WANTED TO RENT JVANTED FOR iuramer, beginning June low, mrnianeu one 10 mree room apart ment by visiting, retired diplomat. Call 34BU neiwrcii o ot a ji.iu. jai i $11 DOLE AGE respectable couple want 3 or i rm. apt. Must be mod. A homey. Vernon B. Jensen, 256 Vista Ave. Ph. 3119. ialll lOTHER a t MO. eld baby needs lurn. 2 or 3 room apt. or house. Ph. 4133 or ' 4262. Ask for Rosemary. Jalll PERMANENT business man, wife and 2 sons, high school and college age, DES PERATELY need apt. or house. Ph. 4060. Jall2 BELIABLR COUPLE would like turn, or partly (urn. house or apt. Can furnish reference. Call 3-1475. JallO- HOUSE OR APT. for summer months, starting June 1. Beit re fern tea. Ph 4536. JallO WORKING GIRLS wish furn. apt. No smokln or drinklnf. Ph. 3194, Bet. 9 A; 5:30. Ask for Mtss Wilson. JallO' Sin REWARD. Vet A wife A fl wks. old bab. need a home desperately. Small furnished apt. Phone 3-6630, Jall3 tBED RM. house or apt. can be sub urb i. Ph. 5636. Jall3 WANTED 3 or 4 bedroom house, around June 1. Box 40D, capital Journal. Jall3 TO UNO couple (Vet) getting married, . need apt .by May IS. Ph. 26900. lief. JallO YEAR'S RENT in advance for 3 bdrm. home by June 1, suburban preferred. for three adults. Good references. Write Box 396, Capital Journal. JallO WANTED TO lease lg. bldg. Will pay ui . to JJOO per mo. Ph. 9346 or 34379 eves Will buy If reasonable. Jalll1 ROOM AND BOARD CONVALESCENT woman wlshei care in private home. Ph. 24038. JJ115' LOST AND FOUND LOST LAST week, brooch, red stone, i frame, rn. aia-H. Kin LOS'lCBRILF Case between Labor Temple A West Salem. Reward. Tel. 6655 or leave at Labor Temple. It 110 MISCELLANEOUS R. W. (TINY) Hindman announces the ' opening of his Texaco Service Station A automotive repair shop. All kinds of ' repair work. 2095 N. com'l. St. ml!4 SUBURBAN GARBAGE Ser v. Ph. 2-3678. 3620 State St. Haul trash, brush, etc. mtl3 WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital beds, crutches Buy, sell, rent, exchange. Max Buren. 745 Court. Ph. 7775, ml 27 AUTO GLASS Installed, fiat service. Elf". Strom's, 340 Court St. ml22 BASEMENTS, DITCHES, Clearing Level ing. ? "AGIFIO EXCAVATINQ COMPANY Power Shovels-Bulldosers-Trucks Salem. Oregon. Phones 3456 or 8793 m MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 11.00. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St. ml 13 .HEAT your home electrically It'i con venient, clean, economical Bee us tor fret estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO 355 N Liberty n DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. fiooo. ml 15" HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work ditching basement excavation, eaud travel, crushed rock mason sand, con orete mix cement. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM. OREGON Phone 9406 or 31934. m DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids, State b Commercial Bu SALEM Phone 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1x12, 1x6, 5 per M. Toilet A; shower. Alter 3 P.M. Caldwell, Highway Ave., Salem, Ore. nils Sli x SM STEED Graphic F.4.5 lease, Kalart range finder, King Sol flash, ex cellent cond. Call 57 p.m. 7746. n!12 TOMATO PLANTS 11.50 flat, 25c dog, Cabbage A lettuce, 20ccnta doz., first house West Keizer. nils USED BERGER furnace and piping, adapted for cither wood, sawdust oi ' oil, hot water tank, trash burner, some ... lensths hot water Dice: solornv burner ' with thermostat control and copper tubing. Come In and inspect before we remove, this is a good buy for anyone interested in saving money. Phone 4185 days and 5066 after six p.m. Ask for Mr. Thorn R5. nl!2 4 PC. BEDROOM suite. Innersprlng & box spring mattress, 1125. 1385 Pearl St, nll3 EVINRUDE MOTOR, 8.7 H.P. Good con- - dition, Halns Outboard Shop, 1201 S. Com'l. nll2' EVINRUDE OUTBOARD Motor, 185, Ph. 22361. '46, 2 H.P nll3 SLIGHTLY USED folding type baby bug gy, PH. 4687. 2350 S. 13th. M13 2 ENGAGEMENT rings, one wedding band. Ph. 2-6968, after 5 P. M. nll2 TABEL A CHAIR for sale. 162i N. Com mercial, Chinese Tea Garden. Closed Tuesday. ni;5 MOTORING TO L. A. May 15th., for 2, Share expense, ref. Ph, room 4098. nll3 UPHOLSTERED EASY chair. Morn, or eve's. Ph. 9645. nli3 13 GAL. AUTO, shot gun. R. C. M. Pre mier with 2 barrels, one with raised ventilated rib. One with Weaver clock. , Vernon White. Ph. Needy Mutual Tele Phone Co., Woodburn, Rt. 2. nll2 WOOD range, white enamel. Pipes, coil, hot water heater. 435 So. 22nd. Ph. .3697. 0112' FIRTEX 4x8 ft. ceiling tile & wall plank, some used plywood, odd sizes. Rt. 7, Box 431-L. McCain Ave. on Sllverton Road, Salem. nll2' ONE DAVENPORT St chair. One 9x12 rug. One dropleaf kitchen table. 2010 McCoy Street. nll2 ONE MAYTAG Washing Machine. One Speed Queen. One A. B.C. One hi H.P. Electric Motor. These machines all re conditioned. One 75-lb. Icebox. 936 Trade. nl!2 NEW 7-IN. table saw Si "i h.p. motor, '.a h.p. motor St sander. Brits, pulleys & small work table. Ph. 2-4552. nll2 1a"w n M O WER, good condluoiT Reason able. 2242 North 4th St. , nll2 LAWNMOWER As baby walker. Ph. 4D34. ( nll2 FOR SALE: New Roto-Ette Garden Trac tor. 2895 8. Commercial St. nllO CAFE DISH WASHING sink. 3 section" small size, for sale. 12th St. Furniture Store. 703 South 12th. nll2 WOOD RANGE with coils, water tanit. Reasonable. Phone 7357. 2035 N. Church , St.. evenings A Sundays. nll2 JOHNSON Outboard Motor. 3'i h.p.. late model, like new; perfect troller. Motor carrying box. 13' V-bottom cartop boat 68 Park Avenue. Salem. nllS" WE BUY A sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. KLIOMAN'S, 285 .:. Commercial. Phone 9885. na BABY BUGGY $7.50. Ph. 21433. nlll' BEAN STAKES Ph. 66S3. niH S FORMALS, $10 each. Ph. 21133. nll3 MASKS, DUSTING or spraying. $1.50 complete. Your Surplus Store, Cascade Merchantlle Co., Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. As Church St. nllO BLANKETS, ALL wool army new, (4.75. Your Surplus Store, Cascade Merchan tlle Co., Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. A Church St. nllO' BLDG. MATS. Prvt. Salem new home owner has unused: Celotex sqs.. Prtex shts., Bldg. paper, Hemlk Fl., No 1 V. gr., Wnd. A Ft,, etc., also used hot air Furn. pipe. Will sell all or part rea sonable. Phone 21970. B112 BLUE VELOL'R davenport, good cond. 155.00. Ph. 4930. nllO 4? RADIO-PHONO, comb, cabinet mod., 3 new fir. lamp's 2 refrlg., Kelvlnator 6 ft.. O. E. 5 ft.. 3 lee boxes. 