1 Wisteria Club To Hold Last Dance Friday Wisteria Dancing club, at its final affair for the year, will select new officers on Friday evening. The monthly formal affair will be held at the VFW hall with dancing to the music of Claude Bird and his orches tra. Chairman of the nominating committee are Mr. and Mrs. Darel Jones, and assisting are Mr. and Mrs. James Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Post, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Beutler. Hosts for the dance Friday will be Mr. and Mrs. L. J Young, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, Dr. and Mrs. E. E Boring and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carter. Church Groups To Have Bazaar , A chance to buy lovely anti ques, needlework and food pre pared by expert cooks will be available at St. Paul's guild and the Junior guild of Wednesday when the Women's auxiliary, St. Paul's Episcopal church holds its biennial bazaar at the parish house. The doors will open at noon. In addition to the sale, there will be an enticing white ele phant table, and a silver tea. The affair is being arranged by members of the organiza tion. President of the auxiliary is Mrs. u. u. bhipley and Mrs Rue Drager heads St. Paul's guild. Mrs. Elmer Smith is pre sident of the Junior guild. Richmond School Gives Program Every child in Richmond school will participate in the musical program Wednesday. Parents and friends of Hie lower grades have been invited to come during the first hour from 1:30 until 2:30, and those of the up per grades from 2:30 until 3:30. The program will be presented twice. Mrs. Leslie Morris, chairman for the room mothers of the Richmond PTA, is making the tea arrangements. Pouring dur ing the first hour will be Mrs. Frank Bennett, wife of the city school superintendent, and Mrs. Carl Booth, Marion county school superintendent. Pouring during the second hour will be Miss Gretchen Kreamer, music supervisor for the Salem schools, and Miss Ma thilda Gilles, principal of the Richmond school. Girls from the school's sixth rrade will serve. Boys will be In charge of programs and act as door attendants. PROGRAM Rhythm orches tr a "Skaters' Walte" First Rrade. room 1. Violin solo "Bohemian Melodies" -Orvalyn Gemmell. Ohorus "Sing, O Sing." "The Lit tle Bunny" and "The May Basket 1 First and second (trades, room 9. Piano solo "Junior Prom Waltz" Phyllis Kaye Morns. Chorus "On the Seashore" and folk dance, "Klappdanse" Second grade, room 2. Ohorus "Tick Tock" and "Froggy Jim and Jill" Third grade, room 3. Rhythm dance Judy Baker. Chorus "O Happy School Days" and "The Train" Third and fourth grades, room 8. Piano solo "Dangerous Journey" -Barbara Smith. Chorus "Pipers of Balmoral" and "Mandandlran" Fourth grade, room 4. Piano Solo "Sea in Winter" Kaye Tomlinson. Chorus Two-part, "Hawaii" and "Aloha" Fifth and sixth grades, room 7. Chorus Two-part. "Si Scnor" and "Dance Little Seraphina" Fifth grade, room 6: Electric guitar solo "The Hawai ian wnitz" Rpvprlv Rinehart. Chorus Two - part. "Harvest Moon" and "The Sun Dial" Sixth grade, room 6. Arriving in Salem Sunday to spend a short leave here with his parents was Lt. Mack C. Maison. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison. Lt. Maison, who is stationed at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, with the naval air arm, came west by air lines and Saturday will leave by plane for his base. Xew Members to Be Initiated Silverton Mrs. L. P. Oehler. president, is announcing the May meeting of the Lions aux iliary to be at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Monday eve ning. Ten new members will be ini tiated. Hostesses of the social hour will be Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. L. P. Oehler and Mrs. Lloyd Fry. All members are urged to at tend as important business will come before the session. Former Salem Residents Wed From Seattle comes word of the marriage of Mrs. Fay P. Thomas and Jay D. Coulter on April 17. Both are former resi dents of Salem. Dr. Paul N. Ashby performed the ceremony at the Little Chapel of the First Methodist church in Seattle in the presence of immediate members of the family. Following a wedding trip to Victoria, the Coulters are mak ing their home at 2359 Rose mont place, Seattle. Mrs. Coulter attended Wil lamette university and has been affiliated with the Methodist church headquarters in Seattle She formerly was a member of the Rcnton