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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1947)
MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work ditching basement excavation, t&ud , gravel, erusnerj race muoo tana, can- , orete mix cement. . v SALEM SAND A GRAVEL OO. ) 1406 N FRONT ST.t BALSU. OREGON I Pboofl 9404 or 31034. a DENTAL PLAT REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. Stat S CoirunerelaJ 8U SALEM Phona 83 U m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLD BISQUE figures. Matching pair of modern lamps. Upstairs Antique Bhop, 436 Court. nlO? KEROSENE Stoves $4.75 to $10.76 Bedroom suites $59. 50 to f 149.60 Breakfast sets $13.50 to $54.50 Rockers $2.76 to $10.76 BtandB $2.76 to SB.50 Cribs $4.50 to $27.50 Mattresses $5.00 to $42.50 Beds $2.50 to $32.50 STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 STATE ST. . PHONE 759G n!07 SMALL COOK stove, $10. 1178 Chemeketa, back door. ni05 BO-LB. ICE BOX, $6. Child's stroller, $4. 3 burner hot plate, $8. Ph. 24398. nl07 NIGHT crawlers for sale. 1511 D St. Ph. A713. n!06' NEW MALTEX cut-off saw with extr a blade. $312.00. Ph. 4219. nl07 SAWDUST burner water heater. 4th. 1415 N. nl06 1 BEDROOM set, 105.00 includes Springs and new mattress. Davenport. $40.00. 2 bunk beds, $10.00 each. 1313 N. Church. nI07 2 NEW KITCHEN sinks, 14x20. pressed steel enameled, some fittings, $30. Fine for small houses. 490 Beck Ave. Ph. 25797. 1.106' 10 FT. PICNIC table, cheap. 3460 Center, 'i Ph. 7M. B1O0 CHILD'S CAR, almost new, $12.50. 169! t Broadway. nl0i 4 PANS I ES, salvia, loblela. phlox, 50c do 1 Geraniums, fuschlas. 35c and up. Mer rill's Greenhouse, Brooks. Ph. 24351. nl06' HEAVY GREEN rooting paper, auuuu rolls. Caldwell, 55 Highway Ave., Salem, ore. M BARN and 2 garages. Ph. 7330. nlOS BAND SAW. All American meat Se bone itr model 515. Ph. 7103. nl05 BLACK COCKER Spaniel puppies. Blacks. Buffs. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Port land Road. nl05 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen .and bathroom, fluorescent and incandescent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 iT-rnMnnii.K-TRUCK-FIRE Insurance al a SAVINGS. Se Bill Osko. 466 Court St. or Ph. sbbi. NOTICE POULTRY AND hog feeders. We are of ferine Blue Ribbon condensed butter' milk in SO gal. barrels. App. 400 lbs. per barrel at 5c per lb., which Is our exact cost. Northwest Poultry Se Dairy. 1505 N. Front. Phone 7007. niza- VAUGHN garden tractor. Ph. 3462Q. 105' RlVEh SILT. Phone 9648. n!09 SADDLE, bridle, martingale, halter, blan ket, all lor iiW. nunm niv nl06' rtvc lorini nnntnn China minch bowl Black Spanish evening shawl. Apply jmt fi filO N. Commercial, eves. nI07 run mT in nood cond. $37.60. 1 Broadway. o1"' GIRL'S Junior bicycle, $25. 2380 State or nnone cjo. WARDROBE TRUNK (13.50 Elec. Sweeper 8.50 Sxl2 Wilton Rug 7-00 Bicycle 5-00 Clothes Wardrobe B.50 Carpet Sweepers 1.50 Se 2.50 Wash Boiler Each 2.00 Men's Suits, Clean 5.00 it up an fppY. A inch Pine. MAC'S. 145 S. Church n!05 lt H.P. David Bradley Garden Tractor with attachments. Ph. 24268. 345 Sun set Ave. nl06 60 LB. ICE BOX, like new. 2490 Broad- DEEP FREEZE. Capacity J it, i 5 It. sasn. Rt. 1. Box 88-A.. Woodburn. nl08 i rn ft. Friaidalre. Very sood condi tion. $175. Phone 24180. nlOB ALL MAKES of clocks repaired. 100 South 14th. Clock Doctor. nlOO FORMAL, like new, size 14. $10.50. (Pastel yellow.) Phone 3867. nl08 f.Anvs white shoe roller skates, size 8. Never worn. Call 26802. nl05 iivrtRAULic PRESS. 12 ton. small frame Also gas paint outfit, complete about 86 rts. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St., Sheri dan. Oregon. "100 FARMERS ATTENTION. Clean Easy por table Se trackster milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' FISHING TACKI" boxes, all metal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nl20' ELECTRIC RANGE. Call forenoons or evenings. 2365 Claude. niou PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane like linish ror tJoors, rurnuure, auiomooueo On wood, concrete, linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl20' lADY'S BICYCLE, new tires, (35. 1750 Mac on. PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl2fl UNUSED electric water heater, 42 gallon. $79.50. Phone 4384. n!05 GUARANTEED FOREVER flasl lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. TELEPHONE & Intercomm. sets. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl36' the tropic Master overseas radio. Pow erful 8 tube set. Ideal for coastal cr out ir locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35 N. Liberty St. nI28' SMOOTHIES FOR perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl30' BABY BOTTLE sterilizers, bottle warm ers, vaporizers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nuio- to USED brick building tile. Also some used 3x13 plank. Call 21734 alter 8 p.m nl05 VUU.r.ct PAlilNET model radio. Ph. 7297. nlOS ELEC'i. UC CURLING irons, pants press- ers, solder irons. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl20' ELECTRIC SHAVERS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. B126 ELECTRIC BARBECUE sets lor fireplace or outdoors YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl3B FARMERS ATTENTION. Electrlo milk pasteurizers, butter churns and fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 0"EN BOOKCASES, made to order. 3500 Sliverton Rd. nl07 VACUUM CLEANERS, tubular and up right. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n!30 AUTOMATIC, FLECTRIC Irons. Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl20' CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies, and lawn furniture like new. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St nl36' INDIRECT LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. &126' ELECTRIC TABLE broilers, table roast ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n!36' ABSOR-O-DOR keeps your refrigerator ciean and sweet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 255 N. Liberty St. nl ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. , &1361 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays, lull size. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. 1)130 FRUIT JUICERS, can openers, food chop pers, French iry cutters, iooa mun, re (rlgerator dish sets, aluminum cooking ware, cookie Jars, knife sharpeners, Ice crushers, condiment sets, carving sets, cutlery sets, camping dish sets, stain less steel table service. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl30 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, wall and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 3 burner with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nl38 RESTAURANT GRILL, electric, automatic Akron, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Bt. n!28 DOOR CHIMES. Electrical and mechan ical. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Liberty St. nl20 VACUUM CLEANERS (tanks and up rights) with attachments, EUREKA GENERAL ELECTRIC PREMIER DUPLEX WESTINGHOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTER Trade In allowance, easy terms. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 8. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. nl37 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 60 gallon water heaters lor immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' NIGHTCRAWLERS, 2493 Stats, Bremmer. nl33 CANNING (16 quart) pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' NO WAXING required with transpar- er.t Plastl-Kote lor drain boards, floors, furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' l. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines Parts all makes. Pinking shear; ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nl28 ELECTRIC WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2 loom. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 ELECTRIC floor polishers, ideal for home or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. M061 METAL IRONING boards, pads Se covers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl30 HEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, teonomlcai Se us (or (res estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N Liberty n ELECTRI1, AUTOMATIC, lldearm water heaters, fasten to your present tank, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl20 HOT WATER tank, furnace, trash burn er, $70. Plaster board 3000 ft. 3c ft. 2000 ft. lumber 2x4 Se 2x6, rafters, 3000 it. iioonng (55 thousand, sxs, aooo it. 135 thousand. 1144 Center St. H. Miller. nl05 LAWN CARTS, lawn edgers, hand culti vators and noes. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' FULLER brushes 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. nU4 WAJ HABLE, ONE coat Palletone for wills, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' GLECTROLUX cleaner Se air purifier. Now available. Complete with all attach ments. $69.75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nl06' SUN (ULTRA violet) lamps. Heat (Infra red lamps and heating pads. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' RIVER SILT. Phone 35912. ELECTRIC BLANKETS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. . nl20' WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electrlo appli ances nousenoia eoodi, kliuman's 286 N commercial. Phone 9885. n' PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER- APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 8. High. Phone 6088. nlOfl' hotplates, single and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. S1261 ELECTRIC 42 gallon water beater. $79.50 TA. 4314, Portland. ' nlOO ELECTRIC FANS, desk and pedestal, for offices, garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, canneries. Kitchen and Indus trial exnaust xans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' RE GRIG ERA TOR ICE trays, rubber S aluminum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shove 89 drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8561 STOP DEEDING your lawn, try Weed-No-More. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N, Liberty St. nl26 S TILER FROZEN food cabinets. Whole sale price. 195 S. 24th. nl06' H FAT WHITE FACE beef. Inspected. Phone 32639. nll2 WESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used oy armed lorces, runs ines, mo squitoes, cockroaches Se related insects YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 FARMERS, ATTENTION. Westinghouse, automatlo electric milk cooler. 60 gal capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 40 LB. Ice box, toilet bowls, sinks, 3235 Portland Rd after 6. nl06 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs Antique Shop, 439 Court. Ph, 21443. nal30 USED French door, also fireplace man tle. Ph. 3275. nal07 WANTED, Kozy Kemp trailer. C. M. Rob erts, 815 Shipping St, Ph. 3678, Salem. naiOS WILL STORE is give good care for use ol furniture In our home. Ph. 24582. nal05 WANTED TO BUY: 410 shotgun. Ralph Miller, Rt. 8, Box 372, Salem. nal05 WA1 : Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kclley, Ph. 33156, na!30 USED FURNITURE. Phone 0185 PERSONAL READING. Know the truth. 3361 State. p!05 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 734. p270 AUTOMOBILES 1940 PLY. 5 pass. Coupe. R. Sc H. Excel lent condition. Inquire at Lipstick Beauty-Shop. 1873 State Street, qlOS BY OWNER, '40 Pontiac 4-door deluxe sedan. Can be seen week days at 970 So. Commercial St. qllO '38 CHEVROLET 4-door. Cottage St. Ph. 3503. $895. 1695 8. 1940 STUDE. Champion, 4-door sedan, good cond., by owner. 2005 Fairgrounds Rd. q!05 1930 MODEL A Ford sedan, 16ln. wheels. 50 pet. rubber. C. 8. Hammett, 485 Garfield, Woodburn. Ph. Red 26. ql07 FOR SALE, Ford panel delivery. Call Peacock Cleaners. ql07 34 CHEV. CPE., Juit overhauled, $350. Rt. 9. Box 122. Ph. 23P2. 2 ml. E. of Krueger store. ql07 33 FORD sedan, heater, good upholstery, motor and tlrei. Priced to sell, Rt. 6, Box 358. Ph. 32501. qlOS TRAILER HOUSE, 18 ft., clean. Rt. 4, Box 166-B. w. J. Houano, near nose dale School. ql09 AUTOMOBILES M NASH. Good cond. $136. 4. Ph. 35410. 1380 No. jl07 40 INDIAN CHIEF, for quick sale. Can be seen at 465 Morgan Ave., after 4 p.m. ql07 INK 1031 Olds 3 dr. sedan. Motor re paired. Price $230. Or will trade for equity in '35 or '30 model Chev. or Ply mouth. Call at Keiier Corner Store. Ask for Mrs. Vot. ql05 WANTED: '37 Chev., good cond.. prefer coach, 100 S. 14th. ql05 '39 BUICK Special. '48 motor. A-l shape. Trade for '34 Ford or Chev. and $675 cash. 418 S. College, Monmouth. qlOS 1940 B'-ACK Chev. master deluxe busi ness coupe, spotless tnrousnout, re built motor, heater, radio, back-up light. 3 spotlights, alrhorn, etc.. (1150. Ph. 31718. O.105 FOR SALE: Tractor, 1943 J. I. Case, mod el D. I. Se 1-2-16" moltne plow. Both for $1250.00, Cecil A. Bindel, Vi ml. North Se 2 ml. West of Stayton. Phone Stayton 4F77. ql05 19.14 CHEV. Oood condition. M. H. Bronee, Hubbard. Phone 11F4. qlOB FOR SALE: 45 Harley motorcycle, 1942, fully equipped. 0900 on speedometer. Harold Rice, Rt. 9, Box 111. 1 mile east of Krueger's store on Frultland road. Call after 5 p.m. ql05 TRAILER HOUSE, newly finished inside Ac out, for $4B5. 380 Grove, Phone 3517 Call anytime in the morning or after : 30. qlOS 6 V-8 COUPE, rebored motor, offer. 1335 State, evenings. Make ql06 CLEAN '37 PONTIAC sed. Good tires fe motor. $650. 950 N. 18th. ql06 '41 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-door sedan. Radio, heater is overdrive, excellent cond. throughout. Elsie Chrlstofferson Rt. 1, Box 181, Aumsvllle. Ph. 584. ql08 '37 DODGE Coupe. Just overhauled. Good tires. Ph. 5557. 1095 S. Com'l. ql06' FOR SALE; Model A Ford truck, long Rfly ql06 whcelbase. 90 rubber. Ph. 22504. Salter, 3 NEWLY decorated trailer houses. Rea sonable. Call after 3, 55 Hlway Ave. ql06 1947 CHEV 5-P. Coupe, 2-tone, radio. many extras, sest oner. Mr. spoor, co f. u. box obh. rn. Jtu, hyo mki. ql06 939 GRAHAM sedan, new motor, radio. heater. Good rubber all around. Call 35167 nights, or 3776 days. ql07 1035 CHEV. cpe., exceptionally clean, good rubber. 410 Ford St. ql07' 1936 FORD 4-door sedan, with '43 Mer cury motor, good rubber, seal beam lights. 410 Ford St. ql07 FOR SALE '37 Chev. sedan, good condi tion. Indian motorcycle, can alter 6:31 p.m. 645 Bryan street, Woodburn. Ore. q!07 1941 HOLLYWOOD Graham, good cond radio, heater. Would like older model car and rest of loan can be assumed. 380 So. 23rd. Ph. 21692. qllO 1940 CHEV. panel, excel, cond. May be seen Sat. Sun., 195 So. 24th. qlOB1 35 CHEV. truck stake bed. First house South Brush College School, Route 1, box 417. Thomas, ql06 16-FT. TRAILER house, Insulated, plenty of built-ins, furnished with daveno. ice box. radio, etc. Full price $485. Call 24200. QlOS 33 STUDE. commander sedan, 81,000 actual mileage, $195. Deerlng 4-ft. re versible disc, tractor hitch, $18. 850 Monroe Ave. Ph. 32792. ql07 '3ft GRAnAM, 4-door, Clean. $285, after 6 p.m. 3526 So, Commercial. ql07 $5 FORD tudor, rebuilt motor, heater. See after 6 p.m. 1065 Erlxon. Ph. 24547. qllO 1946 TRAILER HOUSE, sleeps four. Ask for Garlnger, Castle Hall Park, 12th street Junction. qll4 1040 BUICK Super Sedan. Good tires. Hat heater, radio Se seat covers. $1250. Take trade-in. 3855 Market Ave., by Penn 4 Corners. )106 1941 8TUDEBAKER "6" Deluxe Tone Model 4D Sedan. Radio, spotlight, ov erdrive Se new paint. Call 7372 after 6 P.m. ql06 24-FT. INDIAN trailer house, lurn., sleeps four, elec. brakes, tandem wheels, awn ing. $1335. 3tt miles S. on 99E. Castle Hall Cottages. ql06 1041 214-TON CMC dump, 6 yd. 8, Box 1618. Hollywood Dr. Rt. q!09 1034 CnEV. Good cond., excel, tires, heat er. $300. Ph. 34369. 140 Lansing Ave. ql09 '38 FORD TRUCK, tandem wheels. Good rubber. A-l mechanically. Ray Garland, Rt. 3, Newberg, Ore., at Rex. qlOS FOR SALE 1935 Ford sedan, good mo tor, 8 good tires, $436. 78 Falrvlew Ave., Roger Lane. Call after 6 p.m. ql06 DIXIE FLYER trailer house, 19 ft., sips. 4. Butane range. A-l condition. 30 Wil liams Ave. ql07 good, clean used oars Priced rioht 1932 BUICK 4 dr. sedan. 1036 CHRYSLER 6 4 dr. sedan. 1037 HUDSON COUPe. R & H. SEE YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. JS5 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 qlOS1 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS AH makes nsed motorcycles bought sold repaired. 8HROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 8603 - Salem HUDSON BALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates ovsrhaullm body and fender repair painting "Give Bhroek a try and you'll know why " SHROOK MOTOR OO Phone 8503 Salem FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N, Childs. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261. rl07 CASH FOR SPRING , $25 to $300 on signature, furniture or auto up to $500. (8.38 a mo. repays $100 loan In full In 15 mot. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 6 who ask for a loan at Personal get it. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St., Bm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S122 M165 r!30 MONEY FOR BTVERY PURPOSE IP YOU are capable of building 10 to i 100 bouses Salem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Os. We are also interested In financing on or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie 8218M332 163 6. High St. Ph. 4131 f PARM AND CITY LOANS and 6 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph 7163 r Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 4 4Vi A N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd Se Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 9668 1H PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any wl .-a in the Willamette valley, 10 to 25 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money foi building modern homes, financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8 High St. WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans of (26 to $250 or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Flnanee Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" In Just 1-vlilt Call today. 