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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1947)
J (Zad'tc Program Saturday P. M. IKSLM T iKGW Tbo" IKEX 1196 ka. ABO KOIN CBI 00 15 80 Newi cnriilian BeieneB Orrhrttr EohoH MlrhlT Caiey Mighty CiT Steven Grhm Sleven Graham Bands Banda Hit Bonn Elmer Peterson Orehritra. Knox Manning It's Your BavlacHl Danger Ahead HlJinx I Newt HlJinx Newt Judy Canova, Honi Judy Canova Grand Ole Opry Grand Olc Opry I rranK neminswr Mooda in Mailt Moodi In Miiile Columbia Feature Feature Columbia Serenade Serenade 00 10 SO 45 45 News Newa Red Rvder Red Ryder Orrheitra Neura Did Juilte Triumph? Life Of Rller tile of Riley Your Hit Parade Your Hit Parade Can You 'fop This? (Famous Jury Trials I Deal in Crime I Deal in Crime Lone Ran ire r Lont Ranter Fat Man Fat Man This Ji I Ho II i wood I Mayor of the Town Vauthan Monroe Vauehan Monroe Jean Hablon Memorlea News Music Flflhin Hunting Club 00 Date Nlirht Dale Mint 31 I News 45 Orchestra .001 T.B.A. :1ft j T B.A, ;30 T.B.A. :4ft- T B.A. Mystery Is My Hobby To Be Advised To Be Advised Ganrbusters uaniDuiiers Retribution Retribution News Sports Recap News Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Columbia Feature I Columbia Feature Barn Dance Barn Dance News Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchrstra Orchestra Orrhestra Oreheitra Five Star Final Orchestra Orrhestra Orchestra ool sitn Off Bitn Off Orrhestra Orchestra Air-flo News SlVn Off Sunday 00 National Radio I lft Pulpit I 30 Voices Down I 4ft Wind l Church of Air Church of Air Nrwi News 00 Radio Bible Class! Desknlnr for :1ft Radio Bible Class; Llstenlns 30 j Youn People's j Catholic Hour Church of Air Catholic Hour 1 Messase of Israel! News Messaie or Israeli News Southernalrea Tabernacle Southrrnalres I Tabernacle 00 Dr. Talhot A Church In Your lft Choir Home 80 Voice of Eleinal Ushl 4ft Prophecy Eternal Mtht 001 Pilxrlm Hour lft j Pilxrlm Hour 30 I Lutheran Hour :4A Lutheran Hour I Garden Talks I Inside China Round Table Round Table :1ft ; So il ft News Musle Commdr. Rcolt I Musle 1st Baptist Chchf Harvest or Htars Orchestra I Harvest of Store Sunday ftunshlne Sunday Sunshine Hour of Faith Hour of Faith Radio Chapel Radio Chapel Sunday String Kaymonn a wins- Show Melodies Sammy Kaye Sammy Kaye Invitation to Learninr As Others See lis As Others See Us T'eop leva Plti it o rm people's fiatiorm Child Tralnitx News 4ft 001 Orchestra News T.B.A. News Carmen Cavallarot Wayne Klnr Carmrn Cavallaro! Wayne Klnr One Man's I Parade or Hits Family I Parade or Hltk News I Quls Kids Hill cunmngnam Quit Kid Young Penple Musio Young People ! News House or Mystery Orchestra House of Mystery I Orchestra True Drtecllve j Orchestra Mysteries Orchestra Parade of Hits 1 Parade or Hits I Gardrn Talks Sam Pettinglll 001 Those Wr biters I Orcneslra 10 I Those WebMers Orchestra :30 I Quick as a rlaa'ij Oregon Album lft Quick as a Flaah Oregon Album Are These Our Children? Top Tunes Music for Sunday: Darts for Dough Darts for Dougb Counterspy Counterspy News News Here's to You Here's to Y'ou Philharmonic Philharmonic Philharmonic Philharmonic Philharmonic Philharmonic Hour of Charm Hour of Charm Family Hour Family Hour Carmlchael Jos. C. Harsch Oisle A Harr Oiile ft Harr Your Hope Chest Your Hope Chest 0OI Conrert Hour 15 I Concert Hour .801 Lawyer Cue :4ft I Lawyer Cue Book Quig Book Quls Wlngg of Healing Wings of Heating :00 :1ft- :S0 I :lft-:00-:1ft-:IWV-:4ft ;lft :ao H45 too lift :4ft Jark Benny Jark Benny Phil Harris Phil Harris Deadline ( Mystery I Greatest Story j Ever Told Merry Go Round I Merry Go Round I Familiar Music Familiar Musle I Don Amerhe I Don Amrcho We Believe We Believe News Sermons In Song Nick Carter Nick Carter Exploring the Unknown Double or Nothing Gabrlrl Healter Bob Burns Gabriel Heatter I Boh Bums Leave 11 to the I Symphony Hour Girls