Chronicle editorial staff. Her husband is an admin istrative officer witU the branch office of the veterans adminis tration. Bonnie Barton To Wed Donald Baker At a tea Sunday afternoon at their home in King, wood Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Van Onsenoord made known the engagement of Miss Bonnie Barton, to Donald D. Baker, son of Mrs. Dean F. Goodman of Salem. The couple have set their wedding date as July 13. Indi vidual cakes and napkins scribed with the couple's names nd the date of their marriage told friends the news. About 40 guests called dur ng the afternoon, honoring Miss Barton. Appointments were in yel low and white and spring flow ers centered the tea table. Pour- ng were Mrs. Arnold Krueger nd Mrs. Myron Foster. Assist- ng was Mrs. Dean F. Goodman. Goldenweds Are Feted Sunday Bride's Father Performs Rites From Odell, Oregon comes news of the marriage of Miss Grace Marie Jackson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Roy Jackson of Hood River. Graduate of Wil lamette university, where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Miss Jackson became the bride of Ellis Anders of Olvmoia.. Wash. The bride s father performed the ceremony at the Methodist church in Odell on April 14. The bride wore traditional white, designed, in silk crepe with a short train. She wore an imported silk illusion fingertip veil and carried a. bouquet of white roses centered with an orchid. Mrs. Robert Webb was her sister's matron of honor, wear ing a blue tissue taffeta gown and carrying a nosegay of pink carnations matching the wreath in her hair. Roland Mietzke of Longview was best man and ushers were Robert Webb and Kenneth Wells, both of Hood River. Mrs. Bellroie Collins of Sa lem lighted the tapers. Mrs Jackson wore a' black floor length gown and corsage of gar denias. A reception was held in the church parlors. Miss Zula Kick- busch of Eugene cut the bride cake. Mrs. Louella Walstrom of Eugene presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Bellroie Collins passed the guest book. Miss Coleen Lemley of Hood River passed the dream cake. Miss Harriet Robinson of Oregon City was in charge of gifts. For traveling, the bride wore a skipper blue suit with acces sories of navy blue and white and a corsage of orchids. After a wedding trip in Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Anders will be at home at Butler's Cove, Olym pia, Wash., where he is in busi ness. The bride, following her edu cation, served as a general field representative of the American Red Cross for the past three years. . West Salem Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Schofield of Forest Grove celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary on Sunday with many of their friends and relatives among the guests. Their daughter, Mrs. Robert Forster, opened her home in Elm street for the event. A gold and white color scheme was used in the table arrangements including orange blossoms sent from California by a son of the Schofields. A miniature bride and groom, used at the silver wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Forster, topped the tiered bridal cake.. Mr. and Mrs. Schofield, who were married in loaf at u. Pleasant, Michigan, have four children, Mrs. Ida Forster of West Salem; Mrs. Bernice Dur ham of Boise, Idaho; Ed Scho field of Sacramento, California and Ray Schofield of Dearborn, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Scho fields gift from their children, who could not be in attendance. is a trip to their respective homes. The trip will be taken this summer with Mr. and Mrs. Schofield traveling through Idaho and on east to Michigan where both will attend family reunions. The return trip to their home in Forest Grove will be via California. Presbyterian Circles Meet The circles of the First Pres byterian church will meet Wed nesday as follows: Circle No. 1 Mrs. F. D. Thompson, leader; meets in the fireplace room at the church for a 1 o'clock no-host lunch. Circle No. 2 Mrs. E. A. Kennev. leader; meets at her home, 1580 Center St., for a 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 3 Mrs. K. W. Harritt, leader; meets with Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, 1225 Chemeketa for 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 4 Mrs. Ralph Shephard, leader; meets with Mrs. John Anderson, 196 S. 12th St., for a 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 5 Mrs. John