618 Stats St.. Rm. 125, Salem Ph. $191 E. Gallinger. Mgr. t'z. 8. 122 M. 165 rl05 (MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie 8-316 M-323 153 8 Hlxb St. r A O TO L O A N 8 WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. Itb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO LiceBM No. U-1M, 8-1M FINANCIAL FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sal first mortgages on improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to $5000. NET In vestors 5 pet. Interest Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and interest payments made by us without charge to tha Investors, STATE FINANCE CO- 163 8. High St. GENERAL FINANCE CORP, - LOANS S-138 and U-336 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St. Tel 8168. TRANSPORTATION DRIVING TO Iowa about May 10th. Take three. Reference, share driving St ex pense. C. W. Hoyer, 776 Mill St, X105 DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 833 Center Ph. 4036 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 3-5100. ol26 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house Plans. Call 0021. ol28' AUTO BRAKES MIKE PAN'ER, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake St Wheal aligning specialist. ol2T AUTOMOTIVE COy. MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. sociy and lender, tree estimates, reasonable. Ph. 5313. 642 N. High. Ol IB MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Pbont 7838 Night. 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. olOS G LEA SON'S Catering Service. Ph. 35379 oll6 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. oll5 CHIMNEY SWEEP CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofs and alterations. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kanz Construc tion Co. Ph. 4B30 or 25106. - oll8 ELECTRIC WIRING No delay, available. Phone 9740. Material O108 DF'IVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. 0126 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph ?"00 175 N. High. oll4 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations. Brooks Trailer Camp, 1984 State St. ol26 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH, MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17th ol28 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. Phone 23346. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 9196 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 0 FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lea Bros.. 4020 E. Stat. Ph. 21233 0153 NEWTON'S light pickup St delivery. Haul ing of all kinds. Household moving. Fully Insured. Phone 22812. ol24 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur McClellar. Phone 22456. ol09 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free 1el 1717 Center St. Phone 6395. o!27 LANDSCAPING LEVELING & DOZING JOHNSON & BRIGGS, building streets St roads. Ph, 8035, Salem. qi2l LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries, Inc., success ors to H, Se B, Lumber Co.. Wallace road, West Salem. Ph. 9593. oll4 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. B. HAUSER, 926 Saginaw. P 7828 O1071 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. olOB' OIL JIPCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. Drew. Phone 5395. ol 11 GOOD WORK, REASONABLE. Free esti mate. C. Home, Phone 5313. ol24 PAINTING AND PAPERTIANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. oll5 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. ol26 ROY C. HANSON. Painting, decorating. Phone 2-5838. 0113 PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. U. J. Wood worth. Phone 3015. O-108 PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 26106. 0131 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travis. 1020 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. oll3 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads, envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement al 162 S. Liberty St. 7480. 0127 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shove A dragline excavating Walling Sand ' Gravel Go Phone 8561 o SEPTIC TANKS SETIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boening. Ph. 9633. ol H ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Pro; t service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. O107 MIKE'S Cesspool Se Septic Service, moo- em equipment 1079 Elm St. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. 0127' ; F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 SPRAYING. L W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. 0126' COMPLETE spray equipment, lawn, trees, irub A fields. Philip W. Belike. Dial 31?08. 0122 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL S DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coai. briquets Trucks io Portland daily Agent Lyon Van Lines for housenaid goods to California points La nner Transfer Se Storage Ph 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACUTM CLEANER owners. ( will ervice your Hoover cleaner com plete for $3.50 plub oaru If required Hogg Bros. Pb 9149 O WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estfmates T. WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph 5600. 0108 WELL DRILLING Chester J Pugh, Rt. Oregon. Ph. 23412. WELL DRILLING. M D Enloe. Rt. 9, Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198 olOS J. A. SNEED Si SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem Phone 6809, o!27 WINDOW CLEANING SAEM WINDOW Service Housi Clean 0119 Ing, floor waxing. Ph. 21342. ACME WINDOW CLEAKCRS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Ploors clean ed, waxed A polished Ph. 3337. 341 Court- wawdoo CulberUon and Uather PROFESSIONAL Phone 44H, CLEAMINQ BERVICH Market Quotations Salem Livestock (By Valley Packing Co.l Hogs, 35c under Portland each wt. Spring lambs, (18.50. Wooled 1946 lambs, (18. Sheared 1946 lambs, 116. Yearlings, $13.50. Ewes. $2 to (7.50. Fat dairy cows, (12-13.50. Cutters. $8-12. Dairy heifers, (13-17. Bulls. $12-17. Calves, 300-450 lb.. 310-31. Veal, 150-300 lb., I1P-24. Portia. 1 Eastslde t Loose, No. 1 Canby and Hood River asparagus was quoted at (3.65-3.75 a 30 1b. pyramid with bunched stock selling at $3.75-4 and No. 3 bunched stock st M.75-3 at today's session of the Port land Eastslde Farmers' Wholesale Pro duce mnrket. Radishes sold at go-iuc a ooaen oun- ches. , Green onions were oliered at jo-uc The season' first new crop beets were vAlnpd at 11.65 a dozen bunches. Coachilla Valley corn was quoieo at i five doeen crate. Kentucky Wonder beans were offered at inn California cherries were soio ai asc a Coachilla Valley eggplant was onereu at S5 a lug of lS's. Portland Produce Exchange Butterfat Tentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 percent acidity delivery in Portland, 67-68c lb.; first quality, 66-67C lb.; second quality, 01-03c; valley routes and country points, 2 cents less man iirst, or 64-05c. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, 68c lb.: cubes, itrnde AA, 93 score, 61c; A, 92 score, 60c; B, 90 score, 60c; C, 89 score, 57c. Cheese Sellina price to Portland whole salers: Oregon singles, 35-52c; Oregon loaf. 38i-54c. f:fTn whnlcBHlers: A trade, large. 52,.-53MiC; medium. 48'.i-49l,i-: A grade, small. 42'ic; B grade, large. 45ni-47'jc, Erks Purchased from farmers: Current receipts, 45-50c, buyers pay 3-3'ic below wholesale quotations on graded basis tor best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy Market nutter Prices to retailers. Grade AA carton 66-67c: AA prints, 65-66c; A prints,: 64-65c; A cartons, 66-67c; B prints, 65c: one-fourth pound cubes, cent higher. Esgs Prices to retailers, AA extra large, t;; A, large (certified). 58-59c; A large. 54-55c; AA medium, 64c; A medium, 60- 51c; A small, 4ac dozen; carton, a'.sc a dltlonal. Cheese Prices to retailers: roruann Oregon singles. 36'i-54c lb.; Oregon loaf. 39'j-56c; triplets, 36-54c. Poultry: Live Chickens Paying price to produc s: N . 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 29-30C ! lb.; fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 29-30c lb.; 3 to 4 ; lbs., 35-37c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 35-1 37c; fowl, Leghorn, under S',i lbs., 18 20c; 3 lbs. and over, 20-23c; colored, til welKhts, 32-33c lb.; stags, all weights. 14-16C. Rnbbiti Average to retailers. 48-52C lb. dressed: prices to producers. 43c; fry ers, live, white, 20-34c lb.; colored, 17-2 1c lb. Vegetables; Artichokes Calif. 4 and 5 doz. to a lug. $3.25; K doz., (2.50-2.75. AsDftraeus oreaon. Hood River. Canby. . per box, 30 1-lb. bunches, (3.75-3.85; loose, I S3. 05-3.85. No. 3s. (2.75-3. Washington, Sunny side, No. 1 mediums, 12-13c lb.; un classified and small, 7-8 Vic. ' a n.iif fnnv in li ti iS-S- Fuertes. fancy. 30,' 35, (4.60-4.85'; choice, all, (3.95-4.20. BeansT-Caltl., 20-3SC lb. Cabbace California No. 1. (3-3.50; Tex as 80 -lb. cratrs, (4.25; red, $8.50-9.50 crate. Track sales, Calif, crate, (3.35. carrots California, nuncnea, e aoz., $4-4.35; 50-lb. sacks, topped, $2-2.15; truck sales, Calif., bunched, mostly $3.50; sack ed, 50-lb. (1.35-1.60. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed, standard crate, 2.75-2.85; track sales, no sales. Celery Sturdee crates. Pascal, (0-7; std. crates, (5,25-0, heart materia), 4 and 5 doz., (4.76-5; crates, (5.50-6. Track sales, Sturdee crates, (5; std. crates, $5. Cucu ibers Oregon hothouse, (7.26-8; 3 -doz. lugs, 30-32c lb. EsKPlant 20-lb. lug, (5. Leek Local, 80-90c doz. Lettuce Calif., 4s, (5.50-6: few, poor, lower; Stockton, 3 doz. (3.75-4.25; track sales higher. Mushrooms 80-OOc lb. Onions, green Local, Mid-Columbia, 40 50c. Onions, dried Oregon yellow, No. 1, 3 Inches and larger, (2.75-3; medium. (1.65-1 75; Texas white wax, $4-4.25; Ber- mudas, (3-3.25. Sale to Jobbers, cold stornRe, No. Is, (2-2.25; medium, (1.76. Peppers Mexlcan-Callf., 45 lbs., (13-14 lug; loose, 40-1&O id.; truck sales, 49-10. crates. (12.60. Parsley Call'., (6-6.60, 10 dozen bunches. Peas Calif.. 18-ln. hamper. 13.50-4. Potatoes -- Steady, Oregon-Washington Russets, No. 1. per cwt., (3.75-4, baker Size, $4.50-1.70, NO. 2, $3.10-3.25: NO. 3 (SD-io.' 11-1.05. 15 ids., eo-oec; uescnutes. No. 2, 50 1 bs., (1.35-1.30. New crop: Cali fornia 100-lb. sacks. $4.25-4.45; Texas Bliss Triumphs, 50 lbs., (3.15-3.50. Track sales: no. i, cam.. long wmtes. ion ids., 3.o. Radishes Local, doz., 60-75c. Spinach Local, new crop, $1-1.10. Squash Calif. Zucchini, 30-lb. lug. $5-; Danana, 4-o'c id.; summer, $3.75 3.86 lug. t Potatoes Cal f. Jersey. 20-lb. bas ket, (4.25-5; Calif. La Yams, $4.15-4.35: Texas, 14.15-4.25. Tomatoes Mexico, lugs, No. Is, $9.50 21 1-lb. tubes. (7.30-8: Calif. Indlo 9 and 12 top packs, (7-7.50:16 top, (5.60 0; Imperial, 16 top, $6-5.60; Indio flats, IV 10S JB.8U-B.7S. Turnips Calif., 50-lb. sacks. (2-2.25. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane-wran- ped: spinach, 24 12-or... (1.60: salad, fi-ox.. il. 16-1.20; celery hearts, per doz., (3.25- .U. Garlic 20 1-oz. pkgs.. $1.65-1.75. Fresh Fruit: Apples Newtowns. Hood River, w. and p., 14.75-5.25; Wlnesaps, w. and p., (4.50-5. Avocados California Fuertes. 30-35s. (4.40-4.75 box; 20-24s, $4.35-4.50; choice, (3.75-4. Bananas Bunched. (10.50-11.50 cwt.. cut hands. (12-13.50 cwt. Dates Calif. 24 8-or. Dkas.. I4.fi5-4.75: natural and hydrated flats. 15 lbs.. 4.50. Grapefruit Texas pinks. 70-80s. $4.65- 5; smaller, (3.85-4.25; Marsh seedless, 40 90s, (3-3.35:. Arizona white, (2.50-3; choice, jower. Lemons Calif, fancy. 252-300s. 16.50. 6.75: 432s, $4-5; choice, (1 less. Limes Calliorn a. 15 tubs of ft Him. $3.50-3.60; lugs of 50, 95c-(l. uranges California naves. 176 an linger. $5.75-6.10: 220-252s. 15.35-5 4(1- smaller. (4-4.40; choice, 50c-(l less a box. Rhubarb Local, field-grown, 20-lb. box, 75-85c; OOc-ll 30-lb. apple box; wine, 85 90c a 15-lb. box. Strawberries Air exuress, nlif ... ti. 4.25; rail express, (3.75-3.85 a 12-cup fill. uressea meats: veal Light top aualitv. 