FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS t'AKDROBE TRUNK Elec. sweeper (13.50 B.50 9x12 Wilton Ru 1.00 Bicycle -0 Clothes Wardrobe 6.50 Carpet Sweepers 1.50 4c 2.50 Wash Boiler Each 2.00 Men's Suits, Clean 5.00 & up nn fnot 'A Inch Pipe. MAC'S, 145 S. Church n!05 iu H.P. David Bradley Qarden Tractor with attachments. Ph. 24268. 345 Sun set Ave. nioa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES NO WAXING required with transpar ent Plastl-Kote lor drain boards, floors, furniture. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 1810 BU1CK Super Sedan. Oood tires. Has heater, radio St seat covers. 11250. Take trade-in. 3855 Market Ave., by Penn 4 Corners. Ql06 P1KON DUCK setting eggs. $1.00 dos. Green Apple Market, 2 ml. N. Under pass 09E. n!04 1041 STUDEBAKER 8 Deluxe Tone Model 4D Sedan. Radio, spotlight, ov erdrive Ss new paint. Call 7372 after 6 p.m. ql08 O. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. 1 do not sell new machines Parts all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nl28 50 LB. ICE BOX, like new. 2490 Broad way, 1)106" USED TIKES, four 600x16, three 650x19, one 475X10. 17B0 N. Front. n!04 ELECTRIC WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2 loom. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, M26 DEEP FREEZE. Capacity 2 ft. X 5 It. $250. Rt. 1, Box 88-A., Woodburn. n!06 PIANO, ASCnENBACII upright, excellent condition. Miller Fryer, 768 Ogle Bt., Woodburn, Ore. nl04 NEW REFRIGERATOR tt electric sweeper, 2 tricycles and 1 Irish Mail. 1300 takes all. 555 Bouth loth. niQ4 ELECTRIC floor polishers. Ideal for homt or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. nlOB CU. FT. Frlgldalre. Very good condi tion. $175. Phone 24180. n!06 METAL IRONING boards, pads St covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl36 FOR SALE: Bench Saw, like new. A bar gain. Del Barber, co Barker's Qroc. it Market, Turner, Oregon. nl04 ONE TENOR banjo and one guitar, each wiwi case, uiarence axaug. laos norm 4th St., Salem. n!04 ALL MAKES of clocks repaired. 190 South 14th. Clock Doctor. ni09 FORMAL, like new, size 14. 110.50. (Pastel yellow.) Phone 3867. n!06 HEAT If ODE home electrically It's con- venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25ft N Liberty n unvs wniTE shoe roller skates, size 8 Never worn. Call 26802. nl06 uvnRAiiLlO PRESS. 12 ton. small frame. Also gas paint outfit, complete about 85 lbs. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St., Sheri dan, Oregon. nl06 GIRL'S JUNIOR World bicycle. Oood con dition. Gene's Bicycle Shop, W, Salem, mo FARMERS ATTENTION. Clean Easy por table As t molester milking machines. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Bt. nl2S' ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC, sldearm water neater, rasten to your present tank YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 WHITE COAT, all wool, satin lined, worn 3 times, sue 16, sacrifice. 10 Abrams Ave. nl04 FISHING TACKI" boxes, all metal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. tilSfl1 n.irnTRlo RANGE. Call forenoons evenings. 2365 Claude. n!05 K TLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane like for floors, furniture, automobiles. On wood, concrete, iinoieum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' HOT WATER tank, furnace, trasb burn er, $70. Plaster board 3000- ft. 3c tt. 2000 ft. lumber 3x4 Ac 2x6, rafters, 3000 ft. flooring 155 thousand. 6x8. 2000 ft. 5 thousand. n center at. n. Miller, nl03 LAWN CARTS, lawn edgers, hand cultl valors and hoes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nI38' LADY'S BICYCLE, new tires, $36. 1750 Mat" on. nl05j PULLER brushes 174ft Grant, ph. PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. M261 UNUSED electric water heater, 43 gallon. $79.50. Fnone na. mvo WASHABLE, ONE coat Palletone for walls, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries In one hour, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. nl26' GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights, lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' TELEPHONE Intercomm. sets. v EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. ELECTROLUX cleaner & air purifier. Now available, complete with all attach, ments. $69.75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nlOfl' HOME MADE Ford tractor with plow, disc & cultivator. Rt. 1 Box 88A Woodburn n!04 the tropic Master overseas radio. Pow erful 8 tube set. Ideal for coastal cr out ' ?r locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 1 N. Liberty St. nl26' SUN (ULTRA violet) lamps, Heat (Infra rea lamps ana neatmg pa as. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. H126 RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. 16 IN. Maple wood. Ph. 8134. nl04 SMOOTHIES FOB perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' BABY BOTTLE sterilizers, bottle warm ers, vaporizers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, nl26' 2H) USED brick building tile. Also some used 3x12 plank, can ana aner o p.m ELECirtlC CURLING irons, pants press- ers, solder irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty St. M2fl ELECTRIC SHAVERS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' ELECTRIC BARBECUE sets for fireplace or outdoors. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 FARMERS ATTENTION. Electric milk pasteurizers, butter churns and fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' 0?EN BOOKCASES, made to order. 3500 siiverton ko. niu tubular and up' VACUUM CLEANERS, right. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ?55 N. Liberty St. nl26' AUTOMATIC, FLECTBIO irons. Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26' tror washing machine. Like new. Re. c.pntlv overhauled. New rollers, 185. Ph. 0335. H104 CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug. gles, and lawn furniture nxe new. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Bt H1261 2x4, 1x6, 1x12, good glass panel dosr, shin liiu Ac siding. Caldwell. 55 High way Ave. Salem. Ore. nl04 INDIRECT LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. WHEEL CHAIR. Call after 5:30 p.m., I 1125 B. 14th. "104 ELECTRIC TABLE broilers, table roast ers. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Bt. n!26 ABSOR-O-DOR keeps your refrigerator clean and sweet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays, run size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty St. nl36' FRUIT JUICERS, can openers, food chop pers. French fry cutters. lood mills, re frigerator dish sets, aluminum cooking ware, cookie jars, knife sharpeners, ice crushers, condiment sets, carving sets, cutlery sets, camping dian sets, stain less steel urne service. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty fit. nl36 DISKTON CHAIN SAWS St PARTS. IM MEDIATE DELIVERY. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. OF SALEM, 1058 S. COM'L. PHONE 8023. ni0 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, wall and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. &1261 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and burner with grin. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 265 n. Liberty at. nia ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. H136' RESTAURANT GRILL, electric, automatic Akron, 24 inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n!28' DOOR CHIMES Electrical and mechan ical. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Liberty Bt. &1261 FOR SALE or trade: O.E. refrigerator. Westlnghouse elec. sewing machine, Oarod radio, phono combination, elec. vacuum cleaner, elec. stove, ice box. elec. wash. mach. 34 Park Ave., go out Center, turn left on Park. nl04 LARGE oak desk and office chair, $40.00. 1140 N. Oapltal. Ph. 8216. 1 Dl04 NEW TABLE model radio 315.00, battery set $12.00, record cnanger ijd.qu, ampli fiers $25.00. electrlo guitar $45.00. re corder $150.00. generated flashlights $3 battery phone sets $10.00, and radio tubes most all types, Freetag Radio Shop. 721 South 12th, Salem, Oregon &104 VACUUM CLEANERS (tanks and up rights) with attachments. EUREKA GENERAL ELECTRIC PREMIER DUPLEX WESTINOHOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTER Trade In allowance, easy terms. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty St. Salem. Ore. nl27' It. so, 3D, 40, 50, 66 gallon water heaters lor immeaiate aenvery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N, Liberty St. nl2B' XIGHTCRAWLERS, 2483 Btatt. Bremmer D123 CANNING (lfl quart) pressure cookers. I HATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Bt. nl26' WOOD SAW for sale. Mounted on truck R. B. Cross, 1145 N. 17th. nl04 21 -FT. INDIAN trailer house, furn.. sleeps four, elec. brakes, tandem wheels, awn ing. $1325. 31i miles S. on S9E. Castle Hall Cottages. ql06 Rt. 8357. nll4 Market Quotations 1941 ZU-TON GMC dump, ft yd. 8, Box 1518. Hollywood Dr. ql09 1934 CHEV. Oood cond., excel, tires, heat- . $300. Ph. 2436B. 140 Lansing Ave. 109 '38 FORD TRUCK, tandem wheels. Oood rubber. A-l mechanically. Ray Garland, Rt. 3, Newberg, Ore., at Rex. QlOB FOR SALE 1935 Ford sedan, good mo tor, 8 good tires. $425. 76 Fairview Ave., Roger Lane. Call after 6 p.m. ql05 LOGGING TRUCK and trailer for sale. 1043-K-7-Internattonal, less man nu, 000 miles. 1841 Fruehauf Tandem Trail er. Eleven miles North Salem on 218 Haw. Lee's Texaco Garage. Price $4500. Ask for A. L. Churchman. ql04 Salem Livestock By Valley Packing co. Hogs, 35c under Portland each wt. Spring lambs, $18.50. Wooled 1846 lambs. $18. Sheared 1946 lambs, $16. Yearlings, $13.50. Ewes, $2 to $7.50. Fat dairy cows, $12-13.50. Cutters, $8-13. Dairy heifers, $13-17, Bulls, $12-17. Calves, 300-450 lb., $10-21, Veal, 150-300 lb., S.V34. Portland Eastalde canhv No. 1 loose packed asparagus was offered at $3.75-3. 85 a 30 -lb pyramid with bunched stock selling at a oox at today's session or the Portland East side Farmers' Wholesale Produce ma$r-ket. Watermelon was vamea at iuc a id. DIXIE FLYER trailer house. 19 ft., sips. 4. Butane range. A-l condition, au Wil liams Ave. Q.107 1830 CHEV. sedan. Nice appearance. Runs well. Ph. &30B or see owner alter e p. 348 E. Myers. St. ql04 for SALE; 1930 Studebaker Champion sedan. A-l condition, seal beam lights, radio, heater, six tires. Price reduced to J 850, 11 mnes soum on vuc. v. n Rinne. Route 1 Box 56. Jefferson. Ore. q!04 '31 CHEVROLET Coupe, Just overhauled. $275. Ph. 23F2. ql04 WILL TRADE 1937 Chrysler Royal Phae ton. (4 dr. conv.) with new rust paint job. Excel, tires. For best oiler in 2 or 4 dr. sedan or will take cash. Ph. 2169' or Inquire 380 S. 23rd. qlOB' FOR SALE or trade: '41 Ford sedan. Model A Ford sedan. 34 Park avenue, go out Center, turn left on Park. ql04 42 FORD, H ton pickup, clean. 2382 Stati st, qioi Portland Produce Exchange Butt erf at Tentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 percent acidity delivery in Portland. 67-68c lb.; first quality, 68-B7C lb.; second quality, 61-63c: valley routes and country points, 2 cents less man iirsi, or 64-65c. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, 68c lb.; cubes, grade AA, 83 score, 61c; A, 92 score, flOc: B. 80 score. 60c; C. 89 score. 57c. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole- DIRECTORY CATERING GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379, 0116 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0115' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY, 771 S. Zlst St. Ph. 717B, OliiU CONTRACTING FOR SALE: '32 V-8 coupe. '36 motor. Ex cellent condition. Ph. 4567 or 2347 Breyman St. ql03 NEW HOMES. New roofs and alterations. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kanx Construc tion Co. Ph. 4830 or 25106. 0118' ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. oiuu GOOD, CLEAN USED CARS PRICED RIGHT 1932 BUICK 4 dr. sedan. ion CHRYSLER 6 4 dr. sedan. 