WU Choir Will Give Concert Appearing in concert Sunday evening at 7:30 in the First Presbyterian church will be the Willamette university a cappella choir under the direction ot Dean Melvin H. Geist. The pro gram will mark the final con cert of the year for the choir and the only Salem appearance at which the entire concert used on tour this year will be pre sented. The choir recently returned from a tour of southern Oregon cities, having traveled approxi mately 1000 miles and making 14 appearances. Audiences in Cottage Grove, Coos Bay, North Bend, Roscburg, Grants Pass. Medford, Ashland, Klamath Falls, Bend, and Redmond total ed approximately 8000 people. Since Dean Geist organized the a cappella choir in the fall of 1939, the group has toured extensively throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Other spring appearances oi the choir include the Collegiate choral festival in Portland, Fri day, May 9 with 7 participating choirs, totaling 350 voices. Each " choir will appear individually, then the groups will combine for numbers as a massed chorus. Sal em 5 (Lurches J si, John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) N. " 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross. " pastor. Special confirmation service at " 10 a.m. No Sunday school. ? Central Church of Christ North Cot- ta?e at Shipping streets. Jas. A. Scott. - minister. Bible school 10 a.m. Church ' service 10:45 a.m. Sermon topic: "Work ing Out Your Own Salvation." Youna people's service 6:15 p.m. Church ser vice 7:30 p.m. Sermon topic: "It I Were God?" Knitht Memorial Conreaalional 19th t and Ferry street. Louis E. White, mtnls w ter. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning wor- ship 11 a.m. Sermon: "Life's Growing ' Edge." Junior church and church-time nursery U a.m. Pilgrim Fellowship for junior high and senior high ages 6:30 p.m. First Church or Christ, Scientist Che 1 meketa and Liberty. Sunday school 11 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Sermon sub- ject: "Everlasting Punishment." Evening r service 8 p.m. Sermon subject: Same. West Salem Methodist Gerth Ave. and Third. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church S, school 8:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11 i o'clock. Sermon: "Christian Ideals and i the Family." Evening fellowlng: 8:30 p.m. i lor youth, 7:30 p.m. for adults. I Salem Truth Center 262 N. Cottage. ' Lulu Walter Quick, leader. Morning ser j vice 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Invisible Sun." Evening service 8 o'clock, Tuesday, May 6. Subject: "Bound Table." Library open 5 afternoons each week 2 to 5. Mennonite Brethren 1125 Elm street. Rev. A. A. Loewen, pastor. A. H. Faden Techt, assistant. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship and communion service 10:45 a.m. Young people's meetings 6:45 p.m. Evening gospel service 7:45 p.m. The Salvation Army 241 State street. Captain and Mrs. R. B. Lesher, command ing officers. Sunday school 10 a.m. Holi ness meeting 11 a.m. Y. P. Legion 6 p.m. Salvation meeting 7:30 p.m. Pilgrim Holiness 2740 Cherry avenue, vanmn ci story, castor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Y.P.S. 7 p.m. Evening service i ; jw p.m. Central Lutheran Hood and North Summer. Rev. R. A. Krueger, pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Film for Lutheran world action: "The Good Fight" will be shown. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject: "Is Our World Hopeless7" Closing service, Oregon circuit rally, 3 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran church, Sll verton. Quest speaker, Rev. E. L. Tung seth from Puget Island. Highland Ave. Friends North Church at Highland. Cora E. Gregory, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Meeting for worship U a.m. with L. s. Hugnes, speaker. Evening meeting 7:30 p.m. Mis sionary committee In charge. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner No. 17th and Chemeketa streets cnurcn scnooi iu a.m. Sacrament services 11 a.m. Zlon league 6:30 p.m. Bible study class 7:30 o.m. Charles H. Asher, pastor. First Methodist Church and State. Pas tor. Joseph M. Adams, Church school 8:46 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. ser mon, "The Lamps of God." Youth churrh ll. Mrs. Roy M. Locxenour, leader, Theme, "Two Boys and Their Mothers." Young adults leave for-picnic at Silver Falls 12:15. Sanctuary service 7 p.m. Finding God Through Beauty." Serv ice ot worship In music and poetry. In terest groups 7:30. Junior Hi, senior Hi and university. Adult, "I Believe in the .L,nc to come. ' The pastor, leaaer. Church of God 280 Chemeketa, upstairs, Frank Allaway, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Geo. Croley, supt. Morning service 11. Evening service 7:45. Evangel istic. Tuesday night Bible study 7:45. Friday night young people V.L.B. pie sup per alter service for tree literature fund. Open air service Saturday 7 p.m. corner chemeketa and commercial. Oregon state convention to convene May 29 through 30, 31 and June 1 at Salem Women's club building, 460 Cottage street. St. Mark Evan. Lutheran 343 N. Church. M. A. Geucndaner, D.D., Pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11. Sermon, "Lutheran World Action." Calvary Baptist 1230 South Liberty. Rev. Charles Durden, D.D., pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11. Sermon, "Transformed!" Communion service. Evening t-ervlce 7:30. Sermon, "How Does Your Garden Grow?" Chalk pictures by Darlene Engdahl. Rev. How ard Houston speaks, baptist youth fel lowship 6:30 p.m. Midweek service Wd nesday 7:30 p.m. Christ Lutheran State at 18th streets. C. R, Schulz, pastor, Sunday school and Bible classes 9:45. Divine worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Our Living tiavlor." Fellowship dinner following service. Luth er league 7 p.m. Bethel Baptist. 1 North Cottage at D street. Gustav Q, day school 9:45. Sermon subject, ' Outside the Camp. Rauser, pastor. Sun Morning worship 11. -Inside the Veil and " Communion service. :30. Sermon subject, Evening service 7 "What Christianity nesday evening 7 prayer meeting. Means to Me." Wed 45, Bible study and First Presbyterian Chemeketa and Winter street. Chester W. Hamblln. pas tor. Francis H. Chambers, assistant. Church school 9:45 a.m. J. J. Fitzslm mons, supt. Sermon, "For the Cure of Souls," by the pastor, 10:55 a.m. Wil lamette university a cappella choir, Dean Melvin H. Geist. director, 7:30 p.m. Sun day, Tuxls fellowship 6:15 p.m. Junior high fellowship 6:30. College fireside 8:30 P-m. Monday. Boy Scouts 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Midweek service 7:30 p.m. FiMt Church of the Nat.rpnt Center itreet it 13th. Orville W. Jenkins. pi tor. Sunday school 9:10 .m. H. P. Lenton, supt. Morning service 10:50 t.m. -Jiitoric Text PIONEER CHURCH, PETERBOROUGH, N. C. Sermon. "God's Will for Us.' Choir an them, "Only Believe." Youth hour 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sermon, "The Approaching Revival." Other serv ices of the week: "The Glad Hour," mid week prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Choir practice Wednesday 8:30 p.m. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. Joseph Knotts. minister, Sun day srhool 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon. "Secrets of Power." Youth and Wesley Fellowships 7 p.m. Evening worship 8 p.m. Sermon. "Dwell ing in Tents of Wickedness." Quarterly conference on Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Mid week service Thursday 7:30 p.m. Court Street Christian 17th at Court streets. W. H. Lyman, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 10:50. Sermon. "The Church's One Foundation." Christian Endeavor hour 6:30 p.m. Eve ning service 7:30, Sermon by Tom Court ney, Jr. Mid-week Bible study and prayer hour Thursday 7:30 p.m. Salem Free Methodist N. Winter and Market. Richard T. Fine, pastor. Sun day school 9:4S a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Message. "Open Doors." Evan gelist R. A. Dodd. Young people 7 p.m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p.m. Message by Evangelist R. A. Dodd. "But the End Thereof." Revival services each evening except Saturday 7:45 p.m. Calvary Chape!, Foil Gospel 1375 N. Church street. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school 9:45. Morning service 11 a.m. Defenders of the Faith 7 p.m. -Missionary message, Mrs. Dorothy Martin, speaker. Miss Joyce Frlesen, leader. Evening service 7:45 p.m. Tuesday evening service 8 p.m. Fri day evening service 8 p.m. First Spiritualist 248 .N. Commercial. Services 2:30 and 7:30. Speakers Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Gateley. Circle at 6. South Salem Friend S. Commercial and Washington. J. Francis Lowe, pastor. Sunday school 9:48 a.m. Morning service 11. Christian endeavor 6 p.m. Evening service 7 p.m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Four Square Gospel 470 N. 19th be tween Center and Chemeketa. Rev. Jas. H. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school 8 a.m. Supt. Rholin LaDuke. Classes for all ages. Morning service 11. Bishop Jas. A. Taylor from West Africa. Sermon, "The Great Blood Covenant." Evening service 7:45 p.m. Bishop Taylor speaking, sermon, "Africa Speaks." Tuesday 7:45, "God's Atom Bomb." Rev. Jas. H. Taylor, missionary from Africa, will oc cupy the pulpit for next four weeks. Church of Christ Madison and Baker streets. L. L. Freeman, minister. Sun day school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Evening service 7. Song practice. Bible Study Wednesday evening 7:45. First Church of God Cottage and Hood streets Sunday shcool 9:45 a.m. Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, supt. Junior churrh 10:45 a.m. Sermon, 11. "The Intermediate State." Youth fellowship, 6:45 p.m. Pa cific Bible College Trio of Portland, Ore gon, will sing. Sermon. 7:45 p.m., "A Great Need of a Revival." Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, ministers. Calvary Lutheran (Mo. Synod) Rev. E. H. Becker, pastor, will conduct the service at 11 a.m. Sermon, "A Great Be liever." The church is located at Mar lon, Oregon. Bethany Evangelical dfe Reformed North Capitol and Marion streets. Rev. . Ed Staufer, evangelist from Portland, guest speaker. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn ing service 11 a.m. Sermon. "Twice Born Men." Fellowship luncheon at noon. Consistory meeting 1 p.m. Women's guild 1:30 p.m. Evangelistic Tabernacle, Assembly of God 13th and Ferry streets. Rev. Walter s. rreaericK. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. J. Bartlett. supt. Morning service 11. Sermon. "World Conquest." Prayer 6 p.m. Young people's Bible study course YOU CAN BUY 12 months of service on Kraft System recaps. Each passenger recap uncondi tionally guaranteed. Terms to Suit You STATE TIRE SERVICE State and Cottage Ph. 9268 dlturclxei America and Drawing By FrAffitriflr PqIIw tfm v YV if Ih, f 1 Our summer vacation travel ers often miss interesting his toric subjects because of limit ed time, but more often it is a lack of advance preparation. It smacks of business to make out a schedule, or devise a plan, or work out a system of sight seeing prior to packing the lug gage, but it will pay us to do just that. The big towns seem to get all the attention in the guide-books, and they may deserve all they get, but the small town often has much to offer in charm, ro mance and delectable customs. Early pioneer homesteads, co lonial churches and pre-Revolu-tionary civic buildings are found in small towns because the in dustrial booms have missed them. Peterborough, N. H., whether one spells it with or without "ugh," is a charming town oi nearly 2,500 people, and it could easily be passed up witn out "stooping for gas" unless you had looked up its history before starting your tour. 6 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors service fnr vp fi-is n m. Evenlnc service 7:46. Sermon. "The Way Out of a Dilemma." Mid-week service Wednesday 7:45 p.m. All day prayer and fasting Friday begin ning 9:30 a.m. Radio programs over KSLM Saturday 5:45 p.m. Tabernacle Echoes.. Sermons in song Sunday 5:15 p.m. Four Corners Baptist State street' at Elma avenue. Rev. Frank O. Ferrin, pastor. Bible school 9:45. Morning wor ship 11. Subject, "Led by the Spirit." Youth training unions 6:30. Evening serv ice 7:30. sermon. "The Blessed Shadow." Mid-week prayer and. Bible study hour Wednesday 7:30 p.m. s.u.nih fiav Ad vent 1st Hood and Sum mer. O. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school Saturday 9:30 a.m. Morning serv ice 11. Young peoples meeting j;ju p.m. Wednesday night service 7:30 p.m. Mission St. United Brethren 1155 Mis trret Rev. Georae Martin, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Communion service, evening snw 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. rirai vnnnin j 9 -45. Morning worship 10:60. Sermon, "Changing Human Nature." Dudley Strain, minister. Youth meetings 6:15. Evening service 7:30. A concert by the Adult Choir directed by John Schmidt, Jr. Sermon, "Beyond One's Duty," Dud ley Strain. Annual mothers and daugh ters" banquet on rriuay, mj . v.. Swegle School house. Sunday school 10 a.m. C. A. Salter, aupt. Morning services U a.m. Enoch Zimmerman, pastor. Universal Church of the Master Splr- speaker Charles H. Cooley of Bilverton. Evening service i:jo. Jesus Name Pentecostal Tabernacle 1175 Lewis street. Ronald V. Blttser. pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Sermon "Our Place in the Body of Christ." Evening service 7:45. Sermon, Evangelistic Message. Mid-week prayer service, Wednesday evening 7:45. Immanuel Baptist church Hazel at Academy street. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship service 11 a.m. Speaker, Rev. Julius Herr. Young people's meet Here in Peterborough the Mac- Dowell Music colony was found ed in memory of the American composer, Edward MacDowell. Each August the little town breaks out in a colorful and tuneful pageant and music fes tival. A theatrical group, the Mariaden colony, makes the raft ers of the barn studio throb with drama. Here, also, is where Brigham Young took over the leadership of the Mormon church after the death of Jo seph Smith. Over 100 Peter borough people went west with the colony. Among this group was a girl who became Brig ham Young's 13th wife. The famous Boston architect, Charles Bulfinch.i designed the historical building and may have had a hand in the design of this pioneer church, the First Con gregational Unitarian church, shown in our pencil sketch. It was built in 1725. It has a Chris topher Wren tower with an Adams influence in the urns and other detail.' ing 7 p.m. Evening service 1:46 p.m. Speaker Rev. Julius Herr. Prayer meet ing 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. First BaptistMarlon at Llbertv. ' Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Marvin Clatterbuck, chairman. Morning service 11. Sermon. "Ood Has a Plan." Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "Russia, in Bible Prophecy." Young Peo ple groups at 6:30 tor all ages. Hayesvllle Baptist Hayesville school. Rev. Henry Barnett. naxtnr. Runriiv school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. SI. Paul's EBiieooal Church antf Ph.. meketa streets. Rev. George H. Swtlt, rector. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Jun ior church and classes 9:45 a.m. Holy Are You Teachable? Christ said, "The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you," John 14:26 Journal Want Ads Pay AZALEAS IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND New Shipment Finest of Colors 1 5 Cut On All Nursery Stock, Starting Friday, May 2 50 off On All Roses and Fruit Trees F. A. DOERFLER & SONS LANDSCAPING DESIGNING 150 N. LANCASTER DRIVE Rev. Goodhearf Is Retained Rev. J. M. Goodheart, pas tor of Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church the last four years was recalled unani mously to serve another year. The quarterly conference ses sion which votes on the return of the pastor, was presided over by the Rev. R. C. Mann, superin tendent of Oregon conference. During the pastorate of Rev. Goodheart, the congregation has steadily reduced its indebted ness while making numerous improvements in the church building and parsonage. The church membership has increas ed regularly and the Sunday school has made steady gains. The youth work in the church has made marked progress. Rev, Goodheart has been ac tive in the Salem Ministerial as sociation and has taken active leadership in the city's vacation Bible school program sponsored by the Ministerial association Last year, under his guidance, Englewood community organi zed a community visual educa tion program for children of grade school age. It was the first of its kind m Salem and has had attendance on Saturday after noons as high as 225. Besides his parish and city activities. Rev. Goodheart has held nu merous responsibilities in the conference work of Oregon, be ing state youth director, district leader and now treasurer of the conference, which includes Washington and Idaho. He is also a vice president of the Ore gon council of churches. Woodburn Churches Immanuet Luthern Sundry school 10 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.;.i. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. Con firmation classes Saturday morning. Nidaros Lutheran Next regular serv ice Sunday, May 11 at 11 a.m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Luke's Catholic Rev. V. L. Moffen beler, pastor. Masses at 7, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.; week-aay masses at 8:15 a.m. The Gospel Church Hubbard Rev. and Mrs. s. it. Hastie. pastors. Buna ay scnooi 10 a.m. cnurcn service 11 a.m. rounn people's service 7 p.m. Church service 8 p.m. St. Mary's Episcopal Wm. 8, Van Meter, vicar. Sunday school 10 a.m, morning service 11 a.m. Methodist Rev. Orlando A. Jewell, pas tor. Church school 9:45 a.m. Morning worsnip 11 a.m. xoutn teuowsmp 7 p.m. Evening 8 p.m. First Presbyterian Sabbath school 9:45 m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening worship 7 :30 p.m. Bill Sprlngslead of Muitnoman Bible scnooi of Portland will speak. Bethel Presbyterian Morning worship 10 a.m. Sabbath school 10:45. Christian Endeavor meeting 7:30. Bill Springstead speaker. Christian Rev. George H. Richardson, pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30, Full Gospel (Assembly of God) Lester oioson. 'pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Christ's Ambas sadors 7 p.m. Evangelistic service 7:48 Four Square T. Brocke, pastor. Sun day school 9:45. Morning worship ll. Junior crusaders 6:30. Evangelistic serv ice 7:45. Church or Jesus Christ or Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sundav school 10 a m. Sacrament meeting 1 p.m. Church or God Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Skinner, pastors. Sunday school lo. Worship service 11. Youth fellowship 7:15. Junior club 7:15. Evangelistic service 6. The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church school 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. Zlon league 7:30 p.m. Free Methodist Gilbert Johnson, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11. Evening worship service 7:30. Monitor Community Rev- and Mrs. A. E. Soloman, pastors. Sunday school 10 service '7:30 p.m. First Evangelical United Brethren Where Marion crosses Summsr street. Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sundav school 9:45 a.m. R. H. Ermel, supt. Morn- WANTED Old roofs to reroof have you got one? If so, just phone or write us, and we will attend to all details regarding a new roof. All you do is pick out design, color and pay. DON'T DELAY PHONE TODAY Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 33 Lana Ave. lnc lervlet 11. Iter. Jamts Campbell, evangelist will bring the message on the aubjeet "I Believe in Ood." Eve ning service 7:45 p.m. Closing message in revival campaign dj new dimes camp bell. First CengregslloDal North Collate at Marion, Rev. 8. R. Huntington, D.D., Pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing service 10:55 a.m. Pilgrim fellowship 7 p.m. at the. church. Leader, Bob Miller. Young adult meeting at church 6:30-7:30. Kngleweod Evanielleal United Brethren North 17th at Nebraska. J. M. Good- heart, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Otis Bradbury, supt. Morning service 11. Miss Beverly Ham man will play spe cial accordion music. Sermon by Rev. Miss Leila Luckey, guest pastor, "Practical Faith," All evening services dismissed due to absence of pastor who 1$ attend ing a youth retreat at Nelsuott. Jasen Lee Methodist N. Winter at Jef ferson. S. Raynor Smith, minister. Church school 9:45. Morning worship 11, with Mrs. William Bray of St. Helens speaking In observance of annual thank-offering service of W.6.C.S. Evening worship 7:30. Theme, "Mountains," illustrated with Kodacnrome slides. Youth fellowship groups 6:30. Trinity Lutheran John H. Werlh, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Divine orsmp io;jo a.m. Nelscolt Retreat To Open Friday Young people of Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church will hold their annual spring retreat at Nelscott this week-end. They will leave Sa lem by chartered bus for Nel scott Friday evening at 6 p.m and return Sunday evening. Th.? retreat will include several youth conferences and numer ous recreational projects includ ing handcraft. Rev. Miss Leila Luckey will occupy the pulpit in the ab sence of the pastor. Rev. J. M. Goodheart, and will preach at 11 o'clock on the subject o( "Practical Faith." Miss Beverly Hamman will play several spe cial accordion numbers. All evening services are dis missed. The public is cordially invited to the morning services Silverron Churches Chnrrh ot God G. W. Cleghorn. pas tor, Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic service p.m. Latter nay Saints (Mormon) Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship U a.m. MIA 1;30 p.m. Assembly t Gad Omar Bailey, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. Young people's society g:45 p.m. Evangelistic service p.m. Seventh Day Advrntlit Elder Beasley, pastor. Sabbath school Saturday 9:30 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Saturday. St. FanTa Cathalic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. .Sunday mass and 10 a.m. Week days 1:15 a.m. A. Franklin, pastor, Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Young people's service 6:45 p.m. Evangelistic evening service1 7:46. Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Worship ll a.m. Evening service 7:30. Christian Science Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. Marouam Methodist G. A. Garbotlen, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Wor ship 11 a.m. Young people's service 7:45 p.m. Methodist B. T. Browning, pastor. Church school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Nada Lee Grinde, aupt. Worship hour 11 a.m. Sermon by pastor. Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school 9:45 a.m. M. B. Ford, supt., assisted by Harry Velter and James C. Bonner. Communion and aer mon 11 a.m. Theme, "Attitudes." Chris tian Endeavor 1 p.m. Young folks' after glow meeting at parsonage following 8 p.m. evening service. Bermonette and reporta by young people of state CE con vention at Dendlelon. Mel Miller is CE president. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. Sermon "Divine Priorities," Rev. P. O. Bruland, guest speaker. Special music. Luther league 7:15 p.m. Confirmation Instruction Sat urday beginning at 9:30 a.m. Adult in struction Sunday 10 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a.m. Divine worship 11. Sermon, "What Kind of Christians Are We?" An them, choir. Luther league 8:30 p.m. Senior and Junior confirmation classes 9 and 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Calvary Latheran Rev. James A. Tofle, Salem Ph. 9694 Capital. Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 2, 1947- Launch Drive For Clothing With the appointment of Rev. Edward L. Allen as state di rector of church world service in Oregon, the United Protestant churches of the states have launched a drive for 40,000 pounds of clothing per month. The April total was 10,000 pounds distributed between Eu rope and Asia. In addition an nouncement has been made that gifts ot grain and dehydrated ap ples will also be received for re lief. This increase in the Oregon staff of church world service has come as the result of recent united relief efforts in Salem and Corvallis where the churches working together set records for the entire state. In Corvallis the churches collected 5,000 pounds of clothing in a single week, and in Salem the total ex ceeded 10,000 pounds. It is felt that because of the continued need for relief in other parts of the world, other cities will want to organize similar efforts. Dallas Churches First Christian Fred L. Towne. pas tor. Bible school 9:45. Mornlnv worship 11. Service by representatives from Northwest Christian college. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Special music program 7:30. Christian Srlcnce Sunday school 9:43. Services 11. Subject of the lesson ser mon: Everlasting Punishment." Church ef God J. W. Hunter, pastor. Sunday school 9:43. Morning worship 11. Younx people's meeting 8:43. Evening ser vice 7:30. Falls CHt Christian H. N. Waddell, pastor. Bible school 10. Morning worship 11. evangelistic service 7:30. First Presbyterian Dr. Earl Wlt'lam Benbow. pastor. Church school 9:45. Mor ning m-orship 11. Sermon: "The Ideal of me cnristlan Church." Mennenlte Brethren G. H. Jantren. linister. Sunday school 9:43. Worship service 10:45. sermon by the pastor. Christian