3 elec. washing machines, girls bike, flat top elec. range, all enamel, 34 Park Ave, anytime. Go out Center turn left on Prk. am 35 FT. 4 IN. soil pipe and fittings. 60 fl. S In. galvanised pipe and fittings. 3'-8' 6'-8' 6 panel door, like new $5.00. Door Jams $2.50. 635 N. Winter. QllO FARMERS ATTENTION. Clean Easy por table A trackster milking machines YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!36 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLASTI-KOTF. paint, the cellophane like rinisn lor floors, furniture, automobiles. On wood, concrete, linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. ni36 NEW AND USED lawnmowers. also small gas motor. Salem Saw Works, 1293 No. 6th. Ph. 1603. n FISHING RODS at Hobions. $20 to 175. Ph. 24226. nlll PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan typo. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights lanterns. Y EAT EH APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26 TELEPHONE A Intercomm. sets. v EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26' THE TROPIC Master overseas radio. Pow erful 8 tube set. Ideal for coastal cr out , r locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N. Liberty fit. nl36 SMOOTHIES FOR perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 BABY BOTTLE sterilizers, bottle warm ers, vaporizers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 ELEC :IC CURLING Irons, pants ers, solder Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 ELECTRIC SHAVERS for immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 HEAVY steel clothes line posts. tlTbo pr. Swings $18.00 up. Porch rails $3.00 per fk up. 1145 N. Liberty. nlll ELECTRIC BARBECUE sets for fireplace or outdoors YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 farmers attention. Electric milk pasteurizers, butter churns and fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 VACUUM CLEANERS, tubular and up right. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 'UTOMATIC. ELECTRIC Irons. Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and Incandescent YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl36 CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug' gles, and lawn furniture like new. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St nl26 AUTOMOBILE-TRUCK-FIRE Insurance ai a SAVINGS. See Bill Osko. 466 Court St. or Ph. 5661. INDIRECT LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO- 255 N Liberty St. ELECTRIC TABLE broilers, table roast- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nI36' NOTICE POULTRY AND hog feeders. We are of fer! tig Blue Ribbon condensed butter milk in 50 gal. barrels. A pp. 400 lbs. per barrel at 6c per lb,, which Is our exact cost. Northwest Poultry A Dairy. 1305 N. Front. Phone 7007. n!29 ABSOR-O-DOR keeps your refrigerator clean and sweet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n! ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO- 255 N. Liberty St. nI26 DISSTON CHAIN SAW PARTS AND SAWS IN STOCK. COMPLETE LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PH. 8033. THE INDUS TRIAL SUPPLY CO. OP SALEM, 1058 SO. COMMERCIAL. nlll' WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays, full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' FRUIT JUICERS, can openers, food chop pers, French fry cutters, food mills, re frigerator dish sets, aluminum cooking ware, cookie Jars, knife sharpeners. Ice crushers, condiment sets, carving sets, cutlery sets, camping dish sets, stain less steel table service. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26' ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, wall and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 NEW SERVELL Refrigerator. Ave. 102 Park ItllO COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and : burner with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 RESTAURANT GRILL, electric, automatic Akron. 34 inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26 DOOR CHIMES Electrical and mechan ical. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Liberty St. M26' ANTIQUE Oriental runner rug, ll'.fc ft. by a'6 it. pn. jjb7. niio NEW 10-TON Niagara stamping press, with elec. motor. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St., Sheridan. Ore. nllO ASTERS, marigolds, stock, rose petunias, 25c doaen, Mixed pots for Mother's Day, $2.00. Tuberous begonias, blooming mscnias. iwerrnrs urcennouse, urooKs, Oregon. Phone 24351. nll2 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere in Salem. 6 sacks $5.00 1 ton 110.00 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY Phone 8137 nll2 MODERN TRAILER Home. Priced right for 3uick sale. Plenty room A very neat. Inquire at Bills Barber Shop, or Union Oil Service Station, Willamtna, Ore. nll2 VACUUM CLEANERS (tanks and up rights) with attachments. EUREKA GENERAL ELECTRIC - . PREMIER DUPLEX WESTINGHOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTER Trade in allowance, easy terms. VINCES ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. ni27 10, 20, 30, 40, SO, 66 gallon water heaters for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 155 N. Liberty St. nl26 NIGHTCRAWLERS, 2493 State. Bremmer. nl23 CANNING (IB quart) pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl26 NO WAXING required with transpar e t Plasti-Kote lot drain boards, floora. furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl36 O. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist I do not tell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking shears ground Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. B128 ELECTRIC WIRE. 12-2 and 14-3 loom. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nf26 BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient; clean, economical Bee as to: Tree estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty o NKO McCORMICK Tractor A plow, like new. $675.00. Have no use for. T miles north of Salem. Newberv highway. Rt. 2. Box 240, S lern n 1 12 MODEL A FORD In good cond. No. 1 cattle dog. Shepherd Collie breed. 