Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 1, 1947 11 iDany 11 . . tr. xiuweus 01 Albany has filed suit in circuit court here asking $15,000 dam ages from Clifford Smith and William Smejkal, doing busi ness as the Ripple Creek Log ging company, of Sweet Home, Interested in LOWER PRICES ? and S. G. Headings, as the re Of course, you are everybody is! Safeway is doing its level best to keep food prices just as low as possible on every item, every day. Our policy of "following the mar ket down" when commodity prices decline (as many prices are now doing), means that Safeway customers always get the benefit of the latest lowest prices. Now, when lower food prices mean so much to your family now is the time to compare Safeway values and see for yourself how much more Safeway really does offer you for your money. Our guarantee of "satisfaction or money back" applies on every purchase, of course! Your Sajeway Store People sult of an accident in which the plaintiff was severely injured January 29, 1947, on the Santi- am highway east of Albany. Dr Howells' car crashed into the defendant's logging truck and trailer on the Santiam highway because, the complaint alleges, the vehicles were improperly lighted while obstructing traffic Grocery Features Are Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday Damages Are Sought For Highway Crash 1 AEROWAX (NO RUB6IN WAX) CUTS COSTS Saves, yon up -to 29 a pint on your floors ifr, ark linoleum) to a shine! JisSj-tTrTTll I ANOTHER MRGA1N!I I TRAVEL FOR MOTORISTS MAY 1-7 May Day marks the open ing of the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival at Wenatchee, Washington. This three-day event fea tures A colorful parade, Queen's Ball and Corona . tion Ceremonies. It is one of the largest and best known floral festivals in the West. Idaho's trout season is ushered in with the An nuat Lake Pend Oreille Rainbow Trout Derby. This b a week for music" lovers, too. The Main Mu sic Festival will be held at Everett, Washington on May 2; the two-day Music festival at the Lewiston Senior High School on May 2 and 3; and the week-long Annual Music Week in Boise will begin on Wednesday, May 7. The Northwest Interna tional Bowling Congress will be held in Seattle from the 1st to the 17th, the Women's Western Bowling Congress from the 7th to the 17th, also in Seattle. The outdoor sports lover can choose between the Stiver Ski Carnival at Mt. Rainier on May 3 and 4, and the Sail and Power Yacht Races at Seattle, May 1-7. Rhododendron tours will be conducted in Bremerton and Kitsop Counties by the local flower clubs, and the famous Blossom Festival of Payette County, Idaho will take place in Payette on May 5. The Junior Live stock Show will be held again this year in the Old Union Stock Yard at Spo kane, May 6 to 9. Make certain now that your travel plans include a full tank of the new higher octane Richfield gasoline. This great new motor fuel will make every mile you drive a greater pleasure. SUMMERSHIELD NOW MEAT Cut to Please! Safeway Market Men prepare ond trim your roast or other cut waste free, the way you like it . . . Another way you save at Safewoy. LI A kiC Smoked, rlAIVld Skinned Half or CQ Whole lb. DzfC Piece Bacon Sugar Cured lb. 59c Sliced Bacon Fancy Grade A lb. 65c Steak Features U. S. Grades, "Choice" and Good T Bone Steak . 