CHARMING AND VICTORIAN sire the ex trusive gardens nt the Keith Powell home Ieepwood," m mission street. Mrs. Powell is glimpsed by the gain which ends the three acres of formal gardens. The Rale is I rum the old Lab be building in Portland. I Jeslen-Miller studio) AP1TAL UNIT. No. 9. American Legion auxiliary will entertain in compliment to members of tha American War Mothers, the American Gold Star Mothers and mothers of unit members at its Monday evening meet ing at the Legion hall. At the business meeting, nomination of officers will be made. A special program has been planned for the meeting. Rex Kimmel. com mander of the post, will bring greetings from the post, which will join the unit for refreshments. In charge is Mrs. Clara Poland. 'HE public is cordially invited to attend the national music week vocal concert to be given bv the Salem high school Girls Glee clubs and choir Tuesday evening. May 6. at 8:15 o clock at the high school. Director Is Miss Lena Belle Tartar and accompanists are Virginia Benner, Jodelle Parker and Beverly Gustafson. PROGRAM I Glory to God in the Highest Pereolesl Dedication (German text) Franz Hail. O Star Grips Soldier's Chorus from "Faust" Gounod Salem High School Choir II Piano Solo. Polonaise MacDowell Beverly Gustafson III Singing to My Love Justis In Joseph's Garden Dickinson Gvpsv Love Song Herbert Grandma Sachs Girls' Glee Club (Period 2) IV By Ihe Bend of the River Edwards Pine Tree by the Wood Polish Folk Song Small Fnsemble V On Wings of Song Mendelssohn The Piper from Over the Way Brahe Trees Rasbach The Cuckoo Clock Czech Folk Song Marjorie Tucker, soprano Girls' Glee Club (Period 61 VI Student Specialties INTERMISSION VII Gonna Join Soiritual Tramn Tramp. Tramp Herbert. One Alone Romberg Ronal Sheets. Tenor VII (Continued) Robin Goodfcllow MacFuTen March of the Musketeers Friml Salem High School Choir VIII Cantata. Soring Cometh Kountz Combined Girts' Glee Clubs Beverly Gustafson at the piano Bride of Saturday evening at 8 o'clock will be Miss Lorraine Henrietta John son of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Park Rapids. Minn.. who will exchange her wedding vows with Elvin C. Stein of Astoria, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Stein of Grand Meadow, Minn., at the First Methodist church. Rev. J. M. Adams will perform the double ring ceremony before a group of the couple's friends. Miss Eunice Massee will play before the wedding. The bride will wear an aqua and white striped suit. 'She will wear a pink hat with brown trim and a corsage of pink carnations and rosebuds. Attending the bride will be Miss Joyce Johnson, sister, of Salem. She will wear a biege suit with brown ac cessories and a corsage of yellow rose buds. After a wedding trip, the couple will be at home in Astoria. The Salem district Girl Scout asso ciation will hold the first general meet ing of the year at the Firt Presbyterian church Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Urged to be present are executive board members, consultant leaders, assistant leaders and troop committee members. Questions and discussion on registra tion, organization, training, program finance, public relations and camping will be welcomed. Mrs. Victor H. Wal dele, Salem district chairman, will pre side and following the meeting, refresh ments will be served. WKIX-KNOWN FOR ITS FORMAL ARRANGEMENT is ihe Walter Smith garden In Mission street. Large win dows open on the garden from the house, making the house and garden one. Mrs. Smith, an expert gardener, collects a bouquet with her granddaughter, Neena Kieder, daughter of the Robert Kieders of Portland, (Jcsten Miller studio) Sundav afternoon at four i clock, in the chapel or St. Paul's Episcopal church, James Harold Nicholson, III, four month old son 01 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., will be christened. Rev. George H. Swilt will perform the ceremony. Godparents will be his great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Baar, visiting here from Long Island. N.Y., and Crcston Maddock of Portland. He will wear the lace-trimmed christening d"-ess which has been in the family of Mrs. C. S. Hamilton for many years. A reception for members of the im mediate family will follow the services at the home of the baby's paternal grandmother. Mrs. James H. Nicholson. The maternal grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Rue Drager. "EMBERS of the Salem Nile club will gather Monday morning to ' sew for the Shrine hospital and following luncheon, play cards at the Masonic temple. Mrs. J. Parker Lineberry is chairman of the luncheon and assisting her will be Mrs. Ben Felgcr. Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Letha Staats, Mrs. C. H. Murphy. Mrs. Walter Drye, Mrs. Frank Kunz and Mrs. L. H. Nelson. The Spiritual Sunflower club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hallcy Smalley to sew for the coming bazaar. Refreshments were served later in the afternoon. Elected delegates to the nation Amer ican Gold Star Mothers convention to be held at Long Beach, Calif., in June are Mrs. Laura Johnson, president of the local club; Mrs. Anna Larkin. Mrs. Jes sie Sanders and alternates. Mrs. Helen White. Mrs. Olive Olson and Mrs. Mar tha Thompson. Following the Thursday business meeting, a memorial service was held. A delegation from Tillamook chapter attended the meeting. Refreshments followed. "EW officers of the Salem Garden club will be elected at the meet ing to be held Monday afternoon a' 2 o'clock at the Portland Gas and Coke company, 109 South Commercial street. Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmauricc will preside. Members are asked to bring flowers from their own gardens for a spring f:ower show. In charge of the tea hour is Mrs. R. D Woodrow and assisting are Miss Ed ith Schryver. Mrs. A. C. Shaw. Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Mrs. R. M. Tolrr. Mrs. G. W. Walling, Mrs. Clarence Zielin ski and Mrs. R. D. Winslow. Mrs. Frank Hunt will entertain mem bers of her contract bridge club Thurs day evening. Opening concert in the 1 947 ob-. scrvance of National Music week and third in the series of concerts olfcrcd the public by the Salem branch. Oregoa Music Teachers association will be Mon day evening joint presentation of Vir ginia Ward Elliott, soprano, and Ralph Dobbs, pianist. The concert will be given at 8:30 o'clock at Waller hall. The concert will honor the memory of Mrs. Walter Den- , ton, a proponent of Music week in Sa lem and will be ushered by members of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honor ary of which Mrs. Denton was an honor ary member. Charles A. Sprague will speak briefly at the opening of the program. PROGRAM Si Tu Le Vcux Koechlin Dupuis Le Jour (aria lioni opera, "Louise" charpcntiH- Mrs. Elliott Faniasy in F Minor Chopin Mr. Dobos Heffle Cuckoo Fair Shaw Walls Swedish Melody: When I Was 17 Kramer Chinese Mother Riivmes Mis. Elliott Capriccio in F sharp Minor Brahms Sumare Milhau'l The Heather Dcbussv Tarantella LL.zt Mr. Dobbs - rr r f -'i yW-w,.; i ! . Aim '-r - mwak Sri -2 t A? MRS. MAHRV f'OMJNS Is RlimpsrtI In the parden of her North 11th slrci't home, 'Tfrprnripptp," ovcrlonklnjr the nwift-moviiiK Mill rrrk. A trrarpd rockrry ruvs down tn liir wiitrr's edije. Slahvart fir trtes, lilacs and rlioditdcn drcti form a cool setting for the Collins' home. Ucslen- Miller Kliuliu) THE Willamette Univcrsilv A Cap polla choir, which recently has been on tour throughout the stale, will present a concert for Salem audi ences Sundav evening nt 7:30 o clock at the First Presbyterian church . Directed bv Dean RIelvm II. Gei.t. Ihe choir is a student activitiv and is maintained by the Associated Students of Willamette university. PROGRAM I O Filu Et Filiae ("O Sons and Daughters") Easter Chant XVII Centurv. French Tenebrae taciae .sunt Palest nna A great darkness covered the earth when thev crucified Jesus in Juden. And about the ninth hour Jesus exclaimed with a loud voice: -Mv God. whv hast thou forsaken me? Then Jesus cried out in a loud voice and said. -Into Ihv hands. O Lord. I command Mv Spirit." And He bowed His head and gave up the Ohost." 1'opule Meus Vittona -My people, who has created vou? Whv are you so saddened? Answer Me! Holv Ghost. Holy Lord. Holv Cross. Holv Lord. Almighty God. have inert: v upon us. Holv and Immortal tonei have compassion upon us." Praise to the Lord Christiansen II faonata in F for Violin and Piano. Op. 24 Beethoven Allegro Belt v Kuhlman. violin DoncLta Reese, piano IK Cherubim Song Tsclie.snokoff Hospodi Pomilui iHave Mercy. O Lordf Lvovsky The Dav of Judgment Arkhangelskv To Thee We Sing Tkacn Ride the Chariot (Negro Spiiiiuali air. Smith IV Set Down Servant i Negro Spiritual arr. Shaw Old Folks at Home Foster Michael Carolan, soloist Just as the Tide was Flowing Vaughn Williams Waltzing Matilda Cowen-Wood Old Man River Kern Robert Gwinn, soloist Salem Sojourners will meet for a dessert luncheon Thursday afternoon at 1-15 o'clock at the Salem Woman's club, the luncheon to be followed by cards. Hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mrs. Lloyd De Grootc. Mrs. .lames Payne, Mrs. Oliver Deals, Mrs. Willis Clark and Mrs. Walter Bradley. ioiKAMWMr ' ,- ,11 4-1 s " " it THE FRANK Bl It I, INC. II AM HOME over looks a long expanse of the Mill creek and crossing the creek at one point to a small islands is the charming bridge, over-hung with an immense old weeping' willow tree. Mrs. IliirliiiKhain watches Ihe water as it rushes bv. (.Icslcn -Miller studio) 8PRINGTIME event of Sunday will be the tea for which Mrs. Barney Van Onsenoord will be hostess at her home in kingwood Heights. The affair is arranged in compliment to Miss Bonnie Barton. About 40 guests are asked to call be tween the hours of three o'clock and 1 1 ve . Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Ar nold Krucger and Mrs. Myron Foster, who will pour and Mrs. Dean Gardner, who will serve. ANOTHER addition to the list at brides-elect is Miss Vera Hasslcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hassler of Sublimity to Raymond Boe digheimer. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Boedigheimer of Stayton. The couple plan to wed in the lall. The bridc-to-bc attended St. Boni face school jn Sublimity and her fiance, who attended Stayton High school, serv ed ,'i2 months in the naval corps during the war. Ho is now working in Lyons. 'HE Salem Oratorio Society is presenting the Faure Requiem at the Salem high school Sunday afternoon, May 25, at 3:30 o'clock. Rehearsal this Monday evening will be at 7 o'clock at Waller hall. Fifty more members arc needed to make up the full voice assembly. Officers are Silas Gaiacr, president; Arlie Anderson, vice president; Mrs. Charles Sherman, secretary; Judge Ar thur D. Hay, treasurer. In addition to the officers, executive board members are Melvin Gcisl, director ex officio; John Schmidt. Jr., membership commit tee chairman: Mrs. Harriet Lindstrand, music chairman and Mrs. H. J. Thomas, publicity; Homer Q. Nordyke, finance; Ernest Friesen, stage and programs.