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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1947)
Smoking Ban Made Official An ordinance was enacted by the city council Wednesday night to prohibit smoking at boxing matches in the armory, or other places where similar athletic meets are held. The measure is primarily a fire pre vention move and had the back ing of Tire Chief W. P. Roble. The ordinance bill severely restricting the sale and use of fireworks was put through three readings and passed. In the downtown area it completely prohibits fireworks shooting, and in other parts of the city limits them to three days, while retail sales are limited to 11 days. . A zone change by ordinance was approved in J. Myers addi tion where a trailer court is to be established. Introduced was a bill lo re new the franchise of the South ern Pacific company on Union street for a year. A bill to ex tend Frederick street, and one accepting property deeds from Virgil Anderson and R. A. Ram age were introduced. A petition signed by about 40 people was received, asking for installation of traffic lights at Center and North Cottage. City Manager J. L. Franzen re ported that petitions had been found sufficient for the im provement of Frederick, from 20th to Breys; Adams, from 23rd to 24th: and Spruce from Cherry to Myrtle. Plans and specifications were approved, and intention to im prove declared, for the alley in block 13 of North Salem addi tion; East Nob Hill street, from Superior to Oxford; Pine, from Laurel to Myrtle; Jefferson, from Commercial to Fifth; and 15th, from Market lo Norway Three letters, one signed by 12 persons, were read asking that the council grant a further franchise or permit to Salem Electric so that it may install service in a number of homes. Jefferson Holding May Day Program Jefferson, May 8 Annual observance of May day will be held by the Jefferson schools Friday starting with a genera! assembly at 9 o'clock, eighth grade competitive races during the remainder of the morning, and luncheon at noon with the sophomores selling food. The May day dances by the grade school will be held at 1:15 o'clock with Jefferson and Aumsville baseball teams play ing at 2:30 o'clock. All eighth grades sending high school stu dents to Jefferson will be honor guests for the day. Members of the royal court are Queen Betty Jo Herring ton, King Gene Pilcher, Prin cesses Betty Burns Baxter, Doro thy Brown, Jeneane Christen sen, Lucille Corbit, Betty Jean Fish, Shirley Jorgenson, Melissa Robnett and Marlena Sparks. Mrs. Foster Honored Macleay Mrs. L. H. Foster was honored with a shower at the home of Mrs. John Gruchow with Mrs. A. Zuricker assisting hostess. Guests present were Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Joe Fredrick, Mrs. V. Fredrick, Mrs. Albert Sahli, Mrs. Roy Horsley, Mrs. W. F. Cole, Mrs. Art Spellbronk, Mrs. Irvin Bar tels, Mrs. Wilber Miller, Mrs. J. O. Jolley, Mrs. Stella Mas ten, Mrs. Bill Bettleyoun, Mrs. Art Johnson. giveem a match -thatf! make em cheer On the one hand lively flavor, on the other nouriihing food value they mak on exciting match in tight, crisp, new, ready-to-eat Corn-Soya. Get it at your grocer's today. 3 iiHr-' Uom, SOYA Mf CORM hr rv.r mi r Legion Club License Request Approved Recommendation of the city council will go to the state li quor commission for the grant ing of a club license to Capital Post No. 9. American Legion. If approved a bar will be in stalled in the club rooms at North Collage and Chemekela. The application, when it came up Wednesday night, had the recommendation of City Man ager J. L. Franzen and was ap proved by the council without argument. Falls City Mothers' day will be observed at the various churches Sunday morning. A gift will be presented to the old est and youngest mother present. Leo San Juan Bound? New York, May 8 (U.R) Re fusing direct comment, Leo Du rocher, suspended Brooklyn Dodger manager, indicated to day he would listen to a propo sition by a Puerto Rico winter league official to manage the San Juan ctub this fall. I LEGAL TAXPAYER'S NOTICE The Board of Equalization meets rm the irrond Monday In May of fuch year for the purpose of exAminlnn, correcting. nnl equalizing the ssstsamrnt rolls ol Mar ton County, Oregon. Alt persons df .sir inn to protest any assessment, on said rolls must do so according to the follow ing provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a par ticular assessment shall be made In writ ing, verified by the oaih of the appli cant or hit attorney, and be tiled with the Board within 1 weelc from the tune it la by law requirrd to meet: and any Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday," May R, 1947 11 petition or application not so niRde. verl- May 19. 