3 pups Aust. Shepherd, trained to Dull. Gooseberries. Miss Peters, Aumsvllle. Oregon. nlll CHAMPION outboard motor. 3'4 h.p. A-l cond. 930 Garnet St. nlll MAJESTIC wood range. Connected tor . hot water. Wood heater. 14ft Rose mont, W. Salem. Ph. 24623, after 6 o'clock. nl!2 ELEC. IRON, American Beauty, Ph. 4095 nllO HOOVER SWEEPER, good cond. $10. Cole man oil circulator, A-l cond., 130. typewriter A-l cond.. 145. trailer bouse gas range, $15. 3042 Portland Rd. nllO' APT. SIZE electric range A oil heater Ph. 6007; 3265 Triangle Dr. nllO PRESSURE CANNER, nearly new. 2da7k blue Cordt purses, baby bed A mat tress. Ph. 8415. nllO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DRAGSAW WITH 5 ft. blade, Ph. BOYS BICYCLE. 395 Division. Basement apt. n!13 BRAND NEW 9414. Joiner, no motor, Phone nllO COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Make good Mother Day gift. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Road. nllO PLAY PEN A pad. car seat, Teeter Babe, Ph. 3-5690J nllO FIREWORKS, wholesale lota only. Place your order early. Ph. 4735. 1670 Broad way. nl 33 TWIN BABY Buggy and Pad, Reasonable; Ph. 2-4768. nllO GUITAR AMPLIFIER, J55 pickup. Small record player 120. Will sell separately or together. Rt. 2, Aurora, Write Jerry Waters. nllO FISHING TACKI " boxes, all metal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. nl28 METAL IRONING boards, pads A covers ."EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. MJfl' ELECTIt: ', AUTOMATIC, sldearm water 'leaters, fasten to your present tank YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26 LAWN CARTS, lawn edgers, hand culti vators and hoed. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n6 FULLER brushes 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. Dili WASHABLE. ONE coat Pallatona for walls, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders tor immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl36 SUN (ULTRA violet) lamps, Heat (Infra red lamps and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. M26 RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. ELEC Tit IO BLANKETS for immediate de livery. YEATER APPL1ANOB CO. 255 N. Liberty St, nl36 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. .255 N. Liberty St. hotplates. SINGLE and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. M36 ELECTRIC FANS, desk and pedestal, for office-. garages, restaurants, lodge room 3, canneries. Kitchen and Indus trial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26a REGRIGERATOR ICE trays, rubber St aluminum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. nl26 GARDEN sand, gravel, crusned rock Shovel 8t drag-line excavating WALL INO SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 6511 STOP "'EEDING your lawn, try Weed-No- More. YFATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. , n!36 M FAT WHITE FACE beef, Inspected. Phone 22639. WESTINGIIOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used oy armea iorces. tuns nies, mo squitoes, cockroaches St related insects YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nI36a FARMERS, ATTENTION. WestlnghOUSB, automatic electric milk cooler. 60 gal capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Wanted, small apartment size. State make, site condition, cash price. Address Capital Journal, Box 409. nall4 V"NTFD WILL purchase used Singer Sewing Machines. Sinner Sewing Ma chine Co., 142 High St., Salem, Ore, nal20' OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs Antique Shop, 439 court, pn. 21443. nal30 PERSONAL ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of J. M. or Blanche Vaughn, Call 6563 evenings. Pill ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS. PTo. Box T24 p276 AUTOMOBILES EMERGENCY SALE on both '37 Plymouth 2 dr. '41 DcSoto Deluxe bus. coupe. 2309 Cherry Ave. qlll HOUSE TRAILERS, also camping luggage and stock trailers. Klngwood Used Cars. West Salem. qlll 3 CHEV CPE., $200. Salem. After 5 p.m. 1001 2nd St., W. qlll "Ea7t. ATTENTION, owner leaving for 1935 Tcrraple. sedan. A-l cond., new rings, tires, make offer. 825 Madison. QllO 1910 PLY. 5-p53. coupe. R. St H fog lights. Excellent condition. See after 3:30 p.m. 1520 Norway St. No Dealers. qll3 NEW '47 Ford. Sporlfiman conv. Inquire Union Service Station, 590 State. qll2 '42 FORD ton pickup. State St. Clean. 2382 qll2- VETERAN WOULD like to buy low order no. on Chev.. Ford, Ply., or Stud. Please write box 403 Capital Journal. qllO '35 FORD panel, '36 motor, A-l shape. Good tires, one trailer 6'i ft. wide. 10 ft. long, inclosed. Ideal for fishing, hunting or moving belongings. 1937 N. Commercial after & p.m. qlll '41 REO HEAVY duty logging truck and Fruenauf trailer. Excellent condition Approx. 85p; rubber job included for equity $3000. Call after 7:00, Bridleway Camp, Albany, Oregon. qll4 '38 DODGE COUPE, good rubber, radio, 1795. Ph. 6622 days. qlll SLTErToR 3 COAT paint Job 130. 1790 N. Front St. Ph. 26075. ql!4 1)4' OLDS 6 4 dr. Sdn. Radio, heater, 1160 Reedy Drive, 1 blk. east of Park Ave. between Teas Ave. A Moody Lane after 4 P. M. qlll FOR SALE or trade, '41 Ford 3 dr. sed. R. A H.; Mod. A Sed. All in good cond. Priced for quick sale. 34 Park Ave., anytime. Go out Center turn left on Park. qlll l FORD PANEL, '38 Nash overdrive, r-idlo heater. Can be seen at 2344 So. Com'l., days, eves. 150 Williams Ave., Shady Rest Trailer Park. qlll FOR l LE 1S35 Packard Sdn. You try It. You'll buy It at 1 450.00, R. 4. B 329E, V4 mile N. Pringle school on Battle Creek Road. qlll WILL PAY cash for 35 to 38 model car. Must be good cond. A reasonable. Pre fer Chev. or Plymouth, Call after : P.M. 1725 N. 19. . qlll 1 04 f STUDEBAKER S-pass. cpe., radio A heater. Low mileage. 98 pet. rubber and overdrive. 1973 Capital. qlll WANTED Good clean cars. Square Deal Used Ctri. 1155 So. 13th. q- BY OWNER, '40 Pontiae 4-door deluxe sedan. Can ba seen week days at 970 80. Commercial St. qllO CLEAN, 1941 Chevrolet ft pass, cpt." Spe ciai Deluxe model. Motorola Radio. Heater, special built seat covers. Motor has 200 miles on it since it had complete overnaii. "A Real Buy." can 7373 any time after 6:00 p.m. ql 10" '37 OLDSONvTcoupe. Radio, heater. Excel, cond. $650. Ph. 8947. ql 13 1934 CHEV. Fair cond. Cheap. 