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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1947)
flast Salem Home Extension j Units Look to New Year !. J East Salem, May 6 Each year the last regular home extension ! meetings are held in the month o May. Officers who were elected r in April will be installed so they will be ready to take over the -new work in October and help with the planning of the proj ects to be presented next year. Women who plan to attend and have some special subjects they would like to have considered at the next year's meeting should contact the new unit chairman before May 14, which is program planning day. The project to be presented at all East Salem units this month is, "Care of the Feet" and will be given by project leaders from each unit. Lansing Neighbors unit will meet on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Harry C. Otte at 350 Evergreen avenue. East Salem unit will meet at 1:30 in the home of Mrs. Glenn Larkins on Hollywood drive. Mr. and Mrs. George Burt are back at their home on Montana lane after almost a month's visit with relatives and friends in Nebraska, at and their their former home. Three families have sold their homes in Swegle district and will be moving as soon as school is outt the Earl Tuckers, Les ter Boltons and John Steels. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson will be moving tnto Salem this week, and Mrs. William Hensell will take over thejr home which she bought. Mrs. "Archie Wentje is in Salem General hospital where she is recovering from a major operation of the first of last week. She plans on return ing to her home on Lancaster drive this week. Welfare Checks Placed in Mail j , J Portland, May 6 W) Most of j the 30,000 Oregon aged, blind j and dependent children whose i welfare checks for May were I delayed, received them by to-day, the state welfare commis ! sion reported. s Miss Loa Howard, administra ; tor, said the checks were mailed I Sunday when the federal social f security check for the allotments ! was received by air mail. i Jap Seed Oysters j Planted on Coast ; ; Portland, May 6 MP) Seed !' oysters from Japan have been planted in four Oregon bays, the Oregon state fish commis h .sion reported today, ft A The seed, of a smaller variety Xfthan previous plantings and a '' size favored in Atlantic coast ' markets, was obtained in Japan ; by the Washington state fish l, eries biologists for northwest i: planting. The Oregon beds are located in Tillamook, Yaquina, ; Winchester and Coos bays. . i Benjamin Franklin was the ! first head of the U. S. postal service Cop Sentenced to 10 Years in Pen Mt. Vernon, Wash., May 6 U.R Dan Hogan, former Seattle po liceman, today was under sen tence of 10 years in the state penitentiary after his conviction on second degree assault charges last November. Judge W. L. Brikey imposed the sentence yesterday. Hogan was convicted of slug ging Wayne Noble, a sailor, with a chain last spring when the lat ter complained a steak cooked by Hogan in a local cafe was not edible. Defense Attorney Tracy Grif fin, Seattle, said he would ap peal the case to the state su preme court. Bail was set at $8000. Navy Man Visits Lake Labish, May 8 Richard M. Hirsch, chief motor machin ist mate, USN, is visiting at his home here on leave after 20 years spent in the navy. He graduated from Lake Labish school 20 years ago under Miss Anna Harold, teacher. He car ries numerous decorations and service bars indicative of his long service. He will visit here briefly before returning to his ship USS Bayfield at San Diego. He is married and his home 1s at Oakland, Calif. Larmer Receives tiding Approval D. A. Larmer received ap proval Monday from the civilian production administration for construction of a warehouse for his transfer and storage busi ness. The building will cost an estimated $90,000, and will be located north of the warehouse on Broadway. The Western Paper Convert ing company has received ap proval for a machine shop to cost $3450, and Warren Doolittle for a truck service station m West Salem to cost $7500. C. H. Hoyt Silverton got ap proval for a warehouse