J Symphony Hour Twent y Ques tlohTTyihpnony itouT Twenty Questions j oympnony nour jergens Journal jr( Brnny Sheila Graham Jack Itenny Charlie MeCartlty Wllllo Piper Charlie McCartUy) Willie Piper Fred Allen j Hollywood Fred Allen Musle Hall pionnay evening bunnay evening Hour Hour Walt Wlnchrll Louella Parsons Jimmy Fldler Policewoman Gene Autry Gene Autry I Jack In All Trades I Orchestra Orchestra Theatre Guild on the Air Theatre Guild on the Air I New Echoes I Man Named Jordan Tony Martin Tony Martin Take It or Ieave It Kate Smith Kate Smith Crime Doctor Crime Doctor Blondie Blondie Drew Pearson Headlines Green Hornet Green Hornet 1 Corliss Archer I Corliss Archer Couple Next Door Couple Neat Door News Orchestra Rex Miller I Orchestra Spirit of Pioneer Serenade News I Serenade Roadside Chapel I Sam Spade I Snnss Sam Spade Guest Star House In Country I Orchestra House In Country i;00 ifl-hasnioneo NWi Flashes (News Five Star Final :1ft I Revival Hour Mary Ann Mercer Converts. Piece Explorer ;30 oiu-rasnioneo News I Vespers Hour St. Francis :4ft Revival Hour News Vespers Orchestra - Sign Off :lft News Music In Nlghl Orchestra Orchestra Sign Off Orchestra j Orchestra j ttr.nie ttreamina Orchestra J nriiigo ureamina Orchestra nage ireamina Qrcheilri fx Ira-Hour Silent " ')! Danger lurks In every corner! Humphrey Bogart and Lizabeth colt in the mystery thriller, "Dead Reckoning," which starts unday at Warner's Elsinore Theater. ACROSS Rmi of Ntuih l'iccen of tyi metal used for splicing: Simpleton Old musical note Of a city Kpoch ( )pt rated Kmpty Trap Newly mnrrled women The citron Skill Silkworm Con soq u on fen Settle money upon T.nml metLRiira InnumernbU Slender aplra ornament 15. Orlentnl commander )7, Blunder J8. Performed 19. Slumene coin 40. QiiHiititlca of yarn 43. Not nny 44. Irench 46. Kailroad tl 48. District In So. Africa 10. D I Mien I charncter 51. MeiHllrnnt 63. StHntlarda of pflrfocllon fifi. Exist fc 7. AiiHtrlnn provlno 19. Complement i of a bolt i 60. River: Rpanlah fit. Sheenltka i 62. Number RU D CfflA T A RflVV A 3 up o ns a m t t H E pup l a tIIs H T opTTy 'c HATTED iLlfc, a m e. sDa p t TK6 TflY O P ELQP O Qm arB natu "I CR I M t SflLO C AT E RINEWA 3alN t 11 I X av aa y onZ a t e BNR0Z!iy!Ji sieItIIdIrIaiwUr t t Solution of Yoatardny'i Puzzle Enirlliih bishop , Interprets: nrchalo . UAko needlework h 7 Is W? " 75 "076 WTv 73 if 3s- ir Ti ir W 'zpi w w ww ww 7 m-rz , I I ttii I I I I b.UbA I DOWN 1. Aromatic plant S. Wlnslika I. Crate a 4. Silently I. Vaaea . Oriental trarmant T. Ball I. Scoffed I. Cornipt 1(1. Ulaborat tolo 11. Vovorty 13. Heat Si. Clamor 24. So. American birds M. One of the MUAea M. Toiit; )ourny 27. Fathers 29. Think SO. French composer S3. Seed covering 31!. Kind of fish 40. LeRislator 41. Tointed Implements 41. Pry 4S, llnnr down 47. Mustoal Instruments 49. Impel 61. Covering; of a tree fS. Lrfirito lake 53. Character in "The Last Pay of Pompeii" 54. Cre.cent- hapd flsjure 55. Worry hi. Free Jo u rna I Pea tu re Pae 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 3, 1947 Donald Duck By Walt Disney In Their Chosen Fields! Wl. V r j7 PnJMon thKU tit, .mj nVriV-'fJ fcj f?rg Pnhm SjprH Henry By Carl Anderson The Nebhs By Hfiss A Hasty Decision ' UMLESSSOME--YVOURTROUBLES AREVuni; AKtEWE TMATTO YVOO HAVE IT-YwEREMTVOO A BlTkASTV?lj!LH AM EFFICIENT FIRE S ma5Sof KTME SWJP Qj Lf --s-r-C 1 ESVN L0T 11 -l SSS ) HAVE NO PUMPS rAggTWIU5f I yTT'T'X? ! 