I'1 Locals 'il Jack Carr, 70 Fairview ave nue, didn't need a doctor after he had ridden two miles in Sa lem's old first aid car Saturday afternoon. Carr injured a knee in a baseball game and first aid was called. The bumping of the 10-year-old car on the way to Salem General hospital restored the knee to normal condition. Portable battery and electric radios; big discounts. Vince's Electric. 107 Vacuum Cleaners (tanks and uprights) with attachments. 14 different makes. Free demon stration. Terms and trade-ins Vince's Electric. Phone 6292. 107 Schick and Remington Razors. Vince's Electric. 107 Olson Washer Repair. 25100. 125 'First aid was called Saturday evening to treat a wound caused by some sharp instrument for Don Taggert, 817 Mill street. His wife was booked by police on intoxication charge. fDr. Wiles, Dentist, 701 First Rational Bank Phone 4924 tot immediate appointment Asparagus now ready for can ning and freezing. Fiala Ranch, three miles north of Salem in Polk county. Phone 23072. Ering container. 107 River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial Sand and Gravel. Phone 21966 Cement jobs. 24751 evenings. 109 - Stove oil. Cadwell Oil com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 107 Dr. R. Franklin Thompson. president of the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma and formerly professor of social science and dean of freshmen at Willamette university, will be the bacca laureate speaker at the 78th an nual commencement ot Oregon State college June 6. Dr. Thomp son served as vice president of WU from 1939 to 1941, becom ing president of CPS the fol lowing year. Insured savings earn more than twi' percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. Attention, GI! $8,300 or GI apprasal. Two bedroom home, electric heat, hot water heater, insulated, weather stripped, hardwood floors throughout, replace, attached plaster er garage, restricted district North, off Pacific highway Phone 5583 or 4103. For sale by owner. 109 Asparagus now ready for can ning and freezing. Fiala Ranch three miles north of Salem in Polk county. Phone 23072 Bring container. If you own any of the follow ing bonds we can supply you with valuable information con cerning unpaid interest. Japa nese Government, Yokohama Tokyo, Taiwan Electric Power Conrad Bruce and Company, 203 Oregon Building. Phone 4106 107 Elmo L i n d h o 1 m. employed with the Salem Portland Gen etl Electric, has returned from Cleveland. Ohio, where he at tended a special training school for two weeks. He was the guest over the week-end at the home of his father and mother-in-law Mayor and Mrs. George Chris tenson, in Silverton. Get out of the dust for sum mer, oil it. Call Tweedie, 9B96 or 5769. 119 Duck Pin Bowling is fun. Try it at B&B Alleys, 335 N. High. 110 Rheumatism and Arthritis, Doctors differ as to the merits of Nue-Ovo. Many users say it Jius brought them relief. If you Jyfffer from Rheumatism or Ar VfTritis why not write for litera ture on Nue-Ovo from Research Laboratories, Inc., 403 N. W. 9th, Portland, Oregon. Pd. Adv. 107 Guaranteed clock and watch repairing. The Jewel Box, 443 State. "Removal sale at Upstairs An tique Shop, 439 Court. 107 Expert watch and clock re pairing. Five day service st Steven's Jewelry. Furniture upholstering. Call 9560. Electric alarm and kitchen clocks. Vince's Electric. 107 Air-Steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Phone 7694. 107 Dexter sharpens lawnmowers at your home by machine. 6833. : ' 107 The Hi-Y Mothers club will hold their final meeting of the school year Tuesday noon at the YMCA. All former members of the organization have been asked to take part in the no-host lun cheon. Election of officers will constitute the principal item of business. Mrs. A. W. Blanken sWp is serving as president Arriving in Salem Saturday for a visit here were Dr. and Mrs. R. W. DeWells and Dr. De Wells' mother, Mrs. Jessie De Wells, all of Los Angeles Dur ing their stay here the DeWellses are registered at the Senator hotel. The ladies of Saint Paul Episcopal Church bazaar, cook ed food, antique sale. May 7. Parnsh House, beginning noon. 107 Good supply of 600x16-650x16 700x16 recaps. Also good used tires. Reasonable prices. Gil Ward, 395 North High. 112 See complete Ime Color Per fect war paper at Sean. Varnado, GE, Sampson Elec tric Fans. Vince's Electric. 107 DeLuxeCab Phone 8050. 114' Special discount on all radios. Broadway Appliance company, 419 Ferry. 112 Salem Heights Mothers club will meet Tuesday, May 6, at 1 o'clock in the Salem Heights lunch room with the mothers of all those children who will be gin their first year of school next fall invited to attend. Fol lowing the program the mothers will be entertained at tea by the teachers at the school. In Salem it's Olson Floor Co., for sanding and finishing floors. Phone 7874. 107 All metal ironing boards. Vince's Electric. 107 You ran eniov Duck Pin bowl ing at B&B Alleys, 335 N. High 11UT Wood gutter, 18-in. fluted shakes, cedar rustic and all thickness of plywood. Borkman Lumber & Hardware Co., 246U State. Phone 3701. 107 Reducing program, also Swe dish and therapeutic massage. Open evenings. Phone 5731. 107 The county dog control board Monday passed on claims of poultry and stock killed by dogs allowing a claim for 19 turkeys owned by Henry Kamingo. of route 9, the two dogs doing the damage also being killed. Sheep claims were allowed as follows: R. P. Haroning, route 1, Wood- burn, 2; Agnes Booth, route 2 Turner, 8; J. R. Stratford, route 2, Aurora, 1; Henry Feller route 4, Salem, 3; and Milton L. Knauf, Silverton, 2. We install Auto Glass. Wood row's, 450 Center street. Miss Mary DeVall is back with Price's Beauty Salon and will accept appointments and meet her friends and patrons. 108 For Rent Floor Sanders. Woodrow's. 450 Center St Fur work and tailoring. Mrs. McNeal, 888 North Commercial 107 Apartment house electric ranges for immediate delivery Broadway Appliance company, 419 Ferry. 112 Mr. and Mrs. Emil Maas, 3855 Midway avenue, have reported to the state police and sheriff's office theft from their home of an Eversharp pen and pencil set and a Reynolds ball point pen. Entry to the home was made through an unlocked door. Large assortment box candy for Mothers Day. Wrapped for mailing at Ruth's, lobby Pioneer Trust building. 112 Miss Margaret Lloyd is tak ing appointments at Price's Beauty Salon and will be glad to meet old friends. 108 Home and industrial wiring Phone ,21675 or 6465. Valley Electric company. 1UB Body and fender repairing, wreck rebuilding, painting, ra diator cleaning and repairing. Expert workmanship. Lange's Body Shop, 542 Ferry. Phone 21817. 107 Place your order now for canned asparagus. Aufrance's Phone 8487. 107 County Engineer Swart Mon day was surveying on road 401 past the St. Paul flax plant which leads to Newberg up the river and takes onto the high way at the Newberg bridge The survey was to do away with two sharp right angle corners and replace them with a cutoff which will furnish an easy curve and eliminate two traffic hazards. About a mile of the road will be oiled this summer and included in this is the por tion where the corners are being straightened. Interior painting. Small jobs accepted. Phone 25745. 112 Experienced beauty operator wanted. Bonnie Dee Beauty Shop, 482 Court. Phone 9659. 109 New papas look! Cigars by box, popular brands. Ruth's, lobby Pioneer Trust building. 112 GE electric irons (automatic), only $6.26. Vince s Electric. 107 The county eourt Monday set June 17 as date of election of directors for the Idanha rural fire protection district, also for mally declared organized by the county court at the same ses sion. The district lies both in Marion and Linn counties and as the Linn county court will not act on the petitions until May 15 the election was set for the June date. At a meeting at Idan ha this week it is expected peti tions will be circulated to nom inate directors to be voted on Under a joint district two of the directors will come from Mar ion county, two from Linn coun ty and one at large. There are only six property owners in volved in the district on the Linn county side. Wanted A few boys for Capital Journal paper routes. These routes will be open for delivery June 1. See W. A. Sett, circulation manager. Custom garden work, with roto tiller. Merrill's Green house. Phone 24351. 107 Free cooking demonstration Wednesday 10 to 4:30, using the new Tappan CP. gas range. Free cookies. Ralph Johnson Appli ances, Valley Motor building, 355 Center street. 108 Deputy United States mar shals left six prisoners at the county jail overnight Sunday who they were taking to Mc Neill's island from Los Angeles, the temporary boarders being Ray Osborn, Seattle. Dyer act: Byron Haynes, embezzlement; William C. Couts, narcotics act; Fred Stucke, Dyer act; Alphonso Thompson, forgery: and Robert Vaden, Dyer act, all of Los An geles. Remember her May 11, Curt & Dean, Florist. Located in Erickson's Market. Free deliv ery. Phone 25014. 112 Standard Cleaners and Dyers, also rug and drapery cleaning. Pickup and delivery service at no extra charge. S. & H. Green Stamps. Phone 8779. 108 Washing machines for imme diate delivery. Broadway Appli ance company, 419 Ferry. 112 The home economics club of the Keizer Grange wrtl hold an all day meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. William Ek ner with a no-host lunch at noon. The regular meeting of the Grange will be held Wednes day night at 8 o'clock at the Keizer hall. World famous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug store. 107 Spencer Garments, Armena Felt of Spencer Shop in Port land will be at the Senator Ho tel Tuesday, May 6, Call or come in for appointment. 108 Johns-Manvllle slate surfaced shingles applied by expert roof ers. Nothing down 3 years to pay. Free Estimates. Ph. 4642 Mathis Brothers Roofing com pany. 164 South Commercial. The craft group working on leather articles will meet as us ual Tuesday evening for those not completing their projects. The meeting will be at the YW CA which sponsors the group. There is no instructor now, but the meetings are held for those wishing to complete their proj ects. Home and Industrial wiring. Phone 21675 or 6465. Valley Electric company. 109 Price's Beauty Salon has in creased its personnel and will now be able to accept a limited number of new appointments. 108 Follow the crowds to Crystal Gardens tonight. Old time and modern, 2 floors, 2 bands, one price. 160 Tuesday afternoon the mem bership committee of the Salem YWCA is sponsoring a member ship tea at the YW from 2 until 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Norman Win slow and Mrs. Halvorson are co chairmen of the membership committee. Funeral services will be held at the Chapel of the Chimes at 4:30 North Killingsworth street, Portland, Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock for Mrs. Nellie G. Brandow, sister of the late E. E. Matten of Salem, who died in Portland Sunday at the age of 76 years. Surviving are two brothers, Arthur Matten of Portland and C. L. Matten of Victoria, B. C. Certificate of assumed busi ness name for "Z. Boone" has been filed with the county court by Z. Boone, 570 N. Winter street. The business is for de signing and garment making. Willard Marks, Albany attor ney, was in Salem on business Monday. Curtis Taylor, route 5, Salem, has been booked at the sheriffs office by Deputy Sheriff Ervin Ward on a drunk charge. Cars driven by Wesley A Stormer, 40 Fairhaven, and James B. Rogers, 2130 North Fifth, collided Saturday after noon at Myrtle and Highland No one was hurt. Townsend Victory club No. 17 will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Deaconess hall, just west of the hospital build ing on Oak street. Winter Wheat Crop a Record Chicago, May 5 A winter wheat crop in excess of one bil lion bushels, largest in the na tion's history, was forecast to day by C. M. Galvin, crop expert for James E. Bennett and com pany. If the crop is realized, it will be the first time the winter wheat harvest has gone above a billion bushels. The record crop was produced last year when 874.0000,000 bushels were har vested. Based on reports received from several hundred field ob servers. Galvin predicted a crop of 1,005.000.000 bushels. This compared with the government s April 1 estimate of 973.000, 000 bushels. "Precipitation throughout the winter and spring months has been ample to build up a deep subsoil moisture that will sus tain the plant for a long period should dry weather develop," Galvin said. Chapel sprvlces for Mrs. Ben nie May Williams, 67, were held at Reedsport Saturday afternoon followed by cremation at Eu gene. She was the mother of Mrs. Lee Everett of Salem. Mrs. Williams was born at Filmont. N.Y., September 25, 1880, and had lived in Oregon 28 years, the last three at Westlake. Be sides her husband. George Wil liams, she is survived by a son. A. M. Eppling has filed a bond with the county clerk for $856.50 covering the amount of a coun ty warrant which has been lost and which was issued to Warren Northwest, Inc., in payment of 111 tons of cold mix for use on county roads. Mrs. Edith Kiley an dsmall son, Jerry, of Coquille, arrived here Friday for a short visit. Andrew Benjamin Young. 1940 N. Church street, has been booked at the sheriff's of fice by Deputies Ervin Young and George Henderson to be held for Salt Lake City, Utah, officers on a charge of desertion of his family and failure to pro vide for a minor child. The de fendant has indicated to the of ficers he will waive extradition Financial report of County- Treasurer S. J. Butler for April shows county assets of $1 697, 121.66 with all funds in bat ance. Heaviest of the funds was general road with $454,373.32 and the general fund followed with $362,157.76. The county school fund had $150,532.53; old age pension fund, $140,205.94; market road maintenance fund $123,857.16; and trust funds to cities, schools, etc., $133,316.70 The courthouse construction fund had jumped to $217,850.37 a little over a fifth of the total amount estimated as needed for a new building and equipment The Central Howell Farmers Union will meet at the home of Mrs. Milton Kephart Tuesday at 10 o'clock for an all day meet ing. New officers will be in stalled for the next fall meet ing. "Furniture arrangement" will be the subject directed by Miss Eleanor Trindle, project leader. Japanese aliens whose benefit rights were cancelled when the United States went to war against Japan are not entitled to reinstatement for workmen's compensation benefits, Attorney General George Neuner ruled today. Salem Court News Circuit Court ..mni.ui fiUri ir.xt An drew BnJmfn Young wanted in Salt Lake City, uian, lor Riirsra innuie provide for n minor child, and extradi tion waived by defendant. Counter affidavit filed by defendant in 11 vi. Melvin Dornbusch In oppo sition to affidavit of defendant as to hla employment. Default of Lewis D. McAllister ordered in Ball Bros., vs. Lewis D. McAllister and Roy Simmon. Order of valuntarj non-ault on motion of plaintiff In Eula F. fitelnka tb. Clar ence D. Hawley. Complaint Tor divorce by Evelyn vi. Warren ClaBaett allege cruel and Inhu mfin treatment, auks custody of a child, (50 a month for iu support, half inter est In certain personal property and ex clusive ownership of other personal prop erty HPTlfied. Married Sept. 3, 1943, at Kelso, Wash. Demurrer Med In Julia Anna va. Alva Carter. Ordfr in Peer Lillian vj. William T. Perry dives temporary custody of child to plaintiff and restrain defendant from molestlnt her. Reply In Arlene Jo vs. Robert Henry Schuld admits and denies. Motion for restrainim order and to mak more definite and certain filed in Lena M. rs. William P. Hildebrandt. Order In Bernlce Rise vs. N. Phillip Goldstein allow motions to strike and make mors definite and certain and live 30 days to file an amended com plaint. Motion In May Ann vs. Iddlt C Schmidt seelu to amend affidavit a to custody of a child. Satisfaction of Ju da ments entered in Credit Service company vs. Kathryn L Ounn-) and Sam A. Varbel m. industrial iccident commission. Order of dismissal based on reconcill' a tion filed In Louise vs. Thomas W Schweltert. Morion for default filed In Alva va. Frances Par Breuitl and Emily L. vs. 3:eva u. Writ hi. Motion lo make mora defmiu and cer tain overruled in Dalmar E. Wood vs. Vernon W. Hallford. Answer In Donna Wriirtt vs. O. HUina admits and denies. Order of ditmtsia! n Harold R vs. Helen A. Sehaefter is baed on reconcili ation between in arcia. ? p.,,. .., !.,. i. n x! Ji, Wi fe yM'TWji,. v&m mmMm. km mm www hwhk H. F. Durham Educator Dies At Salem Home H. F. Durham, who for 30 years was in educational work in the Salem school system, died early Saturday afternoon at his home, 1130 Norway street. He had been in failing health since he suffered a stroke shortly aft er his retirement in 1939. Ho was 73 years old. Mr. Durham was born at Lick ing, Mo. He was in school work for 44 years prior to retirement, and during his 30 years in the Salem school system had been principal of New York, Lincoln. Grant, Washington and Parrisn junior high 'schools. Upon his retirement he made his resi dence on a 40-acre farm near Salem. He is survived by his widow. Lenora of Salem; two sons, Dcl vin of Salem and Clark of Rich land. Wash.; a sister. Mrs. Eva Reeder of Clovis. Calif.; two brothers, Scott and Philip, both of Oklahoma; and two grand children. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Clough-Barrick chapel with interment in City View cemetery. Activities of the Marion coun ty department of health for next week include: Tuesday, clinics at Bethany school, 1-2 p.m.; Eugene field school, Sil verton, 2-4 p.m.; Wednesday, fluoroscope clinic 1 p.m. Exam ination of 30 athletes at Salem high, 2:45 p.m.; Thursday, well baby clinic at health depart ment, 9:30 a.m. to noon; child guidance clinic, 6:30-9 p.m.; Friday, adult clinic, child guid ance clinic, 1-5 p.m. Saturday, adult clinic at health depart ment. The executive committee of the Marion county chapter of the national polio organization decided to give financial assis tance to a woman who has been suffering from polio for a num ber of years, during their meet ing Friday afternoon. Bills which will total close to $750 will be under written by the chapter. The money is to be taken from the county's share of last winter's "March of Dimes" campaign. Sam Wppse. Ouinabv. was In Salem Saturday morning on his way to Yachats where he ex pects to visit a few weeks. "RitllHinu nermlts: Lee Clark. to alter a one-story dwelling at 1815 South Capitol, $400. E. L. Crockatt company, to repair a billboard at 2240 Fairgrounds road, $50. Motion to make more definite and cer tain filed In Keith Brown Lumber yard va. and Mrs. K. T. Murphy. Notice to produce filed In Arloulne and Wayne L. Carleton vs. Chllds and Miller. Probate Court Albert O. Pluitt named ituardlan of the estate of Roselee Jane Pluitt, minor. Return by Marshall E. Wondell as tuardian of Donna Marcla Woortell, mi nor, shows real property equity sold to Gordon and Jane Lanham for I393S. Plovd D. Jenks named adminlstratoi of the iafl.100 estste or Ssrah T. Oal bralth and appraisers are J. C. Evans, R. MorBan and G. Crenshaw. Justice Court Plea ot miilty by Fred Clinton Ray. BloUaett, no rear light on vehicle, lined 12.50 and costs. Plea of aullty by Harvey Daniel Lur ty, route 4. no driver's license, fined t3.S0 and costs. Plea of guilty by Richard Lee Taw, 3n Soutl' 3lrd. violation of the basic speed rule. 110 fine suspended and 14. M costs paid. Pleas of lullty by Floyd Wiekman, Vincent Earl Mullen and Edward Gerald Heanue. intoxicated in a public place, fined 125 and ost each, failed to pay and commitment Lwued. Police Court No muffler on vehicle: Duant K. Mor. rs, roult 4, ball li. Violation of noije ordinance: nary Vern Orer. 5AS South 12th. fined I2-S0. Violation of the bule apeed rule: Her bert Hodlcina. Woodburn. Frank n. Wood mark. Oreion City, ball 17. SO. Frank V Delnea, Jr.. Portland, ball 110. Illegal tie of apotliaht: Peter Andrew Ztzel, etaytoo. fined 12.50. Drunk and vagrancy: Jack Keevea. transient, pleaded innocent, bail 121. Contrlbutini to the delinquenry of a m;nor: S-.anley D. Porlerlield. 1S1Q Plouth 11th. fined 125. Jack Memear. B.ack aock. tned 125. Marriage Licenses Gerald K. Eby, 21. aale.tman. and Ve va L. Comatock. 24, waitreas, both Sa lem. John R Wehrll. 22. Portland Oaa A Coke Co.. and Jean Oorton. 23, salesgirl both Salera. James 0. PlaKker. 32. salesman, and Irene L. Wlchman, 34, bookkeeper, both Aalem. f .1 r mvCsv: Cancer Drive But Half Completed Marion county's campaign to obtain approximately $5000 in connection with the nationwide drive for funds with which to combat cancer is approximately half completed, according tc a compilation of figures Saturday, when S2519 had been contrib uted. Several sources including the milk bottles, a number of oulside communities and the schools have yet to be heard from. Police will collect the bottles next Monday. One of the Salem divisions automotive, headed by Al Loucks has exceeded its quota of $500. Collection totalled $550. Through the personal so licitation of Mrs. Earl Huckstcp the Swegle district contributed $170. while Bush grade school in Salem added $25 to the total. The professional division has contributed $543. mercantile $270, industrial $295, women's clubs $90 and schools $52. Do nations from outside communi ties have reached $585. Townsend clubs 2 and 3 held a social evening at the Dairy Cooperative hall with the dairy cooperative quartet of Portland featured in the program. Mem bers were Grover Poe, first ten or: Joe Kendrick, second tenor; Edward Moshofsky, bass, an.:! Rolf Bodding, baritone. Refresh ments were served by the auxil iaries. Another social will be held later in the month. Senator Marshall E. Cornctt arlinu Bovcrnor. spent the week-end at his home in Klam ath Falls and checking up on the S3 on roooerv at nis oiucc during the week. Governor Earl Snell. who has been spending the last two weeks in Califor nia, advised his office he would be back at his desk Thursday. Final rites for Horry Wilbur Hewitt. 82. who died at a hos pital here Saturday, will be held from the Hopewell United Brethren church Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock with burial in (he Honewell hoSDital. He is survived by a brother, Dr. Lor- in Hewitt, Dayton. Rrnpp Fox is rcoorted seri ously ill at his home in the Li berty district and unable to sec visitors. School children and members of the Rosedale community will give a music program at the school Friday night at 8 o'clock. Plans for an initiation and no mination of officers will occu py the Salem council of the Knights of Columbus Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A moving picture on submarine warfare will be shown. The sixth grade chorus of the Garfield school will present a cantata al the Bush school Tues day morning at 8:30 o'clock. Two acres on the Croisan creek road have been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Cole and they plan to build in the near future. Ernest Crockatt, general chairman, has called a meeting of the committee chairmen of Marion county voiture 153 of the 40 el 8 societie of the Ame rican Legion for Wednesday evening to complete plans for the annual statewide spring "wreck'' to be held here late this month. The meeting will be held in the office of Ethan Grant at 7 o'clock. Arra ngements have beea made to use the state fair grounds for the three - day Fourth of July celebration sponsored by the American Le gion, it is announced by Rex Kimmell, commander of Capi tal Post No. 9. The event will be held July 4 to 6. Salem man serving with the First cavalry division and now on duty in the Tokyo-Yokohama area is Staff Sgt. William J. Corry, whose wife and daughter, Dianne, resided at 11H5 North 13th street. An army man since July, l!)4n, Sgt. Corry partici pated in the Asiatic-Pacific compangn and holds the Philip pine Liberation ribbon, the Asi atic-Pacific theater ribbon, the American defense ribbon, the Victory Ribbon and the Good Conduct Medal. The automobile belongim in John F. Collins, route 8, was re ported stolen at 6:40 Sunday evening and at 7:25 o'clock was recovered by the police in the 300 block on North High street Stolen, and not yet reported re covered, was a ear helnninntr to Oma Pense, route 1, Jefferson. It was taken rrom the 200 block on South Liberty. Ronald Lewis Shaeffer, 14. whose home is in Portland, was reported to the police as run ning away Sunday from Oregon state training school at Wood burn. Certificate of assumed busi ness name has been filed witn the county clerk for Woodburn Pharmacy by Omer J. and Dor otha B. Adkinson, both Wood burn. Certificate has been fil eri for Stortz Lumber company. 23!0 Fairgrounds road, by Ed win Howard Stortz, 1025 High land avenue, and John William Stortz, 2380 Fairgrounds road Permit to haul logs has been granted by the county court to Parris G. Bouche, Mehama Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, North Spring Valley Preparing for Picnic North Spring Valley How ard Tecple, president of the Community club has appointed as a committee on arrangements for the big event of the year for residents and former residents. the last day of school picnic at the school house this month, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mischcl, Mr. an'1 Mrs. F. B. Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Boyington, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Headonk and Mrs Kit rude Teeple and Howard Teeple. Features of particular interest for the young folks will be sports of various kinds and prizes are offered this year in competitive races. I Women Voters Omanize McptinR nt the home of Mrs. Hal DeSart Friday niRht a group of Snlem women organiz ed a provisional League of Wo men Voters and chose as their temporary chairman Mrs. Al Bowes. Other temporary offi cers elected were: vice chair man, Mrs, Hal DeSart; secre tary, Mrs. D. A. Huston, and treasurer, Mar., .Jo Causey. During the meeting the wo men were given a resume of the work of the league, which en dorsed measures but not candi dates, by Dr. Edna Landros of Eugene, state president of the League of Women Voters. Dr. Landros emphasized the fact that the organization tried to interest a large number of wo men in problems of political in terest. Thursday. May 15, was set as a date for the next meeting. At this time four members of the Salem group. Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. DeSart, Mrs. L. W. Herford and Mrs. Jerry Brownhill, who plan to attend the state meeting of the league in Medford early in May, will report on that con vention. At this meeting they will also have a speaker, who will discuss the possibility of getting Camp White for use by the state. Named to the membership committee of the Salem group were Mrs. Bowes and Marguer ite Glceson. Retirement Act (Continued from Page 1) Exceptions are made to mem bers of the retirement system who are elected officials or per sons appointed to a definite term. Such employes will be permitted to remain in service until the end of the term of of fice provided such term of office had not been completed by De cember 31, 1047. Teachers will be permiled to serve out appointment for def inite terms until the end of the school or academic year imme diately following December 31, 1047, if they arc not subject to teachers' tneure. Those serving under teachers' tenure law may continue in service until the end of the school term immediately following December 31, 1947. Some stale department heads are concerned over the replace ment of employes who are on minor Jobs and for which they are paid small salaries. These officials feel that it will be dif ficult to find younger persons willing to assume the low pay ing jobs. Dr. Thompson to Speak to Graduates Churles Manfred Tohmpson, former dean of commerce and business administration at the University of Illinois, and now retired, has been secured to fiivc the commencement address hefore the graduating class at Willamette university Sunday, June 15, President G. Herbert Smith announced Monday. Dr. Thompson is now a resident of Champaign, 111. Dr. Thompson received his A. B. decree from the Univer sity of Illinois and earned his M. A. and Ph. D. decrees from the same institution. Later he received an IjL. D. from Mus kingum College, Ohio and Litt. D. from McKendree college. He was a member of the Illinois war council during the last World War, chairman of the Illinois post war planning com mission and state rubber co ordinator. He served with the Ath Illinois volunteer infantry with the army of occupation in Cuba during the Spanish-American war. Dr. Thompson is the author of several hooks and is a member nf Phi Beta Kappa and several other organizations. Funeral .services for Mrs. Hannah Smith, 73, mother of George Smith of Salem, were held at McMinnvillc Monday morning. She died Thursday night at her home, on Kalama, Wash, route 1. Surviving are five other sons and a daughter. GeVtrue Neuner. attorney cen- eral. left for Washington, D C . Saturday where he will repre sent Governor Earl Snell at President Truman's fire preven tion conference. He was accom panied by Mrs. Neuner and be fore reluming will viit a damahler who is in Boston. 