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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1947)
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Cards Win; Nats Defeat Bob Feller (By the Associated Press) It began to look today like wise old bam Breadon, presi dent of the St. Louis Cardinals had been reading up on Red- bird pennant history when he made that Harry Walker for Ron Northey deal with the Phil adelphia Phillies Saturday, If he did thumb through the baseball record books he prob ably discovered that nearly ev ery yenr the Cards won a flag, they were aided by a refugee from Philadelphia who had joined the club earlier in the season. Northey, a hard-hitting out fielder, made a brilliant debut yesterday when he slugged two home runs and a single and bat ted in four runs to lead the Cards to a 9-0 victory in the second game of a double header with the Braves at Boston. Northey's big bat plus power ful shutout pitching by Harry (The Cat) Breechen, 1946 World Series hero, was chiefly respon sible for the snapping of a nine gnme losing streak by the Cards. The Braves had hung the ninth straight defeat on the Redbirds by coming from behind with a four-run seventh inning to nip them 4-3 in the opener. In the only other National league games, the Phillies clout ed Cincinnati twice, 5-3 and 10 5 to dump the Reds into sev enth place while taking over fifth themselves. Bobby Feller discovered that even he can't work with only one day's rest. The great Cleve land righthander, who last Fri day blanked the Boston Red Sox with only one hit, was rushed In by Manager Lou Broudrcau to protect a one-run lead in the seventh inning against Washing ton. But the -Nats climbed all over him for four runs to win 6-3 and hung a defeat on Fel ler. They also ended Bob's skien of 23 consecutive score less innings. The second game of the scheduled double header at Cleveland was postponed be cause of rain. The Chicago While Sox in creased their American league lead to a game and a half by winning two squeakers from the Philadelphia Athletics 8-7 and 1-0. Showing a semblance of their '46 form, the Red Sox swept a double header from the Browns at St. Louis 3-2 and 8-1. Tom my Fine, 29-year-old Texas rookie, pitched five hit ball to win his first major league game in the nightcap. Bobby Docrr, with a double and a two-run homer accounted for all Bos ton's runs in the opener. Detroit and the New York Yankees played a 2-2 tie at Brlggs stadium in a game ended by rain at the end of six in nings. Hal Newhouser was lead ing 2-1 when Joe DiMaggio belted for a double in the sixth inning and scored the tying run on a single by Snuffy Stirn weiss. Rain washed out the sche duled contests between Chicago and New York at the polo grounds and Pittsburgh and Brooklyn at Ebbets Field. Wampum, beads made from shells and the medium of ex change for the North American Indians, took its value from lis color. Dark wampum made from the hardshell clam was the most valuable. MONTHLY PAIN OF FUNCTIONAL NATURE RELIEVED BY St. Joseph in CALLOUSES Doctor'! Quick Relief I You'll quickly forpet you tinva rnllmwti, tuirning or tflmiorruw on bottom of your feet when you uno vnothinft. cutili inning Dr. K ti(ll'".ino-piulfl.S'pnrat Medication Included for lMlily rcmovinKcalloiwe. iot ih'm wonder-workirif relief today. Costa but utile. Bold Terywbva. CALIFORNIA -ALL THE EAST oipor riCKiT oma 175 So. High Phone 3815 Lj HI f Oregon, Monday, May 5, 1947 Jet Pilot (11) (right) wins the Kentucky derby at Churchill Downs in a photo finish with Pha lanx (8) (left) who finished second. Faultless was third. (AP Wirephoto) Solons Hit Road After Splitting Tiger Series $15,687 Netted By Hoop Event The Class A . basketball tournament held in McAr thur court on the University of Oregon campus last March netted the Oregon High School Activities association $15,687.45, a report of the lat ter organization reveals. Meanwhile the class B tour ney held at Arlington shows a loss of $160.33. Total receipts at Eugene were $30,604.65 and principal expenses Included a federal tax of $5572.87 and $5300.40 for the various teams. Re ceipts at Arlington were $3, 016.35. By th AsoclBtd Press) H Eh 1 fcKN IrVl hHMAi 1UN1L i.r.Atilifc W L Pet. I W L Pet. Spokane Vnncouvr Victoria .708 Tacoma fl .647 Snlf-m 7 .eUiVnkima 8 .556Wenalchee b 13 1 H Bremertn .17fl PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Los An 31 H .fiOOiPortland Ifl 17 .485 Fran 20 lft .571 16 19 ,4ft 1 Sacrmnto 19 16 .M3Hollywood 15 19 .441 S Dieao 17 15 .S31Sentt1e 13 22 .371 Snturdny scorra: Brattle 3, Lns An- kHoa 1 ; San Franc Iaco 8, Portland 6; Sncramrnto 6. Oakland 3; Hollywood at San Diego, postponed. NATIONAL LEAGUE 9 3 .7.MlPhlladel 8 ft .615 New York 8 6 ..ifl:ij Cincinnati B 6 .51)3 St. Louis A M V II HI A N LEAGUE 10 A .667 j Boston 8 A .57i!Washingtn Brooklyn PitubrKh Chlraito Boston Chicago Ilet roll Clevelnd New York 7 A .a.TBjSt. Louis 8 7 .snaiPhlladel 6 9 .400 4 10 .286 2-10, New Saturday' results: cnicaR York 1-3; Detroit 3. Philadelphia Cleveland 9, Boston 3; Washington 6, 6t Louis 4. Schafer Wins in Sweepstakes Tourney Bill Schafer turned in a net of 67 lo lake first place in the sweepstakes tournament held by the Mens club at the Salem Golf course over the week-end. He carded a 38-3472. Second position went to Bud Waterman who stroked a 36-38 74, or a net 68. Under her "austerity" pro gram lo meel post-war prob lems Britain is reducing her livestock population to grow more cereals. PIMPLES-BLACKHEADS TRY THIS PROMPT RELIEF FOR EXTERNALLY CAUSED BLEMISHES Cutictirn contain valuable, scientific mtdtcat gttiiicnts to promptly rHitv il. Sutisfactinn Ruatanterd. 1 mrmMJTillNJ.J f' IVY or SUMAC A V. S. GOVERNMENT BUREAU REPORTannonnces tho discovery of a new tannic acid treatment for Ivy, oak and juniac poisonlnc. The treatment has been found excellent; it is gentle and sale, dries up the blisters in a aur piisinnly abort time ollen within 24 houri. Theae gorarnnMnt findings are incorporated in the new product IVY-DRY At vow dnifnMore, SQr. rr-wir u Mf. by irr corp v jr. . H i to fid fed uiiK anr .t4rnat)i,jn. SERVING SALEM Th ) SCOREBOARD OQjy I HOW FAST CAN YOU STOP? f rYft7jl I If a child suddenly steps in front of fffjf J (7 5 0111 car ' ' ' al e 5 011 slue 5 011 can j (jJJJIIJ i jrC' rv BV0'd accidents? If you're not sure rul' ure R'0P a Loder Bros. I "7rV4Ws 8Ve yur brakes checked. I Salem Wins One, Loses One Sunday The Salem Senators gained no ground in Western International league competition, neither did they lose any as they concluded their four game series with the Tacoma Tigers at Geo. E. Waters park Sunday afternoon all even. The Tigers took the first game of the Sunday doubleheader, 4 to 2, with Vince Lazor being credited with the loss. The nightcap went to Manager Jack Wilson's crew, 8-1, and it was Wadell Mossor who was on the right end of the' score. The So lons took the Saturday night en gagement, 12 to 2, as they really unleashed a batting attack be hind Ken Wyatt. Salem hits the road this week with three games at Bremerton beginning Tuesday night and with