Harbison, leader: meets with Mrs. C. S. McCullam, 1225 N. 19lh, for a 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 6 Mrs. L. M. Birch, leader; meets with Mrs. Paul Hauser, 925 Saginaw, for a 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 7 Mrs. Curtis Hale, leader: meets with Mrs. L. F. Barrick, 1610 S. Church, for a 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 8 Mrs. A. E. Archibald, leader; meets with Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, 480 N. 24th St.. for a 1:15 dessert. Campfirc Girl Palateers to Present Plav Edgar Allen Poe's famous chiller, "The Masque of the Red Death" will be presented by the Salem high school art club, Palateers, in two performances, May 15 at one .'clock in the afternoon and May 16, at eight o'clock. The all-school show will have Miss Margaret Burroughs as dramatic coach and Don Straus baugh as director. Adviser and aft director is Mrs. Ruth Sil linger. Elizabeth Apple is in charge of publicity. Principal cast members are Ronald Hill, Prince Prospero; Berniece Kliegne, Milicent; Da vid Turnbull, the Red Death. The Happy Blue Birds met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Ray Sanford and made Mother's Day gifts and invitations for a Mother's tea May 8th at the j Inglewood school. Refreshments were served by Wanda Coc. The Wacinton group met at First Christian church with their leader, Mrs. W. C. Mur phy. They are making little dolls for the Deaf school. The group plans to visit the Deaf school soon. The girls that fin ished their dolls are working on Trail Seeker notebooks. The Merry Maids at Washing ton school met at the home of Judy Seely oil Mil) Creek. They had a tea for the mothers. Five mothers and nine girls were present. The girls sang songs and danced to entertain the mothers. Mrs. M. W. Ready met with the Happy Blue Birds on Thurs day. The girls made gifts for Mother's Day and invitations for the Mother's tea at Ingle wood school. After refresh ments were served the girls did handcraft. The Cheschamay Camp Fire Dinner Dance For AlB Group Members of the Salem chap ter of the American Institute of Banking will entertain their guests Tuesday evening at formal dinner. Miss Lorraine Taylor, president of the local chapter, heads the directorate for the vcarly formal affair. It will be a buffet supper and dance. Guests of the evening will be George J. Greenwood, Jr., of Portland, first western national president of the c ganization, and E. S. McClain, ! associate northwest councilman. Members of the committee in charge are Frank Crawford, Miss Ardclle Scott. Miss Pauline Turin. Sherman Bostrack, Hil lary Etzcl and Orville C. Ken nen. Mother-Daughter BaiHiuet at Church The St. Mark's Lutheran church guild will hold its an nual mother-daughter dinner Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the church parlors. Mrs. H. M. Boesch is general chairman and Mrs. Walter Moshcr will preside as toast mistress. Soloist will be Mrs. William Griffiths with Mrs. Harvey Gib bons assisting at the piano. Speaker will be Rev. Seth Hun tington. D.D.. of the First Con gregational church. Mrs. C. E. Jacqua is president of the guild. Capital .TmirnnT. Salem, Oregon. Monday. May S. 1047 7 Girls met at the home of Mrs. Lochenour. Their new guardian, Mrs. J. W. Stanley, helped them with their notebooks. They de cided to bring 5 cents each meeting for their group trea sury to create a fund for hand craft and other supplies. The Wekaca Camp Fire group met at the First Evangelical church with Mrs. R. L. Bangs. Officers elected were president, Charlotte Klenn; vice president, Judy Bu:ih; secretary, Sharon Beard; treasurer, Joan Seam ster; scribe. May Frances Bee- ler. Refreshment committee was Shirley Strong, chairman; Vir ginia Lively and Barbara Cul-bertson. HARD OF HEARING? Fresh Batteries to Fit All Hearing Aids JAMES TAFT AND ASSOCIATES (Beltone of Salem) ?I8 OREGON ULOd. . . . EXCLUSIVE Talk Back and Paging Sys tems for offices and fac tories . . . the NEW, MODERN leg and time saver . . . Manufactured by US . . . Come in TO DAY for a FREE dem onstration ! HEAR RUBIN0FF In a Personal Interview over KSLM Wednesday, May 7 at 6:15 YARD L E. Y 65$ A BOTTtC Yudln Products I'm Am its in ima4 In Intfiimt tm4 fauhtd In ih U.J A. fjort tht miiiiu! tnluh fomJUt cwndnai lapfxfi u4 4oaatM WILLETT'S Capital Drug Store 405 State St. Moyer's Beauty Shop 1405 N. Commercial St. Phone 7202 d I CV I A Li Mother's Day A Big Reduction in Beautiful Oil Permanent Waves for Mother OUR REGULAR PRICED PERMANENT 12.50 (1A $10.00 T Cf $8.50 for..... -P'v lor... '.3U for A Blend Oil Permanent Wave, $6.50, for . Plenty Parking Space - Closed on Mondays $7 $5 W DUCHESS OF YORK "ROYAL ENSEMBLE" BUG BLASTER Now, for the first time, one purchase, one product packed in one container, will keep your flowers and vegetables healthy and free of insects ! 