1037 HUDSON coupe. R & H. SEE YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 ql05 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. oiuo' EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph 7 00 175 N. Hlgn. Oiiv DRESSMAKING SILVER DOME trailer house, 24-ft. birch finish, butane equipped. Duo-therm heat, Winchester dolly, good tires In excellent condition, L. D. Scott, Rt. 8, Box 810, W, mile west of Kelzcr school. ql04 DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations. Brooks Trailer Camp, 1904 state Bt, 0126 EXTERMINATORS ELECTRIC BLANKETS for Immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 WE BUY St sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors, radios, electric appli ances household goods. KLIGMAN'S 285 N. Commercial. Phone OBBft. n PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Bt. NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 17! High. Phone 6088, n 1 OB- HOT PLATES. SINGLE and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 FINANCIAL ELECTRIC 42 gallon water beater. $79.50 TA. 4314. Portland nl06 ELECTRIC FANS, desk and pedestal, for offices, garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, canneries. Kitchen and Indus trial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n!26 CASH FOR SPRING $25' to $300 on signature, furniture or auto up to 1500. $8.38 a mo. repays $100 loan in full In 15 mos. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan at Personal get It. Call today, PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St., Km. 136 Phone 3191 E. Galllnger, Mgr. Lie. S122 M165 rl30 REGRIGERATOR ICE trays, rubber & aluminum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl GARDEN sand, gravel, crusned rock anovei a arag-une excavating wall ing SAND AND GRAVEL OO Ph 8311 STOP WEEDING your lawn, try Weed-No- More. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, cuy or larm properties; loans made as small as $300. Bee us about reftnanc lng your present contract or mortgage, APPROVED CITY LOANS 4 G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 8261. r!04 3 TILER FROZEN food cabinets. Whole sale price. 195 S. 24th. n!06' 14 FAT WHITE FACE beef, Inspected Fnone 22639. nil3 TWO FORMALS, one dinner dress, scarce ly worn. Smart, half priced. Ph. 21132. B104 WESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used by armed forces. Kills flies, mo squltoes, cockroaches St related Insects. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 FARMERS, ATTENTION. Westlnghouse. automatto electric milk cooler. 60 gal capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 ) LB. Ice box, toilet bowls, sinks, 3235 Portland Rd alter o. niOB WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT to buy 2nd hand pair of English styie rimng ooots. size o'a, macx. rn, 4075. naioe WILL STORE Sc give good care for use of furniture in our home. Ph. 34582. nalOft' WANTED TO BUY: 410 shotgun. Miller. .Rt. 8, Box 372, Salem. Ralph nal05 WANTED: USED sawdust furnace, com plete. 2250 N. Commercial, Salem. nal04 WAN ; Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelley, Ph. 23156. pa!20' USED FURNITURE Phone BIBB PERSONAL READING. Know the truth. 2361 State. pl05 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 724 P276 AUTOMOBILES 1940 PLY. 5 pass. Coupe. R. St H. Excel lent condition, inquire at Lipstick Beauty-Shop. 1872 State Street. ql05 ONE 1831 Olds 2 dr. sedan. Motor re paired. Price $220. Or will trade for equity in. '35 or '36 model cnev. or Fir. mouth. Call at Kelzer Corner Store. Ask for Mrs. Vogt. q!05 WANTED: '37 Chev., good cond., prefer coach. 180 8. 14th. ql05 39 BUICK Special. '46 motor. A-l shape, Trade for '34 Ford or Chev. and $675 cash. 418 S. College, Monmouth. q!08 1040 B'.ACK Chev. master deluxe busi ness coupe. Spotless throughout. built motor, heater, radio, back-up lght. 2 spot ghta. a rhorn. etc.. $1150. Ph. 21718. ql05 FOR SALE: Tractor. 1942 J. I. Case, mod el D. I. it 1-2-16" mollne plow. Both for $1250.00. Cecil A. Blndel. mi. North & 2 ml. West of Stayton. Phone Stayton 4F77 ql05 1934 CHEV. Oood condition. M. H. Bronec. Hubbard. Phone 11F4. qlOB FOR SALE: 45 Harley motorcycle. 1942. fully equipped. 6800 on speedometer. Harold Rice, Rt. 9, Box 111. 1 mile east of Krueser's store on Fruitland road. Call after ft p.m. ql05 TRAILER HOUSE, newly finished Inside St out, for $495. 380 Grove. Phone 3317 Call anytime In the morning or after f 30. ql08 '42 HARLEY Davidson. 4264 Monmouth St. Monmouth, Ore. ql04 35 V-g COUPE, rebored motor. Make offer. 1335 State, evenings, ql06 CLEAN '37 PONTIAC sed. Good tires ft motor. 1650. 950 N. 18th. ql06 TRAILER HOUSE. 18 ft., clean. Rt, Box 166-B. W. J. Holland, near Rose- dale School. ql09 41 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-door sedan. Radio, heater St overdrive, excellent cond. throughout. Elsie Chrlstofferson. Rt. 1, Box 161. Aumsvllle. Ph. 584. ql08 '37 DODGE Coupe. Just overhauled. Good tires. Ph. 5557. 1095 S. Com'l. q!06' FOR SALE: Model A Ford truck, long wheelbase. 90 rubber. Ph. 22504. Ray Batter. ql06 2 NEWLY decorated trailer houses. Rea sonable. Call after 3, 55 Hlway Ave, ql06 1917 CHEV 5-P. Coupe, 2-tone. radio, many exfp?. Best offer. Mr. Spoor, co P. O. Box 688. Ph. 3817. 875 Mkt. 8 qlOC MOTORCYCLES INDIAN BALES - SERVICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought old repaired. 