West Salem Council Clears Utility Franchise Problems West Salem, May 8 The city council tentatively cleared the way for extension of the Salem schools' recreational and playground program to the West Salem community through action taken at its meeting held last night. Au- thorization was given for bud geting of funds sufficient to match the city of Salem's con tribution toward such a pro gram sponsored by the school system. A recommendation for city cooperation came from the Lions club through O. C. Brown, chairman of its youth recrea tional committee. According to Brown's statement the city's portion of the expense for the winter program would be $100 while that for the summer pro gram would be $150. A pre school activity instructor, an assistant instructor and a jani tor would constitute the staff. In lieu of the certainty of a forthcoming election and possi ble approval of a merger with the city of Salem, Mayor Mus grave recommended that all ex isting franchises including that held by the Salem Electric Co., the West Salem Bus Co. and the West Salem Sanitary Co. be extended to the legal limitation, 20 years. An ordinance giving a 20 year franchise to the Sa ilem Electric Co. was presented 'and approved upon the first and second readings. Revised ordi nances for the other utilities will be introduced at a future meeting. Budget Meeting Set Monday, May 19, was set for the budget meeting with the fol lowing appointment of the bud get committee approved: Rob ert Forster, Jack Watson, Rob ert Covert, Phil Kerber, O. C. Brown, Harold Reinwald and Verne Axelson. Quarterly and semi-annual re ports were given by the city of ficers. Al. Lamb, city auditor, reported a total balance of $16,785.84 on hand including the sinking fund balance. The gen eral operating fund showed an overdraft of $2497.60 and the emergency fund was overdrawn $466.40. R. E. Pattison, city re corder reported revenue for the first three months of the year totaling $5676.60. Fines for the same period amounted to $413.50 covering 42 cases. Representatives of the Salem Junk Co. were in attendance to offer cooperation in any matter relative to a satisfactory elimi nation of a fire hazard at their yard. W. A. Huckabay, building inspector, was instructed to con fer with the gentlemen regard ing the matter. The firms li cense renewal request was ta bled pending further investiga tion. Street Grade Proposed A representative from the su perintendent's office of tile Southern Pacific was present to confer with the council regard ing its proposal to grade Sec ond street from Kingwood through to Edgewater street. It was stated that the matter would be taken up with the company, which has followed the policy of keeping traffic ten feet from either side of the center of the tracks. Other matters considered by the council included considera tion of a proposal to change the name of Lincoln street to Van street; a survey of the parking regulations on Second street and on streets adjacent to the school property was advised; authoriz ation to secure electrical service from the Salem Electric Co. for the new booster pump to be included in the inter-city water installation; also approved was the purchase of a short wave ra dio for the police officer's of fice; discontinuance of use o the old city hall by the Gra-Y boys; approval of the purchase of the new Polk directory; the purchase of a wire fence around the children's wading pool in the city park; and approval of the use of the city hall auditor ium by the Lions club on each second and fourth Wednesday nights of the month. Meiers Yield $1607.10 Total Salem's collection from the second week of operation of parking meters was $1607.10, it was revealed Monday afternoon at completion of the count. Pennies deposited in the me ters totaled $524, and nickels $1074, and there was $9.10 in dimes. Slug-pluggers were still trying to beat the meters, some of them probably successfully, for there were 74 wortless discs of various kinds in the collec tion. City authorities and the po- lic remind the public that the meters are made for nickels and pennies only. A dime will work, but it gives only a penny's value in parking time 12 minutes. Lions Scholarship Deadline May 16 Applications from members of the senior class of Salem high school for consideration in con nection with the Salem Lions club scholarship will be receiv ed up to and including May 16. according to announcement by President Ed Majek. Inasmuch as it will take . three or four weeks to process applications to determine the scholarship winner, t lie .May 16 deadline was fixed to facilitate selection. A number of applications have already been received. Tile S300 scholarship was au thorized by the Lions club to encourage greater interest in the teaching profession. Appli cations should be filed with E. A. Carlelon, principal of the high school. Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Tuesda MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c FREE 5 Glorious Days In Hollywood lc Card Brings Information CALIFORNIA MKDAL PRODUCTS COMPANY 1007 S. Grand Ave. Los Angeles HEAR RUBIN0FF In a Personal Interview over KSLM Wednesday, May 7 at 6:15 IT'S A GOOD IDEA to use genuine COLO-TYLE for Really Modern Kitchen mnd Bathroom Walls A Quality product, plastic-coated hard-baked wallboard In txnuisite colon, modern streamline and block patterns We Install easy to keep clean low in cost and eco nomical to maintain. Brine your room measurements for estimate. Nothing down, 3ff months to pay. R. L. Elfstrom Co. 340 Court Phone 9221 All Cash? Not Wanted Pay by the month. $10.18 per month for 18 months will pay for a new roof costing $170.00. Flat and Steep Roofs An estimate does not obligate you OUR PHONE 9694 Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 Lana Ave. Salem 1 7un&e4ta... families pats on, generation oftor generofjon, thm cri of color, design and wtav that novt mod Tvriettun't rvgt wwW-rcmows. You can select from all the leading makes of fountain pens at Needham's Pen Coun ter. Eversharp CA. Sheaffer Stratowriter, Parker '51 and. others. Our pen repair department insures satisfaction for every pen customer. Guaranteed WATCH REPAIRING 3-Day Service Out-of-town custom ers may send in their watches. We will mail estimate before repairing. IHE lag I BUfi- m pyHBLASTEl 3wiyi? Now, for the first time, one Jar 7p purchase, one product &l i-Cisy packed in one container, j37 -yXxK. will keep your flowers W I ill (l t and vegetables healthy fSS vf I 'i and free of insects! htil n-EXA & IfoiE mo-duct of I Available in Salem at the - - 9 J& ( II n ' & I 340 COURT ST. l. i - i-i Wanted Experienced Alteration Woman also Experienced Saleslady for Cosmetio and an Experienced Saleslady For Ready to Wear Box 472, Capital Journal Will uou bt netftotru uuner ; III rime "- Cant slip... sensation For Your Next Home PERMANENT Wave Insist on the NEW mprcved 1 ir i 1 with"L0CK-TITE"curi ers No etber borne Colo Vati his the untiiag "Loac-Trri" Curler. It'i ft leaMtioa wher ever shown. Locks cads m pUce, ao'i pouiblT slip. An indestructible tlumiDum cui let covered wh sanitary white rubber makes the "Lock -Tm" curler efficient, easy to use, comfortable. For bnur vave, insist cm uiunvKnri. WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. 125 I I4CMJ mrnm DEEP SKILLET and Chicken Fryer Ideal for chicken frying, brazing or roasting of meats, baking or deep fat frying. The kind of cooker that brings out the finest flavors In your foods, cex ks them to a de gree of perfection. Pyrex glass cover gives visible cooking, log ins, deep. y 'Y 1 rk JO'j" Deep Skillet sr' ---'Su--" r4gi,i'r I Dnt' sicken ryer mm It Needs No "BREAKING IN" It's Easy To Clean Makes Food Taste Better It Lasts For Years It Looks Well . . . Costs Less 375 DUTCH OVEN 5-Qt. tiari Roast Dm la Otea with Pyrex Cover . . For easy, VISIBLE roasting. It combines the best qualities of glass and iron for oven or top-of-stove cooking. Pyrex heat-proof glass covers are guaranteed two years against heat breakage. All you need do to the Dutch oven is wash and use because It's "pre-seasoned." It's the greatest iron ware improvement In 100 years. &tfeafev ?uuen ytut uu? 6mA," fl? 484 State St- BE THRIFTY AND SAVE HAVE Your Shoes Repaired AT DEPAKTMENT STORE GUARANTEED SERVICE! 9 Leather or Composition Half Soles 0 Heel Lifts, Toe Tips WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE Are your siloes run down at the heels? Do they need soles or other repairing? Don't worry just bring them to MILLER'S. Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled X POLISHING WAX Most home accidents are caused by falls. Lin-x, the ANTI-SLIP wax, bears the seal of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as an anti-slip floor treatment. Just wipe it on Lin-x is easy to apply quick to dry! It beautifies and protects your linoleum and wood floors. PRODUCT Of SMMIN-WllUAMS RlStARCH Sold at Drug, Grocery, Hardware, Paint, Variety Feed & Seed, and Department Stores r i J Excellent Praclic For Mother's Day Every Day Necessities for Your Own Home Irons AVestinghou.se Universal (encral Electric Radiinn Kitchen Radios Westinghnu.se Little Jewel Sonora Sleam-O-Matic Onrabilt Travel Irons Proctor Never Lift Steam Electric E.C.A. Garod Kitchen Wall Clocks and Mantel Clocks Telecliron Scth Thomas. Wcstclox Sessions Pressure Cookers 4 Qt. for Everyday Use Universal 16 Qt. for Canning Steamliner Ekco Time Saver Yeater Appliance Co. 255 North Liberty Street Phone 4311 Remember only Chevrolet gives you BIG" CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST . . . and only value like this need satisfy you! Naturally, you and your family want the highest motoring enjoyment at th lowest possible price; and you'll find these advantages in the new 1947 Chevrolet the only car giving Big-Car quality at lowest cost as the following facts prove. Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car perform once and reliability of a Valva-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine together with Chev rolet's low upkeep costs and it's th only car that does! Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car styling and luxury of Body by Fisher at lowest prices and it's the only car that does! Chevrolet gives you the combined Big-Car com fort and safety of the Knee-Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes together with exceptional gas and oil economy and it's the only car that does! Yes, only Chevrolet gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST; and only this need satisfy you. Visit our showroom, and place and keep your order with us for a new 1947 Chevrolet. NEW 1947 CHEVROLET DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Salem, Oregon ,.J947 3 1