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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1947)
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 1, 1947 Portland Loses 2-1; Slips to Third Place By the Associated Press) The Los Angeles Angels alone among the Pacific coast league clubs had an easy time winning last night to hold their first place spot. All the other games were close battles decided in the ninth inning. San Diego climbed over Portland into second place, a game behind the Angels. Los Angeles, behind the five-hit pitch- ine of Lefty Chambers, went on Skits and Scratches By Fred Zimmerman Capital Journal Sports Editor Oregon State and the Mult nomah Athletic club plan ex tensive improvements of their football fields and if muck and soggy turf prevail next fall it won't be because officials didn't make a sincere effort to remedy existing conditions. Both jobs are under way, particularly so at Multnomah stadium where a particularly porous type of earth is replacing the mixture that neither sheds nor absorbes fall rains. The field will have a high turtle back providing for rapid run-off of water. Heavy use of Multnomah field makes it extremely difficult to keep it in shape, particularly during a season with excessive mois ture. If it were possible to aban don play there for a year the grass would get a chance to real ly root. Over at Corvallis Spec Keene has launched a revamping pro gram that is expected to be com pleted before the first game of next fall. It is hoped that the result will eliminate such mud battles as the one between the Beavers and Webfoots last No vember. The program includes installation of new tiling, re surfacing and resecding a por tion of Bell field. Lights will be shifted from the game field to the practice field permitting late afternoon scrimmages with out digging up the turf just prior to important Intercollegi ate contests. A news release from the OSC campus claims "the completed project will make Bell field more conducive to the wide open type of foot hall planned by Coach Lon Sliner for next fall." There's a pretty fair prospect that Jerry Lillie will reach Willamette's campus in July to take over the head football coaching chores. He is sched uled to leave Hawaii in June, a bit in advance of the time he thought he could get away from his present assignment. Since few, if any of the grid candi dates will be around in mid summer, Lillie may be expected to do a bit of brush beating be tween the time of his arrival and the first fall practice. John Lewis, recently named first as sistant, will have charge of an American Legion junior base ball program in Portland and will carry that project through to completion. Lewis is credited with being an outstanding base ball coach and m Portland his Grant high basketball team is said to have made the best show ing, material considered, of any prep school in the metropolis. Boys and girls 16 years of age and under will be admit ted to Waters park free eacn r ri riav nieht until further notice Business Manager George Emigh announces. The teen agers will be passed through at the north VilpHcher gate and they must take seals in that section. Wheth er the program will be continued depends upon the attitude and the deportment or the young sters. While no birth certifi cates will be necessary to gain admission, the watchdog of ths treasury says he doesn t want anybody with whiskers trying to crash the free gate . . . July 21 is the tentative dale scheduled for the annual tussle between the Senators and the Portland Beav ers at Waters field. The time for the return contest at Vaughn street has not been announced Absolutely no excuse for oc currence like the one at North Bend where a careless hunter shot "Snow White" the town's net swan. Men who are so anxi ous to kill, regardless of what it may be, should be barred from carrying weapons. They are a menace not only to wild life but to the human race, for they ap parently have little respect for law, moral or oinerwisc. iney are the culprits who shoot the farmer's cow for a deer or kill a fellow hunter because he hap pened to be mnking his way through the brusn. Bulldogs Trim Dragons, 12-3 Dallas The Woodburn Bull dogs pounded out a 12 to 3 Wil lamette Valley league triumph over Dallas here Friday alter noon behind Pitcher Mathews. who allowed eight safe blows in nine innings. Jim Kunz, first man up for Dallas, lashed out a home run but the home team hope was short-lived when Woodburn countered with three runs each in the second, fourth and fifth, two in the sixth and another in the ninth. I a hitting spree with IB Blows to wallop Seattle, 11 to 3. The Angels tallied five runs on five hits and two walks before any one was out in the first inning. Seattle's losing pitcher, Bill Pos edel, went to the showers in the midst of this onslaught. Seattle collected all its runs in the third when Lou Novikoff rapped out a three-run homer. San Diego won a slugfei.t from Hollywood, 10 to 9, but not un til the last inning when the Stars' pitcher, George Caster, walked in Max West with the winning score. Hollywood was leading, 9 to 7, going into the last of the ninth. The Stars had IS hits and San Diego 16. Portland succumbed to the San Francisco Seals, 2 to 1, when Don White's ninth inning double scored Bones Sanders. The Seals' first run developed in the fifth. Restelli singled, took second on Roy Nicely's sacrifice, stole third and came home on a single by Bob Chesnes, the win ning pitcher. Portland's game-tieing run in the first of the ninth came when Mayo Smith, batting for the starting pitcher, Vincc DiBiasi, doubled, went to third on an in field out and scored on Joe Dob bins' double and a pinch single by Vince DiMaggio. San Francisco Portland BHOA B H O A 4 0 2 ORndulo'h.2 4 0 1 2; Luby,2 3 0 2 4Dobblnx.s 4 2 11 Jennings. 3 3 1 0 3 12 0' aniiders.l 4 1 12 4Btorey,3 White, I 4 2 3 OLnzor.l Restelli, r 3 1 1 .Reich, r Nicely.a 2 0 1 3Vico,l Leonard, c 3 0 2 lSllvera.o 4 0 10, 3 0 10! 3 0 13 2 2 0 3 0! 1 0 1 4i 110 0' 0 0 0 01 Chesnes, p 3 13 2DiBiMl,p Orgod'ski.c 0 0 OSmlth Llslca, p Totals 29 8 27 18 Tot a la 29 6 34 11! Batted for DtBlaal in 9th. Portland 000 000 0011 Hits 100 100 0035 San Francisco .... 000 010 0012 Hits 010 120 0026 Suns, Smith, Sander, Restelli. Errors, none. Left on bases, Portland 4. San Fran cisco 6. Two-base hits. Smith, Dobbins. Sanders, White. Sacrifice hits. Nicely. DiBiasi. Stolen bases, Restelli, Chesnes. Runs batted in, Chesnes. Dobbins, White. Double play, Luby-Nlcely-Sanders. Time, '2:21. Umpires, Powell, Ford and Mazzeo. Attendance, 1)176, Seattle 003 000 000 3 5 2 Los Angeles 503 002 Olx 11 10 2 Posedel. Ripple 1. Pearson (5) and Hill; Chambers and Malone. Hollywood 000 213 120 9 18 3 San Dleao 001 015 00310 16 1 Krak&uskas, armory (6). Caster (9) and Sheely; Trlner, Dumler (5), Elsenmann (6), Treichel (6), Fortler (7), Kennedy 9) and Kerr. Oakland . 000 000 401 5 10 0 Sacramento 010 010 300 4 8 2 Speer. Howard (7). Hafey (7) and Kearse. Ralmondl 7: Mann, Harrell (7), Cronln 8, Smith (9) and Fitzgerald. Dallas Forming Jr. Ball Team r Dallas Practices will begin on May 9 lor an independent junior baseball team in Dallas, sponsored by the Hilton garage, according to Joe Cochrane, man ager. The team will include boys from 14 to 17 and the squad is now being lined up by the manager. Some boys from Cor vallis will be imported to add strength to the team, he said. Opener is scheduled for earlv in June on LaCreole field. Com petition will come from iunior Legion teams and other young squads in the Willamette valley. 3 -Way Track Go Scheduled A three way track meet, tea hiring Willamette, Linfield and the University of Portland, is slated for dinger field Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock Queen Margaret, reigning roy alty in connection with Willam ette's May week-end observance will start the first of the series of races. The Vanport college golf team will be in Salem Friday In competition against Bearcat club swingers captained by Fred Graham. MAKE YOUR NEW WITH A ioUUJU uw Cafe Quintet Bags Major League Title Cupboard Cafe today holds the Salem Major bowling1 league championship, having scored- a 2918-2773 victory over Colonial House in final playoffs at Capitol alleys Wednesday night. Two mem bers of the winning quintet tossed series over the 600 fig ure. Valdez led the way with a 627 effort, while Henderson registered a 605. A 228 single game by Valdez topped all other one-game marks. COLONIAL HOUSE Boyce 187 181 174 542 Garbarino 178 158 177 518 Bone 168 199 199 566 Mirich 156 133 203 492 Murdock 156 205 188 549 Totals 882 913 9782773 CUPBOARD CAFK Henderson 191 202 212 605 Valdez 209 190 228 627 McCurdy 182 149 228 525 Coe , 209 156 179 544 Glodt 165 146 198 509 Total 992 879 10472918 Chisox Back On Top Roost New York, May 1 (U.R)-The Chicago White Sox, picked by no one as contenders, moved back to the top of the roost in the American league yesterday when they drubbed Washington. 