8HBOOK MOTOR OO. Phone 5602 Salem COCKROACH, MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. soao. Le uross. izou n run 0128 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Phone 23346. ovn HUDSON BALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling bo-dy and fender repair painting, "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why." SHROOK MOTOR OO. Phone 8502 Aalem rURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lea Bros.. 4020 E. State. Pa. 31233 0153 newton'S light pickup as delivery. Haul ing of all kinds. House noia moving Fully insured. Phone 22812. J R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free .1el 1717 Center St. Fnone B3B&. our MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF YOU art capable of building 10 to iuu oousea oaiem or vicinity aunng 1947 and oeed financial assistance. Contact Ua. We are also Interested in financing one or two large apartment nouse unita. STATE FINANCE CO- Lie 6216M22S 183 8, High Bt. Ph. 4121 i FARM. AND CITY LOANS 4 and 6 VOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason cash for Real Estate contract and second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 307 Pioneer Trust Blda. Ph 7162 Real Estate Loans - Farm City New Construction 4fc A. N. Duncan 1214 Ladd ft Bush Bank BJdg. Phone 8658 iH PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any- wl :e in the Willamette valley. 10 to 2ft years repayment plan. Also plenty of money for building modern homes, financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 B. High St. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO. License No. M-169. 8-164 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS OAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS Lie S-316 M-222 153 8 High St. WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests. because making loans of 125 to $250 or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Peisonal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just l-Tlslt call today. 618 State St.. Rm. 123, Salem Ph. 8191 E. Galllnger. Mgr. L'j. 8. 122 M. 165 rlOft' BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 8185 Q' FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 o1 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur Mccieiiar. fnone zaaB. c HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS LANDSCAPING New York Stock Quotations LEVELING A DOZING JOHNSON A BRIGGS, building streets ft roads. Ph. eojs, saiem. qi LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load lng. Lumber industries, inc., success ors to H. ft S. Lumber Co.. Wallace road, West Balem. Ph. 9593. oll4 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER. 92ft Saginaw. P MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. Q1081 OIL IPCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. Drew. Phone 5395. 0111 GOOD WORK. REASONABLE. Free estl matc..o, Home, fnone oju. aw PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping, olio PAINTING ft PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. ROY C. HANSON. Painting, decorating Phone 2-5838. 0113 PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood worth. Phone 30i. o-idb- PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 25106. 0121 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry TravLss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph 8601. 0113- PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. 0127 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel ft dragline excavating Walling Band ft Gravel Co Phone 8S61 O salers: Oregon singles, 3ft-ft2c; Oregon loaf. 38U-54C. Em To wholesalers: a graoe, large, 53 453 Vic; medium. 46,4-49lA-: A grade, small. 424c; B grade, large, 45H-47iic. Ens Purchased from farmers: current receipts, 45-50c, buyers pay 3-3 ',4c below wholesale quotations on graoea oasis tor best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy Market Butter Prices to retailers. Grade AA carton, 66c; AA prints, 65c; A prints, 64c: i A cartons, 65c; B prints, 64c; one -tour in pound cubes, cent higher. LB Prices to retailers. AA extra large. 60c: AA large (certified), 58-59c; A large. 54-55c; AA medium. 54c; A medium, 50- A small, 45c dozen; carton, 2c a- dltlonal. Cheese Prices to retailers: Portland Oregon singles, 364-54c lb.; Oregon loaf, 394-58c; triplets, 36-54c. Poultry: Live ChickensPaying price to produc s: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 29-3 0c lb.; fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 29-30c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs., 34-35c; roosters, 4 lbs. and over, 34- 35c; fowl, Leghorn, under 3Vi lbs., 18- 20c; 3'-. lbs. and over, 20-23c; colored, ell weights, 32-33c lb.; stags, all weights. 14-16C Rabbits Average to retailers. 4B-52c lb. dressed: prices to producers, 43c: fry ers, live, white, 20-24c lb.; colored, 17-21c lb. Vegetables: Artichokes Calif. 4 and ft dos. to a lug. 13.25; 6 doz., $2. 50-2.75. Asparagus Oregon, Hood River, Canby, per box, 30 1-lb. bunches, $3.75-3.85: loose, 13.65-3.85. No. 2s. $2.75-3. Washington. Sunnyslde, No. 1 mediums, 12-13c lb.; un classified and small, 7-8',ic. Avocadoes Calif., fancy 16, 30, 24 and 30 ruertes, 34-4.15. Beam Calif., 20-25c lb. Cabbages-California No. 1. $3-3.50: Tex as 80-lb. crates. $4,25: red. J 8. 50-9. 50 crate. Track sales, Calif, crate, 12.25. Carrots California, bunched, 6 doz., $4-4.25: 50-lb. sacks, topped. $2-2.15; truck sales, Calif., bunched, mostly $3.50; sack ed. 50-lb. $1.35-1.60. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed, standard crate. 3.75-2.85: track sales, no sales. ueiery sturdee crates. Pascal. 16-7: &td. crates. $5.25-6. heart material, 4 and 5 dor., 14.75-5; crates. 15.50-6. Track sales, Sturdee crates, $5; std. crates, $5. i;ucu i oer Oregon hothouse. $7.25-8; 3-doz. lugs, 30-32 lie lb. tits plant 20-lb. lug, 15. Leek Local, 80-D0c dor. Lettuce Calif., 4s, 15.50-8: few, poor, lower; Stockton, 3 dos. 13.75-4.25; track sales higher. Mushrooms 80-90c lb. Onions, green Local, Mid-Columbia, 40 50c. Onions, dried Oregon yellow. No. 1, 3 Inches and larger, $2.75-3: medium, $1.65-1 75: Texas white wax, $4-4.35; Ber mudas, $3-3.25. Sale to Jobbers, cold storage, No. Is, $2-2.25; medium, $1.75. Peppers Mexlcan-Callf., 45 lbs., $13-14 lug: loose, 40-450 lb.; truck sales, 45-lb. crates, 112.50. Parsley Calif., $6-6.50, 10 dozen bunches. Peas Calif., 18-ln. hamper, $3.50-4. rot a toes 6tead, Oregon-Washington Russets, No. 1, per cwt.. 13.75-4, baker size. $4.50-4.70, No. 2, $3.10-3.25; No. 2 (50-lb.). $1-1.05, 15 lbs., 6D-65c: Deschutes, No. 2. 