to cost an estimated $18,000. ! STORAGE . "WHERE THE BEST IS V I f ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST" j' j j REPAIRING! j RESTYLING! I CLEANING! . I ALL ON THE PREMISES 10 BIG SPECIALS FOR JO BIG DAYS Brown or Black Wedgie Play SANDALS Also broken lines of white or beige Slave Sandals. Regular 3.45 and 3.95 Now 1.97 WOMEN'S SMARTLY STYLED Novelty DRESS SHOES Reg. 5.95 to 7.75 Now 3.79 ONE GROUP WEDGIE SANDALS In. White, Red, Beige ond Brown Regular 4.95 Now 2.97 Large Lot of Children's Play Shoes All Colors Values to 4.00 Now 2.29 Blue Novelty Dress and Arch Sup port Shoes Reg. 5.95 and 6.85 Now 440 Two Big Specials Girls' White or Brown Loafers Regular 5.95 Now 3.97 One Group WHITE SANDALS Military heels. The ideal shoe for gradu ation. Regular 4.95 Now 2.97 One Group of White Wedgie OXFORDS All Sizes Regular 6.85 Now 4.87 One Large Group Girls' Brown OXFORDS All Sizes, 4-9 Regular 4.95 Now 3.29 MEN'S House Slippers Black Romeos Regular 4.15 Now . 2J0 Also Men's and Women's $5.00 Camp Mocs All Sizes. Men's Engineer's Boots, Riding Boots and Calked Loggers at Extra Special Savings STYLE-ARCH SHOE CO. LEGAL Nations! Forest Timber for Sale Oral auction bids will b received by the Regional Forester, Post OKlct Build Inc. Broadway U Qlisin 8U., Portland, Ore on. becinnf m at 3 :00 p.m., June 8. 1947, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchant able dead timber located on an area em bracing about 500 acres within Section T. S 8.. R. S I., and Sections . 7. and 18. T. 9 8.. R. 5 r.. W.M., Willam ette National Fort, Oregon, estimated to be 18,507,000 feet B.M., more or less, Thos. Kay Woolen Co. "RETAIL DEPT." 260 So. 12th St. for Yardage Goods of ttouiln-fir, 11,148,000 feet B.&T. more or leu, of western hemlock. 3.611.000 feet B.M., more or less, or western redcedar, 219,000 feet B.M., mora or less, of noble fir, 313,000 feet B.H., more or less, of white fir, 41,000 feet B.M., more or leu, of western white pine, and 5,000 feet B.M., more or less, of Alaska yellow ce dar. Sealed bids accompanied by required payment received by the Regional Forest er prior to 2:00 p.m., June t, 1947, will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted for the Information of all bidders. The appraised value of the tim ber according to long-term, normal mar ket and operating conditions is 14.90 per M feet for Douglas-fir, II. 85 per M feet for western hemlock. 14,40 per M feet for western redcedar, SI. 85 per M feet for noble fir. S1.85 per M feet for white fir. 14.90 per M feet for western white pine, and $4.40 per M feet for Alaska yellow cedar. No bid will be considered which is u than these rates as a base rate applicable through the entire period of the sale agreement, plus at least 13.40 per U feet for Douglas-fir, SI. 15 per M feet for western hemlock, S0.85 per M feet for western redcedar, 11.15 per M feet for noble fir. si. 15 per M feet for whit fir. 12.40 per M feet for western white pine, and S0.85 per M feet for Alaska yellow cedar, the total to apply for all timber cut prior to January 1, 1949. On that date and at other times, as stated In the contract, total rates will be redetermined, but in no event will the redetermined stumpage rates be leas than the basic appraised value as first above stated, tni In event will rates below those bid be established until at least l 000,000 feet B.M. have been cut and paid for at not leu than the bid rates. In ad dition to the prices bid for stumpage, a cooperative deposit of S0.20 per H feet B.M., to cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand Improve ment work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber under the terms or the agreement, will be required. 115,000.00 to be applied on the purchase price, re funded, or retained In part aj liquidated damages according to conditions of sale, must accompany each sealed bid and must be shown to be in the possession of oral bidders u a qualification for auction bid ding. If an oral bid Is declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bidder mut immediately make the re quired payment and confirm the bid by submitting It In writing on a Forest Ser vice bid form. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Eugene, Ore gon, or the Regional Forester, Portland, Oregon. NCTtCB OF PUBLIC HE AXING NOTICE Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, at the meeting of said Council to be held at the City Hall, In Salem, Marlon County, Ore gon, at a:w ocioec p.m. en Hay 7, 1947. will hear all persons particularly Inter- J A I OTARION "THE LITTLE EAR" Come in for a free trial of the New Light Singlepack Let us explain the Concealed Receiver No Receiver Button at the Ear All Mokes of Hearing Aids Repaired OTARION HEARING AID CENTER H. O. Ward, Mjrr. its Court St., Salem, Orefon Phone 24000 The Only Complete Body Shop in Town ONE-STOP SERVICE Frame and Wheel Alimment Wrecks Completely Rebuilt Faintinir, Lacquer or Enamel Convertible Tops, Custom Built Seat Covers, Plastic or Fiber STEAM CLEANING AND WASHING Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 North Commercial Fhone 3188 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May fi, 1947- ested and the general public In the mat ter of the petition and proposal to change from a Class II Residential District to a Claas III Business District the following aeseriDea premises, to-wit; Lots 1, 2, 6, 7 and S, Block 13, J. Myer-' Addition to the City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon. By order of the Common Council. Alfred Mundt, City Recorder. May 3-5-6. 108 CALL FOR BIDS The Rickreall School Board will re ceive sealed bids to May 32 at 8 o'clock P.M. lor the transportation of their pupils to the grade school for the year 1847-48. S. B. Holt, Clprlc Dlst. No. 26 Rlckreall, Oregon 10B Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned and Mothproofed In your home. Work Guaranteed, Insured Salem Duraclean Service Phone 3736 Journal Want Ads Kay RUBINOFF And His Violin Sponsored by SALEM JR. WOMEN'S CLUB Wednesday Evening, May 7 Salem Hi School Auditorium, 8:30 Tickets on sale at Miller's Dept. Store. Reserved, S3. 40 and $1.80, Tax Included. General Admission $1,20, Tax Included. fine flavob Schilling -"Vanilla A Wonderful vtnilla (fiver! Schilling part Vinilla is deli, cate, exotic fragrance, yet it will not bake or freeze out. The Schilling brand has stood for quality for 65 yean. AllO 1 OTHIt FOOD IUVOII AND COlOU YOUR DREAM of a vacation trip to Alaska can come TRUE... All of us have some special spot we've dreamed about ... a place we hope someday to make the mecca of a perfect vacation trip. It may be Alaska, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, or some intri guing part of the United States. You can enjoy that ideal vacation. Plan now; to make your dream come true by starting a savings account at the First National Bank of Portland. Regular savings . . , setting aside a little of each week's earnings . . . will provide the key, to your vacation-land. A savings account at the First National Bank of Portland is a good investment in the future. Come in today and get your account started. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland MIMIII FIDIIAl BIPOSIT INSUtANCI COtfOlATIOM DENIS0N & STONE Electrical Contractors Specialists in Adequate Wiring Farm Lines o Industrial Residential Stressing Speed, Service, Quality and Reliability. Call us for an estimate. Phone 8605 3055 Portland Rd. SALEM, OREGON 11"" .iTAffiSfr- ...ion. t mrnrn IBUmn A the first sion of fieodoche, nervousness or fatigue, com. in for a FREE Examination by one of our Registered Optometrists. Glasses will not b. prescribed unless absolutely necessary. - - iiiiiil W NO CASH DOWN ...on Approral of Your Credit Buy your Glosses this easy way ot Dr. Scmler's Optical Dept. NO INTEREST OR EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT . . . Weor Your Glasses 30 Days before making first payment. 10 3 DAY SERVICE Bulance Low we vie rftc I ...rfiHic.ifl A.'-, V eases excepted. J " WATERS-ADOLPH BLDG. JO A. M lS tior.M. X) X. M. ss u s.. A I sex STATE J COMMERCIAL 2nd Floor Salem t- Ovj f or mo ACf Iff. l-r?d Op)"'. nji tg-if4 Op'0""''.s Or M I .t'r 0' '! Owmhttf, Oe W- C Wr-"'-" P' 0' (6t 1 Cc).- Si 357 State Street Next to Midget Market