four against Tacoma. They return May 12 for four games with Bremerton. Sunday's program brought the first home run of the sea son insofar as Salem is con cerned with Bob Moore driving one of Cy Greenlaw's pitches over the left field in the first inning of the initial game. How ever, the four - baser wasn't enough, for Bob Joratz poled one over the right field fence wall with one on in the third and those two tallies added to one in the first and another In the eighth gave the Tiges the ball game. Tacoma got to Lazor for 14 blows, including five doubles. The second game was differ ent as slender Wandell Mossor left handed his way through sev en innings and six hits, only one going for extra sacks, a two baser by Hedington. A wild peg to second by Catcher Don Cook was responsible for Tacoma's lone tally, scored in the first frame. Tacoma had men on in every frame except the sixth and seventh when Mossor put them down in order. The Solons took kindly to Mitchell Chelkovich's hurling and collected 13 safeties. And defensively they were just as effective, playing airtight ball behind Mossor. Salem iced the contest in the fifth as the Solons lashed out with five hits, includ- NOW AVAILABLE! KITCHEN SINKS Single Compartment Double Compartment Single Drainboard Double Drainboard 4-INCH CAST IRON SOIL PIPE SOIL FITTINGS ORANGEBURG FIBRE SEWER PIPE STEEL SEPTIC TANKS PIPE FITTINGS, ALL STYLES 412 FT. AND 5Vi FT. BATHTUBS CEMENT LAUNDRY TRAYS ENAMELED IRON LAUNDRY TRAYS JUDSON'S 279 North Commercial, Salem , , AND VICINITY : : , 1 Bello, Penny Pin Champions Ben Bello and Alma Penny captured the men's and wom en's City duckpin bowling championships Saturday night as finals in each of the two tournaments were rolled off on B & B alleys. Bello defeated Arnold Meyer 1921-1835 in the ten-game match which culmina ted the 16-entry men's tourney, while Ethyle Williams lost a 1723-1756 match to Penny in the feminine finals. Emil Scholz wound up in third place in the men's tour nament by scoring a 1740-1551 victory over Ben Reiman. Ruth Pro trimmed Nadine Fitzhugh, 1193-1091 to win third position in the women's division. Scores of the final matches: MEN: Bello 172, 224. 153. 248. 179, lfifi, 139, 177. 181. 314 for 1521; Meyer 186. 193. 175. 200, 202, 189, 171, 204, 142, 173 for 1835. WOMEN: Penny 197. 161. 1S2. 190, 180, 162. 175. 204. 184, 151 for 17.S6; Wil liams 221. 138. 1S2. 155. 149, 131, 188. 234. ino. 167 for 1723. ing Al Spaeter's triple, to rack up four runs. First Oame: Tacoma (4 Salem (31 A H O A Pelarl, t Jorntz.1 Sieller,2 Kuper.c 6 Spaeter.3 5 10 4 4 0 9 2 2 1 0 KriiB.l 2 3 3 Moore, r 1 3 0 Summers.m 4 11 D Kubinkl 0 3 0'Benrd.c 2 3 O PeteMon.a 1 1 4 Nunes. 3 ' Pnlon.l Greco.r Tpdschl.m HPduton.3 Orcenlw,p 10 2 I.azor.P 2 112 10 0 0 irt.x (WllAOIl.XX Totals 39 14 27 1 5 : Tot n U 33 8 27 15 Bnttrd for Lazor In 9th. ex Batted for Knig In fllh. Tacoma 102 0(10 010114 0 Sn lem 01 1 000 0002 8 0 Errors: None. Home runs, joratz, Moore. Two-bane hil-v Stetter. 1 Tedeseh, Pelerson. Nunc. Kuper. Hedinftton, Jor ntz. Runs bntted In. Joratz 2, Nunes, Pa ton. Tedrschi. Moore. Time, 1:52. Um pires, O'Loutchhn and Last. Second t&r le; 1 aroma 1 1 Pol a ivi .s 1 l'Spaeter.a 3 OKniB.l 2 C. Moore. r Jorntz.1 Stetter.2 Hednstn.3 Oreco.r 0 3 Summers m 4 1 1 0 2 0 Kiibiak.l S 0 NunVi.,l 1 0 Petrrson 3 2 Cook.c Pnlon.l Todsehi.m Clifford, c Chtkvch.p I Moftsor.p Sabutis.p Ramsey.x 0 0 0 0' 1 0 0 0' Totals 7 Tot al 31 13 21 9 Batted for Snbtitls in 7th. Tncoma 100 000 0 1 6 1 Salem 210 041 x 8 13 0 Wild pitches, Chetknvlch. Left on