50 1 bs.. $1.25-1.30. New crop: Cali fornia 100-lb. sacks, $4.25-4.45; Texas Bliss Triumphs, 50 lbs., $3.15-3.50. Track sales: No. 1, Calif., long whites, 100 lbs., $3.90. Rndlslirs Local, doz., 60-75C Spinach Local, new crop, $1-1.10. SquashCalif. Zucchini, 30-lb. lug. $5- 5.50; banana, 4-5140 lb.; summer, 13.7ft- 3.85 lug. Sw:.t Polatoes Calif. Jersey, 20-lb. bas ket, $4.25-5; Calif. La Yams, $4.15-4.25 Texas, 14.15-4.25. Tomatoes Mexico, lugs, No. Is, $9.50 1': 21 1-lb. tubes. $7.50-8; Calif. Indlo 9 and 12 top packs, $7-7.50:16 top, $5.60- 6; imperial, 16 top, $5-5.50; indlo flats. 18 lbs., $6.50-6.73, Turnips Calif., 50-lb. sacks. $2-2.26. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane-wrapped: spinach, 24 12-oz.. $1.60; salad. 8-oz.J $1.15-1.20; celery hearts, per doz., 13.25-3.50. Garlic 20 1-oz. pkgs., $1.65-1.75. Fresh Fruit: Apples Newtowns. Hood River, w. and p., $4.75-5.25; Wlnesaps, w. and p., $4.50-5. Avocados Calltornia Fucrtcs, 30-35s, $4.40-4.75 box; 20-24s, $4.25-4.50; choice, $3.754. Bananas Bunched, $10.50-11.50 cwt., cut hands. 112-13.50 cwt. Dates Calif. 24 8-oz. pkgs..' $4.65-4.75; natural and hydrated flats, 15 lbs,, $4.35- Grapefruit Texas pinks. 70-BOs, $4.65- 3; smaller, $3.65-4.35; Marsh seedless, 40 96s, $3-3.35; Arizona white, $3.50-3; choice, lower. Lemons Calif, fancy, 252-300S, 16.50 6.75; 432s, $4-6; choice, $1 less. Limes California, 15 tubs of 6 limes, $3.50-3.60; lugs of 50. 95c-$l, Oranges California navels, 176 and larger, d.d-o.iu; aau-asaa, (5.255.40; smaller, $4-4.40; choice, SOc-tl less a box. Rhubarb Local, field-grown. 20-lb. box. 75-85c; 90c-$l 30-lb. apple box; wine, 85- uc a ID-ID. DOX. Strawberries Air express, Calif., $4 4.25; rail express, 13.75-3.85 a 12-cup fill. Dressed Meats: Veal Light tDD oualitv. .IK.aflr- ti,,w tup quality, dtt-tw, a, 26-aec; C, 22-24c cull, 18-20C. logs Block. butchers. nnr.kar atvl 125-160 lbs., 37-38c; over 213 lbs., 36-37c tu.i buwj, an wis., 3V-34C lb. Lambs A A, 38-40c; A. 37-38c: B. 34-38e: C, 28-30C lb. . Mutton 10-15c lb., according to quality. Beef Best quality, 32-34c; B, 25-2Bc; , 22-24c; canner and cutter. ia-2le: bo. logna bulls, 25-26C Wool, uaacara Bark: Cascara Bark Green, 8-8'4c; dry, 20c. Wool Valley. coarse and mnrihim graaes, 12-43 4c 10. Mohair 40o lb, on 12-month growth. Hit! .a Calves, 40c lb., according to wcignt; kips, ace lb.; green beef, lie 1 b. Rendered Inedible Fats 12-13c lb. (By the Associated Press) New York ft Closing quotations today Allied Chem ft Oya 171?; American Can ... 81 'i Am Pewer ft Light 12 Amer Tel ft Tel 166 Anaconda Copper 36 Atchison 81 Bendli Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft California Packing Canadian Paclflo J I Cass Chrysler Oorp Commonwealth ft oout. . C nsolldated Edlsor . , Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . ., Crown Zeilercach Curtiss Wright D is las Aircraft Dupom n tfemouri General Electrlo General Foods General Motor Goodyear Tire Great Northern pfd . International Harvester Int Paper pld Johns Manville Kennecott 1 Long Bell A Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery WaH Nash R.elvlnato National Dairy N V Central North Am Oo Northern Pacific ...... Pao Amer Fish Pactfle Qas Eleo Pacilto T ft T Pan American Penney J O Radio Corp Rayomer Rayonier Pfd ........ Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard OH Calif ... Stewart Warner Studebaxer Sun Mining Union Oil 1 Union Pacific u'nlted Airlines United Alroiaft united states aieei ... 1 Warner rfrothers West Elec Uti Co Woolwortb . ... Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 1, 194717 33 85 S 15'i 48 i 26 H 34 S 42 'i 57 4 52 'i 16 S'.i 37'i 107 'i 32 S 15 37 30 56 21 12!) 'i 19k 69 H Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, May 1 UP) Select ed stocks, paced by oils and spe cial issues, pushed up fractions to better than 2 points in to day's market although many leaders failed to make a great deal of headway. Transfers ran about 800,000 shares. Declines were suffered by U.S. Steel, General Motors, Douglas Aircraft, Kennecott, General -Electric, Pullman, Chesapeake & Ohio, Atlantic Coast line, Illinois Central, Pfizer and Schenlcy. Vulcan Detinning jumped 20 points to 148, a new 1947 high, in the wake of a splitup pro posal. It was the first sale since April 18 and totaled 20 shares. A boosted dividend buoyed Standard Oil (N.J.) and impart ed strength to Superior Oil, Texas Co., Skelly, Continental, Gulf, Philips Petroleum, Amer ada and Seaboard. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 171.91, up 1.27; rail, 45.52, up 0.30; utility, 34.19, up 0.21; stocks, 60.98, up 0.43. Sales totaled 920,000 shares compared with 780,000 shares yesterday. Curb volume was 230,000 shares against 260,000 shares yesterday. Births, Deaths Grain Futures Said Mixed Chicago, May 1 (U.B Grain futures met persistent but mixed support on the board of trade today. At the close, wheat was "A to iVt cents higher, corn un changed to 2Ya higher and oats unchanged to 2Vfe higher. May barley was offered three cents lower. Lard finished unchang ed to 10 points lower. Wheat advanced at Minneap olis and Kansas City. Minneap olis oats and Kansas City corn both were firm. Winnipeg rye was irregular. In 1850 there was not a mile of steam railroad anywhere west of the Mississippi river in the United States. SEPTIC TANKS SE 'TIC TANKS and drain Unu cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlnt. Pb. 9S33. 0114 ROTO-UOOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Pro t service. Ph. 5337 or B468. O107 MIKE'S Cesspool ic Scptlo Service, mou em equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph. 9468 or S337. 