fellowship 7. Gospel service 7:45. Message of Nathan Nazarenus. Falls Cltr Free Methodist StanVv W.I. ker, pastor. Sunday school- 10. Morning service 11. Young peoples meeting 7. Evangelistic service S. Church of Jesus Christ tf Latter Dar nftinis ciaer j. u. urion, presiding, sun day school 10. Preaching service 7. Salt Creek Baptist Otto Nalllnter. ali tor, ounoaj scnooi :, Morning eom munion 11. Message: "The Purnoaa of the iroas. evening service I. Srnth tla A it..nl. M it m.i. inson, pastor, eaooain scnooi i;45. fler mon 11. Evangelical Mennonite Rrcthroa n P. Schultz, pastor. Sunday aehool 9:45. Morning worship 11. Evening service 7:30. Message by Rev. Taggart of tha Ameri can Sunday School union. Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Tjfer, pas tor. Sunday school 10. Divine service 11. Bethel Sunday Krhool Sunday school 10:30. Services 11:30. Apoilolir Faith N. C. Swenxen, pastor. Sunday school 9:30. Services U a.m. and 8 p.m. , Assembly ef God Gordon Kampfer. minister. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship ll. "The Meanest Thief in Dal-lgJ-" gvp"jng service g. "What Is Death?" Johnson, supt. Oregon circuit rally Sun- ""j '" wmmuniun service. Morning worship 11 a.m. Rev. E. L. Tungseth, .iHCflner. opecmi ma cnorus or Calvary. Rallv closes .1 nm rmfirm.iim, in struction Saturday 10 a.m. Hear These Messages by Rev. Ralph A. Dodd at Free Methodist Church N. Winter and Market MAY 411:00 a.m., "Open Doors"; 7:45 p.m. the bnd I hereof. MAY 57:45 p.m., "I Will Show Thee the Bride" MAY 6 7:45 p.m., "Public. Enemy No. One The Ju venile Crime Wave." Services Each Evening Except Saturday, 7:45 p.m. April 30-May 1 1 STRAWBERRIES! STRAWBERRIES! ANOTHER LOAD Of the Famous DRISCOLL Strawberries We are sorry so many people were dis appointed last week. THIS WEEK we will have three times as many strawber ries. However come early (just in case). ONLY 29c Note, Berry Growers: Thii berry ii well worth vilit to our markets to let. SAVING CENTER TWO STORES At the Foot Vi Mils North of the Bridge of the UnrJerpan WEST SALEM SALEM NOTE BERRYGROWERS: Theie ere the new "Driicoll" berry. Come in and tee it. Messages by BvanielUt V. J, Gardr J 3 Christ's Ambassadors. Junior CA's. aC tf ;4 vesper hour 7. ! Falls CUT Seventh Day Adventist I Rslpli Gladden, pastor. Sabbath ich ( 9:43. Morning worship 11. ( Pedee evangelical Howard Pel pastor. Sunday school 10. Church t vice 11:11. Fails Cltr Metheditt Quentin Schen pastor. Sunday school 10. Mornini a vices U. Fratestant Ivlseeaal Dean Fern Smith. Services 11. Methodist Ciark S. Enz. nasi 3 Church school 9:43. Morning worship 2 Sermon: "The Peril of Not Knowini E Youtn reiiowsmp t. Evening praise vice 7:43. f Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11. proiram of topic and son by the ad Dab tlrliV (7hial nla rtr a . tor. Community worship 9:43. Sermc "The Peril of Not Knowing." Commu Uy Sunday school 10:43. Mill City Churches Preibrterlan Dr. David Ferguson, mi ister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning sr p vice 11 0 clock, sermon subject; 1 Mystic Versus the Engineer." Chareh ef Christ Lloyd WTiitford. a tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mom!: service 11 o'clock. Evening service o'clock. Christian Endeavor 9:45 p.m. Catholic Rev. Mai. pastor. Morni services 9 o'clock. Revival Campaign Closing Sunday The revival campaign whic has been conducted at the Fir: Evangelical United Brethre church by Rev. and Mrs. Jame Campbell during the last tw weeks will conclude next Sur day. Rev. Campbell will pn sent the gospel in sermon an song at the morning and eve ning services. The minister, Rev. Wilmer r Brown, announces that a ne series in Bible study and Chrif tian Education will begin nex Wednesday night at 7:30 p.n to continue for the next 1 weeks with a class each Wed nesday night . In early-day America, the cos of hauling a ton of goods b: wagon from New York to Buf falo was $100. RUPTURED? ted by eiperts. FrivaU Flltlag rooas. Wietts CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Wecome to Another Great Day at NAZARENE First Church 945, Sunday School 10:50, "God' Will for Ui" 7:30, "Th Approaching Revival" 6:30, Youth Hour Center Street tt ISth Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor 'But BASKET n J