35-anr: hiuv top quality, 28-30c: B. 25-aftr.: a ni.Hr-- CUll, 18-20C. Hots BlOCk. bUtchPTS narlrar alul. 135-160 lbs., 37-38c; over 213 lbs., 36-37c' lb.; so-vs, all wts., 29-34c lb. Lambs A A. 38-40c: A. 37.aSi! n mk- C, 28-30C lb. Mutton 10-15c lb., according to quality Beef Best quality, 32-34c; B, 35-26c: 22-24c: canner and ruttr i.9if.- h. losna bulls. 25-2fir. Wool, Cuscara Bark: uascara Bark Green, 8-6'4c; dry 20c Wool Valley, coarse and m.rii.. grades, 42-43',i,c lb. Mohair 40c lb. on 12-monlh growth. H" I Calves. 40C lb.. acrnrriln. t weight: kips. 20c lb.; green beef. 11c 1 b. nciinerea ineaioie Fats 13-13c lb. Chlraro Livestock Chicago, May 2 (U.W Llvestork: Hogs 6000. Opened alnur lat.r fl VS. nd m08lIy Bteady 10 25c to"". Weights under 250 lbs at full decline' top 23.50 for one load; bulk good and choice 170-250 lbs 22.50-23.25: good and lbs 20.25-21.75: sonri onrt ,,B iir,B lbs 19.26-20.60: sows about steady: good and choice 17.50-18.00. cattle 1000; calves 300. All slaughter LODGES A Pacific Lodge No. 60, A.P. & ygVA.M. M.M. degree Friday, 'May 2, 7 vm. 105 Fraternal Order ot Eagles meet every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Mort than a million memoers. I. O. O. P. meets every Wednesday night, vtsl tora welcom. classes steady; package choice 1,338 lb fed steers topped at 20.00; medium to top- good steers 30.50-24.50: medium and good heifers 18.00-22.60: few good cows 17.00- 18.50; common and medium cows 13.60 16.35; canners and cutters 10.00-13.25; good weighty sausage bulls 17.00-17.25; good and choice vealers scarce at 22.50- 25. 00. Sheen 1000. Slaukhter lambs active and steady; one load good to low-choice Ne braska 33.00; strictly good and choice wooled lambs about 100 lbs quotable 23.50; about seven loads medium and goon wooled lambs 20.36-22.00: two loads good and choice 100 lb fed clipped lambs with 2 pelts 21.25. Email lots good and choice wooled ewes steady 10.25-10.60. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., May 2 Wi wheat: no futures quoted. cash grain: no. i nax a.ho. Cash wheat (bid): soft while 3.34; soft white (excluding rex) 2.34; white cub 2.34; western red 2.34. Hard red winter: ordinary 2.34; 10 per cent 2.35; 11 percent 2.41; 12 percent 2.51. Hard white baart: io percent z.37; n percent 2.41; 12 percent 3.48. Todays car receipts: wneHt oar ley 4; flour 6; corn 7; mlllfeed 12. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., May 2 0J.RJ Livestock: Cattle salable 25: calves 25. Market steady on limited offerings. One load good holdover steers still unsold. Odd common heifers 16.00-17.00: canner and cutter cows 11.50-13.00; shells down to 10.00: fat dairy type cows 14.00-15.00; medium beef cows to 17.00; good sausage bulls 16.50-17.50; one lot good to choice veal ers 26.00; odd choice grades 27.00. Hogs salable 25. Market steady; one lot good to choice 184-lb. weights 24.75; 190-240 lb. weights quotable to 25.00: few 160 lbs. 23.25: good 315 lb. sows 21.00: good to choice feeder pigs quoted 24.00 25.00. Sheep salable none. Mnrket mostly no minal with demand limited. Good tc choice wooled lambs quoted 18.50-20.00; spring lambs salable to 20.00 or above; nood shorn ewes salable around 7.00; wooled ewes 9.00. Salem Markets Completed from reports ot Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prlcep Rabbits Feeds Pellets, 14.20 cwt, Ecr Mash 14,70 cwt. Dairy Feed $3.90 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1. 34 lb.; No. i, 28c: colored fryers, No. 1, 34c lb EltS Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A, 52c; med., 48c; standards, AZc dozen: pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. holesale Price Large. 56c dozen: med.. 52c dozen. Butter Wholesale A. 05c. Retail Grade A, 70c. Butterfat Premium. 68c; No. 1. 67c: no. 4, ojc. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New York A--Closing Quotations toda: Aiued cnem St Dye American Can Am Pewer St Llgh; 12 lb nmer rej et iei 105s; Anaconda Copper gavi ntcmsoo. flQ'i Bendlx Aviation 32 uetnienem steel ooeim Aircrait California Packing uanaaian racmo " 1 " 34 Ohryaler Corp ,' 100 uommonweaicn st aaui C .nsolldated Edtsor 26 Consolidated VuUee Continental Insurance , Grown Zeiieroach Curtis Wright D Jglas Aircraft ..... Duponi Cn rtemou - ... General Electrlo Oeneral Poods General Motor Goodyear Tire Oreat Northern pfd International Harvester .. 4-i .181 . 34 -n , 51 H , 41'i . 82 int Paper pfd Johns Manvlllt Kennecott Long Bell A Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery War" ... Nash ILelvlnaio: National Dairy N Y Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pao Amer Pish ....... Pacific Qas Elec Pacific TAT Pan American Penney J O Radio Corp Rayomer Rayonier Pfd , Reynolds Uetala Rlohfleld ' Safeway Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brands . 44 . 17 li . 9 . 54 . 16 ... 26i ... IB 109 .... 12'4 .... 41 "t . . . . 7 .... 21 Mi 28 .... In', .... 21 Standard Oil Call) ... Stewart Warner Studebaker Sun Minim Union Oil 2t Union Pacific 129 United Airlines 26 United Aircraft 101b United States Btea) Warner rfrothers Weal Elec Ufg Oo Woolwortb 70 '4 24 '4 45- 165 Jewelers to Attend a Dinner One hundred and sixly-five jewelers from throughout the slate will be in Salem this eve ning to attend a dinner meeting of the State Jewelers' associa tion, which is being held at the Marion hotel at 8 o clock. Speaker for the meeting at which Sidney Stevens, state president, will preside will be Howard Lewis, ol Elgin, 111. sales manager for the Elgin Watch company. Guy Albin and his orchestra will play during the dinner hour and at the busi ness session Stevens will give a report of the Washington state jewelers convention, which he attended recently. "Markets Briefed B7 the United Tna) Stocks higher in moderately active trading. Bonds irregularly higher. U.S governments steady and dull. Curb stocks irregularly high er. Silver unchanged in New York at 73 'A cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed 'A to 2 cents lower. Hogs steady to lower, cattle and sheep steady. The average citizen of the United States uses six times as much oil as the average citizen of the United Kingdom and 25 times as much as the average for the world. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 2, 194715 Wheat Prices Go up Friday Chicago, May 2 (JP) May wheat advanced as much as 6 cents at one time on the board of trade today, but selling came into the pit toward the close and a good part of the upturn was canceled. Wheat closed 1,4-la4 lower, May $2.62-?2.613J4, com was -lV4 lower, May $1.61-, and oats were lower, May 8878-89. Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, May 2 (P) Bulg ing motors and special issues brightened the stock market to day although many leaders were restrained by profit cashing on the two-session rally. Transfers were around 1,000,- 000 shares for the first time since April 21. The day s stellar performer was Chrysler which responded to a doubled dividend and splitup proposal by opening 20 minutes late on a 6000-share block, up 5'ii, and later extended this to before backing away mod erately. Announcement of splitup plans luted American Chicle about 9 points. In front were General Motors, Studebaker, U. S. Steel, Good rich, Montgomery Ward, Kenne cott, American Can, Allied Chemical, Eastman Kodak, San la Fe, Pepsi-Cola and Standard Oil (N. J.). Laggards were Goodyear, Woolworth, Douglas Aircraft, N. Y. Central, Johns-Manville and Philip Morris. Ramadier Asks Confidence Vote By Robert C. Wilson Paris, May 2 VP) Socialist Premier Paul Ramadier, fight ing to prevent the fall of his cabinet over a new split with the communist party, appealed to day to the national assembly for full support of his wage and price freezing program. Asking the legislature for a vote of confidence, he refused to consider granting any wage in creases, saying such a step would lead to skyrocketing prices and ultimate disaster, "If you agree with me we will continue," he said. "If not, let others take the responsibility. He seemed assured of victory and sources close to the cabinet said the premier was preparing to ask his party to let him form a new government with com munists excluded if he won the confidence vote. 15 Years Prison For Czech Leader Prague, May 2 (U.R) Jan Bata, once one of Czechoslovakia's most powerful industrial leaders, was sentenced today to 15 years imprisonment for failing to aid the Czech resistance movement during the Nazi occupation. Bala, former head of a vast shoe concern with factories in many countries, was tried and sentenced in absentia. He is in Brazil. Czechoslovakia asked that he be extradited for trial on collab oration charges, but the request was not met. Obituary Mrs Marv R. Swan Mill City Mrs. Mary S. Swan, at the tinmn of her dauahter. Mrs, a. r. uam erwood in Mill City, May 1, at the age of 93 years. Survived by three sons, John E. Swan and James A. Swan of Mill City, William s. swan oi vanejo, uaiu.; four daughters, Mrs. J. L. Spry and Mrs. A. F. Cathcrwood of Mill City. Mrs. H, W. Dunlgan and Mrs. Mary W. Louett of .qipm' an srnndchl dren: 34 great-grand children and four great-great urandchll dren. Services will be held at Presbyterian church at Mill City, Sunday. May 4 at 2 p.m. with Dr. uavia Ferguson ouiciai ins. Mnrv Hicflnn Mill City Funeral services for Mary illgdon, 40. who died at her homo here Saturday night, were held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock In the Mill City Presbyterian church with Dr. David Fer auson officiating. Interment followed in the Sliverton cemetery, with Marilyn chapter, No. 14.1, OES In charge. Pall bearers included: Curtis Cllne, Clyde Ro- Rrrs. Charlea Kelly. Frank Smith. Delbert Hill and A. D. Scott. Mary Aager Higdon was born In Michigan In 1S98 and came to Mill City In 1010 whre she has lived ever since. Married to 8. G. Higdon in 1014. Is a member of the Mill City Chris tian church. Also a member of the local Order of Eastern Star, of which she was a past worthy matron. Surviving besides the husband are two daughters: Doro thy Budlong of Mill City and Ruth Hlg don of the WAVES stationed at Washing' ton, D.C.; 3 brothers, Calvin and Orton Aager, both or Warrenton, Oregon; 3 sis tera in the east. Edward Alfred Austin Albany Edward Alfred Austin. 48. Al bany route 2, died in the Albany Gen eral hospital Wednesday, Funeral ser vices will be held from the Fortmlller chapel at 2 p.m., Saturday. He was bom February 14, 1R99, at Muscatine, Iowa and came to Oregon In 1917 from Mon tana. He came to Albany 37 years aao He was a member of the Elks lodge Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin, Albany; Preston Austin, Portland, is an uncte. Mrs. Cora Olm t lead Stayton Graveside services for Mrs. Cora Olmstead, 75, who died Wednesday at Orancvllle, Ida., will be held at the Lone Oak cemetery at 3:30 o'clock Sat urday under the direction of the Weddle funeral home. She was the wife of E. M. Olmstaad, publisher of the Oranevtlle Free Press and former publisher of the Stayton Mall. Births, Deaths McLeod To Mr. and Mrs. Carllon J. McLeod, rnute 3, a daughter, Franca Spears, March 17. Scott To Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. Bcott, routo 8, a son, Larry Dean, March 23. TrlndleTo Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Trlndle, roule 1, Cervals. a son. Edmond Keith, April 39. Hann To Mr. and Mrs. John IT. Kann, 5115 Judson, a daughter. Sharon Alys, April 29. Holwencr To Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Holwegpr. 