lewport May Become Famed For More Than Just Crabs !By Eldon Barrett (United Press Btaff Correspondent) The Oregon coast town of Newport made crabs famous. Or was it the crab that made Newport famous? Nevertheless, the Ore jgon post-war readjustment and development commission is of the cpinion that Newport has more future than being the place most likely to pop into your mind ivhen you sit down to eat a crab f" ocktail. Industry is coming back to the eld settlement on Yaquina bay. viewport has been drowsing for jrears, according to John Kelly, Commission executive secretary j The population of the Lincoln icounty seaport town has nearly doubled and hundreds of new iuildings have been erected since the end of World War II, felly said. A study is underway investi gating the feasibility of develop ing Newport as an important in Mustrial city and port. The pro (leram calls for a 3'A mile rail- Sroad fill across Yaquina river ikrom Toledo to the little village Jof Yaquina. 'This will bring the railroad to Newport and the fill will pro vide industrial sites," Kelly said A mooring basin to accom modate 600 fishing vessels also in the program. Freight now must go to and from Newport by truck. Few vessels ply between Newport and other ports. World War II rejuvenated To ledo, located a few miles up the Yaquina river. During the war streams of shipping carrying prefabricated hospitals, bar racks, barges and tugs flowed from that port. Toledo also shipped thousands of prefabricated and completely furnished houses for the atomic bomb plant workers at Hanford Wash. Newport is the center of an important fishing industry There are located three canneries handling salmon, crab, and oys ters. About 1,000 of Us population are fishermen, according to Kel ly. Several hundred are can nery workers. Newport is best known for ltj big red-backed crabs which are shipped to all parts of the United States. Just last week-end thou sands of persons participated in the Newport crab festival, back ed by civic groups as a promo tion event. One of the city's most unique businesses however is that con ducted by a small firm that gathers ferns which are shipped to eastern florists. The ferns are kept in cold storage until used It is estimated that 1Z5 car loads of ferns go out from New port by truck each year. Rail transportation and im proved harbor facilities would permit large shipments, not only of ferns and seafood, but also lumber and other timber prod ucts. Larmer Buys Lots From City An offer from D. A. Larmer, transfer and warehouse opera tor, to pay the city $600 for four long lots located at North Com mercial and B streets was ac cepted by the city council Wed nesday night on recommenda tion of City Manager J. L. Fran- zen. The lots are below the street level and traversed by North Mill creek, and at present are used as a dump for old auto mobile bodies and other debris. "It is now a Junk heap," the manager said, and City Engineer J. H. Davis said "it is a rat breeder and a dirty, stinking mess." This was in reply to a sugges tion from Alderman Albert H. Gille that $600 wasn't enough money. Larmer proposes to use the property for truck park ing. Strike Leaves Dead Unburied in London London, May 7 (P) The dead were unburied in the city of Lon don today. The "City" is the mile-square, historic section of London which contains the big banks, the law Pi-. from wh ere I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Where's the Argument? Aforfot's Safana' Spring fagefo6es kes mirrors v-a IMS ll5)w'NBow, 77 iT &S,0 1 Jjpsffinl iist iuy s thi uk kkSasrtl iconomy tin MX WON MHHi Magk Orthtvt Only New Formula Cleirtx cont&iru Orthotolvttt, the magic incrtdient that ctant glut- quicker, cuts rt cuitr ind keep flan dean 4l IIMIMIIR CLIAMX PLASTIC ffry UtAYII , . . Iif UiHHf . You can't buy a better wax yt It COSTS 10 LESS That' right I OLD ENGLISH save you lOi or more on every pint you buy. Made of imported Carnauba Wax, high-quality OLD ENGLISH dries quickly to a brighter, longer-lasting lustre. ihinet and wears wean and shinet Cm on .11 floors Juit spread It and forget it. Save, time I Savea work 1 Saves wear I OiaSnaltsli NO RUBBING WAX ES x-v" t49t. I PINT Too should hare heard Ed Carey and Spike Miller debating the merit of Guernseys versus Hol ateins. Ed's oar firechlef, and Spike handles hardware bat to hear them argue you'd have thought that they'd been dairying for life. Finally they put it up to Sam Carter, who breeds dairy cows I Sam hems and haws . . . and con cludes there's a lot to be said for Holsteins, and about as much for Guernseys . . . take your pick! . Actually, Ed and Spike were like people arguing about say, beer versus buttermilk. Folks who've never tasted beer will sometimes get mighty vehement about their choice of beverages. And folks who've never tasted buttermilk will be equally pig-headed. From where I sit, it's in things we know nothing about that we get bigoted and stubborn. But when it comes to things we know a lot