i 1 .f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS VACl'L'M CLEANERS (tanks and Up- EUREKA GENERAL ELECTRIC PREMIER DUPLEX WESTI NO HOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTER !' H Trade In allowance, easy terms. ' S VINCE'S ELECTRIC I 4 B7 8. Liberty St,. Salem. Ore. a!37 ' $0. to, 30, 40. 50, 66 Ballon water heaters for Immediate delivery. ; H Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. ; a) 735 N. Liberty St. nl28 ; fclGHTCRAWLERS, 2493 Stati. Bremmer. I ' D123 CANNING (l(t quart) pressure cookers, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. t 356 N Liberty St. n!2fl HO WAXING required with transpar- e t Plastl-Kote lor drain boards, floors. 1 furniture. y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n!26 ! S, E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines ? Part for all makes. Pinking shears r around. Ph. 8765. 1940 N. 18th. n!3B ELECTRIC WIRE, 12-3 and 14-2 loom, y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl2S METAL IRONING boards, pads St covers, ; V EATER APPLIANCE CO. :l . 365 N. Liberty St. nl3fl ONE large Canton China punch bowl. - Black Spanish evening shawl. Apply Apt,. 6. fllO N. Commercial, eves. nl07 BEAT VOUB home electrically It's con venient, elean, economical. See ua for free estimates. ' 1 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO ; 355 N Libert n ELECTRL AUTOMATIC, side arm water heaters, fasten to your present tank v. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. . n!26 JTtR COAT In good cond. 37.50. 189S kMroaaway. nn fcv.N CARTS, lawn edgers, hand cultf Pacora and hoe. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' FULLE& brushes 1745 Grant Ph. 8357. nil WASHABLE, ONE coat Palletone for walls, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' GIRL'S Junior bicycle, 125. ' 'or phone 8416. 23S6 State nl07 RADIOS, record players, recorders tor immediate delivery. It YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. Liberty St. n!26' UN (ULTRA violet) lamps. Heat (infra red lamps and heating pads. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. vo 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' TVER SILT. Phone 25912. ILKCTKIC BLANKETS for Immediate de- -"livery. I 0- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I - 255 N. Liberty St. ni26' WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stoves , dtshea. motors radios, electric- eppil " ances. household goods KLIGMAN'S "485 N. Commercial. Phone 9885. n' VIN-UP AND table lamps. 9 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. HOTPLATES. SINGLE and two burner, "f YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' (1 ILECTRIC FANS, desk and pedestal. i .office, Karaites, restaurants, lodue flTooms, canneries. Kitchen and Indus final exhaust lans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl26' fcEGRIGERATOB ICE trays, rubber to i aluminum. 5 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2 255 N. Liberty St. n!36 TardeN aand, " gravel, crushed rock A Shovel drag-line excavatlnc WALL 4 rNO SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8511 top 'VEEDING your lawn, try Weed-No- More. YFATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 i FAT WHITE FACE beef, Phone 22639. ESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used by armed forces. Kills flies, mo- frqultoes. cockroaches St related insects. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty St. nl26a fARMERS, ATTENTION. Westlnghouse, automatic electric milk cooler. 60 gal. capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty St. nl38 -WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HOOD HOME In eountry for a Teal Kerry Blue spaded female dog. Very intelligent, ph. 34361, 60 Ewald Ave. DLD DISHES over 25 yean old. TJpstaln Antique Shop, 439 Court. Ph. 21443. nai30 J'SED French door, also fireplace man- lie. n. jino. naior : Burlap and cotton bass, al kinds. Willis Kelley, Ph. 23156. nal20' USED FURNITURE Phone B1U PERSONAL lLCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 724. p376 UTOMOBILES 11 pontiaC sedan, radio and heater. Recently overhauled. 980 Madison Ave., or call 21669 after 5 p.m. qlD9 EW '41 Ford. Sportsman conv. Inquire Union Service Station, 590 State. qll3 OR SALE New two wheel trailer. 3525 80. Commercial. 860.00. q!09 Jfl-FT TRAILER house, furnished With Daveno, Ice box, 16-ln. tires. Plenty of bullt-lnn. Insulated. Full price 8485.00. Call 3-1200. qlOB an Bl'tCK 2-door, good hitch, radio, seat -covers ana neater, siuou.uu. zmo uemer, ql09 I! FORD State St. ton pickup. Clean. 2382 qll2' m BUICK COUPE, good cond., 687 N. Front. $235. q!09 15 DODGE Pickup. Kood. Ph. 23045. Good tires. runs ql09 fl PONTIAC good shape. $525. 484 Ferry. ql07 'lTY-ERAN WOULD like to buy low order Jo. on Chev., Ford, Ply., or Stud. Please fjprlte box 403 Capital Journal. QlOB STUDEBAKER $250.00, 1555 80. St. Ph. 8524. , 12th ql09 UOOD '32 BUICK, 5 new tires, upholstery good, motor just overhauled, price 1550. Will take some furn. in trade. 1694 N. Comm'l. Ph. 6821. ql09 FOR SALE 35 Chev. flat bed 1'A ton, 375.00. Call after 6. 22778, ql09 38 FORD panel, '36 motor, A-l shape. uood tires, one trailer ev3 it. viae, id ft. long, Inclosed. Ideal for fishing. hunting or moving belongings. 1937 N. Commercial after 5 p.m. qlll 9.15 PONTIAC 2-dr very good shape. 1350 or ibis Mercury 4-door. eso bo. ism be. q!08 FOR SALE 1930 8-pass. Bulck epe.. In periect condition. Jonn J. Rooerts a Co. Ph. 9623 or 4123. ql08' 7 FORD l'a ton flat bed. 3900 ml. 8:35 tires, perfect cond. 13200. 309 Maple. Dallas, Ore. 5IO8 PLYMOUTH 4-dr., motor good. 198 no. Lancaster Dr. 1295. 9(1 STUDEBAKER 8 -pass, ept., radio A neater. Low mileage. 98 pet. runner and overdrive. 1973 Capital. qlll WANTED Good clean cars. Square Deal usea ctrs, 1155 So. 12th. FOR SALE 3T Ford V-l pickup. 1060 80. itn., sun., alter 5 P.m. wees a ays. qlOS l CHEV. conv. cpe. 436 Water St. qI08 2 FORD 5-vd. dump, new Mercury motor, 1J3U. Eaton 3-speed Brownie, gooa 8:25 tires. Oood mech. cond.. ready to to- Mickey's Garage, Aumsvine. qios PY OWNER, '40 Pontiac 4-door deluxe sedan. Can be seen week days at 970 o. commercial St. qlio Mo MODEL A Ford sedan. 16ln. wheels. " pet. rubber. C. S. Hammett, 485 airfield, Woodburn. Ph. Red 26. q!07 P"OR SALE, Ford panel delivery. Call i-eacocK cleaners. qi" U CHEV. CPE., Just overhauled. $250. Rt box 133. pn. 33F3. 3 mi. Krueger store. 107 AUTOMOBILES TRAILER BOUSE, 18 ft., clean. Rt. 4, . Holland, near Rose ql09 BOX 1B8-B. W. dale School. '28 NASH. Oood cond. 1125. 1280 No. 4. Ph. 25416. ql07 TftNDIAN-CHIEF, for quick sale. Can be seen at 465 Morgan Ave., after 4 p.m. Q107 '88 BUICK Special. '46 motor. A-l shape. Trade lor '34 Ford or Chev. and S675 cash. 418 S. College, Monmouth. qlOB 1931 CHEV. Good condition. M. H. Bronec. Hubbard. Phone 11F4. jl08 TRAILER HOUSE, newly finished Inside At out. for I4B5. 380 orove. Fnone aan Call anytime in the morning or after I 30. Q108 1985 FORD 4 -door sedan, with '43 Mer cury motor, good rubber, seal beam lights. 410 Ford St. j!07 1939 GRAHAM sedan, new motor, radio. heater. Good rubber all around. Call 35167 nights, or 3776 days. ql07 1985 CHEV. rpe., exceptionally clean, good rubber. 410 Ford St. sun FOR SALE '37 Chev. sedan, good condi tion. Indian motorcycle. Call after 6:30 p.m. 645 Bryan street, Woodburn, Ore. ql07 lflil HOLLYWOOD Graham. Bond cond. radio, heater. Would like older model ear and rent of loan can be assumed. 380 So. 23rd. Ph. 21692. qUO" '32 STUDE. commander sedan, 81.000 actual mileaire. 8195. Deerlng 4-ft. re veretble disc, tractor hitch, 118. 850 Monroe Ave. Ph. 32792. 10T '35 GRAHAM, 4-door. Clean. 8285, 6 p.m. 3525 So. Commercial. after ql07 "35 FORD tudor, rebuilt motor, heater. See after 6 p.m. 1065 ErUon. Ph. 24547. qllO 1946 TRAILER HOUSE, sleeps four. Ask for Oarlnger. Castle Hall Park, 12th street Junction. lll 1910 BUIC" Super Sedan. Oood tires. Has heater, radio 8c seat covers. $1250. Take trade-in. 3855 Mahrt Ave., by Penn 4 Corner. W 1941 2i-TON GMC dump. 6 yd. Rt. 8, Box 1518. Hollywood Dr. ql09 19S4 cnEV. Good cond., excel, tires, heat er. 8300. Ph. 34369. 140 Lansing Ave. ql09 '38 FORD TRUCK, tandem wheels. Good rubber. A-l mechanically. Ray Garland. Rt. 2. Newberr, Ore., at Rex. ql08 DIXIE FLYR trailer house. 19 ft., elps. 4. Butane range, A-l condition. 20 Wil liams Ave. ql07 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - BER7I0B - PARTS ATI makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROOK MOTOR CO. Phoo 8603 - Salem HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why," SHROOK MOTOR OO Phone 8503 Salem FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4& INTEREST B to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Child s, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261. T107' CASH FOR SPRING 825 le 8800 on signature, furniture or auto up to 1500. 18.38 a mo. repays ' $100 loan In full In 15 mos. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 6 who ask for a loan at Personal get It. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S122 Mies rl30 MONEY FOR EVERY PTTRPOSS IF YOU are capable of bulldlnj 10 to 100 nouses oaiem or Ticinny during 1947 and need financial assistance, Contaet Oa. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment bouse unite. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S316M223 113 8. High St Ph. 4131 r" FARM AND CITY LOANB 4 and 6 fOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph 7163 r Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 4 4V A N. Duncan 13-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bids. Phone 9658 iM PERCENT money for loans on new or already nunc modern nomes any- wl e tn the Willamette valley. 10 to 38 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money for building modern homes. financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO- 153 S. High St, 8 MONEY 8 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANB OAR LOANS ' We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contract STATS FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie S-316 M-322 153 8 High St. r A D TO I O A N S WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO, 8tb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO License No. M-159. 8-154 FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on lmoroved real estate, oaiem and vicin lty, amounts $500 to 15000. NET In vestors 6 pet. interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S. High St. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and U-SJ8 and ROY H SIMMONS tHSURANCK AND LOANS S Commercial 81 Tel 9181 Directory ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestie refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 338 Center Ph. 4036 o APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 3-5100. 