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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1947)
fe Rubinoff Gives Interesting Concert Here Seemingly best liked numbers of the entertaining program pre sented by Rubinoff and his vio lin Wednesday evening at the high school under sponsorship of the Junior Woman's club were popular classics originally writ ten for the piano, adapted by Rubinoff for his instrument. The audience enjoyed the gentle "Intermezzo" by Provost; "Warsaw Concerto" of Addin sell; Debussy's "Clair De Lune;" Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" and "Polonaise" by Chopin. The adaptations for the most part were good, losing not too much in the transcription. Another favorite was "Souvenir." En cores by the artist were the popular tune. "To Each His Own" and the ever-popular "Blue Danube." Several of Rubinoff's own compositions were well-received. Another favorite was his none-too-gentle ribbing of mu sical styles and nationalities when he played Cole Porter's "Don't Fence Me In," in various modes. A sizable share of the program was carried by the accompanist, Makofka Alexander, who play ed several colorful selections a Mrs. Harold Jory was elected president of the Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club at the last regular meeting of the year. Other officers are Mrs. Blaine Brown, vice president, and Mrs. L. C Stark, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. C. W. Parker is retiring president. The sorority presen ted the mothers with a gift. Bloots aibcI gurs By Gloria Robinson A bright, sunny day, a large crowd and expert horsemen are all that it takes to make a fine rodeo, and Monmouth had them all Sunday at the show put on by Ray Adams. Saddle clubs, drill teams and cowboys from all over the state performed be fore a capacity crowd, who warmly applauded and cheered each event. The Salem drill team, Shower for Mrs. John Hay in- their brilliant new outfits, made their first and very suc cessful appearance of the sea son, ted by Drilimaster Ralph Stangby. Pat Coleman was of-; ficial timekeeper and handled; her job very efficiently. Mel; Lambert, who is well known; as a rodeo announcer, was in back of the "mike" and did a great job. Several of Salem's top cow boys were on hand, among them Jimmy and Eddie Pyeatt, Van Weider, Barney Barnard and Mac Price with his pretty sorrel, Sunny Boy. Salem root ers cheered wildly when Jeep, sorrel horse owned by Barney Barnard, came in first in a race with Jimmy Pyeatt up. Pretty proud they were, too, of one of our little cowgirls, Midge Kid er, who pounded in third in a cowgirls' race. Carol Flesh- er was up on Andy Burke's pretty Palomino in the grand entry, and Mrs. Van Weider was outstanding on her hand some Laddie. Emily Sweetlandl took a pretty mean tumble: when her horse, Montana.: swerved out in a race, and will ; probably be out of the saddle for a time. Seems that no matter how: the oldsters try, they never: manage to take the spotlight: away from iittle Jerry Lam-; bert, one of the youngest trick ropers in the business, and a natural showman. Even fail ing off his mount. Sunny Boy. didn't stop him Sunday. He was right back standing in the saddle, twirling his rope and waving his hat at the crowd. Jerry will perform at several rodeos this season. St. Paul was well represent ed, with President Ray Mana gre riding in a buckboard pull ed by a team of mules. Handl ing the reins was genial Vick jers, Jr., Mi's. Robert DcArmoiid,' Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Rich-; iard L. Cooley, Mrs. Robert' Pickens, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, )Mrs. Wallace Hua. lilri. Jamps Mrs. John R. Hay (Dorothy jj. Nicholson, Jr., Mrs. Lester Hardie), a bride of April, will Carter, Mrs. Cobuni GraUen be honored Friday evening when hiorst. Mrs. Robert Burtell, Uiss Mrs. Byron T. Mermis and Mrs. patr;cia Vandencvnde. Gervaise Elliott will be host- ' , esses for an informal party at the Mennis home in North 13th Pcdee S. J. Yates were sur street prised at his home with a din- A late supper will be served 'er in honor of his birthday following contract play during anniversary Places were set for the evening. l!ie nonorea guesi, a. j. atcs Guests will be Mrs. Harvey!01 renee, r. ana Mrs. Leslie .1 Quistad, Mrs. Joseph M. Dcv-j"-3140" a -H" Aim o tares: ,.iiuve; uii ana ivirs. r . j. sauna Keilev, who is back in riding ei's- !!d Mr- "d Mrs. Luu; circles again after quite an ill- Bayea of Salem: Fred Brown ness. virgii unapman iroffl '" " "". "-- St. Paul rode as official pickup! man and did a fast, efficient job of handling bucking horses. Princess Bubbles Blauchctt was on hand to witness the