8 JJ ' , , cii, Gii ' fpni ASA1MST ) ' n0 " y Little Orphan Annie 0! By Harold Gray Coincidental Intelligence llllllllUUIWLUJl IwlSiTOWmffiiwSKBSW I THAT BOZO? JSJjM AT T- TOO-ALMOST MO TR0CE I BEFORE SHE RECOQNIZED ) !wM;ra,MTOi!W I HE CAME FROM UP i''''4Wf4', AT ALL-THAT DRAWER SHUTT-- I ME I'M BEIN" SILLY. LEFT " The Gump? By Gus Edson The Girls Talk It Over I I WELL. HOW DO)"' OiE&t! SORTCF ,:. I I NOW.AUNTV CHL0E. A GRECT LIPE N v. YOU LIKE (C PUTS A MAN ON HIS K-'il !.)'', 1 JUST BETWEEN US FOR A WOMAN WELCOME HOME, L S V- MARRIED I METTLE TO HAVE A C I WIVES, WHAT PO TO LEAD, HONEWOONERS HOW, V LIFE, UNCLE A SWEET, HELPLESS i, YOU THINK OF PROVIDING , OH, MINI ' C FOLKS .' , WONPERFUL? J LITTLE GIRL tfvlii'f A WATRIMONY? SHE DOES Mull and Jeff Bv Butl Fishor Ma.vhe Jeff Will Have to Go on Relief "Relief from Work" MUTT, I'M WORK? ( YOU CAN WORK f HOW MUCH V PAV? THREE BUCXsl MAYBE NoTbuTVOuVT L0K"' I "V,i" FOR ME.1 CLEAN "S A WEEK? 1 GOT PLENTY OF WORK FOR (1 WANT STEADY VEH! My HOUSE, COOK y-y B0T I CAN'T 1 THAT'S WHAT You'RE- r WORK.'Jl. WORK.0EFF? J My MEALS, WASH a7 LIVE ON S L.OOKIN FOR-V ) WTOllS AND THREE BUCKS 1M Sittings Bebtu'MiQ By Cameron Dockery AP NtwilWurti Rejr'lar Fellers By Gene Byrnes That Well-fed Ixiok MY BOOKS Y I'U- PUT THEM HOME, JIMMIE? INSIDE MY SHIR.T I I I vunt to co A so i wont rl?S A Bit of XfoaaEr 'BM.- J v tw. - ' FMsr ao do v tSf YOUR. EATING y . 59 SOMEWHERE ELSE.' V WHAT ysr -i oidnY hike a y th'idea I Chapter 22 At Jeffs request Linda sad dled her mare and set out to get Star, lor Jeff had left him teth ered near the mine entrance. She seemed glad to oblige him yet there was a distance and for mality in her manner that per plexed him. He wished he hadn't had to make use of her, yet he couldn't leave the gelding out on the desert at the mercy of snakes and gilas. Monica, however, looked pleased with the arrangement. When Jeff placed her once more in the station wagon, she began to hum, her fingers drum ming an accompaniment on the door. He shot her a puzzled in quiring glance. "You don't seem to be feeling too badly." "I do though. My ankle's be ginning to swell, it hurts ter ribly." "Then why all the song and cymbals?" "If you were a woman you'd understand." Jeff grinned wrly. "Since I'm not, suppose you tell me." "It's just that it's amusing to witness an emotional situation where one person is patently in love and the object of her affec tions is so totally unaware of it." "Meaning?" "Meaning that Linda Hardy is so in love with you that she's absolutely sickening. You're not aware of it and she hasn't to put it delicately the guts to tell you." The muscles in his lean jaws twiched. "You're mistaken." "A woman never makes that sort of mistake about another woman. It is something we recg nize instinctively." Jeff concentrated on taking the car smoothly through a dry wash. "Since you know so much, does it occur to you that I might possibly be in love with Linda too?" All Monica's cool sophistica tion dropped from her like a cast-off garmen. "Jeff, you're not!" His eyes focused stonily ahead of the car. "Yes, I think 1 am, but I've been in such a turmoil i since returning .home that I haven't had time to think about it. To put it bluntly, Monica, my affairs are in a tangled mess and I don't intend dragging anyone else into my life until I've got it straightened out." Her glance slid off him dis interestedly. "Well, that's not very encouraging, I must say I'm going to be here only an other month and I thought we could have fun together." "I'm sorry. I could use a little fun after four years of war and I can't think of a more attractive girl to share it with, but I've got other things on my mind right now." "Don't apologize," she said stiffly. "The world is full of men." He grinned. "Not according to statistics, But I guess for you it always will be, Monica." Her face had gone suddenly white and he pushed the accel erator almost to the floor board. A moment later she put out her hand and gripped his sleeve. "Jeff, I'm going to be sick " The station wagon came to an abrupt halt. Monica was violent ly ill at the side of the road but she achieved a pallid smile as Jeff wiped the dew of perspira tion from her forehead and led her stumbling back to the car. "So this is what snakes do to you!" she