bases, Tncomn 6, Snlem 6. Errors, Cook, HedinR ton. Thrcr-base hits, Spneter, Nunes. He rtniBlon. Rims batted In, Moore 2, Cook, Kubiak, Kruc, Summers, Peterson 3. Dou ble plays. Mossor to Spaeter to Nunes to Spneter. Spaeter to Kruit. Time. 1:32. Urn- I2273V Phone 4141 FOR 19 YEARS Ann Curtis Tops in AAU Swim Meet Seattle, May 5 U.R Beauti ful Ann Curtis of San Fran cisco emerged today as the prob able top-ranking member of America's 1948 women's Olym pic team, after making a clean sweep of the free style events in the national AAU swimming and diving championships. Miss Curtis, who shapes up as whistle bait both in and out of the water, proved that the pool was her element over the week end, as her powerful crawl car ried her to more records than you can mention in one breath. Largely through her effort, the San Francisco Crystal Plunge team annexed the team title, winning 52 points, as com pared to 37 for the second place Multnomah club. In three days of swimming, she set a world record in 440-yard-stylo, 5:07.9, tied the stand ing world mark in the 100-yard free-style :59.4, and broke her own American record in 220 yard event, 2:23.3. In addition, she swam the anchor lap on two winning relay teams, one of which broke an American re cord. Nancy Merki of Portland, Ore., used all three basic strokes as she swam to glory in the three-day meet, tying Miss Cur tis for the individual scoring honors and breaking the Ameri can 300-yard medley record with a time of 3:53.4. She won that ' event, won the 220-yard breaststroke, placed second in the 100-yard free-style and third in the 100-yard breast stroke. Nine new record were set during the meet, one world mark, six American marks, one world mark tied, and a new re cord established in an event which showed for the first time in AAU competition! In the 200-yard backstroke, a new AAU event, Sue Zimmer man of Portland established a new record of 2:28.6 when she won the event Friday night. She also won the 100-yard back stroke on Saturday. Spokes, Caps Split Pair (By the United Preu) Spokane and Vancouver, holding the first and second places in the Westesn Interna tional Baseball league race, split a doubleheader yesterday to maintain the status quo. The Spokane Indians won the first game, 9-7, while the Capilanos scored an 8-0 shutout in the second. At Wenatchee, the Chiefs were trampled to death as the Brem the base paths for a 22-4 mas sacre. The Indians used five pitchers. Bremerton made ev ery lick count as 18 hits paid off for the 22 runs. I At Yakima, the Victoria Ath- letics dittoed a first game 7-1 victory by trouncing the Yak ima Stars, 13-2, in the night cap. Lions Defeat Indians Jefferson Jefferson high defeated Chemawa, 12 to 6 in a Marion county B league base ball game last Friday with Sharp doing the principal stick work for the winners, with his three for four. Jefferson has won three and lost one. Jpffrnion la 12 3 Chfmnwn 6 2 2 Wlckersham and Haworth; Wilson and Henry. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Of Oregon Bevos Lose 2; Drop Into Second Division (By tha Aaaociated Preu) The two pre-season favorites Los Angeles and San Francisco were running one-two as the Pacific coast league paused mo mentarily today before plunging Into its second full month of play. The Angels' lead was whittled to one game over the week end as the defending champion Seals took three games from Portland while Los Angeles won- only one while dropping two to last-place Seattle. The Seals made it six out of seven for the Portland series by sinking the