Society, Edited by Jean Taylor. Phnne 3573 Goings and Comings Are Of Interest There seems to be much going and coming from the cap ital these days. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ar buckle left Friday for Seattle, where he will spend a few days on business. They will go on to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, for the remainder of the week Thursday guest in the capital was Miss Jane MacLachlan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn MacLachlan of Ontario, former Salem residents. Miss Mac Lachlan is attending Oregon State college. Home from Eugene for an overnight visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, will be Miss Janet Kirk. She wi return Saturday afternoon to attend the house dance of her sorority, Delta Delta Delta, on the University of Oregon campus. . Family Reunion At Weathers' Home Gates The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Weathers was the scene of a family reunion in honor of their son Wilbur, who was at home on leave from the Navy. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Grason Garrard and fam ily, and Mrs. Donna Garrard, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Weathers. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Weathers. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weathers, nil from Salem; Mr. and Mrs Jo Weathers, Mr. and Mrs. Er- win Weathers, Esther, Dillard Allen and Kenneth Weathers and Miss Jean Oliver, all of Gates. Rawlins Studios Present Students The Rawlins Music studio will present sixteen violin and piano students of Mrs. MargRret Rawlins in a recital Sunday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at 167S Norway street. The interested public is incited to attend. On the program will be Betty Barnwell, Sharon Campbell. Carol Hudson, Jeanne Rawlins. Karen Young, Richard Allen. Barbara Rawlins, Juanita Wit tenberg, Otha Rouse, Barbara Graham, Jerry Raulins and El don Rouse. Slayton In a double ring ceremony performed at the Methodist church parsonage in Stayton, Myrtle R. Maris and Daniel J. Arnold, both of Salem, were united in marriage by Rev. R T Conkingham. Fririnv April 25. ... s K 7 W Woodburn Bride Mrs. Milford Case, the former Adeline Bjel land of Woodburn, married April 19 at the Immanuel Lutheran church in Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Case will make their home in Osage, Minnesota. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn) St. Mary' sis Wedding Scene Mt. Angel St. Mary's church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Edna Wurdinger to John GrosJacques, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian GrosJacaues. Rev. Father Damian Jenlges, O. S. B., officiated at the nup tial mass and read the vows. Miss Helen Keber played the St. Mary's junior choir sang and soloist was Miss Eustelle Bauman. Wearing a light blue wool suit fashioned with fish-tail back, and white accessories, the bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wurdinger, was given in marriage by her father. She carried a shower bouquet of white carnations and stephan- otis. Miss Jean Wurdinger, the bride's sister, wore a suit of gold wool with white accessories and carried a shower bouquet of pink and white carnations, as the bridesmaid. Leo GrosJacaues was best man for his brother. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wur dinger, breakfast was served to the bridal party and their lnr mediate families. Assisting at serving were Mrs. Al Bentz and Mrs. J. Browning. A reception was held at the Memorial hall during the after noon. Serving and assisting were Mrs. Al Bentz, Mrs. John Kot tie, Miss Lorraine Kottie, Miss Shirley Wurdinger and Miss Re gina Gick. The young couple will reside in Portland, following a wed ding trip to Martinez and San Francisco. Wheatland Miss Patricia Louise Stockhoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockhoff chose May 1 to announce her engagement to James Walt er Ediger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ediger of Dayton Prairie district. No date is set for the wedding. ... Macleay Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hilborn will be hosts to mem bers of the 4-M club and their h(jcHanH at thpir hnm0 Satur day evening. Queen Margaret I Honored At May Week-end Festivities Queen Margaret I will rule over the Willamette university campus at annual May week-end, beginning with the Queen's tea which took place at the Chi Omega sorority house on the campus Friday. Students, alumnae, faculty and friends called between 3:30 o'clock and 5 Friday afternoon. Receiving were Miss Patricia Miller, house president, Queen Margaret Allen, her mother, Mrs. William L. Allen, Princess Mary East Runyan, Mrs. W. H, East, Princess Elaine Cloudy, Mrs. William E. Kirk and Miss Minnie Just. Pouring were Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Dr. Helen Pearce, Mrs. B. O. Shucking, Miss Olive Dahl. Chi Omegas assisted in serving. The tea table was covered with a blue satin cloth and cen tered with a huge May basket filled with pastel spring blooms. Tied to the basket were pink and blue taffeta ribbons. The corners were caught with nose