5 to 2, at Chicago as Johnny Rigney scattered 11 hits. The White Sox took over the lead with their sixth victory in 10 games to date while the New York Yankees were drop ped into second place at St Louis by the Browns who rack ed up a 15 to 5 victory with four homers. The Boston Red Sox came out of a slump in which they had lost three games in a row, two to the Philadelphia ath letics, by blasting Detroit's ace lefty, Hal Newhouser, for 10 hits in a 7 to 1 victory. It was the third straight time that Newhouser has been knocked out. At New York, the Giants waited until two were out in the ninth before beating the St. Louis Cardinals, 4 to 3, for the second straight time. Sid Gordon's two run double broke up the ball game and nullified an earlier Cardinal attack which included first Inning homers by Al Schoendienst and Stan Mu- sial. Bill (Swish) Nicholson also won a game in the ninth at Brooklyn when his two run homer gave the Chicago Cubs a 3 to 1. victory and ended a six-game Dodger winning streak. Johnny Sain pitched the Bos ton Braves to a six-hit, 10 to 3 victory over Cincinnati at Bos ton, striking out 10 batters to gain his second victory. Rookie Earl Torgeson hit a homer and triple and Bob Elliott got a double and two singles to lead the 15-hlt Brave attack. The Pittsburgh Pirates made it two straight over the Phils at Philadelphia, 11 to 4, getting 16 hits as Clyde Kluttz led the way with a homer, triple, and single. Philadelphia at Cleveland in the American league was' rained out. Duckpinners Enter Semis Royal Wenig, Ben Bcllo, Tom Wood and Arnold Meyer ad vanced into the semi-finals of the city duckpin bowling tour nament by registering wins in quarter-final competition on B & B alleys Wednesday night. Meanwhile, the ladies' tourna ment also moved into the semi final stage, with Margaret An gel, Alma Penny, Ethyle Wil liams and Gladys Wood still in the running for the city feminine title. Wednesday's tournament re sults: Mpn 'champion fhahn Wrnta 877. Plitl Jan 838: Hello 991, Keith Ucnnrtt 857: Wood 888. Edrtlp Harrison 794; Mfyr 825, Dill Neimeyer 797. Ladles (champion fllnhO Ansel 720, Robbie Wilcox 66.1; Penny 805, Ruth Pro Williams 786, Marjorle Meyer 676: Wood 598, Nadlne Fltahiah 582. Men (consolation bracket! Ben Ret- man 890, Jerry Salrs 868: Harry Creasy H2. vrrnon still 782. CAR RUN LIKE COMPLETELY TORN DOWN AND REBUILT TO PRECISION STANDARDS WORN PARTS REPLACED WITH GENUINE FORD PARTS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8 100 H.P. (6 Cylinder, Also Model VALLEY MOTOR CO. LIBERTY and CENTER SALEM, ORE. Slippery-Gloved Lose to Victoria, Mossor Tires In Seventh If Wandell Mossor had been given better support and if he had not tired in the seventh frame, the Senators might have won their second game of the current series with Victoria at Waters park Wednesday night As it turned out the recently acquired left hander grew a bit weary after chucking six frames of top notch baseball, while the defense was far from perfect as a half dozen boots were re corded. The score after two hours and 40 minutes of weari some diamond competition was Si to 4 for the visiting A's. In spite of damp conditions. 