Beavers, 5-4 and 2-1 yesterday. Bones Sanders' 410 foot homer off Tommy Bridges gave Bob Joyce the first game victory, while ace rookie Bob Chesnes edged Jake Mooty in the nightcap duel. The season s biggest crowd 19,219 saw Lefty O'Doul's Seals gain revenge for earlier drubbings at Portland. Elmer Mallory's homer, dou ble and triple gave Red Lynn : 3-2 nod over Seattle in the opener, but the Kainiers came back strong to take the Sunda; nightcap, 8-4. Home runs by Pitcher Bill Posedel and Lou Novikoff highlighted the Rain- icrs' six-run assault on young Don Carlsen in the fifth inning. At the day's end, eight games separated first-place Angels and last-place Seattle. Sacramento s thirdranking So lons and the Oakland Acorns exchanged wins, with the Solons slugging out a 16-3 win in the opener and Oaks returning to take the finale, 6-1, on Cotton Pippen's four-hit pitching. Oak Outfielder Mel Dueza.bou col lected a homer in each game. Six circuit clouts two of them by San Diego's Max West enlivened the San Diego-Hol lywood split. The Padres took the first, 3-2; the Stars the sec ond, 6-2. West raised his homer total to eight, tops in the league I First name) . Portland (4) San Franrlaco (ft) B H O A Rad!vch,2 tlatto.R Escobar.c Storey.3 4 1 '0 SlUhalt.C. 4 0 1 ftlLuby.3 4 0 0 OFSheridan.r 4 2 1 31Sandera,l 4 2 0 0iWhlte.3 4 2 1 llRestelll.l 4 2 12 3INicely,a 3 0 8 KGladd.c 3 0 1 HJoyce.p 1 1 0 01 1 0 0 0! 36 10 24 181 Totals 1 1 1 2 1 11 0 0 Lazor, Reich. r Vlco.l Muratore.c Brldne.s,p Smith. x Wenner.xx Totals 27 27 12 tth. X Batted for Muratore In xx Batted for Bridges in 9th. Portland 000 200 0024 San Francisco lliooioix 5 Errors. Radulovlch, Ratto. Passed ball, Muratore. Left on bases. Portland ft, San Francisco 6. Home runs. Sheridan. San ders, Reich. Three-base hit, Restelll. Two- base hit. Luby. Lazor. Restelli. Vlco. Runs batted in, Sanders 2. Nicely. Bherldan. Reich 4. Restelli. Sacrifices. Nicely. Ban ders, White. Bolen base. Restelli. Time, 2:02. Umpires, Ford. Maszeo and Powell. Nothing Down, Pay Monthly Venetian Blinds ELMER (The Blind Man) WEST SALEM 1545 Plaza St. Phone 7328 Slats in Aluminum, Steel and Wood, Choice of Tape Colors Call anytim for free, eallnatea Measured and Inatallad Add 50,000 More Miles of Driving to Your Car Get new car power and performance from your present car. Complete motor reconditioning. Cost is moderate. Ask about our new budget plan and arrange to pay a small amount each month. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 North Commercial A Statement by your Coca-Cola Bottler: Continuous Quality. Year after year the quality of Coca-Cola has remained unchanged. Continuous Price. Today, though production costs have increased, there has been no change in the wholesale price of Coca-Cola. Salem, Oregon Dean Abney In Pro Debut Dean Abney, brother of Dick and a good scrapper in his own right, will make his professional debut in the Salem armory are na Wednesday night against Frankie Duane of New Orleans. The bout will be for four rounds and will be one of the preliminaries leading up to the Dick Abney-Ray Garcia 10 round main event. The card as arranged by Matchmaker Tex Salkeld, is loaded with local talent, includ ing Keller Wagner, heavy weight who has taken off con siderable excess poundage and is reported in shape. He will tangle with Big Bob Ford who recently received his discharge from the army. Another four rounder that bears the earmarks of being the best show on the card, will feature Hal Fries of Salem and Chris Gregory of New York. Fries has shown