0.ft I9 3 EM nouva or SHOWm-WllllAHS ftUMRCM Available in Salem at the TT'onderf ul gift idea ! Prince Matchabelli's new "Royal Ensemble" in the most be loved fragrance of our time lilac-laden Duchess of York. "Royal Ensemble" in cludes : purse-size crown bottle of Duchess of York Perfume . . . two sceptre bottles of Duchess of York Cologne and Talc. 3.75. Plus tax WILLETT'S Capital Drug Store l Down at FRED MEYER Gillette Blue Blades S for 10 for 25 49c 100 for $4.90 Stock up with Gillette Blue Blades now. Gives you the utmost shaving ease. Slavs sharper longer and save you money. Look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp ... use Gillette Blue Blades vsith the sharpest edges ever honed. l-Piece Tech Razor With 10 Gillette Blade, $3.79 A twist . . it's open a twist . . it's closed. Onc-picce . . no loose parts to jiggle. l"'or the shave of your life, try the new Gillette Teih. Johnson's Baby Oil Pint 6 Oz. 43' Johnson's Baby Powder, medium 21c, large 39c Johnson's Baby Lotion, 6 oz. bottle, 43c Johnson's Baby Cream, 2Vb oz., 43c Baby Need Box, 39c Baby Gift Box, 89c Baby De Luxe Gift Box, $1.75 At Fred Meyer Drugs Airway Luggage $12.26 life AlfP Overnight Case 21 Inch ci, $6.95 Plus to $16.65 Pullman Case 26 $9 W Pl" Inchei J Tax Ttm hv jour lucent. rl'h" will lii'e tlutitlile mi'l inut'liml mutrlirM tn Bt nlmo't tuii't m twi' li i ltii:i::ii:r inn Iter. Ten Em.ln H'tf- kin nr r.nrlijiir- tinlina Putl U'ctitn 'v lnnij construe Urn. Tour rtn-lee of eotcrinii. Uny on l-'nil Mcjet thr.liy payment plan. Sun Glasses Special Purchase Optical Sun Glasses $2.50 to S5.00 Value Four different stvlrs to choosf from, with nil thee fcaturrs: Opncnllv ground anil polished Ions, scientific cool green plnnositc Ions, wire core trmples lor easy ndtustnient. nil metal op tical hi n nen. Styling to flatter every face. Buy now whllf prices are low. Deep Cuf Prices $1.00 Osterex, 59 50 Cuticura Ointment S 29 $1.00 DeWitt's Kidney Pills, 57 60 Manzan Ointment, 39 1.00 Ice Mint, 79 $2.63 P. D. Abdol Capsules, 100s, 89 $1.50 Takara Powder, 98 2Z!: Vitamin A Capsule S5r.oo,$2 49 $1.25 Abscrbine Jr., 69 I i4B! At t'rtd Meyer Drug n Chipman 2, 4-D Weed Killer 4-ox., $ size 1.20 Mb. $4.20 Chipman 2. 4-D Weed Killer Hns Thfiae Important. Features: Leaves no residue hazardous to humans or nnimalH. Non-inflummnhle and non exploaive. iNon-corroaivo tr spray equipment. In dry powder form, soluble in water. Economical- - ns little as l'i; pounds per acre. Harm less to soil when used for turf wends. At Fred Mtyer Druga Crowning Glory De Luxe Set I New slip proof, frin proof eurlori New special ihampoo Gentle effective ammonia free io- lution No powderi to mix Scientific approval bated on 5 yean research plus strictest lab oratory control. Ivy-Dry J1& 59' Quickly dries up potion oak. Box of 50 Acme Facial Pats Reg. "It 10c lY Marchand's Hair Rinse A Rinse Pkg. Tintz Cake Shampoo 50 15c VALUE Cigarettes $1.39 Carton Old Gold Phillip Morris 24 Other Brands to Choose From Duke Chrome Lighters $2.50 Evans Au(o- AA matic Lighter 33t"v Tommy the Drinking Bird $1.98 This ntnazing little bird will delight and mistify you. Set him on the edge o a glass and watch him drink hour after hour. At Fred Meyer Tobacco Sections For Mother's Day Icq Cream . . America's FavoriU Dessert 5th Avenue Gold Label Princess Brick 35 Qt. One layer Strawberry Center layer Pineapple Sherbet One layer Vanilla Colorful, ffstlvp unrt delicious. Serves 7. 10U',o Pasteurized. Fifth Avenue Heart Center Ice Cream Log Roll 35c ea. Pink Vanilla Heart In Vanilla Roll Covered with Freshly Roasted Chopped Nuts Molded Fancy Dessert at Sam Thrifty Price Pineapple Milk Sherbet Pineapple fruit added to erenm nmootn sherbet. At Frtd MtytT If Cream Stctiont SI .25 Similac Open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I' RICKS (JOOl) MONDAY TIIROl'tJH WEDNESDAY I1 -J"! a m Pr rred M ever Bluebird Complete Nursing Unit 35 148 NORTH LIBERTY Oz. 340 COURT ST. 405 State St. Phone3118 1irffBru1itbB:lll.lll.il.l. ll.i .1 J