1934 V-6, excel, cond. 102 Park Ave. qUO TRAILER, ELEC. heat A cooking. Good shape. Radio, blankets, elec. clock, etc. goes with it. All conveniences. 16 Inch tires, $450. After 6:30 P. M. 1250 N Winter. q!10 FOR SALE 2 wheel trailer. Pb. 9527. QllO" TWO I WHEEL Trailers. $25 each. Two 16 in. steel frame trailers, $45 each Lawn swings. 1790 N. Front. q113 29 MODEL A Tudor. 16' wheels. $195.00, J. B. Cunshaw, Rt. 8. Box 638; West Keller School. qllO MODERN ALL Metal. Hayes Trailer House. Masonitc interior. Butane range, Oil circulating heater, elec. brakes, newly finished inside 11.700. 1220 Troy Street, 1 mile north Aluminum plant off Cherry Ave. ql 12 3! BUICK 5 Pass. Coupe, radio. heatr. spot iittfit & rog liaiit. motor good. $900, W. J. FLsher, 312 Maple St., Dallas, Ore, Call between 6 A 8 P. M, qlll AUTOMOBILES K.7 INT. DUMP truck, ' tires. 2 speed rear end, looo S. Comm'l. Ph. 9038. Q112 '41 G.M.C. DUMP truck. 5 yd. ' mi. W. of Grand Island store. Lien Bros'. Da on. nH3 FOR SALE 1 Durant duster ready for use in hops or beans 1325.00 John j. Rob erts Si Co. Phone 2-3052 or 9623. Q113" Speciari937 Ford 2 dr.. $335 1942 Mercury 4 dr. R A H. 11375 1942 Stude.. 4 dr. R St H. overdrive 11395 1940 DeSolO 4 dr. R Ac H 11095 SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q!12 36PLVMOUTH 5 pass, coupe, new paint, 1400. 1790 N. Front. 4113 '36 OLDS COUPE, clean throuihout. good tires, S4B5, 13 B0 N. 4th; Ph. 3-5416. qUO ip.'W MASTER CHEV. Sedan, A-l cond. In all ways. See it at Smith St Ward Ser vice Station on the N. River Rd. 3 ml. N. of Salem. QUO 9:itt BLACK Dodge Sedan, good cond., heater. Ph. 2-6537 aft. 6 P. M. qllO '10 BUICK conv., good clean cond. inside Si out. Radio Si heater, (1395.00; 2335 s. 13th St. quo ITS A BEST buy at $800.00. Will guaran tee 1943 Willys Sedan. Private party. Ph. 3435 after 6 P. M. qUO t TRAILER HOUSES, recond., call aft. 3 P. M. 55 Highway Ave. qll3 1011 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Tudor. 317 Cherry St. Sllverton. qllS 1041 HOLLYWOOD Graham, good cond., radio, heater. Would like older model car and rest of loan can be assumed. 380 80. 23rd. Ph. 21693. qllO 3.1 FORD tudor, rebuilt motor, heater. See after 6 p.m. 1065 Erlxon. Ph. 24547. qllO 1946 TRAILER HOUSE, sleeps four. Ask for Garinger, Castle Hail Paris:, ivtn street junction. qll. MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SER 'ICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought -sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8503 Salem HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Fret estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why " SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8503 Salem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans. city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4 ',4 G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street Phono 9261 rllO CASH FOR SPRING $?5 to (300 on signature, furniture or auto up to 1500. iH.as a mo. repays $100 loan in full In IS mos. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 6 who ask for -. loan at Personal Ret It. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St., Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S122 M165 rl30 MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE D7 you art capable of building 10 to loo nouses saiem or vicimt? during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Da. We are also tnterented In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCB CO- Lie B216M221 163 & High St, Ph. 4131 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Mj and 6 VOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tor Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bide. Pb 1163 r Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 4 'A A N Duncan 1214 Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 9650 li PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any- w) -e in the Willamette valley, 10 to 25 years repayment plan, 'Also plenty of money lot building modern nomea. financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8. High St. I MONEY I REAL EST AT B LOANS PERSONAL LOANS OAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages, and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS Lie S-319 M-222 153 8 High St r AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTB CREDIT CO. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO Uecns Na U-1S9 8-154 FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on imprnvea real estate, saiem ana Tlcin Ity. amounts $500 to $5000. NET In vestors ft pet. Interest Make your own election. Collections of all principal ana interest payments made by ui without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO., 183 a High St. GENERAL FINANCE CORP, LOANS S-138 and M-338 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 8 Commercial St Tel S168. Directory ACCOUNTING EXPERT BEND1X and commercial and domestic, refrigeration service. Ralpb Jonnson Appliances 333 Center Pb. 4036 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100. 0136 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o!28 AUTO BRAKES RIIKE PANER,, 375 S. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake At Wheel aligning specialist. 0137' AUTOMOTIVE :oy MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimates, reasonable. Ph. 5313. 642 N High. oils MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone Night. 2441. 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146. Salem. 0134 BULLDOZING excavation, road building A land clearing. Dean Robinson, 3283 Claude St.. Salem, Ore. Ph. 4306. ol33 GLEASON'8 Catering Service. Ph. 35370 OllS CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT Contracting. Harry L. Mill. Fn. 7611. 0134 GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0115' CHIMNE1 SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENS-jEY, 771 f 21et St. Ph. 7178. 0129 CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofi and alteratlona. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kaoa Construe' t!on Co. Ph. 4B30 or 25106. 0118' DI IVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 14a e. cnurch. Phone 4711. 