0126' ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o!28' AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 278 S. Com'l. Ph. 1181 Brake to Wheel aligning specialist. 0127' AUTOMOTIVE COYw. MOTOR overhaul, auto mich. serv ice. Body and fender, tree estimates. reasonable. Ph. 6313. 643 N. Hlih, elll MARION MOTOR! NASH SERVICE Towing service, day. Phone 1831 Night. 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush, virtu Husney sua raimew at. Phone 23146, Salem. 0IO8 GLEASON'S Catering Serviee. Ph. 33379 Oll0 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Fn. 4071. 0115' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY, 771 F. 31st St. Ph. 7176. 0129' CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofs and alteration!. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kens Construc tion Co. Ph. 4830 or 25106. 0118 ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. 0IO8 DF'IYEBY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup 8rvlce 145 8. Church. Phone 4711. ol36 vans motorcycle Merchant Delivery. Ph. 1 00 178 N. High. oll4 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations. Brooks Trailer Camp, 1984 State St. 0136 Market Quotations Salem Livestock (By Valley. Packlnr Co,) Hobs, 35c under Portland each wt. 3prlng lambs, 118.50. Woolfd 1946 lambs. 118. Sheared 1946 lambs, 116. Yearlings, 813.50. Ewes, 2 to 17.50. Fat dairy cows, 112-13.50. Cutters. 88-12. Dairy hetfers, 113-17. Bulls, 112-17. Calves. 300-450 lb.. 110-21. Veal, 150-300 lb.. 119-24. Portland Kaitside Green onions were offered at 25-3 5e a doeen bunches in volume lota and 40c In slnsle dozen lots at today's session of the Portland Easlside Farmers' Whole sale Produce market. Best packs of Willamette valley and mid-Columbia spinach were quoted at 70-75C a 20-Ib. box. No. 1. loose packed asparagus was sold for 13.50-3. 7i with No. 1 bunched stock selling at 13.85-4. Lettuce was valued at 14 a crate of three dosen heads. Field-crown turnips were offered at 11.25 a dor,en. New crop beets were quoted at 11.50 1.65 a dozen bunches. Pointed type, untrlmmed cabbage was sold for 11.35 a crate. Local radishes were offered at 60 -80c a dozen bunches. Portland Produce Exchange Builerfat Tentative (subject to mme- dlate change). Premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 percent acidity delivery Portland, 67-GBc lb.; first quality. 66-67c lb.: second quality, 61-63c; valley routes and country points, 3 cents less than first, or 64-65C. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk. 68c lb- cubes, grade AA, 93 score, 61c; A. 92 score. boc; u. 90 score. 60c; C. 89 score. 57c. Cheese Selling: price to Port and whole salers: Oregon singles, 35-52c; Oregon loaf. 3a'&-54c. DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR aervlce. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1260 N 17th 0138 PEMBFRTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 6. 0124 12th. pnone 23346. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 3672 o" FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros.. 4020 S. Stat. Ph. 21233 0153 NEW FURNACES Ss oil turners. We clean and repair all makes. Free estimates. No obligation. All work guaranteed. Holland Furnace Co. Ph. 7681. ol31 HAULING NEWTON'S light Pickup St delivery. Haul ing 01 ail kinds. Household moving. Fully Insured. Phone 22812, ol34 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McClellar. Phone 23456. olOD HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free lei 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. ol27 LANDSCAPING LEVELING DOZING JOHNSON BRIGGS, building streets ft roads, ph. 8035, Salem. ql21 LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and ear load ing. iAimoer inaustries, mc, success ors to H. St 8. Lumber Co- Wallace road. West Salem. Ph. 9593. o!14 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER. 925 Saginaw. P 7826 ol07 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. ol08a OIL wIpCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. urw. Phone 5395. olll GOOD WORK, REASONABLE. Free estl- mate. c. Home, Phone 6313. o!24 PAINTING AND PAPERQANGING, Free estimate, ea, 9513. 857 Shipping. oll5' PAINTING St PAPERUANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 8492. 0126' ROY C. HANSON. Phone 2-5838. decorating. oll3 PAPERHANGING PAPERING St PAINTING repair. Ph. 8522. ol33 EXPERT PAPERHANGING. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. O-108 PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 35106. ol31 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlas. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. oll3 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. ol37 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel It dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co Phone 8561 0 SEPTIC TANKS SE-TIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlng. Ph. 9633. 0114 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Proi t service. Ph. 6327 or 9468. olOT MIKE'S Cesspool St Septlo Service, moo- em equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. ol27 K F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 SPRAYING. L W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. ol26' COSIPLET'" spray equipment, lawn, trees, .uuDs s- ileitis. Philip W. Belike. Dial ?08- 0122 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storase Burner oils eoat, briquets. Trucks to fortiana aaiiy. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Lanner Transfer St Storage. Ph 8131. o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACTTru CLEANER owners, wt will service your Hoover cleaner com plete for $3.50 piut paru U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9140. o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. Ph. 8965. olOT WnlTTAKER 8 WELDING WORKS. Ph. POUU. 108 WELL DRILLING Chester J. Pugh, Rt. 2, Box 3888 Salei Oregon. Ph. 33413. olll WELL DRILLING. M D. Enloe, Rt. 9 Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 35198. Ol08' J. A. SNEED SONS. WeU drilling 3505 Bjooxseu., aaiem Fnone 6809. ol27 WINDOW CLEANING SAEM WINDOW Service. House Clean ing, noor waxing. Ph. 21343. oll9 ACME WTNDOW CLEAWKR W1ntn walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxeo m polished Ph. 1337. 841 Court wans doe Oulbertsoo and Uatber PROFESSIONAL Phone 4487 OLXANXNO BER VICE o LODGES A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F, VRy& A.M., 248 N. Commercial. Tuesday, May 6, 7:30 p.m. MM. degree. 108 Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every xuesaay at, o pm uor tnan million members. I. O. O. P. meets every Wednesday night. Visi tors welcome. Enter- tainment. A Salem Lodge No, A, A.P. Sc MStYA.M.. Wednesday, May 7: Din N ner, 6:30 65c; Stated Meet ing, 8:00; entertainment. 109 Esca To wholesalers: A grade, large. 52-53,c; medium, 484-48',-; A grade, mall. 42', c; B grade, larae, 45s-47"aC. Eeti Purchased from farmers: Current receipts. 45-50c. buyers pay S-S'c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery egBS. Portlanl Dairy Market "utter Prices to retailers. Grade AA carton 66-67c; AA prints. 65-66c; A prints, 64-65c; A cartons, 66-67c; B prints, 65c: one-fourth pound cubes, cent hither. Ess Prices to retailers, AA extra large, 6C?; A large (certified), 58-59c: A large, 54-55c; AA medium. 54c; A medium. 50 51c; A small, 45o dozen; carton, 3'ic ad ditional. Cheese Prices to retailers: Portland Oregon sincles, 36't-34c lb.; Oregon lost. 39-56c; triplets, 36-54c. Poultry: Lir. Chicken Paying price to produc ers: N 1 broilers, under 3 lbs., 29-30c lb.; fryers, 3 to 3 lbs., 29-30c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs.. 35-37c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 35 37c: fowl. Lea horn, under 3 'i lbs., 18 20c; 3 lbs. and over, 20-23c: colored, ell weights, 32-33c lb.; stats, all weights. 14-16e. Rabbits Average to retailers, 48-S2c lb. dressed: prices to producers. 43c: try ers, live, white, 30-34c lb.; colored, 17-2 lc lt. Vegetable: Artichokes--Calif. 4 and 8 doi. to a lug, 13.25: doi.. 12.50-3.75. Asparagus Oregon, Hood River, Canby, per box. 30 llb. bunches, 13.75-4: loose, S3.65-3.75. No. 3s, $2.75-3. Washington. Sunnyside, No. 1 mediums, 12-13c lb.; un classified and small, 7-8'ac. Avoradoes Calif., fancy. 20. 34, 14.45-5; Fuertes, fancy, 30. 35, 14.60-4.85; choice, all sizes, $3.95-4.20. Beans Calif., 20-25c lb. Cabbare California No. 1. $3-3.75: Tex as 80-lb. crates. 14.25; red, 17.75-8.35 crate. Track sales. Calif, crate. $2.75-3.15. Carrots California, bunched. 6 doz.. $4-4.25: 50-lb. sacks, topped. 12-2.15; truck sales. Calif., bunched, mostly 13.50; sacx ed 5(1-lb. $1.35-1.60. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed, standard crate, $2.85-3; track sales, no sales. Celery Sturdee crates, Pascal. 16 ', sld. crates. 15.25-6: std. crates. 15.75-6. Corn Calif., crates. 5 doz Sb.as-e.au, Cucu ibers - Oregon nothouse, $7.25-8; 3-dos. lugs, .10-32 lb. Ee plant 20-lb. lua. l4.2A-t.au. Endive 3 dor... 83.50-3.75. Lec": Local. 80-90c doz. Let tjce Calif., 4s, 15.50-8: few, p lower: Stockton, 3 dor. $3.75-4.25; ti sales higher. Mush rooms 80-SOc lb. Onions, green Local, mid-Columbia, 25- 35c. Onions, dried--Oregon yellow, no. 1 3 inches and larger, 13.75-3; medium, si.65-1 75: Texas white wax. $4-4.35; Ber mudas, $3-3.25. Sale to Jobbers, cold storane. No. Is. $2-2.25: medium, $1.75. Peppers Mexican-Calif.. 45 lbs.. i3.aa- 13.75 lug; Ioosp. 40-450 lb.; truck sales, 45-lh. rrntes. $12.50. Parsley Car-., 1B-6.80. 10 aosen bunches. Peas Calif.. 18-ln. hamper, J3.60-3.90. Potatoes Steady, Oregon-Washington Russets. No. 1, per cwt., $3.75-4, baker size. S4.50-;.70. No. 2. $3.10-3.25: No. (50-lb. $1-1.05, 15 lbs.. 60-65CI Deschutes. 50 1 bs.. $1.35-1.30. New crop: Call. fornfa 100-lb. sacks, 14.25-4.45; Texas Bliss Triumphs. 50 lbs.. 13.15-3.50. Track SRle' No. 1. Calif., long whiles. 100 ids., ij.vo. Radishes Local, doi., 60-75C. Spinach Local, new crop. ' 75-90c. Squash Calif. Zucchini, 30-lb. lug. 5.50: summer. $3.75-3.85 lug. : Potatoes--Calif. Jersey, 3n-t. bas ket, $4.25-3; Calif. La Yams, $4.15-4.35 Texas. S4. 15-4.25. Tomatoes Mex co. lugs. No. is. 89. so- 21 1-lb. tubes, $7.50-8; Calif, Indio 9 and 12 top packs, $7-7.50:16 top. $5.60- Imperial. IB top, $5-5.50; inmo uats. 18 lbs.. $6.50-6.75. Turnips Calif.. $1-1.10 doz. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane-wrap ped: spinach, 24 12-oz., $1.60; salad, 8-oz. 11.15-1.20; celery hearts, per doz., $3.25 3.50. Garlic 20 1-0Z, pkBS., 3I.65-1.7S. Fresh Fruit: Apples Newtowns. Hood River, w. and p., $4.75-5; Wlnesaps, w. and p., $4.50-5, Avocados camornia rtiertes, 3u-sas, $4.45-5 box; 20-24s, $4.60-4.90; choice. 13.75-4. Bananas Bunched. $10.50-11.50 cwt.. cut hands. S12-13.50 cwt. Dates Calif. 