J V 10 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Friday, Mav 2. 1947 A-h LlM If Homage from Mexico Miguel Aleman, president of Mexico, lays a wreath on the tomb of America's unknown soldier at Wash ington's Arlington cemetery. U.S. soldiers (rear) form a color guard, bearing the American flag. (AP Wirephoto) N. Y. Welcomes Mexican Chief New York, May 2 VP) Presi dent Miguel Aleman of Mexi co declared today that strength ening of western hemispheric solidarity is "the first step we must take in the. furtherance of the ends" pursued by the Unit ed Nations. Speaking from City hall where Mayor William O'Dwver con ferred honorary citizenship of New York City upon him following a parade through rain swept downtown Manhattan streets, President Aleman as serted: "Mexico's contributions to the work of the United Nations has been heartfelt and generous. But Mexico believes that the first step we must take in the furtherance of the ends pursued by that organization is to up hold hemispheric solidarity strengthening the ties that bind the American republics to gether." Stressing Mexico's kinship with the United Slates, he said, "Let us remember that our countries are united by the simi larity of their institutions and their common love of freedom rather than by their geographi cal proximity and parallel histories." New York, May 2 (Pi The special Palestine assembly of the United Nations will have an extraordinary meeting tomor row to honor the president of Mexico, Miguel Aleman. Andrew A. Cordier, executive assistant to Trygve Lie, U. N. secretary-general, said the ses sion would be confined to cere monies and brief addresses by U. N. officials and the Mexi can chief executive. America's Mightiest Ballad Singer., W'r on of the few invited to membership in this world-wide flroup. Professional Mortuary Skill Honest Pricing Courteous Service to ALL Clough-Barrick Co. Est 1878 Phone 01.19 Salem, Ore In The Songs America Loves Best Check Passer Given Prison, Suspension Dallas H. L. McMurphy, who recently pleaded guilty to charges of forgery of endorse ment, received two three-year concurrnt sentences to the state penitentiary by Judge Arlie G. Walker in Polk county circuit court. However, the sentences were suspended on the condi tions that McMurphy comply with orders of the court. The sentence was pronounced after investigation by the state parole board after McMurphy had entered his guilty pleas. McMurphy, who cashed two $65 checks written to an em ployee, Herbert Buller, for com pensation for injuries by an in surance company, was ordered to pay back the $130 plus an additional $30 cash loan to Bui-' ler within 90 days, to abstain from all intoxicating liquor, in cluding beer and to leave Dallas within 30 days. GOP Groups to Meet Eugene, May 2 U.R The ex ecutive committee of the Ore gon state republican central committee will meet in Port land at 11 a.m: Saturday to lay preliminary plans for the 1948 campaign, James Rodman, Sr., state chairman, announced here today. Linn Draff Board Office is Closed Albany The Linn county se lective service office located on the second floor of the Albany post office closed Wednesday evening in compliance with or ders from the government. The office was maintained for ap proximately six years. Mrs. Hazel Pague, secretary of the county board, in charge of the office since it opened pre pared the office for closing. More than 12,500 Linn county men were listed in the county. Members of the selective serv ice board in the county were: R. M. Russell and J. L. Stuart of Albany; Ralph Hargett, Sweet Home; R. R. Boravica, Scio; and W. L. Jackson, Albany, chairman. HEADQUARTERS "Salem Model Airplane Club" Airplane, Boats, Railroad Kite Cherry City Model Aircraft 2 1st and Market Streets Keep Cool in Summer Keep Warm in Winter Insulate With Rock Wool Home much cooler in summer. Very material fuel saving in winter Fire Proof, Moisture Proof, Vermin Proof. The fuel saving pays the bill. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE L. H. Clawson & Co. Insulation and Weather Stripping 175 S. High St. Salem, Ore. Ph. 6088 ::::::::::::;;;;::;::::::::;;;:::::::::;:::: ARTISTS' ZINC WHITE All Sizes Now in Stock 340 Court Street Art Dept. I, SATURDAY ONLY 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. BRING OR MAIL THIS AD with only and Receive One Man's STAINLESS STEEL 49c EXPANSION Walch Band Guaranteed Stainless Steel. Will Not Tarnish or Rust. Flexible Ad justable. Fits Any Watch. Any Wrist. ADDS BEAUTY TO ALL WATCHES Man's DELUXE BAND Lady's DELUXE BAND Finished in 18K yellow gold. Finished in 24K yellow gold, Stainless steel QQ-rose, silver. Closeout QQg 'W0f 450 bands ' ' w base Now priced to low anyun can nffnrri on These smart looklnst, beautiful watch bandii will last a lifetime Sweat-proof. Slips on and off In a Jiffy, no buckle to tut with. N more xweaty, aging lather bands. NONE SOLD AT THESE LOW PHIOEf AFTER THIS 1PECIAL SALE. LIMIT THREE WATCH BANDS TO A CUSTOMER. HURRY . , . GET YOURS NOW. BUPPLY LIMITED. Do not confuse our MAIL oh new wiui cneap, in terior bands. Put your faith In a band that won't disappoint you. Perry's Rexall Drug orders 129 South Commercial ADD 3e SATURDAY ONLY 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Prinrd by H. L STIFF FURNITURE CO. 4 SO Court St. I'll. 9185 Venetian Blinds of How often you've wished for Venetian Blind like Ms...Ligii made of a special aluminum alloy, no heavier than your hand to lift. Fr.wWf-hends to lit your hrush as you whisk the dust away, then snaps right back to place. Lovely-its satin-smooth plastic finish blends with every color scheme, resists stains and soil. It's the Venetian Blind without cleaning problem that's proof against the wear and tear of time-rust-proof, wear-proof, warp-proof, loo, and will not crack, chip or peel. Let us custom fit Flcxnlum's beauty to your windows at smaller cost than you think possible. REINHOLDT & LEWIS DENIS0N & STONE Electrical Contractors Specialists in Adequate Wiring Farm Lines o Industrial Residential Stressing Speed, Service, Quality and Reliability. Call us for an estimate. Phone 8605 3055 Portland Rd. SALEM, OREGON STRAWBERRIES! STRAWBERRIES! ANOTHER LOAD Of the Famous DRISCOLL Strawberries We are sorry so many people were dis appointed last week. THIS WEEK we will have three times as many strawber ries. However, come early (just in case.) ONLY 29c Basket Note, Berry Growers: This berry it well worth a visit to our markets to see. SAVING (ENTER TWO STORES At the Foot Vi Mile North of the Bridge of the Underpass WEST SALEM SALEM WILLIAM BERG Landscape Florist Young Rhodies in First Bloom, 5.00 Azaleas Orange colored blossoms in full bloom beau tiful as they come; none better; nice size bushes for Moth er's Day. I plant all balled flowering shrubs all summer by mulching ia peat sure grow. BERG'S FLORAL NURSERY Sales Yard Distributor Grower, Dealer 1125V2 Garnet & Nebraska Phone 25354 OPEN THIS SUNDAY P. S. Garnet street is that short street between D and Market. :tiODDS AND ENDS f1 SALE! !