0136 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph '. 00 175 N High. 0114 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations. Brooks Trailer Camp, 1984 State Bt. 0126' EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 8039. Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17tn 0U8 PEMBrRTON'9 FLOWER Shop 1880 8 12th. Phone 33346. ol24 BHRITHAUPT g for flowers. Dial 919S, 0 Market Quotations alem Livestock (By Valley Packing Co.t Hon, 35 under Portland each wt, 3pring lambs, $18.50. Wooled 1946 lambs, $18. Sheared 1946 lambs, 116. Yearlings, $13.50. Ewes, 12 to S7.5D. Fat dairy cows, 112-13.50. Cutter. $8-12. Dairy heifers, $13-17. Bulls, $13-17. Calves. 300-450 lb.. $10-31. Veal, 150-300 lb.. 117-34. Portland EaiUide Willamette valley strawberries were quoted at $4 a 12 hallock fill and Call- forma berries at $3.25-3.50 a flat at to day's session of the Portland EastBlde Farmers' Wholesale Produce market. Ton ouality dried onions wrrn offered nt $2,50 a 50-lb sack for medium sited No. 1 stock. Bunched green onions were valued at 30c a dosen bunches. Portland Produce RxcBanse Bulterfat Tentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 percent acidity delivery in Portland. 67-68c lb.; first quality, 66-67c lb.; second quality, 61 -63c; valley routes and count-y points, 3 cents lest than first, or 64-65c. , Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, 68c lb., cubes, grade AA, 93 score, 61c; A. 93 score. 60c B, 90 score, 80c; C, 19 score, 57c. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole salers: Oregon singles, 35-52C; Oregon loaf. 38li-54c. Etts To wholesalers: A grade, large, SZ'a-SS'.bc; medium, 4814-49',j-; A grade. small, 43'iic; B grade, large, 45-47vsc. DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAl HOME Ph 3673 o FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED. Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros.. 4020 E. State. Ph 21233 0153 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur McClellar, Phone 33456. ol35 Nir.VTON light pickup St delivery. Haul" Ing of all kinds Household moving Fully insured. Phone 32812. ol34 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS R. W ATKINS CO PRODUCTS. Free lei 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. 0137 LANDSCAPING LEVELING & DOZING JOHNSON A BRIGGS. building streets A roads. . Ph. 8035. Salem. g 121 LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber industries, lnc success ors to H. St 8. Lumber Co.. Wallace road, West Salem. Ph. 9593. 0114- MAGAZINE SUSCR1PTIONS MRS. P. II. HAUSER, 935 Saginaw. P. 7838 0133- MATTRESSES CAI'ITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. OIL IPCULATORS On. BURNER Sales and Service Wm. C Drew, Phone 5395. ol 11 NEW FURNACES A oil burners. We clean and repair all makes. Free estimates. No obligation. All work guaranteed. Holland Furnace Co. Ph. 7681, 0131 FAINTING GOOD WORK, REASONABLE. Free esti mate. C. Home. Phone 5313. 0134 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513 857 Shipping. 0115 JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3493. ROY C. HANSON. decorating. 0113 Phone 2-5833. PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. ol34 PAPERING A PAINTING repair. Ph. 5632 PLASTEPING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 35106, 0131 PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travias. 1029 Highland Ave Ph. 8601. 0113 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 163 S. Liberty St. 7490. 0137 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL crushed rock. Shovel dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co Phone 8561 SEWER SERVICE ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Prompt service. Ph. 5337 or 9468. o SEPT I C TAN K S SE TIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlug. - Ph. 9633. 0114 MIKE'S Cesspool A Septic Service, mod ern equipment 1079 Elm St. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5337. ol37' K F. IIAMEL. Septlo Tanks Cle 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. SPRAYING SPRAYING. L W. Caudie. Ph. 7900. 0126' COMPLET" spray equipment, 'lawn, trees. irub.- i fields. Philip W. Belike. Dial 21708. 0122' STAYTON FLATROCK PATIOS, WALKS, Fireplaces, Garjkn wans. Any Quantity. Ph. 3-5fl3B. 0133' TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets. Trucks w Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Line for household good to California points Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph. 3131. o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACTTTM CLEANER owner, wt will service your Hoover cleaner eom plete for $3.50 plut part If required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN Ph 6905 0133' WHITTAKER'S 5600. WELDING WORKS. Ph. WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe. Rt. 9 Box 144. Aburn Rd. Ph. 23198. 0134 Chester J Pugh, Rt Oregon. Ph. 23412. J. A SNEED A SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem Phone 6809. cl27 WINDOW CLEANING SAEM WINDOW Service House Ctean lag, floor waxing. Ph. 21343. ollO KCMK WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walla A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed A polished Ph. 3337 347 Court, uanidoo Oulhertnao and Mather PROFESSIONAL Phone 4467 LODGES CLEANING SERVICE Fraternal Order of Eagles meet: every Tuesday at a pjn More man a ml lUon mem bers. I. O. O. P. meets every Wednesday night. Visi tors welcome. Thtrri rlp- gree. A Pacific Lodge No. 50. A.F. & VK AM- M-M- degree Friday, Way 9, 7 p.m. 111- PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Thousands change groana to grins. Use a uorfirt' formula to relievo discomfort of piles. Sent druggists by noted Thorn ton A Minor Clinic Surprising QUICK palliative relief of pain, itch, irritation. Tcndn to soften, shrink swelling. Uat rfoetors" way. Gnt tube Thornton A Minor's Rectal Ointment or Rental Sup positories today. Follow label directions. For aale at all drug stores everywhere, la Balem at Fred Meyer Drug. Erst Purchased from farmers: Current receipts, 45-50c, buyers pay 3-3'.4e below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Portlan-1 Dairy Market Iter Prices to retailers. Grade AA carton 68-67c; AA prints. 