hoped that a screen test will be the reward of the winning queen. There will be no button sale this year, rather sponsor tickets will be sold and each post may receive as many tickets as it wishes the number sold determining the profits to that post. The beauty contest creates the most interest, but it is only a part of the redhead roundup which offers contests in log roll ing, fly and plug casting, horse- D shoe pitching and many other events open to the public. Prizes also go to the redhead small fry for the most freckles, the most weight, the prettiest baby, the oldest, the youngest and any other redhead features the committee may devise. HEADQUARTERS "Salem Model Airplane Club" Alrplnne, Boats, Railroad Kits Cherry City Model Aircraft 21st and Market Streets It Happened We just saved a customer S50.00 on his 23 sq. house roof, and not only that, but we sold him a much heavier shingle than the other bidders' shingle. That's quite a saving on a small job. Our salesmen are paid salaries. We do not pay them com missions. ESTIMATES COST YOU NOTHING Wilamette Valley Roof Co. Inc. 30 Lana Ave. Salem Ph. 9694 Guaranteed WATCH REPAIRING 3-Day Service Out-of-town custom ers may send In their watches. We will mail estimate before repairing. Reasonable Prices No Insurance Bargains? ? The best buy in insurance today is a low-cost Personal Lia bility Policy to protect you from a possible law-suit arising out of the ownership of your home. Call Huggins Office, Salem'i General America Agent for this Home-Owners' "Special." CHJET CHUCK !iiINSURANCE OREGON'S LARGEST UPSTATE AGENCY SALEM AND COOS BAY 129 North Commercial St Dial 9119 LI WILLIAM BERG Landscape Florist AZALEAS IN COLOR, delicate pastel shades for your color scheme in foundation or backyard plantings, as your space will permit. Colors guaranteed. Jersey creams, rose and whites. Not plants, bushes,- $5.00. Half sizes in whites. S2.50 to $3.00. Orange, $3.75. Few choice Sweet heart Rhodies in first bloom, $5.00. Saturday morning, display trailer, post office grounds, southeast corner Church and Court. Glossy green acubas with berries; young box woods; heavenly blue delphinium; first line glads: Berg's Red Challenger champion, supply limited, 3 for 65c; 6 for $1.15. VI TERAN OF BOTH WARS BERG'S FLORAL NURSERY Sales Yard 1125 !4 Garnet and Nebraska Distributor Grower Dealer , Phone 25354 Fertilized Top Dressing, $1.50 per Sack Open Sundays V. e. PtMMKt CO.. IMO. SALEM, OREGON ONCE AGAIN kw4wL f Towncraft Deluxe WHITE DRESS SHIRTS NO STARCH NU-CRAFT COLLAR SANFORIZED Yes, once again we have a new shipment of these fine deluxe shirts. Perfect fitting for the most particular man. Made of fine count broadcloth. Complete selection of sizes from 14 to 17. The perfect shirt for summer wear. 349 WHITE OXFORD CLOTH DRESS SHIRT Button Down Collar 2.98 v 4. m. rtMMwr ca.. me. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY FEATURES! Chenille Spreads . . 6. BED SHEETS Penco Single, 63x99 inches 2.29 Penco Twin, 72x108 inches 2.69 Penco Full, 81x99 inches 2.69 White 36-Inch Outing Flannel, yd. Print Percale . yd. MEZZANINE Men's Long Legs, Short Sleeves Union Suits . . . ! 35c - Men's Cotton W t i amrrs . . . vv Women's Heavy FA. Knit Panties , . . 3sC 7 700 Leather Bound, 21-Inch Weekend Case Plus Tax Large Box Kern's Facial Tissues . . JUL MAIN FLOOR WINDOW SHADES Fine quality Clopay Cloth Washable no crack. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 59c Better Quality DRESSES 300 500 and and SECOND FLOOR Capital Jrmrnal, Salem. Oregon. Friday. May 9. 