SalemMan Found Dead Marvin Richard Beal, 31, of Salem, was found dead yester day at the home of his estran ged wife in Spokane, and de tectives said two notes were found in the house. The body was hanging from an attic brace. Police said Beal and his wife separated two months ago but never instituted divorce pro ceedings. He had moved to Sa lem but returned to Spokane Monday. Silverton Eating Place Again Open Silverton Following clos ing for a week for completion of change in ownership, the former Bud and Frank's place is opened to the public with J Werline and Pat Grogan the new proprietors with three sep arate working cews, opening every day and evenings, serv ing breakfasts to early workers from 5 a.m., and remaining x open until midnight. W Werline is a member of a , well known Independence fami- " ly. Grogan, veteran of World War 2, has been a local resident for a number of years, and is a past commander of. Delbert Reeves post No. 7, American Legion. The business was under the owner and managership of the George Manolises for a number of years. A. Hart and Frank Vlasic acquired the cafe from Manolis around two years ago changing the name to "Bud and Frank's Place," and completed the sale to the two young men a fortnight ago. Silverton Odd Fellows Lodge Has Visitors Silverton Forty-five mem bers of City View Odd Fellows lodge of Portland chartered a bus and came to Silverton lodge meeting with their degree team who put on the floor work for the first and second degree of initiation of a large group of candidates from various lodges including Rock Creek, Canby. Monitor, Butteville and Silver ton. Visitors came from Salem, Stayton, Mill City, Woodburn, Monitor and Gervais. With the Portland members were Fred Pinkham, superin tendent, and four members of the Odd Fellows home, and Past Grand Master Joseph P. Eckley The largest crowd present at the hall for many years enjoyed "the formal program and the so cial time following. Serving supper were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McClure, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Allen and Mr. and Mrs. John Gehrke. 'I Hop 5 ' ' f j. .minimi nnrnitofaa r JVNfH g . , f .f,r imiiMii mi iV"5' 4 Yard Workers' uality Improved hop yard in this area is well advanced this spring according to Robert C. Baker, executive secretary of the Hop Growers association. In most yards hoeing of the Independence Work in u,ei "ops nas ocen completed ana way. according to Baker who said that not only is help more plentiful than for several years Free Lubrications ! DURING MONTH OF I MAY I but the calibre of the workers now coming into this area is j above that of the war years. Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Wednesday, May 7, 1947 5 Family Picnic Held Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. I Henry Knoche attended a fam ily picnic in the Eola Hills com plimenting their uncle and aunt, .Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knoche and sons, Merle and Verle of Stafford, Kans Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Knoche of Amity, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armentrout of Wobfoot were additional guests. Yes we have decided to carry over another month our special free $1.50 lube, because we want every Salem Auto owner to come in and get acquainted and see the type of service we do. Teague Motor Company 355 North Liberty St. Phone 7001 4 t J Jt J Goldenwcds Observing their golden wedding anniversary in their home recently were Mr. and Mrs. Jens H. Laudahl of Dallas who were married in March, 1897. Many friends, neigh bors and relatives called to pay their respects to the couple. Six of 13 children were present for-the occasion. Mr. and Mrs Laudahl have 36 grandchildren. Claude Bray Named To Coroner Office Albany Appointment of Claude Bray of Albany as dep uty Linn county coroner was announced Saturday by Coroner Glenn Huston of Lebanon. Coroner Huston stated that this appointment is in accord ance with a plan which he had adopted immediately upon his appointment by the Linn county recently as coroner to succeed the late E. C. Fisher. Deputy Coroner Bray will assist the coroner, acting gener ally in cases which arise in the western portion of the county while the coroner himself will cover the eastern portion of the county, but serving chiefly dur ing absence of the coroner from the county. The new deputy coroner was at one time associated with the Fortmiller funeral home but in recent years has been engaged in private business. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c 15-Pound Baby Born Stanford, Ky., May 7 WV Dr. Julian Wright said today that Mrs. A. B. Thomason, 41, of Mt. Vernon, Ky., gave birth in a Stanford hospital today to a baby boy weighing 15 pounds. 1 5 'i ounces. maw More Logs To The Mi with a im 2SSTOV CHAM SA W Production goes up ond costs come down when you have o Disston Chain Sow working on your job. Ruggedly-built for heavy duty, the Disston is the power saw you wont for all your felling and bucking. Let us give you all the facts about the Disston Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come in and talk it over. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem, lac. 1058 South Commercial Phone 8023 Thos. Kay Woolen Co. "RETAIL DEPT." 260 So. 12th St. for Yardage Goods 24-Hour Service Phone either 9694, 8495, 21708, 3893 or 5954 Any Time, Day or Night and one of our well informed courteous sales representa tives will call to assist you with any roofing; problem you might have. Vermont Slate Surfaced Roofs Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 LANA AVE., SALEM jL .55 Guaranteed WATCH REPAIRING 3-Day Service Out-of-town custom ers may send in then watches. We will moil estimate before repairing. 9 r eS2I I I 1 I ' ' ' "Evervurich needs them. I ifTSk I Every picnic demands them. 1 tfii Jm I Everybody likes .them. They're a 1 ( 7 18 I delicious, nutritious 1 it 1 Sr f I EVERYDAY FOOD. I I UTVtO 1 EXTRA LARGE! I '?W I EXTRA FRESH! 1 I C"' EXTRA CRISP! I I UV I EXTRA GOOD! 1 OTARION "THE LITTLE EAR" Come in for a free trial of the New Light Singlepack Let us explain the Concealed Receiver No Receiver Button at the Ear FOR SALE BY OWNER in Lou mar Heights Addition 1 Block West of Commercial, .lust South of Hoyt 35 LARGE CHOICE LOTS Very desirable location, close to 2 schools. Salem's south side higher elevation. L. W. Rath 3S6 Jerris St. Tc!. R819 All Makes of Hearing Aids Repaired OTARION HEARING AID CENTER P. O. Ward, Mgr. 466 Court St., Salem, Oregon Phone 21000 THURSDAY ONLY SHOE REPAIR SPECIAL Women's Leather or Composition P HEE iJ W hile-You-Wait Service Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned and Mothproofed in your home. Work Guaranteed, Insured Salem Duraclean Service Phone S736 The Only Complete Body Shop in Town ONE-STOP SERVICE Frame and Whrel Alignment Wrcrks Completely Rebuilt Fiiintinc. Lacquer or Enamel Convertible Tops, Custom Built Seat Covers, Plastic or Fiber STEAM CLEANING AND WASHING Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 North Commercial Phone 3188 ii -''WiMIMiallmUMIdlMIIW (e- (W&i iAilXAWJr mt?mm sm. treat 'm NEGRO 'A BIBLE L 6 , J. Spike or Small Cuban 19c with this ad The Fastest Shoe Repair in Town All Work J Guaranteed Half Soles Full Soles Toe Tips Heel Lifts f Metal Plates, etc. S This FREE BOOK tells you how To help combat the rising toll of deaths and injuries from traffic accidents, General Petroleum Corp. has published an authori tative book on safe driving. Illustrated completely and colorful!)', this book is being distributed free by your Mobilgas Dealer. It is endorsed by the National Safety Council, police chiefs, and educators. It may save your life, or the lives of your children. Every member of your family should read it. Get your free copy of "Young Pilots" today. Mobilgas FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LIBERTY AND MARION ALL SEATS FREE Treat Your FAMILY 1 -riSS-1 Tangy - - Fragrant -Refreshing as a Cool, Summer's Breeze Remember the rich creamy smooth buttermilk Grandma made and kept in a blue earth enware jug at the back of the spring house? You'll find the same old-fashioned whole someness and unforgettable flavor in Mayflower Butter milk, a delicious dairy drink the whole family will love. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR 2135 Fairgrounds Road Phone 9205