id Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 8, 1947 Prizes for St. Paul Rodeo St. Paul Hard-riding western cowboys will compete iot $8,600 in prize money, the second larg est purse posted to date by any northwest show, during the three-day 12th annua! St. Paul rodeo scheduled July 3, 4, 5 at St. Paul. This amount does not include $520 in special prizes, $250 in cash to best all-around cowboy of the 1947 show, and a revolv ing championship trophy, Gen eral Chairman Ray Manegre ex plains, Bronc riding, bull dogging and calf roping each carry a SI 200 purse. The other four events, wild horse racing, bare back bronc riding, wild cow milking, and Brahma bull rid ing, each post $1000 in prize money. Cash awards of $750 will be split among the first two winners of the pony express, St. Paul derby, cowgirls' and boys' pony races. This will be the first St. Paul rodeo at which bareback bronc riding has been on the main event list. Secretary Carl Smith, St. Paul, explains that holders of the four best three-day aver ages in the main events will split the entry fees 40, 30, 20 anl 10 per cent, respectively. Unionvale All United States mail box posts and daily paper posts in this area arc being set uniform, seven feet from the edge of the pavement, by order of the state highway commis sion and a state crew is setting uniform type mail box posts. This is being done for traffic safety. yeM Shop Thos. Kay Woolen Co. "RETAIL DEPT." 260 So. 12ih St. for Yardage Goods 2 1 r' ' A NOTICE TALL MEN If you are 6 FEET TALL or over, you will look hand some in a Double Breasted Glen Plaid Suit RIGHT NOW We have a limited number of these fine 10096 wool worsted, expertly tailored, smart-looking SUITS Sizes 37 to a Also an Excellent Selection of Top Quality SPORT COATS AND SLACKS in All Sizci Don't delay come in to day. You find it pays all ways to shop J.J.s. Clothes Shop Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men 387 State St. 2 Doors West of Liberty on Stale Next to llartman's Jewelry Store J.J, Ull fliEEB fflifteD (bp Grocery Features Effective Friday through Monday Fruits, Juices, Vegetables Apricot Halves ''" pm No. i'i 27c Royal Anne Cherries 5l" ' N- ' 39c Grape fruit Highway (hroktn) No. 2 can 5C Peaches ''" h"lv" No' 2Vl "n 27c Pear Juice L'bl,y b"""i ,2 ci- 10c Grape Juice c"' ? 37c p1" 20c Grapefruit Juice rw" Ho"" -01 19c Tangerine Juice K"'' N-1 "n lUc Vegetable Juice He,t'' Weo" - 25c V-8 Vegetable Coclctail N-2 1 3c Diced Carrots Blue Tag 2s 3 cans 25c Diced Beets, White Tag 2s 3 cans 25c Sauerkraut Highway can Spaghetti Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn Salad Vegetables French Dressing com... th m h Theie Prices Effective in All Safeway Stores in Salem, Silverton, Dallas ere are typical prices to prove that your food dollar does go farther at Safeway. See how you save a few cents here, a few cents there. But before you decide it's not very much, add up the savings. You'll find shop--ping at Safeway is like putting money in the bank. Come in today, compare prices. Learn how much more you get for your money at Safeway. $4- Vk BAG SALE TP A BT-l 43c - V7.,bury i6-b9 oka. Ten r...t 119 $038 case as. brand Superior brand Whole-milk cheese No. 21, cn 19' 39c Edwards Coffee Mb. 47c; 2-lb. 93c Wakefield Coffee 1-lb. can 43c Nob Hill Coffee 1-lb. 42c; 2-lb. 83c Airway Coffee 1-lb. 39c; 3-lb. $1.15 Pan-American No. 1 with Mushrooms can 4 cans 46 or. can Master- No. 2 piece can 25 3 cans 5C 23c Top-grade cuts that