65c Sirloin Steaks n. 63c Rib Steaks b. 63c Round Steak ib. 65c U.S. Grades "Choice" and "Good" Short Ribs of Beef Ib. 3? Fresh Ground Beef Ib. 39e Boneless Beef Cubes Ib. 49 Genuine 1947 Spring Lamb I Leg o' Lamb Roast lb. 59e Shoulder Lamb Roasts Ib. 49 Breast of Lamb Stew Ib. 25e Lamb Loin or Rib Chops Ib. 75 Eviscerated Chickens FRYERS, Cut Up - Ready to fry Ib. 67c ROASTERS, Ready to Roast Ib. 67c FRICASSEE FOWL, Cut up Ib. 57c Miscellaneous Values Pork Roast lb.49e , SalmonSteakslb.65' Lunch Meats lb.49e Wieners"""u"lb. 49c HalibutSteakslb.55c Fillet of Sole lb.45c Meat Features Are for Friday and Saturday CANNED MILK H. 11c Nationally Advertised Brandt. .2 'all cam 23 C CHEESE Well Aged LB. 39c BUTTER Eii,- lB 61c Duma I -! Rath's Cedar Valley 4- An rUlC Lara Special reduced price Ib. 70 A Prepared Foods Pork and Beans c- s- i3'j-ex.e.n oc Porlt and Beans v" c"p'' No- 300 13c Pan American Spaghetti Win&room '" 10c r Save 10-ox. e.n 55c 23c Beef Stew "" A" d un Clam Chowder w' bnn Diced Pears PARADE No. 2Vi con 25 Citrus Juice, etc. Producer-Consumer Sale Grapefruit Juice r" Hon 4"ot 19c Grapefruit Juice tonl0 Nafiinl - 2 1 c Fancy Tomato Juice Stmr Dm 44-01. 25c Fancy Tomato Juice uur '' 47-.en29c Green Beans Sunrise No. 2 A French style can At for 35' Canned Vegetables Dry Lima Beans sid No-2 1 9c Diced Beets mif Ta3 ' No-1 " 9c Whole Kernel Corn Ce"tfr No, 2 8c Whole Kernel Corn uGoU., No. i . 7e Fancy Peas Se'0' branJ No.2e oc Tender Peas Ko"fy bmJ n..2m 5c Sweet Potatoes WofyoW. Brand No. 2ft eu 1 9c Plum Preserves LIBBY BRAND 21-02. jor 29 Soaps, Cleaners, etc. Palmolive Soap Si" Ivory Toilet Soap Draft Soap Powder Granulated Soap Granulated Soap " 50,9 Unit Clothes Starch White Magic Bleach 2 1"" 29c Urg. bor 1 7C rhp 32c 33-ox.ptg. 47c $l-ot.pl9.A5c 12-ot.ptg. c quirt Qc !A-gllon 7c Breakfast Items Fisher's Zoom Cereal Cream of Wheat "'" w Q;ei Kellogg's Rice Krispies Shredded Ralston Cereal Post Toasties Cereal Quaker Puffed Wheat Cashmere Bouquet Soap io--p23e 2t-ox.plg.28e S'l-oi. pig. 1 2c 12-ot.plg. 1 4c 13-ei.pkg. 1 3C porpkg. 0c 225 Learn how each aolved her problem - -ft- J They're all in the MAY fifoufy NATIONAL BABY WEEK! APRIL 27-MAY 3 Baby Foods Heinz Strained or Clepp't Chopped tin tt I nit ant Oatmeal or Dry Cereal, Clapp's GerWt Strained or chopped 7e 10e . Miscellaneous Values Ginger Snaps ow f" . ',b-p1- 29c Peanut Butter '" ii- i33c Molasses A"" c"w he'"Ml lB'l3c Brer Rabbit Molasses w U. 32-i. 44c Nu Made Fresh Mayonnaise p'"t47c Prepared Mustard ''' -ot 8c'--1 3c Cucumber Pickles H.ii-eu i,W 24-01. .r 29e Banana Flakes " s',-. pig. 35c Hawaiian Punch Sw"' lmtr p'bM9c Mints r"'',,0 u ' 3 p1' I Oc Pillsbury Flour -" $1.89 $3.75 Kitchen Craft Flour -$ 1 .89 . $3.75 Canning Needs Mason Jars finH- 79c, 0"4rt 98c Economy Jars 89c ?$ 1 .09 Wide Mouth Jari rinh 98c CHEESE Kraft Velveeta 2-LB. BOX MARGARINE Kraft's Parkay LB. BISQUICK Makes Delicious Strawberry Shortcake 40 oz. pkg. SODA CRACKERS 39c ALBERS Flapjack Flour 10-LB. BAG Tender, green young spears Early Spring Crop! 2 ibs. 25c STRAWBERRIES Fresh daily by air ex press. Large, luscious, sweet berries at each day's new lower market price. Solid HMds GREEN CABBAGE lb. 7e Grapefruit S Lemons SUNKIST Cucumbers HOTHOUSE Green Onions Radishes Lettuce CARDEH FRESH Produce Features Are for Friday and Saturday Wakefield COFFEE 43 e Mb can EDWARDS COFFEE Regular, drip, pulverized I -lb. 2-lb. . .11. 47 e iii. 93 NOB HILL COFFEE . Aft i OOe . AIRWAY COFFEE ,..b.b.,39e,i.$l INSTANT COFFEE Now bck In stock r ' 79c r 37c 39c 75c lb. 8c lb. 11c Ib. 39c Ib. 20c Ib. 14c Ib. 17c TEA BAGS LESS FUSS FULL FLAVOR NO WASTE Thrifty too! Canterbury pig. l6-bg f Ce pig. 1 NW.S.t I 5,or20c Jm