65-66c; A prints, 64-65c; A cartons, 66-67c; B prints, 65c; one-fourth pound cubes, cent higher. Ens Prices to retailers, AA extra large. - A ' large (certified). 58-59c: A large. 5453c; A A medium, 64c; A medium, 60 51c: A small, 45c doxen; carton, 2Vc t ditiona). Cheese Prices to retailers: Portland Oregon singles, 36,i-54c lb.; Oregon loaf 39S56c: triplets, 36-64C. Poultry: Liv Chickens Paying price to produc ers: No. 1 broilers, under 3 lbs., 30-31c lb.; fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 30-3 lc lb.: 3 to 4 lbs., 36-37c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 36 37c; fowl, Leghorn, under 31.? lbs.. 20c: 3S lb.s and over, 33-24c: colored, all welthts, 33-34c lb.; stags, all weights, 14-16r. Rabbits Average to retailers. 46-S3c lb. dressed: prices to producers. 43c; fry ers, live, white, 20-24c lb.; colored, 17-3 lc lb. Vegetable: Artichokes- Calif. 4 and 5 doz. to a lug. 13.85-4: 6 doz., 13.50-3.75. 'iparagui Oregon. Hood River, Canby, per box. 30 Mb. bunches. $3.75-4; loose, $3.65-3.75. No. 3s. 12.75-3. Washington, Sunnyilde. No. 1 mediums, 12-13e lb.; un classified and small, l-8'ic. Avo does Calif., fancy. 30, 34, $4.45-5; Fuertes, fancy. 30, 35, 14.60-4.85; choice. all slses, 13.95-4.30. Reann Calif., 30-25c lb. Cabbase California No. 1, $3-3.75: Tex as 80-lb. crates, 14.35; red, 17.75-8. 35 crate. Track sales, Calif, crate, 13. Local, pointed type. $1 crate. Carrots California, bunched. 6 doz. $4-4.25; 50-lb. sacks, topped. 12-2.15: trucV sales. Call'., buriclird. mostly S3.50: .Rrk ed. 50-lb., 11.35-1.60. Track sales, 6 doz. 14.05-4.15. Cauliflower - Cnlll., trimmed, standard crate, 12,85-3; track sales. $2.50 crate. Celery - Sturder crntes, Pascal, 16 7: 5td. crates, 15.25-6; std. crates, 15.75-6. Corn Calif,, crates, 5 doz.. $6.25-6.50. Cuci .bers - Orpgon notliouse. $7.25-6 3-doz. lugs. 30-33 4c. lb. I-tuplant 30-lb. lug, $4.25-4.50, Endive 3 doz., $3.50-3,75. I.e Local. 80-00c doe. j Lett -e-Calif., 4s. $5.50-6: few. poor. I lower: Stockton, 3-3 i doz., 13.75-4: Wat-1 sonvllie, $5-3.50; track sales. $4.75-5; Sac ramento. 3-34 doz., 13,75-4.25. I Mushrooms 80-90c lb. Onions, green Local, mid-Columbia, 35 3oc. Onions, dried- Oregon yellow. No. 1, inches and larger. 12.75-3: medium. 11.65-1 75; Texas white wax, 14-4.25; Ber mudas, $3-3.35. Sale to jobbers, cold storage. No. Is, $2-3.25; medium. 11.75. uppers Mexican-Calif.. 45 lbs.. $13.35- 13.75 lug; loose, 40-45c lb. Parsley Cal'. $6-6.50. 10 dozen bunches. Peas Calif., 28 lbs.. 13.20-3.40: track sales, 13.15 a tub; bulk, 12-14c lb. Potatoes Stendy. Oregon-Washlnaton Russets, No, 1, per cwt., $3.75-4, baker slEe, $4.50- ..70. No. 2, $3.10-3.25; No. 2 (50-lb. $1-1.05, 15 lbs., 60-65c; Deschutes No. 2, 60 I bs., $1.251.30. New crop: Cali fornia 100-lb. sacks. 14.25-4.45: Texas Bliss Triumphs. 50 lbs., $3.15-3.50. Track snles- no. i, (jam., long wmtes, 100 lbs., $3.15 3.25. Radlshee Local, don., 60-75c. Spinach Local, new crop, 75-90c. Squash Calif. Zucchini. 30-lb. Iuk. ii. 3.50; summer, $3.73-3.85 lug. . Potatoes- -Calif. Jersey. 20-lb. bai. ket, $4.35-5: Calif. La Yams, $4.15-4.35; Texas, t4.ift-4.35, Tomatoes Mexico, lugs. No. U. 17-7.50: repacked. $7.508; 31 1-lb. tubs, 16.50-7; Calif., Incio 9 and 13 top packs. $7-7.30: 16 top. $5.60-6; Imperial. 16 too. 15-S.so: Indto flats, 23 lbs., 16.35-7. Turnips Calif., $1-1.10 doz. Packased Vegetables Cellonhane-wrao- ped; spinach, 34 13-oz., $1.50-1.63: salad, 8 -or... $1. 15-1.20; celery hearts, per doz.. $3.25-3.50. Garllj 20 l-oi. pkgs., $1.65-1.75, Fre.h Fruit: Apples New towns. Hood River, w. and p., $4.75-5; Wlnesaps, w. and p., $4.50-5. Avocados California Fuertes, 30-35a, $4.45-5 box; 2024s, ' $4.60-4.90; choice, 13.75-4. Bananas Bunched. $10.50-11.80 cwt.. cut hands, $12-13.50 cwt. Cherries Calif. Tartarian. $5.75-8. IS lug. DatesCalif. 24 8-os. pkgs., 14.05-4.TS; natural and hydrated flats, 15 lbs., $4.26 4.50. Grapefruit Texas pinks, 64-72s, $4.75: 113-1263. 13.75-3.83; Marsh seedless. 10. 96s, $3-3.35; Arlsona white, $2.50-3; choice, lower. Lemons Calif, fancy. 352-ann- is n. 6.75; 433s, $4-5: choice, 11 less. Limes California. 15 tubs of fl lime 13.50-3 60; lugs of 60, 93c-$t. oranses California navels. 176 and ger, 15.75-6.10: 320-252s. $5.255.40: smaller. $4-4.40: choice, 50c-ll less a box Rnubarb Loch'. field-Brown. 20-lh. bnv 75-85c; 90c-$t 30-lb apple box; wine, 83-OOc-Jl a 15-lb. box. StrawberriesAir express, Calif., 14 4.25: rail express. $3.24-3.50 a 12-cup fill. Track sales, 13.10. Dressed Meals: Veal Light lop quality, 35-36c: heavy top quality, 38-30c; B, 35-36c; C, 33-34c: cull. 18-20C. Ho Block. butchers. nrk!- atvi 125-160 lbs.. 37-38CI over 213 lbs., 36-37C IV.. BU VB, nil win,, U-JtC ID. Lambs--AA 3B-40c; A, 37-38c; B. 84-36c; C, 28-30C lb. Mutton 10-lfte lb., aecordlng to quality BeefBest quality, 32-34c; B, 23-26c; C, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-21c; bo logna bulls, 23-2BC Wnol, Csscnra Bark: Caicara Bark Cf -en, 8-J'ic: dry, 20c wool Valley, coarse and medium 1 nitrs, M-ne ID. Mohair 40c lb. on 13-month growth. H' j Calves. 40c lb., according to welaht: kips. 20e !b.; green beef. Ho 1 b. Rendered Inedible Fats 12-13e lb. Chicaso Grain Chicano, May 8 nj.R) Cash grain sales Wheat: Nominally higher; no sales. Corn: One to three cents hiaher. No. 1 yeuow 177: 2 yellow 1731i-174'i; 3 yellow nu t-ia; yeiinw ; ft yellow 157: sample grade yrllow 77-155; 3 white 172. Oats: One cent higher to one lower No. 1 mixed heavy 103: 1 mixed 99',ilO04' 4 mixed heavy 99'A: 1 white heavy 1004 103: 1 white 99V.