511 customers watched proceed ings. Thursday night at 8 o'clock Carl Gunnarson will try his luck against the boys from across the border. Only one of the eight runs scored off Mossor during his seven plus innings of toil was earned as the fumbling started in the first frame. With, two on, thanks to a pair of errors and a walk, Jensen sent up a curling twister which went for two bases when it fell between Spaeter and Gregory. That spot ted the A's to two runs. Salem took the lead in their half of the third as Mossor, credited with being the poorest sticker in the northwest, dou bled down the first base line. An error, Krug's single, Ku- biak's sacrifice, a wild pitch and a deep fly by Gregory subse quently accounted for three runs. Victoria got but one hit off Mossor during the next five in nings, but they chalked up three runs in the seventh by virtue of singles by White and Reg- hetti, a pair of walks and as many errors. Mossor gave way to Dick O'Boyle in the eighth when the Vies tallied another trio. Paterson's triple over Craw ford's head was a feature of the offensive proceedings. They ad ded another in the ninth as er rors continued to play an im portant part in the affair. Although it appeared Dick Mitchell had little to offer in the way of hard-to-hit pitches, nevertheless he managed to go the route for the winners. Only in two innings did he yield more than one blow. The second time it occurred was in the seventh when Krug opened with a dou ble. Kubiak singled him to third but Summers hit into a double play to nip the threat. Victoria (9) I Salem (I) BHOA! BHOA 4 1 6 0;Spaeter.2 4 0 2 1 4 0 3 4KruB.l 5 2 6 0 4 1 7 2!Kubiak.l 4 10 0 4 0 4 olSummers.m 2 0 4 0 4 1 2 2IOregory,r 4 0 2 0 4 1 3 OIBcard.c 2 0 8 3 5 3 2 OlPetcrson.S 4 2 3 1 Patersn.m Hafnskr.2 liarshmn.l Mastro.c Jensen,3 Gibson. 1 White, r Reghcttl.B Mitchell, p 4 1 0 4'Bnrt.3 2 0 1 1 Mossor,p lO'Boyle.p 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 GentzkW Totals 34 8 27 121 Totals 31 7 27 7 'Batted lor O'Boyle In 9th. Victoria 200 000 3319 8 1 Salem 003 000 1004 7 6 Innings pitched. Mitchell 9, Moser 7 plus. O'Boyle 2. Hits, off Mitchell 7, Mossor 5, O'Boyle 1. SO, Mitchell 2, Mossor 0. O'Boyle 2. BB, off Mitchell 6, Mossor 6. Wild pitch. Mitchell. Passed ball. Beard. LOB, Victoria 7, Salem 8. Errors, Krug, Bai .olomel, Peterson 2, Mossor, o Boyle, Jensen. Three-base hit, Paterson. Two base hit, Jensen, Mossor, Krua. Gibson. RBI. Jensen 2. Krua. Gregory, Hafenecker, Harshman. Summers. Paterson. Gibson. SH, Klblak, Bartolomel, Gibson, Mitchell. stolen base. Matro. Double plays, Hafen-ecker-Harshman: Jcnsen-Harshman. Time 2:40. Umpires, Last and O'Louahlln. At tendance, 511. Houser Leads Way As Salem Academy Wins Wayne Houser took first in the shot-put, high jump and dis cus and scored a third in the broad jump as Salem academy's track team scored a 68-39 vic tory over the State Deaf school thinclad squad Monday. Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER - SHINGLES Phone Mill City 344 90 h.p. XV8 60 h.p.) A and B Motors - i a :j Phalanx (left), C. V. Whitney's Kentucky derby favorite, yawns sleepily as Groom LeRoy Reeves awaits time for his gallop around Churchill Downs at Louisville, Ky. (AP Wirephoto) Experts Name Phalanx as Kentucky Derby Favorite Louisville, Ky., May 1 (U.Ri All the pre-runs are over, but to the people who are supposed to know the turf best it still was Phalanx today when the talking got around to the probable win- Spokf XT 11 ane rioias First Place (By the United Press) Spokane still held its slim half-game lead over Vancouver for first place in the Western International baseball league to day after a two-run rally in the eighth inning gave the Indians a 5-3 victory over Bremerton last night. Vancouver kept pace with the league leaders by coming from behind to edge out Wenatchee 5-4. At Yakima, the Stars scored six runs in the first two innings but failed to keep pace with the hard-slugging Tacoma Tigers who won 11-9, despite a ninth inning Star rally which netted one run. Wolves Lose to Clark Junior College, 4-3 Monmouth, Ore., May 1 P) Clark Junior College of Van couver nosed out Oregon Col lege of Education's diamond nine yesterday by a 4-3 score. SAVE NOW! 12 months' unconditional warranty passenger re caps budget terms. Generals Save for You STATE TIRE SERVICE State & Cottage Phone 9268 Rely on us tor Accurately DRUG Solons 9-4 iat 'alii ajafi 'i vt jfa ........... ner of the Kentucky derby Saturday. Despite the fact that Calumet Farm's Faultless has done every thing asked of him in these warming up races, C. V. Whit ney's winner of the Wood me morial still ranked as a 2 to 1 favorite in pre-derby odds with Faultless the second choice at 3 to 