24 8-07.. pkgs., $4.65-4.75: natural and hydrated flats, 15 lbs., 14.25 4.50. Grapefruit Texas pinks, 70-805, $4.65 5: smaller, 13.65-4.25; Marsh Bcedless. 30 96s, 13-3.35; Arizona white, $2.50-3; choice, lower. Lemons Calif, fancy, 252-300S, 16.S0 6.75: 432s, $4-5: choice. $1 less. Limes California. 15 tubs of 6 lime, $3.50-3.60; lugs of 50, 95c-$l. Oranges California navels, 176 and l:.:ger. $5.75-8.10: 220-252s, $5.25-5.40: smaller. M-4.40: choice, S0c-ll less a box Rhubarb Local, field-grown. 20-lb. box. 75-85c; 90r-fl 30-lb. apple box; wine, 35 90c a 15-lb. box. Strawberries Air express, Calif., 4 4.25: rail express, 13-3.50 a 12-cup fill. Dressed Meats: Veal Light top quality, 35-36c; heavy top quality. 38-3 0c; B, 25-26c; C. 32-21c: cull, 18-20C. Hoai Block, butchers, packer styK 125-160 lbs.. 37-38c: over 213 lbs., 16-37C lb.: sovs, all wts.. 29-34e lb. Lambs AA.. 3B-40c; A, 37-38ci B, 34-36c; C, 28-30C lb. Mutton 1015c lb., according to quality Beef Best quality, 32-34c; B. 25-26C: C, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-21c; bo logna bulls, 23-26e. Wool, Cascsra Bark: Cascara Bark Oreen. 8-8 He: dry, 20c Wool Valley, eoarse and medium grades, 42-43 '4c lb. Mohair 40c lb. on 12-month growth. H" 1 Calves, 40c lb., according to welht: kins, 20c lb.; green beef, 11c 1 b. Rendered Inedible Fa U 12-13c lb. Chicago Grsln Chicago, Mav S 0JP Cash grain sales: Wheat: nominally higher; no sales. Corn: unchanged to lower. No. 1 Yellow 166; 3 yellow 166-160'4: 3 veDow 160'V165; 4 yellow 151-1604: 8 yellow ISOVi-lSS'i; sample grade yellow 70-136Mi; 3 white 163: sample grade white 1301. Oats: Unchanged to one cent higher. No. 1 mixed hevay 97'fc-lOO: 1 mlsed 97'i: 1 white heavy 100U: 1 white B'i 100't sample grade white 87U; 1 red special extra heavy 99. Barley: Malting 160-190 nominal; feed 130-150 nominal. Chicago LlveMnrk Chicago. April 5 0JW fUSDAi Salable hobs 5.500. total 7.000: market active. 1.00-1.50 higher than Friday's average with most advance on weights over 360 pounds: sows 50-75 cents higher; top 34.50; bulk good and choice 170-360 lb 23.75-34.50; 370-390 lb 33.25-33.75; 300 350 lb 30.75-23.00; . most good and choice sows 18.35-19.00. Salable cattle 14,000. total 14.000: li able calves 1.600. total 1.500; active; slaughter steers and yearlings strong to mostly 36 cents higher; spots 50 cents up; heifers mostly 35 higher; cows strong to as cents higher; bulls fully steady; three loads choice 1,300-1.250 lb steers topped at 26.50: load lots good to choice steers 25.60-36.35; bulk medium to top-good yearlings and steers 30.50-24.75; load choice 1.000 lb fed heifers 24.40: few good beef cows 17.50-19.00: bulk heef cows 14, no- 16.50: tanners and cutter 10.30-13.50: Rood weighty bulls 17.00-17.36; good and choice vealers 33.00-35.00. Salable sheep 3.500: total 3 500: flow: two doubles good and choice fed wooled Colorados waling under 100 lb steady at 23.50; much of wooled lamb supplies medium and good grade held at steady prices: three doubles Rood and choice 101 lb fed clipped lambs with No. 3 pelts 40 cents higher at 31.65: slaughter ewes scarce, held baove 10.50. Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. May 5 Wheat: No futures quoted. Caxh grain: No. 1 flax 6.25. Cash wheat 'bid : soft white 3 13: aoft white 'excluding rexj 2.34; white club 3.34; western red 2.34. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.34: 10 percent 3.35: 11 percent 3.41; 13 percent 2.51. Hard white baart: 10 percent 2.35: 11 percent 3.39; 13 pereent 3 46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 41; bar ley 15; flour 4; corn 19; oats 1; millfeed 7. Portland LlTesteek Portland, Ore., May 5 (UW Portland livestock: Beef: Salable 1400: calves 340. Market less active; early sales steady to weaK Some sales 35 eents lower and many bid! on common to medium cattle 50 cents lowen load lots good to choice fed steers up to 34.35-34.50; medium to good grades 30.00-33.50; common stock to 16.00; com mon to medium heifers 15.00-30.00; aood heifers up to 33.00; canner and cutter cowa 10.40-13.00; fat dairy type cow Hi, There, Fellow, No Fudging Silverton's first marble tournament, sponsored by the Lions club, gets under way on Eugene Field grounds with these youngsters in the junior division striving for a place in the state-wide run off to be held in Portland. About 70 youngsters turned out for the Silverton event. Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, May 5 P) Slocks rallied and retreated at frequent intervals in today's market. Motors led a morning runup of fractions to 3 points or so after slow early irregularity. Quotations then slipped only to harden at the start of the final hour. A little late profit cash ing on the four-session advance substantially trimmed top marks in the majority of cases and put many pivotals in the minus col umn at the close. Transfers for the full proceedings ran to ar ound 750,000 shares. Chrysler pushed up belter than 3 points in the first hour with further short covering and bidding based on the double div idend and splitup plan. It even tually met resistance and was up 1 at the last. General Motors also erased all but !s of an ini tial advance. Equitable Office Building add ed 4 at a new 1947 high on a sizable turnover as the supreme court ruled that new reorganiza tion proposals for the company should be considered. Modest gains were retained by U. S. Steel, Scars Roebuck, Westing house, Du Pont and Union Pa cific. Pennsylvania railroad dipped to a new low. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 174.21; up 0.21; rail, 45.66, off 0.03; utility, 34.22, unchanged; 65 stocks, 61.54, up 0.04. Sales totaled 740,000 shares compared with 950,000 shares last Friday Curb volume was 210,000 shares, same as last Frl day. Bond turnover of $3,280,- 000 compared with $3,290,000, Designates Sunday As Mother's Day Next Sunday was designated today as Mother's day in Ore gon by Acting Gov. Marshall E. Cornett. "It is a pleasure to lend my support to this traditional ob servance," Cornett said, "and to urge the citizens of Oregon to make use of this opportunity to acknowledge in some small measure, the care, affection, de votion and hard work of mothers everywhere." Powers Leaves Hospital Monmouth J. F. Powers, who has been ill in the Dallas hospi tal with influenza and pneumo nia, is home in Monmouth again and convalescing. A son, Delmer L. Powers of Wichita, Kans., is visiting him here and another son, Wilson A. Powers of Suther lin, was here but has returned to his home. Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Stocks firm in quiet trading. Bonds irregularly higher; U. S. governments did not trade. Curb stocks irregular. Silver unchanged in New York at 73 cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed up 2 cents to off cent. Sheep steady, hogs and cattle higher. held above 14.00; few grassy beef cows up to 16.00; fairly aood beef cows to 17.50, beJit held above 18.50; good beef bulls held around 18.00-18.50: vealers weak; good to choice 34.00-37.00. Hogs: Salable 700. Market active, around 33 cents higher: good to choice 180-340 lbs. mostly 35.35: 300-300 lbs. 23.75: few 160 lbs. 23.75: good sows steady at 20.50-21 .00: good to choice feeder pigs 34.50-25.00. Sheep: Salable 500. Market steady; good to choice spring lambs up to 30.50: good to choice shorn old stock lambs up to 18.00: wooled lambs scarce. Common to medium shorn ewes 3.00-5.00; good to choice trades salable 7.00-7.50: wooled ewes eligible to 7.50. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Setatl Prlres Rabbit Feedi Pelletts, 84.15 cwt. F.tt Mash 14.60 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. I, 34c li ; No. 2, 28ci colored fryers, No. 1, 14c lb Esse Buyerg' Prices White and Brown extra large g ade A, 53c; med., 48c; standards, doaen: pul lets, 10c; crax, 30c. "'holesata PriceLarge, 86o dozen; med., 53c doien. Butter Wholesale A. 65c. R-tall- Grsde A. 70c. Builerfat Premium, 68c; No. 1, 6Tc. Mo. 3, 63c, New York Stock Quotations Bj the Associated Press) New York St- Clewing quotations todat Allied Chem Si Dre na'.j American Can Am Fewer St Llah . 12 .18j Amer Tel St Tei .naconda Copper Atchison ... . '. Bendl Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft California Packing Canadian PaCifle " I case Chrysler Corp ,. Commonwealth to Sout nsolidaied Edisor , 26V lb 'i Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . ,,, Crown Zellernach .... Curtias WriBht JClu Aircraft Oupont ae Nemou - General Electric General Poods General Motor; Goodyear Tire Great Northern pfd .. .. International Harvester . , int Paper pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Uoni Bell A ... Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery War Nash Kelvlnbiot .. National Dairy .. N Y Central . North Am Oo . Northern Pacltle Pae Amoi ruh Pacillo Oas Eleo Pacific TAT Pan American ferine j J O .. 41 .. 83 4 4 ',4 17 . 12S 40S Radio Corp Raronier Haronler Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Scars Roebuck - Sinclair Oil Southern Pactfle Standard Brands Standard Oil Call! 31 33 15 38 , 31 . 56' , 16 20 Stewart Warner Studebaker Sua Mining .. Union OH . Union Pacific 9 ... 31',i ..130 United Airlines 37 United Aircraft 19 Untied States Steel 70 Warner rir others 15- West Elec MfB Co 25 Mi Wool worth 45 Tanana River Ice Pack Breaks Fairbanks, Alaska, May 5 fP) As breathless watchers lined the banks, the Tanana river ice pack broke up with a grinding roar at 5:53 p.m .Saturday bringing fortunes to seven lucky guess- ors participating in the record $140,000 Tanana pool. Each of the seven winners, five of whom were from Fair banks, will receive $20,000. This year's winners were Alex Miller, Valvin Anderson, Paul Stryken, Olga Miscovich and the banks, the "Arctic club" of An chorage and Floyd Jaeger of Tal keelna village. (In Seattle, the "old timers" were listed as Charles Holky, Ctarlcs Settlemeier, Joe Martin, William Bryson, James Ryan, Muriel Dustin, Effie Young Bernadette Thomas, Cyrus B Alwell and a Mrs. Larson.) Bondholders Reject PEP Reorganization Portland, May 5 P) Bond holders of Portland Electric Power company securities have rejected the reorganization plan previously approved by stock holders after eight years legal preparation. Estes Sncdecor, referee In bankruptcy for the Pepco ar rangements, said a two-thirds majority was necessary and that only a slight majority had con sentcd to the proposal. The plan had approval of the Oregon district federal court and the securities and exchange commission. (SrahieO li highly ITCH; continue for life If topped. Its sole cause In the Itch-mile which Is Immune to ordinary treatments. FX HOBA kllli the Iteh-mlte almost Instant Ir. Only three day EXSORA treatment b required Al Toir Ntareet PKCD MITEB Drug Section HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula ' Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. ' No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Libert; St. Salem, Oregon - Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, ml Strength Seen In Oat Prices Chicago, May 5 Strength in oats featured grain dealings on the board of trade today The May delivery was up nearly 2 cents at times and deferred con tracts displayed a firm under tone. The strength was a reflection of comparatively high prices paid for the cash grain in the spot market, where contract grades are selling at a premium over the May delivery. Number one heavy white oats brought $1.00 V4 a bushel. Wheat closed 1 cent lower to 2Vi higher, May $2.64 'A, corn was unchanged to M higher, May $ 1 .6 1 'fe - V4 , and oats were l'a higher, May 90 -91. It is now possible to photo graph human vocal cords in action. Births, Deaths Births Diet; -To Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dletz. 1170 Nebraska, a daughter, Carol Ann, May 1. Calvert To Mr. and Mrs. James R. Calvert, )R40 Knob Hill, a son, Richard Scott, April 30 Smith To Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Smith. Independence, a son, Larry Dean, April Syverson To Mr. and Mrs. Mllo O. Sv verson, 040 Wilbur, a daughter, Shari lyn Kay, April 11. Cook To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Cook, route 1, Independence, a daughter, Lynne LaVelle, April 37. Waldner To Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wnldner, 330 South 14th, a son, David Virgil, April 34. MrCallUter To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Me- Ca Muter. 3410 Mission, a son, Edward Al bert, April 37. Gerlna To Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ger- Ing. 1535 State, a daughter, Sherrl Lea, April 37. Mears To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Mears, 3385 Shelton, a daughter, Patricia Gale, April 30. Taylor To Mr. and Mrs. Olaudis L. Taylor. 300 South 18th. a daughter, Lor raine Kay, May j. Unrein To Mr. and Mrs. Alvln A. Un rein. 931 Cascade Drive, a daughter, Vir ginia Kaye, May 3. Sullivan To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Q. Sullivan, 1005 Sixth, West Salem, a son. Martin Lynn, May 3. Deaths Deaths Ho rare Mavnard Ynnkiim Horace Maynard Yonkum. at. the resi dence, 6!i0 Locust street, Monday, March 5, at the age of 73 yrnrs. Brother of Mrs. Charles Bratclirr of Phoenix. Arls. Announcement of services later by Cloiuih- uarrick company. Ira Hmnlet Cnmnlnn Ira Hnmlct Comnton. at hi home at 775 North 17th street, Sundny, May 4. Father of Theodore V. Compton of Baker and Ivan W. Compton of Hanford. Calir.; and brother of Mrs. Bessie Stiiralll and uuariej compton of Bnker. Oregon. An nouncemrnt oi services later by Clough Bar rick company. flattie B. Buslck Cady In Pasadena. Calif., April 3, Rattle B How To Hold FALSE TEETH Mor Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and cm- narrass by slipping dropping or wab bling when you eat. lanah or talk? Jus APnnKie a little r AS IE FT H on yonr Plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder hold false terth more firmly and more comiortably. No gummy, gooey, pasty taite or felling. Does not sour. Checks Plnle odor" (denture breath). Oet j-ABiij.r-.iM toany el any drug store. Sore, Tender Aching Feet Go to Capital Draff Store or nnv other good druggist todav and roe an oriRinai bottle of Moone's Emer ald Oil. The very first application will give you relief and a few short treat ments will thoroughly convince you that by stickin faithfully to It for a short while your foot troubles may dc a tmnR or tnc past and best or all. free from all offensive odora. And one bottle we know will show you beyond all question that you have at last discovered the way to solid food comfort. Be mire you get Mtxmc's Emerald Oil. Adv. GIRLS! WOMEN ! On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! Do female functional monthly dis turbances make you feet nervous, fldKcty, cranky, so tired and 'drag ged out' at such times? Then do try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Monday, May 5, 1947 13 Buslck Cady, former resident of Salera and late resident of Pasadena. Survived by a 3on, Edwin Buslck, with the U.S. army K Germany. Member ol Chadwlck chapter No. 37, Order of Eastern Star; Willamette Shrine No. 2 of the White Shrine, i'anna Rosa Court No. 6 of Order of Amaranth and the Rebekahs, Services will be held Tuesday, May 8, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with con cluding services in the IOOF cemetery. Rev, George H. Swift will officiate. Mrs. Katie Samaln Mrs. Katie Samaln, at her home al 35 Fair view avenue, Sunday, April 37. S vlved by her husband, Charlea O. Sa maln of Salem: a niece, Alma Huber of St, Paul, Minn.; and two nephews, Wayne Huber of New Mexico and Roy Huber of Lyons, Oregon. Services will oe held Wednesday, May 7. at 3 p.m. at the Clough-Barrtck chapel with Dr. Joseph M. Adams officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. H. Y. Durham , P. Durham, at the residence, 1130 Norway street, Saturday. May 3. Survived by his wife. Lenora Durham of Salem; two sons. Delvin Durham of Salem and Clark Durham of RichUnd, Wash.; two brothers. Scott and Phillip Durham, both of Oklahoma; a sister, Mrs. Eva Reeder of Clovut, Calif.; and two grandchildren. Services were held Monday, May 5. at 3:30 p.m. at the Clouah-Barrlck chapel with Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Interment was in