gasped. "You're getting off lightly, lady, this is just one of the mild er examples of what a rattler can do. "It must be my rugged consti tution," she said mockingly and promptly was sick again. Claude Gentry was seated on the long canvas-decked veranda when they drove up. When he saw Jeff at the wheel and Moni ca slumped beside him, he got to his feet quickly and came over. "What's wrong. What's hap pened to Monica?" Jeff watched the shrewd blue eyes turn dark with anxiety and found it difficult to believe that the worried man standing before him could be responsible for the death of Amos Larabee. "She was bitten by a rattler," he explained tonelessly. "We've Tarzan By Edjrar Rice Burrouphs Tarzan Starts for Home WHILE HE HELP HIS GUN AIMED AT HIS HOSTAGES, BK5 LOUIE GAVE HIS INSTRUCTIONS TO PHOT BEARD 'GIVE 1E A WEEK TO GET AWAY A NO THEN Cave BACK AND PICK UP YOUR FRIENDS TRY BRINGING THE POLICE BEFORE THEN AND CU WILL , ( FIND THEM DEAD. mm AFTER THROWING OUT A WEEK'S PRO VISIONS, THE BIS PLANE TOOK OFF AND TARZAN, THINKING IT HAD STOPPED ONLY TO MAKE MINOR REPAIRS, AGAIN STARTED FOR HOME. 1 ft done everything possible for her, including a shot of anti venom, but if it will make you feel better you might send into McCloud for a doctor." "My poor little girl . . . My God, a rattlesnake!" Gentry stared at his daughter helpless ly. "I'll be alright, Dad. Jeff says I'm not going to die." "Die! I should say not! Don't use that word, my dear." He looked almost terrified and Jeff suddenly recalled the pho tograph of the dead Mrs. Gentry which he had noticed on the copper-king's desk on his pre vious visit. In appearance, Mon ica was a second edition of her mother. "If you'll lead the way, sir," he said. "I'll carry Monica to her room. You'd better have someone put her to bed and give her a shot of whisky or brandy as a stimulant." Gentry led Jeff to a luxurious bedroom then disappeared. He returned a few minutes later with a maid who entered the room and' shut the door. Mr. Gentry turned to Jeff "Gill stayed over in Phoenix so I sent Fawcett into town for a doctor. I hope you're not of fended, Irskine I'd like the opinon of a professional man." "Offended!" Jeff smiled bit-' terly, "Mr. Gentry, after what you've done to me, you could hardly offend me." Gentry's mouth fell open. "I don't think I understand you." He seemed sincerely bewil dered and Jeff felt his inward misgivings rise to the surface again. Still he had told only three people about Larabee and the Hardys were absolutely trustworthy. It could have been no one but Gentry. "I talked to you in confidence sir, and you betrayed me." "Look here son, there's been some mistake. I enjoyed our lit tle chat immensely and I'm on your side. I thought you realiz ed that ..." "I let you bluff me all right. What I didn't realize was that when it came to gaining your ends you wouldn't stop at mur der." "Murder! Good Lord, Irskine, you don't know what you're saying!" "I wish I didn't" Jeff said bit terly. (To be continued) 2653 SIZES Scallops on Parade A simply-made washable that sets off its trim and slim lines with gay scallops on the little cap sleeves, big patch pockets, and demure square neckline. And note the easy new fullness in the gathered skirt! No. 2653 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, and 40. Size 16 requires 3 yds. 35-in. Send 20c foi PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish Include postal unit or zone number In your address Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif Room and Board By Gene Ahem VERY WELL, JUNIOR.' H'A-M -VATTU UK EYE BROWS CLIMB UP UNDER. Yf Hlb HAT WHEN I TELL. HIM ABOUT THE INSPIRED IDF A OF SF! I IWl A SOFT DRINK HAVING THREE DIFFERENT FLAVORS IN ONE BOTTLE -HAW I ADDED UPALL DA 'Mg' BOARDERS ABOUT J 0V "--I INVESKING MONEY '. IN YER SOFT-DRINK. 1 .' A TESTS. AN' DA RESULT j -CEC)UT)I L