gays. About the rooms were ar rangements of snowballs and Scotch broom. The annual queen's reception following the coronation Satur day afternoon will be held at University house with President and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith as hosts. All students and friends on the campus are invited to at tend the reception. Receiving with the Smiths will be Queen Margaret, Princess Mary, Prin cess Elaine, their mothers, at tendants to the royal party, Miss Paula Smith, last year's queen and president of the student body, Clarence Wicks. Sophomore women's honorary, Beta Alpha Gamma members will assist. Miss Minnie Just, Chi Omega housemother, w i 1 i pour and serving will be Jean Carsh, Addyse Lane, Pauline Bristlin, Mary Lois Cotton, and Betty Mae Jackman. Saturday evening will be the Queen's ball at the school gym nasium. The May Mood is the theme for the dance. Glenn Williams' orchestra will play. High scnool seniors, house guests at the sororities for the traditional affairs of the week end, will be feted at several in formal affairs. The Pi Beta Phis will entertain with their annual May morning breakfast at the chapter house and the Delta Gamma house will hold a banquet at the chapter house Saturday evening. An 11:30 o'clock luncheon at the Chi Omega house will precede the coronation ceremonies. The Al pha Chi Omegas will entertain guests with a picnic supper be- for the play. ... Mr. and Mrs. Byron Good- enough left Thursday evening for Pendleton, where he will attend the board meeting of the Oregon State Bar association. of which he is a member. Jones Gardens to Be Open Sunday Because so many flower- lovers have stopped and asked to see the Ronald Jones Gardens on the Port land road, Mr. and Mrs. Jones have announced that. weather permitting, theit gar dens will be open to the pub lic Sunday. No hours have as yet been set Interest is high in the colorful display, especially in the rhododendrons. Mrs. M. Moss of Los Angeles visiting in Salem as guest of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sholkoff at their home in Front street. She will return to her home on Sunday. Xewlvweds Are Party-Feted Brush College A surprise oarty was given recently for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Lantis, at their country home. The occasion also marked the birthday of Mrs. Lantis, the former Mrs. Charles McCarter. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Barker, S. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munson, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackett Mr. and Mrs Theodore Burns, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Mickey, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Solie, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. R. V Carlson, Mrs. Florence Atkin son, Miss Elizabeth Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Worth W. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Muller, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Blodgelt. Mr and Mrs. Arthur E. Utley, Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Washburn, Mr. and Mrs Jim Smart, Sr., Mr. and Mrs Henry Neiger. ANNOUNCING an EXHIBITION OF ART By Students of Salem Public Schools MAY 7-16 NOW SHOWING . THE TWO SEATTLE ARTISTS BERNICE HUBER and NANCY STAMPS Watercolor Landscapes Art Galleries Third Floor Word Comes of Nevada Nuptials Grand Island Miss Muriel Lois Stoutenburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stouten burg, became the bride of Jack Dodge, Saturday, April 26, in Nevada, according to a telegram received by her parents Sunday Their home will be in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Dodge for more than two years has been employed in the assessor's office in the county court house in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Dodge has been employed in a real estate office. Independence Rural Women ,; Oak Point The county fed-f eration pjenic will be held in Dallas, July 16, it was an nounced at the meeting of the . Independence Rural Woman's' club when it met at the home of Mrs. H. Bartel. Mrs. Z. Bartel, president, waa in charge of the meeting. The club voted aid to the cancer control drive. Mrs. Z. Bartel was honored on her birthday and wedding anniversary.' The next meeting will be with Mrs. E. O. Brown and Mrs. Viola Shaffer will speak. HUE! fjl Jj Guaranteed S 11 Accurately timed! (i Iw " WjMJy'? 8 H Expertly constructed ixgwtji&Sjfy ,'jtjf 11 H by skilled craftsmen. rttf2jKJSjfjo H H In handsome, sturdy JKjSjJf Us H cases, they'll last for B I BUY ON EASY 11 '"VMXZ J I 050 O00 1 I JL Down . a Week J j DIAMOND. UIBTCHSy yiLV6RIURR6 I BSaBSS44l COURT " . ... g f Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. wi 11 yd- mdo caft?ifl coloram m 41 Brilliant, exotic printed tricot-jersey, inspired by th Carib lands and people. An ideal fabric for spring, sum mer and vacation wardrobes . . . suitable for play clothes, casual or evening wear. Will not stretch or run, resists wrinkles, packs like a dream, wonderful to wear, easy to sew and eighteen exquisite, unusual patterns from which to choose. 38-39 inches wide Colorama by the Yard from California Exclusively Ours ... n if