'Mass. attending school. Monday, May 5, 1947 11 Rioting Cons Back in Cells Fort Leavenworth, Kans., May 5 (u.R Army officers at the U. S. disciplinary barracks to day questioned white and Ne gro prisoners suspected of bein? ringleaders in a race riot whica was broken up Saturday night after raging intermittently for 40 hours. Prison routine was back to normal today for all prisoners and 37 Negroes, suspected of possible leadership because of ' past records.' were placed in solitary confinement and ques tioned singly by prison officials and Brig. Gen. Harry L. Twad dle, correctional officer of the Fifth army. No major disciplinary action was taken against the remainder of the 213 Negroes and 314 whites who were involved, but Col. Graeme Parks, who had been in command of the bar racks for only two days when the rioting began Friday morn ing, ordered all their privileges taken away. One white prisoner, Dewey D. Osborne, 30, Mountain City, Tenn.. was killed in the rioting which broke out Friday night when white prisoners became angered at being made to eat in the same messhnll with Negroes. Hewitt Heads ADA Chapter Temporary organization of a Marion and Polk county chap ter of Americans for democratic action was effected at a meet ing Sunday called at Farmers' Union headquarters on Front street. Machinery was set up for a later permanent organiza tion. Roy Hewitt of Salem was elected temporary chairman and A. V. Dow temporary secretary. As a nominating committee to nominate permanent officers A. V. Dow and Vance McDowell of Salem, Alice Barnett of Brooks and Monroe Sweelland were ap pointed. Sweetland, member of the national board for Oregon, Washington and Idaho, was present. As an executibe committee to transact business pending per manent organization the nomin ating committee, A. M. Chur-h of Salem and Ralph Peoples of Silverton were named. It was announced that an other meeting will be called in the near future at which Rich ard Neuberger of Portland and Lyle P. Thomas of Polk county will be invited to speak. As a local program the chap ter will work for a referendum of HB 99, the Idaho power bill, will make a drive against the sales tax, and in national legis lation against drastic cuts in the interior department budget. Gouge Damage Suit on Trial Oregon City, Ore., May 5 (Special) Leonard Gouge, Sil verton tavern owner, lost the first round in his false arrest suit against Marion County Sheriff Denver Young, District Attorney Miller Hayden and the Continental Casualty company when Circuit Judge Earl C. La tourette ruled that a receipt from the state liquor commis sion for a license did not consti tute a license upon which the applicant could operate a tavern. Judge Latourette cited a su preme court decision in the Bain case wherein Jack Bain, former member of the state legislature, had obtained a receipt for his license fee from the liquor com mission but later had been de nied a license from the com mission. Fifteen points of law In the plaintiff's reply to the defend ant's, answer were ruled upon, the majority being minor. II developed during the two hour hearing thai the plaintiff will contend that the district at torney participated iti the arrest under the cloak of his office and his action were therefore illegal. Gouge was arrested for oper ating a beer tavern without a livenso on January 22, 1045. His suit against the Marion county officers was dismissed in the justice court in Silverton and was appealed to the suprema ourl. Circuit Judges Page and Duncan hot h disqual if ird them selves with the result that the case was transferred to Clacka mas county. No date has been set for hearing the arguments in the case. Today's Baseball ami:kic, l i ru r. Wa.-Oiinsron m Clfveianrt postponf i p nrriiinri. Nfw York At I:ro:t pottponrd. ram. NATION M. I.MfU'E Cincinnati l Pnilnrielph:. poa'. ported, r ,i : n . Pm.b trith it Hrnortlvn, poitponed, rain. Heads Antf-S;iles Tax Group Portland, May 5 ''!' An antl ales tax committee formed by the State Grange, Oregon Farm ers' Union and the state CIO and AFL today announced or ganization of a campaign against the measure in the special Oc tober 7 election. Rep. Carl H. Francis. Dayton, was named chairman of the committee.