the City View cemetery. Infant Htnsttn In this city May 3, the Infant daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Hanson of 1395 North 18th street. Sister of Joyce Hanson of Salem and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hanson of Silverton nd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kasburs of Sa lem. Graveside services will be held Tuesday, May 6, at 10:30 a.m. at the City View cemetery under the direction of w. T. Rladon company. Rev, P. W, Eriksen will officiate. Obituary Mrs. Nellie G. Brandow Bethel Mrs. Nellie O. Brandow, sister nf th late E. E. Matten. in Portland, Sunday. May 4. at the ase of 76 years. Survived by two brothers. Arthur Matten of Portland and C. L. Matten of Victoria, B.C. Member of the Silver Leal HeDenan lodge of Portland and Patton Methodist church in Portland, services win at nem at the Chapel of the Chimes at 430 North Kiliingaworth street. Portland, Wednes day, May 7 at 1 P-m. Lulu M. Goln Jefferson Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Fisher Funeral home. In Albany, for Lulu M. Goln, 61. who died at 3 o'clock Fri day afternoon at her home three miles north of Jefferson. She had been in ill health for many years, but death came suddenly. Rev. Orvlllo Mick, pastor of the Albany Christian church, will officiate. Mrs. Gilbert Looney will shut. Pallbear ers Include Herbert Looney, Robert Ter- hune. Walter Watklns, Jack Dcvaney, J. H. Hadley and W. A. Gilmore. She was born October 28. 18B5. on the farm four and a half miles southeast of Jefferson. Her parents, Alfred N. and M. Blanche Goln, were pioneers of "64 and '65, com ing to Oregon by ox team from northern Missouri. She has lived on the farm north of Jefferson since 1901. For many years the Ooln farm was especially noted for growing choice dahlias, and alse op erating a fruit stand from fruit raised on the farm. She is survivea oy wo brothers. Varlon E. Goln of Jefferson and Dr. J. W. Coin of Albany; also several nieces and nephews and an aunt, Mrs. Anna Stayton. almost 96 years old, who lives at Stayton and plans to attend the funeral. Mis Goin was a member of the Baptist church. Interment will be made in the Miller cemetery at Bhel burn, in charge of the Fisher Funeral home. William R. Tucker Silverton Funeral aervlces were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. B. P. Browning of flciallnft, from the Memor ial chapel of the Ekman funeral home for William E. Tucker, lb, of 1430 Beth any road, who died unexpectedly Sat urday at the Silverton hospital. He wag born in New York. Surviving arc his wi dow, Flora E., and six children, Mrs. Lo rnh Clark, Snn Francisco; Mrs. aroma Lyle and F. E. Tucker both of Keota, Iowa: Mrs. Hnrry Srhemfelclt, Sigourney, Iowa: Mrs. oris Randolph, Ottumwa, Iowa; and C, O, Tucker of Silverton, Shipment will bo made to Keota, Iowa, for final rites. Samuel Connlbear Silverton Graveside service will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m.. at Silverton ce metery, for Samuel Connlbear, Portland, a former local resident, It was announced from the Ikman Funeral home. Gilbert Anderson ilverton Qtlbert Anderson. 73. of 33 Phelp-s street, died late Saturday evening at romana uooa Samaritan hospital following several days' illness. The fam ily came to Silverton three years ago from Minneapolis. His wife survives, and also three daughters In the middle vm. Announcements will be made later from ine jurnia funeral home, Mrs. Sarah Jane Ervln Albany Mrs. Sarah, Jane Ervln, TS, BHD No. 3, Philomath, native of Linn county, died Friday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. L. Lance. Funeral ser vice were held from the DeMosa-Britt funeral home In Corvallu. Mrs, Ervin was born at Brownsville, December 5, IRflB. She moved with her pnrenla to Al sea. She waa married September 13. 1887 to Andrew Jackson Ervln, who died in 1D37. Thereafter she lived with her son Roy. Surviving are five children, Mrs. Lance. Mrs. Clarencn Snpp, Ahea: Roy and Jesse Ervln, RFD No. 3, Philomath, and Frank Ervln, Philomath: 13 grand children and 17 great grandchildren. FREE OFFER For Deafened Persons For people who are troubled by hard-of-hearing, this may be the means for starting a new, full life with all the enjoyment of sermons, music, friendly com panionship. It is a fascinating brochure called "Full-tone Hearing" and is now available without charge. Deafened per sons acclaim it as a practical guide with advice and encour agement of great value. If you would like a free copy, send your name and address on a pen ny postcard and ask for "Full tone Hearing." Write BELTONE, Dept. 18, 1450 W. 10th St., Chi cago 8, 111. Also show this im portant news to a friend who may be hard-of-hearing. Adv. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese edles. Amastni success tor 6000 years io China No matter with wnal ail ments your are afflicted disorder tlnualtls. Heart, mnss. liver, kidneys fas. constipation, ulaera. euaoeiea. rheumatism, fall and oladder (eve kin. female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE BCUB OO. Office Houri I M i Tnea. and Sat. eary 14 N. ComnervlaL Phone IIIM. SAUCM OBB TRY THIS IF YOU'RE Compound to relieve such symp toms. It's amous for this purpose I Taken rcgulnrly Pinkham'i Compound helps build up resist ance against such distress. And that's the kind of product you should buy. Thousands have rt ported benefltl Wori truing. VEGETABLE COMPOUND V