1347 Waller, a daughter, Bev erly Jean, April 27. Sliverton To Mr. and Mrs. Horner Mil lard of Scotts Mills, a daughter, April 29: to Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Mott, April 30, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brink man o Mt. Angel, a son, April 30: to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palmer, a son, April 30; to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brenden, a eon, April 30: and to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ehckson a son, May 1, all at Sliverton hospital. Deathi Oscar William PtHMnn Osenr William pparson. ntcei 58, lat resident ot 382S Mahrt avenue, at a local hospital April 3D. Survived by wife. Mrs. Mabel Prarson Salem; two sons, Wallacn L. Pearson, Border. Texas, and Ronald William Pearson, Salem: grandson, Mi chael Pearson, Border, Trxrs; brothers, .vard O. Pearson, Enclnltas. Calif., and f irles H Pearson. Bismarck. N. D.; As ters. Carrie Ella Hoover. Spokane. Wash.; Louise A lines Ellis, San Francisco, and Anna Mary Schumaker, Provost, Alberta, Cannrln. Member at Lutheran church. Services were held Friday, May 3, at 1 :.1t p.m. at the Howell -Edward k chapel with Rev. Frank O. Fcrrin officiating. Interment was In the City View cemetery. Mm. Marie A. Me Pliers on Mrs. Marie A. McPherson, late resident ot Portland, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jean Morrison of 3390 Laurel ave nur, Wednesday. April 30. Wife of E. H. McPherson of Portland: and mother ot Mrs. Jean Morrison of Snlr-m and E. Mr. Pherson of Portland. Services will ba held Saturday, May 3. at 10:30 a.m. at the CloiiRh'Barrlrk chapel with Rev. Dudley strain officiating. Interment la Beicrest Memorial park, fladley Hob son Hadley Hobson. late resident of 918 Mill street, at a local hospital. April 2D, at the ftEe of B6 years. Father of Mrs. G. Man- zanita Feudall of Portland and Harry D. Hobson ot Salem. Also survived by four urandchlldren, one tircat ncandchild ".nd several nieces and nephews. Services will be held Saturday. May 3. at 1:30 p.m. at Clouali-Barrlck chapel with Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating Committal at 3:30 P.m. In the Fox Valley cemetery at Lyons, Oregon. rn. Irene Fisher Mrs. Irene Fisher, late resident of route 9, Tuesday, April 29, In OreRon City. Wife of Edward E. Fisher of Salem; moth er of Mrs. Edna RIrrs, Mrs. Jamei C. Thomas, both of Salem, Mrs. Earl Ferraer of San Francisco and Elza E. Fisher of McMlnnvllle, and sister of Mrs. Helen Orr wyomlnir and Edward Daharsh of Fulton. Kans. Survived also by 11 urand chlldren and three great grandchildren. Services will be held Monday, May 5, at 10 a.m. at the CIough-Barrlck chapel. Battle B. Ruiick Cady In Pasadena. Calif., April 3. HattJt B. Buslck Cady, former resident or Salem and late resident ot Pasadena. Survived by a son, Edwin Buslck, with the U.S. rmy 'i Germany. Member of Chadwlck chapter Nc. 37, Order of Eastern Star; Willamette Shrine No. 3 of the White Shrine, ''anna Rosa Court No. 6 of Order of Amaranth and the Rcbekahs. Servfcei will be held Tuesday, May 6, at 1:30 p,m, at the W. T. Rlgcton chapel with con cluding services in the IOOF cemetery. Mrs. Kalle Samaln Mrs, Katie Samain, at her home at 35 Falrvlew avenue, Sunday, April 27. S vived by her husband, Charles O. Sa main of Salem: a niece. Alma Huber nl St. Paul, Minn.; and two nephews, Wayne Huber of New Mexico and Roy Huber of Lyons, Oregon. Services will oa held Wednesday, May 7, at 2 p.m. at h CIough-Barrlck chapel with Dr. Joseph M. Adams officiating. Interment in Beicrest Memorial park, MaJ. John S. lira key MaJ, John S. Beakey, late resident of 110 E. Rural avenue at Fltzslniinons Gen eral hospital, Denver, Colo., Wednesday, April 30. Survived by wife, Mrs. Fern M. Benkey; two daughters, Joan and Bev erly Beakey; one son. Jack Beakey. all of Salem; father, D. J. Beakey, WHllston, N.D. Services will be held Saturday, May 3, at 3 p.m. at the Clouuh-Barrlck chapel wur. Kev, ueorgfi H. swut off c at nir. Concluding services at Mt, Crest Abbey Mausoleum, muiansiic services by Capi tal Post No. 9, American Legion. Walter Alvin Olson Walter Alvin Olson, late resident of Albany, at a Corvallls hospital, April 30, at the age of 30 years. Survived by hla wife, Mrs. Rosemary Olson ot Albany; two sons, Walter A. Olson, Jr., and Wil liam Alien Olson, both of Albany; hla father, Carl E. Olson of Potlatch. Wash.; tnree sisters, Mrs. Mary Sutton of Seattle, Mrs. Betty Hague of Jefferson, Ore., and Mrs. Carol Hatch of Aumsvllle. Ore.: a brother, Winn H. Olson, and his grand mother, Mrs. Kate Winn of Albany. Serv ices win oe neia at tne Lutheran church at Marlon, Ore., Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m., under the direction of the How ell-Edwards chapel. Interment at Bel crest Memorial park. Leweltyn Sutllff Lewellyn Bui Jiff, late resident of 1305 Hines street, Thursday, May 1, Husband of Mrs. Edna Sutllff of Balem; and father of MrJ1. Beryl Saben of Morrlstown, B.D., ana L,yio muim ot naicm. Also sur vived by seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Services will ba tied I Monday, May 5, at 2 p.m. at the CIough-Barrlck chapel with Interment in Ihe City View cemetery. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City ot Salem, at the meeting of said Council to be held at tha City Hall, In Salem, Marlon County, Ore gon, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on May 7, 1947, will hear all persons particularly Inter ested and the general public In the mat ter of the petition and proposal to chaiuo from a Class II Residential District to a CIslsa III Business District the following described premises, to-wit: Lots l, 2, 8, 7 and 8, Block 13, J. Myer.s' Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. By order of the Common Council. Airred Mundt, City Recorder. MHy 3-5-6. 108 HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapso Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctoloeist 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon Why Suffer Any Longer When others fail, use our Chines 'ro (dies. Amazing success (or 6000 year ;n China No matter with what ail ments your ar afflicted-disorder ilnualtla- heart, lunia. liver. Etdnayf aa, constipation, ulsers. diaueus rheumatism, tall and oladder iktn female complaima CHARLIE CHAN CBINE3E HERB OO Offlca Boor t tm Tne, and Bat antf 14 N. Ctmmrrtlti Phone tlflSfl AI,KM OBI