r 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 7, 1947 ings You Wil I Need for Spring f r r and v-Vrt. OUR CREDIT PLAN I ' i v irxturc and ' JJBf?Sif. . , ,wsliry texture and flower brigh color, have " ' ,,, rugs yo, i-". 5lrl,o ,Wn. Color-iasi ." r dn , ..i:, washm'- ,, pro lover, ti mt Mill urn iiaMS best ! house Tlinl Another Kcnw- , " w array RorBeuu .. evct secn . . loveliest lors"-' Is aJ6Umot- 1 "Croon.. . ... in , Koom. 5? SERWIN-WHU. WALLPAPER J THE YOUNGER GENERATION ; Disono:!::;iw0.: , able. Tr, th. m0P'e jlinio, horsemn. 2 COWBOY and hunting seen es m,a,. 3 AIRPLANE, marine and map pa-tern c,s ill l these- . , The V"mM ,M 4 GINGHAM STRIPES .. 6 . ' in . modern y. ,0 may uses. 5. CHECKS with aa, bo-d rs ' room. 6 CH.NTZ .0- the p0e,nS. Use these 7 MEDALLIONS and small o a g American. . tinRAUS gay and bright or dene 8' nR,Ah Cen9tnyry, as you , 0(. ;HURSERYPASmS,ad.rab,e- t-"''"N COURT STREti with Venetian Blinds. Aone-cot ntcnt for yout urniture.wood. work...oys! High gloss V 0 :lcfiniA.RV .,k, r acitls, Hi"- - L-.rrhenS. ,hr00m: fresh, cheerful volo."i,.:ti- Qt. 95 4 1 rfflTSSS "i' 1 Tiave yout oW AVe will paint anything from a bird house to a super cannery. WAX greens .-. them year? roore Scrvice.wiihh' .ooa-'"""-."' on.cloRP'8 black enamel.. iikcn.iin-MORt tm ,Kt' 1':,.:iVa,"viv, I lu.cly sale'- . od. 10 Your me-.mr.s. JJ-JJ ,ian blind, on ,. h, in we.gh I. . se. blind a. any de'"' ,amp,., nowl We have a very flexible credit plan, adaptable to most any in dividual require- I I ICI II. We will paint your house . . . put on a new roof . . . or modernize your kitchen and bath room with Colotyle for nothing clown and 36 monthly payments. Electric or gas appliances . . . furniture . . . drapes . . . slip covers . . . health lamps . . . wall rug paper paint . liipl nrps . "tv electrical fixtures . . . table lamps . . . baby buggies . . . lawn t - furniture refrig cases fountains ;erated food soda . . . Toys in fact lauios ... in lact anything in the store may be purchased for a small payment and easy monthly payments up to 15 months. i' wipe it on- r 340 COURT STREET