0127' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE H. offer Tor sale first mortgages on improved real estate, salem and vlcln. Uy, amounu 1500 to 95000. NET In vestors ft pet. Interest Make jour own selection. Collections of all principal and interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO. 1S3 8. High St. K F. 11AMEL. Septic Tank Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 COMPLETE spray equipment, lawn, trees. '.lrubs & fields. Philip W. Belike, Dial 21708. 0122 GENERAL FINANCE OORP. LOANS a-us and u-asa and ROT R SIMMONS mSURANCJt AND LOANS 130 S Commercial St Tel 9169 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING To Iowa about May loth. Take three. Reference, share driving & ex- tssVsM'rtMMMlZrlVtttitli f'jjjjS Directory ACCOUNTING EXFEBT BENDIX and commercial md domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliance US Canter Pb. 4036 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHES REPAIR. Pb. 3-6100. 0129 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call S621. o!28' AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake A Wheel aligning specialist. 0187" AUTOMOTIVE COY. MOTOR overhaul, auto tnech. eerv Ice. Body and fender, free otlmates. reasonable. Ph. 6313. 43 N. High. 0119 MARION UOTOR3 NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Pbone 1831 Night. 2441? 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth lor brush. Virgil Huskey. 306 Falrvltw Ave. Phone 33146. Balem olOfl Journal Want Ads Pay SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. o!26' Lures unquoted. Cash grain: Flaxseed 6.50 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.36; sort white (excluding Rex) 2.36: white club 2.36; western red 2.36. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.36; 10 per cent 3.3B; 11 percent 2.45; 12 percent 2.55. Hard white Baart: Ten percent 3.J7; 11 percont 2.41; 12 percent 2.48. Today's car receipts: Wheat 54; barley 3; corn 27; mlllfeed 4. ' Fortlind Livestock Portland, Ore., May 1 AIM Livestock: Cattle salable 150; calves 26. Market only moderately active; about nteady, but no early action on one load Rood fed steers; week's top fed steers 3S 6fl; vciy little above 24.50; few common heifers to day 15.50-17.00; canner and cutter cows largely 11.00-13.00; shells down to 10.00 i and below; rat, dairy-type cows mostly 13.50-14.00; some held upwards to 15.00; medium beef cows up to 17.00; good beef bulls 1B.00-1S.50; medium sausage bulls 15.00-16.50; common to medium vealers 15.00-23.00; choice salable to 26.00 or above. Hors salable 100. Market alow but mostly steady; good to choice 100-240 lbs 25.00; 260-300 lbs 23.26-23.50; few under 160 lb weglhts 23.50; good sows 20.60-21.00; feeder pigs scarce; good to choice salable around 26.00. Sheep salable 60. Practically nothing available early; demand very limited; good to choice wooled lambs quoted 18.50 20.00; good spring lambs Wednesday 10.00; good ewes salable around 7.00; wooled ewes to fl.00. Births Elliott To Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Elliott. Siiverton, a daughter, Judith Lee. April 26. Rice To Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Rice, 3560 Portland road, a daughter, Nora An nette, April 27. HnskirLs To Mr. and Mrs. Alter Haskms. 316 Park avenue, a son, Donald Lee, April 27. ' Schrelner To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F, Schrclner, route 3, a daughter, Paula Ann, April 35. Cutler To Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cutler, 435 Wayne Drive, a son, Richard Dennis, April 27. Davison To Mr. and Mrs. George P. Davison, 340 Evergreen, a daughter, Nancy, April 25. Colbv To Mr. And Mrs. Roscoe V. Colby. I Gervais, a daughter, Cynthia Drew, April 17. Carter To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carter, 970 North Church, a daughter, Patricia Ann, April 4. Brown To Mr. and Mrs. Olln W. Brown, 1440 Waller, a son, Rodney James, April 15. Kubishta To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kublshta, 2395 Cherry, a daughter, Oer trude Lee, April 16 Enners To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Eppers, route 1. Aurora, a daughter, Pam ela Rowens, April 10. McCormlck To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. McCormlck, Gervais. a son, Patrick Dennis, April 17. Mlnard To Mr. and Mrs, Rex L. Mln- ftrd. route 3, a son, Rex LeRoy, Jr., April 6. Gaub To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Gaub, Siiverton, a son, Jimmy John, April 7. 8k eels To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Skccls, ALsea, a daughter, Karla Joanne, April 8. Zlelinskl To Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Zirlinski, 1137 union, a daughter. Rose Marie, April 8. Ayers To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Ay- ers, 1810 North Cottage, a daughter, Jo anne Louise, April 10. Falk To Mr. and Mrs. James F. Falk. 1180 South 15th. a son. James David. April 13. Haines To Mr. and Mrs. Melvin B. Haines, 795 North 18th, a daughter, Mll- u- . nan, April la. Moser To Mr, and Mrs. Donnld P. Moser, 365 South 17th, a daughter, Diane i-kay, April ii. C irles H. Pearson, Bismarck, N. D.; sif ters, Carrie Ella Hoover, SpoKane, wash.; Louise Agnes Ellis, San Francisco, and Anna Mary Schumakcr, Provost, Alberta, Canada. Member of Lutheran church. Services wilt be hedl Friday, May 2, at 1:30 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with Rev. Frank O. Ferrln officiating. Interment In the City liew cemetery. Mri. Marie A. McPherson Mrs. Marie A. McPherson, late resident of Portland, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jean Morrison of 2390 Laurel ave nue. Wednesday, April 30. Wife of E. I. McPherson of Portland: and mother of Mrs. Jean Morrison of Salem and E. Mc Pherson of Portland. Services will be held Saturday, May 3, at 10:30 a.m. at the C lou f?h -Bar rick chapel witn Kev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment In Betcrest Memorial park, Andrew D. Olson Andrew D. Olson, late resident or rout 1, Salem at a local hospital, Wednesday, April 30, at the ase of 86 years. Husband of Mrs. Christine Olson of Salem; father of Mrs. E. P. Miller and Mrs. Elmer Lehn herr, both of Bend; Edwin Olson of Day ton and Frank Olson, John Olson. Fred Olson. Victor Olson and Harvey Olson, all of Salem; and brother of L. E. Olson of Portland Also survived by 11 grand children and 10 great grandchildren. Services will be held Friday. May 2, rl 2 p.m at the Clough-Barrick chapel with. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Inter ment in the Zena cemetery in Polk county Hadley Hobion Hadley Hobson, late resident of BIB Mill street, at a local hospital, April 29, at the age of 86 years. Father of Mrs. G. Man- zanlta Fendall of Portland and Harry D. Hobson of Salem. Also survived by four grandchildren, one great grandchild and several nieces and nephews. Services will be held Saturday, May 3. at 1:30 p.m. at Clough-Barrick chapel witn Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating Committal at 3:30 p.m. in tho Fox Valley cemetery at Lyons. Oregon. Mrs. Irene Fisher Mrs, Irene Fisher. late resident of route 0, Tuesday, April 29. in Oregon City. Wife of Edward E. Fisher of Salem; moth er of Mrs. Edna Rlggs, Mrs, James C. Thomas, both of Salem. Mrs. Earl Ferraer of San Francisco and Elza E. Fisher of McMinnvllle, and sister of Mrs. Helen orr Wyoming and Edward Daharsh of Fulton. Kans. Survived also by 11 grand children and three great grandchildren. Announcement or services wm oe maa later by Clough-Barrick company. Hattle B. Buslck Cady In Pasadena, Calif., April 2, Hattle B. Buslck Cady, former resident of Salem and late resident of Pasadena. Survived by a son, Edwin Buslck, with the U.S. army in Germany. Member of Chadwlck chapter Nc. 37, Order of Eastern Star; Willamette Shrine No. 2 of the White Shrine, 'anna Rosa Court No. 6 of Order of Amaranth and the Rcbekahs. Services will be held Tuesday, May 6, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with con cluding services In the IOOF cemetery. TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coai. briquets Trucks to Portland daily Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer ft Storage Ph. 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS - HOOVER VAOnm CLEANER owners, mi will service your Hoovei cleaner com plete tor 12.50 plOb part U required Hogg Bros. Pb 014S o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. Pb. 6985. 0107" WIIITTAKER'B WELDING WORKS. Ph 6600. 01(18 Chicago Grain Chicago, May 1 m May deliveries of all grains were strong on the board of trade today, importing a firm undertone to distant contracts. Some eastern com mission house buying and short-covering was apparent in the near-by contracts. May wheat led tho upturn. Wheat closed i-4 higher, May $2.83' 83.64, corn was unchanged to 3 ',4 higher. May 1.61-11.62, and oats were unchanged to 2',i higher, May 89-B9U. Chicago Livestock Chicago, May 1 ( (USDAl Livestock: Hogs: 8500. Slow and uneven, 76c to 1.25 lower with most decline on weights under 300 lbs. Practical top 23.76; about one lead reached 24.00. Bulk good and ..v.vv im-'iu tun J.IO-.lJ.DU; jfUU-JJU lbs 20.26-21.60; 330-370 lbs 10.25-20.25: sows about 76-1,00 lower; good and choice II. 40-10. uu. Cattle 6000. Calves 800. All clasitea steady and moderately active; part load muicc MDuut uuu id iea steers lopped at 26.25. Several good and choice steers and long yearlings 25.00-35.00. Bulk me dium to top-good steers and yearllana about 1,150 lb and less 20.50-24.75; most meamm ana gooa neiiers 18.00-22.60; load to 23,10; bulk beef cows 13.60-17.25; choice vealers to 24.00. Medium and good stcok steers 17.76-19.50. Sheep: 6000. Slaughter lambs onened about active and steady to 25c higher; clipped lambs gained advance. Three doubles strictly good and choice 105 lb fed clipped lambs with No. 2 pelts 21.25. Slaughter ewes steady; good and choice native wooiea ewes io.oa-ig.50. WELL DRILLING Chester J. Pugh, Rt. 2, Box 288B Salem, Oregon. Ph. 23412. 0118 WELL DRILLING. M D. Enloe. Rt. 0 BOX 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198 Ol08' J. A. a NEED & SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem Phone 6808. 0127 WINDOW CLEANING SAuEM WINDOW Service. House Clean ing, floor waxing. Ph- 21342. ollfl 4CMR WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors elaan ad, waxed St polished Ph. 8337. Ml Oourt uansdoo Oulbertaop and Mather PROFESSIONAL Phone 4467 CLEAN IN Q BERVI08 LODGES A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & vffVAJvI. M.M. degree Friday, May 2, 7 p.m, 105 Fraternal Order ol Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pm More uian a million mempers I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night, VlsI tors welcome. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., May 1 ( Wheat fu- Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prtcei Rabbits Feeds Pellets, $4.20 cwt. Egg Mash J4.70 cwt. Dairy Feed S3.80 cwt. -oultrr Heavy colored hens. No. 1. 32c lb.: No. J, 28c; oolored fryers, No, 1, 34c lb ElSt Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A, 63c; med., 48c; standards, dozen; pullets. 30c; crax. 30c. holesale Price Large, 66o dozen; med.. 52c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 64c. Retail Grade A, 60c. Butterfat Premium, 66c; No, 1, 65c; No. 2, 81c. Deaths Oscar William Pearson Oscar William Pearson, aged 88. late resident of 3825 Mahrt avenue, at a local hospital April 28. Survived by wife, Mrs. Mabel Pearson, Salem; two sons, Wallace L. Pearson, Borger, Texas, and Ronald William Pearson. Salem: arnndsnn Ml. chael Pearson, Borger, Texas; brothers. E ward G. Pearson, Enclnitas, Calif., and Mrs. Katie Samaln Mrs. Katie Samaln, at her home at 35 Fairview avenue, Sunday, April 27. S..vlved by her husband, Charles O. Sa maln of Salem; a niece. Alma Huber of St. Paul, Minn.; and two nephews. Wayne Huber or New Mexico and Roy Huber of Lyons, Oregon. Services will be held Wednesday, May 7, at 2 p.m.. at the Clough-Barrirk chapel with Dr. Joseph M. Adams officiating, interment