-101: 2 white 99-101. t,.rlPy: Maltln 100-208 nominal; feed tu-iiu nominal. Chleago Liveiteok ChlcRRo, May fl ffl'i (U8DAI Salable hogs 7000. total 11,000; steady to 25 cents lower; hulk good and choice 170-260 lb 23.50-24.75: 270-200 lb 22.25-23.80; sows 25-50 cents lower; bulk good and choice 17.75-18.50. Salable cattle 5000, total 5000; salable calves 800, total 800; slaughter steers and heifers, strong to mostly 25 cents higher cows opened fully 26 cents higher, closed slow; bulls fully steady; five loads choice 1200-1231 lb fed steers topped at 26.00; strictly choice absent; bulk medium to top-good fed steers and yearlings 31.00 26.00; two loads good to choice yearling heifers 24.00; sprinkling good beef cows 18.00-20.00: common and medium kinds 14.25-17.50; cannera and cutters 10.50 14.00; food weighty sausage bulls 17.00 17.50; vraicrs steady, good and choice 24.00-26 00; top 36.00. Salable sheep 1500, total 3500; alow; wooled lambs around steady; early sales shorn lambs about 36 cents lower; on load good and choice 101 lb fed wooled lambs carrying muddy fleeces topped at 33.00; load or so medium and good 95 100 lb woolskins at 30.10; two doubles mixed medium to choice 92 lb fed clipped lambs with No. 1 pelts 21.00; load or so shorn lambs held higher; slaughter ewes too scarce for price Lest, nominally steady, Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., May 8 (UP) Livestock: Cattle salable 300; calves 60. Market slow, steady to weak. Common to me dium steers 17.60-30.00; common to mt- Why Suffer Any Longer Wheo othere faiL ase our Chi nesa idles A mating success for 6000 yean D China No matter with what ail ments your are afflicted disorder tlousltla. heart, tonga, lifer, kidneys gaa. constipation, alsera. diabetes, rheumatism, call and 0 ladder favar .tin. remaie complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HEEB OO Office Bonn ft to Ik Tees, and Sat. vary M4 N Commercial Phone tlR.Hl SALEM. OBI M. Capital Journal. Salem, OreRon, Silver Creek Cafe Opens Saturday Ralph Nohlgren. of Nohl- grens. Inc., restaurant operators in Salem, announced Thursday that the Snack Shack at Silver Creek falls will open Saturday of this week. It will be open daily from 12 noon to 8 p.m., handling sandwiches, coffee, cold drinks, ice cream, popcorn and picnic supplies. The main lodge, to be known as Silver Creek Lodge, is de layed in opening pending com pletion of kitchen and dormitory facilities, but the operators hope to open it in the very near future. Births. Deaths Deaths Mr. Genrsle G. DarU Mrs. Oeorgie G. Davis, at her residence at 615 North Church street. Monday. May 5. Mother of Mrs. Lolita Kron of Seattle: sister of Ray and Everett Fisher, both of Portland, and O. L. Fisher of Balem: urandmother of Donald Kron and Mrs. Connie Jones, both of Seattle; and great grandmother of Jeflry Keith Jones of Seattle. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Friday, May 9, at 10 a.m. with Dr. Joseph M. Adnms oill- ciBting. Ritualistic services by the auxil iary to Hal Hibbnrd camp of Spanlsh Amerlcnn War Veternns. Clara Marjory Strusloff In this city May 7. Clnra Marjory Steus toff. late resident of 2295 S. Huh street. Aunt of Juana Holmes of Salem. Esma Wade, Walter Blair of Sawtell. Richard Rlnlr Sawtell and Mrs. Emily Martha DePue. all of Los Angeles. Member of Daughters of the Nile. Funeral services will be held Friday, May 9, at 3:30 P.m. at the W. T. Rtttdon chapel, with entomb ment at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Rev. Georae H. Swift will officiate. (Corvallis pa. rs please copy.) Marl Susanne LaMar In Portland. Oregon. May 7. Mari Su sanne LaMar, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. LaMar of Gervais, route 1. Graveside services will be held In the Claggett cemetery. Friday, May 9, at 11 a.m. under the direction of W. T. Rig don company. Rev. Vernon A. Kornes offi ciating. Alice Farley Sm olden In this city May 7. Alice Farley, flmol- den, late resident of Eugene, at the age of 53 years, wifo. of A. L. Smolden of En gene; sister or P. L. Farley of Salem. Frank le Talbot t of Junction City and Mrs. Hertna Baker of Ti lnmook. Grave side services will be held Saturday, May 10, nt 10:30 a.m. at the City View ceme tery. Direction W. T. Rigdon company rs. Jennie A. Martin In this city May 6. Mrs. Jennie A. Mar- n, late resident of 1H5 Saginaw street. Salem, at the age of 75 years. Mother of Claude W. Martin, Rodney J. Martin and Huah A. Martin, all of Salem: and sis ter of William Groshong. Mrs. Margaret Kirk wood, Mrs. Netllo Eppcrs and Mrs. nances wampoie. ail or Donald. Also sur vived by one grandchild. Member of Sa lem Re be lc ah lodge No. 1. Women's Relief Corps. American War Mothers and the old Star Mothers. Services will be held at tne w. t. Rigdon chapel Friday, May 9, at 1:30 p.m. Ritualistic services by Sa lem Rebekah lodge No. 1. Concluding ser- ices in tne Pioneer cemetery. Rev. ueorge n. awut will officiate. r. Adda I. Miller Mrs. Adda L. Milter, lale resident of dlum heifers 15.00-19.00; good young beef cows up to 19.00; medium to good cows 16.60-17.50; canner and cutters 10.50-13.60; good beef bulls up to 18.00: calves fully nteday; good to choice 24.00-26.50, extreme top 26.00. Hogs salable 230. Market active, steady. Good to choice 190-240 lbs largely 3.VSQ; 276 lbs down to 24.00; good sows 3fl.(io 21.00; asking around 36.00 for choke feeder pigs. Sheep salable 250. Market slow, about steady. Good to choice spring lambs 20.00-20.50; good to choice shorn lambs quotable to 19.00 and above; good shorn yearlings 14.00; two-year old wethers 9.50; good to choice shorn ewes up lo (.ou, medium graaes s.uo. Portland Grain Portland, May I () Wheat futures not quoted: Cash wheat bld: Bon white 2.35; soft white (excluding Rex) 2.36; white club 2.36; western red 2.36. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.36; 10 percent 2.37; 11 percent 3.44; 13 percent 2.52. Hard white Bnarl: Ten percent 3.36; 11 percent 3.40: 12 percent 2.46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 29; barley 3; flour S; corn 19; mlllfeed 6. Salem Markets Completed from reports ot Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Rrtafl Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellettj, 14.15 cwt. Esc Mash 14.60 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.85 cwt. FoMltry Heavy colored hens, No. I, 34c Is No. i. 38c; colored fryers. No. 1, 34c lb Ens Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large g ce A, 53c; mcd., 48c; standards, doxert pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. "'holesals Price Large, 66c dozen; med. 62c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 65c. Retail- Grade A, 70c. Bulterfat Premium, 68c; No. 1, 67c; 4, IMC. Central Location. ljLT jfff Easily reached by public S transportation. kJpjJ Ample Parking Space in jVjjT'-BwrX Our Own Parking Lot. 7 I Ijfc V j V 1 j Funeral Service Witlvn AV Vyi Jxs ' I Your Means. Thursday, April 8, 1947 19 61 North 16th street, at a local hospital. May 6. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Maude E. Rolph of Salem; two sons, Roy J. Miller of Joplin, Mont., Frank D. Mil ler of Vadaila, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Fan n.e Pemble of Pa ton, Iowa; two brothers, Frank Crowder of Paton, Iowa, and Ralph Crowder of Montana: and two grandchll dren, Carl J. Miller of Spokane and Ken neth E. Miller of Joplin, Mont. Caske$ will be open to friends Thursday May 8, Shipment will be made to Joplin. Mom., Friday. May 9 by Clouth-Barrick com pany for services and interment. Joxrph McHariue Joseph Mcllaraue, at the residence, 66(1 North 15th street. May 7. Survived oy two daughters. Miss Hazel McHargue and Mrs. Wanda Grabtr, both of Salem; a son, J. P. McHargue of Los Angeles: a granddaughter, Phyllis Jo Graber of Sa lem: a sister, Mrs. Anna Drlnkhard of Almlra, Wash.: and five broth. rs. Rush McHargue of Paveltr. Idaho. Walter L. McHargue of Sprlimfleld, Oregon, John McHargue of Baker, Oregon, Otto Me Hareue of SprlcknrtlsvHIe, Mo., and Frank McHarnue. Services will be held Friday, May 9, at 3 p.m. nt the Clough-Barrlrk chapel with Rev. Chester Hamblin offi ciating. Interment, in the City View cem etery. Horare Mavnard Yoakom Horace Mayriard Yoakum, at the resi dence, 650 Locust street. Monday, March 5. at. the age of 73 years. Brother of Mrs. Charles Bratcher of Phoenix. Aria. Announcement of services later by Clough Barrick company. M. Crolsan E. M. Croisan at a local hospital Tues day, May 6, at the age of 92 years. Sur ived by a sister. Mrs. R. L. (Clare) Far mer of Salem. Services will be held at tha Clough-Barrick chapel Friday, May 9, ai 1:30 p.m. with Dr. Joseph M. Adams of ficiating. Interment in the City Vie cemetery. Mrs. Esther W. McCall Mrs. Esther W. McCall. late resident of route 8, Snlcni. at a local hospital May at the aue of 54 yonrs. Survived by her husband. Clark C. McCall of Salem; a daughter. Mrs. Marjoric Ann Gwilliam of Weiser, Itlnho: a .son, G. N. McCall of Salem; and her mother. Mrs. Mary C. Wickersham of Boise, Idaho. Services will held at St, Pauls Episcopal church Friday, May 9. at 11 a.m. under the di rection of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Concludlnn services at Belcrest Memorial Park. Rev. George H. Swift will officiate. Myrtle Saltaman Myrtle SaitMuau. late resident of Cot tage Grove. May 6 at a local hospital. Shipment will be made to Cottage Grove by ClotiBli-Barnck company for services and interment. William Albert Nash Si ayton Funeral services win oe nem Friday at 2 p.m. at the Weddle Funeral home for William Albrrt Nash. 64. who died suddenly Saturday at his home. Bur ial will be In Lone Oak cemetery. Mr. Nash was born August 2. men at uoium- bus. Kan., and caiiic to Oregon six years ago and had lived In tne community right months. He Is survived by his wi dow, Loin; Raymond Nash, Anna Jana Hnzen, John W. Nash, Odessa E. Cran dall. James A. Nash, all of Colorado Springs. Colo.; and Ella Lucas and Cor- ine Stogsdlll ot Denver, uoio. .Mrs. Clyde Robertson Poirvif &' Mrs. Harry Allison and Mr. and Mrs. John Allison attended the funeral of Mrs. Clyde Robertson, about 60 years of aae, at Forest Grove. Mrs. Robertson was Miss Anna Parrish and ner noma was near Dayton before her marriage. She was a sister of Mrs. Harry Allison. She died suddenly of a heart attack while shopping In Forest Grove Friday. Her hus band died about 12 years ago. sne it .survived by a son, Howard Robertson. Forest Grovr; and a daughter, Mrs. Raleigh Munkcrs of Baker. Myrtle Maude Grim man Independence Services were held Fri day altrrnoon from the Walter L. Smith mortuary for Mrs. Myrtle Maude Gross man who died April 29 at the age of 64 years. Rev H R. Scheuerman officiated and burial was at the Delcrest Memorial Park In Salem. Mrs. Grosman, a daugh ter of Joseph and Olive Chaffin, was born in Story county. Iowa, on November 17, 1883. Mrs. Grossman moved with her parents to Nebraska where she was mar ried to Albert L. Orossmnn on April 12, 1004. They lived on a farm Miere for 32 years and In 11)38 moved to Oregon where they have resided near Indepen dence since that time. She was jl mem ber of the Methodist church In Nebraska and her membership was transferred to the Evangelical church at Lews vine. Mrs, Grossman Is survived by her husband, Albert L. Grossman: two daughters, Mrs. Eva Banks and Mrs. Edna Ingram and one son. Date, all of Independence: three brothers, Elmer of Los Anseles, Roy of Sargent, Neb., and Ora Chaffin of Grand Island: four grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Nellie Rrandow Bethel Mrs. Nellie Brando', sistrr-ln- law of Mrs. Anna Mai ten and aunt of Lena Matten Lauderbark. died in Port land. Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. James Lauderback while visiting In Washington and they flew to Port land. Mrs. Matten was expected to arrlva Portland from California, where she has been for many months, on Monday night. Mrs. Brandow had lived in the Matten and Lauderback homes here for e years and was well known In tha district. Interment will be In southeastern Nebraska beside her husband. A brother. Mr. Mai ten. from Portland will go east with the body. James Edward Cock mm Independence James Edward Cock rum. son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cock rum. was born at Oolocah, Okla., May 39, 1926. and died near Independence May He had resided in Twin Falls. Idaho for the past eight years except for the time he served in the army and came Independent with his parents two months aao. At the time of his death he was employed wit li the Horst Hop ranch. He had a honorable discharge from the United Slates army dated December 14. 1944. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Cockrum: two small sisters, Rosalie and Fay, one married sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. McBride all of Independence. Ser ies was from the Walter L. Smith mor tuary in Independence, Tuesday. Rev. Willis Tinker officiating. The final rites will be in Twin Falls, Idaho.