the best punch ing of any boxer to appear at the local swat palace in a num ber of years, and a few more wins means a main event. Portland Wins 3 -Way Meet Portland university scored 68 '4 points to place first in Sat urday's three way meet at din ger field. Willamette placed second with 60 points and Lin- fieid third with 34. Coach El mer Schaake's athletes captured four firsts: Ron Runyan, the mile in 4:40.9; Marv Goodman, broad jump, 20 feet, 5'4 inches; Ohling, 880 run, 2:05; relay (Cookingham, Grimm, Ohling and Macy) 3:42.2. Goodman was high for Willamette with 11 V4 points. When a persons speaks into a microphone, a listener close to a radio half way around the world hears his words before they are heard by people across the room from the speaker. YOU'LL LOOK BITTIR IN TAIL0K-V TJtOltfftf w3 ASK YOUR DEALER Journal Want Ads Pay Russell and Cline Enter i Golf Finals Jack Russell and Walter Cline, Jr. will tangle in the fi nals of the Mid-Willamette goll tournament sponsored by the Salem Elks club. This was de termined over the week-end when Cline downed Paul Ben nett 3 and 2 Saturday afternoon while Russell, playing virtual ly perfect golf, ousted Jim Sheldon 7-6 Sunday. Russell, and Cline will meet May 18 for 36 holes of competition. The match went over an extra week. because Cline will be in Los An geles taking part in the Nation al Bowling Congress tourney. Bennett was one up at the end of the first nine but Cline came through after the turn. Sheldon's tee and approach shots were good but he had dif ficulty all day with his putting. In the meanwhile Russell wasn't making any mistakes as he bir- died the first, seventh, ninth and 12th. About the only time he was in trouble was on the fifth when his tee shot hit a treet. His second went into a trap but he recovered well when he chipped onto the green and then sank a 25 foot ' putt for a par four. Russell was : found under par at the end of the 12th. First lllaht: Mannlna beat Aldrlch. 3-2: Estey beat Baxter 1 up. and (light: r. Shaler beat Burrtll, -; Kins beat Hus, 3-2. 3rd fllsht: Manes beat Wood, 1 up; Moore won by delault. 4th flisht: Mason beat Alley, 5-3; Gra ham beat Harris, 2-1. 6th: Pekar beat Qulstad. 3-1: Hendris beat Owen. 1 up, 20th. Sth: Bates beat E. Brande, 1 up; Allen", beat Renn, 4-2. Sth: Chase beat Needham, 3-1; Phil--; lips beat Convey. " - 10th: McCalllsler beat Easleston. 3-1. " 12th: Zander beat Filler. 4-3: Baldoek beat Franzwa, 1 up. 14th: Gillespie beat Johnston, 3-3. loth: Olalsyer beat Sehmlts. 2-1: Quea- seth beat Dick Hendrie. 6-S. 18th: DeArmond beat Loueks, 1 up; Pase beat Nash, 6-4. 30th: Powell beat Jaskoskl, 1 up; Specht' beat Robins. 4-3. 32nd: Callahan beat Cushlnr, F-4. .-. MEN! KEEP UP WITH, YOUR YOUNG IDEAS! New pep! New vim I New f Igor I ' what mlddle-ared men yearn for when ' they begin to lag behind In life"! youthful . activities. Do something about It when" you (eel your vital energy ebbing twayt A borderline blood-Iron deficiency mar. be sapping your strength, causing Ton to (eel unduly old. In that ease, try Trsmone, an amazing new formula nada . to help you leel younger . . . give you new ' alp pep . . Increase vigor vitality!' Combat the common penalties of grow Ing older. Get this wonderful new aid ' and are how quickly Tramono may help ' you regain that prized feeling of youth-, ful, stalwart strength. Tramono la told by Perry's Drug Store and druggist er- ing Down 12 Months fo Pay RE-ROOF NOW WITH . TOP QUALITY Pabco Slate Covered Composition Shingles. EACH Shingle welded in place. 340 Court St.