1947, at 10.00 o'clock in the for- fied and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. " R. "Tad" Fhelton, fJoiinty Assessor fnr Marion County. Oregon. ArJ 24, Ma.- 1. 8. Tf ndf r. juicy, flS LYNDEN CHICKEN FRICASSEE MwMkffM "Half chicken in a can"- 2 jf! Delicioui with dumpling) AiRTTfAhjl I If or hot bUcuit.l iSMui l ADMINISTRATORS FINAL NOTICE Notice la hereoy g;n tr, M. LOOSE and REX OIBSON t rators ol the estnie ol LOR EN LOOSE deceased, have tiled their final account a such. and tv oror or the Circuit Cour; of :he State of Oreaon for Marion Co'inty noon of said day has been fixed t.i time, and the courtroom of said Court n been fixed as the place for the ticanriB -f obierlions to said Final Account and th j settlement of tald estate. ! BETHINE M. LOOSK, REX GIBSON. I Administrators of the Evan f Loren Looie. Dccea BETHINt : R HOT EN A: RHOTFN, SAM F. SPEERSTRA. Attorneys for the Estate, Pioneer Buildinj, Salem, Oregon. April 17. 24: Mav i. a. iy Solerxier. 5o Sweet... So Good to Eat It's that wonderful, fresh from the garden flavor that makes everybody crave PictSwcet Peas. Find out for yourselftake your pick with PictSwcet TODAY t J f PmtnnPus VITAMINS AND MINERALS ARE r:-i t r,AM h nct nf western cardens whisked to Flav.R-Pac Fresh Freerinf: unit not a moment ii lost. All the goodness and flavor is "sealed in" these quality (ruits and vegetable. Judge them by taste-Flav-R-Pac Frozen Fruits and Vegetables meet every test. Buy Flav-R-Pac, you'll come back for more! AT YOUR GROCERS fame mtkers such tsflM hythe modem match. "WlmtfCLOROX-CLEAN FordOM provides adiM , Health protection .disintettsjeffl danger zones! T r-.IVE your housekeeping b'het'lth outhonties-sPW " e deodorlIe, remov for Cloro d.s.nfec ts, ing Q,d, too. slains. Clorox is ' by an elusive, It is tree rom -enAe on linen, Clorox patenlcd process .b - .mg linen, S-pW reduces bn e,obel. follow on the aV u&m. let BOON Household Cleaner save yo time and work. U wipes away dirt and grease from washable surfaces quickly, easily. It's safe on pain) and hands. Al vour arocerV MADI IY IHI M4KBS Of CLOftOX coffee ill yCvyti NEW, IMPROVED Albers Corn Flakes are When you can buy coffee that never fails to bring you the same delightful aroma and delicious flavor in your cup. ..that is really a treat! Hills Bros. Coffee does just that-like magic-every time you make it, 'Controlled Roasting, an exclusive Hills Bros, process which Insures an even roast for every coffee bean, is one of the rea sons for this uniform goodness. To bring Hills Bros. Coffee to you with all its freshness, it is vacuum-packed in cans and the new Ultra-Vac jars. IN IARS like this!" 'V'.rr'A Try oil of thet different, all delicious! Albert GRINDS 1. Regular Grind 2. The New Dfip and Glass-Maker Grind IN CANS Sinct mcfal luppfiti srt ififl timiltd, Milt Bret. Coffit in com moy nef efwoi b obtainable. AM tt xtra tori appnal f "Contfolled-ToaKing" IT Pcirli of Wkii FARINA Criamy wheal haalthful for babiei, youngtltri, adultt. Tat-tempting corn brtod or avfftfu grand for any miol. 11 M fl ; - Urn? "iii'i,ji.ttiifrMijjMPjl IJfpwpillJIIMIWiliiyWWMWg'1' ' olfciiBEi fori? axuxH J ALWAYS WJY NIW, IMPROVED AlBERl CORN FLAKES look for lh rd Bid yellow paekoga at our grocer I now ElMffl This new, exclusive toasting process assures ensper, more tender flakes of uniform golden-brown perfection. Look for the many tiny, thin-walled, crisply-toasted bubbles on the flakes! They make flakes more tender keep 'em crisper! WESTERN MADE the only corn flakes made right here on the West Coast, New Albers Corn P lakes naturally reach your grocer s shel vesfaster, fresher! TRIPLE-WRAPPED the only corn flakes packaged with anextra outer wax wrap. Thisadded protection Jteeps flakes crisper. Laboratory tests prove that New Albers Corn Flakes stay fresher!