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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 8, 1947 High Street Terminal Plan Shown to Salem Aldermen Just before the city council met Wednesday night Carl Wendt of Oregon Motor Stages appeared at City hall with plans the city had requested his company to prepare for a proposed street bus terminal on the east side of High street between State and Court. The plans were dis cussed, but no action taken, City Manager J. L. Franzen explain ing there had been no time to study them. Wendt said the construction, if the city decided on the loca tion, would be sightly, of steel and glass and painted according to city instruction. Included in the terminal and passenger shel ter would be a confection and magazine stand, and the comfort stations at State and High would be remodeled. Wendt said all buses would assemble at the same time at the terminal for convenience to passengers in transferring. He said the company was willing to continue the present staggered schedule of terminal arrival, though it loses revenue to the Nothing Down, Pay Monthly Venetian Blinds ELMER (The Blind Man) WEST SALEM 1545 Plaza St. Phone 7328 Slat in Aluminum, Steel and Wood, Choice of Tape Colors Call anrtim for frM .fltimatta Meaanrtd and Inatalltd company and compels riders to wait for buses from five to 25 minutes.. Asked by Alderman David O'Hara if the company had con templated establishing a termi nal on its own property, he said it had, but that the cost would be around $250,000, which would be prohibitive. If the terminal is established on High school, Wendt said, buses would not circulate the central business area. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctora Baryoarkldntn enUln ltmilct Of tinytubMorfiltenwhiehhalp to purify th blood and keep you health. When ther set tired and don't work rif ht In tht daytime, many people have to ret up nifhU. Frequent oracantypasiageawithamartina'andbuniinie aometimes thowa there li gome thing vrons with your kidneys or bladder. Pon't neglect this condition and Ioe valuable, restful aleep. When disorder of kidney function permit poisonous matter to remain in your Wood, it may aJio cause nareinr backache, rheumatic rains, leer Dains. In nf nn ... welling, puffineii under the cyei, headache and dizziness. f)ont waltl A ilc your druggUt for Doan'i Pilli, a stimulant dluratie, used successfully by millions for over SO yean. Doan'a giv happy relief and will help tha ! mile of , kidney tubes flush out poisonous wait from jour blood. Get Doan'a Piila. Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER - SHINGLES Phone Mill City 344 f Mux's hmrr cexeiTy Journal Want Ads Pay Pies, cookies, bread, rolls they're certain to be "fit for queen" when made with Kitchen Queen Flour. Containing added vitamins and minerals, Kitchen Queen is tha economical way to assure uniform baking goodness. The thrifty way to buy Kitchen Queen Flour is in 50-lb. sacks. (oak overnight, then ilmmtr until soft, pit and rub through coarse sieve, cool Add and mix together PRUNE CUSTARD PIE 2 cups dried prunes 1 cup milk 2 ogg yolks vi cup sugar 2 tablespoons Kitchen Queen flour Va teaspoon salt Then add 2 teaspoons lemon Juice Line a deep pie pan with crust and pour mixture) In. Bake for 10 minutes at 450 degrees F., then about 25 minutes at 325 degrees f. or until it sets. Remove from oven, spread with meringue made with 2 egg whites, 4 tablespoons sugar and Vi teaspoon lemon )uic. lake for 15 minutes at 300 degrees F. PIC CRUST Mix 1 14 cups Kitchen Queen Flour Vi teaspoon salt Cut In 13 cup shortening Add and Ineorporaf 3 tablespoons water ASK fORTHE GOMPtfJF. UUE OF 0 at Your Grocers HEINZ STRAINED MEAT are, rich in -flavor 3ty etijoyz HZM7 TRAlUeo SE6GTABIE are Scientifically cooked and packed -hA&uK uniformly htyh vtfamin retention ftfe hlqh -for Fuvor .WTetfure MgNZ P'COOKt CCREAIS arc liMr -firffy, e&yio dfqesf You ff no premium for f fie besr-Ask-kr HEINZ cm LEADS THE WAY TO OPEN 9 to 8 SUNDAYS 10-8 DRIVE OUT AND LET US PROVE TO YOU THAT WE HAVE REALLY ACCOMPLISHED A LOT IN THE WAY OF LOWERING PRICES PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE - NO METERS PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN YOUR PURSE New Low Prices on Meats SPAM - PREM - TREET SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT 12 OZ. CAN CORNED BEEF HASH ARMOUR'S OR LIBBY'S NO. 2 CAN MEAT BALLS AND GRAVY Dennison's 15 oz. jar 25 35c Prices Effective Friday Thru Monday '. K CO Hills Bros. Folger M.J.B 1 LB. CAN CANNED MIL! fall, cans Carnation, Pet, Borden's, Nestle's RISCO Shortening 3 LB. JAR 45c 23c 33 25c LIMA BEANS AND HAM Kingwood's Prairie. .No. 2 can RED KIDNEY BEANS "Af Joan of Are No. 2 can I fC No. 300 tall can 2 for 25 C HUNT'S PORK AND BEANS No. 2'2 can DICED CARROTS Standby, No. 2s. . BEANS SPROUTS Ben Gee No. 2s. 23c 2 can, 19C 2 cans 19C Remember HER on May 11, Mother's Day Complete Selection of Potted Plants and Cut Flowers Curt & Dean, Florists Located in Erickson's Super Market Free Deliver Phone 25014 29c Good Taste No. Z'i can Dennison's CATSUP 14 oi. Bottle 19c STOKELEY'S TOMATO JUICE Large 47 oz. Can 3 Kerr's Asst. JELLY 1 lb. jar 29c 2 lb. jar 55c Kerr's Grape Juice Pint Bottle 1 See Our Low Prices on Frozen Foods French Dressing 07 Old Monk Made with Olive Oil. pt. Mayonnaise 45c Old Monk pint Made with Pure Olive Guaranteed Quality SOAP VALUES Duz, Oxydol, Super Suds and Rinso, Ig. pkg. Peet's Granulated Soap large pkg. Par Granulated Soap large pkg, Giant Pkg BAKER'S BAKING CHOCOLATE V lb. bar JOLLY TIME POPCORN 10 oz. can 22c 15c C 69c STRAINED HONEY Q Evans 1 lb. jar 5"C 5 lb. can 1.98 RASPBERRY PRESERVES Tea Garden Fancy. . .1 lb. ja r 49c BLACKBERRY, BOYSENBERRY JO PRESERVES, Dude Ranch, 1 lb. jar 3 TC Del Monte I Stringless Cut Beans No. 2 con 19C Blue Spot Choice No. 2 can 1 7c Del Monte 15c BANTAM CORN No. 2 Can Del Maiz Niblets Con 15C NUCOA Margarine POUND 3 Skippy P-Nut Butter or Planter's l LB. JAR 33 ORANGES ju?cytand 3 doz. 55c LEMONS juicef doz. 33c Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables GRAPEFRUIT r 59c Pink or White Medium Size CABBAGE I 1 FRESH MEATS riSolid lb. 7c CARROTS Crisp Long, O I OC- :risp J UUi Jm. Large Bunches SWISS STEAK lb 59c PORK LIVER Armour's Grade A Beef, Tender and Flavorful BEEF ROAST Blade or Arm Cut AAf Grade A Steer Beef', .lb. t'C Government Inspected BACON Armour's Star SLA. Armours . by the piece lb. QIC Star lb. 3 DC Tender and Rich in Vitamins lb. ) 7C PURE LARD Cranberry Sauce 94c Ocean Spray Whole tall can Cranberry Cocktail 95t Ocean Spray 12 oz. bottle Bartlett Pears Red Tag In Choice Syrup, No. 2V4 Snider's, in heavy syrup 33 C Peaches AQf Ruby Sliced No. 10 can Canned Tomatoes 00. akiiV 1