in seicresc Memorial park. Roiiamond Jane Haverson Rosamond Jane Haverson, late resi dent of 630 North 20th street, at a .o- cal hospital, Monday, April 28, at the aL-r of 80 years, survived by seven chil dren. Ernest F. Haverson and Mrs. Be atrice Welch both of Portland, Mrs. Ed ith Strang, Mrs. Rosa J. Hammer, Mrs. Mary O'Brien and Walter Haverson, all of Salem, and Mrs. Louise Miles of Fres no, Calif.; 11 grandchildren; and one great grandchildren. Services Were held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Thursday, May 1, at 1:30 p.m. with concluding ser vices la the Bethany cemetery at Sii verton. Dora May Taylor Dora May Taylor, at a local hospital. Wednesday, April 30. Survived by moth er, Mrs, Maude HawKins oi owensboro, Ky. Shipment will be made by Clough- Barrick company to Davis Funeral com pany of Owensboro. MaJ. John S. Beakey Ma, John S. Beakey, late resident of 410 E. Rural avenue at Fltzslmmona Gen eral hospital, Denver, Colo., Wednesday. April 30. Survived by wife, Mrs. Fern M. Beakey; wo daughters, Joan and Bev erly Beakey; one son. Jack Beakey, all of Salem; father, D. J. Beakey, WUUston, N.D. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick company. Walter Alvln Olson Walter Alvln Olson, late resident of Albany, at a Corvallis hospital, April 30. at the age of 29 years. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosemary Olson of Albany; two sons, Walter A. Olson, Jr., and Wil liam Allen Olson, both of Albany; hli father, Carl E. Olson of Potlatch, Wash.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Sutton of Seattle, Mrs, Betty Hague of Jefferson, Ore,, and Mrs. Carol Hatch of Aumsvllle, Ore,; a brother, Winn H. Olson, and his grand mother, Mrs. Kate Winn of Albany, Serv Ices will be held at the Lutheran church at Marlon, Ore., Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m., under the direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Interment at Bel crest Memorial park. Lcwellyn Sutllff Lewellyn Sutllff, late resident of 1385 Hines street, Thursday, May 1. Husband of Mrs. Edna Sutllff of Salem; and lather of Mrs. Beryl Saben of Morrlstown, B.D and JLyla SutllfX of Salem. Also sur vived by seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick company. 4 f New Treatment Ulr Gets Real Results Don't let your child auffor the torment of Pin-Worms I Today, thankj to a special, medically recognized drug, a highly effec tiva treatment has been made possible. So watch for the warning signs, espe cially the embarrassing rectal Itch. Get JAYNE'S P-W right away and follow the directions. These small, easy-to-take tablet were developed after rears of patient re search in the laboratories of Dr. D. Jarne A Son to act in a special way to remove Pin-Worms, It's easy to remember : PW for PinWormi I Why Suffer Any Longer When others fail, use our Ohmesa '"ro ad lis. Amazing success for 600D rear in China No matter with what all ments your are afflicted disorder sinusitis, heart, lungs, liver, Kidneys fas, constipation- ulaers. dlaoetea rheumatism, gall and bladder (ever kln, female complainta CHARLIE CHAN CIIINESB HERB CO Office Boors I t i Tots, and Bat. enty CA4 N. Com so e ratal Phone I18M. BALEM ORR Out Come The Instant you apply Dr.fjchoU'e Zino-pnda, pain ful shoe friction etona, pressure on corns or eore tone fa lifted. Quickly remove corns. Coat but a trifle. Get a box today t 3 Here's Speedy Relief lor Tender, Aching , Burning Feet Moonc's Emerald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction or Money Cheerfully Refunded Your feet may be no puffed up and sore that you think you can t go another step. Your shoes may feel as If they are cutting right Into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the pain and torture and pray for quick relief. What's to be done? Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oil and In double quick time the pain and soreness start to disappear. A few more ap- pjications ai regular intervals ana you're on the way to solid foot comfort. And as for Soft Corns and Cal- louses, try a few applications each night at bedtime: find out for your self how good It is. No matter how discouraged you have been. If you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have some thing to learn. It's a wonderful formula this combination of essential oils with camphor and .other antiseptics so marvelous that thousands of bot tles are sold annually for many dis tressing skin troubles. Capital Drug Store sells lots of It. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Adv. SHROCK SEZ- If you're looking for a car that is right in price and shape CTAIi JlWr At Hudson City's Used Car Lot I at cars both old and new offering the lVsa IV best in transportation to you. I ICTCfJ to the prices in keeping with Is. It) I El4 the trend and how you can buy on our monthly payment plan. 1941 Cadillac Conv. Coupe, Mod. 02, radio and heater 1042 Chevrolet Coupe., new paint 1941 Cvecrolet Master Deluxe Coach, new paint, very clean 1941 Hudson Commander "8" sedan 1941 Hudson Sedan, radio and heater 1941 Hudson 5-pass. coupe, heater 1941 Nash 600, overdrive and weather eve 1942 Willys Sedan, radio and heater 1941 Dodge Coach, new paint 1938 Hudson Sedan, new paint, R&H 1937 Ford Sedan, new paint, R&H LOW PRICED TRANSPORTATION 1937 Chevrolet coach 1936 Lafavette Coach 1937 Ford Coach 1937 Willys Sedan 1937 Hudson Sedan 1931 Durant Coupe, clean 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coiv-h, clean 1938 Plymouth Coupe 1931 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Ford Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Terraplane Sedan 1942 Chevrolet truck, take body, IMi-ton 1939 Ford Pick-up, good tires, '45 motor SAVE AT HROCK'S On the Same Lot Twelve Years Corner Church and Chemeketa Listen KSLM, 12:45 noon Tues. thru Saturdays. Thursday night studio broadcast, Oregon Playboys, 7:30 to 8:00 Chemeketa & Church Sts. Phone 7922 or (Gar.) 8502