about, we're able to see both sides ... be tolerant and reasonable . . and above all, understanding. Cody right, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation Swiftly the years crowd each ocher. In no time at all your son or your daughter will be ready for college. Will you be prepared to meet that extra demand upon yout income? Consistent saving is the answer. Start now open a Savings Account at this bank and add to it regularly. Yes, save specifically for your child's education. THRIFT TODAY MEANS EASE TOMORROW D. W. EYRf, Vic PraifoW JACOI PUHRER, Aul. Cornier W. S. WAITON, VIM r.ild.nf tEO O. PAGE, Aul. Cornier Or NELSON, Aul. Vic. PrailaW LA WHENCE K. FISHER, Aul. Monosw L C SMITH, Aul. Vice Pnild.nl REX GIBSON, Aul. Manager MIMIII FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION , Ask for United Orowtn I Brand when you ihop foe fro ten food. Only the 'choicest quality produce, selected and froren by the growers themtelvea, it pecked under thia labeL For frmrreeh flavor and ummertime Ceodneee, look for United Orowert Brand froaen foods in your grocer's frccaer. AT YOUR FAVOR ITC STORE let tf Oeraea feleo Ceavw, PIMM MM CORNS GO FAST Knfor Quick roiief and paedily noon a eking wrae wiin uiin. cuevuoo Inn Dr. Schoil'i Zino Twida. Cost but a trite. E McDowell's Mair&ett Quality Meats and Fair Prices Since 1920 171 S. Commercial St. Phone 8757 RIB I T-BONE I POT STEAK STEAK ROAST 45c 50c 38c SLICED m m ' JOWL BACON ... lb. 45C PORK I BACON I SIDE SAUSAGE BACK BACON ffb 45c ,b 55c ,t INSPECTED MEATS ONLY All beef cuts are from Hereford beef cattle this week extra quality at lower pricei. NO RUBBING AEROWAX makes house money go further SAVES 29 Just spread it on - Dries to a shine &3 $31 courts, the newspapers and mag-1 azincs, Billingsgate fish market and currently a strike of em ployes of the city corporation. Street cleaners, bridge opera tors, grave-diggers and other public workers are involved in the strike, which is against the promotion of a fish market po liceman to sergeant. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 8, 1947 15 Landon Fractures Ankle Silverton Carl Landon, Scotts Mills, employed with the Raymond Kellis company, was admitted to the Silverton hos pital Tuesday for treatment having received a fractured left ankle while at work. RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For 0.aert Heaee Cleaalaf, Dliaei, Uanory, Wewhrert Hall, I Seas Sr.nar ASK ALL GROCntS -Comai in package. i5e 50c Jl.00 Willamette Grocery Supply All Dealers. Salem, Oregon. I ANOTHER MONEY-SAVER! Y AETOMIST-fit -Gleaning 'WMom WANT IT NO EXTRA RINSE NO EXTRA WO For the whitest washings . , . It's Quick ... 1 1' s Easy . . . It's the modem way. Just a few drops in the last rinse make such a difference! For washing guide write . MRS. STEWART'S BlUINO, D.pt. 07, Mlnn.apoll. 3, Mil fin. TRAPS MAM IIS. U.. IAT. OWP, The most popular Beer in History Budweiser Is back on the Pacific Coast after having been withdrawn voluntarily in 1913 to make more railroad freight cara available for shipment of war supplies. While we cannot as yet provide as much Budweiser as this market would like to have, we are supplying dealers equitably if not plentifully. Whenever yon enjoy Budweiser, every sip will tell you why it Is something more than beer a tradition. McDonald Candy Co, 1375 Howard Street, Salem, Oregon Important food news! , . .. Mow Guaranteed Rancno " as fa THE BEST SOU- YOU EVER Ul YOUR MONEY -yet you save up to a can! TASTED DOUBLE nl Startling guarantee, isn't it? Here's why we make it. Thousands of women who publicly sampled the new Runcho Soups told us: "I've never tasted betterl" Now we want you to try these wonderful tasting new soups... at our risk! We're cer tain you'll enjoy them because they bring you the best in soup . . . rich; pure ingredients . . . delicate, distinctive seasoning . . . careful cooking that brings out finest natural flavors. So . . . serve any Rancho Soup. Savor its dis tinctive Western flavor, enjoy its pure, whole some goodness. We guarantee you'll like it whatever Rancho variety it may be-or we'll gladly give you double your money backl (And don't forget-no matter what Rancho variety you select - you'll be saving on soup every time you shopl) If you don't aarea thla ( the beat eoup you've ever taatad. fuat rive your reaaona on the back of the label and mail, together with your name and addreaa and the price you paid, to Sunnyvale Packing Co.. Sunnyvale, California. Double your money, plue poaUse, will b. gladly refunded. a,, . .!. You'll And thert VOmK'"" r Rancho ociwlly y " 1 to 3 a con according to lha varl-ty you a.l.d. And. v.ry va riety ll guront..dtop1.oyoi or doubl. your monty backl RANCHO SOUPS) Tomato Vegetable . Chicken Chldten Noodle Chickon Combo Creom ol Mushroom Pen Spill Pm Aspcrrojoi Packed under continuout inspection of U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture SUNNYVALE PACKING CO., SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA