I J 1 ' " '"' ;'- IWIIHMM mmry mm , Dallas Is Offered Music Week Program Dallas National music week will be observed in Dallas by the presentation of two pro grams, one by the community on Sunday, May 4, and another by the schools Friday, May 9. two violin numbers by Victor Palmason, string teacher at the Salem schools, and mixed trio al classes, high school choruses Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 1, 194713 and band. Musical Program Planned (Susan Schultz, Mr. and Mrs Edwin Wall). Grand Island Thirty - two students of the Mennonite church schools, adjoining the Dayton- The music departments of the junior and senior high schools Salem highway and Spring Val ley district, will furnish a mu sical program at the Grand Is land Community club to be held Thursday evening, May 1, in stead of Friday evening, May 2. Refreshments will be a feature. -Here's a 'Real will have charge of Friday night's program. Both vocal and instrumental numbers will be given by choruses from the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth The community program of all sacred music, to be held at CHICKEN DINNER grades, junior high instrument- 2:30 p.m. In the high school auditorium, will - include the Polk county chorus, male quar tet (Henry Quiring, Alfred Quir ing, Nels Friesen and Sol Edi- I .' M ft i 1 IK Just think -"half a chicken .in a can" LYNDEN CHICKEN FRICASSEE Already cooked -just heat and ger), mixed trio (Mrs. How ard ' Fleming, Paul Launer and Art Abel), solo by Paul Launer, t 1 Q . i f mwMM in i at Four-H Plaque Presented An event of the Marion County 4-H club spring show last Friday was the presentation to Mrs. Willow Evans, president of the county 4-H Leaders' association, of the Westinghouse Electric corporation's plaque for the county in Oregon having the best representation in the Westinghouse bet ter farm and home methods contest , sponsored locally by Port land General Electric company. R. L. Saling, maintenance en gineer of Westinghouse, is making the presentation with James Bishop, Marion county 4-H club agent, watching. JIAIN OR. """" . Quick I Easy! POLISHES FURNITURE ieau6'fiy. . . ei HIDES SCRATCHES! -4oM at 'Me same time V 'T'S FURNITURE rviisn riM& irlHlGflKi L .jlfnlmil i Til, J fan All Flav-R-Pac Frozen Fruits have sugar added but better still they're packed with all the delicious flavor of tree and vine-ripened fruits. They're so easy and quick to prepare you'll find for desserts Flav-R-Pac Fruits are the per fect answer. For flavor buy Flav-R-Pac Fresh Frozen Fruits the best! AT YOUR GROCERS U V Wl . 1 I If II E iffy n n m -i in "V, VTTU ORE. SPA MMgett Manuel CM FM'C DtTTAII DArUIMA Dl ANT wnbbiii w s it s nib rnwnuiw tr-ii i C9 351 STATE STREET Best Quality Inspected Meats ORE.S.P.aX I PACKING HOUSE PRICES If you were to buy your meat by the quarter or half from the wholesaler, and cut it up yourself, the different cuts would cost you as much (and sometimes more) as we retail them for. POMS STEAK -ur ib.4Sc BgfflLM BEEF ? ib.2gc Loire Pork CEtops 'r,,a' ib. ggc IPogk Roasts as ' n. 2,8c Saagaip-Ciigedl Bacoiro '?, r ib. 57c Home-Rendered PURE LARD 2 lbs. 55 SUGAR CURED BACON BACKS 43c lb. LOIN Smoked Chops 60c lb. One of our most popular items is SMOKED PORK CHOPS. Our customers say they are swell and economical, too. Fry them like ham BEEF EOASTTS ib.3gc TT-B(QNE STTE AK ib. 50c OUR PLEDGE: We will continue our efforts to resist inflation and to reduce meat prices wherever possible. TllavogngeqiP Picimicsib. 4$c PARTICULAR PEOPLE PATRONIZE THE MIDGET Aik for United Grower i Brand when you ihop (or froien foodi. Only th choice! quality produce, elected and froien by the growers themielvet. is packed under thu label. For farm. fresh flavor and iiimmertimt foodneii. look for United Grower! Brand froien foodt in your grocer freezer. AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Ofat. Ijr CWm SjIm Company, Phsnt MOJ eat -plenty of good, rich gravy -marvelous with hot biscuits, with dumplings, or in savory chicken pie. Lynden Chicken Fricassee is now back at your grocer's -the easy, economical way to have a chicken dinner-no work, no waste, no trouble. Get a big (an 70DAY People wouldn't think of reading by candlelight in this modem age of electricity i WHEN you've used Clorox your senses WHEN you noW. .here's a wash say ana r gn. y 0o W.deonV You to be proud of ... , kes white y "1 f the! beauty! Moreover, there s Pr wl v due enioyed by Clorox users an invisible virtue enpy ...their laundry is sanitary. 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