& Outside Point Reg ,i.H qt 1.19 A first quality low-gloss paint Waterproof Dressing Reg. 75c pt. 50c DuPont's waterproof transparent dressing Aluminum Paint CioSe-out price . .Pt. 55c Heat-resisting Spar Varnish paint. Fine mesh. ONLY 4 PINTS Driftwood Stain . . . pt. 30c Enough stain to cover 300 square feet. Shingle Paint, brown flTU 1.50 Lets down to make stain. Only eleven 5-gallon cans left. (No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Shingles on hand in Lumber Dept.) Waterproof Glue 3 15c Kt 5c Only a few cans left Cascamite Powdered Glue Screen Enamel Qt. 1.15 VA Pts. 40c Special formula enamel for success. Will not clog openings. Special price. (Screen Doors and Screen Cloth, Lumber Dept.) STOP-O-STAIN All-purpose quick-drying undercoater REG. SALE PRICE YOU SAVE Gallon 3.90 2.75 1.15 Quart 1.10 .70 .40 Pint 60 .40 .20 Vi Pint 41 .25 .16 Glascote for Wallpaper Seals wallpaper against dirt, waterproofs, protects colors washable. ' REG. SALE PRICE YOU SAVE Vi Gallon 4.20 3.60 .60 Quart 2.30 1.80 .50 Pint 1.40 1.00 .40 Brush Special . . . Vt Off Odd lots of brushes scrub, kalsomine and wallpaper brushes. KEITH BROWN LUMBER Q YARD Front and Court Streets Phone 9163 LUMBER MILLWORK GLAZING PAINT HARDWARE Procrastination Br J. B. Wtllttl f th. Capital Drag 8tor Procrastination is a malady from which most of mankind suf fers in some degree. Putting things off becomes a habit easy to acquire, hard to break. In small matters no real harm is done. But when we get into the habit of putting off a visit to the doc tor we are courting real trouble. Unfortunately we are not always aware immediately of the real danger that confronts us until suddenly we find ourselves ill with a series of complications in volving loss of health, time and money. ' Nor should we put off taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor at the time and in the amount he orders. This Is ihp 439th of scries of EdltorUl Advertisements appearing In ThB Capital Journ.l each Friday. Willett's Capital Drug Store Cor. State & Liberty Ph. 3111 Bituminous coal was incor rectly named in the early days of mining when its properties were not understood. There is no bitumen in coal, but a hy drocarbon resembling bitumen can be produced easily from coal. Free Lubrications DURING MONTH OF MAY Yes we have decided to carry over another month our special free $1.50 lube, because $ we want every Salem Auto owner to come in f and get acquainted and see the type of service we do. 1 t I Teague Motor Company I 355 North Liberty St. Phone 7001 Cafe KILL BUGS WITH PES1M 'TRAOt MANX RIO. U. rAT. OFF. AVAILABLE IN 2 CONVENIENT FORMS .rinl Liquid rim liquid vuT t n, rswdtr 10 tOTACTIVATn POWVIK Complete pest protection for horizontal surfaces. New Press-cap container whisks powder into tiniest cracks, crevices. 6 PVT LIQUID CO AT IN 8 Just brush it on exposed surfaces like baseboards, screens, garbage cans. KILLS Fliei, Moaquiloea, Anti, Lice, Sllverfi.h, Roachea, Moths, etc HEW LIGHTHlNG-FRp MJTO P0USH1 The 3 in 1 polifh fa you've been --7 ine for! Cleans, shes in one quick, easy deration. Requires Wtle rubbing! Brightens paint and chromium. UN QUICK.- tiijio- MJTO P0L1S1 tml ' I iH MM M M MM 3 Weid-no-More HEEr JL TRADE MARK IWW l TREATS AVERAGE Sin LAWN FOR $100 Jx V Kills dandelions and nf ffiffTTT'' other ugly broad-leaf fZS5s onoro Tl I 1 weeds. Simply spray ,AUi3JS 1",rt II A it on lawns. Will not VnJ$S I l harm most lawn V: jpS? 11 I lN grasses. Use every 2 W "Xft? f "i'"' " Leaves clear, Wt-A-n I I kVI V lustrous, dura- .... LI IV A b.le finish Refe7 fj. .... sists acids, dirt, 3Bw 981 rot WAX Cleans 1 SM.Y Proved anti-slip by Under- IhIstI'V writers' Laboratories. Just 1 AO PTODrirtCC wipe it on. Dries quickly I I.WJ hm CLtAK bLUOO ? ' K SOLD AT GROCERY, DRUG, HARDWARE, PAINT. VARIETY, FEED & SEED AND DEPARTMENT STORE Phone 3148 1 560 South 21st Street