show. Dr. Fred Ellis and Art Smith ers were hosts for last week's Fun Night, at which everyone appeared as dudes. Millie Lin deman and Bur.z Youngquist were the "dude" winners. Harry Carson from Silvcrton ! did a fine job of announcing the list of varied games and a de licious lunch topped the eve ning off. Xaiioiial TTorkfr With YW Visits Miss Fern Babcoek, young people's worker on the national YWCA student council, was a visitor in Salon, Tuesday. She addressed a joint meeting of YM and YW youth thai eve ning at Lausanne hail, outlining '' program material for the next year's work. Representatives from Liufield college and (he Oregon College of Education also attended th meeting. Plans also were discussed for this sum mer's Seabeck conference. Miss Babcock went on from here to Lmficld college. CapUa! Jrnal, S!em, Oreeon. Thursday, ire May S. 5947 7 3b. i w swim a w 1 AND SAVE NONE Rugs & Upholstery The Lipstick Beauty Satan CLOSING MESSAGES BY Rev. Ralph A. Dodd in Revival Services Free Methodist Church N. Winter & Market Thursday, 7:45 p.m. "Bible Ooctrine on Sin" I'fHiay, 7:45 p.m. (Youth Night! "The Defense of the Gospel" Sunday, 11:99 a.m. "Around (he Cross" Sunday, 7:45 p.m. "Jestts Is Cmiig" NOVELTY Soft ond Pepper Shakers Reg. (iflu Dnrit Furniture Reg. 50 Now i t i ' ' .. wr -1". U A sizable share of the program pretty Palomino in the grand I . . ... n , r S- 11 v " -? entry, and Mrs. van weicier'i imq i mctifis KaaillU VJIftll xSO "aSKSSMV II W lias pianneu a compute uuamy x Mt 1 1 , ?w VJHJV Cleaned and Mothproofed JHJ JB V At:- I In your home. making mpointment for all or JZWm A S part of this service. Five beau- MSBr ; 1 ' ' j8 I j Work Guaranteed, Insured ticians to serve you. -' ' J'iM Svk M'X I Salem Ouraclean Service ; j , 1 Phone 3736 1 872 State Street Phone 3836 ! -! - y .,aCP I , yiif Y' jy k f lv cases m i VS3P''1fr I -"" ills1;8' W Y$ FWmJ' sheets M IZT7 1 INDIAN SATIN AND NET BRA CvTRA BLANKET Medium Development, Ad- i justable Straps. Tea Rose IPFfMAi X AO Only. 32 (o 38 QfJ JrtWIrtt t 66x80 Reg.l.35,Now )L -J I w r u , ARGOSY i 1 f tvomens Cotton Knit IKJfMAkJ MAN TAILORED PA.JA- PAJAMAS It J KmWm " J, i uirr J MAS', Blue or Red Striped 3.29, Now .... I VI CJ I OK BLANKET -J Cotton. Sizes 34 to A Qft " W " " A: 40. Reg. 3.29, Nov LADIES' HANDBAGS Plas- N I I V 72x84 398 tic Patents, Plastic Leathers M 1 f APRONS Bib Style ttnd Genuine Lamb Skin Assorted Colors AQm Skim Rcg- 4-95 f QQ j f Reg. 1.29, Now "V Now Parrofin Base I . I bash Curtain TEA APRONS SUMMER GLOVES, Bicge. ' Fay Night I Alternating Cusion of Assorted Prints Ati Green, Red, Navy and White anA Red, Green or 4 Reg. 69e, Now Sizes 7-7': - 8 mfo 1 SUto. 45" teng. Reg. 1.50, Now 3vV Saturday Only 1 i Large Size Cotton PANTIES f f - Tea Rose COtf LADIES SCARFS Summer SI Der Quatf I Reg. 89c, Now Scrafs in Chiffon & W H uurt f Chicken FrVCf Crepe. Special W ff Excite Tax Included 1 All Satin LASTEX GIRDLE In Your Own I S VaO 4 Elastic Hose Supporters jr. Boys' LEISURE COATS Conroiner m N(JW ' " ' Nylon Fagot Trim, Tea Rose 100 Wool. Two Tones in " 1 4 or Black ' 4 AO Blues and Browns. 4 AO I ' 1. Reg. 3.98, Now .... 70 Reg. 4.95, Now 3TO SEARS f - B'TI"?,8 Boys' suspender cords rStorc ) Flomeworc - $Sf$2f Tough Long-wearing Tweed- 484 StQtC APum & porters. A QO Sie 3 to 8 Q Fafm Sror I to 1S QQ Reg. 6.98, Now .... l70 Now 173 No. Liberty I DUTCH OVEN EfficSenl Cooking Keg. 8.S9 1.49 Furniture Polish Block Remove Sratches on 25c V-Type Clothes Dryer Fakes up Small Space 59C Alf-Purpose Cleaner Size 0 .... Now irls1 and Bov OVERALLS, JEANS 99c to 1.98 Receiving Blanket colors or pink and Mws plants. 49c to 69c Hanvs Cr!urv BONNETS Piuk ami Blue 148 LITTLE BOYS KNIT SUITS Assorted Colors Sizes 1 to 3 1.49 to 2.58 Girls' Crepe Jammeretres Sizes 8 to 16 4 AO Assorted Cokes 170 Y 100.000 SON ARANCE Main Floor SUITS: Values to 3475. . . . 17.00 Vclues to 3975 21 00 Values to 49.75 . . . 29.00 PURSES: Voiues 1o S0.9S 2.99 Values, to 25.00. . . . 10.99 Costume Jewelry: Vi Off COSMETICS: Vi OH on oil Henri 8en3! Meizonms COATS: Values to 29.75. .......... . 10.00 Values to 34.75. . . . 17.00 Voiues to 39.75 2100 Values 1o 49.75. . . 29.00 Downstairs DRESSES: Values to 59.75,,,,,,..,..... 9,00 Values to 22.75. 11.00 Voiues to 24.75....... , .13,00 Values to 29.75 15.00 CHENiLLE ROBES: Values to 8.9S . 4.99 COTTON HOUSECOATS; 3.00 Values to 7.9S. . SPORT COATS: Values to 16.98 5.99 Values lo 10. 98 3.99 SWEATERS: Values to 7.93 ..... 100 Voiues to !0. 98 1,99 BLOUSES: One Group Values (o 5.98 . . . MA1SON TRANCE BLOUSES Voiues to 7.9S. . Values Id 6.98. Values 1o 5.98. SKIRTS: Values to 7.98. 1 99 6.98 5 98 4.98 1,99 Sorry , . No Exchanges or Kefunit AM Sates Final