will cook tender and delicious Perfect for braising or boiling Delicious for an old-fashion stew! Sirloin U. S. Groded Choice & Good Special lb. 59' Pork Roast SKoldf Rovftd bona lb.45e Skinned Hams Sugar Cured CQc Halt or whola ham ID.97 Ground Beef Ground fraK daily Ifaa 39 Piece Bacon lb.59c Sugr Cured Very flavorful Sliced Bacon Hormel Dairy brand L Cc or Morrell's Pride IDo Ui? FRESH Chinook Salmon nylhelL, AKC CTriic I U . T J I tHIJ ride lb. 49' Halibut Steaks Firm, flaky filh "49C Fresh Oysters Medium tiiei pint 59 Whole Crabs FrtJi cooked lb.25 Meat Features Effective Friday and Saturday Damq Sweet Pickin's No. 2 QC I Sv4j or Gardenside cans Pork & Beans CHEESE Fruit Cocktail "szatt" 37' LARD ttxti 4E 98c Chili Sauce Moneta Brand, Special inroz. 4Q bottle I These ore some of the many typical values now at your Safeway, which reflect recent price reductions Cherub Canned Milk IS! Case $5.25 Nationally Advertised Brands Tall O . $ cans Mm for mm V V Case 5.49 GREEN BEANS French Style can Armour's Treet, Cudahy Tang, Swift's Prem Luncheon Meats 10c 16 oi. 7 f bottle 0 V Fresh Eggs Grade A Large (""f Sizes per dozen I C Grade A Medium f r Sizes per dozen C Apple Juice s& w 16c 35c 32 - 35c bottle 4V 1 2 oz. battle 15c 12 oi can Busy Baker 2-lb. pkg. Soda Crackers "Something New and Delicious in Sodas" 9c Sweet Potatoes Marydalt NUCOA Margarine No. 2 i 19c 39c 2-lb. 78 c ' New Cheese Prices Velveeta Cheese, Kraft 'A-lb. pkg. 25c American Cheese, Kraft '2-b- Pk9- 28c American Cheese, Dutch Mill '2-lb. pkg. 28c American Cheese, Dutch Mill 2-lb. loaf 89c Velveeta Cheese, Kraft 2-lb. loaf 77c Breeie Cheese, American type 2-lb. 77c Shortening, Dressings Snowdrift Shortening 3-lb. jar $1.29 Royal Satin Shortening 3-lb. jar '.29 Salad Dressing, Duchess pint 39c Miracle Whip, Kraft pint 39c Miscellaneous Values Seedless Raisins, Valley 1 1 -ox. pkg. I5& Walnut Meats, No shells '2-lb. pkg. 55c Dried Prunes 2-lb. pkg. 39c; 4-lb. pkg. 77c Soda Crackers, Tasty Maid 6'2-oz. pkg. 10c Soda Crackers, Snowflakes 2-lb. pkg. 39c Tea Biscuits "' p1-17c Assorted Cookies p's- 23c Potato Chips " "-.,,. 25c Popped Corn " 10c Popped Corn w 7y,.. can 29c Genuine Whole DILL PCKLPQ tj Brand " TOC lar mm MKfl u. 32 e h. IS c i 9f sOAf S04p 5 MARGARINE PARKAY or SUNNY 1ANK LI. 19 19 Canning. Supplier. KERR, Regular Lids pkg. of 12 10c KERR, Wide Mouth pkg. of 12 I7c BALL, Glass Lids pkg. of 1 2 1 5c Jar Caps, Kerr or Ball, pkg. of 1 2, 25c Anchor Hocking Caps, pkg. of 1 2 1 5c Kerr Caps, wide mouth pkg. ( 1 2) 35c Kerr Caps, Economy, pkg. of 1 2 22c Kerr Economy Clamps, pkg. (1 2) 1 5c Ball Jars Rubbers Widt m-Tc" w pkg. 5c Top Seal, Reg. new style 3 pkgs. 10c Jars, reg. Mason Do,,n ' PiM' or P'nH 79c Jars, reg. Mason 9"H Per dozen 98c Economy Jars tMi- doz. 89c; ?. $ 1 .09 Wide Mouth doz. 98c; Qts. $I.I9 mW m vi i w m f ' Perfect for salads because they are carefully chosen, then rushed to our stores at their tip-top best. x ASPARAGUS Just right for canning! NEW LOW SEASONAL PRICE EFFECTIVE FRIDAY MORNING LEMONS Thin skins juicy lb. ORANGES California Navels lb. Green Onions Garden fresh lb. RADISHES Crisp red ones lb. RHUBARB Ideal for pies lb. SPINACH Local crop, bunched lie 10c 18c 20c 4e 5c lb. Strawberries Fresh daily by air ex press. Large, luscious sweet berries at each day's new lower mar ket price. Desert Sweet Grapefruit Sweet nd Ik A.C w. w Jui New POTATOES U. S. No. I's Shaffer Whites 'A' Size 5 lbs. 19c Produce Features Effective Friday and Saturday