1. Even Ben Jones, the veteran trainer who is shooting for his fourth derby winner, was won dering why they still couldn't see Faultless as the three-year-old who will wind up with the blanket of roses shortly after 6:45 p.m. EDT Saturday. BASEBALL TONIGHT 8:00 Waters Field, 25th and Mission SALEM SENATORS vs. VICTORIA Box Seats Only Reserved STUDY MAKES ACCURACY Recent discov eries in drugs that hove been used on the battlefront have, in many cases, been made available to civi Mans through their doctor and druggist. Compounded Prescriptions STORE 13 Frtacrlptlau Icenratllr Fllko 1M1 Orifloal Xcllaw Drat Candy Star. Is Balam. sal. Aacnta far Pcnalar Kcaaedlca la Mari.a OaalT IU Nittb Commercial SI. ra.oa ! .r tltf The 1 SCOREBOARD SI (By the Associated Press) WESTERN NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Spokane 9 3 .750 Tacorha 6 6 Vancouver B 4 .692i3alem Bremen OQ 8 5 ,6l5iVakima 4 9 Victoria B 5 .6151 Wenatchee 1 12 PACIFIC COAST LbAUUC L Angeles 18 13 .600!S.Fra'clsco 16 H San Dleao 16 12 .571 Oakland 14 16 Portland 15 13 .536Hollywood 12 18 Sacram'to 16 14 .5331 Seattle 11 19 NATIONAL LEAUUB Brooklyn 8 3 .7273lncinnatt 7 8 Chicago 8 5 .615Phllad'phta 6 8 Pittsburgh a 5 .615'New Yortt 4 i Boston 7 5 .583'St. Louis 2 9 AMERICAN LCAuUE Chicago 6 4 .600 Cleveland 3 5 New York 7 5 .5838t. Louis 5 6 Detroit 6 6 .500) Washington 4 S Boston 6 8 .SOOIPhilad'phta 4 8 Vikings Eye Axemen Foe Rivalry between Salem and Eugene high schools flares again at Eugene Friday afternoon, when Coach Harold Hauk's Sa lem baseball Vikings, unscored URon in three Big Six league games, cross bats with the Eu gene Axemen in a loop encoun ter. The Salemites will be aim ing for their fourth straight win in league play, and their tenth consective victory of the 1947 season. Rod Province, who did the one-hit twirling when Salem nosed out Albany 3-0 in the Big Six loop opener, will be on the mound for the Viks at Eugene Friday. Anderson New Coach At Grants Pass High Grants Pass, Ore.. May 1 (U.RI Hank Anderson, Medford high school head basketball coach, has signed a contract to be head basketball coach at Grants Pass high school. Ander son formerly coached two Baker high school teams to the state tournament and steered Med ford high to second place in the Southern Oregon conference last season. ORIGINAL i 461 State Street 5H SV ALWAYS 4f m'yyW ' OWNCO AND WOVEN IV ' " ; 2fT I fly BEAU BRUMMCLL i- -ss-;r 1 ruuuoLO coNir.u..MT.(.ett : "4fOLD iTv LI NO LI NINO Ml B8KH 18 6tf ?eau Siumme Brimming over with eye around the clock . . . first who's really in the know. THE MAN'S SHOP The Store of Style, Quality and Value MOXLEY AND HUNTINGTON 461 State Street Salem, Oregon Bearcats to Meet Pilots At Waters As a feature of Willamette's May wee k-end celebration, Coach Walter Erickson's Bearcat baseball team will meet the Uni versity of Portland at Waters field at 1:15 Friday afternoon. Queen Margaret Allen will toss out the first ball. John Slan chik. No. 1 chucker when he isn't suffering from an ailing arm, will get the pitching as signment and he's hoping for hot weather. Two muffed double plays, to gether with a rash of hits off Goodman and Richardson turn ed a well played, game into a debacle insofar as Willamette was concerned Wednesday after noon in Portland. Up until that time the 'Cats had a 4 to 2 lead over the Portland Pilots, but when it was all over 10 runs had scored. Final result 13 to 4 for Portland. Wlllamclte '. 4 10 9 Portland : 13 14 2 Goodman. Richardson (2) and Schaad; Pesky and Scott. Semi-Pro Club Inks Ex-Senator Jim Hess Roseburg, Ore., May 1 (U.R) Jim Hess, southpaw hurler with the Portland Beavers and Salem Senators prior to marine corps service, was signed last week by Tri City's semi-pro club HnnraiiiMMHMi I Warren's 1 RADIO SERVICE ' I 2017 Fairgrounds I Road ' in the ; Heart of Hollywood j I Immediate service on your I radio. We pick up and I deliver. . I YOUR NEW CROSLEI ' Is Now Available I I PHONE 7681 . j mmmam m w 'ii mmm For downright solid com fort. action or at ease... it's mighty hard to beat the easy on-the -shoulders feel ing of a made-in-California Block Jacket 19.50 to 26.50 NONt NUINI WITHOUT THIS UMl oppeol . . . correct in favor with the man