1347 IS p 3 Gallon QUALITY PAINTS GO FARTHER and SAVE! There are more and more paint custom ers buying at Keith Brown satisfied with Pabco quality ond service. Pabco paints spread evenly and easily, colors are true, lovely and lasting. Pabco paints reduce your paint budget, too, be cause they go farther and do a better job. Here is another ad full of paint values . . . follow the trend buy your paint at Keith Brown! SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Only PABCO MULTI-SERVICE PAINT Combination Sale Excellent for prime coat. Mellow ivory or rich cream. t C A A Reg. $5.35 gallon only PJ.W Special price restricted lo Rallon-for-gallon purchases with PABCO OUTSIDE WHITE A Pabco multi-service paint for all exterior painting. Two days only! $5.80 LAST LONGER PABCO Exterior Paint Per Quart $1.56 Per Gallon $5.80 WHITE PABCO MULTI-SERVICE PAINT PABCO Lead and Zinc per gallon $5.35 5 Gallom or more, per gallon $5.25 PABCO Ready-Mixed per gallon $5.05 5 Gallons or more, per gallon $4.95 PABCO Interior Paints SPECIAL! Just a few gallons left! Wall coater, semi-gloss, and enamel at attractive prices. quarts $1.00 See Our Paint Bargain Section We are getting more and more small sizes in popular colon of enamel and undercoater. Shop today in our paint depart ment. Select from a wide range of attractive tints. PABCO Interior Undercoater per quart $1.20 PABCO Paraflat per quart $1.05 PABCO Multi-Service Enamel per quart $1.72 per pint 91 C (Except deep colors) PABCO Pigmented Plasterseal per gallon $4.28 Undercoater for priming plaster walls. Can also be used as an undercoater on wood. PABCO Roof Paints PABCO Atumi-Shield Asbestos Roof Coating Protects and beautifies composition roofing, concrete wood, metal, in one coat. Its silvery beauty reflects the sun's rays without glare, cools interior. Covers up to 250 square feet, per gallon. 5 Gallon Size per gal. $3.92 1 9a'- $4.13 PABCO Permanent, Red and Green Shingle Paint The first of the new long-lasting shingle paints, made with pre-war type pigments. , Qi'i O, Attractive shades Gallon fJ.V' PABCO Roof Coating Pabcote Available in red and green for composition shingles. A value at t Af Per Gallon J.JtW PABCO GALVIZE (one coat for galvanized iron or metal) Red gal. $4.95 Green gal. $5.55 TEXOLITE PAINTS IMPERIAL TEXOLITE A washable paint in 12 beautiful colors. One coat covers wrllpapcr, kalsomine, etc. Gallon $3.49 Quart . $1.17 CEMENTICO A water-resistant paint, unexcelled for damp-proofing basements, exterior masonry walls, etc. Selection of colors. Costs only: 25-lbs $4.00 5-lbi. 95 c Specials! Anthracene Shingle Coat A durable black shingle coater that prevents growth of moss, seals wood. $1.50 Gallon 5 Gallons or More $1.20 Gallon Olympic Shingle Stain Ebony $2.75 gal. Chamois $3.95 gal. Seafoam, Green $3.95 gal. Permanently stains and protects sidewalls and roofs. Kalsomine 10 Colors Freshen your rooms at the lowest possible cost with kalsomine. Ten colors to choose from. 5 lbs., 45c Whiting 5c lb. For Beautiful Low-Cost Plaster Effect Use USG TEXTONE Covers 15 to 25 Square Feet 25c ib k Easy to apply yourself Tint before apply or paint later Varied texture effects are easy to obtain with Textone. No prior experience is necessary to give your walls a new, decorative finish in white or any color you choose. PAINTING HINT . .. - ,,tsir!e. a'" Wnen pnmuns or 1 ways worK o, 1 shady side m slart you start m " Brolind on the w ' " .., south. to the norm. s Be sure any I. rnmplr'PIV KEITH BROWN LUMBER 0. YARD Front and Court Streets LUMBER MILLWORK GLAZING Phone 9163 HARDWARE Ask about our easy payment system for all your home moderniza tion plans. PAINTS APPLIANCES 1 J