.Marble Tourney Attracts Boys Silverton At 10:00 a. m , Saturday, the local branch of the Young Oregonian's state wide marble tournament will be held a the Eugene Field school grounds, sponsored by the Lions club. The state championship contest is to be in two weeks. High scoring local contestants may enter the state contest for high awards tries. Ted Burian, marble tournament chairman, is asking all members of the club, available, to be at the school grounds, Saturday at 9:45 a. m. to assist. Boys have already registered from out-of-Silverton as well as locally, and more are being arranged for. Numerous prizes donated by the local merchants are to be dis tributed to high scorers in the three age-division classifica tions for players. There are almost 700,000 beds in mental hospitals in the U. S. Woodburn Closing Cancer Fund Drive Woodburn The annual fund raising drive of the American cancer society closes this week end in Woodburn and contain ers in local stores will be col lected according to the commit tee of the local Business and Professional Women's club which is in charge of the drive. People who have not yet con tributed to the campaign are urged to put their money In one of the containers at once. The local committee includes Mrs. Kenneth Thompson and Mrs. Delbert Reed, co-chairman; Miss Mabel Livesay, Mrs. Mike Perd, Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. Ray Glatt and Miss Mary Lou Haynes. The first navy of the United States was composed of private ly owned ships. The colonies made up small navies of their own and private individuals were allowed to operate ships that preyed on the British fleet. 155 North Liberty Phone 3194 AMERICA'S BIGGEST SALE! Hi IF8 SALE! LOCKER TRUNK Keg. 12.95. Extra large, W" in 30x16x12 in. trunk. Tough, fiber cover over wooden frame. Trunk type locks. MATCHED LUGGAGE 395 Reg. 17.95. Roomy overnight! Leather bound with big pockets. Reg. 22.50 pullman case now 18.95 fill ii95 WOMEN'S OVERNIGHT Reg. 16.95. Distinc tively Btyled! Rich alligator grained fabric. Leather bound. Big pockets. Sale! Women's Overnite Case Regular 16.95! 21-inch overnight. Leather bound. Q QC Plus Tax Sale! Women's Luggage Reg. 17.95. Lightweight, smart and compact, 21-inch. 1 S QC Plus Tax 24" NEW ARRIVALS MEN'S O'NITE BAG rius Tax Regularly 32.95. Ruggedly built top grain cowhide over a steel frame! Has sturdy leather handles. Sale! Women's Overnite Case Reg. 14.25. Leather bound, canvas covered. 11 OC Plus Tax I Sale! Women's Pullman Regular 26.95. Smartly styled, leather bound. 1Q OC Plus Tax I If If- JUST IN OUTING TIME FOR YOUR WEEK-END Dallas Boy Scouts Picking Up Paper Dallas Boy Scouts of troop 39 will conduct a city-wide paper drive in Dallas Saturday in an effort to raise funds to send some of the Scouts to sum mer camp. The money will en able boys to attend camp who otherwise would not get to go. according to Arthur Abel, scout master. Local residents are urged to leave their paper, which may include flattened cardboard cartons, magazines or newspa pers, on front porches. When ever convenient, it is requested that the material be tied in bun dles, thereby greatly facilitating the drive. The pickup will be gin in early morning. Amity H. E. Wood, promin ent farmer west of Amity has leased 4000 acres of farm land in the Klamath Falls-Lakeview area, which he Is sowing to bar ley. Lester Wither and Gene Stockoff are local men who are assisting with the farming. Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 2, 1947 3 Add 50,000 More Miles of Driving to Your Car Get new car power and performance from your present car. Complete motor reconditioning. Cost is moderate. Ask about our new budget plan and arrange to pay a small amount each month. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 North Commercial SWEAT SHIRTS Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large $165 ju, 155 North Liberty Phone 3194 AMERICA'S BIGGEST SALE! mm mm ENDS SATURDAY! vr V GOOD BUYS ! If SPRING CLEARANCE OF LATEST ALL-WOOL COATS Now Reg. 29.95 21.00 Coats to wear now all Summer and next Fall. Short or long lengths, fitted or flared all in glorious array at "Wards. Slashed to a new low that maken them unbeatable buys. Come in choose your style choose your color sizes for everyone. BIG SAVINGS Women's Coats Women's Coats O100 Reg. 29.95 now Women's Coats 100 Reg. 19.98 now 21 14c Women's Suits Women's Suits O100 Mm I Reg. 48.00. Smart spring fashions. All wools in sizes 38 to 48, in navy, black, light brown and grey. Misses' Coats Women's Suits 1000 00 Reg-. 48.00 now Women's Suits Reg. 35.00 now Mi sses' Coats OA00 Reg. 35.00 now Misses' Coats O00 Reg. 29.95 now Misses' Coats 1Q00 Reg. 24.75 now ' Misses' Coats 1400 Reg. 19.98 now " All wool crepes, fleeces and suedes in full length and shorties. Sizes 9 to 20. - .''-. i, 4 h Women's Suits OA Reg. 35.00 now These include all wool gabardines, checks in grey, green, beige, black, blue. Girls' Coats n00 Girls' Coats Reg. 16.60 now Girls' Coats Reg. 12.98 Girls' Coats Reg. 10.98 All wool suedes and shetlands in sizes 7 to 16 in grey, blue, aqua, green and checks. 1 goo I 8oo I I ' 5